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March 09, 1965 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-03-09

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TUESDAY, 9 MARCH 1965 D A fTh' ,UTIU,~rn

t"Hli '1'titGL':fS


Federal Help Asked for Negroes Nasser Hits
Bonn Ties
King To Lead Another Vote March With Israel

'U.S. Seeks To Enlarge War
By The Associated Press


By The Associated Press
SELMA, ALA., (P)-Negro lead-
ers cautioned their followers.
against hate and panic yesterday
as they made ready for another
right-to-vote march to Montgom-
ery, the Alabama capital.
Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.,
prepared to return to lead the
demonstration. He said in Atlanta
that he had, called for religious
leaders from throughout the na-
tion to join the march planned for
Attorneys for civil rights leaders
headed for federal court seeking
an injunction to prevent club-
swinging state troopers from halt-
ing the procession as they did in
Sunday's bloody rout.
A petition was drawn up for
submission to a federal judge in
MngMissed First March
King missed the first march. He
promised, however, to lead the
hiking Negroes tomorrow in what
one of his aides, the Rev. Andrew
Young, described as a "peaceful
petition to Gov. George Wallace
for the right to vote and to protest
police brutality."
King said Sunday that he and
his staff decided at the last min-
ute he would not lead the Sunday
march because it would be blocked
by state troopers. He said his staff
suggested he remain in Atlanta for
church work and to mobilize
national support.
Before leaving Atlanta yester-
day, King said he had not ex-
pected the forceful, dispersal of
Sunday's attempted march.
Protest in Washington
In Washington, meanwhile, sit-
ins and picketing swirled around
the Justice Department yesterday
amid shocked cries from Congress
members over police routing of
Negro marchers in Selma.
They began with an attempt of'
two young men and a woman to
get into Attorney General Nicho-
las Katzenbach's office.
Dale Smith, a young Negro from
Pittsburgh, was dragged from the
office after the trio refused to
leave quietly despite an offer of a
five-minute meeting with Katzen-
It took three and sometimes four
guards to pull Smith away, but the
other two followed quietly.
"We're not trash," one perspir-
ing Negro guard said. "We don't
like to be made clowns out of. Now
will you come along -like gentle-
As he was being carried down a
corridor, Smith called out to a by-
stander, "Freedom, Buddy, Free-

LONDON - The Russians ex-
Sunday's attack on marching Ne- pressed belief the landing of
groes in Selma. He asked that the CAIRO (P) - President Gamal United States Marines in Viet
Department of Justice take action Abdel Nasser, bristling over West Nam yesterday shows Washington
under federal criminal laws has decided to widen the war, and
against Wallace, other state offi- lomatic relations with Israel, de- some West Europeans agreed with
cials and~state police involved. nounced the Bonn government that assessment.
"If federal troops are not made yesterday as "liars," "deceivers,I Meanwhile, the Pentagon is ac-
available to protect the rights of and "the world's worst imperial- tively considering use of the
aalbetprtcthrihsolists." 'mighty 7th Fleet to try and stem
Negroes, Wilkins noted, "The Nasser told a wildly cheering m
American people are faced with throng at Asyut, in upper Egypt a growing flow of seaborne arms
terrible alternatives. Like the citi- that representatives of Arab statet fro Communist North Viet Nam
zens of Nazi-occupied France, Hol- that repeetaisof Aab tates into South Viet Nam, it was
land Belium Denarkand or-would meet in Cairo today to work lear'ned last night.
land, Belgium, Denmark and Nor- out combined reprisals against end stnh.
way, Negroes must, either submit West cGermany This would be another major
to the heels of their oppressors or W step in the deepening U.S. involve-
they must organize, underground, The 13-state Arab league termed ment in South Viet Nam's war
to protect themselves from the op- the Bonn move an aggressive act. against Communist insurgence
pression of Wallace and his storm.; An Arab spokesman said, "West supported and supplied from the

stration at Selma, Ala., on Sund
Negroes, were attempting a 50-n
at Montgomery to protest voter
in Washington focused on charg
No charges were filed against*
the trio and later, guards made no
attempt to break up a sit-down
demonstration outside Katzen-
bach's office.
Outside, several hundred pick-
ets marched and sang, demand-
ing federal intervention. Around
the corner, six members of the
American Nazi party put on a
Calls in Congress
There were calls in Congress for
federal action and protection for
another right - to - vote march
march planned for today from
Selma to the Alabama state capi-
tal at Montgomery.
"The time has come to act,"
said Sen. Jacob K. Javits (R-N.Y.)
in calling on President Lyndon B.
Johnson for immediate federal in-
tervention in the racial violence
at Selma.
President I

trooprs. Germany is not trying to normal- North.W
f ize the situation in the Middle Izvestia labeled the landing of
y Farmer Cites. Responsibility East as it claims, but is fostering the marines, "A new phase in the '".
k>Earlier, James Farmer, National1 continuation of Israeli aggression.' aggressive policy of the U.S. in~ Ascae rs
kDirector of the Council of Racial ReconitioiSoutsVietNam.
' ReontinSut it a.
Eultsiheetahetik "We cannot accept their claim! Gaullist Paper MEMBERS OF THE 9th Marine Expeditionary Force are lined up
-Assocated res ponsibiderlyvtonsentS.hash- that recognition of Israel, a tool The Paris Gaullist newspaper in defensive positions .after landing at Da Nang Bay in South Viet
P a Negro right-to-vote demon- resposi"ity-ofaggression against the Arabs, is Nation reflected European nerv- Nam Yesterday. The marines will be used to beef up defenses at
lay. The marchers, mainly young ( amr nevee sh atdnot an aggressive act against Arab ousness. It said the landing is a the air base there the U.S. government said. The Russians and
mile march to the state capitol at Kennedy Airport for a plane tosTte s"ohesaded. , inwse. ntepoiyo"saa- sm etErpeans expressed the opinion that the marine
registrtion pocedurs. DebtesiThaspokemanlD.beayelNafardtian.landing would lead to further escalation of the war.
it s he pns to aci -Deputy Secretary-Gen-eral of the
es of alleged police brutality. Pate in today's scheduled march Arab League, said the Arab states suggested the landing would pro- T em s Aarin Eitn ' eene
- Ass iatedPress he f e I goermnethat rcogniion ofIsrae, a tol ThePThesGKremlinn'spaAmbassadorsiven s!tinsanftro Bningain's NdgeBeysneSofh Ma-
i from Selma to Montgomery. It was were bound by a unanimous reso- vide propaganda for the Viet Cong. Rome handed a note to the Italian laysia against Indonesia.
marchers, Rep. James G. O'Hara uch ad te glc, lution "to take joint action against Leaders of the left wing of Bri- Government protesting American The Conservative Telegraph
(D-Mich, told the house: broke up Sunday aggressive action" signed at a tam's ruling Labor Party joined aggression" and calling on Italy- Tssaidr
"T-Mih toldhe house: n brok p S . summit conference here last Sep- in the outcry. Especially vehement an ally of the United States in thesd
"Thisr savae adertion istom- The Rev. Jefferson Rogers of tember. was Konni Zilliacus, chief of a North .Atlantic Treaty Organiza- To call on the United States to
of a reckless demagogue must the Southern Christian Leader- The latest diplomatic crisis in i group of 45 House of Commons tion-to take a stand in the Viet renounce this responsibility-
oaehockless ndemaoe, Amu- ship Conference said after a meet- I the tense Middle East came in the members who have demanded that Nam crisis. which is what unconditioned ne-
have shocked and shamed Amei-m! gotiations would mean-would be
cans." ,,g with Katzenbach that he had; wake of a warning by a Cairo gov- Prime Minister Harold Wilson There was no immediate word of to serve notice on our allies in
For'ty Washington ministers made no promises to send federal ernment controlled newspaper cease supporting American policy similar .notes being handed to s a, ndto th o nesin
flew to Selma late today to join marshals to Selma. that the Arab world would cut in Viet Nam- other NATO nations. Britain's aggressor, that Britain also was
other clergymen in today's march. "I frankly do not think the mar- diplomatic ties with West Ger- Zilliacus said the landing government has defended Ameri- ressy r thw ite soe"
shals will be sent," Rogers told many if the Bonn government amounts to systematic and delib- can actions. ready to throw in the sponge.
Roy Wilkins, Executive Director newsmen. "We've got to apply all sticks to its plan. erate escalation" and is interna- Morning Telegraph In Italy, non-Communist news-
of the National Association for the the pressure we can on this man Sharp Reactions tional aggression.-! London's Morning Daily Tele- papers gave the news big head-
AdvancementrdPpto make him understand the sit- There were these other sharp Urges Britain's Opposition graph likened the marine opera- lines.
calledvanyesterdayo for the use of fe, uation. reactions: Unless the United States Gov-
called". ti yesterday for the........:..":,:usen:.iof:::fed-":::., ":?.n.\r.::...::;..:w:.:.,v.vy:a:{4:^:a..:.Y.
eral troops, if necessary, to pro- "I believe the attorney general -King Hassan II of Morocco ement is stopped by opposition
tect Negroes in Alabama. He said is generally sympathetic to our canceled a two-day state visit to from Britain, added to the opposi-
"The terrible alternative" would problem but sympathy just won't Bonn' beginning March 16 ac- tion which already exists in large
be the organization of a Negro help." cording to the Moroccan ambassa- measure in the United States, we
underground to fight back. Rogers said he had told Kat- dor in the West German capital. shall be dragged into another Kor-}'
In a telegram to President zenbach the scheduled march to- -Baghdad Radio said that Iraq ean War, or possibly an interna-
Johnson, Wilkins called for federal day would probably result in viol- called its ambassador home from iona one e said.
troops to prevent recurrence of ence. Bonn and lodged a formal protest
with the West Germany embassy'
in Baghdad.
a slaA aJordan and Cairo were reported
acD i msin contact seeking agreement on a
unified policy toward West Ge-
Peking. If he tries to be concilia- merely escalate it or whether the many.
tory, they might think its weak- show of toughness will give the
ness, and he doesn't know how Communists second thoughts. iWT: K
they'd react to arm-twisting. His advisors say that he can't ' ffl'jfj 1 M WS
He inherited the problem and very well pull the American, forces &
has had to live with it through 15 out, no matter how he tries to ex- Your financia
months of his Presidency. It's got- plain it, without tacitly admit- RO u Ud
ten worse month by month. ting an American defeat and leav- -
Now it occupies the center of ing all Southeast Asia open to I 'EM U UPE £TA~r h

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-President Lyn-
don B. Johnson, an expert in
working with Congress, could hope
for an undisturbed and shining
record if all he had to worry about
were his domestic plans and pro-
But now in Viet Nam, he's in an
alien situation. The rules are just
the opposite from what he's used
to. He can't telephone Hanoi or



choice of living units


the world
He has h
for his i
in steppi
knows th
All he
It's bee
ness sent
into Soutl
sion from
knows wh
At first
port, wit
Sen. Rob
parties it
war drag
killed, nc
much of
melt, the
him d o


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stage and for weeks has
all other news at home.
ad a lot of support, from
is and Republicans alike,
ncreasingly tough policy
ng up the war, but he
e approval could be very
has to do is remember
eHarry S. Truman.
,n only 15 years since
with complete forceful-
American Armed Forces{
-h Korea to stop the inva-
the North. And Johnson
hat happened to Truman.
Initial Support
he got tremendous sup-
h some exceptions like
ert A. Taft, from both
n Congress. But as the
ged on, Americans were
,o victory was in sight,'
the approval began to
Republicans turned on
Korea became a major!
the 1952 Presidential
. j
have been a bitter real-
or Truman that one of
. Eisenhower's most pop-
usts in his campaign
kdlai E. Stevenson was to
go to Korea if elected,
an early and honorable
he war. He did go, and
y there was an armistice,
Korea cut in half as.be-
point, Johnson can't tell
intensifying the war will
en NOW Through
March 15
rest at Washtenaw


seizure sooner or later by the
If he pulls out, Republicans in
the next campaign would probab-
ly accuse him of "chickening out."
But if the war gets worse, and
American losses pile up, reaction
at home against such a price for
saving a far-off place will prob-
ably increase as it did in the
Korean War.
Will it Work?'
If the President's present tough
policy works--meaning, if the
Communists decide not to enlarge.
the war and agree to a negotiated
peace - Johnson's prestige will
benefit. But even this might be
only a temporary boon.
For if Viet Nazn goes Communist
after an American pullout, John-
son faces the prospect of having

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - President
Lyndon B. Johnson asked Congress
yesterday for legislation to help
state, local, and private groups
improve crime control programs.
He called for a crackdown on lax
drug controls and organized crim-
inal activity.
TOKYO - Radio Hanoi charged
that six United States-South
Vietnamese planes attacked the
North Vietnamese border village
of Co Bai yesterday, inflicting
casualties and property damage.
The broadcast said that the Hanoi
government protested the bomb-
ings to N. A. Rahman, Indianf
chairman of the International
ControlCommission in Viet Nam.


x .r
i l

VWiK fV I~E & EN11W


to defend himself against the LONDON Poland and India 1209 S. University 663-7151 '"""" N WHITMORE LAKE
charge that he was "humbugged charged yesterday that U.S. air i ".".:":.".":.:.".r:::..:.:" .....::........::::--::r........ . :.:.
by the Reds." strikes against North Viet Nam
So no matter what he does in indicated violations of the 1954
this situation, there's a good Indochina peace agreement, but
chance he will suffer some politi- Canada disagreed and said the
cal damage, even though no one raids were justified. The nations LAST WEEK: The Week that "WUS WAS!
in sight is offering a fool-proof are members of the international
solution that won't bring reper- commission which supervises the THIS is the W eek that wUS IS
cussions. peace agreement.
:.:..:-YouDid n't Yesterday,
Tuesday, March 9 .. WUS BUCKETS
Wednesday, March 10
Thursday, March 11 Fishbowl-League-Eng. Arch-
I9eA.:.-::P.M WAB Corner-DIAG--Foletts-UGLI
FISHBOW L WUS Student Center in Seoul, /
Korea; library needs enlarging;
scholarships and grants are need-
... . . .*....:..............:....: , . :>;"
... ...ed by Koreans. (Room and board
:.:1 ............, .......:.. .. . *,:: . *. ..
cost $387/yr.-per capita income
is under $100.) WUS is sponsor- J
ing a Work Camp in Korea at the
University of Seoul this summer;
: Michigan students are encouraged
to apply-$500 has been allocat-
ed from the fund drive to help pay
j a Michigan student's expenses. Chemistry class at Pius X1I College, Basutoland, taught
by Teaching Ass't. from S. Africa. Many African stu-
Stainless steel flatware dents,fleeing from South Africawhere they are denied
free access to universities, study in Basutoland. WUS is
by LAVFFER, GENSEFocusing this year's fund drive at Michigan on scholar
ak ship aid for these refugees.
and DANSK. ''

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