I PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DIAlLY TT4URgT~AV If M&JIg'hI Io'~ Professor Denies Student Claim of 'Unfair' Exam By JUDITH STONEHILL A Chemistry 106 examination on March 2 which drew a median score of 30 has caused a University student to deny the efficacy of the examination to test the stui- dents' knowledge. - Martin Dresser, '68E, claimed in a letter to The Daily that the tes t not only covered material that was never discussed in lecture, but also that the recitation Instructors refused to go over the exams. The instructors told the students to do the test over again at home, but failed to supply additional in- formation, he said. "The instructors refused to ac- knowledge the fact that the test didn't indicate what the students knew," Dresser said. Negroes Gain Job Offers Collegiate Press Service Negro campuses are on the top of several .job recruiter's lists, in- cluding many representing South- ern firms. The new attractiveness of Negro graduates to prospective employ- ers was the main topic of conver- sation as officials of 17 predom- Inantly Negro colleges met at Howard University in Washington for the annual conference of the Nationial Association of Personnel Workers. Recruitment is the "biggest thing happening to us today," said the dean of- a Negro school in the North. "It has given our students new interest . . . and a future," he said. The dean of a small Southern college said that the demand often outruns the supply as recruiters flock to his c~impus. The experience of Dean J. B. Macrae of Lincoln University in- h as come about. "Five yarsgo just two recruiters visited our we had 60, and this year it oin to go way higher than that.", A surprising number of recruit- Prof. Robert Parry of the chem- istry department said that every item on the test was either covered in lecture, on study questions or in laboratory session. 'It depends on what level you're tested on,"' he said, For the student who got an 89 on the test, it was fair. Those who were not prepared will of course claim it was unfair, he added.' ''Students today are asking to be treated as adults, so we're ask- ing them to prove it." Those who complained about the test are not yet ready to be treated as adults, Parry said. "Most of the students can see now that it was a good, fair test," he added. ' "Admittedly, tests cannot al- ways test what all the students know. I have no foreseeable an- swer to this problem." Some people did learn some- thing from the test, Parry said. exaintin sithat he learned that tests are not the best in- dicators of students' knowledge. U' SCIENTISTS' EXPERIMENT: Weather Delays Launching of Rocket (Continued from Page 1) altitude during the day was ap- Taeu'sch explaimed. "We didn't thenimpsedwhih spartestheproximately 1000 degrees Kelvin 'think the brief time of the eclipse pticles inthe smesmer ts a while at night it decreased to 700 would be enough to affect the at- cyclotron. These are collected and degrees Kelvin. mospheric temperature," measured in terms of electric cur- Atmospheric Temperature Scientists installing the nose rent measured in volts coming Previous firings also yielded re- cone and collecting the data at from the machine. The results are sults on the temperature of the the NASA launching facuilties on telemetered to earth. atmosphere during a solar eclipse. Wallops Island are George Car- Payload Separates In 1963 a rocket was fired into the ignan, director of the Space Phy- The payload separates from the atmosphere during a solar eclipse. sics Research Laboratory and di- rocket when it reaches an alti- Results, when compared wit a rector of this project, Maurer. tude of approximately 50 miles. firing during an afternoon shot Plymouth Freed, technician at the The separation is necessary so months earlier, showed that there laboratory, Merlyn Street, techni- that the payload does not pick was a decrease in temperature. clan at the laboratory, and Tuck- up gases given off by the rocket. "We did not expect this," Bin Lee, designer of the payload. The payload then follows trajec -I tory reaching an altitude of 200 miles and then plunge into thef ocean. Information is telemetere dj back for 11 minutes. a The first stage of the rocket will burn for three seconds, the second stage will burn for 52 sec- onds and the third stage will fire for three more seconds carrying the rocket to a speed of 51,000 miles per hour. ments that the temperature of nitrogen molecules at 100 miles ACROSS CAMPUS: Law Club Names Directors The Law Club Board of Di- rectors held officer elections March 9. Elected were: President, William Herman, '66 L; vice-president, Kevin Beattie. '66L; secretary, John Nolon, '66L:; treasurer, Duane Ilvedson, '66L:; student member of Board of Gov- ernors, Eric Reif, '67L. Elected as members of te Boardo D.. rectors, were: John Birge, '66L: SEd Bittle, '66L; Sally Katzen, '67L; John Lynch, '67L; Steven Petix, '67L; Gerry Skoning, '66L, and John Walker, '66L. * * * Chief Justice Earl Warren has named Associate Dean Charles Joiner of the Law School to a 15-man committee of federal judges, legal scholars, and lead- ing trial lawyers. Their task is to draft uniform rules governing adisbiliy of evidence and the competency of witnesses in civi,' an crmnal cases in U.S. dis- Albert E. Jenner, Jr., noted Chicago trial attorney, will serve as committee chairman., * * * Prof. Martin C. Needler of the political science department is de- livering papers based on his re- search into violence and politica instability in Latin America a tj the meeting of the Western Poli- tical Science Association in Vic- toria, British Columbia, March 19 and the Midwest Conference of Political Scientists in Blooming- ton ,Ind., April 23. Prof. Need- ORGA NIZA TION NOTICES Use of This Column for Announce- ments is available to officially recog- nized and registered student organiza. flons only. Forms are available in Room 1011 SAB. ler gave lectures on related top- 8 p.m. - Robert Penn Warren, ics at the University of Pitts- novelist, poet and critic, will speaki burgh March 1 and at the Uni- Iin Rackham Aud. versity of New Mexico March 3. 8 p.m.--A Purim debate, "The * * * Latke vs. the Hammantasch and THURDAY.MARC 18 the Great Society," will be held at THURDAY.MAR~ 18 Hillel Foundation, 3 p.m.--Robert Penn Warren, 8 p.m.--Mozart's "Magic Flute" novelist, poet and critic, will visit will be presented in Lydia Men- the Hopwood Room, Angell Hall. delssohn Theatre. 4:10 p.nm.--Prof. Philip Rieff of 8 p m.-Joel Britton of the the Uiversity of Pennsylvania Young Socialist Alliance will wl lecure don "Cooley and Cul- speak on "The War In Viet Nam tur"1I TMid.B --A Socialist Analysis" in Rm. 3S 4:0p.m.-Th Student Labora- IDTAJ~1I'Z f tory Theatre will present Pinter's "The Dumb Waiter" in the Arena .'k~Zt~~ iY tk~' 1 1 4:10 p.m.-Prof. Robert Rosen- Theatre of the Frieze Bldg. blum of Princeton will lecture on 4:10 p.m.-Prof. Lily Ross Tay- "The Document and the Hallucin- bor of Bryn Mawr College will lec- ation: The Origins of British Ro- ture on "The Centuriate Assem- mantic Painting" in Aud. B. bly in the Light of New Evidence"! 4:15 p.m. - Prof. W. Norman in Aud. A. Brown of the University of Penn- 4 * 5 . sylvania will speak on "The Con- S: p.m.--resient Harlan Hquerors" in Aud. F of the Physics Hatcher will participate in a Astronomy Bldg. convocation on Stuen neParii .Mzr'Magic Flute" Husy R. ofteLague. delssohn Theatre. 7:30 p.m. -- Michigan Christian 8 p.m.--The Theateau de Paris F'ellowship will sponsor a panel, Theatre Company will present "Your Patient's Dying . . .?" in "L'annonce Faite a Maie" in Rm. 5104 of the nursing school. Trueblood Aud, - - - 1 'U' rofesor' Vit Prtes Stirs Lansing Legislators Today 4:1 p.m. Promptly A rna Teatre Frieze Building (Continued from Page 1) have legal autonomy under the Michigan Constitution, but the Legislature appropriates operating funds and thus controls the purse- strings and in a sense, the Uni-, versity's future. (Waldron did state that he doubted if a failure on the part of the University to concur with legislative wishes would result in any "capricious" allocation of money in any appro- priations questions.) Hatcher Stands Fast However, President Hatcher has not publicly changed his stand since his original statement at the Inception of the "work morator- ium" plan. "I just hope the good judgment of the' faculty involved will prevail," he said Tuesday night. Nor have the professors who plan to call off classes changed Gamnson of the sociology depart- ment, leader of the protest, said Tuesday night that "the only thing upon which our decision to cancel classes will depend is U.S. policy in Viet Nam. Members of the group have ad- vanced three alternatives for coping with public claims that they are getting paid for shirking their teaching duties on the day of class cancellation The first involves renouncing entirely one day's pay (this was rejected as a policy position by the protestors); second, resched- uling of the classes missed due to the "work moratorium," or third, replacement of the absent pro- fessors on the day of cancellation with non-protesting faculty mem- bers from their respective depart- ments. (This was the suggestion of Dean William Haber of the lit- Harold Pinter's THE DUMB WAITER Department of Speech Studen Laboraor Theate Admission Free PLYMOUTH FREED, technical engineer of the Space Physics Research Laboratory (left, George Carigan, director of the laboratory (center) and Jacob Leegwater (right) give the nose cone a final check out before transporting it to the launching site in Wallops Island, Va. At 50 miles the payload will be ejected by a powerful spring into the atmosphere so that it will not pick up gas from the rocket. The payload will radio back informat*nin n the epenratulre density and p ressure of the Canterbury man Values, Daniel Burke, N. fivisn H~ouse, Quest for Ru- dinfler/discussion, Rev, Prof. Peter Fontana, 21~ *.*-* Cervantes Club, General meeting on Fri., March 19, at 8 p.m. For informa- tion call Eduardo, 665-2325. er nLL .Lame I frm ut Ler from national firmsi professionals--particula ists, engineers and tech their Southern plants cials said. CONTINUOUS I P PERFORMANCES! F STANLEY KRAMER 'II PANAYISION M DI UNITED ARTISTSO Prices This Attractic Matinees $1.2 Eves. & Sun. $1. Shows at 1:00 - 3:40 - 6:25 EN D ING TODAY SHOWN AT 100-3:00-5:00 7:05 & 9:15 SEAN NERA& 'GLDFI TECtINICOLOR's'i"'s .1 U11~ ~their public stand after the hub- Jerary college, who publicly volced .-- *n need of bub in Lansing. Prof. William disapproval of the moratorium.) Iupper atmosphere. nghrs Mia r ech 18,a 7:30 pom, Room ;nihiansf- ' Joint Judiciary Council, Petitioning the ffi ~I U h E U I hi s now open and up until March 19 I ~ A E U ~E I I ~U I U ~ atp p m Petitin form s m ay be picked The Daily Official Bulletin is an Michigan Union, 8:30 a m. men or women of Armenian parentage educ. & rehabilitation of mentally re- Bldg. official publication of'The Univer- whose legal iesidency is in the state Itarded. Apply immedjately. * * * OPULAR sity of Michigan, for which The Cinema Guild-Glenn Ford and Jack of Michigan. Character, academic IColgate Palmolive Co., Detroit -- Newman Student Association; Mass RICES! Michigan Daily assumes no editor- Lenimon in 'Cowboy": Architecture achievement, and financial need will ISales Repres. Male grad, degree in any meeting for "A Christian Response," lal responsibIlity. Notices should be Aud., 7 and 9 p.m. be considered when the awards are field for immed. opening, Limited tray- summer service- program, March 19. 8 scnt In TYPEWRITTEN form to -made. See Mrs. Lyons, Scholarship el. Age 22-30. p~m., 331 Thompson St. TS A Room 3564 Administration ,Bldg. be- School of Music Recital--Tuba Stu- Office, 2011 SAB, for further informa- Skyline homes, Inc., Elkhart, mnd. * * lore 2 p.m. of the day preceding dents: Recital Hall, 8:30 p.m. tion. -Attn.: May Grads: BBA interested in Young Socialist Alliance and Voice publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday sales or purchasing. Engrg. degree for I"The War in Vliet Nam," Joel Britton, for Saturday and Sunday. General Doctoral Examination for Bobby Joe Notice to LS&A and Rackham Stu- plant manager or product dev. Thurs., March 18, 8 p.m., Room 3-5, Notices may be published a maxi- Williams, Anthropology & Human dents: Those students who have early Auto Club of Michigan Detroit - Michigan Union. WAD mum of two times on request; Day Genetics; thesis: "A Model of Hunt- regjstered for Spring-Summer (III), Accauntants. any degree level in Ac- * Calendar items appear once only. lng-Gatherjng Society and Some Ge- Spring (111A) and also Summer (111B), counting. Exper. not req. Immed. open- WAA Folk Dance Club, Folk dance SStudent organization notices are not netic Consequences," Thurs., March 18,I may pick up their approved class ing for male, recent or May grad, with instruction Fri., March 19, 8-10:30 99 aceptd fr puucaton.1406 Mason Hall, at 3 p.m. Co-Chair- schedule during the week of finals. City of St. Paul, Minn.-Landscape Ip.m.. Women's Athletic Bldg. IRLD" acetdb ulctomen, J. N. Spuhler and 'W. J. Schull. Beginning April 20 and ending April Architect, degree by June, 1965. EXper * * * THURSDAY, MARCH 18 27 or May 3 and 4 at the Natural Re- not req. GoOd' opportunity for ad- Baptist Student Union, Talk by N Mental Health Research Institute sources Bldg.-Room 1040. Please dl- Vancement. Application deadline April Patrick Murray of ORA, "The Na- n Only '3 ~ ~ NSeminar: Dr. J. David Singer, "Alli- rect questions to Advance Classlfica- 15.tueo GdFr.Mrh1,7:0 5 n QT ance Aggregation and War, 1815-1945," tion, 764-2154 or 764-55,0 gt oslats hcg-.Gn p.m., Packard Road Baptist Church, yoa t21 ~m,15 HI eral Acctg. Manager, 28-35 yrs., 5-7 1131 Church St. 50 Bureau of Industrial Relations Per-tdya :5pm,15 HI yrs. gen. acctg exper. CPA desirable, sonnel Techniques Seminar-Fred C. Mathematical Statistics Seminar: Prof. Pl cem entf 2. Budget & Cost Manager, to 35 yrs., Munsn, radate chol o Busnes J.N. arroh wll onclde is alkability to design & Install cost sys- - :AMnsntraute Shooo Busiam n ss J, N. "rrch l cmonclude his alko ANNOUNCEMENT: .tem. Michigan location, - 9:1 0nd Saar Administration":nas fo A rnipal CompoAnent Hand, Ftr. VISTA (Volunteers in Service to State of Michigan--Various openings Wageand Salry dmiistatin":Analsis" 301 ngel HllThus.,America)-Representatives will be in jncluding: 1, Librarians, several 1ev- _________the Mich. Union after 3 p.m. to give els. Req. degree. Exper. from 0-6 yrs. Dial Michigan Christian Fellowship spon- Information about their program. Men determines rank. 2. Outdoor Recreation Dasors Nursing Panel Discussion: Topic: & women 18 yrs. or older for 1 yr. as- Planner, degree in land use, land arch.,E __________________ 2-6264 "Your Patient's Dying," Thurs., March signments incuding 4-6 weeks trng. forestry, conserv. geog,etc. 6 yrsex- 18, 730 p~., 514 Nuring. Rico, Virgin Islands & Trust Territ. ree. 3. Public Welfare Worker, 2 yrs. u.UI MATI NEES $ S1.00 Physical Chemistry Seminar: "~Molec- No appointment needed, college work In sac. sci. or 2 yrs. ex-*f ular Beam Studies of Diatomic Mole- per, in soc. casework. Application dead- EVENINGS ..$.5cules," by Prof. Jens Zorn, U. of M., SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: line fori1 & 2 March 22. Physics Dept., Thurs., March 18 at 5 Hallmark Cards, Kansas City, Mo.* * p.m. .in Rm. 1200, Chemistry Bldg. -Will Interview Fri., March 19 at For further information, please call 3200 SAB. Men & women, BA's & MA's 764-7460, General Div., Bureau of Ap- , )O07 IN REING'S American Chemical Socjety Lecture: in Gen. Lib. Arts, Journ., Math, Bus. pointments, 3200 SAB, Prof. Jack Halpern, University of Chi- & Engrg. for positions in Advtg., Art, ENIERGPL EM TITE. * NG Rcago, will speak on "Electron Trans- IEditorial, Mktg., Sales Computer Pro- VIGEWeirsgra studEents pNTease UNITED ARTISTS fer and Related Reactions of Penta- gramuming, Mfg., Res., etc. Make ap- sign seeosted atud2eH Weast STARTIN FRIDAYcyanocobaltate,"o Thurs., March 12 pointments now. Ene~ S TATN FR AYat 8 p.m. in Room 1300 of the Chem- MARCH 23- istry Bldg. POSITION OPENINGS:Crpne eeC.,RdnP. Y , R C ANDI A E State of Wisconsin, Madison-Insti- BS-MS: Met. R. & D. General Notices tution Education Director. Degree In Union Carbide Corp., Mining & Met- educ., psych., Gen. Lib. Arts, bus, or Iala Dlv., Nationwide--BS-MS: ChE, CE, Law School Admission Test: Ap- public admin. plus 6 yrs. exper. in EM, IE, ME & Met. Industrial Sales. plication blanks for th eLaw Schooln_---- __ - ~ Admission Test are available in 122-- - ___ ----.- 10. Applications must be r eceivedI DIRECT FROM PARIS Princeton, N.J., by March 27. HENRI INational Teacher Examinations: Can-I LE TRE TEAU DE PARIS HENRYdidates taking the National Teacher ~ Examination on Sat., March 20, are presents I~II~requested to report to Aud, B, Angell Hall at 8:30 Saturday morning. ~~l~~L ~~ Foreign Student Tuition Scholar-LAN OE F I E A M R E VIILi. MTROcO&O ships: The deadline for receipt of ap- by ________________________________________plications is March 31, 1965. Forms I* Thursday and Sunday at 7 and 9 I I I I I starring Jack Lemmon and Glenn Ford , * in Technicolor I I * Jock Lemmon and Glenn Ford team up to drive a herd of cattle from the Rio Grande to Chicago-over a range replete with * rattlesnacks, redskins, and stampedes. : COWBOY shows the West as it was. These are not the stereo- u * typed wranglers who cannot chose between the ranch-owner's I daughter and their trusty quodrapeds. They sneer at their cattle * and claim that "a horse's brain is no bigger than an acorn." * Vivid col otor phoography, a magnificent score, and fine portrayals * combine to make COWBOY the finest of the adult westerns. I I Ug A'Tn IIIN IT ET I hr ilb osoig tCnm ul I * InHEFrCIdTyEnCSTUREay AU IORU I= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = HATCHER SUE ANE HOPE ~1~w6DGr~J KaLi~ TWIN ENCORES are avaiiaole from the counselors in the International Center, ri., March 19 at 4 pnnm., Room 439 TRUEBL Mason Hall. Election of officers and I new members. ScholarshIps:rOe $30 uner'graduate scholarship and one $400 graduate fel- Tikes lowship will be awarded for 1965-66} ikt by the Detroit Armenian Women's Club. Languog Applications must be on file In De- troit by April 15. Applicants must be -_______ ru CaIudet OOD AUDITORIUM FRIDAY, T ICKETS A T BOX OF FICE ($3, $2) by mail or in person. Dept. jes 2076 Frieze Building. MARCH 19 8:00 P.M. of Rormance I Block Ticket Sales Begin TODAY For PARTICIPATION and RESPONSIBILITY I II - ~