T'TT~lril7 9Ma'D'llstn V PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY TLJE.Oifll, :! 1VAKR1965"bl i REGENTS' MEETING: Approve Appointments, Promotions, Resignations DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) engineering department w a s adopted by the Regents. He* was named a professor emeritus and, was cited for his 50 years of serv- lce. OFF-CAMPUS ASSIGNMENTS Harry Benford, professor of naval architecture and marine en- gineering, April 19 to May 23, 1945. He has been invited to present a paper before the Dutch Royal In- stitute of Engineers in Delft, Hol- land, and is to lecture at Delft University and at universities in Germany and the Scandanavian countries. - James E. Harris, assistant pro- fessor of orthodontics, Feb. 15 to June 15. He is to conduct a scien- tific expedition to Egypt to gather X-ray records on a large number -of well-preserved Nubian skele- tons at Gobel Adda. The skeletel material extends backward from 1800 A.D. to 4000 B.C. and be- cause of the rapidly rising waters behind the new Aswan Dam, this will be the last opportunity to collect much of the sample. Joseph T. Hartsook, professor of dentistry, March 1 to April 1. Professor Hartsook will examine skeletal material in Egypt to study the development of teeth and the evidences of dental disease in chil- dren. Consultant Ayers Brinser, professor of re- source economics and of environ- mental health, Jan. 1 to Jan. 31, 1965. The Ford Foundation asked that he serve as a consultant to investigate the possibility of a long-range research project on the economic development of In- donesia. Arthur W. Burks, professor of philosophy, June 28, 1965, to Aug.' 23, 1966. He has been asked to serve with the Kanpur Indo- American Program and will be in residence at the Indian Institute of Technology in Kanpur. Fred B. Knight, associate pro- fessor of forestry, April 26 to May 21. The German government has made a formal request that he participate in a study tour of the Federal Republic of Germany in- cluding West Berlin. He is one of eight forest research workers from the United States to be so hon- ored. Fred C. Munson, associate pro- fessor of industrial relations, for the 1965-66 University year. The Ford Foundation and the Grad- uate School of Business Adminis- tration have invited him to serve in a consulting and research ca- pacity for the Shri Ram Center for Industrial Relations in New Delhi, India. The main objective is to build up the center as an outstanding research institution. The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan, for which The Michigan Daily Assumes no editor- ial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be- fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and Sunday. General Notices may be published a maxi- rnum of two times on request; Day Calendar items appear. once only. Student organization notices are not accepted for publication. TUESDAY, MARCH 2 Day Calendar Community College Counselor-Stu- dent Conference-Registration, Rack- ham Bldg., 8:30 a.m. Training and Development, Person- nel Office University Management Sem- inar-L. Clayton Hill, professor emeri- tus of industrial relations, "Basics of Supervision": Michigan Union, 8:30 a.m. Institute on the Control of Infec- tions in Hospitals-Rackham Bldg., 9 a.m. Biological Sciences and I.S.T. Lecture School of Music, 8:30 p.m. Doctoral Examination for Glen Charles Smith, Chemical Engineering; thesis: "Heterogeneous Nucleation of Calcium Sulfate," Tues., March 2, 3201 E. Engrg. Bldg., 3 p.m. Chairman, J. L. York. Dept. of Linguistics: French and Ger- man language examinations will be given Mon. and Tues., March 8 and 9. Students intending to take the exami- nation must notify the Departmental Office of their intention to do so on or before Tues., March 2. Museum of Anthropology and the Archaeological Institute of America Lecture: Dr. Charles R. McGimsey III, University of Arkansas, "Prehistoric Sites in Panama" in Aud C, Angell Hall, 4 p.m. Arms Control Seminar: Tues., March 2, 8-10 p.m., Room 1056 Mental Health Research Institute. Speaker: Raymond D. Gastil, Hudson Institute. Topic: "Arms Control and Defense." General Notices Delta Delta Delta Scholarship Com- petition: Unaffiliated or affiliated women students who will be juniors the fall semester of 1965-66 and have a Mrs. Clifford R. Miller, International PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS: Bureau Center, 764-2148. of Appointments-Seniors & grad stu- A. O. Odeleye, development officer, dents, please call 764-7460 for appoint- University of Ife, Ibadan, Nigeria, Feb. ments with the following: 27-March25 THURS., MARCH 4- S. G. Wilkinson, bead, Research De-. onn ls ors onnNY partment, Herald Sun Television, Mel- Corning Glass Works, Corning, N.Y. bourne, Australia, Feb. 28-March 3. Math, Physics & Chem. Positions in Leszek Biedrycki, senior assistant, De- Personnel, Prod. Territorial Sales & partment of English, University of{PronnevMPro atioss Warsaw, Poland, March 3-8. Prod. Dev. Many locations, Joseph Vinarek, director of the State POSITION OPENINGS: Library of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic; vice-chairman of the Cen- Scott Paper Co., Phila., Pa. - Men tral Library Council, Branik, Czecho- with Bus. Ad. or Lib. Arts degrees. On- slovakia, March 7-10. the-job trng. for initial sales position Dr. Alois Tesitel, head of the Cen. leading to prod. mgmt., advertising & tral Library of the University of Chem- research. Locations throughout U.S. & [cal Technology, Pardubice, Czechoslo- some overseas. vakia, March 7-10. Washington State, Olympia-Various openings include: 1. Securities Exam- iner, BA in acctg., bus. ad., law or rel. Placement field, plus yr. exper. in issuance, brok- erage sale or exam. of securities, etc. ANNOUNCEMtiENTS May substitute equiv. exper. for educ. 2 Public Health Educ. Consultant, MA State Univ. College, Oneonta, N.Y. - Public Health with emphasis on health In cooperation with N.Y. State His- educ. plus 2 yrs. professional exper. torical Assoc. at Cooperstown, N.Y., an- * * * nounces grad program leading to MA For further information, please call with specialization in history museum 764-7460, General Div., Bureau of Ap- trng. & American folk culture. Field pointments, 3200 SAB. exper. plus study prepare for work ir museums & local historical societies Fellowships available. Details at Bureau. Temple Univ., College of Education, Phila., Pa. - Announces a Jr. High School Math program for grads (6 cred- its in math) interested, but not certi- fied to teach modern math. Summer internship prepares for teaching this Sept. in culturally deprived areas. 3 yr program leads to MA & sertif, Financial aid includes Tuition & stipend. De- tails at Bureau, SUMMER PLACEMENT SERVICE: 212 SAB- Lannon Field Farms, Lannon, Wis. -Men & women for counselor jobs; riding, riding ass't., land sports, na- ture, music, program director, crafts. cabin counselors. Also man for animal care. Prefer 20 or over but will talk to 19 yr. olds with camp exper. Mar- ried couples willbe considered. Inter- view Tues., March 2, from 9-12 & 1:30- 5 at 212 SAB. . w r , ., , 5, a J J t: ~ . , , . -C. B. Anfinsen, National Institutes grade-point average of 2.98 or better of Health, Bethesda, Md., "Molecular are eligible to apply. Application forms Structure and the Functions of Pro- and further information may be ob- teins": Third level Amphitheatre, Med- tained from Mrs. Florence Lyons, Of- ical Science Bldg., 4 p.m. fice of Financial Aids, 2011 Student Ac- tivities Bldg. Applications should be Symposium on American Poverty - completed and returned to Mrs. Lyons' Whitney Young, Jr., executive director office by March 15. Scholarship grants M ore eople are of the National Urban League, "Minori- will be based on need, scholarship and ties Ruled: The Problem of the Non- extracurricular participation. White Citizen": Rackham Lecture Hall, Lectureships Abroad: Available underlooking 8 p.m. totrsisAbod viaeudrU fo Fulbright-Hays Act as of Feb. 8, may Museum of Art Lecture-Dore Ashtonb onutd nte{rdut.elobe ti art critic, "American Drawing": Archi- ship Office, 110 Rackham Bldg. the tecture Aud., 8 p.m. ">l Michigan Marching Band: All mem- Basketball-U-M vs. Wisconsin: Yost be owill be Milabl taplayforBanhd "ONE-STOP' Field House, 8 p.m.' whSil eTvilbetopayfr!h _____,___.March 6 basketball game with Min- Center for Research on Conflict Reso-neotaare9euested to inform Jn lutonLecur-Rymod . Jay, 665-5991, before Wed. evening, BANKING lution Lecture-Raymond D. Gastii, March 3. All volunteers are to report f n"°1057sMRIu, "Am and ;De-to the field house by 3:30 p.m. on theL fense": 1057 MRHI, 8 p.m. day of the game dressed in suits, ties .i, i, i and dark shoes. Enter through the School of Music Student Recital - north end doors to receive admissionI Susan Cowden, flute: Recital Hall, ticket. Graduate Faculty Meeting: Armeet ing of the faculty of the Horace H.chmSolofGautSude Rackham School of Graduate Studies will be held in Angell Hall, Aud. A, at 4 p.m. on Wed., March 3. The agenda will include a discussion of the new decentralization of a portion of grad- Ig h 1 uate school fellowship grants to de- partments, the setting of admissions by departmental units, current prob- lems under discussion by the Execu-C 1evaors ive oardof the School of Gradu- ate Studies, andhdiscussion initiated from the floorA brief summar of the activities and the graduate school in i these areas can be found in the Feb. 15 issue of the "Reporter." Foreitn Visitors ANN ARBOR BANK 5T o AVE.6 PHONE'761.2680The following are the foreign visi- SAVE. PHONE: 7612680 tors programmed through the Interna- 3: East Liberty Street Near Maynard tional Center who will be on campusSh s E r this week on the dates indicated. Pro- S outh University at East University grain arrangements are being made by A 4 oad atfHceo Serving And 4 More Offices Serving ANN ARBOR / DEXTER HITMORE LAKE CTRGAN'ZATION Tn AtnlAn NOTICES ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS G PHYSICISTS MATHIE MAT ICIANS Technical representatives of The MITRE Corporation will be conducting interviews on campus March 8, 1965 MITRE is chief technical advisor and systems engineer to the Air Force Electronic Systems Division of the Air Force Systems Command. In this capacity, we design and develop such global, computer-based systems as the NORAD Combat Operations Center, Back-Up Interceptor Control System, and the Nuclear Detonation Detection and Reporting System. Other commitments: development of a future air traffic control system and supporting the Defense Communications Agency in the development of the National Military Command System. For the young systems engineer, this is uniquely rewarding work. You associate with the top men in your field. You work in an atmosphere that allows you to extend your capabilities profession- ally and academically. At MITRE, men trained in single disciplines are encouraged to grow beyond their original fields of interest. Systems designers learn to work from an increasingly broad base. You may work in such diverse areas as information theory, com- puter design, display techniques, propagation, or human engineer- ing. You may analyze. You may synthesize. You may deal with systems or individual components. At the highest levels, you may have to consider political, economic and social factors. . .as well as the available and predictable technology. Requirements: M.S., or Ph.D. in these disciplines - electronics, physics, mathematics. MITRE is located in pleasant, suburban Boston and also has facilities in Washington, D. C. and Colorado Springs. If an interview will be inconvenient, inquiries may be directed in confidence to Vice President - Technical Operations, The MITRE Corporation, Box 208, Dept. CNA, Bedford, Mass. ARRANGE FOR AN INTERVIEW THROUGH THE PLACEMENT OFFICE. THE MITRE 0 . * - 0 An Equal Opportunity Employer Pioneer in the design and development of command and control systems, MITRE was chartered in 1958 to serve only the United State Government. An independent nonprofit corporation, MITRE is technical advisor and systems engineer for the Elec- tronic Systems Division of the Air Force Systems Command, and also serves the Department of Defense, and the Federal Aviation x :k I speed ei UfIVERSIT " Now rentin S. UNIVERSITY AVE. & FORES 4 Agency. s I LL 1' 0