1 PAGE TWO' TIDE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY. 21 MARCH 1965 PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY - Li ]Lf r L Ul[1LlL:L1 1.7VJ a This Spring- THE NEW FASHIONS: Army Surplus U.S. Designers Forecast Wild Season By FRAN LIPTON and DONNA MEYER Spring is definitely coming. The Diag is covered with four feet of water, the lawn in front of An- gell Hall is spongy, and petunias are sprouting in Harlan Hatcher's flower pots. I should care, you say? Well mud-bedecked, students of this grand and glorious institution, never say you shouldn't care. Throw away your moldy white levi slim-fits, your madras um- brellas, and give your cranberry weejuns to your Aunt Sadie. Now is the time for all good girls to don the funky fashions of this spring. Ethnic is out this spring, army surplus is in. Outside camouflage helmets are not only practical, but NOW they're in fashion, folks. Dirty workshirts and painted jeans are even better looking with ground-in mud. This look is eas- ily achieved by jumping off your bike and rolling down the Hill. in order to be saved from on- going Honda's or BMW's, as the case may be. Hair, this fine spring, is be ing worn long and stringy, with both ears elegantly protruding Underwear is definitely OUT. And so is color. Your mother wears combat boots. By ADRIA E. SCHWARTZ To accentuate the waistline, belts are in, Belted coats, dresses and March blows in carrying with it suits are the thing. Wide, narrow, inds, the shadow of income 1 smniieplethe.stin. buck- w I E /1,GE1l -G[, GEG , t , t4E 4J~i taxes, and the lure of store win- les and bows. dows splash-filled with fashions To cover those knees and shape- forly legs are stockings, which grow - a sea of stripes and plaids, but- wilder as the days grow long. tonsmanbdsgnr.Chartreuse, purples and pinks for American designers are running isotwielc n lc o the gamut, from a look of old SPOni, white lace and black for maid prudery to the daring devil- evening wear. may-care of the flappers. Dresses Cinderella's Slipper are long-sleeved with small but- This spring, Cinderella's slipper tons up to the collar-they're takes the form of spool and reminiscent of Bemelman's "Mad- stacked heels. No longer will po- eline." The suits are tailored, tentially beautiful women wobble tailored, tailored! to and from the theater. Ben Zuckerman is showing a Slacks (many thanks to Norell) gray, short-waisted suit, with are here to stay. The emphasis broad shoulders which dates back now however, is on shirts. Shirts to the turn of the century school- for every hour-cocktail, to pool- marm days. His coats, too, have side. Safari shirt, smocks, boy- broad padded shoulders, with shirts, girl-shirts. Gingham, leath- smaller waistlines, flowing easily er, corduroy-checks and pin- over the hips. stripes - everything imaginable - Knee Focus and more. At the other extreme, the focus Now is the time to start getting is on knees. Make them count, those figures into shape! Mal- girls, because hems are going colm Star, dressmaker describes ever-upward. A-line skirts are the new look: "We resized our here to stay, vying only with patterns for what we feel is the masses of pleats to round the hips, modern proportion, Much smaller "fmmmutmmmmmma " .Lmmmmm2%MNMf look to the shoulder, sleeve and bosom cut higher. A little less narrow in the hips. And for that 1 o o k of youngness, waistlines shortened, but shortened at the front of the dress only. . . ..Of course, much much shorter skirts."- Chose your image: scooped neck .||r|||S and decollete, or "'high-buttoned" shoes and starched white collar. To top it off, the millinery has modified the Chaplin derby, and revamped Sabu's safari hats for us too! It's bound to be a swinging spring! .: FOR THE MEN-MINDED GIRL this spring, madras culottes win again. , fashion staff editors: susan collins michael dean co-editors: merle jacobs marcy pelly michael killingsworth advertising manager: allan glueckman fashion co-ordination: anje berger photographers: james keson bob sheffield dick steiner models: jane reed, judi neibrief, beth steely, hedie hirsch, jeff howard, brian bilzen, jacob epstein, bruce hillman, charles sutherland, ira miller the servicers j -I the shop webers the p-bell thanks so very much!1 F Kline' 306-10 So. Main St. FOR THE SOPHISTICATE in you, try the Kimono look this spring. Matched with a Helenca shell you can wear it both day and night. bikini the little look t hat's BIG this year V' A 41 Perfect to wear with the shorter-than-ever skirts Regular $1.25 DIAMOND TEXTURED SHEER SEAMLESS mlVE f MC 7tV4LX) I(JMk U V~Vt ilUIIfMT~k(LP4~,I I I 11