BIAS CLAUSES- MISGUIDED EFFORT? See Editorial Page 43U11 :43 a t t CLOUDY High--3 Low--20 Snow flurries gate this afternoon Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXV, No. 137 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, 11 MARCH 1965 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES THEY'LL HAVE NO HOURS: unior Women Freed Junior women in University The explanation of the parallel ed to leave the residence halls residence halls, co-operatives and privileges in a letter now being after closing. sororities, with parental permis- sent to parents by the OSA ex- Individual residences will form slion, will have no restrictions on plaining University housing regu- their own policy concerning the hours next fall, the Office of Stu- lations. implementation of these regula- dent Affairs confirmed yesterday. The letter states that junior and tons. This year, senior women This decision established the senior women or women over 21 have had keys to their residences parallel privileges for junior with parental permission will have in most University housing. On women in University promised by no restrictions placed upon them weekends, junior women have OSA when it announced the "concerning hours of departure signed out to be admitted later by granting of junior women's apart- from or return to their places of a residence advisor or by a night' ment permission earlier this se- residence." watchman. mester. Formerly, no women were allow- The OSA had recently an- - - nounced that junior women living in apartments would be required to reside in University-endorsed Kerr's Action reates! housing. There would be no other University regulations imposed on apartment residents. * a in th e/est However, the question soon arose of whether junior womin living in official University hous- ing such as dormitories were to By CLARENCE FANTO be penalized by conforming to this' year's regulations on houts. An atmosphere of gloom gripped the University of CaliforniaI 'The. OSA position, however, still last night in the wake of the surprise resignations Tuesday of recognizes the "in loco uarentis" California President Clark Kerr and Acting Chancellor Martin concept to which the University Meyerson of Berkeley. has adhered for many years. The There was mounting evidence that the resignations were not concept recognizes the Univer- voluntary and may have been sparked by an ultimatum from several ,ity's responsibility for the safety members of the California Regents. . and welfare of its fema N studeint membrs o theCaliorni Regnts.ini e absence of their paren'. Two San Francisco newspapers published reports that Edward W. Carter, chairman of the Regents, had presented Kerr with an Demonstrators Camp in Street Whie Alabama Police Stand By Support for U.S. Action I1creasing C(ongress Is Eyeing Ballot Rights Laws By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - As shock and indigation over the violence in Selma, Ala., spread across the nation yesterday, support grew for federal action to ensure law and, order in the embattled city's! Negro voter-registration drive. Rep. Weston E. Vivian (D-Mich) announced he had wired Presi- dent Lyndon B. Johnson request- ing that he "extend any nec sary protection using federal marshals or federal troops." His action came in the wake of an attack upon three clergymen late Tues-' day night in Selma. Vivian urged that the federal force "be instructed to uphold the laws of the United States and the state of Alabama and to guaran- tee the safety of citizens on the streets of Selma, but also to re- frain from interfering with the constitutional rights of the :it- izens there to petition and peace- fully demonstrate for redress of grievances:" h s ultimatum to expel students in- A 1 y 0 volved in a demonstration last 7 l lSStoflS M ove S irs week. They sought freedom to dis- play and voice an obscene, four- letter word. Gate Closed EducWators Kerr refused to take action against the students who were Collegiate Press Servic# arrested by Berkeley campus po- By LILLI VENDIG lice, according to the reports, be- University officials announce CHICAGO-A meeting of more cause he feared an outbreak of yesterday they are no longer ac- than 2000 college and university mass demonstrations similar toy cepting freshmen for next fall. administrators reactedwith shock those which rocked the campus 32 per cent increase in freshma and alarm yesterday to the resig- last fall. pictin rasear cre nation of Clark Kerr as presi- A University of California the earliest closure of admissions dent of the University of Cali- spokesman told The Daily it was in University history. fornia. "reasonable" to suppose that Kerr Approximately 12,300 high schoo The annual meeting of the had resigned under pressure from seniors applied to the University Association for Higher Education the Regents. He noted that Kerr .for admission next fall. Officials had already been marked by a has strong support among stu- expect the total number of ap- concern for problems on the dents and faculty. Furthermore, plications to exceed 13,000. Despit Berkeley campus and, during the the spokesman said the resigna- an increase of 20 to 25 per cent meeting itself, demonstrations tion has not yet been officially in the number of state high ; choo continued at several other cam- submitted to the board although seniors, the University received an puses. it was disclosed at a press con- additional increase of only 10 per Students at Brooklyn College ference Tuesday. over last year in the number 1 rallied to protest the dismissal of Kerr issued a statement yes- applicants. a music professor because he al- terday indicating that his resigna- The University is increasing next legedly did not perform,uconduct, tion may not have been voluntary. year's freshman class by 600 abov compse or engage in musical re- He called his action "a dramatic the number admitted for the las search. The students denounced step which is not my inclination." fall term. The freshman class for what they termed a "publish or "I have done so to try to stop next year will total 4,800, an in- perish" policy in the dismissal of the continuing and destructive de- crease of approximately 1400 ove Pof. Leonard Altman.craeoaprxmtl140vr Students at St. John's Univer- gradation of freedom into license two years ago. sity held a rally Monday at which and a new confrontation at Berke- The enrollment will total ap- they called for greater academic ley which could only damage the proximately 30,900, as disclosed by freedom and supported faculty campus even more, he declared, the Office of Academic Affairs in demands for higher salaries and It mentioned last week's ob- December. The out-of-state stu- an increased role in shaping ad- scenity demonstrations and called dents will number about the same ministration policy, for "enforcement of responsibility" per cent of the student body as Two days of student demonstra- by the total university community. last year. tns against alleged racial dis- Offenders must be disciplined The effect of the additional 600 tions a at the University of but due process must have its due students on classroom and lab- crimination ded Tuesdaenight place," Kerr's statement said. oratory crowding, as well as on Kansacended Tueda nlightes "Faculty committees should not the hiring of new faculty for nexi whe yielded to demands to rein- seek to avoid their responsibility fall, depends on the budget stil state 110 students suspended yes- for assisting in discipline because undetermined by the state legis- terday. He said steps would be of minor questions of internal lature. taken to end any bias in student jurisdiction. An increase in the freshman housing, in advertising accepted Gov. Edmund G. Brown was re- class of 600 and the subsequent by the student daily newspaper, portedly urging Kerr to reconsider increase in applications was an- and in placement of student- his resignation. He had issued a ticipated last fall by the admis- teachers. statement Tuesday blaming stu- sions office, Byron L. Groesbeck The students had been suspend- dent demonstrators for the resig- assistant director of admissions ed after they staged an all-day nation. said. The added increase in ap- sit-in outside the chancellor's "I think it's a terrible shame plications caused the closing of office. s that a few thoughtless students, admissions at this time. At Yale University, students led by a handful of troublemakers, The increase in the number o' will hold a "silent protest and can hurt the reputation of the applications from Michigan resi- mourning vigil" today to protest greatest public university in t;^e dents and out-of-state students the university's refusal to grant world and cause its brilliant presi- has been about equal. tenure to a philosophy professor dent and hard-working new chan- All qualified Michigan residents Richard J. Bernstein. Student cellor to resign," Gov. Brown s:nd. who applied to the University be- picketing last week led to a re- An editor of the Daily Californ- fore Feb. 1, have been admitted view of the professor's qualifica- ian described student reaction to Those who apply now are being tions, but tenure was denied. See GLOOM, Page 2 placed on a waiting list. . -, A GROUP OF MINISTERS bear a cloth sign proclaiming their repentance for the treatment of demonstrators in Alabama recently. They are part of a group of city and university officials, stu- dents, clergymen and interested citizens who marched yesterday from State and Huron Sts., where the above picture was snapped, to Main and Huron Sts. 400 March inCityProtest -Daily-Thomas R. Copi l Meanwhile, Congress began stir- y ring for new legislation to enforce s Negro voting rights as northern - congressmen of both parties called e for action. Democrats sharply criticized Al- 1 abama authorities for their han- , dling of the Selma situation andj r for the state's voting practices. if Introducing Bill Senate Minority Leader Everett t M. Dirksen (R-Ill) said 'he is at c work on a voting rights bill that t may be ready for introduction By LAUREN BAHR An estimated 400 persons walked the four-block distance from the Central Campus down Huron St. to the downtown district yester-' day afternoon in a "March of Reparation." The march was held to express sympathy for the treatment of civil rights demonstrators in Selma, Ala., early this week. City and University officials,E including Vice-President for Stu- itially, Human Relations Director Governors of the Ann Arbor chap- David C. Cowley was the only city ter of the NAACP, said. official committed to march. Wheeler outlined additional acts Some sources believe that rep- of reparation that can be under- resentation of the city was taken "by all decent human be- prompted by a similar march ings." Tuesday in Detroit, in which an The NAACP chapter has drawn estimated 10,000 demonstrators up a petition requesting President were led by Gov. George Romney Lyndon B. Johnson "to prevent and Mayor Jerome Cavanaugh. further police interferences with The Rev. Patrick Jackson of St. the peaceful demonstrations in Thomas Catholic Church, one of Selma," Wheeler said. the leaders of the march, emph- T Asks Legislation size tht te prad wa "fr iThe petition further requests sized that the parade was for legislation to authorize the use of reparation, not protest. federal force to prevent public "We are ending up at the Coun- officials from interfering with cit- ty Building and passing City Hall izens in legal protest for their not to point out the need for gov- constitutional rights. ernment action, particularly but It also asks for the use of fed- co stress the need for reparation eral agencies and courts to inves- man to man. We chose Huron St. tigate, prosecute and punish vio- because the route cuts tirough lators and to require the auto- the' heart of the city." Jacksun matic dismissal of any public ex'i)ined. - official or employer found guilty Several Religions of violations. The march concluded with a -___ Stage Vigils In Selma and Montgomery First Night Outburst Since Wallace Banned Nocturnal Marches By The Associated Press SELMA, Ala.-Several hundred civil rights demonstrators camp- ed in the streets of two Alabama cities last night. More than 350 in Selma took up a vigil of sing- ing and praying after a similar demonstration began in Mont- gomery, the state capital. Marchers surged into the streets of both cities in daylight demon- strations. They were halted by police in Selma, but 1000 plac- ard-waving marchers massed at the capital building in Mntgom- ery. Darkness dwindled the Mont- gomery throng to about 125. The demonstrators, most of them Ne- groes, sat or stood in the street facing the capitol. Following suit, more than 35 Negroes and white clergymen who were blockaded by police in Sel- ma, brought out blankets and be- gan their all-night vigil in the street. The vigil was in behalf of a white minister who was one of three clergymen injured in an at- tack late Tuesday night by a white mob. The Rev. James J. Reeb of Boston was reported near death in a Birmingham hospital last night. Selma police arrested three white men and charged them with assault and intent to mur- der in the attack on the clergy- men. Martin Luther King, Jr., lead- er of the eight-week right-to- vote drive went to Montgomery last night where a federal judge will rule today on a right-to- march plea from civil rights lead- ers. The Justice Department lent its support to the suit calling for a federal court order banning in- terference with peaceful demon- strations. The all-night.vigil in Selma was being carefully watched by a 200- man .force of state, county an city policemen. There had been no violence during the long day of demonstrations. The harsh glow of headlight from the police cars and the flash- ing of camera equipment punctu- ated the darkness near the church where the demonstrators were gathered. The front ranks were composed mainly of white minis- ters. There was no attempt to break through the police lines. In Montgomery, almost 1000 demonstrators tried, but failed, to present to Gov. George C. Wallace a petition asking for equal vot- ing rights. Montgomery police indicated they would probably let the dem- onstrators remain at the scene all night. A hush fell over the group as darkness deepened but there were occasional short bursts of quiet chanting. The two demonstrations were the first after-dark protests at- tempted by civil rights leaders since Gov. Wallace banned night marches following a violent out- burst at nearby Marion, Feb. 18. r next Tuesday. He did not spell out dent Affairs Richard L. Cutler its terms. joined the demonstrators. The r At the same time, the Justice marchers w e r e predominantly! Department was reported :rying white, including a large number - to draft legislation which would of University students. command the support of northern The march was led, after a 1 Republicans as well as Democrats. change of plans, by Mayor Cecilj - Johnson announced Tuesday that O. Creal. He had previously said e he expected to complete drafting he would be unable to participate s of new civil rights legislation by because of another commitment. this weekend and that he would Last Minute Announcement 0 send it immediately to Congress. City Administrator Guy . Lar- - On the local front, the state of com Jr. joined the mayor in a last- Michigan will determine within a mJe.cjontepaytiinate.aIn- t few days whether it will sue Ala- miute decision to participate. In- 1 bama to reduce its congressional - representation for denying Negroes the right to vote. .1 W C N rowJ t n A nWelcome Others t Attorney General Frank Kelley Being Studied - said in Lansing the state would - welcome other states as a party; , to the suit in the U.S. Supreme Vice-President for Student Af- , Court if it is determined the suit fairs Richard L. Cutler said yes- - would be the best method of terday that the plans for expand- )f action. ing the campus radio station, Gov. George Romney is sup- WCBN, are currently undergoing porting Kelley's move. careful administrative study. The proposed suit will be ccn- While no decision has been , tered on Section Two of the 14th reached, Cutler said, that the Uni-! .Amendment to the U.S. Constitu- versity has agreed to "the concept s tion. It says congressional repre- of some form of financial aid to - sentation of a state shall be re- WCBN." . duced in proportion to the num- WCBN is asking for a $40,000 g ber of citizens denied their right loan and room for expansion in to vote. the basement of the SAB. I three-faith "Litany of Grace and Race" in front of the Washtenaw County Bldg.I The organizations sponsoring the march were the Ann Arbor- N ne W i ners Washtenaw Conference on Reli- N n W i er gion and Race., Ann Arbor-Wash- tht Ado tenaw Council .of Churches, Ann i1 6Q Arbor chapters of the Congress of Racial Equality, the National As- By MICHAEL DEAN sociation for the Advancement of! Colored, C a t h o l i c Interracial All of the victorious candidates Council and Civil Rights Co- in the recent Student Government ordinating Council. Council elections were seated last Sorrow and Shame night by the Council, as well as "The reparation march was the the new administrative vice- least that Ann Arborites could do president, Charles Cooper, '66. to demonstrate sorrow and shame The installation took place with for the evil events that have oc- only minor interruptions. Council cured in the United States for members only questioned the seat- many generations," Prof. Albert ing of Paul Pavlik, '66, and Donald Wheeler of the Medical School Resnick, '68. and a member of the Board of SGC showed six in favor, none -- - -_ against and nine abstentions in the vote to seat Pavlik. Diane Lebedeff, '65, explaining her abstention, indicated it was A SNCC WORKER TELLS REGISTRATION URGENCY: Signature Sought as Only Ticket to Voter Booth made "with strong ethical pro- test-." referring to Pavlik's cam- paign pledge not to take his seat unless 5000 votes were cast in the election. Slightly more than 4000 votes wer~e cast. By MICHAEL HEFFER The Negro's advancement to freedom in the South will requile the acquisition and effective use of the ballot, a field secretary for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee said yesterday. Nationwide support and assistance is needed for civil rights workers undergoing hardships in the drive for equality, he asserted. Lafayette Surney was speaking in a talk sponsored by Voice and Friends of SNCC in Aud. A. Surney replaced John Lewis, SNCC leader, who was beaten in Sunday's attempted march from Selma to Montgomery. "Our position is that the only requirement for registration should be ability to sign your name," he declared. Many complications exist in present southern voting laws, he said. For example, Wilcox County, with a population about 83 per cent Negro, has no registered1 Negroes. Verification Lacking This is because those desiring to register must know a voter in the county who can vouch for their fulfilling residential and other requirements. Since there are no Negroes registered and no "In the north, people come to your door and register you," he Pledge said. "In the south you get killed for trying to register, as Jim Several spectators in the cham- Jackson did." He was a Negro shot fatally two weeks ago in Alabama. bers held signs demanding Pavlik to honor his pledge. Gov. George Wallace is trying to stop our drives so that the However, Pavlik did take his nation will not learn what happens there, he said. In discussing seat, explaining that if he did not ' the attempted marches on Montgomery, the state capital, Surney he would be repudiating 838 stu- said, "there were troops all over the place, as if we were murderers." dents who voted for him. He added -Wallace said our safety was in danger. They have been Council members also question- killing us for 200 years and now we are in danger. ed the seating of GROUP mem- ber Resnick, who held a slight "Monday we are going to march," he said. "We are going to face margin over the next highest con- those state troopers." He noted that even if they get to Montgomery, tender for the ninth Council po- "Wallace will find a reason not to be there." sition. This prompted questions Surney spoke of the march of last Sunday, and the suffering that he might have benefited from Negroes have been going through. He said there were Negroes wound- a misleading GROUP campaign ed in the street, yet refused access to ambulances for 15 minutes. He advertisement regarding organiza- also mentioned the Rev. James Reeb. injured Sunday, who may not tion endorsements of GROUP can- didates. He was seated by a vote Other Battlefields tally of 12 in favor, none opposed Surney also spoke of the Negroes fighting on other battlefields- and threeFubst entions. in Viet Nam. "They put us on the front line out there," he said. Tn f rther Act nn C nil votnd -.U SPE AKE7R