- ... - - -. - .F- -~ ,: w .,, a . ,_ PAGE FOUR THEI MICHIGAN BA T 'GY71lfiR Ate' AaYALwtflf ltt T r ynnr " "" - z e. u HlU UPEU a NaYKUNDAY' 28iFEBRUJAR6Y1965, i SUNDAY, 28 FEBRUARY 1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, 28 FEBRUARY 1965 TIlE MICHiGAN DAILY NEW COMPETITORS: OSA Moves Junior Women Into Apartment Market I Shop early: you'll be competing "The conduct of senior women with junior women this year. under the more liberal regulation A decision made early in Feb- has been most encouraging," Cute ruary by the Office of Student Af- lfr said. "Our staff is unani- fairs has released an undetermin, mously convinced that junior ed number of females, currently women possess the same capacity sophomores, into the race for for mature self-control, and we apartments for next fall. The OSA want them to have the opportuni- decision exempted junior women ty to demonstrate it." from the requirement that they However, Cutler made clear he live in dormitories or sororities, will be very alert to abuses aris- Just how far this will raise the ing from this policy. "I don't in- demand curve for apartments re- tend off-campus housing to be- mains uncertain, because this de- come the locale for rowdyism, pends on how many junior women immature lack of self-control, im- will be able and willing to meet morality, anti-intellectualism or the OSA's requirements for junior public drunkeness, he said. "And apartment permission. if. these abuses exist at present, 54 Credits we don't intend to have it so for The new regulation extends to long." women who have 54 or more aca' Locus of Authority demic credits. Formerly apart- The implementation of apart- ment permission has applied to ment privileges will be handled by senior women and those over 21 the Off-Campus Housing Bureau years of age. and the residence hall system, out Two conditions are attached to of which students will be check-, the impending apartment permis- ing. innuniorwomen, undormi- The Off-Campus Housing Bu-a planning to move from the dri reau will compile a list of approv-" tory system, must have written ed housing to be made available parental permission. This rule to the students. Howeveranyf has been in effect for ser2ordwelling which uses the Universi- ty rental agreement can be con- Further, junior women will be sideredendorsed. According tc required to live in University en- Cutler, about two-thirds of Ann dorsed housing. Endorsed housing Arbor apartments use the Univer- must be certified by city inspec- sity rental agreements, tors as meeting health and safe- ty codes and must utilize a Uni- One issue involved in the pres- versity approved rental agree- ent decision was the ability of th, ment. Ann Arbor apartment market to age the increased apartment de- mand. The Women's Conference Com- mittee, which worked with Cut- ler and the OSA via a series of } recommendations on women's reg- ulations, recently polled the pros- pective juniors in residence halls on their intentions for the fall.z About two-thirds of the women declared their intention to move out of the residences.; However, with parental permis- sion as a stipulation, Cutler esti mates this number will drop to be- j low one-half of the junior women # --an approximate 400 women. Cutler further remarked that he thinks the University has the <} rent base in hand. They have re-j ceived oral commitments from major builders preserving the present rent range. The possibility of changing the present 12-month lease to an eight month one is virtually zero,= Cutler said. This issue is tied in with financial agreements under- EVER SEE A DRY-GOODS counter after a sale attended by a lying the development of these horde of female shoppers? Photograph above shows the fate of housing units. A house operator one unusually desirable apartment the day after junior women's is required by the bonding agency apartment pers were announced. Shop early! to guarantee a certain income1 level per year from that unit. rent range by 10-25 per cent. In regard to an extension of While junior apartment permis- liberalization to sophomore wom- With an eight month lease rents sion will free spaces in the now en, Cutler said that the OSA will would have to be higher to meet crowded residence halls, Cutler remain closed in this area for a the requirements of the finance does not expect it to alleviate while to gather the needed ex- eight-month lease would raise the the crowding problems. perience from the present change. 453 S. 1st St. Single Bedroom apartment for I cr2 Sunny, TV, Available mid-April-25 Aug. $85/Month ncl. utilities. Will haggle Call 663-7994 or 663-0346 ""Mt. *I'"' 1336 Geddes Apartment No. 3 3-4 Man Apt. for Summer Sublet Completely Furnished And all luxuries: Stereo, Tape Recorder, Television, Wall-to-Wall Carpeting, Air-Conditioning Garbage Disposal and Balcony Call 665-8921 Differentiating absorb the additional students. This condition does not apply to According to Cutler, the OSA has senior women. According to Vice- reasonable assurance from Ann President for Student Affairs Arbor realtors that they can man- Richard Cutler, "junior wome. -- are not as free as senior women and this is one way to express The University-approved rental5 A PARTM ENTS agreement is a device for coop- NT eration between the University TO RE and realtors. Under such an agreement, the University will act as a mediator for a student in FOR SUMMER AND FALL any realty dispute. It will also see 906 PACKARD that the student upholds his end of the contract, and can withhold grades if he fails to do so. 1, and F Man Anor'ments Students signing contracts for Furnished the fall are advised by Cutler not - l with Ba'h to enter into agreements, formal omnete or informal, for apartment dwell- and Shower ings which are not completed as Ench with Private Entrance these dwellings have not yet been certified by the city. FALL PRICPS: 3-5-$120 Basic Philosophy The present decision, Cutler ex- SUMMER P2 ICES plained, is an outgrowth of the basic philosophy of the Office of Reasonable Offers Student Affairs that "freedom and the development of responsibility A L must go forward hand in hand." "We intend," Cutler said, "that students be allowed to live under NO 8-7858 conditions which we mutually, judge to be beneficial to their ed- ucational experience." eight hundred fuller A Proud New Address 1000 OAKLAND Apt. 205 1 100 SQ. FT. OF LUXURY FOR SUMMER SUBLET Air-Conditioned, Large Balcony And plenty of parking included with all other extras. 3 huge bedrooms. Will sleep up to six. Priced for 4 DON'T CROWD YOURSELF THIS SUMMER! Call NO 2-1026 C H EAP"'1o Roomy 2-Man Just Remodeled Furnished Large Kitchen carpeted LARGE MODERN APT. FOR 5 two balconies air-conditioning three sinks 5 minutes from campus separate living room, dining room & kitchen 2 bedrooms fully carpeted completely furnishedj plenty of storage Call NO 5-4068 anytime 818 Brown Apt. No. 4 2-Man Summer Sublet r disposal 0 fully carpeted * air-conditioned 0 8 months old 0 fully furnished * off street parking 0 May-August Call NO 5-7985 around 6:00 SWIMMING! SUNBATHING! PARKING! WINDOWS! HUGE, COMPLETELY FURNISHED FOR 2, 3 OR 4 NEAR CAMPUS 1346 GEDDES APT. NO. 2 Ca 11662-7384 SPACIOUS 2-MAN FURNISHED APARTMENT J Near to campus (1 block from Kappa house) . Air-conditioned i TV and garbage disposal v Fully carpeted New refrigerator 819 E. UNIVERSITY Apartment No. 2 Between 4 and 7 PM. Call 761-0615 4-MAN FLAT 3 BEDROOMS Full Kitchen Screened-in, Lighted Porch Front Yard 1 Block from Campus Half-Block from Ed. School Call 665-7007 ii - i 11 Summer Sublet 2nd half of summer trimester. 2-Man Apt. across from law quad 3 rooms, carpeted, modern kitchen. girls or married couple CALL 764-9617 ..... Sublet an entire HOUSE 4 BIG BEDROOMS living roomn CLOSE TO CAMPUS 11 THE BUILDINGS ARE HIGHER k 1.. BUT THE COST IS NOT HURON TOWERS Compare the Rentals - From $119 STUDIO, ONE, TWO, AND THREE BEDROOMS FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED " Every room air-conditioned * Heated Swimming pool-patio-sundeck * Garage or ample outside porking " Free bus service to campus-downtown " Conveniently located, North Campus area 2200 Fuller Rd.-663-0800 Model Suites Open Daily...................... ... 9 to 8 p.m. Saturday ... ...............9 to 6 p.m. Sunday .....................1. ..12 to 6 p.m. EXCITINGLY MODERN, EIGHT HUNDRED FULLER is thoughtfully planned to offer al the conveniences of contemporary apartment living in a relaxed suburban atmosphere, together with the cultural advantages of a University City. Poised gracefully above the Huron River, Eight Hundred Fuller is within walking distance of the campus of the University of Michigan and only minutes away from St. Joseph, University and Veterans Hospitals. Among its many features Eight Hundred Fuller offers: " Resident manager on premises " Master TV antenna system " Generous laundry and storage facilities 924 Oakland Call 662-3661 anytime .oom dining room study garage kitchen 3 stories I 764-7678 764-2603 our price CHEAP! Happiness Is YOUR OWN BACKYARD * Sound conditioning * On-site paved parking " Large private balconies f Glass tub enclosures " GE Air Conditioning " GE Refrigerators " GE Ranges " GE Disposals Model Apartment open every afternoon 1 to 5 P.m. Monday thru Saturday A variety of floor plans including one- and two-bedroom furnished apartments available on every floor of the building. Grad Student wants 2 female roommates to share a really modern, air-conditioned, 4-man apt., two bedrooms, fully carpeted, balcony. Available May 1-Aug. 15 Call 761-1593 I I- r Across from Bus. Ad. for $120/Month SPACIOUS 3-MAN PENTHOUSE APT. with Parking Modern decor-Quiet 725 HAVEN Call 5-2640 e.., I- Fabulous Forum Four-Man for Four Fairly Finicky Folks3. * 2 Bathrooms * Dishwasher 0 Air-conditioner " Treasured artworks * Extra bookshelves and and lamps left for the summer CLOSE TO EVERYTHING QUICKLY- (all 668-6149 Modern, Spacious Apartment FOR FOUR 2 Bedroom Air-conditioned Carpeted Garbage disposal Large bathroom $180 per month Available May 3 to Aug. 22 (all 662-4218 P. 663-6549 Mrs. Gibson, Resident Manager I