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January 10, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-01-10

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S ir og


Fair today;
cloudy Monday

Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


Work To Avoid Strike' at Docks

NEW YORK (P)-Asst. Secre-
tary of Labor James R. Reynolds
tried to bridge a gap between
longshoremen and their union
leaders yesterday to avert a costly
dock strike.
Shippers, meantime, planned to
ask President Lyndon B. Johnson
f o r congressional intervention
compelling arbitration if dock
workers walk off at 12:01 a.m.
Monday as scheduled.
The new waterfront crisis,
caused by rank-and-file rejection
of a new labor contract, sent
Reynolds hurrying to Washington
Friday for top-level governmental
consultations, then flying to New
York yesterday for talks with the
He described the rejection of the
contract as "extremely unfortun-
ate," and said the pact was "not
only liberal in the nature of bene-
fits" but constituted a "break-
through" in terms of job security.
"I choose to believe," he said,
"that a significant portion of the
negative votes arose out of a lack
of true understanding of the truly
fine contract negotiated for the
Faulty Explanation
He noted that the language of
the master contract was agreed
upon only 36 hours before it was
submitted for a vote by the New
York dock workers. He expressed
belief that the workers didn't have
enough time to receive a full ex-
planation of the contract.
President Thomas W. Gleason
of the AFL-CIO International
Longshoremen's Association for-
mally notified union locals in
ports from Maine to Texas that
New York members turned down
the settlement pact and would
By long-standing custom, a
strike here would halt work by
60,000 - 70,000 longshoremen on
piers of the Atlantic and Gulf
"We all work together or we
stop together," Gleason explained.
Strike Inevitable
Even as he announced the
pending conference with Reynolds,
Gleason was resigned that nothing
could be done to head off the
Stung by the 8,722-7,957 vote
rejecting a settlement he considers
the best the union has ever ne-
gotiated, Gleason sought to ex-
plain the development:'
"I don't think that the men
recognized the amount of security
gained in this contract."
Gleason called union vice presi-
dents to a meeting tomorrow to
determine strike policy and "find
out what the men really want and
a a
North Carolina
To Get Public
Health Center

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Secretary of
Welfare Anthony J. Celebrezze has
announced that the North Caro-
lina "research triangle" (the
Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill
area) has been selected as the site
of the planned $25 million na-
tional center for environmental
Facilities for large environ-
mental health programs are also
being planned for Cincinnati,
Ohio, and West Virginia, Cele-
brezze said. Costs for these pro-
jects were not disclosed.
The decision to place the major
center in North Carolina ended a
scramble that has been under way
since 1961 when plans for the pro-
ject were first advanced. Accord-
ing to unofficial sources, an Ann

what it will take now to satisfy
Reynolds personally was in-
volved for some five months in
hammering out the agreement
which the New York pier workers
thumbed down. It had loomed as
a solution to an old and bitter
stand-off between the union and
the New York Shipping Associa-
tion over automation.
In return for gradually reducing
work gang size from 20 men to 17
men over a four-year period, the
union was guaranteed a minimum
annual wage and given an 80-cent
hourly increase in wages and
benefits spread over the period.
New York longshoremen, whose
contract forms the master pattern
for the East and South, currently
are paid $3.26 an hour.
The federal government ex-
hausted strike-delaying legal pro-
cedures in the current dispute.
The union struck for one day Oct.
1 but was ordered back to work
for an 80-day cooling off period
under the Taft-Hartley Act while

negotiators sought settlement. The
talks led to the agreement Dec.
16-now rejected.
Shocked by the development,
President Alexander P. Chopin of
the Shipping Association, repre-
senting 145 companies, wired
"A strike at this time would
cause incalculable damage to the
national economy and security of
our nation. It would leave us with
no alternative but to request the
President for congressional action
and compulsory arbitration."
The last previous contract dis-
pute resulted in a 34-day dock
strike in December 1962 and
January 1963, estimated to have
cost the national economy $800
million to a billion dollars.
It finally was settled by a pres-
idential panel headed by Sen.
Wayne Morse (D-Ore), who let
both sides know in no uncertain
terms that they could either
accept the agreement or take
their chances with Congress. They


New Immigration
Laws Proposed
WASHINGTON (A) - President
Lyndon B. Johnson will ask Con-
gress for a sweeping new immigra-
tion law dropping race and na-
tionality as factors in choosing

Viet Nam Junta Restores




Ray Develops Sensitive
New Probe for Brain
BALTIMORE (4)-A Johns Hopkins, doctor has reported the
development of a brain depth probe so sensitive that it can pick
up the electrical output of a single brain cell.
Described as capable of measuring brain waves millions of times
weaker than one volt, it is seen as a possible new hope for earlier

detection of tumors. Dr. Charles
who designed the probe, said it
Johnson, Sato;
To Discuss
Asian Crisis
TOKYO (R) - Japanese Prime
Minister Eisaku Sato departed to-
day for Washington to confer with
President Lyndon B. Johnson on
the crisis in Southeast Asia and
other problems of mutual concern.
Sato, who took over last Oc-
tober from ailing Prime Minister
Hayato Ikeda, has continued Ike-
da's pro-Western policies while
bracing against the chill winds
generated by Red China.
Exchange of Views
Although Sato has indicated the
purpose of his trip is to engage
in a broad exchange of views
rather than hammer out detailed
agreements, Indonesia's withdraw-
al from the United Nations, Pe-
king's rise as a nuclear power and
the continuing crisis in Viet Nam
have given his meetings with
Johnson new importance.
Sato is of the opinion that time
is running out on efforts to keep
Communist China out of the Unit-
ed Nations. Sources said he will
ask Johnson whatsteps the United
States may take if Communist
China gains a majority vote in
the UN General Assembly this year
or next.
The talks will deal also with
such subjects as general East-West
relations, the diplomatic negotia-
tions between Japan and South'
Korea for a post-war settlement
and the political and economic sit-
uation on Okinawa.
Economic Issues
There are also a number of eco-
nomic issues between the two
countries. One of the most press-
ing is Japan's bid for right to fly
to New York City and beyond to
link up a worldwide service of Ja-
pan airlines.
Sato has been seeking a more
independent role for Japan in
the world which would reflect the
country's remarkable economic
growth since World War II. He is
planning to participate in the
Asian-African conference this
spring and declare Japan's readi-
ness to contribute to economic de-
velopment, particularly in Asia.
Sato has made clear in advance
of his visit that Japan will not
seek any additional guarantees
from the United States on nuclear
protection from Communist China
but will rely upon the existing se-
curity treaty with the United
Won't Rebuild
Old, Coalition
WASHINGTON (P) - The new
leader of the House Republicans
says he is not eager to rebuild the
GOP - Southern Democrat coali-
tion that has played an important

D. Ray, a Hopkins neurosurgeon
has already been used to sense
abnormal brain waves in epileptic
patients and to pinpoint sites for
surgery in their brains.
Ray explained that by probing
deeply into the brain, the scientist
can diagnose disturbances there
much more accurately.
"That's what we're doing with
this probe, which has more elec-
trodes and gets nearer the source
of the brain waves than detectors
more commonly being used."
The most sensistive instrument
yet devised to record brain waves,
the new probe is also seen as a
possible device for measuring the
rate at which brain cells use
oxygen, manufacture waste pro-
ducts and perform other metabolic
The instrument consists of sen-
sitized wires -10 per cent iridium
and 90 per cent platinum-baked
lengthwise onto a hypodermic
needle. The contacts which pick
Coec Capers a
Princeton's board of trustees
recently rejected a proposal to
extend visiting hours for wom-
en in the dormitories from 9
p.m. until midnight on all Fri-
day nights.
An editorial in the news-
paper, The Daily Princetonian,
said that "The president does
not seem to understand the
profound unhealthiness of the
Princeton undergraduate's so-
cial life with women. Coeduca-
tion is the solution for Prince-
ton's social illness."
up the electrical activity of cells
are so small that they can be seen
easily only under a microscope.
Ray worked on the probe at the
Mayo Clinic before coming to the
John Hopkins School of Medicine.
Wayne Russert, a medical elec-
tronics engineer, worked with him
on the project throughout.

foreigners for admission to the
United States, qualified sources
said yesterday.
The new law reportedly would
give preference to those having
special skills or other qualifica-
tions which would make them of
special value to the U.S. economy
or culture.
And it would make it easier to
unify families torn apart by the
present immigration law with its
quota system based on nation-
It is understood that Johnson's
proposal will be much like the one
proposed by the late President
John F. Kennedy in 1963.
Based on Ability
Johnson, in his State of the
Union message, called for "an im-
migration law based on the work
a man can do and not where he
was born or how he spells his
In his State of the Union ad-
dress a year ago, Johnson asked
passage of the bill6proposed by
Kennedy in July 1963.
Quota System
Since 1924, immigration to the
United States has been based on
the national-origins quota system.
Quotas are assigned to each nation
on the basis of this country's 1920
population and are designed to
preserve the ethnic ratios of the
U.S. population as it was then.
If, as those close to adminis-
tration planning predict, Johnson
follows the lines of the Kennedy
bill when he sends his immigra-
tion message to Congress next
week, the new proposal will have
several goals:
New Plans
-The national - origin quota
system would be gradually abol-
ished, possibly over a 5-year
-The maximum number of im-
migrants permitted each year
would be between 150,000 and
200,000. No country would be per-
mitted more than 10 per cent of
the total;
(But, as opposed to the present
system, there would be no unused
numbers. If one nation did not use
its maximum, the unused places
would be reassigned to another
-A major section of the current
law, covering Asia-Pacific areas
would be abolished. This requires
persons of Oriental ancestery to
apply under the quota of their
ancestor's country-even if they
have lived for years, for instance,
in Great Britain;
-Also eliminated would be the
requirement t h a t immigrants
seeking first preference must also
already have lined up a job in this
-Parents of U.S. citizens would
not be restricted to their country's
quota. Parents of aliens who have
been admitted would be included
in the present system for the first

-Associated Press
THE INS AND OUTS of Vietnamese government have received another shakedown with the
peaceful passing of power from a military to a civilian government. However, it is reported that
Gen. Nguyen Khahn considers the latest government agreement a diplomatic victory for himself,
since it seems to legitimize the military coup of December 20.
Expect $99.5 Million Budget

WASHINGTON (A') - Adminis-
tration sources indicated yester-
day that President Lyndon B.
Johnson's new budget will hold
federal spending to around $99.5
That estimate is understood to
be within about $100 million of
the probable final figure, although
some decisions still are pending
and two weeks remain for further
review and revision.
Johnson May
Meet Kremlin
Leaders Soon
MOSCOW (A)-U S. Ambassador
Foy D. Kohler returned to Moscow
yesterday and said he "wouldn't
be surprised" if President Lyndon
B. Johnson and Soviet, leaders
meet before long.
Kohler said he had no written
message from Johnson to the
Kremlin leaders on a meeting but
"something will be discussed."
He said he personally had told
Soviet Ambassador Anatoly F.
Dobrynin on Monday afternoon
that Johnson would suggest a
meeting with Soviet leaders.
In his State of the Union speech
t Congress last Monday night
Johnson said:
"I hope the new Soviet leaders
can visit America so they can
learn about this country at first
Kohler told reporters he expect-
ed to talk with Soviet foreign
ministry officials shortly. On the
possibility of discussing a meeting
between Johnson and Soviet lead-
ers, Kohler said, "there is nothing
urgent about it and there have
been no talks on it" since Monday.

The President's budget message
to Congress on Jan. 25 reportedly
will call also for further trimming
of the federal deficit from this
year's estimate of $5.7 billion, de-
spite the planned cut in excise
tax revenues.
The Senate and House late Fri-
day extended the legal deadline
for submission of the fiscal 1966
budget-covering the year start-
ing next July 1-to Jan. 25 in-
stead of Jan. 19, the eve of in-
A spending total roughly nalf-
way between $99 billion and $100
billion would represent consider-
able cost-cutting for Johnson, uho
last year reversed the upward
trend of federal outlays.
Most officials agree, however,
that this probably will be tne last
budget below $100 billion the
United States will ever see, unless
lessened world tensions or dis-
armament pacts make it possible
to reduce military outlays sub-
The President told newsmen in
November it would be very diffi-
cult to whittle the new budget
below $100 billion, in view of

agency requests, totaling $108.5
billion. He didn't rule out the pos-
sibility, however.
His cost-cutting progress since
then has been a well-kept secret.
It is known, however, 'that force-
fully worded hold-down orders
were issued by the White House.
Johnson also spoke sternly to the
cabinet as a group, then held face-
to-face sessions with every cabinet
officer and most heads of large
agencies. Almost every major re-
quest was slashed except that of
the Department of Health, Edu-
cation and Welfare.
Although the result apparently
will represent an increase of more
than $2 billion from this year's
budget outlays, estimated in Oc-
tober at $97.2 billion, the new
budget is generally viewed by offi-
cials as a greater fiscal achieve-
ment than last year's.
That is because the uncontroll-
able "built-in" increases in gov-
ernment costs-such as veterans'
pensions, interest, and relief
grants to the states-have been
running between $2.5 and $3 bil-
lion annually in recent years.

U.S. Labels
National ConVention
To Be Called, Khahn
Stays in Background
SAIGON W)-Military leaders
who purged the government three
weeks ago formally restored civil-
ian governmental power yesterday
but failed to meet all the demands
of the United Sta~tes. American
officials called the move a step
in the right direction, however.
A communique said an agree-
ment signed by Lt. Gen.'Nguyen
Khanh and Premier Tran Van
Huong had placed legislative
powers in the hands of the na-
tion's civilian chief of state, Phan
Khac Suu. These powers had been
held by the civilian High National
Council, which was dissolved by
the military Dec. 20 in a bloodless
The communique added that a
national convention will be called
within a short time for the pur-
pose of shaping up a national
legislative assembly. All members
of the National Council who were
arrested in the purge were ordered
U.S. Demands
The United States had demand-
ed that the military leaders step
aside completely, restore the Na-
tional Council and free all persons
arrested in the purge. At the time
of the purge, about a score of
politicians - perhaps more - were
reported under arrest.
Actually, the communique did
not go much beyond what mili-
tary leaders said right after their
In announcing dissolution of
the High National Council on Dec.
20, the military leaders said its
legislative powers were turned
over then to Suu. The operational
leader of the purge, Brig. Gen.
Nguyen Chanh Thi, said then a
national congress would be con-
vened by Suu in a maximum of
three months. No time limit was
given in the communique.
Khanh's Strongman
Thus, it. appeared Khanh walk-
ed away with a diplomatic victory
over the United States and seem-
ed to remain the strongman of
South Viet Nam.
The United States held back
some of its financial aid to the
Vietnamese government because
the military leaders had wiped out
the National Council.
The U.S. view was that while
there may have been some things
wrong with the National Council,
it was a basis for representative
democracy and should be main-
Commenting on the communi-
que, one source said: "all it does
really is legalize what the armed
forces did on Dec. 20."
A U.S. spokesman said the
move did not represent "every-
thing we think ideal" but it comes
close enough to make it possible
for the United States to deal with
the government.
U.S. Statement
Later, the U.S. embassy issued
this statement:
"The American mission in Viet
Nam welcomes the statement of
government policy issued yester-
day as a promising step in the
direction of establishing the stable
and effective government which
the mission statement of Jan. 5
stressed is essential to the effi-
cient use of American assistance."

It was expected the curtailed
U.S. aid would be resumed auto-
Meanwhile, a quick examination
of the explosive Viet Nam situa-
tion was ordered yesterday by a
blue ribbon panel of senators.
Sen. Richard B. Russell (D-Ga)
summoned director John A. Mc-
Cone of the Central Intelligence
Agency for a closed-door briefing
Monday in which some 30 senators
may participate.
Russell, who has been publicly
critical about U.S. military aid and
operations in both Viet Nam and
the Congo, called recently for
'prompt re-evaluation of U.S.
Invited to the secret session
were the 17 members of the armed

Always in the Best Fraternity

AMA Counters Medicare;
Plan- Utilizes Existing Laws,
CHICAGO (A) - The American Medical Association came out
yesterday with a proposed program of health care for the aged and
stated it would give elderly citizens far more than the administration's
Medicare plan.
Dr. Donovan F. Ward, president of the AMA, said that Medicare
would give the people "far less than they -expect," and "have a dis-
astrous effect on the quality" of hospital and medical treatment.
Under the AMA proposal, Blue Cross, Blue Shield and other
health insurance companies would provide policies to protect the
elderly against the costs of illness.
"A citizen over 65 would pur-
chase, through a private insurance
company, a wide spectrum of med-
.e .ical, surgical and hospital bene-
lr a fits, and would pay all or none of
the cost of the policy, depending
on his income," Ward explained.
"For individuals with income
' under the specified minimum, the
state agency, using federal and
state funds, would pay the entire
The AMA program would make
some use of the federal-state
health aid machinery set up by
the Kerr-Mills act and now in
effect in 40 states. This machinery
permits states to determine eligi-
bility through checkups by wel-
fare departments on income,
assets and other resources of the
> ;However, Ward called for con-
.f r;:gressional action to make some
changes. He suggested an amend-
ment to the Kerr-Mills act to per-
mit citizens over 65 to submit "a
. ; simple information return to the
appropriate state agency outlining
income from all sources."
:t"On the basis of this return
alone, he said, an individual
with income within limits set by

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