Faculty Teach-in\ELI Policy: Separate Foreign, American Students Begins Tonight Bipartisan Group To Protest Over Teachers' Action, Attack Policies By ROBERT MOORE There will be tired eyes and lively discussion tonight when the Faculty Committee to Stop the War in Viet Nam puts on its all- night, all-morning teach-in to consider alternative positions to present American foreign policy. But there will also be dissent. A bi-partisan group of "about 100" will demonstrate at 8:30 tonight in front of Angell Hall to protest "propagandizing under the guise of education," announced Alan Sager, '66L, a member of the Executive Board of the University Young Republicans. Sager said that members of the group will question speakers at conferences and speak out in defense of government policy at the - midnight rally planned by the l Faculty Committee. APA Brings The teach-in should have a good attendance. "We hope for at least 1000 students at the first Show s "onferenes, and there may be as many as 1500," said Robert Cohen, spokesman for the Student Com- mittee to Aid the Faculty (SCAF) Next fuLumn which has been signing up stu- dents in the Fishbowl. Three theatre premieres are Yesterday, about 35 Faculty coming to Ann Arbor next autumn Committee members spoke at hs- when the Association of Produc- Committee members spoke at ing rtits eturs t capushousing units, sororities, and fra- ing Artists returns to campus rntstoaksdn upr fr Sept. 28 for a fourth Fall Festival ternities to ask student support for under the sponsorship of the Pro- the teach-in. Prof. William Gai- fessional Theatre Program. son of the sociology department said that the speakers' requests got 'Ihr three plays to be premiered "pretty good receptions." here will then go to Broadway's Details of the teach-in are in Lyceum Theatre, in a continued an advertisement on Page 8 of The Daily. If the weather is de- cent. the high point of the eve- EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first article in a two part series ex- ploring the English Language institute's policy of not allowing their students who live in the quads to room with Americans. By BRUCE WASSERSTEIN While fierce debate rages over the deleterious effects of reduc- ing the percentage of out of state students, many of the people who truely give the University its cosmopolitan atmosphere, the foreign students, are separated from Americans by the official policy of the English Language Institute (ELI). The ELI teaches English to about 125 foreign students each semester. Although most of them come 'from Latin America, students also hail from Japan, Europe and Africa. Among the group are teenagers who wish to learn English so that they can enroll for a degree at an American university, businessmen who find English a necessity if they want to com- municate with the executives of the American companies in their countries and foreign scholars who seek to put another language under their belt. Divergent Experience This group, whose divergent experiences and backgrounds help to offset the latent provincialism of a' state university may not, however, live with American students. Rather, they must room together in residence halls or live in off campus apart- ments. Even after coming to the University and meeting an American who would like to room with them, the ELI students are prohibited from doing so by official policy. What is the rationale behind these restrictions? First there is the financial problem. Although as one ELI teacher said, "Finances are a mechanical problem," it seems to cog up, at least superficially, the possibility of Americans rooming with ELI students. As director of the residence hails Eugene Haun explained, "The ELI rooms are under a different rental agree- ment than the rest of the dorms." Different Rents However, Haun noted that the ELI rooms, which are physically the same as the other rooms in the quad, cost more (about $520 per semester) than the comparable rooms in which Americans live ($450 per semester) because of the extra service the ELI students get at their dining tables and the difference in the formula tabulating the rent-ELI room rates are based upon a daily basis while the rooms of regular University students are based on a flat fee, Americans can not move into rooms with ELI students as the situation stands now, according to Haun, because the separate residence hall accounts can not be mingled. According to a policy statement of the ELI administration specifically issued this week to answer this question: "The prob- lems involved arranging for ELI students to have American roommates are numerous and such arrangements usually have not proved of sufficient value to try them again." ELI Policy Statement For example, ELI administrators pointed out that very few American students are interested in having two and sometimes four different roommates during one year which would be neces- sary due to the eight and sixteen week lengths of ELI sessions. However, the administrators noted, "If the ELI had its own housing in which 25 to 38 per cent of the students were Americans selected because of their interest and adaptability, the situation would be different and would probably prove valuable." Furthermore the ELI administration claims that in some cases the. boarding of two foreigners together is more beneficial to the students than having them room with Americans. As the system now operates in the residence halls, ELI officials noted, the foreign students get some exposure to Americans who live on their floor and can meet others at the specially assigned dining tables for ELI students. Despite these arguments from the ELI administration, one ELI student remarked, "When Americans go to Europe they do not wish to meet Americans, and when I come to America from Mexico to learn English I want to meet Americans and not Mexicans." See FOREIGN, Page 2 J a f r E E ( 1 Y Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom Aait- VOL. LXXV, No. 148 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, 24 MARCH 1965 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES MVakes First Manual Flight; IERROR An administrative error wil' cut short the three-day study period scheduled for students next fall, Registrar Edward Groesbeck explained yesterday. All schools and colleges wil offer the full three-day break beginning with the winter term. alliance between the University and the Phoenix Theatre. Thre AP'A moved from Off-Broadway to Broadway after this season's triumphant New York successes of "War and Peace," "Man and Superman". and "Judith." Ag am heading the APA wjll be Ellis Raab and Rosemary Harris. Stephen Porter and Al Schneider will direct other productions. ning should be the midnight rally,W- SCAF members speculate. The teach-in will primarily focus on alternatives to present American policies in Viet Nam. "There is widespread dissatis- faction among the faculty with present policy, but no consensus on what would be a wiser plan. Tf C you asked a hundred faculty mem- bers, you'd get a hundred differ- ent plans," said Cohen. "That is why we are holdin, the - teach-in, to decide upon one best alternative position." Cohen's as- Ii t DL e I bOa t( intended to answer objections like Sager's that the teach-in was not presenting the other side. SCAF officials sa'id abridged copies of the State Department's H e P ru e white paper on Viet Nam would beg hi passed out in the Fishbo,. l to familiarize students with the case yule Fin ishes Three Orbits e I lall 111Ct.11GG JIrUUG11t o WILIIl ullu l:tLZG. i Course Evaluation Booklet To Appear in Sunday's Dail By LILLI VENDIG The long-awaited course evaluation booklet will be distributed as a supplement to the Michigan Daily on Sunday, March 28. It also will be sold the following Monday for ten cents. This booklet was initiated as a joint effort by seven student groups, including the Michigan Daily, Graduate Student Council, the Women's League, the Michigan Union, Interfraternity Council, Panhellenic and Assembly. The purpose of the booklet is to give students a basis for selection of courses. The booklet fill focus University-wide attention -- -on academic curricula and teach- SAM Charged With Violation The Interfraternity Council Executive Committee last night convicted Sigma Alpha Mu of violating IFC health, sanitation and safety by-laws. The fratern- ity's kitchen was ordered closed until the University Health Serv- ice Department of Environmental Health and Safety approves of its condition. The matter was referred to the executive committee by Rogers I. Barton, sanitarian of the Depart- ment of Environmental Health and Safety. Sigma Alpha Mu President Randy Dick, '67, said the viola- tions were not corrected because the house is to be renovated this summer. The case was IFC's first health case. ing methods in the hope that corrections will be made. It em- phasizes the importance of stu- dent opinion on academic issues. Descriptions of courses from de- partments of the literary college, as well as a few for courses from the business administration and music schools are contained in the booklet. Most of the evaluations are of introductory courses and courses with large lecture sections. There are evaluations on some small recitation sections, but none on seminars. The evaluations describe types of teaching methods, readings and examinations: They relate stu- dents' feeling on the relative dif- ficulty of the courses, how up-to- date the course material is, and whether or not the 'courses are generally worthwhile. The evaluations are drawn up on the basis of questionnaires dis- tributed at the end of January. The finals of the annual Henry M. Campbell competition will be held this afternoon at 2 p mn. in P". 100, Hutchens Hall. Today's finals are the culmina- tion of months of eliminations for two-man teams of Law School juniors involving written briefs and oralarguments. The case the law students have been asked to argue is a hypo- thetikal dispute between a com- pany and a union concerning un- ion arbitration rights. The cases chosen for the competition are ones which have no Supreme Court precedents and no test cases pending. / Sitting on the Campbell com- petition bench will be Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart, Cal- ifornia Supreme Court Justice Roger Traynor, Judge Paul R. Hays of the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, Dean Allan F. Smith and Russell A. Smith of the Uni- versity Law School. The petitioners in the case are J. Alan Galbraith, '66L, and Duane Howard Ilvedson, '66L. The respondents are Thomas Lee Led- better, '66L, and John Calhoun Provirne. '66L. Each winning team will receive $150 and each losimg team member will be awarded $100. The competition honors the late Henry M. Campbell, a Uni- versity Law School alumnus who was a member until his death cf the Detorit law firm of Dickinson, Wright, McKean and Cudlip. The winners will be announced tonight at the annual banquet of the Case Club, sponsor of the Campbell competition in addition to other practice court activities. Justice Traynor will speak at the banquet. Presiding judge of the Case Ciub is Terrence Croft, '65L. -Associated Press Gemini Rocket Begins 3-Orbit Earth Flight ACHIEVEMENTS NOTED- Experts Say Space Program Advances Johnson Speaks With Astronauts 81,000 Mile Trip Takes Under Five Hours, Called 'Textbook Flight' CAPE KENNEDY ()-Virgil Grissom and John Young flew the world's first maneuverable manned space ship three times around the earth yesterday, only missing their landing taxget by about 58 miles when the capsule parachuted into the Atlantic ocean. Aircraft sighted the capsule floating in the water. One of the planes dropped pararescue divers who swam to the vehicle and secured it with a flotation collar. The pulsating flight, in which the astronauts flew their space capsule backwards, forwards, sideways and upside down was an effec- tive rehearsal for long-duration and rendezvous flights planned for the two-man Gemini program in the next few months. Truly Historic The Mission Control Center termed the flight "truly historic" and said it demonstrated the extraordinary maneuverability of the Gemini craft. Grissom, an Air Force major who became the first man to rocket into space twice, and Young, Navy lieutenant commander, were in the air 4 hours, 54 minutes in a flight that covered more than 81,000 miles. In what was described as a "textbook flight," they exper- ienced only a few minor tech- nical difficulties. Grissom report- ed that their ship, the "Molly Brown," responded well to his control and that he was able to steer it all over the sky with ease. Manual Flight By CLARENCE FANTO The highly successful two-man Gemini 3 space flight yesterday marked an important advance for the United States program and its ultimate goal of reaching the moon. The ability to manuever the spacecraft while in orbit is vital to any advanced space projects for several reasons: In order to set up space "plat- forms," a project which will be attempted within several years, pilots of the spacecraft must be able to manually maneuver their craft into favorable positions. -A rendezvous between two FINISHED IN '66: kU' To Build Hospitu spacecrafts, also planned for the near future, requires similar pre- 1 P a rk in g cise control by astronauts. -Ultimately, a manned lunar probe will require the pilot to change course of his spacecraft The University has announced in order to reach the desired land- the building of a new parking ing spot on the moon. structure to accommodate 1,045 Maneuver automobiles belonging to the staff Astronauts Vi'gil I. Grissom and of the medical center. The struc- John W. Young accomplished their ture will be.located immediately mission perfectly by performing south of the Women's Hospithll maneuvers which modified the and east of the Simpson Medical orbit of their 7,000-pound space- Institute on the clinical side of craft. During the first orbit, Gris- its planned landing target by 58 From the moment of orbital in- miles,rspace officials did not se sertion until landing, the space- oened.Howet e te a - craft was flown manually and did edged that the reasons for thenoreynaumtieqpet course deviation would haveto be a y on automatic equipment investigated. In more complex as.did the one-man Mercury space projects as well as a lunar Pres. B John probe, the margin of error must immediately phoned his congrat- be reduced to near zero. ulations, and Grissom told the DifficultiesP resident: "It was a thrilling and Other difficulties during the wonderful flight." flight included a drifting yaw in the left direction and the failure Young took the telephone and of a convertor. But these problems said: "It was a wonderful ride. It were overshadowed by the major didn't last long enough." success of manually changing the Other Heroes capsule's orbit in space and con- Johnson did not neglect to men- trolling its re-entry. tion the thousands of others who Scientific praise poured into the made the space triumph possible. Cape Kennedy headquarters. Brit- "There are heroes on the ground ish space expert Sir Bernard as well as in space," he said. Lovell, director of Jodrell Bank The President invited the astro- said: nauts to viist him at the White "It is a very fine achievement House Friday, after they have had on the part of the Americans and "a little rest." as much an essential step in the "We will try to extend to you moon program as the Russian the welcome of all America. .." flight was last week." the President added. "You have Information upheld a fine tradition." Leonard Carter, secretary of the President British Interplanetary Society, The President had watched the called the American achievement lttoff on a television set in his "more important to the world than off cc the Russians' recent flight because Alfter talking with the Presi- of the very valuable information dent, the astronauts settled down we shall be able to gather. The to a kng series of tests and ques- space twin's changes in orbit were tionings that will last through to- a fine achievement and an im- day. portant development, even though This was the third Gemini shot, the changes, were fairly modest." but the first one to be manned. The astronauts performed sev- I The fourth Gemini flight comes eral important scientific experi- this summer, a four-day venture Ranger To Send Back Moon Photo PASADENA, Calif. (P)-Ranger 9 streaked yesterday toward im- pact in a crater on the Moon, its cameras set to give home televi- sion viewers their first live close- ups of the Lunar surface. Jet Propulsion Laboratory en- gineers made dry runs with a new device designed to televise about 100 of the thousands of still pic- tures the spacecraft is slated to take just before crashing this morning. A burst from a small steering rocket at 4:30 a.m. altered Rang- er's course so it will hit just four miles from its target point in the possibly volcanic crater Alphon- sus, r.ear the center of the Moon's face. In a Crater The area is just northeast of a 3,000-foot peak inside the 60-mile diameter crater. Ranger 7 came within eight miles of its target, Ranger 8 within 16 miles. Num- bers 7 and 8 crashed in broad Lunar plains: Number 9 will be the first to hit a crater. William H. Pickering, director of the laboratory which made and guides the Rangers, told a news conference Alphonsus was chosen to try and determine if there is evidence of Lunar volcanic erup- tions It is not known, he said, whe- ther craters could be potential landing sites for astronauts--'the most, probable sites seem to be in the plains, but we want to investi- gate all sorts of terrain." Final Maneuver the medical center. The building will begin in the spring and should be competed by the summer of 1966, James; Brinkerhoff of the Plant Depart- merit said yesterday. .Last Hospital Drive is being re. located at this same time, to pro- som maneuvered the capsule into a new. more circular orbit, firing small jet thrusters that dropped it about 42 miles from its highest point in space. Although trouble developed inE an electrical circuit soon after, it was not serious and the space ASTRONAUT GRISSOM ing the capsule into a lower path around the earth. The purpose of this maneuver was to insure that the spacecraft would be gradually drawni back to the earth by the ? .k._.