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March 14, 1965 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-03-14

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WArtga Bal
Seventy-Fif tlbYear

Is U.S. War in Asia Treason?

s ,. :

Where Opinions Are Free, '420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBO, MICH.
Truth Will Prevail

NEWS PHom : 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

SGC Election Reforms

To the Editor:
TWO UNIVERSITY s t u d e n t s
have s u g g e s t e d collecting
money for medical supplies for
Vietnamese victims of United
States bombings is treason. It is
clear from American reports that
U.S. policies in Viet Nam have re-
sulted in death and injury to tens
of thousands of Vietnamese (most-
ly civilians).
We have supplied support for
regimes whose oppression of the
people is at-least as great as that
in any Communist nation, includ-
ing Hungary in 1956. We must
face the fact that the people of
Viet Nam have decided that Com-
munism is better than the rule of
the U.S. and its puppets.
I would say that the only trea-
son in this case is sending Ameri-
can dollars and American boys to
fight against the people of another
nation fighting for its freedom.
Granted it may not be freedom as
we know it; still it is what they
want and the people must be
-Stanley Nadel, '66

The Internationale
To the Editor:
IN ADDITION to the usual im-
maculate dress of our intellec-
tuals, a new adornment has ap-
peared: a button which solemnly
pronounces "End the War in Viet
Yes, what a marvelous idea. Let
us turn all of Southeast Asia over
to the Communist terrorists. Let
us run with our tails between our
legs from this crisis, which de-
mands something of America that
has been lacking for years-guts.
Let us pit on the graves of the
hundreds of U.S. dead.
Let us bask in the light of
knowing that we have compro-
mised our republican beliefs in
order to appease the most disgust-
ing tyranny on earth. Let us cele-
brate United Nations Day instead
of the 4th of July. Better yet, let
us raise our voices to the strains
of the Internationale rather than
to the Star Spangled Banner.
-David H. Rogers, '68E

LAST WEEK, ccmic strips were out; in-
stead, everyone was reading about the
SGC election. Featuring an elections di-
rector who did not know how many people
should have been elected and an error of
150 votes, the incident should have been
produced as a slap-stick comedy.
When questioned the Tuesday follow-
ing the election about the number of peo-
ple supposedly elected Monday, the elec-
tions director turned to other people in
the SGC office and asked, "How many
think seven were elected? Eight? Anyone
for nine?" He finally estimated nine stu-
dents were elected, but to make sure he
said one had to speak to Sherry Miller,
chairman of the SGC Credentials Com-
Meanwhile, Miss Miller's committee was
having fun on its own: The GROUP can-
didates were disqualified Saturday, rein-
stated Sunday, brought up for disqualifi-
cation again Monday and acquitted Tues-
AND THE FUN was just starting. Sherry
Miller's credentials committee also rec-
ommended that the votes be recounted.
After the retabulation, SGC came to the
revelation that a slight error had occur-
red-the adding machine allegedly made
a 150 vote error-and the list of elected
candidates was altered. Forgetting about
the rather dubious legitimacy of blaming
the adding machines for such an error,
the incident further projected SGC's im-
age of incompetence.
Last week's election was not unique;
rather, it was run in the SGC tradition.
There is, however, a debate over which
SGC election has been bungled the most.
Among the leading contenders for this
distinction was the election in which 4000
ballots were stolen the night before the
argue housing with landlords and mo-
vie prices with Butterfield executives
when it can't even run a student election?
No one does or should have any respect
for an organization which is the laugh-
ing stock of the campus.
The new Council membei's should im-
mediately set out to polish SGC's tarnish-
ed image by improving the elections pro-
edures while the issue is still warm.
given more firepower, the Army chief
of staff tells us. We can win the war on
poverty given enough money, President
Johnson tells us. In both victories, so the
story goes, we will be doing something to
save civilization.
. So with the white missionaries who
colonized Africa and Asia in the last cen-
tury. By extending western ideas, they
felt, we would erect a barrier to the
hordes of the jungles.
Now we would bar ourselves against
the hordes of Communism and the hordes
of unemployed youths in our streets. Yet
nowhere in this great missionary zeal
which pervades our policies is there care
for the hordes themselves, for how they
would live in the ways that will satisfy
them. Always we seek to impress upon
them, whether they like it or not, our ful-
fillments, our way of life.
Basic to this missionary spirit is the
belief that others are not equal to us,
A cting Editorial Staff

Managing Editor Editorial Director
JUDITH WARREN Personnel Director
THOMAS WEINBERG ............. ...Sports Editor
LAUREN BAHR ............ Associaae Managing Editor
SCOTT BLECH ,.......... Assistant Managing Editor
ROBERT HIPPLER ...... Associate Editorial Director
GAIL BLUMBERG ........... . Magazine Editor
LLOYD GRAFF .............. Associate Sports Editor
JAMES KESON .................. Chief Photographer
NIGHT EDITORS: David Block, John Bryant, Michael
Juliar, Leonard Pratt.
Bigelow, Michael Dean. John Meredith, Peter Sara-
sohn, Barbara Seyfried, Bruce Wasserstein.
A cting Businss Staf f
CY WELLMAN, Business Manager
ALAN GLUECKMAN ............ Advertising Manager
JOYCE FEINBERG ................ Finance Manager
JUDITH FIELDS ................ Personnel Manager
SUSAN CRAWFORD ......Associate Business Manager
TTTTIP MfAN~rVRA Ai* A.. T,.a. R~~yr Fo,',, Rle

Conflicting election rules of the dif-
ferent campus organizations should be
made uniform by an SGC task force. This
coordination would prevent the recur-
rence of events such as IQC charging in
this election that GROUP had violated
IQC election rules while GROUP claimed
their campaigning procedures were legal
under SGC rules. Once a coordinated set
of rules is drawn up, the task force should
make sure they are well-defined to avoid
future misunderstandings.
Another needed reform would be
equalizing campaigning privileges of
groups and individual candidates. The
issue, although touching a tender spot for
the GROUP candidates, is important if
the individual candidate is to have a
chance in elections. Without any spe-
cial privileges favoring a slate of can-
didates, slates already enjoy a consider-
able, although fair, advantage by being
able to pool their financial resources, sup-
porters and campaigning abilities.
When; however, a group of candidates
is granted the right to use a vehicle of
communication such as the Fishbowl and
the bulletin boards regulated by Alpha
Phi Omega, while the individual candi-
date doesn't have such an advantage, the
individual is unfairly outshadowed and
THE SGC TASK FORCE should also in-
vestigate the possibility of using Uni-
versity computers in tabulating election
results. On a campus which boasts the
Survey Research Center and other out-
standing programming facilities, the
present inaccurate counting system is
a shocking anachronism.
SGC's faults do not lie in its constitu-
tion; rather, they are caused by incom-
petent and apathetic members who per-
petuate bungling and inaccurate proced-
ures. The key to improvement can be
found only if the new members take
themselves and the organization serious-
IF THIS COUNCIL does not make re-
forms, it, like its predecessors, will
wallow in the mire of failure. The notor-
iously bungled elections process is the
place to start innovating.

To the Editor:
PERHAPS MY controversy with
Walter Broad has reached the
point of diminishing returns in
reader interest, so I will merely
make two brief historical points
and then withdraw from the dis-
cussion, thanking him for his in-
teresting contributions, and hop-
ing much that third parties will
take up the cudgels.
First, it is a rather crude gen-
eralization to accuse the abolition-
ists (who were a small, though
honorable minority even in the
North) of having caused the Civil
War. The Lincoln government, at
the time of the secession, had gone
no farther than to propose to
check the spread of slavery, by
keeping it out of the territories.
Second, the League was handi-
capped from the start by the re-
fusal of the United States to have
anything to do with it, and also
by the failure of Britain and
France to use the League to check
Axis aggression. If we, even then
the most powerful nation in the
world, had joined the League, and
if we and other peace-loving
countries had made vigorous use
of its machinery, the history of
the 1930's would have certainly
been very different.
-Preston Slosson
Professor Emeritus
of History

Display of Promising
Talent in Movie Making
At the Cinema Guild
ALTHOUGH NONE of the films offered at the Ann Arbor Film
Festival's seven o'clock showing last night could be called a com-
plete film experience, several of them displayed promising film-making
talent, and three provided genuine viewer involvement.
Robert Feldman's "Chaos" was the most tightly constructed of the
nine films. Feldman's economical editing creates an exciting visual
embodiment of his title as he pieces together shots of cars on express-
ways. The sudden ending, with its abrupt shot of a broken window and
brief survey of an auto junkyard, displays Feldman's control over his
subject matter. The film is satisfactorily complete, and-one hopes that
Feldman will soon turn his talents to more ambitious attempts.
"HOW TO FOLD A FLAG" by Jon Bowie and William Livingston,
another brief visual essay, has a cohesive sequence of shots, but the
co-producers leave their ambiguous material without a pointed meaning.
In his collage of magazine cut-outs called "The Great Brain
Robbery," Charles Plymell has a degree of success. The 'visual com-
position is lively and amusing at times, although it is hampered by the
excessive speed of the presentation.
THE FIRST FILM of the evening, "In Memory of Seymour Turner"
by Richard Reitzes, provides immediate viewer involvement through
its interesting opposition of sound and visual presentation. Shots of
a graveyard familiar to users of the Arb are set off against a sound
track from an amusement park side show.
"L'Histiore Du. Soldat" by George Manupelli is the most ambitious
film of the group. In the role of the soldier, Bernard Waldrop turns in
an excellent performance. But Manupelli fails to unify his admittedly
diverse materials completely, and the audience must be satisfied with
the abundance of "black" humor which the film provides.
--Lee Carl Bromberg

Culling the Week's Nonsense

-Daily-Thomas R. Copi
The Development Council concert featured clarinetist Pete Foun-
tain, winner of the 1965 Playboy poll as jazz's finest clarinetist.
Fountain, left, communes with vibraharpist Godfrey Hirsh, right
above. The jazz sextet combined Dixieland and standards in a
concert last night in Hill Aud.
Fountain Sextet Gives
Disappointing Program
At Hill Auditorium
WHAT STARTED OUT to be a tribute to Benny Goodman turned
into an uncreative beginning to the Creative Arts Festival as
clarinetist Pete Fountain and his Louisiana Sextet performed at Hill
Auditorium last night.
The concert began with a slick, up-tempoed "Way Down Yonder
in New Orleans," followed by the ballad "Do You Know What It
Means To Miss New Orleans," and "Lady Be Good," in 1937 Goodman
Sextet style. With vibres, guitar and rhythm section, the instrumenta-
tion and the arrangements recalled those thrilling days of yester-
year's swing era.
HOWEVER, THE NOTION that the audience was to hear a tight-
knit, purposeful sextet performance was soon dispelled as the group
plunged into the ever populars "Hello Dolly," complete with circus
ending. The listeners, who seemed to be dominated by the hardware-
store set, called for an encore and Fountain generously obliged.
As the first set drew to a close, that gray haze which invariably
seems to envelop the scene of a dull concert started drifting in.
People started looking at their watches, whispering and thinking
about the basketball game, as it became apparent that nothing earth
shaking was going to happen.
THE SECOND SET started out again in Goodman fashion with
"Memories of You" and "Indiana," but another myth was shattered
as that old senior prom feeling set in with "Stranger on the Shore,"
complete with annoying vibrato.
Some clever clowning by vibrist Godfrey Hirsh entertained the
crowd while "Our Golden Wedding Day" rumbled on. Unfortunately,
his clowning continued as guitarist Paul Guma produced the evening's
only worthwhile moment in a moving solo introduction to "Autumn
Fountain had been precise, cute and, for some, entertaining, but
he was also uninventive, ostentatious and distasteful. The whole
concert brought forth images of those treasured evenings, with that
giant among giants in the musical world, Lawrence Welk.
--David R. Berson

O 'E OF THE trials of modern
civilization is learning to take
the world's crises with a grain of
salt. If you are one of the many
people on the verge of insanity
because of the consistently de-
pressing tone of the world's news,
tranquilize your emotions with the
"Nonsense of the Week in Re-
DAWN FRASER, the 27-year-
old Olympic swimming champion
who lost her amateur status for
too many beer parties, has a new
book out called, "Confessions of
an Olympic Champion."
She writes, "Sex is a popular
diversion in the Olympic commun-
ity. While some can be affected
badly (in their competition)
others appear to thrive on inter-
son, leader of the "Filthy Speech
Movement," livened up a rather
placid campus last week. After his
arrest for an obscene speech to
1500 Berkeley students, Thomp-
son went off to Santa Rosa jail.
Released on bond, he justified his
filthy speech by saying, "We are
all a result of the sex act. If we are
allowed to do it, why aren't we
allowed to say it?"
fornia President Clark (multiver-
sity) Kerr and Berkeley Chancel-
lor Martin Meyerson looking ear-
lier in the week like they would re-
sign, former Chancellor Edmund
Strong revealed in William Know-
land's Oakland Tribune that he
was forced to resign in January.
At the time, the California re-
gents had said Strong was leaving
for 'health reasons."
Anyway, Strong is going to try
a comeback, especially now that
it's unlikely he'll be kicked up-
stairs. He will be teaching at Ber-
keley next fall. The course? Phi-
losophy, naturally.
MICHIGAN'S Superintendent of
Public Instruction Lynn Bartlett
has sided with Gov. George Rom-
ney against appropriating the
University $300,000 for teachers'
salaries so that 128 freshman can
go to school in Flint next fall.
This week Bartlett proved he's

not so frugal after all: In the
budget request for his education
office was a supplemental item
for $200,000. The money, as Sen.
Garland Lane of Flint explained,
will go "for buying new rugs and
things like that."
* * *
THIS WEEK Fred Godshalk of
the Educational Testing Service
explained how the only non-ma-
chine-graded College Board Tests
-the English composition tests-
are scored.
It doesn't matter so much what
the essays say, just how they say
it, he said. We ask the graders
(185 for 68,000 essays) not to be

influenced by spelling or pro-
The graders read 50 essays an
hour: "Our ultimate and para-
mount goal is to see every kid get
a fair break," Godshalk added.
* * *
INTEREST IN forming a citi-
zens' committee to abolish porno-
graphic magazine sales in local
stores was expressed this week by
Mrs. Rosemary Bailey in a letter
to the Huron Valley Advertiser.
Mrs. Bailey is worried because she
realizes "how close the magazines
are to the campus of the Univer-
sity." Students interested in these
magazines can contact Mrs. Bailey
at 663-2919.

and Tyrants

that somehow it is our duty to instruct
them in the glories of middle-class Amer-
ica. So in Asia we are blind to, the fact
that those backward peasants Py and
large do not want us there, that they do
not want anyone but themselves to fight
on their land-including the Chinese. We
deny that it is possible for uneducated,
yellow-skinned men to know what they
one in the slums really wants to be
middle class, to have automobiles and tel-
evisions, to come back to plush rugs after
a day operating useless machines pro-
ducing useless goods. We assume our
standards of happiness are ultimate, our
definitions of propriety and morality ir-
reproachable, our art ageless and our
wisdom immutable. We teach these
thoughts in our schools and make our
doles dependent on peoples' action ac-
cording to them.
Unfortunately, the Vietnamese may in-
deed want us to defend their democracy
by ravaging the land and manipulating
politics. The poor may indeed want to be
middle class. All this inflates our egos
even further, for we assume this is nat-
ural. We do not see how we have always
planted those attitudes which will make
people want us, instead of stimulating
creative thought and dialogue. We do not
see that in our propaganda overseas and
our media at home we are brainwashers.
If most of our dependents are now
incapable really of thinking for them-
selves, it is because they are too used to
others thinking for them and threaten-
ing them when they conceive of some-
thing unorthodox. And so it would take
many chaotic generations to reverse what
we have been doing so well for centuries.
Chaotic-but at some time beginnings

'In green' Paints Misty
Images of Childhood
At the Cinema Guild
THE MOST ATTRACTIVE FILM at Friday's Ann Arbor Film Festival
was Nathaniel Dorsky's "Ingreen." Against a background of Oriental
music, drastically and ominously slowed down, Dorsky presented
striking images. The bulk of these images appeared through grass
and shadows in finely-toned color.
It is, of course, somewhat risky to attempt a full interpretation
of a symbolic film, but I saw it as a remembrance of childhood,
through the mist of memory.
Throughout "Ingreen," the music constrasted effectively with the
action. The threatening drone of the soundtrack played against bright
scenes of play and fields. Towards the end, the visual context came
increasingly closer to the Japanese musical background.
"GEORG" by Stanton Kaye was a monument of turgidity. There
is no pleasure and little art in watching a man bury his wife and
child for five minutes, especially after having seen his brother explode.
The narrative was morbid and naive simultaneously, and the quasi-
documentary style of the film was unconvincing.
"It's Not Just You, Murray," from New York University, was a
refreshing spoof of many things. Gangsters, Italian Mamas and even
Fellini's "8%" took a ribbing. The film, heartily received by the
audience, was not completely consistent in imagination, but at least
it was funny.
BEN VAN METER'S "The Poon-Tang Trilogy" was intermittently
funny, two-thirds outrageous and one part incongruous. You had to
see it to believe it. "They Who Touch" by Jerrold Pell presented a
boy and girl's hands. Supposedly significant and symbolic, it remained
lukewarm. The final feature, "The Night John Was Late Getting
Home," was almost as short as its title is long.
-Mark Slobin

The Week in Review
Resignations, Tenure, Dorms Arouse Student Ire

Associate Managing Editor
Acting Editorial Director
differences of opinion on aca-
demic matters forced their way
into the headlines last week as
issues of tenure, discipline and
discussion turned into brittle
bones of contention.
At Yale University, a 79-hour
continuous protest demonstration
by about60 studentsfailed to se-
cure tenure for Prof. Richard J.
Bernstein of Yale's philosophy de-
partment. Yale President Kingman
Brewster, Jr., wouldn't overrule
the tenure committee's original
decision not to give him tenure,
and the philosophy department-

more chance. The tenure com-
mittee, which originally denied his
request for advancement, will re-
view his case again.
tentially much more explosive sit-
uation seemed to have been avert-
ed last night as University of
California President Clark Kerr
and Berkeley Chancellor Martin
Meyerson agreed not to resign
their posts. In their reluctance to
discipline a "filthy speech" off-
shoot of last fall's Free Speech
Movement, the two had run into
somewhat stodgy regents and leg-
islators who think there is entirely
too much anarchy on the Berkeley
The pathetic aspect of the whole

But in a way, Kerr and Meyer-
son are just as responsible for
the near-eruption. They should
not, perhaps, have been afraid to
assert their authority to maintain
a minimum level of decency on
the campus. Unrestrained political
activity has many philosophical
and practical justifications, but it
is hard to justify purposeless pre-
sentations of four-letter words.
ON THIS CAMPUS, meanwhile,
the Office of Student Affairs is
preparing for next fall's housing
squeeze and rising dormitory costs.
Monday, students began a peti-
tion-protest when they saw an
announcement in East Quadrangle
that 178 rooms beyond those con-
verted this fall will contain an
extra man come August. Most

any more amenable to pickets,
slogans and signatures.
More effective, however, might
be whatever protests arise in re-
action to official portents of a
hike in dormitory fees. The por-
tent came from Vice-President for
Student Affairs Richard L.Cutler.
A rise in fees would be the second
in as many years; an extra $34
was added to housing bills in an
OSA move last summer.
** *
ONE WAY of easing enrollment
pressures is building branch in-
stitutions, and the week brought
at least. tacit support of the Uni-
versity's plans to enlarge its Flint
campus. Preliminary information
from one subcommittee of Gov.
George Romney's "Blue Ribbon"
Committee on Higher diucation

issue has had-and should have-
a good deal of thought and debate.
IT'S ALWAYS heartening to see
national and international situa-
tions and events bring forth a re-
action on this campus, distant as
it is from the source of the prob-
lems. Thus the local march by
400 demonstrators protesting civil
rights events in Selma and the
demand by quadrangle residents
that Inter-Quadrangle Council
support a protest against South
Africa's recial policies are good
In addition, a group of radical
students and professors are plan-
ning to walk out of their classes
later in the month to protest
United States actions in Viet Nam.
Perhaps naively, the group is hop-

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