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4 t C t a n
Intermittent showers,
Seventy-Fouri Years of Editorial Freedom
Decision Rea
ched on
Plan NewUS Strikes in
Viet Narm;
Charges Against
The Credentials and Rules
Committee early this morning
dismissed all charges brought
against the GROUP candidates.
The committee also recom-
mended a recount of the entire
election ballots. Included in the
dismissal were the alleged vio-
lations of campaigning within
50 feet of a polling station and
false representation in adver-
SGC President Douglas Brook
s a i d the misrepresentation
charge could not be considered
by the committee since there is
no specific election rule cover-
ing this case.
However, he termed the
GROUP action in implying
total endorsement from organ-
izations which had endorsed
only single candidates "blatanit-
ly irresponsible" and in viola-
tion of the "moral dictates of
ethical campaigning."
Bogged down in a morass of
debate on procedural rules, Stu-'
dent Government Council's Cre-
dentials and Rules Committee had
failed as of 1 a.m. to come to any
decision on the charges of elec-
tion rules violations filed against
The committee had earlier re-
ferred back to the Young Repub-
lican Club for further considera-
tion the charge they brought ear-
lier against GROUP for alleged-
ly stealing a YR sign framework
f from the basement of the Stu-
dent Activities Building.
Other charges levied against the
r GROUP candidates involved re-
ported misrepresentations made
by GROUP in its advertisements
LSA Report
May Affect
While Monday's literary college
faculty resolution on controlling
the admissions rate to the college
is not a final formulation of Uni-
versity policy, such a statement
traditionally determines the direc-
tion of the final decision," Dean
William Haber of the literary col-
lege said yesterday.
The resolution is directed to the
college's dean and faculty execu-
tive committee, he explained. "We
in turn will make a recommenda-
tion to the administration, which
eventually will submit proposed
admissions figures to the Regents
for final approval."
Vice - President for Academic
L Affairs Roger W. Heyns added
that he will give the resolution's
proposals careful consideration
when they are conveyed officially
to him.
Moscow Condemns Raids
claiming organization endorse- recommendations as to penalty orl
ments. dismissal.
Paula Cameron, '67, was specif- Candidates Randy Jones, '68,
ically charged with campaigning Sue Ness, '68, and. Paul Pavlik, '66,
within 50 feet of a polling sta- were called to the table early in
tion-a direct violation of SGC's the meeting. IQC or specific houses
election code. At 1 a.m. the com- brought charges against each can-
mittee was still debating action. didate for alleged illegal place-
Earlier acquited of alleged il- I ment of campaign posters and dis-
legal distribution of campaign tribution of campaign literature.
material were Randolph Jones, According to IQC rules regard-
'68, Paul Pavlik, '66, Susan Ness, ing poster regulations a candidate
'68, Christopher Mansfield, '66, must obtain "permission of house
Jack Winder, '66, Gary Cunning- presidents in order to put cam-'
ham, '66 ,and Harlan Bloomer, '67. paign posters up within the
All Charges First house," or to distribute literature.
The committee's decision to con- 'Permission'
sider all charges against the can- Miss Ness replied that her agents
didates before coming to a ruling received permission from "author-
in each individual case resulted ities." Pavlik claimed a "mistake"
in the inability to come to early by putting up posters in an area
in which he thought he had re-
ceived permission. During discus-
sion Smithson asked that discus-
sion on Pavlik be brought to a
close because the charges were
Y 1/ frs 1 rnafnehI and d ttv1
A "freshman seminar," intendediIledges
to introduce the student to the
analysis of himself in this world,
and a program for the intensiveI
teaching of French were approved G ive R
Monday by the Literary College
Curriculum Committee and will be
incorporated into the college's TaSS Calls B
pilot project for the fall semes- Acts of Ag
ter '65.
The seminar will be under the By 'Barbaro
direction of Prof. Allan T. Gay-
lord of the English department!MOSCOW tA') -
and is intended to be the first of a and South Vietname
four semester sequence satisfying Communist NorthS
English composition, humanities terday were the wo
and all or part of the social science ous pirates" and w
distribution requirements. If suc- of open aggression,'
cessful, the seminar will become declared.
part of the Residential College The official new
curriculum. said from seven to
Critical and Creative shot down. Hanoi
"It is hoped that every fresh- number downed a
us Pirates'
United States
ese air raids on
Viet Nam yes-
rk of "barbar-
ere "a new act
Moscow radio
s agency Tass
11 planes were
radio put the
t six. UnitedI
An around-the-clock picket line
was set up outside Yale Univer-
sity's administrative offices yes-1
terday to protest the school's fac-1
ulty tenure program.
Fifty students said they would1
continue the protest until Thurs-I
day afternoon. The students are
objecting to the university's de-
termining faculty membership
qualifications by "the quantity of1
their published papers rather than
the quality of their teaching."
Some students characterized the
university's policy as one that en-
courages the assistant and associ-
ate professors to "publish or per-
Boycott -
Some students said they were
contemplating the possibility of
boycotting classes. Bruce Payne,
a graduate student in political
science. said the students were
demonstrating primarily over the
university's policy "which we be-
lieve discourages creative teach-
The protests were sparked by
Yale's denial of teaching tenure to
Richard J. Bernstein, a popular
associate professor of philosophy.
The 32-year-old' educator had al-
ready been denied tenure on a
previous occasion.
Yale President Kingman Brew-
ster, Jr. had no comment on the
picketing. He is vacationing in the
Bahamas and does not plan to
return to the campus until the end
of this week. -
In a statement approved by the
picketing students, Bernstein was
described as one of the best
teachers in the philosophy depart-
"We are at a loss to under-
stand how the decision to drop
Bernstein could have been made.
The university seems to be basing
its decisions on tenure on the
quantity rather than the quality
unenorceauie anu peuy
Tecawe yileag. man in the Residential College States reports said four or more;
The charges were filed against will be able to participate in a planes were lost.
the GROUP candidates at Mon- seminar such. as this, for it allows The United States "is ready to1
day's count night by Inter-Quad- him a significant amount of free- go to hell" to postpone failure of
rangle Council officials. IQC first dom to think creatively and critic- its Viet Nam policy, Vasily Khar-
charged GROUP with making ally within the framework of a kov, commentator for the official
"misleading" use of an IQC en- broad discipline," Gaylord said. Soviet news agency'Tass, declared.
dorsement of two GROUP can- Ten students will participate in He said the new air raids show'
didates by implying the endorse- the experimental seminar, meeting that "the Pentagon acts like a
ment was given to the entire slate. with Gaylord twice a week in a gambler who, has run amuck."
LQC further contended GROUP private dining room in East Quad- Kha'kov added that the Com-
illegally distributed its campaign rangle, combining lunch with the munist camp had pledged to give
materials under doors in Mary seminar activities. "a resolute rebuff" to further raidsY
M rey Hall in violatio issQn Inter-Disciplinary on North Viet Nam and said "the
re ueesdhat perssi d o The seminar will be inter-dis- United States aggression cannot
the house president be procured ciplinary in nature and will have, go unpunished."
Dorm Distribution as its ultimate goal, the "moving Moscow raido said 39 jet bomb-
Acorng tr iQCu Prisodentof the student to that position in ers and fighters "once more drop-
JAccording to IQC President his modern world where he will be ped their deadly cargo on Dong
iJohn Eadie, '65, the posters were ready to look to the past and em- Hoi," a port about 15 miles south
distributed after he had told a brace the discipline of history of Quang Khe. Dong Hoi was hit
GROUP representative of the IQC with ardour," Gaylord said. !Feb. 7 in the first United States
rules. GROUP reportedly asked 'College Thinking' strike of the year at North Viet'
the consent of no house president. Tesmnr sevsge yNm
However, spokesmen for GROUP The seminar, as envisiqned by Nanm.
indicated that distribution was Gaylord, will also serve to intro- "A group of planes tried to
indcatedwhat isth iCuioneas duce the student to "college strike at the town of Vinh," Mos-
halted when the IQC rules were thinking" by providing practice :n cow radio said, "but the Viet-
made known. GROUP maintains the communication of ideas and namese antiaircraft gunners bar-
that it was acting under SGC's the preparation of controversial red their path with fire."
election rules, which forbade the arguments. Vinh is a provincial capital 140
distribution of material only in The intensive p r o g r a m in miles north of the border, and
West and South Quads. They as- French teaching, which will also there was nothing in United States
serted they were given no advance be presented in the fall semester reports to indicate it was under
notice of the IQC regulations. pilot program, allows the student attack.
The IQC complaints were the to fulfill the four semester lan- After the repulse at Vinh, Mos-
third in a series of charges brought guage distribution requirement in cow radio said, "the remaining
against GROUP during the course two semesters of concentrated bombs were dropped by the piratesI
of the election. The first was work, during wvhich he will be re- at the Zyinn rive.' crossing 31
brought by the Young Republican quired to take only two other miles north of Dong Hoi."
Club which claimed last week that courses. The American and South Viet-
GROUP had stolen a YR sign r-- namese pirates lost three planes
from the SAB for use on the Diag. in the Rao Nay River area, Mos-
Alleged Sign t IVT V cow radio said. "One pilot bailed
GROUP retorted that the signs W a out in a jungle area and a searchI
had no markings which would . bhas been organized."
have indicated it belonged to the T al Hanoi radio said "according to
(Z ...,.... ,__...y Jurr
-Associated Press
VIET NAM AIR FORCE fighter bombers attacked a Viet Cong
barracks area along a delta canal in the vicinity of the Mekong
River. Intelligence reported the installation and marked it for
air strike by forward air control aircraft. The United States Air
Force, which released the picture yesterday in Saigon, gave no
date for the incident.
Junior Apartments
Top Problem List
The threat of junior apartment permission to the sorority
system was tackled by Panhellenic Presidents' Council yesterday at
the first meeting of the newly elected executive board.
Among other problems discussed were alumni recommenda-
tions, the pressures of trimester, and the integration of fall pledges.
Sorority presidents emphasized the need of setting policies
specifying requirements for living in the houses. since several presi-
Dean Quits
At Stanford*
The loss of a third dean at
Stanford University yesterday cli-
maxed two weeks of controversy
'dents said they were having prob-
Last Saturday, complaints filed
by "more than one individual"
prompted SGC's Rules and Cre-
dentials Committee to disqualify
the GROUP slate from being listed
on the election ballot. The charges
resulted from alleged GROUP vio-
lations of the SGC Election Code.
However, Council met in special
session Sunday morning and lifted
the penalties imposed on the can-
didates byf the Credentials and
Rules Committee.
Newly elected Council members
will take office at the end of
University of
involved in t
campus waiv
day and an
jury trials.
Among the
Savio, leade
campus Fre
and an inst
long sit-in at
Savio wass
in jail for c
Y (A)--More than 400
f California students
she Dec. 2-3 sit-ins on
ed jury trials yeste.-
other two asked for
students was Mario
r of the Berkeley
e Speech Movement
igator of the night-
Sproul Hall. the ad-
sentenced to two days
ontempt of. court by
udge Rupert Critten-
e judge asked him if
hat it meant to waive
derstand," Savio told
he shameless hypoc-
this court has been
jury trial waivers
66 the students who
e same action.
first reports, six enemy aircraft involving a student charge that tre
were shot down and many others deans attempted to influence stu-
damaged" in a strike in Quang dent judiciary decisions.
Binh Province, of which Dong Hoi Iiss Elizabeth N. Avery, assis-
is the capital. tant dean since 1962, submitted
Hanoi asserted that populated her resignation about two weeks
areas were bombed and strafed zn after Dean Lucile A. Allen and
the Vinh area. A communique Associate Dean Bonnie Fitzwater
said: had given up their posts.
"The United States imperialists Miss Avery agreed to remain
and their henchmen this after- until the end of the academic year.
noon sent several waves of air- nlenden the student
craft taking off from the seventn ean Allen denied the student
lems with sophomore and junior
members desiring to move out to
apartments next year. The regu-
lations require a woman to have
at least 54 credit hours and par-
ental permission in order to live in
off-campus endorsed housing.
Establishes Policy
Another major problem facing
Council concerns alumni recom-
mendation forms which must be
submitted to Student Government
Presidents suggested working
closer with local alumni in order
to gain their support in relations
with national sorority organiza-
Trimester Pressures
Sorority presidents said increas-
ed academic pressures of trimester
have left members with less time
for traditional house activities.
Apathy in sorority functions and
duties is more of a problem than
ever, they added.
Some houses have found diffi-
culties in integrating fall pledges
into house activities and into the
sorority system as a whole. Some
pledges are reluctant to partici-
pate in house activities, due to the
necessity of travelling back and
forth from their dormitories. They
are not permitted to live in soror-
ity houses until next year.
Term Attack
Heaviest In
War So Far
Officials Say Action
'Resounding Success'
See Further Drives
DA NANG, Viet Nam (P) -
United States and South Vietna-
mese' air force squadrons rained
tons of bombs and rockets on
two of North Viet Nam's military
installations yesterday in the
heaviest such strike of the war.
More than 160 land-based planes
-jet fighters, fighter-bombers
and bombers and propeller-driven
Skyraiders-attacked the port of
Juang Khe and a munitions de-
pot at Xom Bang.
U.S. officials estimated from 70
to 80 per cent of the installa-
tions were destroyed and said from
three to five of North Viet Nam's
30 Soviet-built Sxatow class gun-
boats were sunk at Quang Khe.
They termed the operation a re-
sounding success. They said there
will be further action against both
the target areas as prime sources
of Communist aggression against
South Viet Nam.
In a broadcast message evident-
ly framed before the raids, Presi-
dent Ho Chi Minh of North Viet
Nam declared "The peoples of Viet
Nam, Cambodia and Laos, uniting
closely to oppose the United States,
will certainly win victory."
The message was addressed to
the Indochina peoples conference
which opened Monday in Phnom
Penh with Cambodia's chief of
state, Prince Norodom Sihanouk,
as the host.
United States Ambassador Max-
well D. Taylor outlined the new
ground rules, framed in keeping
with a policy declaration of Pres-
ident Lyndon B. Johnson in a
Washington speech Feb. 17 that
"continuing aggression" would be
met by "continuing action."
Asked in Saigon whether the
new thrust was in retaliation for
Viet Cong attacks on American
installations, Taylor said:
"No, definitely not. These air
actions are joint actions by the
Vietnamese air force and our own
for the purpose of replying to
continuous aggressive acts across
the 17th parallel coming from the
north. It does not matter whether
the immediate victims have been
Americans or have been Vietna-
mese or a combination. Actually
it has been a combination."
Twenty U.S. Air Force F-100 su-
per sabre fighters escorted 19
Vietnamese Skyraider fighter-
bombers for the attack on Quang
They loosed between 50 and 70
tons of bombs-including some
750-pounders-on 60 to 70 build-
ings and four naval installations
in that port, about 60 miles north
of the border.
Returning pilots said North Vi-
etnamese anti-aircraft fire seem-
ed light and inaccurate. But not
all returned.
The cost appeared to be, great-
er than in any of the four pre-
vious raids-the Tonkin Gulf ac-
tion last Aug. 5 and the retalia-
tory strikesof Feb. 7, 8 and 11.
Four or more planes were shot
down. Officials declined to say
exactly how many. But the pilots
of three-one Vietnamese and two
Americans -- were recovered un-
Radio Hanoi broadcast a report,
unconfirmed elsewhere, that North
Vietnamese gunners downed six
planes and damaged many others.
It said the assault waves included
planes from the U.S. 7th Fleet,
but American authorities reported
no carrier-based craft were in-
The North Vietnamese broadcast
made no mention of casualties or
damage, but said the Vietnamese
people are determined "to deal
the warseekers heavier return
blows and foil all their plots of
provocation and war."
Hatcher To
Resolution of the published work.' l today's regular meeting. This will Municipal Ju
The faculty resolution, passed A university spokesman explain- be the last meeting for President den -after th
Monday, states that freshman ad- ed that appointment to full pro- Doug Brook, '66, Sherry Miller, he realized w
missions should be held constant fessor means automatic tenure. '65, Tom Smithson, '65, Sharon trial by jury.
at 3,100 for four years. Thirty-one- "Appointment to associate profes- Manning, '65, James Boughey, '66, "I fully un
hundred is the anticipated num- sor used to mean the same thing, Diana Lebedeff, '64, Barry Blue- the judge, "t
ber for 1965 and is larger than last but for the last two years ten- stone, '66 and Yee Chen, '65. risy to which
year's freshman class. If admis- ure his been awarded separately Elected members Rachel Amado, reduced."
sions are frozen at this figure, re- from associate professorship - a '67 and Robert Bodkin, '66E, will Yesterday's
sultant increases in the size of the rank higher than assistant ,'ro- continue to serve another term on brought to 6
sophomore, junior and senior fessor," the spokesman said. Council. had taken the
classes will increase the college's - - --- ___nol tto 18 0
Heyns preferred not to comment PROBLEMS OF THE NON-WHITE CITIZEN:
on the specific recommendations
made in Monday's resolution, ex-
plaining that he has not had time I
to study them carefully. Young Stresses Ap
However, Assistant Director of Yu~ tAhse
Admissions Byron Groesbeck said
that the 3100 figure is generally By CHRISTINE LINDER
in line with estimates of qualitied
freshman applicants for the next "According to Dante, 'the hottest place in hell is reserved for
four years.aledrithcvl
Defer Admissions those who remain neutral in a time of crisis,'" a leader in the civil
"However," he added, "we will rights movement and the war on poverty said yesterday.
be deferring acceptance of some Whitney M. Young, Jr., executive director of the National Urban
fall applicants until the winter League, spoke on "Minorities Ruled: The Problem of the Non-White
germ for the first time next year. Citizen," in the last talk in the University Symposium on American
Since the resolution lists admis- Poverty.
sions quotas for the calendar Apathy, a state of neither good will nor ill will, has been the most
year, these deferred admissionscommon condition among Americans, the majority of whom have
are relevant to the faculty's pro-
oal evAt the moment, wy are taken no stand on the injustices to which the Negro is subject, Young
unsure of how many students will said,
enter on a deferred basis." Challenge
Moreover, he pointed out that The greatest challenge of the civil rights movement is a personal
the 11,800 enrollment projection one, Young said. "Not everyone needs to go to Mississippi, either.
for 1968 does not take into account It sometimes takes more courage to stay in your own home town and
an anticipated increase in the fight racial inequality."
fleet and air bases in South Viet'
Nam to encroach upon the air
space of the Democratic Republic
of Viet Nam over Quang Binh and
"The army and people in the
attacked areas fought valiantly
and inflicted fierce blows upon
charges at the time of her resigna-
tion. Miss Avery did not comment
on the allegations.
Student leaders had charged in
an article in the Stanford Daily
recently that Dean Allen had ac-
cused young English department
teachers of emphasizing erotic ma-
the intruders." iterial in their courses and of se-
Said Hanoi radio: "The voice ducing students. The students
of Viet Nam radio vehemently charged that Dean Allen had tried
condemns this extremely serious to set up an "espionage system" to
new war act of the United States monitor the classes held by the
imperialists and their stooges." suspected teachers.
athy of American Community
world won't accept it," he said.
A crash program is needed to bring the Negro to full equality of
opportunity, Young insisted.
"You can't expect a racer to catch up if he doesn't start until his
competitor is halfway down the track."
A domestic Marshall Plan .is necessary. Three-hundred years of
injustice cannot be corrected by passing a civil rights bill and remov-
ing a few signs, Young said.M
Four misconceptions about Negroes and civil rights need cor-
First the actual conditions under which Negro'es must live are still
bad. Their reaction is an expression of more than mild discontent.
In rural areas in the South, registering to vote will certainly
cost a Negro his job. It may cost him his house and his life, as well.
Negroes, and others, too, are experiencing something which is
almost worse than abuse. They are ignored, and their poor condition
is frequently invisible.
.. .. . _