WHY REQUIRE A LANGUAGE? See Editorial Page Y 4fltr4t4PP gaYi :4Iait1# CLOUDY High-35 Low-20 Chance of occasional light snow Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXV, No. 135 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, 9 MARCH 1965 SEVEN CENTS j . EIGHT PAGES Explore Role of Judiciary Stress Priority of 'Teaching Excellence' *.,Si . By ALICE BLOCH The history of Joint Judi- clary Council is a story of con- flict and calm, of controversy and peace-making, of change and tradition, of formal and in- formal battles and treaties. The story began in 1948- when Men's and Women's Ju- diciary Councils converted por- tions of their memberships in- to a joint council. In 1953 JJC was officially approved, and Men's Judiciary was dis- banded. f Although JJC was compos- ed of five .men and five wom- en, it tried almost exclusively men's' cases. Most women's cases were still handled by Women's Judiciary or Women's Panel, an investigating board. The duties of JJC were to hear and decide or refer to the proper authorities "all cases arising under the regula- tions of the University" refer- red to it as an appellate au- thority for cases decided by residence hall judiciaries and by "hearing and adjudicating disputes involving organized student groups." All JJC deci- sions. had to be confirmed by the Subcommittee on Disci- pline, which was comprised of three faculty members. 1952 Cases Notices of discipline from 1952 show that during a typi- cal three-month period, JJC heard 102 cases. In 37 of these cases there was a "no violation" decision .The remaining stu- dents were fined or warned for violations of drinking regula- tions, for falsifying records, for stealing from the library, for special auto violations, for il- legal handling of football tick- ets, 'and for "conduct unbe- coming a student." Later rec- ords also show several deci- sions in panty raid and fra- ternity cases. JAMES A. LEWIS By 1962 many complaints about JJC had grown up, most of them in three areas:; -The separate channeling of men's and women's cases. -"Double jeopardy," the pos- sibility of being fined, for the same offense, by the city for violating a municipal law and by JJC for breaking a Univer- sity regulation. -"Due process." Complaints in this area were mainly con- cerned with the inability of a student whose case was being heard by JJC to use counsel and witness, to hear the charg- es against him before the hear- ing, or to appeal the decision. Merger In 1963 Women's Judiciary and Women's Panel were merg- ed with JJC, thus eliminating the first complaint by "bal- ancing the judicial structure to serve equal numbers of men's and women's cases and ulti- mately to strengthen the judi- cial structure." The new constitution also changed several rules of pro- cedure by giving the student the option of an open hearing, witnesses, and an all male or female board at his hearing. JJC was ,required to present a copy of the charges topthe stu- dent. A request for a new disciplin- ary committee to act as a board of final appeal was handled the same year by replacing the Subcommittee on Disci- pline by a Committee on Stand- ards and Conduct. The com- mittee is composed of three faculty members and two stu- dents. Controversy Meanwhile, controversy wa, brewing over the appendix to the new constitution, which was added by the Office of Stu- dent Affairs during the sum- mer of 1963. The appendix pro- vided for a Referral Committee to handle "severe and delicate" cases that would otherwise be within the jurisdiction of JJC. JJC members objected to this abridgement of their powe'rs and asked Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis to remove the clause describin the powers of the Referr,6 Committee from the appendix. The clause was never removed. and the complaints apparently died down. The main controversies still existing are those of "due proc- ess" and "double jeopardy." Many students feel that more formal JJC procedures would bc fairer to the student and that a case falling under municipal jurisdiction should not also be under University jurisdiction. JJC's answer to these criti- cisms is that JJC is not a le- gal court, but a "peer counsel- ing" body, and that students fined by a municipal court are generally given only a warning by JJC. By JEFFREY GOODMAN Excellence in teaching should have the highest priority in judging the quality of a university, its depart- ments and its professors, a special faculty task-force suggested recently. Proposing criteria and conditions for high-level fac- ulty performance, the faculty Senate Committee on Staff Excellence is attempting to "provide a basis for general discussion and re-examination of departmental practices and attitudes," according to Prof. Arnold Kaufman of the philosophy department, member of the committee and author of its 12-page report. In defining the teaching function of faculty and their departments, the committee emphasizes that "teaching is misconceived if it is thought of as a kind of. mental input. The great teacher does not put things in the minds of students. What he does is create the in- centive to learn and imparts the skills which enable this learning to be successfully accomplished." With "excellent teaching" postulated as the central basis of departmental and individual quality, the com- mittee delineates three other functions it deems essential {to a good faculty: -Scholarly productivity-Teachers should be "ac- tively engaged in making a contribution to knowledge" which need not be limited to publication but may also include preparations for teaching, developing ways of - better serving the community and contributing to the growth of personal skills and capacities; -Service to the University, involving "participation in the affairs of the University in making contributions to the general intellectual climate" and While the committee will devote later reports to these other three functions, the current draft - still awaiting final approval from the committee-concen- trates on teaching. The report has been in the making for over a year, a product of numerous discussions by the committee. In addition to definitions, the report is concerned with the conditions, criteria and "points of optimal assessment" important in achieving and evaluating ex- cellence in teaching. With respect to conditions-"those rules, procedures, forms of organization, allocation of resources, etc., which will result in excellence"-the report distinguishes be- tween recruitment of personnel and their treatment after hiring. In light of certain requisite virtues for the good teacher-"knowledge, teaching skills, concern for students, integrity, a sense of fairness . . . responsibility and civility"-its recommendations for recruiting include the following: -"Participation of a significant and representative proportion of the department in the selection procedure;" -"Formulation of clear departmental policy indicating the importance attached to teaching and its communi- cation to everyone invited to join the staff;" -Evaluation of potential department members solely on their teaching abilities: "a person's political, moral or religious outlooks ought not to be considered except as they reflect his sense of responsibility and capacity for civil behavior." Treatment after hiring would ideally include: -"An environment free of any hint of constraint on the direction of thought or on freedom to speak and write what one pleases, limited only by the general re- quirements that what is said be reasoned.... Specifically, this implies that no administrative pressure may be applied to make the opinions held . , . more responsive to the views prevailing within our society; -"Maximum participation by members of the de- partment-including non-tenure staff-in making of de- cisions that affect the life of the department and -"A system of rewards for teaching," utilizing the recommendations of students and departmental col- leagues. In order to maintain optimal quality of faculty, departments might insist that class sizes do not "fluc- tuate according to the vagaries of University and de- partmental economic exigencies, diminish exploitation of undergraduates through excessive use of graduate teachers" and institute evaluative and training proced- ures for those graduate students still teaching, the report urges. PavliltWns Council B r ewster Sees No Seat After RecountT eeseTnr so Reverse enure By JUDITH WARREN As a result of a recount of Student -Government Council election By CLARENCE FANTO concerned with critical analysis change ballots for which he applied, Paul Pavlik, '66, has won a seat, on of thought through the methods of reading pn Prof. Richard J. Bernstein science and linguistics-"nonphi- works ai Council. However, GROUP President Robert Golden, '67A&D, said apparently lost last night his losophical philosophy," according of stude last night that GROUP will demand another recount of ballots. tenure battle with Yale University. to Weiss. "The "I have on tape that James Boughey, '66, said something to Kingman Brewster Jr., presi- Prof. Norwood R. Hanson, one c h a n t the effect that on a long election night, people tend to get tired and dent of the school, issued a state- of the five senior philosophy pro- demonst give votes to the other side. Boughey continues that he did so and ment making it clear he saw no fessors who voted to withdraw weighed ri In N eed Rulin~g of heart. One was a re- of Bernstein's published nd the other was the effect nt demonstrations. Pavlovian response of i n g, protesting, bellicose rators should not be against the carefully de- d verdict of. seasoned hle wrote. Otherwise, he Yale would become a ba- public university, drifting y on the winds of student ce and fashion." mi. AID TO NEGRO REGISTRATION: High Court Voids Louisiana Voter Test By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-In a landmark decision expected to aid the cur- rent Negro voter registration drive, the United States Supreme Court yesterday voided Louisiana's rule that prospective voters must successfully interpret the U.S. or state constitutions. The court also upheld the right of a U.S. Attorney General to bring suit against a state and its officials to protect the voting rights of Negroes under federal law. The ruling on the right to bring suit reversed a decision by a U.S. district court in Jackson, Miss., dismissing a U.S. suit filed against Mississippi under federal voting laws. Justice Hugo L. Black, speaking for the court, said Mississippi would "without justification in reason diminish the power of the courts to' protect the people of this country against deprivation and 'destruction by states of their federally guaranteed rights." He said the suit should be brought to trial without a delay. The Supreme Court struck down as a violation of the 14th amend- menit the Louisiana law requiring applicants to interpret reasonably any section of the state or U.S. constitutions. Louisiana has aban-1 doned this law but other states, have similar ones., Black said of the Louisiana law: "As evidence showed, colored people, even some with the most advanced education and scholar- ship, were declared by voting reg- istrars with less education to have an unsatisfactory understanding of the constitution of Louisiana or the United States. This is not a ,test but a trap sufficient to stop even the most brilliant man on the way td the voting booth." Black said it was an arbitrary device registrars used with un- Lewis Unable To Talk Here limited discretion to purge from the voting rolls "thousands of Negroes, but virtually no whites." He noted that a similar Alabama law had been declared unconsti- tutional by the court. The court also agreed to review a decision upholding Virginia's $1.50 annual poll tax as a require- ment to vote in state and munici- pal elections. In a rare decision rejecting an appeal by a Negro complaining that he was convicted of a crime by a jury without Negro jurors, the court decided 6-3 that a Negro is not necessarily denied his rights when peremptory challenges by the prosecution results in no Negroes being called from a ven- ire which includes Negroes. In other decisions, the court: -Ruled unanimously that a per- son may be exempted from mili- tary service on religious grounds, no matter how "incomprehensible" his beliefs may be to others, so long as he is sincere in his be- liefs. --Sent back to lower courts to decide whether state or federal' grounds are involved in a chal- lenge to a California law which requires an adult son or daughter to contribute toward the cost of treating an incompetent mother in a state mental hospital. -Agreed to examine the right of the Federal Power Commission to impose price ceilings on initial sales of natural gas in interstate commerce. The case, stemming from a southern Louisiana rate situation, could affect the gas bills of millions of consumers through- out the country. doesn't feel he was morally wrong," Golden said. In response, Boughey said, "I did not count the ballots for SGC election night. I was counting the ballots for the presidency of the literary college." Pavlilk Replaces Stern Pavlik replaces Myles Stern, '66, who, according to the original tally, had amassed 877 votes. However,da retabulation ofvthe ballots by the Credentials and Rules Committee of SGC Sunday night turned up a mistake of "ap- proximately 150 votes" on the adding machine, Sherry Miller, '65, administrative vice-president of SGC, said. In a recount of all of the bal- lots, Stern then lost 21 votes making his final total only 715 while Pavlik gained two votes making his total final 838. This increase in Pavlik's total made him the eighth elected member, leading Donald Resnick, '68, by ten votes. "On the basis of Boughey's statement and the 150 vote dis- crepancy, GROUP will ask for another recount," Golden said. There were no further changes in position although changes in vote totals were found. Paula Cameron, '67, led all candidates in the original tally last Monday night with 1285 votes. After the final recount she had amassed 1313 votes. Other Changes Other members whose totals changed were Steven Schwartz, '68, from 1186 to 1185, Mickey Eisenberg, '67, from 1170 to 1164, Jack Winder, '66, from 1078 to 1048, Susan Ness, '68. from 1028 to 1016, Christopher Mansfield, '66, from 979 to 987, Steven Dan- iels, '67, from 895 to 874, and Don- ald Resnick, '68, from 851 to 828. The Credentials and Rules Com- mittee recounted only the votes for SGC Sunday night because "there were not enough votes to make much difference in the tally with the other offices up for elec- tion," according to Miss Miller. PAUL PAVLIK McNeil Discusses Planning social Welfare Programs By MICHAEL HEFFER The role of government in community planning should be strengthened and coordinated with voluntary agencies, C. F. McNeil, director of the Health and Welfare Council of Pennsylvania, said last night.1 "Social services and basic planning under government must grow and develop," he said. "At the same time, however, a strong system of voluntary service organizations is needed," he said. "There is too little recognition of these groups."' The main question is whether social planning will continue under private or government auspices, or a combination of both, he asserted. He noted that there area-- experiments all over the U.S. in { TT A p this field. SPOOIN RIVER : He pointed to the success of the Philadelphia Anti-Poverty League, Yb which is an independent orga- nization including both private and governmental groups. This arrangement has been successful,I he said. In comparing the situation of today with that of 30 years ago, McNeil noted that in the past pri- vate agencies led the way in ex- perimenting in social work and in Plans Review Of Grievances A Student Government Counci; grievance box will be placed in the Fishbowl next Monday and from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. to "in- crease student communication," Susan Ness, '68, newly-elected SGC member, said yesterday. She expressed hope that "spe- cific, tangible grievances" will be put into the box. These grievances do not have to be signed. "The Student Concerns Com- mittee hopes to channel vague stu- dent criticism of SGC into con- structive criticism concerning practical issues," Miss Ness said. Miss Ness also expects advice on the areas in which SGC is working or ought to be working. This area might include problems met by students living in apart- ments or problems of counseling' and course availability, she said. Miss Ness said that the Student Concerns Committee of SGC will receive grievances. One area of grievances will concern the pur- pose of SGC. 1 reason to overrule the tenure com- mittee's original decision against Bernstein. He thus threw the issue back to the committee, which is conducting a review of Bern- stein's case. The :popular, 32-year-old asso- ciate professor of philosophy, last week failed to gain tenure and, as a result, 60 Yale students staged a continuous 79-hour protest dem- onstration against the tenure committee's decision. Bernstein also had the backing of the philosophy department un- til last weekend when the senior professors suddenly withdrew their support by a 5-2 vote. No official reason was given for the reversal, but there was evidence that in- ternal dissension within the de- partment had caused the shift. Lack of Support Brewster said the tenure com- mittee had been influenced by a "lack of unqualified support" for I Bernstein when the philosophy de- partment recommended him for' a senior post. Late last week, Brewster said, he asked the de- partment for an 'unambiguous statement" on Bernstein. The answer came in the department's reversal of its original unanimous support for Bernstein. Brewster l did not explain what he meant by the alleged lack of support for Bernstein among the depart- ment's senior professors. Brewster also announced the establishment of a student-faculty committee to review the present qualifications an associate pro- fessor must have to obtain a full professorship. The committee will also conduct a complete review ofj the tenure system. Many students and some young faculty members, citing the "pub- lish or perish" theory of faculty appointments believe the original denial by the tenure committee was caused by the lack of enough published material by Bernstein. Bernstein has had two books and a number of articles published, however. Student reaction to Brewster's statement was subdued. Steve Schatzow, an associate editor of the Yale Daily News, told The support from Bernstein, said he had given "unqualified support" to Bernstein when the philosophy professors made their original recommendations last November. He cited two reasons for his liberated judges," said, "Y nana re aimlessl: preferen PASSIVE RESISTANCE in East Quadrangle has resulted from a recent University announcement that many rooms will be doubled up next fall. A protest petition is currently circulating. East Quad Protests 'U'Plans To Double Up Rooms in Fall By ROGER RAPOPORT "The following rooms are scheduled to have on additional person next fall," began the terse announcement on the Green House Bul- letin Board. "We the undersigned protest the overcrowding' of facilities plan- ned for August 1965 which will undermine the purpose of the resi- dence halls," began the not so terse petition with more than a hun- dred signatures being passed around East Quadrangle. The Greene House announcement was typical of others posted throughout East Quadrangle affecting a total of 178 rooms. Similar I I . _ E Daily that no new demonstrations are being planned. "Everyone is exhausted and disgusted with the situation," he said. 'Designed to Placate' Schatzow v i e w e d Brewster's ural Life Portrayed statement as designed to placate the students and faculty. "But President Brewster has By JUDY STONEHILL been placed in a bad light, along with the philosophy department. The passions, frustrations, dreams and defeats of the townspeople Brewster, in an executive memo, of Spoon River, Ill., will come to life tomorrow night in the Profes- failed to emphasize creative teach- sional Theatre Program's play of the month, "Spoon River." Based ing over the standard five-year on Edgar Lee Masters' "Spoon River Anthology," the Broadway show tenure plan," he said. announcements about doubling up are going up in women's residence halls, among them Lloyd and Couzens. Petitions of protest are spread- ing throughout East Quadrangle. In Greene House, where plans are being made to put two men in 49 singles, Allen Dickey, '68, said, "This is outrageous, the Univer- sity knew of the baby boom; why didn't they plan ahead for this surge." The University has begun to inform students in residence halls that they are bracing for more overcrowding next fall of the var- iety that brought more than 800 students into doubled up facilities last fall. Tom Rothschild, '66, contended that the expansion "will make studying and living conditions im- possible." Reaction in the girls dormitor- ies was somewhat less vehement. Unlike East Quadrangle, there is no organized protest in Lloyd Hall. "I'm resigned to the idea of con- Students Rally At St. ,john's NEW YORK (P)--Some 500 stu- dents at St. John's University, the largest Roman Catholic university in the country, booed the name of its president at a rally yes- terday, and booed a priest who urged them not to air controver- sies in public. The student meeting, described by one observer as part politi- cal, part academic and part bas- ketball rally, was called with uni- versity approval by Students for AcademicFreedom, a group that wants controversial clubs and speakers permitted on campus. The administration called the rally "unfortunate and unneces- sary." The main speaker, William Graves, a 21-year-old philosophy honor stent drew cho erandi community welfare planning. For Student Nonviolent Coordinat- example, during the depression ing Committee headquarters in qualified public social workers had Atlanta told The Daily yesterday to be recruited from private agen- that SNCC leader John Lewis will cies,. he said. be unable to make a scheduled Today, voluntary agencies still campus' appearance. The head- lead in experimenting, but often quarters said SNCC field secretary through the use of government T- n n+n Cinv o )in..c n. .. .i refindc. hP coa u n Pi n ir, aneiac adapts the epitaph form to reveal the secrets of the people buried on the hill. The good and evil people lie side by side on the hill in Spoon River. They look back on their lives and try to unravel the mystery of the punishments and the inequalities life fixed upon them. The villagers' epitaphs are underscored by the folk music of Barbara Porter and Gil Turner. Tempo changes from the rousing hoe-down, to the sa eehinaof e ruseho ne.I Schatzow said he felt the rea- son for the philosophy depart- ment's reversal of its support for Bernstein was that "most of the members felt they could not prove that Bernstein would fulfill the requirements for the post of full professor within five years, as re- quired by the tenure system." missisteessalilleimmillimelisil 1 3I