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March 19, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-03-19

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State Education'
Planning SoUgfht
Proposals Enhance Board's Power;ta
Officials Impressed, Concerned b
The long-awaited "blue ribbon" committee report on u
Michigan education, released this morning by Gov. George iz
Romney's "blue ribbon" Citizens' Committee on Higher Edu-
cation, emphasizes coordination of higher education plan- ig
ning under the state Board of Education.
t The board, according to the document, should not hesi-
tate to exert pressure on individual institutions even though
each school should maintain its constitutionally guaranteed
For example, the report attacks duplicate programs at
state schools where there is not adequate demand to justify
more than one or two schools offering courses in a given
area of study. To remedy this problem, it recommends that

nstruction ...

Planning.. .

Undergraduate ... Local Colleges ... Professional ...

This state has to have more and
tter-trained college teachers.
That is the conclusion drawn in
.e report of the 'blue ribbon"
mmittee, released this morning.
In its report on instruction the
ommittee proposes a "joint at-
ck" by the State Board of Edu-
ation and state colleges to com-
at the problem of teacher short-
ge. The recommended attack in-
udes providing competitive
lary scales, placing greater em-
hasis on creative teaching at the
ndergraduate level and reorgan-
ing staff structures.
The report also advises Mich-
an colleges to step up counsel-
See SAYS, Page 6

The report of the "blue ribbon"
committee calls for the State
Board of Education to take a much
tighter grip on the "over-all
planning and coordination of
higher education in Michigan."
It gives a broad definition of
power to the newly-created eight-
man body which would enable it to
enter such previously sacred areas
as faculty salaries, graduate pro-
grams and internal budgeting.
At the same time, the report
supports the constitutional in-
dependence of the 10 state-sup-
ported colleges, an independence
which officials here say is chal-
lenged by an extension of board
See COMMITTEE, Page 6 !

Michigan needs a new four-
year state-supported undergradu-
ate college in the Bay City-Sag-
inaw-Midland area, according tc
the report of the "blue ribbon"
The committee also mentions
the proposed expansion of the
University's twb-year Flint branch
into a state-supported four-year
college. The expansion of Flint
and the addition of a college in
the "Thumb" area will enable the
state to "be adequately supplied
with such educational programs
and campuses for at least the next
decade and possibly considerably
See REPORT, Page 6

A need and a plan for com-
munity college development are
stated in the report of the "blue
ribbon" committee released this
The need is to provide suffi-
cient institutions so that any high
school graduate can learn the
skills necessary for service to his
community. There will be over
327,000 undergraduates enrolled in
higher institutions in Michigan in
1975. There are now 245,000.
New Students
Placing the colleges close to the
students would encourage them to
attend and make it possible for
those to attend who otherwise
See LOCAL, Page 6

The report of the "blue.ribbon"
committee calls for the State
Board of Education to coordinate
graduate a n d graduate-profes-
sional programs throughout the
The report also suggests several
ways to obtain additional finances
for graduate programs. The com-
mittee calls for an expansion of
scholarship and loan programs,
support of education by industry
and a higher rate of tuition for
graduates rather than undergrad-
In an attempt to eliminate dup-
licate graduate programs through-
out the state, the report covers
See DOCUMENT, Page 6

Contributing Editor
A call for the State Board of
Education to closely coordinate
capital outlay with specific edu-
cational programs of the ten state.
supported colleges and universities
is being issued by the "blue rib-
bon" committee.
According to the report, such
coordination is necessary if the
state is to "know what the future
costs of educational programs are
going to be and to avoid unneces-
sary duplication of facilities"
among and within institutions.
The committee suggests that
"Fhile a state plan for higher
education is being developed, it
See BACKS, Page 6


Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom

:4Ia it4

Is the Key
The report of the "blue rib-
bop" committee contains some-
thing for everyone and few sur-
prises for anyone.
Most of its recommendations
stand as endorsements of cur-
rent trends in Michigan educa-
tionrather than as battle cries
for new or radical changes.
It supports, for example, the
tradition of autonomy for each
state institution, and at the sam
time supports the rising power of
the new State Board of Educatior
as a coordinating force. It backs
the apparently growing consensu
against the establishment of new
branch institutions, and applaud
the boom in community colleges
And it joins the statewide chorw
warning of the enrollment crisis
and calling for "a rapidly grow-
ing commitment on the part of
bhe citizens of the state to meet
the financial burden."
Current Thinking
These and other "blue ribbon"
recommendations line up not only
with current thinking but with
other recent studies of the state'
college system. They agree re-
markably well with the moderr
classic on Michigan higher edu-
cation, the John Dale Russell re-
port of 1958. Russell, theh a lead-
ing New Mexico school adminiP;
trator, led a team of out-of-state
educators which turned out a
mountain of reports and sum-
med them up in a 200-page book.
It, too, opposed branches, under-
scored the need for greater fi-
financial aid and advocated a
state Board of Education similar
to the one recently established.
Who, Not What
The key to the "blue ribbon"
report lies, not in what it says,
but in who says it. For unlike
the Russell team, this is not a
group of educators but a care-
fully constructed coalition of the
state's most influential citizens.
So whatever this group says has
substantial political and economic
force behind it-at least poten-
Romney's Plan
This was Gov. George Romney'
plan when he first assembled the
committee in 1963, choosig its
approximately 50 members so as
to give the group as broad an
economic, ideological, geographic
social, religious and even ethnic
composition as possible.
'Arouse Support'
The newly elected governor was
quite explicit about his. designs
At its first meeting, he defined
the committee's role as "com-
ing up with a plan and program
for higher education in Michigan.
and then presenting the facts
supporting that plan in such f
way that will develop public sup-
At the time, it appeared that
any unity plan would need all the
public support it could get. Th
state's four-year colleges, most of
them independent of one anothe
and of Lansing, were battling it
out with one another for money
students, faculty and even terri-
See LINES, Page 6
Four Students
Held in South
Vmir T4nval-Qity A iipn ,wr

I {
- {
t .

the state board "exercise au-
thority" to eliminate unneces-
sary duplication and approve
establishment of new pro-i


Applies to Graduates
ly, the report suggests that ex- }
isting medical facilities in the, c ul
state should be expanded e- N et o n Yo
fore construction of a third med-Negro AcalchGrl.p
ical school.
'I am generally pleased with
the report and satisfied that the By CAROLE KAPLAN
committee conducted their stud,
without bias," University Presi- A "sympathy march" in protest of the recent events in Selma,
dent Harlan Hatcher declare( Alabama, and the right of Panhellenic to express student opirlion
yesterday. on the University campus were the topics of .discussion at yesterday's
He added, however, that he wa- Panhellenic Association meeting.
concerned with the apparent rig- The march, which is to take place Sunday, was originated and HATCHER CONVOCATION:
idity of the committee's positior planned by a newly-formed organization of Negro University
on expansion through in depend- ------ - students. Because this group is as f 4,:2 /zes F ac
enst state-supported schools. n ltGeraApovlRh si yet unofficial, Panhellenic has na " ze Fa
While also expressing general Tell oifghts agreed to sponsor the march.
approval of the committee's work -:James Locke, '67L. co-chairman By JULIE W. FITZGERALD Hatch
University Executive Vice-Presi- * * of the new organization, spoke at terest
dent Marvin Niehuss remarked CO 111ssion the meeting yesterday, explaining There ought to be more con- questi
that the strong state board rec- Co the purpose of the group, and sideration of principles and con- inant
ommended in the report woul( Panhellenic President Laura Fitch, sequences when planning an ex- autho
inevitably have to deal with some ! By SHIRI EY ROSICK '66, urged the sorority system to pression of outraged conscience, Fro
"grey areas" of authority in it- b.,-p. f hP', support the march in fact as well University President Harlan conte





at, Plans 'Teach-In'

4Objects To

Nulty Action, Berkeley

her said, the centers of In-,
moved from this to the
ion of who had the predom-
authority-civil or university
m there, the general dis-
nt moved to the structure of

said there were three areas of
knowledge-the necessary factual
data that has been passed down
from generation to generation; the
skills such as languages, arts and
professions; and the most "private
and permanent," the area of

relationship with the governing
boards of individual schools. I
Niehuss referred specifically to
the suggestion that the boar,
have power to decide on whethert
individual colleges should insti
tute new programs of study.
The committee report consist
of six separate subcommittee doc-
uments, each focusing on a dif"
ferent phase of higher educationE
in Michigan. The areas covered k
are: four year undergraduate ed-
ucational programs and institu-
tions; instruction; area post-sec-r
ondary institutions-communit'
colleges; graduate and graduate-
professional studies, research, and
public services; finance;' and overE
all planning and coordination of{
higher education.
Need To Expand -
Considering the need to expand #
Michigan's educational facilities
the report advocates establishingt
four-year state institutions ir
Flint and the Saginaw-Bay City-
Midland area. It adds that the
six smaller existing state univer-
sities should assume a majorl
share of increased undergraduate
While not specifically stipulat-
ing that the University's Flintl
College should become a separ-
ate institution, the report gen-
erally questions the" usefulness oft
such branch colleges except as the
initial step in the formation of
independent schools.t
It further distinguishes between
the roles of community colleges
and four-year institutions, em-1
phasizing the community college's
functions of providing terminal-
technical training and offering
students a chance to raise the{
level of their academic perform-
ance so that they can completet
ducation in a four-year school.
Calling attention to the import-,E
ance of such "comprehensive"
community colleges, the report
outlines a plan to organize 29E
community college districts in the
Remain for Two Years j
Most community colleges, as
conceived by the committee, would1
remain as two-year institutions.
However, they could precede the
establishment of four-year schools
in a particular area.t
With respect to state finance
the report recommends coordi-
nation of capital outlay financing,
and states that plans asking al'
state schools to present a uni-
fied budget request to the state
board for approval have merit. It
also advocates long-term capita'
outlay financing.
The section of the document or
instruction emphasizes the need
for keeping faculty salaries at r

STwo Key members of We
Michigan Civil Rights Commis-
sion told Ann Arbor City Council
members last night that only the
state CRS has the right to enforce
civil rights legislation.
Commission co-chairman Judge
John Feikens and executive di-
rector Burton J. Gordin said the
state commission's power is grant-
ed by Art. 1, Sect. 2 of the State
Constituition. The article very
broadly prohibits discrimination

as in name. Hatcher said yesterday in regard1
Relation to University to proposed faculty action over
Also discussed at the meeting the war in Viet Nam.
was the problem of Panhellenic's Speaking at the second student
relationship to the University convocation, Hatcher said he com-
community and to its national or- mended the faculty for its con-
ganization. Some of the questions cern over the Viet Nam crisis andt
raised were: for planning seminars to be held
next week instead of the class
--Whether. or not Panhellenic boycott the faculty group had
s nwants to take the re-originally planned. y
sponsib lity of expressing student He added that the form of pd.o-
opinion, test must have relevance to the

in any area. -If it does want this respon- problem and the cutting of classes
However, the two commission sibility, whether or not it has the was not reevant to the war in
members explained that the lacal power to exercise it, Viet Nam.

Ann Arbor Human Relations
Commission need not feel paralyz-
ed. Feikens said that local com-
missions could do much in "con-
ciliating and persuading" citizens
to comply with the state law.
He said that for effective en-
forcement of civil rights legisla-
tion, there must be a single, state-
wide standard. He said that plac-
ing all cities under the jurisdic-
tion of the state law would avoid
"ghettoising" by discouraging peo-
ple from moving to areas not hav-
ing rights laws.
Gordin said rather than lbeing
concerned with enforcing laws,
local groups should promote an
affirmative voluntary program" in
which all the institutions of az
community work, to promote civil
Feiken asked that local com-
missions concentrate on "mission-1
ary work" rather than enforce-
ment of rights laws. He and Gord-
in said this could be done withc
surveys, conferences and pro-1
grams to inform citizens of the
state rights law.c
Gordin said that the processing1
of a complaint on civil rights vio-
lation takes too long-about four
to six months." He said that locali
enforcement of civil rights would
not appreciably shorten this time.
As a result of an attempt to
enforce Ann- Arbor's Fair Hious-;
ing Ordinance last fall, the con-
stitutionality of the ordinance isI
now being tested. City attorney
Jacob Farner Jr. said that if
proved constitutional, the ordi-
nance could shorten the time for
processing a complaint.
Republican candidate for may -
or and former councilman Wen:-
dell E. Hulcher has proposed that
the city council incorpora'.e the
state rights law in Ann Arbor's
Fair Housing Ordinance.
To Consider
Leaves, Gifts
The Regents will not be dis-

-Whether or not it has the
right to represent the students in'
The Daily inaccurately quot-
ed University Vice-President
Marvin L. Niehuss yesterday,
saying he thinks a residence
hail fee hike unlikely and pre-
dicting that the hike will be
taken up privately by the Re-
gents this weekend.
In fact, Niehuss said a fee
hike is a possibility but that it
will not be presented to the
Regents this weekend.
matters of current importance,
Panhellenic members expressed
their awareness of the changing
status of sororities on the Univer-
sity campus. the effects of the in-
creasing size of the University,
the new apartment permissions
for junior women, and the in-
creasing emphasis on student ac-
tivism on the desirability of affili-

Can Frustrate
The leaders in foreign policy
have the information and can
frustrate persons who take an
opposing point of view, but these
persons can express themselves in
a disciplined manner, President
Hatcher said. In the public eye,
the proposed class moratorium
might have been like the "Savio
of the faculty rising up."
President Hatcher said any
form of protest must be done
through an orderly access to the
centers of decision-making. Is-
sues in question should have "pro-
per consideration with rational
input to the proper spot."
This process should be used by
students, he added. "Disruption is
not necessary to the making of
intelligent decisions."
In speaking of the student up-
rising at Berkeley, President
Hatcher said the situation was a
product of general unrest in a
volatile society. He added that it
only needed one element to set
off-free speech restrictions by
the administration.
After the free speech movement
headed by Mario Savio, Presidentl

the University, the concept of ad-
ministrators and finally, the ques-;
tion of the California Board of
President Hatcher said the Uni-
versity president must not be just
a mediator nor a dictator but
must be some kind of a leader.
Movement Distorted
Citing the obscenity movement
at Berkeley, Hatcher commented
that the movement distorted the
two issues in the public's image.
He said this was indicative of how
something that begins as a legiti-
mate cause can move away from
the principles involved.
President Hatcher said he did
not think the ingredients for re-
volt were present on this campus
because "University students dis-
play a great deal of levelheaded-
ness in their idealism."
Speaking of the recent events
in Selma and Montgomery, Ala.,
President Hatcher said there has
been a steady growth of non-
violence and nonresistence in pro-
tests. Some University students
felt compelled to go, he added, and
he -said he respected their feel-
Real Action
While the demonstrations were
going on, the real action was in
Judge Johnson's court. His de-
cision to let the marchers con-
tinue and President Lyndon B.
Johnson's "magnificant perform-
ance" in front of Congress were
very relevant to the cause of civil
"From orderly courts and the
blood of martyrs will come action,"
President Hatcher said.
In discussing the question of
curriculum, President Hatcher

Value Aspect
President Hatcher said
ed this aspect of values
coming through to the
generation. This part of
riculum, however, helps
dent find "meaning in
find grace and meaning

"The student who attains all
three areas of the curriculum will
go into the world wise, skilled, and
with a sense of importance of ful-
President Hatcher said it must
be kept in mind that the "Uni-
versity is a tremendous place with
many commitment4 to be kept
track of." People should be con-
cerned, he added, because there
are. many problems. An ongoing
intellectual effort is a concept
for deep student concern.
More Aware
Stressing the world size and in-
terdependence, this generation is
more acutely aware than any other
of the tensions and injustices in
the world.
Bad Weather
Delays Rocket
The launching of a rocket
carrying a nose cone designed by
University scientists was delayed
again at noon yesterday because
of weather. It is still not decided
whether the night shot of a dual
launching to measure the tem-
perature, density and pressure of
the upper atmosphere at the points
of greatest variance in the diurnal
cycle will be made.

he fear-
was not
the cur-
the stu-
art and
to life."

Emphasis on
Its Tactics
To Use New Methods
To Refocus Attention
On Viet Nam Issue
Faced with widespread criticism
and "irrevelant" argument, the
faculty group that six days ago
announced a walkout in protest of
U.S. policy in Viet Nam has can-
celled its plans to call off classes.
In a heated meeting that lasted
from 8 p.m. Wednesday until 4:30
a.m. Thursday, the group set new
plans for a "teach-in" on Wednes-
day, March 24, to take the place
of the work stoppage.
"We realized that discussion
was centering more upon the
means being used in the protest
than upon Viet Nam. The group
decided it needed to change its
tactics," said Prof. William Gam-
son, chairman of the group.
Another Reason
Another reason for the switch
is the heavy pressure brought up-
on group members by colleagues
and superiors to use a more con-
ventional method of protest.
The "teach-in" would last from
8 p.m. Wednesday night until 8
a.m. Thursday morning. It would
include lectures by critics of
American policy in Viet Nam and
seminars considering alternatives
to the Asian commitment.
The group plans to coordinate
the proposed teach-in with similar
demonstrations which it will fos-
ter at campuses all over the coun-
Contacts Encouraging
Prof. Marshall Sahlins of the
anthropology department, reports
that the initial contacts have
been "universally encouraging,"
particularly at the University of
Chicago and at Columbia Uni-
Dean William Haber of the lit-
erary college reported that he had
been asked to allocate Auditor-
iums A, B, C, and D of Angell
Hall for the teach-in. He told The
Daily that he intended to grant
the space.
Haber said he was "extremely
pleased" with the group's new
plan, and that it was "in line
with the academic tradition."
Hatcher Commends
At a convocation yesterday,
President Harlan Hatcher said he
"commended the faculty for be-
ing concerned about Viet Nam"
and praised the group for its new
"relevant approach" to the issue.
But one of the groups stoutest
opponents, Sen. Terry Troutt (D-
Romulus) said he felt the group
should still be punished for the
damage they have done. Troutt
added that he thought the Re-
gents would take punitive action.
The new plan was a far cry
from the proposed cancelling of

Demonstrate Against Apartheid Support

A rally held last night on the Diag to protest U.S. economic
support of South African apartheid drew about three dozen people.
A planned torchlight parade failed to materialize.
After the meeting on the Diag, the group moved to room 3LMN
in the Union.
Former Resident
A panel consisting of Eric Krystall, former South African resident
and presently on the staff of the Conflict Resolution Center,
Professor Daniel Fusfeld of the economics department, and Sam
Friedman, Grad, chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee for Ann
Arbor Action Against Apartheid, discussed the possibility of student
action to protest the South African situation.
The moderator was William Livant of the Mental Health De-
No Economic Action
"Some Amerirans think the U.S. should not take economic

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