. Indirect Go EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third in a series of three articles dealing with indirect costs of research at the University. By ROBERT JOHNSTON Acting Editor The University receives $6 million per year for indirect costs and renders no complete, explicit public account on this sum-to Lansing, to state and national taxpayers, to students, or to the faculty. The very existence of this account is alluded to only rarely in public statements and records connected with the University. The indirect-cost reimbursement account's actual amount and the actual uses to which this money is put are known only to those with privileged access to University records. Friction Points Nevertheless it is apparent from what is known that there are three general areas where indirect costs are a source of present or potential tension: -The University's relationship with the state Legislature; -The University's relationship with the federal government; 04 sts: Source . The Legislature. Every year since time immemorial Univer- sity officials have put together a budget request for the state funds needed to run this institution and trekked to Lansing to submit the proposal. The Legislators and the state budget officers examine the re- quest, ask some questions, balance education needs against road- building plans and political considerations and finally come up with some sort of figure on how much the University is to have from the state. This figure is neatly divided into 12 monthly installments, and the state's monthly allowance to the University is duly established. Federal Ascendancy But now there is a new element in the situation. Last year the University received more money from the federal government (including funds for buildings) than from the state (not including building funds, which are budgeted separately by the state). Somewhat paradoxically, as this federal money has played an increasingly larger role in financing the University, state officials have become increasingly inquisitive, administrators say, about what the University does with its money. Being con- stitutionally autonomous, the University does not have to answer the questions. Being dependent on the friendly attitude of the of Tension in Research r Legislature for one third of the University's funds, it usually gives some sort of answer anyway. Despite these inquiries, public discussion of the indirect- costs account is rare. The University is receiving $6 million per year from research sponsors to cover so-called indirect costs, some of which are the same type of costs that General Funds from the state (and tuition) go for. How is the state to know if the General Funds money might not be paying the indirect costs bills, while the money being collected for indirect costs goes for other purposes? The Other Side But of course it can work both ways. Indirect-cost fund money may be paying bills that the University is unable to cover with the often lean Lansing appropriation. (Some states require their universities to return to the public treasury funds received for indirect costs-on the theory that indirect costs, by definition, have already been paid for by state appropriations. Given the University's constitutional status, such a requirement is impossible here.) Since the University budget is not public and indirect cost receipts and allocations are not explicitly mentioned in either the appropriations request or the financial statement, it seems doubtful that the legislators have either a clear or a complete picture of the situation. 0 The federal government. Most of the very early post-war research was on a contract basis in which the sponsor paid the indirect costs. But as new federal agencies entered the picture at a rapidly increasing rate-the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, the Atomic Energy Commission, the Public Health Service-they insisted that their money was somehow better for the University than strictly regulated defense department contracts, and a low ceiling was placed on the amounts these agencies could pay for indirect costs. For a long time 15 per cent of the total grant was the maximum, while University accounting (using government criteria) showed that indirect costs amounted to about 30 per cent of total research figures. Later Congress raised the limit to 20 per cent; considerable lobbying is now being done on a regular basis to get the figure raised again. Meanwhile many government agencies are anxious to lower the sums they pay for indirect costs ("more research per dollar" for them). The University, for its part, has accepted most such grants in spite of limitations, on the theory that research is essential to See RECEIVE, Page 2 and -The "Is the research hurting education?" question. New Faculty Group Is Cancelling Classes in Viet Nam F protest One-day Walkout Set To Focus on Asia War Administration Opposes Methods, Hatcher Calls Plan 'Unacceptable' lilt iau Seventy-Fsour Years of Editorial Freedom Daitj& By ROBERT MOORE At least 20 University teachers will cancel their classes in a one-day demonstration to protest United States policies in Viet Nam, an ad-hoc group of faculty members announced yesterday. Administrators here, including University President Har- lan Hatcher and Dean William Haber of the literary college, assailed the proposed work stoppage as inappropriate and irresponsible. It would take place March 24. The unofficial faculty group, just formed Thursday, VOL. LXXV, No. 140 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, 14 MARCH 1965 SEVEN CENTS FOURTEEN PAGES Johnson Will Submit Broad Plan plans to have sympathetic fac PROF. JOHN W. ELIOT Official Admits Report Opposes Flint Growth By LEONARD PRATT An unidentified member of Gov. George Romney's "Blue Rib- bon" Citizens' Committee on Higher Education said yesterday that predictions about the com- mittee's upcoming report which appeared in The Daily Friday were "fairly accurate," according to University Executive Vice- President Marvin L. Niehuss. Friday's reports said the com- mittee would support Romney's request for a delay in the Univer- sity's Flint campus expansion un- til an all-over review was made of the state's educational pattern. Niehuss also noted that a ver- sion of the committee's report, which was tentatively approved by the body in Lansing yesterday, stated there might be some bene- fit in the establishment of college branches, but they should be made independent as soon as possible. The idea of allowing the Uni- versity to proceed with Flint ex- pansion plans with the under- standing that Flint College would eventually be made independent has been publicly proposed twice before. Rep. Marvin Esch (R-Ann Arbor) proposed a bill which would make Flint independent after sev-, eral years. In addition, Dear- born's Thomas J. Brennan, presi- dent of the board of education,I made the suggestion to University President Harlan H. Hatcher. Irving Bluestone, co-chairman of the blue ribbon committee, had no comment on the committee's actions. He said that since Fri- day's "leak," the group had agreed to make no individual statements to the press. Niehuss said that the commit- tee's recommendations are not necessarily binding on other state agencies. He felt the State Board of Education, the body respon- sible for deciding whether or not the committee's recommendations should be implemented, would ac- cept the report's flexibility and would not be bound by specific ulty members call off classwork and research in favor of plan- ned "alternative activities" focusing on the Viet Nam problem. These activities would be, cen- tered on a temporary school mod- elled after the civil rights "Free- dom School." President Hatcher expressed h, displeasure in this way. "There is a time and place for making protests, but dismissing classes is certainly not an acceptable one.'I His response was echoed by Ha- ber But neither man knew of any University regulation or state law against a protest of this type. It is believed to be the first foreign policy strike ever staged by fac- ulty members. "U.S. escalation of the war is a danger to the world, is conducted without the consent of the Viet- namese people, and offers oppor- tunities for those who desire a war with China," the statement read. The faculty members emphasiz- ed that the work stoppage is in no way a protest against the ad- uinistration, but is meant to dramatize their cause. Although hesitant to name an exact figure, members expect 40 to 100 faculty members to partici- pate; invitations will be extended to faculty members and student, this week. The group will also hold meetings and contact as many people as possible through infor- mal means. Prof. William A. Gamson of the sociology department said the group was aware that the pro- test would stir up resentment among some people. "Surely every- one involved realizes that there will be people who think this form of action is inappropriate. But it is atmatter of individual conscience. The situation is ser- ious eough to warrant action." William P. Livant of the Men- tal Health Research Institute, an- other member of the group, said that "it is up to the individual to decide what is the best way for an educator to fulfill his duty to the public. He must do what is most important to be done at the particular time and place." The group gave an official an- nouncement to The Daily Satur- day. It lists 13 University teachers who are members of the group, Profs. Gamson, Leon Mayhew an Charles Moskos are from the so- ciology department as well as in- structors Morris Friedell, Thoma Mayer and John Scott. Profs Marc Pilisuk, Richard Mann and Livant are from the psychology I department, Prof. Johan Eliot of the health development depart- ment and the public health school. Prof. Anatole Rapoport of the Mental Health Research Institute, Prof. Frithjof Bergmann of the philosophy department, Julien Gendell of the chemistry depart- ment and Joel Isaacson of the history of art department are all listed in the announcement. The members of the group wil1 spend the next week planning the 1 activite and imniemenann of| '}- t i ., t x r i To In sure Negro * .* * * * * * * * Congress Is Getting Ill' Cops Regional Ti te, 87- 85,Measure Tomorrow By GIL SAMBERG -- ---____ Special To The Daily LOCAL LO ALDE MONST R ATIONS: LEXINGTON, Ky.-They had to fool around with last-minute heroics as usual, but the MichiganR Wolverines polished off the NCAA Mideast regional by disposing of Vanderbilt here last night, 87-85.1 Once more, it was Cazzie Russell By MARILYN SLATER Voice also consid who provided the margin of differ- and ROBERT BENDELOW group of Michigai ence in the home stretch as the join a massive S5 Wolverines earned the berth in Demonstrations in reaction to sit-in in Washing next Friday's NCAA semifinals incidents in Selma, Ala. were being ganized to curtailr against last night's upset winner scheduled locally while President throughout the city in the East, Princeton. Lyndon B. Johnson met with Ala- When the shot had to be good bama's Governor George Wallace "We will not pa and the man had to be there in in Washington yesterday. Washington demon the closing moments, it was Rus- Supporters of Voice Political ever, unless there i sell in the corner, under the Party, meeting in Ann Arbor yes- currence of violen boards, or on the outside. terday, scheduled a sit-in for early which fails to rec And after taking charge of the next week at the Federal Bldg. in federal attention," last minute of stalling, the All- Detroit. ferring to a group America even calmed down Coach SNCC will sponsor the demon- Dave Strack whose nerves were stration which will include 75 to Discussing possib I Dve trak woseneres eretion in Selma, Voit shaved as close as the score 150 participants the members es- couraged individual throughout the frenzied second timated. We must act immediate- touaagn The d half until Michigan was finally ly while public opinion is still in to Alabama. "The home free with seven seconds left. a state of outrage at the Selma ent is too great. A Cazzie, Bill Lead incidents," a Voice member said. northern college stu Russell finished with 26 points, EMU Demonstration ing on Selma cou tieing Bill Buntin for the Mich- greater difficulties iensing lead.ntiey fore Mich- In Ypsilanti, students, faculty organization there.' igan scoring lead. They were back- and staff of Eastern Michigan cation from the ed up by Oliver Darden's 14, Larry University also plan to stage a SNCC organization Tregoning's 11 and G e r g e demonstration. They will sponsor a few experience Pomey's 6. a "50-mile march" Monday and afwepeine Russell picked up 17 points in Tuesday to "memoralize the tragic workers. the tension-packed final period, death of the Rev. James Reeb in as the Blue ended up with a field Selma." goal percentage of .606 in the sec- The demonstration, which was ond half-coming from a medicore organized by independent studentsf 39 per cent first half. Vanderbilt instead of a student organization. was close behind with a cool 55.3 instao atudent onation, per entin he scon peiodoff will start at 11 a.m. Monday, and per cenn theesecond period h continue until noon Tuesday. The first 20 minutes demonstrators say that they have Th2 mtes' 'the support of the faculty and ad- America Clyde Lee, turned in onemnistration at EMU. of the best performances of his Fifty Miles career in the second half as he Each half hour, one of fifty played all but 90 seconds with four groups will walk a mile. They will fouls on him, be joined, a spokesman for the .~:~* No Help students said, by local clergymen. He hauled in a. game-leading 20 There is a group of teachers con- rebounds and notched 28 points,|tacting other faculty members and but just couldn't get enough help asking them to join in the march, from the rest of the Commodores. the spokesman added. Keith Thomas, a junior guard, The marchers will carry a paper added to the scoring with 21 while ballot which will be put into a Vanderbilt's captain, John Ed Mil- ballot box as a symbolism of a{ ler, followed with 17. Bob Grace vote by EMU for freedom. snared 12 rebounds but Vandy's "We insist upon vigorous fed- board strength fell off from there. eral enforcement of all laws Still, the Blue were out rebound- guaranteeing rights of all people, ed in both halves, coming out on including Negroes. We call on the short end of the 49-45 totals. Johnson to send federal troops to The statistics were tighter in protect these rights if necessary," all departments than any since a Voice member emphasized. Michigan's December Cobo Hall The sit-in demonstration, mem- triumph over Wichita by an iden- bers believe, will dramatize the tical score. alledged social injustice which un- Both teams picked up 15 points derlies the present civil rights on free throws, but the Wolverines conflict in Selma, Alabama. FO fired in one more field goal, mak- Final Decisions It Would Simplify Registration, Permit Federal Intervention Racial Strife ered sending a in students to NCC-sponsored ton, D.C., or- normal activity Y. articipate in a astration, how- s a serious re- ce in Alabama eive necessazy a member, re- decision, said. le student ac-, ce leaders dis- lis from going danger at pres- lso, a group of dents des,.end- Id only cause for the SNCCI " A communi- Montgomery requested only d civil rights Voting Rights These demonstrations were sparked by the recent death of Rev. James J. Reeb of Boston, who was beaten by white men while participating in a civil rights demonstration in Selma. He died Tuesday of a fractured skull. Earlier Reaction Earlier reaction in Ann Arbor was expressed by a group of 400 ministers, civil officials and Uni- versity officials in a march from Central Campus down Huron St. to the downtown district in a "March of Reparation." The march was held to express sympathy for the treatment of civil rights demonstrators in Sel- ma. Among the marchers were May- or Cecil 0. Creal, City Adminis- trator Guy C. Larcom, Jr., Hu- man Relations Director David C. Cowley, Vice-President for Stu- dent Affairs Richard L Cutler. By The Associated Press President Lyndon B. Johnson said yesterday he will ask Congress tomorrow to enact a law to strike down all discrimi- nation in voter registration. Shortly after a two-and-one-half hour meeting with Gov. George Wallace (D-Ala), Johnson told a news conference that to deny the right to vote-the focal point of the current civil rights upheaval-"is to deny democracy itself." Johnson pledged "all the resources of this great and powerful government"-even federal troops if necessary- to achieve victory in what he- termed the civil rights "battle of human dignity." Summarizing the measure, he said: "Whenever there is discrimina- tion, this law will strike down all restrictions used tordenypeople the right to vote. It will estab- lish a simple, uniform standard which cannot be used, however in- genious the effort, to flaunt (sic) our Constitution." The legislation would provide these specifics: -Persons attempting to regis- ter to vote would only be re- quired to fill out a simple form listing such everyday bits of in- formation as name, age, address and length of residency; -If local registrars failed to register qualified voters, this would be done by local people appointed for that task by the bipartisan civil service commis- sion; --Federal registrars would go to work in any state or election dis- trict where 50 per cent of eligi- ble voters were not registered or! 50 per cent did not vote in a gen- eral election; --The law would apply to state and local elections as well as balloting for federal offices, and -Wherever people were not per- mitted to vote, all ballots in the district would be impounded un- til those deprived had an oppor- tunity to vote. Addressing himself to broad- er aspects of the civil rights prob- lem, Johnson said the events in Selma "were an American trag- edy" but are only part of "a protest against a very deep and unjust flaw in American democ- racy itself"-the inability of some minority groups to participate in their government through the bal., lot. As he spoke, more than 1000 t' - .pan man ihia mcam ine President Sees Scant Easing Of Viet Tension WASHINGTON (P) -- President Lyndon B. Johnson said yesterday that the United States still has not had any indication from North Viet Nam that it is "prepared, willing, or ready" to stop opera- tions against South Viet Nam. This, he declared, is the miss- ing element in all talk about ne- gotiations to end the conflict. The President told a news con- ference that in any negotiation there must be someone to nego- tiate with and someone willing to negotiate. The situation in South Viet Nara he described as "very difficult" because of changes in govern- ments. He added that he did not think things had improved in the last weeks-roughly the period in which the United States has been making air strikes against bases in North Viet Nam. Near Da Nang in Viet Nam, a dozen Viet Cong guerrillas tried to probe Unitd States Marine po- sitions yesterday morning. Each time they were met with a storm of mortar and machine gun fire and withdrew. Marines knew the Viet Cong were there by a radar device that can pinpoint guerrillas anywhere. It is a miniature version of the dish-type radar common atop air- port control towers. The Viet Cong conducted them- selves in a trained military man- ner, the radar showed, but they were foiled by modern technology. A daylight patrol failed to find any Viet Cong bodies, blood trails or any other signs. -Daily-Thomas R. Copi UN TA IN PERFORMS j -{ 1