Student Groups Plan Course Description B ooklet Seek Comments on Courses, Teachers Supplement To Come Out in Time For Pre-Registration This Spring By LAUREN BAHR Eight major student organizations announced yesterday that they will participate in compiling a course description booklet to be ready before the beginning of pre-classification for next semester. Assembly House Council, The Daily, Graduate Student Council, Interfraternity Council, Interquadrangle Council, the Michigan Union, Panhellenic Association and the Women's League have already set the wheels in motion to complete this project by the week of Feb. 15. About 10,000 questionnaires will be circulated throughout the housing units at the University and a number of questionnaires will be mailed to a random sampling of apartment dwellers. Comment _- will be sought on courses given x Y 5 kOFAO Iait Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXV, No. 90 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, 12 JANUARY 1965 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES RESIDENTIAL COLLEGE: LSA Group Advises Joi1nt Government ' Faculty Group Supports I o qcrn~~ 'R~adinIrPeqrod' U' President Notes Group Is Operating By DAVID BLOCK University President Harlan Hatcher yesterday returned from a two-week trip to the West Coast and discussed his newly created student housing commission, the progress of the University's bud- get request and the possibility of holding another Presidential con- vocation in the near future. President Hatcher said the -,o- called "blue ribbon" housing om- mission, designed to investigate the entire question of student liv- ing accommodations here, has &l- ready begun operating. He men- tioned that a preliminary meeting between .himself and the 11 re- last semester in all schools and PRESIDENT HATCHER cently-appointed members of the commission was held shortly be- fore New Year's Day. The group is planning to con- frontsuchproblems as determin- ing the future needs of students for University housing and for privately owned living quarters, and deciding what type and style of accommodations the Univer- sity and Ann Arbor realtors should plan for in the coming .'ears. They will also consider the establish- ment of proper relationship be- tween the University ind private landlords in terms of regulating off-campus housing. Target Dates President Hatcher said that no target date has been set for the commission, but that it was un- derstood the issues involved are urgent ones and that he hopes the. group will release some con- clusive findings this spring. He said that it was extremely important that a proper balance between University and private housing be established in Ann Arborin order to avoid crises and confusion in the coming years. President Hatcher mentioned that the commission, composed of rep- resentatives from the faculty, the student body and the Ann Arbor community, will hold its first for- mal meeting this week. In reference to the University's record appropriations request of $55.7 million for 1965-66, Presi- dent Hatcher indicated he was still highly optimistic that Gov. George Romney would continue his sympathetic attitude toward higher education by recommend- ing to the Legislature a University budget increase at least as favor- able as this year's record appro- priation. 1965 Session The 1965 session of the Legis- lature opens tomorrow and the governor must present his specific budget recommendations within ten legislative days after the open- ing of the session. However, Rom- ney may delay announcing his program by using his influence to recess the Legislature for as long as two weeks after his "state of the state" speech on Thursday, President Hatcher commented. If this happens, then a recommended University budget may not come from the governor until early Febhruary. colleges. By KENNETH WINTERt - '- - - ---- - The questionnaires will concen- Managing Editor trate on specific information. A council including both students and faculty members should Rangle of:ouresao e ssors govern the new residential college, the college's student advisory com- Pody Plans onha scae will ntbe avoidedsince mittee agreed last night. the survey will not be scientific.sre- The students, an advisory group to the planners of the new Uni- lated to the course and the pro.. versity liberal-arts college, named four students to work out thei'1oy . fessor will be stressed in order details of a possible "community government" along these lines.. T o e J to obtain information across a The men who will be the college's chief administrators, Associate"I i to obtain many questionnaires Dean Burton D. Thuma of the literary college, the college's director, Information relating to. the and Prof. Theodore M. Newcomb of the sociology and psychology College Size whether tructure of the course- departments, its associate director, preparedness of the professor, the . t Haber Cites Concern number and type of papers re- #1. 1 a is Is It Feasible? quiredand the value of thesread- N POysssee no reason why we can't For Educational Goals ing list will be particularly sought. make such a proposal if we think " is feasible for approval by the The executive committee of the "We need a way for students to C i Una P s Regents," Thmlemreidr teaiy college reported at a fac-q have some conception of whatTTuatremarkeddurg ing the meeting. ulty meeting yesterday its progress they are getting into when they - on the pieparation of a document register for a course, and in a / M in-i ml--- The proposal stemmed from a dealing with the future size oft large university like this there is ON report by Thomas Smithson, '65. theacollege. h u e e no place to go for this type of in- His report argued that "we must formation," L e a g u e President UNITED NATIONS () - Na- dismiss traditional student gov- The committee's report, to be t Nancy Freitag, '65, said. tionalist China pumped almost $5 enent forms out-of-hand" in presented to the faculty for action "The catalogue is supposed to million into the dwindling United favor of a democratic assembly ofr" serve this function but it doesn't Nations treasury yesterday students and faculty which would emphasis on educational goals and. and the undergraduate is forced enough to avoid a challenge of its have authority over everything objectives rather than mere num- -Daly-Jerry stoetzer to rely mostly on gossip to find voting rights in the General As- f r o m curriculum to women's bers, Dean William Haber of the COUNCILMAN JOHN D. TEACHOUT (left) and Councilwoman out about good courses and pro- sembly hours." literary college Mrs. Eunice L. Burns (center) listen to Councilman William E. fesr n ievra"DiySuch a body would have broader Haber pointed out that, "even I r uieLBrs(etr ise oCucla ~limE essor H e rsa, aily The amount eased temporarilydrf hb ncrease ithe si Bandemer (right) as he suggests inviting the State Civil Rights Editor H. Neil Berkson, '65, added. scope than any student or faculty ifteie is no inces ntesz "The evaluations are intended the financial crisis facing the group here now. Student assem- of the freshman class above that Commission to meet with the City Council. not only to aid the student but United Nations, but there was no lies, such as Student Govern- projected for next fall, the cl- to help eliminate curricular and sign of agreement in the contin- mn onihv a itet lege will be handling 11,800 stu- """ uing rnivatenegotiatonsaicmatmetCouncil, s ave ndliveslidentsi1968compare to theuC Oty C o n lZ E stablishes said. an overall solution. say on academic policy; faculty si 98 oprdt h "I .see it as having as great an Ambassador Liu Chieh, perma- Senat, tend to ignoestudnvrtyf- r"he fault i5 deply concern- 7 ato ecestesle snn Nrpeettv o a ar.I otplc ratee, esi,"httees see on teachers havingathemselves as asan AmNrepresentative for Na- tIot policy iores t the " he fay "that dethere should g h -R ise B uild ing P lan on the students," IFC President tionalist China, presented a check "community government" would be a corresponding increase inC Lawrence Lossing, '65, said. "It for $4.9 million to Secretary-Gen- be a legislative rather than ad- faculty, supporting staff, and of-1 will recognize excellence in teach- eral U Thant. The check was de- visory group, enjoying a degree of fice and classroom space before By JERRY DRISCOLLt ing as well as spotlight sloppy scribed by the Chinese as a con- authority unmatched by most fac- any expansion beyond 11,800 takest teaching," he declared. tribution to the United Nations ulty and all student groups today. place." A detailed three-month study of high-rise building in Ann Arbore The idea for such an undertak- budget. Faculty Group Haber explained that only the was approved by City Council last night.f ing was conceived during the Money Paid It is not expected to handle all organization and general subject The study, to be conducted by Johnson, Johnson & Roy, a local final examination period last Prior to the payment Nation- policy matters, however. Thuma matter of the report were con- landscape architectural company, will evaluate the Central Business semester when the presidents of alist China owed the United Na- noted that some sort of executive sidered at yesterday's meeting. District Guide to Action plans for land use in terms of high-rise1 the eight organizations got to- tions about $16 million, mostly for committee, a small faculty group, "Specific motions will not be buildings. gether and agreed to meet in- peacekeeping dues but including will be necessary to handle "per- acted on until February," he! It will also recommend changes in zoning ordinances to regulate med ately after vacation to begin about $4 million for the regular sonal" matters such as faculty ap- said. high-rise building and alterations in the zoning map for such The group met last Saturday budget. The money paid in above pointments, promotions and leaves At the group's December meet- buildings. and set up a questionnaire com- $4 million was sufficient to get of absence and budgetary deci- ing, Prof. William LeVeque of the In recommending the study, the City-Chamber of Commerce- mtewhcisaraypea-Nationalist China out of the two-, sions. mathematics department made mittee which is already prepar- sos ahmtc eatetmd University committee projected thee phases. The first-to last four 1 ing the question forms. In addi- years-in-arrears column. In addition, the new divisions proposals concerning literary col- weeks - would involve drafting t ho izati haThe Soviet Union, France and complex relations with its parents, lege expansion aimed at keeping t 16 other nations are more than the literary college and the Uni- the college smaller than indicated proposals for meeting thethree Council ordinating committee which willvt a two years in arrears on peacekeep- versity, will tie its hands some- by the administration's tentative problems.t oversee the circulation and tabu- ing assessments. Last week Com- what-particularly in the key area enrollment projections. Four Weeks late- lation of the questionnaires, ex- munist Bulgaria paid $160,000 on of finances, since the money must LeVeque's recommendations re- During the second phase, last-vite S tatei pected to be out within two its regular budget, and under UN come from the literary college's portedly were given favorable re- ing from two to four weeks, the weeks. The committee is looking bookkeeping practices escaped be- cut of the University budget. And ception at that time. proposals will be studied by the Com mission ing in arrears for two years on whatever its internal structure, . committee and legal and eco-; all its assessments the college's government will re- W nnomic experts. In the last phase, "The name of Douglas E. main subject to the Regents' revocable 40 per cent enrollment final proposals will be completed The Ann Arbor City Councilt Dowd is fast becomin a house- The United States contends thatctions increase in the literary college and presented to the City Council unanimously voted last night to fro 163cot968nLsqe andeetdet teCiyCon invth tt iiihsCm hold word at the university, all countries two years in arrears from 1963 to 1968, LeVeque made for action. invite the State Civil Rights Com- and no student should allow must lose their vote in the As- Butcollege hasalreadythe received assurl- the following proposals: First Ward C ounc i1w oman mission to meet with it to con- himself to g hogaor sml nerAtce1 fteclee a led eevdasr msel go through four sembly under Article i9 of the ances from its parent groups that -Limit the number of addi- Eunice Burns said that- she hoped sider the city's Fair Housing Or- years here without allowing UN charter. it will have a broad autonomy in tional freshmen in the calendar that the second phase - placing dinance himself the luxury of taking a Acceptable Solution determining its internal policies. year 1965 to 200; the proposals before groups for The council discussed the possi- course from him. A showdown may come when Still Reservations -Restrict the college's fresh- evaluation-could be held down to bility of adopting the declarationi pon to g perfect op- the 8Assembly reconvenes on Jan. The student advisory group, man class to 3100 annually for two weeks. She pledged her com- of the state constitution's civil atmosphere geta himall class tin the 18 s nafter holidayrecess wayifdo not- after an hour's debate, reached the next three years; mittee would meet twice or three rights article and may also dis- situation, where the Dowdism' produce an acceptable solution. unanimity on the idea, but some -Insist on an administration times a week if necessary to speed cuss it with the commission if the members still had reservations, guarantee that the LSA faculty action. meeting takes place. comes a bit faster and heavier Hope for a solution center main- Two objections were most promi- will be increased in proportion to Legal Aspects The invitation was suggested by than under lecture conditions. ly on efforts being made by Thant, nent. the increase in the student body in Mrs. Burns said the third phase former city councilman Wendell E.] "Each student must take the back at his desk at UN head- First, several members doubted line with additions to the faculty would be the presentation to the Hulcher, the Republicans an- first prelim, based on the texts. quarters after a nin-day vacation that enough interested and in- in other schools, council of the legal aspects of the nounced candidate for mayor in From there, the second prelim in the Virgin Islands following an formed students would be avail- LeVeque emphasized that, while study. the April elections, in a letter and the final can be exempted illness with a peptic ulcer. able to participate in a body deal- increased undergraduate enroll- Councilwoman Burns said the presented to council. by writing an extended re- ke f That d ing with matters such as the cur- ment can be handled until 1968, study would be completed in 12 The part of the commission's search paper in place of each. A spo vesman or ant said r um Asserting that such a the literary college's growth rate weeks. She said the firm hoped c If the prelim and the final heturned over to intereste rkn- group could not be assembled must be slower thereafter. to cut the time to 10 weeks. All evntually adopt, stahcouncat no are taken, a book report a from today's student body, they agreed that time was a very im- selection from a prepared read- paper intended to provide a basis am person shall be denied the equal collegha te stwobeno dsif- II Or1ant element. protection of the laws nor shall ing list must be handed in." for a solution, and that Thant age at the siuation in re ousingd The committee estimated thatp -INSIGHT, A Student Guide hoped to have something favor- the study would cost a maximum any person be denied the enjoy-' to Cornell Courses. able to report by midweek. ferent. ment of his civil or political rights Others replied that the situa- s To -ght of $12,000. Eight thousand dol- or be discriminated against in the The interested parties include tion would change if students were lars would be spent by Johnson, for people, preferably upperclass- the United States, the Soviet Un- given an opportunity to partici- Johnson & Roy while the remain- exercise thereof because of reli- men, to help evaluate the ques- ion, Britain and France. Under pate in-and hence a reason to Members of the Off-Campus ing $4000 would be used to hire gin tionnaires. the Asian-African plan, Article 19 think and learn about-the affairs Housing Advisory Board are meet- needed outside consultants. gin. The final booklet will be pub- would be suspended during the of the college. ing at 8 p.m. tonight with offi- Council, however, appropriated Hulcher explained that the dec- lished as a special supplement in present Assembly session, and a Some members expressed doubt cials from the Office of Student $5000, pending a University deci- in civil rights matters while the The Daily. call would be made for voluntary that the college's faculty and the Affairs. sion on co-financing the study. fate of the Fair Housing Ordi- According to Panhellenic Presi- financial contributions to pay off Regents would grant such power The board was established this The appropriated money will be n fnebeing decided dent' Ann Wickins, '65, this pro- the $86 million peacekeeping defi- to a group containing students as fall by Student Government Coun- drawn from a contingent fund. Circuit Court See EIGHT, Page 2 cit. voting members. cil,City No Funds The ordinance is presently in ---....--------- City ~~~Administrator Guy G. Lam- h rinnei reetyi com, Jr. explained that the Washtenaw Circuit Court pending; CE AAIChamber of Commerce had no action on Municipal Judge Fran- funds available for the study and cis O'Brien's unconstitutionality that the University is being decision last spring. approached to commit funds. First Ward Councilwoman Mrs. K1 ingDiscusses English National .Politics The controversy over the re- Eunice Burns, the Democrat's an- cent moratorium on all high-rise nounced candidate for mayor,; buildings over 15 stories was aired agreed that the declaration would By MARILYN SLATER steel industry and would stand a better chance of legislative victory last night at the first of two pub- not hurt the city's civil rights ef- with a larger majority in Parliament. lie hearings. torts. Men eresninaros.Mih- Otrs Deort andta "Prime Minister Harold Wilson is an optimist who believes Men representing various Mich- Other Democrats warned that he has his personal guardian angel," Prof. Anthony King of Relationship igan electrical contractors, the the measure should not interfere Magdalen College, Oxford University, said last night in Rackham While studying the relationship between British politicians American Institute of Architects, with strengthening amendments to and the electorate, King determined that the men who lead Eng- building tradesmen, and interested the Fair Housing Ordinance which This belief has particular relevance to whether or not the land are actually out-of-touch with their constituents. citizens appeared to ask the coun- were presented to council by Mrs. lect perhaps as soon as In repeated interviews with governmental figures, including cil not to pass any ordinance re- Burns last month and are present- Hume, King discovered that they rely heavily on intuition or stricting high-rise development. ly being reviewed by the city's Hu- March, 1965. , . , a I Several Men man Relations Commission. LSA Favors New Four Day Break Follows Business School Move; Others Likely To Act Soon By JOHN MEREDITH The literary college faculty yes terday yesterday overwhelmingl3 voted in favor of a plan to revise the exam calendar to give stu- dents a longer resting period be- fore final exams. The proposal, announced by Dean William Haber of the liter- ary college after a closed faculty meeting suggests that students be given two free class days plus a weekend to prepare for exams. The study period would run-either from Thursday through Sunday or Saturday through Tuesday. , Last semester there was only a one-day break before exams. Earlier Plan Yesterday's action is very simi- lar to a recommendation made by the school of business administra- tion faculty last December. How- ever, this earlier plan does not specifically provide for. release from Saturday classes. "We considered a Sunday through Tuesday reading period," Dean Floyd Bond of the business administration school remarked. "Moreover, we requested that con- sideration be given to the desir- ability of dispersing the extra study days throughout the exam period instead of grouping them all at the beginning. Haber did not see any serious difficulty in reconciling the lit- erary college and business admin- istration school proposal. Know Opinion "The literary college faculty acted favorably on a suggestion from Student Government Coun- cil relayed by Vice-President for Academic Affairs R o g e r W. Heyns," he said. "Our motion is a recommendation to be submitted to the administration and, ulti- mately, to the Regents, who wish- ed to know the opinion of the faculty on this matter. Heyns could not be reached for comment on possible administra- tion. action. When the matter first was considered in December, he indicated that plans for a longer reading period could be implemented in the 1964-'65 cal- ender year. Other divisions of the Univer- sity are also considering the prob- lem of an extended study period before final exams. The education school faculty will discuss the matter at a meet- ing this afternoon. While not wanting to make a definite pre- diction, education school Dean William Olson said that he an- ticipated a favorable response to the longer study period proposal. There are indications that the engineering school, too, will fall in line with the literary college and business administration school faculties. Dean Stephen Attwood of the engineering school said that, since engineering students often take supplementary courses in the lit- erary college, it would be awkward for the two divisions to operate with different reading period pro- visions. "I believe that our faculty will probably go along with the lit- erary college recommendation," he said. "However, no action will be taken before our February meet- ing." IFC Holds Trigon Hearings Tonight Interfraternity Council's execu- j 1 7 t