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Cloudy and colder
with light snow
Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
Propose College Curriculum
Selma Police Guard Protestors;
Reducing the number of distri-
bution requirements and abolish-
ing all but freshmangrades were
proposed by the Literary College
Steering Committee yesterday for
the curriculum of the residential
The suggested curriculum pro-
posed by a sub-committee headed
by Martin L. Katz, '67, will be
presented to Burton D. Thuma,
associate dean of the literary col-
lege and direct6r of the residential
college, today.
According to .the recommenda-
tion, there would be only three
distribution requirements: a two-
year general humanities course,
a one-year combination natural
and physical science course, and
a one-year social science course.
The general humanities course
would cover intellectual develop- perspectives of sociology, eco-
ment from classical times to the nomics, psychology, history and
present, illuminating the develop- political science.
ment of religion, philosophy, liter- Language instruction recom-
ature, music and art. mendations were based on the
"The purpose of such a course committee's hope that every grad-
would be to enable a student to uate will be bilingual.
better understand twentieth cen-
tury man in light of man's his- To integrate a student's second
torical development," Katz said. language, student language hous-
A second requirement, a core ing units might be inaugurated
course in the physical and natural and more student plays performed
sciences from which science ma- d a movies shown. Reading lists
jors would be exempt, would give for other courses might include
the student familiarity with the books written in other languages
methods and salient features of which students would be encour-
various sciences. The manner of aged to read.
teaching the diverse fields would Fulfilling Language Requirement
Emphasize their integration. A student may fulfill the lan-
Third Requirement guage requirement by passing a
The third ,requirement, termed comprehensive oral and written
an American society course, would examination to be taken whenever
examine , the interpersonal rela- the student feels that he is pre-I
tionships of Americans from the pared.
He may elect either an intensive
Right to Vote': :
Bill Backed
'Doubt 18-Story Apartment,
Co mpletion by Fall Term
Student Government Council's Off-Campus Housing Committee
reported yesterday that experts in the realty and construction pro-
fessions estimate the high-rise University Towers apartment building
on South University cannot be completed by the beginning of the fall
According to Marty Zimmerman, '66A&D, chairman of the com-
mittee, these experts estimate that a building of this magnitude
Scannot be completed on schedule.
In wake of these estimates
S eVal lZimmerman recommends that stu
T dents should arrange for residence
in already completed buildings
D t0utm Srather than in the six apartment
Staff buildings now under construction
in the campus area. According to
Vice-President for Student Af- Zimmerman realty experts esti-
fairs Richard A. Cutler stated to- mate that a sizable per cent of
day that a reVamping will take off-campus housing remains un-
nlace next year in staff structurPs I rented for the fall semester.
eight hour per week program or
the normal one of four hours in
preparation for this examination.
The committee also suggested
thAt fthe re identgIal colle e'. enor
Ulav u..t 4 g..,o ltaua s .3 G'..,.
centration requirements should di-
rect the student towards an "in-
tegrated" major. Such programs
would center around a particula.-
area or problem and draw courses!
from relevant disciplines andiallow
for more independent studies to
be credited towards the "major."
A revision of the present literary
college grading system would be
necessary to accommodate the
committee's proposed curriculumt
Need for Reform
Explained in Talk
WASHINGTON (T) - President
Lyndon B. Johnson told the Con-
gress and the nation last night
that the time for waiting is gone
and the time for action has come
to assure every American the
right to vote, regardless of race
or color.
The Chiief Executive spoke to
a joint session of Congress and
by radio and television to the na-
The harsh fact, Johnson said
is that in many places in this
country men and women are kept
from voting because they are Ne-
He said that every device hu-
man ingenuity can devise ha.,
been used to deny this right and
erect barriers.
Tn afon _Thnen laf. i rh't
for men's and women's dormi-
tories. The new system will es-
tablish more "parallel services
and payments" between men's and
women's residences.
Also yesterday, Assembly House
Council voted to request the rais-
ing of student. wages to $1.25 this
summer. According to the AHC
motion the raise would go into
effect by July, 1965 instead of in
1967 as proposed by Vice-President
of Business and Finance Wilbur
K. Pierpont.
According to the Student Em-
ploye's Union the wage increase
would put University wages on a
par with wages at other state and
regional universities.
AHC also passed a motion yes-
terday to allocate $1200 from its
} Education Fund to Library and
Scholarship Funds. $1000 would be
distributed between the dormi-
tories for use in their individual
libraries. The remaining $200 dol-
lars would be used to establish a
scholarship open to all girls liv-
ing in the residence halls and to
associate members who pay house
Last month the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs refused to endorse
leases between students and own-
ers of unfinished buildings. At
that time ten leases between
sophomore women and University
Towers were cancelled.
The committee last night also
recommended that students use
only University leases and refer to
the housing booklet prepared by
the Office of Student Affairs Off-
Campus Housing Bureau. The
booklet is available at the infor-
mation desk in the Student Activi-
ties Bldg. and at residence halls.
Also at last night's meeting the
committee decided to invite both
candidates for the position of Ann
Arbor mayor to speak at a meet-
ing open to students. The com-
mittee will jointly sponsor the
meeting in cooperation with the
Graduate Student Council Hous-
ing Committee.
At the open meeting the com-
mittees hope to discuss with the
creased housing inspection. No
candidates the issues of low-in-
come federal housing and in-
date has been set for the meeting.
Present System "1 n 'ii
Although a solid, succint grad- was more
ing system like the present letter points he
grade is necessary for the fresh- during h
man student with his "uncertain- es since,
ties and frustrations," the best statemen
evaluation system for students crisis er
above the freshman level would be the poin
one which is most accurate in its last week
description of the student's ac- Admini
complishments. This system would on the b
be most effective in telling the ure wou]
student where his strengths and voter reg
weaknesses lie. out south
Since the purpose of grades is These
to indicate the degree of knowl- would cle
edge and understanding pertain- voting o
ing to a certain area of study state and
which the student has accomplish- the voter
ed, a system of written essay eval- federal, s
uations would be the most mean-.
ingful representation of his aca-
demic efforts, the committee says. AA(
This method of grading s,,ens
quite "workable" within the re"i- 10
dential college because of the low 1ern
Advisory Committee Meeting B
The student advisory committee:
of the residential college also met
yesterday to discuss the proposed At ai
joint student-faculty government Council
of the college. The discussion was morning
based on a report given by the Eadie, 'E
student sub-committee on Jan. 25. with Eu
ect donn las nigin
or less repeatingmany
e has made for months.
is campaign, in address-
and in conferences and
ts since the voting rights
upted in Selma, Ala., to
According to the provisions of
the report, the student-faculty
government would have broad leg-
islative powers, including the
authority to set and change all
college-wide policies and regula-_
Markopoulos Resigns Film Festival Post,
Claims Censorship of Entries Prevailed
nitely b,
hike nex
Kyle E
tary of th
ties Cou:
policy, an
tion of
when the
letter co'
South Afr
John E
said that
port stud
attack fo
a "const
the Gree
new IQC
move mig
but from
the counc
t of violence and deatl-
istration officials at wort-
ill itself said the meas-
ld eliminate barriers tc
istration in six low-turn-
.ern states.
officials said the bill
ear the way for federal
fficers to take over if
d local registrars impede
r registration process in
tate and local elections.
LC Hi ts
rIn t e r- Quadrangle
meeting early this
g, IQC President John
65, said that from talks
gene Haun, director of
e halls, and Wilbur K.
t, vice-president for
and finance, he had
that there would "defi-
be a residence hall rate
xt fall of about $50."
Mock, executive secre-
he Ann Arbor Civil Liber-
ncil yesterday attacked
Interquadrangle Council
nd called for a "new and
ative IQC."
charged that IQC had
a stand of indirect sanc-
racial discrimination"
ey refused to endorse a
rdemning apartheid in
adie, '65, IQC president,
IQC's role was to sup-
ent interests and not to
reign governments.
Mock said, there will be
ituents convention" in
ne House lounge. This
n will try to establish a
Eadie said that the
ght have some support
"students ignorant of
il's achievement."
Eastern Michigan University,
students will complete a 24-hour
protest march in Ypsilanti which
started yesterday, while Ann Ar-
bor junior and senior high school
students will begin a 48-hour hun-
ger strike tonight at the Friends
Eastern Michigan University1
students, faculty and staff are
carrying out their planned 24-
hour march to protest recent'
events in Selma, Ala. today.
Ypsilanti residents are also tak-'
Iing part in "Freedom's Unfinished
Fifty," which memorializes the
death of Reverend James Reeb
who was beaten to death during
the abortive attempt by civil
rights workers to 'march from
Selma to Montgomery a week ago.
"Vote for Freedom"
Routed through the EMU cam-
pus, the march involves fifty unitsj
dispatched at half hour intervals,
each marching one mile. At the
conclusion of the fiftieth mile, a
ballot carried throughout the
march will be cast into a ballot
box, symbolic of EMU's "vote for1
freedom," Robert Benedict, '65,
organizer of the march, said yes-I
Rep. Weston Vivian (D-Mich),
State Rep. Charles Gray (D-,
Ypsilanti), State Sen. Gilbert Bur-
sley (R-Ann Arbor), former-
congressman-at-large Niel Staeb-
her, and EMU president Arthur
WALTER REUTHER, PRESIDENT of the United Auto Workers, talks to a group of
strators on a Selma, Ala., street yesterday. Reuther had gone to Selma to give his
right-to-vote drive. In a speech to the crowd, Reuther said that the entire counftry
ized to give the right-to-vote to all people.
Area Students Protest Se
Dis pers es
'Judge Halts
K i Interference
With March
College Students Drive
Toward Capitol Site
In Vote Demonstration
Special To The Daily
SELMA, Ala. - In a historic
Alabama precedent, more than
3000 civil rights demonstrators
were given full police protection
yesterday as they marched eight
blocks through the center of the
racial hot-bed to hold a brief tri-
bute to the memory of the Rev.
James A. Reeb.
The march passed within 100
feet of the site where Reeb was
fatally beaten last Tuesday. The
Selma march, which had been
-Associated Press thwarted by a police blockade for
f Negro demon- the last five days, was permitted
suportforthe after a 4 p.m. decision by U.S.
support for the District Judge Daniel H. Thomas
must be mobil- who issued approval of the march.
More than 150 cars of the Ala-
bama'state police, Selma city po-
lice, Dallas County police, and
State Conservation officers sealed
off the march route. The Selma
march, called an "overwhelming
1 'na success" by local civil rights leader
Roy Abernathy, followed a movirg
memorial service for the late Rev.
give the money- Reeb at the Brown Chapel.
for food, about
ivil rights organi- March to Courthouse
coulrsights voxgni-Immediately following the serv-
course, iseighth ice, the 45-minute march to the
3no digeighth courthouse began with more than
high school, 400 policemen along the parade
route. The demonstrators 'were
claim their par- honked at by impatient motorists,
the action and but none were injured-a real vic-
ave supported the tory for Selma itself.
~nciple. United Auto Workers President
-- Walter Reuthor spoke briefly to
the crowd. "We must help to mo-
bolize people from Michigan to
Mississippi to give the right to
vo.e to all people," he said.
Make Plans
While Selma was quiet last
night, plans were moving ahead
rotest for re-staging the ill-fated march
from Selma to Montgomery. The
legality of the matter is currently
RT MOORE being tested in federal court. Local
civil rights leaders are anticipat-
ty faculty group ing court approval of their plans
k moratorium to by Wednesday or Thursday. If it
n policy in Viet is sanctioned, Gov. George C. Wal-
ut the details of lace has pledged state police 'pro-
t night. tect.on for the marchers
faculty members Meanwhile in Montgomery,
ie class cancelling Daily reporter Donald Flippo said
Saccording to the out-of-state college students com-
g committee. prised a majority of the demon-
tEliot walked the first mil
the demonstrators. Gov.
Romney has been invited t
the final mile, and will "pr
send Lt. Gov. William Milli
his place," Benedict said.
The Ann Arbor group is p
ing the recent events in
Selma and Viet Nam. The
students demonstrated only
civil rights issue.
Representing the area's
and senior high schools, tI
dents feel that they lack
plete information but w
show their concern over t
titudes and actions /of
States foreign and domestic
The official statement+
group says that tradit
America has upheld the pri
of freedom, equality and ii
ual dignity. The students
that these ideas are ignored
public and openly denied1
federal government in bot
Nam and the South.
Specifically, they call for
-An end to raids in Nor
Nam and a more positive a
toward negotiation,
-A government guaran
political and human rights
South and
-A public awareness c
active interest in correctil
injustices present in the
Drafted Letter
Kathy Murphy and7
Boulding of Ann Arbor
school drafted the document
will be sent to President I
B. Johnson and Vivian.
The plan took root w
German high school s
Wolfgang Tonne, proposer
the Student Council draft a
to Selma. The necessity o
sulting homerooms as wel
general feeling of apathy
desire to remain unin
stymied the council. This tri
several students who took tI
to the Young Friends grou
dents collected over 100 sign
for the document yesterday
e with
o walk
iken in
. both
on the
he stu-
ish to
he at-
of the
by thej
"We plan to
normally used
$2.00, to some ci
zation. This, of
tary," Elisa E
grade, Tappan j
The students
ents approve of
many teachers h
movement in pri
Set Po'
For Fa
Viet P
Filmmaker Gregory Markopoulos
resigned as jurist at the third Ann
Arbor Film Festival last night.
In a telegram to The Daily he
said he found the film festival's
"direction hardly of an interna-
tional scope as advertised," and
was "horrified that a sense of
censorship should prevail at an
event which is for the students
and for driving local films out of
Prof. George Manupelli of the
art department, a member of the
film selection committee of the
festival and representative of the
Dramatic Arts Center, said that
Markopoulos' comments about
censorship were "not true." There
has been "absolutely no censor-
ship," he stated. "No film was
eliminated (from competition)
because of its content."
Any film that was 16 milli-
meter, never shown previously in
Ann Arbor competition and evi-
denced a high regard for the film
as a creative medium was eligible
for competition, Manupelli ex-
Commenting on Markopoulos'
statement that the festival's "di-
rection (was) hardly of an inter-
national scope as advertised,"
Manupelli, who wrote the official
brochure said. "I did not advertise
has received many Canadian en-
tries. In the future it anticipates
some from European countries. In
particular, Radio Diffusion, of
France, is most interested in en-
tering the competition for next
year," he said.
"The Film Festival's purpose is
not to show films for students,"
said Manupelli in response to
Markopoulos' telegram. "It is not
sponsored by the University."
Markopoulos, explaining his
resignation said: "I have been
by the The Universi
h Viet planning a wor
protest America
r: Nam worked of
th Viet their protest last
ttitude The count of
committed to th
itee of was raised to 3
in the group's recruitin
waging a battle since Sunday for
the public showing of "Jerovi," by
Jose Rodriguez Soltero. Monday,
jurists overcame the discontent of
the preselection committee and
the film has been entered into the
Responding to this charge,
Manupelli said that before Mar-
kopoulos resigned, "it had already
been agreed by the awards jury
and the members of the selection
committee that the film "Jerovi"
should be shown in competition."j
College Report
Due by Sunday
Gov. George Romney's "blue
ribbon" Citizens' Committee on
Higher Education will release a
summary of its final report at a
press conference Friday morning,
Andrew Wilson, committee press
oficer, announced yesterday. The
full report is scheduled for release
of and In an important policy decision,
ng the the 39 people at the meeting
world drafted a statement concerning
their attitude toward their re-
sponsibility to their classes. "As
Russell scholars and teachers we beleve
.high that this action," the statement
twhich said, referring to the class clos-
Lyndon ing on March 24, "is a necessary
I responsibility to our students and
hen a to the larger community.
tudent, May Reschedule Classes
d that "Any temporary dislocation in
letter our more ordinary function will
f con- be resolved individually by such
1 as a means as rescheduling classes."
and a Prof. Kenneth E. Boulding of
evolved the economics department caused
ggered disagreement when he warned the
he idea group that the work stoppage
p. Stu- might bring more attention on
atures the legality of their methods than
after- upon the question of Viet Nam.
Boulding was sympathetic to
their cause, but has not joiner
the faculty members in cancel-
ling classes'because of his beliefs
Group members argued that le,
gality would be an issue. only if
theyallowed it to become one.
Rather, they claim, the protest
would cause, and has caused, in-
txationcreased attention to the moral-
y into ity of the Viet Nam problem.
New Release
ise, he In a new release, the group
r than also clarified their reasons for
choosing the work stoppage a°
ginate their medum of protest..
Busi- "By calling a work moratorium
e than and interrupting the usual rou-
easibly tine, we hope to indicate that th,
danger of, a majoi, war in Viet
Nam intrudes on the daily lives
of all Americans.
ssmen "By holding a conference in-
ves. s atea of clases. we hope to dem,
There will be a Voice-spon-
sored demonstration at De-
troit's Federal Building today
to protest governlment ac-
tions in Selma and Montgom-
ery, The group will leave from
in front of the SAB today at
12:30 and will attempt to pro-
vide transportation for all whc
want to go.
strators involved in the protest
march to the capitol.
. University students from VOICE
and Friends of Student Non-
violent Coordinating Committee
were in Montgomery and Selma.
VOICE reported sending 69 stu-
dents to the Southern trouble
Flippo said that no students
were injured, although he learned
from SNCC that some people had
been struck with billy clubs by
mounted deputies. They rode on
horseback into a group of about
150 Negroes blocking a main
street in a Negro district last
March from College
The march to the capitol, which
began Sunday from Alabama
State College, moved to within a
block of the capitol, Flippo re-
ported. About 300 students, from
several Midwestern and Southern
states, were repeatedly roped off
or driven together by police.
As darkness fell on the city,
the group moved to within two
blocks of the capitol when police
forced them off' private property
and back onto the sidewalks. Flip-
nn zadat +a+.t +at n Ne ror
Famed Economist Scorns Federal Intrusion
Although the government may promise it, "there is no such
thing as a free lunch," Prof. Ludwig von Mises of New York Univer-
sity declared last night.
Mises, an economist, author and philosopher, blamed what he
called deceptive promises and governmental intervention generally
for the recurring fluctuations which are said to plague the capitalist
Known as a leading exponent of laissez-faire "liberalism," Mises
addressed an audience of 125 persons representing a broad spectrum
of economic viewpoints. The speech was, however, sponsored by the
newly-formed "Libertarian League," a student-run organization ad-
vncting an unrestrained economy.
He explained that the government, through decreased ta
or increased spending, dumps an increased quantity of mone
the lap of the consumer.
The consumer begins to spend more, and then, as prices r
unwittingly worsens the situation by hoarding his money rathe
paying the higher prices, Mises said.
Governmental agencies, the economist declared, also oi
inflationary pressure: by making investment more attractive.
nessmen respond to "easy money" conditions and invest mor
the current demand or their own capital accumulations can fe
Is It Free?:
Hence, while seeking "free lunches," consumers and busine
are -fooled by the promising indicators and overextend themsel