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March 18, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-03-18

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See Editorial Page

Ci 4r,



Cloudy and windy with
snow flurries likely

Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


'Doubts' Fee Increase

' Teachers



University officials have de-
clined to either confirm or deny
x :recent rumors about the possi-
bility of a fee hike in the resi-
dence halls next year.
a However, University Executive
Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss
said yesterday that he "seriously
SGC Approve
Of Bloc Ticke
Student Government Council a
the ad hoc committee on Ticket S
vides for the distribution of bloc
selection, with each housing unit1
can preference.
The motion reserves 1,077 seats
among all price ranges and locati
Plan Protest
On Apartheid
To gain student and faculty
support for their planned picket-
ing of Chrysler Corporation, Stu-
dents for a Democratic Society
will hold a rally' at 7:30 p.m.
today on the Diag.
A letter from Vice-President for
Student Affairs Richard L. Cutler
outlining the administration's po-
sition on the protest will be
read at the meeting.
'The rally is being held to ex-
plore the degree of the Univer-
sity's investment in companies
having operations in South Afri-
ca," said Samuel Friedman, Grad
who will speak at the rally.
In case of inclement weather
thenrally will be held in Room
3KLM of the Union.
Voice, Congress on Racial
Equality, Student Non-Violent
Coordinating Committee. a n d
Young Democrats have endorsed
the proposed picketing of Chrys-
ler. "The purpose of the demon-
stration Is to point out the ex-
tent to which American business
has aided 'apartheid,' South Af-
rica's brutal system of racial
discrimination. Chrysler has been
chosen as a major national fo-
cus (along with the Chase Man-
hattan Bank in New York) be-
cause it has recently begun a $35
million expansion of its facilities
in South Africa," Friedman add-
A picket line will go up tomor-
row from 3-5 p.m. at the main
office of the Chrysler Corp. in
Highland Park, Mich. Participat-
ing students will meet at the Stu-
dent Activities Building at 1 p.m
where cars will be waiting to
drive into Detroit.

doubts" the truth of the rumors,
saying that such a hike will be
considered privately by the Re-I
gents this weekend.
Niehuss noted that the Univer-
sity would probably try to in-
crease the salaries of non-student!
quadrangle staffs by the amount
suggested in Gov. George Rom-
S ReVamping
1T L l[ P h~~li

ney's budget, the same amount
maintenance salaries have risen
in the local area. This would
mean an increase of some four
or five per cent.
Difficult To Bear
Niehuss noted that Vice-Presi-
dent for Student Affairs Richard
L. Cutler had informed him thatI
such an increase would be diffi-
cult for the present dorm budgets
to bear. "If the wages are to in-
crease, the money must come
from somewhere," Niehuss said.
The problem then shifts to







Byword in To Discuss

Faculty Still


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Z Ii-dl C" Ilql V Lansing. Dormitory budgets ar1e r es By BOB LEDERER will serve the undergraduate in
linked to the University's legisla- the near future.
tive appropriations, which are ir BThe significance of student 'Blue Ribbon' Committee
pproved the motion submitted by turn linked to the state budget. By . E acts wil b theimary topic A "blue ribbon" committee to'
Sale lat nght Ths, otin po- Gv. omny'soriina buge'for discussion this afternoon when
ales last night. This. motion pro- Gov. Romney's original budge Last Saturday, a small group of study student housing, a residen-:
tickets on the basis of chance requests have been killed in comn- University professors announced University s esde n t a tial college and a maintenance of
limited in the number of seats it mittee, leaving state Democrats plans to cancel their classes and' Hatcher holds his second student the out-state ratio were an-
to introduce their own budget research on March 24 to protest conferesce of the year at 4:15 nounced as plans to better the
for individual ticket sales equally bills. They have stated they will United States policies in Viet p.m. in the Russey Room of the plight of the individual.
not do this until they have con- Nam. By yesterday, their appar- Mcia ege President Hatcher said that the
)ns. It stipulates that "any addi- cluded other legislativehbusiness. ently innocuous proposal had President Hatcher nopes to
tional seats remaining after satis- This could be as long as some made national headlines and keep the conference "as open as :::,............
fying bloc ticket requests shall two months brought the wrath of Gov. George possible" while entertaining such
be sold along with individual Budget Computations Romney and the Legislature down m atters as the incidentsfatBerke-
ticket sales." In the meantime, it is almost on University President Harlan ley, the consequence of student
In other action Council appoint- impossible for University admin- Hatcher's head. demonstrations at the University
ed Michael Gross, '66, as treasurer istrators to perform the detaile( President Hatcher expressed his anthencom nbheenStu-
for one year. SGC also approved budget computations necessary tc disapproval of what the protestingdn vinvoldR
a bucket drive sponsored by Voice find whether or not the propose( faculty have termed a "work vism abroad s meet with students to establis
political party to raise money for $50 increase will be needed to moratorium" at.the time of their Te Peent's invtIoner-
University students in Mont- keep the dormitory system sol-I original announcement Saturday. ence (then called "Convocation"), stuyentlativism.
gomery. vent. "There is a time and place for which was held last fall fell prey Political and academic cone
Appropriate $250 Students are concerned if they making protests, but dismssing to student apathy. The Convoca- thought and protest across the1
SGC appropriated $250 to the are wondering whether to remai'; classes is certainly not an accept- on witnessed a student turn-out sues have been as diverse as d
students in Montgomery for what- in the dorms next year. Finances able one," he said.I, i a a ie wages, the war. in Viet Nam
ever use they" think appropriate. of incoming freshmen are also In- As of yesterday afternoon, on switch from Rackham to the Hus- have ranged from free speech
Students need the* money to cover volved; dorm contracts began go- professor in the movement esti- sic rmRchmt h u- hv agdfo resec
travel, food and legal and medical ing out early this year with a mated chances at 50-50 that class- sey Room which seats but 250 will parentis.
e n l e note urging that they be returned es will actually be cancelled. help to induce what Hatcher calls
graphed this morning, as soon as possible. Yet the pre- Group Grows "a. mo Intimae seting whch THIS ACTIVIST TREND pos
Joseph Chabot, '66, just arrived cise cost of the rooms may well Despite the President's immed- mality." How relevant are existing cur
from Montgomery,plydate late warning, the group grew to maayity.;"
dcae overy, tlaedn tape almost 40 between Sunday and 'Freer Exchange' our universities strong enough to
dictated over the telephone last ivil Ri ters Monday night. Then on Tuesday Lawrence Lossing, '65, chairman support to those who would raise
nht by Steven Schwartz, '68, in R gafternoon, the Senate stunned of the Conference Committee, embarrassing manner? Which kir
Montgomery. Schwartz stated that.s agreed that the new setting would t rs dr
northern students went to Ala- If you were just in Mont- University administrators by pass- enhance student interest and par- tion are responsible and which irre
bama because the constitutional gomery or Selma, if you were ing a resolution which termed the ticipation. He indicated that "a University presidents, becau
rights of the Negroes, specifically protesting the voting registra- fculy piotesta d ca lirresposi- freer, more informal exchange" institutions and mediate between
the right to vote, assemble and pe- tion situation there, if you are denorty" an cae onri- would result from the new sur- Institon an ediat bteen
tition for redress of grievances, a University student, we wel- dent Hatcher to take punitive roundings. President Hatcher is callin
were being violated.CThey are urg- come a short description of the actn iChanging thetname of last fall's y
ing Gov. George C. Wallace to South and the demonstrations The resolution further conw- "Convocation" to this afternoon's i ::cyar to make clear, hopefully, just
secure these rights which are es- as you saw them. Send your demned the "work moratorium" "Student Conference" is another'r It takes courage for the l
sential to the continued unity, clearly - expounded impressions as representingadefiance of the means of creating student inter- . address himself to such questio
liberty, welfare and dignity of the to the editorial director. peo of Minad the est, a c c o r d i n g to President commendable attempt at much-n
Unite Staes. __________________________stitution. It pointed out that the Hthr
Contribute Funds still be open to change according University is essentially a "public The concern of the first student at Berkeley point frighteninglyt
Chou rutyems. sand to the feelings of many adminis servant." convocation was the position of tact among the members of an a
students contributed funds before trators. Impetus for the Senate move the undergraduate in the diverse,
studentsed contributedgby ftenfundsonlbeforeo thtratENors.r
the 69 University students left for Niehuss said that if a fee hik was provided Tuesdaymornig by often impersonal world of the ONLY 200 STUDENTS were
Montgomery, much of the money were to be decided upon, the Uni- an advertisement placedinaa omp1ex Uiversity eside ing 1200-for President Ha
has been used. They had to buy versity would attempt to an Lansingnewspape by faculty and Hai versity has left undergraduates should be far more today.
from po crubegs hentsnco try tnopga fo st versity calling for Viet Nam policy "bewildered, overwhelmed, frus- i The meeting is at 4:15 in th
fromThey also were forced to buy year's expenses. "We will hope- protests in the state capital. trated or uninformed" when try- ie aue-
ponchos because of the rainfall. fully know something definite b3 Statehouse sources repoit that the ing to understand their function -THE AC
The only clothes they had had the time this semester ends," he advertisement enraged sever al in the University community, but
with them were what they were said. legislators who would prefer that he cited certain proposals which -
wearing. Although the Negro com- Yet he emphasized that because t ac rs n-
munity has opened their refriger- of legislative delays, it is possiIactivists.0
ators to the students, the food ble that no definite figures will T tFuel Addedesunps dn
supy is very short, Many are be available until May or June. w te usa vnsad Oe c o
living on only one meal a day. They must be available by July ed fuel to the fires of rage by
They fear police harassment on 1, the date the University's 1965- then smouldering in legislative
the return to the University. 66 budget will go into effect. 'breasts. Romney held a press con- By CAROLE KAPLAN lounges and dining halls.
.,. .h 'I eivuiti and ill

University will remain committed
to excellence in education by
nature of its faculty composed of
"great minds and great teachers."
In contrast. to some other piomi-
nent universities, President Hatch-
er claimed that "we have assem-
bled people who are, by and large,
interested in teaching and eager
to do it well."

y President Harlan Hatcher will
sh a dialogue on universities and
editions have stimulated student
nation. On this campus the is-
ormitory overcrowding, student
and apartheid. Elsewhere, they
to tenure criteria to in loco
es some fundamental questions:
ricula to a changing world? Are
lend a degree of protection and
embarrassing issues in an often
nds of students and faculty ac-
use they must both guide their
them and society, must assume a
nswer these questions.
his second convocation of the
what his answers are.
eader of a public university to
ins. And the convocation is a
eeded communication: the events
to what can happen when con-
cademic community deteriorates.
on hand-in an auditorium seat-
tcher's last convocation. There.
e Hussey Room of the Women's
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Argues Over
Walkout Plan
Heated Controversy
At Closed Meeting
Still Rages at 2 A.M.
Acting Managing Editor
The faculty group planning t'o
stage a walk-out from classes on
March 24 is having serious second
thoughts about this course of ac-
There is a strong possibility that
the work moratorium will be can-
celled, a member of the group dis:
closd early this morning.
In a marathon meeting held at
the home of William Livant of
the Mental Health Research In-
stitute, the group weighed the
possibility of using other methods
to express its discontent with U.S.
policies in South Viet Nam.
The session was still in progress
at 2:30 a.m. this morning
No decision had been reached
and the group remained sharply
divided on the course of action
this protest should take.
No Specifications
No reasons for considering the
cancellation were specified. Mem-
bers of the group confided, how-
ever, that the overwhelming pub-
licity and increasingly political im-
plications of such a move have
prompted the reconsideration.
Since the meeting was private,
few details are known.
Three members of the Senate
Advisory Committee on University
Affairs were asked to leave the
meeting. But the role of the ad-
ministration or other faculty
members in forcing last night's
reconsideration was not spelled
The group is known, however,
to be sharply divided itself. A
Daily reporter, permitted briefly
inside the meeting, said that the
room was crowded and the parti-
cipants appeared very tense.
They seemed shaken by the
events of the past few days and
disturbed by the weight, of their
Moderate Elements
One member'of the group stress-
ed that moderate elements with-
in the group itself had become
disturbed by the growing publi-
city of their movement.
It was announced Saturday by
the original 13-man planning
group. The body has since grown.
to more than 45 members.
However, reaction to the pro-
posed work stoppage has also in-
tensified. Regents, University ad-
ministartors, state legislators and
some students have joined in con-
demning the walk-out.
The Senate has asked for dis-
ciplinary action against the group.
Although, several senators ex-
pressed doubt whether it is the
Senate's business to interfere in
University affairs.
The protesting professors have
repeatedly said they respect the
of their critics - especially Gov.
Romney and the Legislature.
The group has stuck to its
plans. It said early yesterday
morning that the Regents, who
hold their monthly meeting Fri-
day, will be requested for a one-
day leave of absence to conduct
the strike.
SGC Recognition
In other action yesterday the
Student Government Council rec-
ognized two groups, one protest
ing the faculty walkout, the oth-

er supporting it.
Student Committee to Aid the
Faculty (SCAF) will help sign up
students to leave their classes in
support of the teacher's walkout.
If the faculty group decides to
call off its walkout, reliable sourc-
es say that SCAF will carry on
its own plans for a student walk-
out Wednesday.

in Dorms



Weather Halts 'U' L

ference and one o the attendting I
reporters asked the governor, as A petition protest
an almost forgotten afterthought, crowded conditions
how he felt about the planned versity residence ha
"work moratorium" at the Uni- sented to Director
versity. Halls Eugene Haun y
! "It's about the worst example petition, presented
professors could give to students," Rothschild, '66, of C
Romney replied wiith very little East Quadrangle, c
By BARBARA SEYFRIED hesitation. He demanded disci- signatures, principal
plinary action be taken against dents of East Quada
The launching of two rockets, I the faculty members threatening half of South Quad.
designed by University scientists to cancel classes, but declined to The petition obj(
and engineers to carry equipment suggest a method for meting out. doubling and tripling
measuring the temperature, pres- I punishment. the coming fall semi
sure and density of the iono- The University does in fact ficulty of studying
sphere, was delayed yesterday be- See 'U,' Page 2 I dence halls, and th
cause of excessively high winds
and low cloud ceilings.
According to assistant research ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT:
engineer John Maurer of the
Space Physics Research Labora-
tory, "the earliest we can expectS o lveO b l m
to launch the rockets is noon to-
good because weather conditions
may not improve," Maurer, who By CONSTANCE BENNETT
ffha l mrhim Cityn Wal-

ing the over-
in the Uni-
alls was pre-
of Residence
yesterday. The
by Thomas
Greene House,
contained 804
ly from resi-
and the men's
ected to the
g of rooms for
ester, the dif-
in the resi-
e overcrowded


I received the petiton ana wi
give it respectful attention and
pass it on to the proper parties
as the situation indicates," Haun
In his meeting with Haun yes-
terday, Rothschild presented one
of the possible alternatives to the
overcrowding - a revision of the
Regents' by-law requiring all
freshmen to live in residence
"The point has been reached
where the benefits of this policy
will be outweighed by the disad-
vantages of crowding," said Roth-
schild. Haun pointed out that this


by-law is not related to the Office
of Residence Halls.
When asked what action had
been taken, Haun said that, be-
sides having the rooms investi-
gated to see which ones can hold
more students, he is trying to see
to it that all rooms will be pro-
vided with adequate furnishings.
Although Rothschild is primar-
ily concerned with the immediate
situation, he pointed out that the
University should be preparing to
deal with the long-range problem
as well.
Rothschild will meet with Haun
again today to discuss further
possible solutions to the problem

s wi th Plastic' Housing

is at te eiaunening slue on vva
lops Island, Va., explained. Among the towering apartment buildings rising in Ann Arbor
These rockets are the seventh to alleviate the problem of student housing stands a plastic, in-
and the eighth in a series design- nocuous-looking two-story structure. It was designed by the Archi-
wed to study the atmosphere be- tectural Research Laboratory to solve the housing problem in poverty-
tween 80 and 200 miles above the stricken countries.
earth under contract with thestikncure.
National Aeronautic Space Ad- This housing unit, constructed last fall adjacent to the Labora-
ministration. According to the tory, is evidence of the growing usage and importance of plastics.
associate research physicist, David Prof. Stephen C.A. Paraskevopoulos of the architecture school
Taeusch, of the Space Physics feels there are important advantages in using foam plastics. He says
Research Laboratory, the God- that the industrialization needed to produce this plastic would help
dard Space Flight Center will raise the economy of the country as well as aid in low-cost housing
finance six more rockets. Further development. This rise in national productivity would provide the
contracts are expected. population with the means of attaining new housing.
this experiment and previous ones He calls for dividing the people requiring aid into two categories.
is that we will attempt to take Those people too poor to provide a market for new housing would
measurements at the points of receive aid first through small capital investments. Needed improve-
maximum and minimum variation ments would be made by the people themselves.
in the atmosphere," Taeusch ex- The remaining poor who provide a potential market and labor
plained. force would reap the benefits of the long-range program. They would
"The purpose of these experi- work in the industries needed to sustain the housing development
m o nfc: iC n t' ni no e n,' W 7i Si-_- _.' . .1 ._._1 1_ ___ 1_ 7.


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