GROUP: SAVIOUR OF SGC? S9ee Editorial Page Jr Bk6 74n, att WAR:MER High.-45 Low--35 Partly cloudy; rain Monday Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXV, No. 131 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, 28 FEBRUARY 1965 SEVEN CENTS THIRTY PAGES U.S. Blasts Hanoi Aggression, Peking Aid in Viet Nam War Pact Ends. Maritime Cut seven in GROUP By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - The United States blasted Communist North Viet Nam yesterday with a 14,- 000-word "white paper" charging the Communist state with waging "concealed aggression" against the South on a massive and growing scale. Charges of "direct support" of the war were directed at Commu- nist China and other Red nations. The report, charging violation of international agreements in de- fiance of the United Nations char- ter, was dispatched by the State Department to the UN Security Council for the information of all of its members, including the So- viet 'Union. By this means the U.S. put be- fore the council its accusation that the North Vietnamese attack on the South "is as real as that of an invading army." Will Fight Back It warned the UN that the U.S. and South Viet Nam will fight back with whatever means they wish-including air strikes. The U.S. said it had hoped widening of the war might be avoided but that the Communist leaders in Hanoi met restraint on the U.S.-South Vietnamese side with greater violence. Therefore, the paper said, the U.S. and South Viet Nam decided air strikes against infiltration and supply bases in North Viet Nam were equired for the defense of the uth. 'North Viet Nam's commitment seize control of the South is no less total than -was the com- mitment of the regime in (Com- munist) North Korea in 1950. But knowing the consequences of the latter's undisguised attack, the planners in Hanoi have tried des- perately to conceal their hand. The white paper with maps, photographs and stories of sol- diers in the South-was design- ed to build up convincing and massive evidence of North Viet- namese control of the war with the alleged direct support of Com- munist China and some help from the Soviet Union and other Com- munist countries. The report said that of more than 4000 Communist guerrillas of the Viet Cong known to have entered the South in the first eight months of 1964, about 75 per cent are natives of the North. In earlier years the bulk of troops infiltrated into the south were de- scribed as southerners who had been trained in the north. This. asserted switch in the source of manpower was cited in an attempt to show that the mili- tary forces of the North are be- coming much more deeply involv- ed in Southern fighting. Communist Weapons Lists of weapons printed in the appendix to the white paper show- ed captured guns and ammunition identified as having originated in Communist China, the Soviet Un- ion, Czechoslovakia and North Viet Nam. The body of the report itself carried a breakdown of weapons it said were found in connection with the Feb. 16 sinking of an arms ship running into the South Vietnamese coastal province of Phu Yen. The State Department said documents found aboard the vessel showed it had come from Supports Unit kOn Humanities University President H a r 1 a n Hatcher has proposed establish- ng a humanities foundation to aralel the National Science Foundation. His recommendation was given recently before a House-Senate "arts panel" on legislation to es- tablish such a foundation intro- duced by Sen. Claiborn Pell (D- RD and Rep. William S. Moore- head (D-Pa). The legislation is based on a report from the Commission on the Humanities and has received the approval of the Johnson ad- ministration. As conceived by administration spokesmen, a National Humanities and Arts Foundation would be cre- ated as a counterpart of the NSF. The foundation's function would be divided into two autonomous units. The humanities unit would con- centrate on upgrading university curricula and promoting studies in GALVESTON, Tex. (P) - Long- sought agreement was reached last night when a 22-man longshore- men's negotiating team and the maritime industry came to terms on a new four-year contract in area. P The breakthrough apparently{Ton signals the beginning of the end of a billion-dollar walkout that began Jan. 11 and tied up ports from Maine to Texas. F r E e to GC Ballot Nears W'f RHO'S FROM 'U"? Candidates Ca p sS l'pelAt State Convention 1,Fo r Today Election Committee By PHYLLIS KOCHSays Members Violated Special To The Daila a f'lll..-#70 V '11db' Pib i? .i 'f f Yesterday's action, however, does not mean an immediate end to the 48-day-old walkout in 11 ports from Lake Charles, La., to Brownsville, Tex. The contract-which could ?gave Thirteen Candidates Run for Council Seats Polls will open tomorrow in -Associated Press A UNITED STATES "White Paper" on Viet Nam, released yester- day, labelled the above pile of supplies "part of the huge stock of Chinese and other Communist weapons and ammunition seized from the Viet Cong . . . in February, 1965." The White Paper charged North Viet Nam with "concealed aggression" against South Viet Nam. North Viet Nam. Officials were vague when ques- tioned by newsmen about why the white paper was put out at this time. They said the timing was de- termined by the task of compil- ing the material. However,hfrom other sources it appeared there were at least two major reasons for issuing the doc- ument now : 1) To show why the Johnson administration decided earlier this month to start air attacks on infiltration centers in North Viet Nam in retaliation for a sharp increase in Viet Cong of- fensive operations in the south; 2) To try to rally public opin- ion in allied and neutralist coun- tries on the question of what the war is allabout. .International Conflict' U.S. Chief Delegate Adlai E. Stevenson made the statement in a letter to the UN Security Coun- cil which accompanied the white paper. Stevenson described the fighting between the Viet Cong and the South Vietnamese govern- ment as "an international con- flict" involving "an aggressive' war of conquest" waged by North Viet Nam. Meanwhile, American B-57 jet bombers pounded the jungles near. Xuyen Moc once every 20 minutes yesterday in a joint air-ground operation designed to smoke out and destroy large concentrations of Viet Cong guerrillas believed' hidden there. By nightfall, ground troops had made no contact with Red guerrillas, though heavy con- centrations of Viet Cong were oe- lieved still in the vicinity. the way toward an eventual guar- Student Government Council's LANSING-A crack in the University Young Republican Club anteed annual wage for dockers- semi-annual election, with a ten- turned into an open split yesterday as moderate and right wing is subject to approval by the main tative slate of 13 candidates for factions claimed to be the official University representative at a 110-man West Gulf District con- nine SGC seats and four aspirants state convention here. tract committee. for the two Council executive po- A later investigation revealed that the "right-wing" group, led Assistant Secretary of Labor sitions. by Ronald Gottschalk, '65, has been registered with the Office of James J. Reynolds said he had The status of seven GROUP Student Affairs. The "moderate" asked union officials "to do very- (Governmental Revision of Uni- faction, led by Lyle Stewart, Grad, thing in their power to expedite versity Policy) candidates was ratification so work in all ports doubtful after a ruling last night is the Young Republican group can resume at the earliest possi- by SGC's Credentials and Rules registered by the OSA last semes- ble moment." Committee disqualified them from ter.4 Thomas W. Gleason, Interna- being listed on the official ballot. The Stewart group, however, tional Longshoremen Association GROUP is appealing the ruling at failed to re-register this semester, president, said the agreement gives a special session of Council to be and the Gottschalk faction took the union minimum gang-size pro- held this morning at 11. over the YR recognition., tection against automation and a Besides voting for Council po- The conflict erupted when Gott- ;A seniority clause to protect older sitions, students will cast ballots schalk 'attempted to block the; men and make room for new men. for members of the Board in Con- seating of the Stewart delegation° In addition, the agreement must trol of Student Publications, Board at the annual convention of theb be approved b h a-and in Control of Intercollegiate Ath- Michigan Federation of College beapo vdb the -m raunk-ndfinleletics and the delegation to the Republicans. of the 7000-member union involv-C ed. No date has been set for fhat Congress of the United States Na- The move came moments be-, balloting. tional Students Association. fore the federation's officer elec- If approved, the new agreement Members of the class of 1966 in tions were to take place. Gott-F will require management to have the Literary College, the Engineer- schalk appealed to the floor that il-----aaeetth--;his group be seated as the offi- at least 16 men in a gang for See Candidates' Platforms, cial voting delegation of the Uni- general cargo and 18 for bagged Pages 6-8 versity, cargo. It also calls for an 80-cent - - Gottschalk cited documents raise in wages and in fringe bene- ing College and the School of proving that the Stewart group no its spread over a four-year per- Business Administration will also longer is the officially registered iod. vote for their respective senior YR club of the University. REP. ADAM C. POWELL Gleason said the Galveston con- class officers.Herfsdtrlaethdou tract would serve as a pattern for Balloting Stations He refused to release the docut L agreement in the South Atlantic Balloting stations, open from ments on the convention floor but The Daily. c oo A id district, where bargaining is to be- 8:45 a.m. to 5:10 p.m., are located gin again tomorrow morning. at South West and East They consist mainly of the stand- ALLEGED CHINESE markings on shells fired by the Viet Cong were part of State Department evidence supporting charges of aggression against North Viet Nam. , 1, kalllpaign iveguiations Hoope r Urg, Outlookon By MICHAE What should the United State Africa's apartheid policy? Peter Hooper, Jr., of the Sta African Affairs, participating in yesterday discussed the problems States actions to further "governs Africa." Hooper noted that althou 4 rangles, Markley, the Undergrad- uate Library, Frieze Bldg., the ess f ealts tic Business Administration Bldg., the Engineering Arch and the Fish- bowl. 4ApartheidRunning for the SGC positions 1, are John Bookston, '68; George Field, '67; Richard Gentry, '66; Lawrence Hauptman, '66; Neil ;L HEFFER Hollenshead, '67; Randall Jones, s do about the Republic of South '68; Christopher Mansfield, '66; Susan Ness, '68; Paul Pavlick, '66; David Sloan, '67; Harvey Wasser- te Department's Office of South a '67; John Winder, '66, and a conference on South Africa, Kenneth Zuckerman, '68. and limiting factors on United The seven GROUP candidates ment of all the people of South were disqualified on the grounds gh the volume of American trade that they committed infractions of and investment in South Africa is the election code. The SGC rules ard OSA forms registering a stu- dent organization. The convention overruled his claim by refusing to support an amendment installing his group as the official delegation. The vote was 269-128. The convention then elected a moderate, Jerry Van Wyck of Cal- vin College, as federation presi- dent, defeating two Gottschalk- supported candidates. The dispute stems from a tech- nicality in the University regula- tions concerning student organiza- tions. They require student or- ganizations seeking to maintain recognition to register the officer names and faculty advisor with the OSA each semester. Stewart, who was elected in No- vember as president of the then- registered YR's, thought the reg- istration was automatic. However, Gottschalk and other dissident members of that YR club, secured the registration forms and submitted them to the OSA, which approved them. Bill Stalled WASHINGTON (P)--Last-min- ute objections in the House Edu- cation and Labor Committee stall- ed final approval yesterday of the administration's $1.3 billion school aid bill. Chairman Adam Clayton Powell (D-NY) said the committee was within half an hour of completing action on the sweeping measure when a motion to adjourn car- ried by a 16-15 vote. Six Democrats had joined with the-committee's 10 Republicans to force the adjournment, which was opposed by Powell and other strong supporters of the bill. The main thrust of the admin- istration bill is toward improving education in low-income areas, which leaves little money for the wealthier suburbs. The section dealing with low-income area children is the only one still to be acted on. By MICHAEL DEAN All GROUP candidates for Stu- dent Government Council posi- tions-except those running for president and vice-president-, were disqualified last night from being listed on the March 1 elec- tion ballot by Council's Creden- tials and Rules Committee. The committee ruled t h a t GROUP (Governmental Revision of University Policy) candidates had committed two infractions of the SGC election rules and order- ed their names removed from the ballot. Council Executive Vice-Presi- dent Gary Cunningham, '66, also a candidate in Monday's election, has scheduled a special session of SGC today at 11 a.m. to hear GROUP's appeal of the ruling. Write-In In any case, the seven GROUP candidates disqualified are still eligible for write-in votes. SGC Administrative Vice-P r e s i d e n t Sherry Miller, '65, chairman of the committee, explained that since no write-in votes are allowed for executive positions, the GROUP candidates for president and vice- president were not disqualified. The complaints brought against the candidates charged GROUP had illegally distributed its cam- paign material, both through Al- pha Phi Omega's bulletin board and through a table set up in the Fishbowl last Friday. Under Council election rules, no candidate "or person acting on his behalf" is allowed to campaign in any University building except when permission has been obtain- ed from the "appropriate author- ities." In addition, candidates are required to inform the SGC elec- tion director of "any special per- mission granted." Permission Received GROUP answered that they had received permission from Alpha Phi Omega, which has jurisdiction over University bulletin boards and the Fishbowl, on both counts. However, they asserted that they had not notified the election di- rector of this because they had not considered the permission to be "special." Inasmuch as they are a recognized organization, GROUP argued that having post- ers distributed by APO and set- ting up the table in the Fishbowl are standard organization priv- ileges. The committee did not dispute GROUP's status as a recognized organization, but did question the candidates' use of this status to circumvent rules which would have prohibited them as individuals from obtaining the privileges granted by APO, Miss Miller said. Fails To Notify She explained the actual in- fraction came from GROUP's fail- ure to notify the election director of the privileges granted by APO. She said the purpose of the elec- tion rules was to give all candi- dates an equal chance in the elec- tion. By not notifying the election director of these permissions, GROUP did not allow Council either to set up similar privileges for the other candidates or to deny them to GROUP, she explained. Miss Miller also questioned APO's role in posting the GROUP signs on University bulletin boards, inasmuch as the fraternity's rule forbids posting campaign litera- ture. APO President Laurence Kalb- fleisch, '65BAd, said last night that at the time the signs were approved for posting he was not aware of GROUP's function, since the posters did not make any note of SGC elections. He explained the posters were interpreted as being part of a GROUP drive for small and increasing only slightly, committee has ordered t h e i r names to be removed from the it has some importance. However, ballot.o our economic interests are much GROUP Candidates stronger in areas where apart- The seven are Paula Cameron,I held is greatly opposed, he said. '67; Steve Daniels, '67; Mickey "Pressures are growing" for Eisenberg, '67; Russell Linden, '68; moves toward ending apartheid D o n a 1 d Resnick, '68; Steve by international action, such as Schwartz, '68, and Myles Stern, economic sanctions, he said. "The '66. major powers will be prodded" by Students may vote for five SGC African states that see "the in- candidates. dignity of their brothers in South 1 Two slates of candidates are on Africa," he added. the ballot for SGC's executive "We condemn apartheid," he positions of president and vice- said, "but one can't dictate to a president. Gary Cunningham, '66, sovereign government." The U.S. present SGC executive vice-presi- policy is to "keep urging leaders dent, and Harlan Bloomer, '66 in authority to approach the pub- A&D, oppose GROUP's slate, of lic from a realistic point of view." Robert Golden, '67A&D, and Ellen Hooper said the U.S. policy is Buchalter, '67. Students may vote to urge publicly and privately that for one of the two slates. changes be made. The U.S. is part The seven candidates for the of a Security Council committee USNSA Congress are H. Neil Berk- investigating the situation. son, '65; Barry Bluestone, '66; Yee The nation has established an Chen, '65; Richard Horevitz, '67; embargo against shipping arms Lee Hornberger, Jr., '66; Judith and machinery for armament Klein, '66, and Richard Shortt, '66. manufacturing to South Africa in I Students may vote for four. I -Daily-Thomas R. Copi SURPRISED HAROLD SWOVERLAND walked unknowingly into his own birthday party at the Delta Sigma Phi house last night. an attempt to halt the spread of weapons for internal warfare Swoverlandthere, he said. The question of broader eco- nomic sanctions is being studied SindsBirthy Partycurrently. Hooper questioned the results of such actions, claiming it might lead to greater extremes of control in South Africa. He Harold Swoverland, veteran fraternty investigator, went to find also questioned the relationship a wild party at the Delta Sigma Phi house last night but found a between economic actions and po- surprise birthday party for himself instead. litical results. Swoverland-the man with the worst job on campus-was honored One African student explained, for more than two decades of devoted investigation of questionable during a question and answer per- campus behavior. iod, that the reason for much an- "Conniving" administrators in the Office of Student Affairs told ti-U.S. feeling in Africa is that him to investigate an allegedly improperly registered, unchaperoned Africans hear the U.S. say it has beer party at the fraternity. no interests in South African bus- rathfrunnrmty.Buhedidsamleanainesses but occasionally steps into Swoverland found no beer. But he did sample Canada Dry and the political affairs of other coun- Cranberry Juice punch as well as a piece of his own yellow birthday tries Where husinesses are threat- C Athletic Board The one vacancy on the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Ath- letics is being contested by Marvin F.S.e. n J. Freedman, '67, and Richard FEEDING THE MASSES at the Unversity requires not only Volk, '67Ed. Sugar Pops for breakfast, but rabbit food for the psychology The three vacancies on the lab brood. The University Food Services, which maintains full Board in Control of Student Pub- time purchasing agents for both staples and produce, supplies lications are being contested by $3 million worth of food to the University each year. Robert Bartol, '66G; John Loren- zen, Jr., '66 Bus. Ad; Robert Shen- k6in, Qudibers and Ice kin, '65Bus. Ad, and Phillip Sutin,g '66G. Write-in candidates -including ma GROUP's seven-are permitted and are subject to SOC's election code, All required materials for the write-ins must be submitted to By ROGER RAPOPORT Election Director William Patch, '66, by 8 p.m. Monday. The University Food Service is the only place on campus where Vote tabulating will take place in vo 'n finnd under nne ronf the hutcher. the baker and the quaddie