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March 04, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-03-04

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4jj tC igaYi


Light drizzle;
rain mixed with snow

Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


House Passes Appalachia Bill;
Sends Measure to President

U' To Consult State Board

of Representatives completed con.
gressional action yesterday on thi
$1.1, billion Appalachia Develop
ment Bill. This first major bil
of the 1965 session was passed by
a vote of 257-165.
The House action cleared the
Senate-passed bill for Presiden
Lyndon B. Johnson's signatur
without amendment. The Senat
passed the measure by a' 62-2
vote Feb. 1.
First proposed by President Joh
F. Kennedy and endorsed b
Johnson, the bill authorizes a five-
year program of economic aid fo
360 counties in Alabama, Geor-
gia, Kentucky, Maryland, Nort
Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania
South Carolina, Tennessee, Vir-
ginia and West Virginia.
In addition, the way was left
open to extend the program late
Burns Views
Democratic candidate for may-
or Mrs. Eunice Burns said last
night a student advisory group to
Ann Arbor City Council may not
be the best means for the stu-
dents and city to communicate.
Speaking to the Young Demo-
crats, she suggested students could
better communicate their needs to
the city by joining an organized
political party. If they then find
their needs are not being satis-
fied, students could form their
own groups.
The student body is a diverse
group, and a question could arise
as to which people on an advisory
board would best express the views
of the student body at large, Mrs.
Burns said.
She added, however, that if stu-
dents wanted to form such an ad-
visory group, she would not ob-
' ject.
Good Relations
Mrs. Burns emphasized that the
relations between the University
and the city are good and have
improved in the last severalyears.
She cited meetings between the
University city administrators and
the three-member council commit-
tee charged with meeting with the
Full council meetings with Ui-
versity officials and perhaps the
Board of Regents may come about
in the future, she added.
Also speaking were the five
Democratic candidates for City
Council. First Ward candidate H.
C. Curry suggested the city adopt
the federal government plan for
building low-cost housing.
Planning Program
& Second Ward candidate Mrs.
Phyllis Wright advocated a plan-
ning program for the city-plan-
p ning with regard to people with
special needs, anti-discrimination
policies and the physical layout of
V the city.
Citing the reasons for his can-
didacy, Prof. Joseph Kallenbach,
of the political science depart-
ment and the third ward, said he
hopes to offer the public an al-
ternative to "the laissez-faire Re-
publican government in Ann Ar-
Fourth Ward candidate Jay
Steilstra emphasized that winning
the election depends on the num-
ber of people who become involv-
ed in the campaign.
Students are important because
they are counted in the total popu-
lation of the city, Robert Carr
* from the Fifth Ward said. He add-
ed that voting should be on the
basis of population in given wards
rather than on the number of
registered voters.

to 13 New York counties orig-
inally planned for inclusion but
left out when the plan was put
into final form.
Before it can be put into opera-
tion, the program must obtain fi-
nancing in separate legislation.
The goal of the bill is to pro-
vide jobs and better income for
more than 15 million persons liv-
ing in the 165,000-square mile
region whose per capita income
is now about $1400-$500 below
the national average.
A sharp decline in coal mining
is blamed largely for the econom-
ic troubles of the Appalachia e-
gion, but experts say lack of
highways is another factor. There-
fore, the heart of the bill is $840
million earmarked to build high-
ways over the next five years to
open up the region to industry
and recreation.
Allocation for Roads
The Bureau of Public Roads
has unofficially worked out allo-
cation of 2350 miles of develop-
ment highways and 1000 miles of
access roads with state highway
officials. But these will have to
be approved by the Appalachian
Regional Commission set up by the
The remaining $252.2 million in
authorizations is split as follows:
-$69 million for grants up to

80 per cent to build multi-county
health facilities;
-$17 million for grants up to
80 per cent for land improvement
for a maximum of 50 acres from
any one landowner;
-$5 million for technical aid to
improve timberland productivity;
-$36.5 million of federal grants
to cover up to 75 per cent of the
cost of, restoring areas stripped
by mines;
--5 million for water resource

On Future
Explain Lag
At Current:R,


-$112 million for increased
federal grants under existing aid 1 p

-$5.5 million for grants for re-
search and demonstration proj-
ects, and
--$2.2 million for administra-
tive expenses.
Regional Commission
The Appalachian Regional Com-
mission to be set up will consist
of a presidential appointee and
the governors of the 11 states or
their representatives.
House Republicans tried unsuc-
cessfully to substitute a program
they said would help an esti-
mated 1400 counties throughout
the nation at a cost of $995 mil-
lion. The plan, offered by Rep.
William C. Cramer of Florida, was
defeated by a 321-100 roll call just
before the final vote.


Attribute Problems
To 'Split-Level' Role
Special To The Daily

Set Sunday Recount Date
For Disputed SGC Tally
A request by a defeated candidate prompted Student Government
Council last night to authorize a recount of the ballots cast Monday
for nine at-large SGC seats.
The recount, slated for Sunday at 6 p.m., was asked by Paul
Pavlik, '66, who missed the ninth seat by only 15 votes in Monday
night's tally. Seating of the nine new members was postponed pend-
ing the recount. SGC's first president and vice-president to be elect-

SGC Sponsors
Trip for Five
To Model UN
Student Government Council
last night approved a request for
a $420 outlay to send five Uni-
versity students to an upcoming
Model United Nations Assembly at
the University of Minnesota.
Susanne Orrin,-'65, chairman of
SGC's United States National Stu-
dent Association committee, pre-
sented the request after concluding
that "no forthcbming help is ap-
parent" from University offices.
The University will represent
Pakistan at the North Central Re-
gional Model United Nations con-
ference, April 8-11.
Council member Rachel Amado,
'67, reported her committee study-
ing the method of selling 'block
tickets for performances at Hill
Auditorium had come up with no
With this issue, The Daily
ceases regular publication for
Spring Vacation. Publication
will resume next Tuesday.
One motion under consideration
calls for a random selection from
previously submitted requests, An
amendment proposed by Bodkin
asked that block ticket sales be
organized in the same manner as
the distribution of booths at
Michigras. Under this system,
groups would be informed of the
position of block-ticket sales by
an announcement over a local
radio station.
Contrary to a report in yester-i
day's Daily, International Studenti
Association President, Yee Chen,
'65, will continue to serve on SGC.1

-ed at large, however, were seated
last night, and other confusions
which had surrounded the all-
campus election were clarified.
The final officers' totals, which
remain uncontested, give Gary
Cunningham, '66, and Harlan
Bloomer, '66, the presidency and
vice-presidency with 2098 votes.
Their opponents, Rozert Golden,
'67A&D, and Ellen Buchalter, '67,
collected 1,315 votes.
Of the nine other seats open,'
five were of Council members
who'se terms expired with this
election. The top five candidates
will get these seats, which carry
full-year terms. According to the
disputed statistics, these are Pau-
la Cameron, '67 (1,285 votes);
Steven Schwartz, '68 (1,186);
Mickey Eisenberg, '67 (1,170);
Jack Winder, '66 (1,078), and Su-
san Ness, '68 (1,028).
The other four seats, carrying
only half-year terms, were vacat-
ed by Council members who left
their seats before their terms had
expired. Monday night's tallies
give them to Christopher Mans-
field, '66 (979 votes). Steven Dan-
iels, '67 (894); Myles Stern, '66
(877), and Donald Resnick, '68
Defeated in the contested count
were Pavlik (836 votes); George
Field, '67 (694); Harvey Wasser-
man, '67 (457); John Bookston,
'68 (377), and Kenneth Zucker-
man, '68 (337). '
Not available Monday night
were the senior class officers' re-
sults in the literary college. The
presidency went to Danny R.'
Glickman, '66 (277 votes), who de-
feated John G. March, '66 (110);
the vice-presidency to Herbert
Linn, '66 (220), over Terry L.
Bangs, '66 (108); write-in Steph-
en Sweet, '66 (46), was unopposeda
for secretary-treasurer. Incorrect-l
ly reported Tuesday morning was1
the business administration school
class presidency, in which Alan
B. Gelband, '66BAd (31 votes),
beat George Clark, '66BAd (26).1

FLINT-The University's branch
av Flint is operating below capa-
city because of the "unattractive-
ness" of the "split-level" arrange-
ment there and not because of
faults in the college itself, Univer-
sity Executive Vice-President Mar-
vin L. Niehuss told the State
Board of Education yesterday.
Niehuss' explanation came at
board hearings on the current
controversy over expansion of the
University's two-year Flint branch
into a four-year institution.
His contention was in answer to
a. charge by board president
Thomas J. Brennan that the Uni-
versity, while it originally planned
to enroll 1000 students in its
branch, has in fact only enrolled
Niehuss referred to the "piggy-
back" concept, whereby a student
obtains his freshman and sopho-
more education at the independent
Flint Junior College and his junior
and senior education at the Uni-
versity's Flint branch.
Aiehuss noted that a larger per-
centage of students obtain a bach-
elor's degree at a four-year college
than do students at a two-year
college who attempt to transfer at
the end of their sophomore year.
In expanding on Niehuss' com-
ments, University President Har-
Ian H. Hatcher noted that the
University experienced the same
under-enrollment at its branch at
Dearborn, though this was for
different reasons.
President Hatcher said the Uni-
versity opened the Dearborn
branch with only a "token class"
of 40 students in 1957 because the
recession in that year caused a
sharp budget cut in the Univer-
sity's request. He also told Hunt-
ington Woods' Leon Fill, vice-
president of the board, that the
University will expand in Dear-
born only enough to "fill out our
original plans for the campus."
President Hatcher's comments
were in line with his announcedt
policy of "full response" to any
inquiries by the board of educa-
He announced the cooperative
University policy last Thursday in
response to a letter from Brennan
criticizing the University's Flint
expansion plans. Brennan noted
that although the board found
nothing wrong with the expansion
itself, no major actions should be
taken by state colleges before the
board has a chance to review
The most recent criticisms of'
the University's Flint expansion
have stemmed from Gov. .George
Romney's budget message, which
explicitly indicated the governor
had not included funds for the
Senator Garland Lane (D-
Flint), chairman of the Senate
Appropriations Committee, attack-
ed Romney's proposals and asked
his committee to add $300,000 to
the University's budget to expand
Flint this fail. The amount would
be enough to open the new classes,
according to Vice-President for
Academic Affairs Roger W. Heyns.

SAIGON (I)-Maj. Gen. Nguyen
Van Thieu replaced ousted strong-
man Lt. Gen. Nguyen Khanh yes-
terday as the top officer of the
nation's 25-man Armed Forces
Council. But he has only a frac-
tion of the power Khanh wielded.
The council announced the elec-
tion of Thieu as secretary-general
and said it had decided not to,
name a new chairman, the post
Khanh held while he was also
commander in chief of the armed
Meanwhile, a United States Air
Force jet mission struck secret
targets in a followup to the widely
publicized U.S.-South Vietnamese
attack Tuesday on military instal-
lations in Communist North Viet
Nam .
Supply Line Hit
The Ho Chi Minh trail through
Eastern Laos-a Viet Cong supply
line raided sporadically through-
out the winter-was believed to
have been hit by more than 30 F-
100 and F-105 fighter-bombers.
The supersonic squadrons took
off with heavy loads of explosives
from Da Nang Air Base, 380 miles
northeast of Saigon.
The expected French reaction to
the bombings came yesterday from
President Charles de Gaulle's gov-
ernment, which expressed fear the
war in Viet Nam might flash over

a large part of Asia unless the
great powers put the dispute on
the conference table. De Gaulle's
cabinet also expressed concern
over air raids on Communist North
Viet Nam.
The concern and fresh appeal
for a new meeting of the 1954
Geneva Conference on Indochina
were voiced by Information Minis-
ter Alain Peyrefitte after a regular
weekly cabinet session presided
over by de Gaulle.
Thieu holds the post of Armed
Forces Minister in the civilian
cabinet of Prime Minister Phan
Huy Quat, as well as his new posi-
The council also named three
generals to serve under Thieu on
a governing committee.
Thi Absent
Notably absent from the council
hierarchy was Brig. Gen. Nguyen
Chanh Thi, commander of the 1st
Army Corps, who was a leader in
the recent coup to oust Khanh. He
has a strong political following in
central Viet Nam, and many of his
fellow generals regard him as a
separatist leader.
Nhen Khanh purged civilian
governments in the past, he did
so through the authority he held
over the council as chairman.
While the whole council will retain
this power, it now may have a

DESPITE A RAGING CONTROVERSY and hearings before the new State Board of Education yes-
terday,-the University plans to expand its Flint branch, above, into a four-year institution. While
Gov. George Romney has objected on the grounds that the state board has not passed on the expan-
sion plan, there is also opposition from the Flint Community College - located in the upper-
right-hand building-which currently enrolls only freshmen and sophomores. The, University's
branch now instructs only upperclassmen.
Thieu To Head Military Council

more difficult time exerting in-
fluence over the civilian govern-
ment because of the division of
power which the absence of a
chairman introduces.
The decision not to appoint a
new council chairman apparently
stemmed from a deadlock among
the officers. By establishing com-
mittee rule for the military, the
problem of agreeing on a single
leader was avoided.
More Reaction
Other reaction yesterday to the
recent bombings of North Viet
Nam was more favorable than that
of the French. Shortly before the
French statement was issued,
British government authorities ex-
pressed their strong support for
the latest phase of the bombings.
An authorized British source
said that "as long as the North
Vietnamese go on supporting the
Viet Cong so fully, they can
scarcely expect to remain immune
from the effects of the fighting
they themselves are fomenting."
Place No Blame
French officials had placed no
specific blame on the North Viet-
namese or the Viet Cong. Re-
calling France's agreement last
week to work with the Soviet
Union for convening a new Geneva
Conference, a French government
spokesman told newsmen:

Flint Growth
To Continue
On Schedule
President Defends
Expansion Before
Board of Education
Special To The Daily
FLINT - University Presiden
Harlan H. Hatcher assured the
State Board of Education yester-
day the University "has no inten-
tion of establishing any new
branches without the approval and
supportof the State Board of Ed-
While giving the board this ma-
jor concession, which establishes
board power in a field in which it
had previously had no official
powers, President Hatcher stood
firm on the University's plans to
expand its Flint branch. He spoke
before a hearing of the board of
education on the University's Flint
expansion plans.
Reinforcing the effects of Presi-
ident Hatcher's speech, Thomas
J. Brennan, board president, an-
nounced Michigan State Univer-
sity President John Hannah has
agreed to bring MSU's major ex-
pansion project, its two-year med-
ical school, before the board "at
any time."
Criticizes Romney
President Hatcher criticized
Gov. George Romney for not in-
forming state educators of his in-
tention not to request money for
Flint's expansion in his budget,
even though knowledge of the
Flint plans- 4as "been ~pulic -fo
some time. He cited Flint's de-
velopment since 1946, but noted
Romney had not officially object-
ed "until a few weeks ago."
In other testimony supporting
the University's Flint position,
Edmund B. Brownwell, Flint
Board of Education member, urged
state board backing for the ex-
pansion for three reasons:
1) "The state is being offered
an incredible bargain at Flint,
considering that it is being given
$2.4 million for capital outlay,
land and facilities already in ex-
2) "Flint offers an excellent ed-
ucational environment for the
college" and
3) "The University has the ex
perience necessary to create a suc-
cessful four-year college out of
its two-year base now in Flint."
Urges State Support
Lawrence Jarvey, superintend-
ent of the Flint public schools,
also urged state support of the
plan. According to Jarvey, ex-
pansion of the Flint Junior Col-
lege to provide the needed fresh-
man-sophomore enrollments is no
longer possible because "Flint's
tax base cannot be further ex-
panded to provide the needed
Jarvey also emphasized that if
the branch does not expand this
fall, more than the already-ad-
mitted 126 students will "lose an
education." Because of the delay
the state board would cause in
developing plans to allow the Flint
expansion, some 2200 students
would be deprived of a college
education by 1970,-he estimated.
Marvin Holme, president of the
faculty senate at Flint Junior
College, objected to the Univer-
sity's expansion. He contradicted
President Hatcher and assured the
board the junior college could ac-

cept the 126 students already ac-
cepted to the University's branch
if the branch should fail to open
in the fall.
University Executive Vice-Pres-
ident Marvin L. Niehuss later not-
ed the University's policy of main-
taining the same admissions
standards for the Flint campus as
for the Ann Arbor campus may
have to be modified. He said there
is a possibility the standards may
be reduced somewhat.
Will Be Flint Residents
President Hatcher said most of
the Flint faculty will be Flint
residents, as opposed to commu-
ters from the P Arbor campus.
Board membr lave expressed

Attack on Yale Tenure Policies Grows

Dissent over faculty tenure
policies at Yale University has
grown to include a large, though
unofficial, majority of faculty
and students, according to an as-
sociate editor of the Yale Daily
Angered over the recent denial
of tenure to a popular associate
professor of philosophy, Richard
Bernstein, students and faculty at
times numbering over 200 are con-
tinuing a round-the-clock dem-
onstration which will end at 7
p.m. today after 72 hours.
Yale President Kingman Brew-
ster, to return tonight from a va-
cation, is expected to issue a state-
ment on the tenure denial some-
time this weekend. If he does not
promise reconsideration of the

decision, numerous Yale profes-
sors have expressed varying de-
grees of consensus with the News'
editorial comment. One professor
termed the committee's decision
"stupid, unfair, dismaying . .
The tenure committee has de-
fended itself in a statement by
saying the decision "was made
with the greatest possible care and
motivated only by a desire to
serve Yale andits students."
This view was supported by$
Prof. Arthur Galston, president of'
the American Association of Uni-
versity Professors at Yale. Gal-
ston told the New York Times he
feels Yale's tenure system is fair.
There' has been no other official
university comment on the cur-
rent happenings or on policy in

Caidwell Cites Compulsion T

[ Write


the bases of its decisions publicly.
Davis doubts the protests will
spread to other issues, as has hap-
pened with the demonstrations at
the Berkeley campus of the Uni-
versity of California. "Yale stu-
dents are too apathetic," he said.
But there are rumors that other
popular Yale faculty will be de-
nied tenure in the near future, and
Davis thinks this could lead to
further mass demonstrations.
All the News
of Princeton University's Cam-
pus paper found some remark-
able news in a recent issue:
their all-American basketball
player had sprained his ankle,
which effectively crippled the
basketball team; their F. Scott
Fitzgerald expert had suddenly
decided Fitzgerald was "a minor
hack," and the university's
president had been named an
advisor to President Lyndon B.
But soon the truth was out.
The Cornell Daily Sun, reviving
similar hoaxes pulled against
Syracuse and Harvard Univer-
sities, had printed and distri-
buted a fake edition of the Daily

"I don't know why I'm a coin-
pulsive writer," Erskine Caldwell,
author of such books as "God's
Little Acre" and "Tobacco Row,"
said last night in the Union Ball-
"A compulsion to write can be
compared to the alcoholic's desire
to drink: in both cases, one loses
one's will power and becomes a

contribut'e to successful writing.
But most important is experience
and effort."
Because fiction is the dramatic
account of possible human ac-
tions which bring out the emotions
of comedy and tragedy, writing
must be the interworking of much
experience and imagination, Cald-
well explained.
There is no such thing as lit-
Arncnr I,,onnl,, annri Anti hnri ,wrt.-

Bernstein case, students plan Yale Political Union
"more drastic action-possibly a Meanwhile, the Yale Political
from too much, not too little, boycott of classes by most stu- Union, which embraces all student
freedom. Caldwell, a writer who dents and faculty," associate edi- political groups on campus, cast
has been in and out of innumer- tor Lanny Davis said last night. only one vote against the ongoing
able courts on obscenity charges, Main Point student - faculty protest. Yale's
believes that today's writer is frus- The main point of the protest, senior class council has told
trated "because he has no chance as expressed in a News editorial, Bernstein the marchers represent
of going to court." is that Yale's tenure policies al- what it feels is a majority of all
Caldwell foresees a trend of legedly lead "to the systematic students.
moralistic and intellectual, rather elimination of the most creative, A forum of speakers against
than naturalistic, writing coming inspiring and qualitatively produc- tenure policies, to be held tonight
in the future which will include tice of the middle faculty." after the demonstration ceases,
the "6-8-and-10" letter words. 1 A nr 4-toth. i-itn,-, 'c ac-. I is expected to draw at least 400

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