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February 27, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-02-27

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See Editorial Page


111k iau

slightly warmer

Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


U.S. Judge Sets OSA


Women 's Apartment


Trial for


Charges 17 with Misdemeanors
In Killings of Civil Rights Workers
By The Associated Press
MERIDIAN, Miss.-A federal judge ruled yesterday that 17
white men must stand trial on misdemeanor charges in connection
with the slaying of three civil rights workers last summer. Mean-
while, a Negro became the first casualty of Alabama's civil rights
Judge Harold Cox set no date for the trial in rejecting defense
motions to dismiss the misdemeanor indictment-as he did a more
serious felony indictment Thursday.
In Washington, a Justice Department spokesman said the way
has been paved for a full-fledged trial of the 17 men-a trial in
which all of the evidence that
could have been used in a felony
trial can be brought to light.
The 17 were arrested last month
following a massive Federal Bu-
reau of Investigation investiga-
tion into the murders of Michael
Schwerner and Andrew Goodman,
white New oYrkers, and James
Chaney, Meridian Negro.

The Office of Student Affairs yesterday warned apartment-
hunting women who will be juniors next fall that they can't
sign a contract for a space in an uncompleted building.
The office fears many of promised spaces will not be avail-
able for occupancy by fall, unleashing a flood of students seek-
ing temporary quarters.
The OSA warning yesterday does not, however, apply to
women over 21, senior women or to male students. Their lease
arrangements are not endorsed by the University.
Reacts Quickly
Reacting swiftly to the student administration warning, a
local partner of the 18-story apartment structure now under
construction on South University Avenue, said his firm has
cancelled all agreements with sophomore women. Their deposit
money will be refunded,.Robert E, Weaver said:
He estimated that only 10 contracts covering four apart-
ments are involved.
There was no official word from city realtors who are man-
aging six other projects yet to be completed, but several indicated
their intention not to contract junior women in these structures.
The OSA warning, clarifying its policies for protecting
junior women in their first year in apartments next fall, came
from Elizabeth Leslie, coordinator of associated and off-campus
To Be Enforced
She said that the OSA intends to enforce the regulation
requiring junior women to reside in University-endorsed hous-

ing. This will be done by requiring a copy of the University ren-
tal agreement before granting the apartment permission.
The regulation was set forth along general lines by Vice-
President for Student Affairs Richard Cutler in early February.
He announced that junior permissions would be contingent
upon parental permission and the use of a University rental
At that time, however, he only advised students not to en-
ter agreements for dwellings which are not completed.
Mrs. Leslie was more specific yesterday. *
"This office is well aware of the fact that those entrepreneurs
who are managing buildings still in the process of construction
are making private agreements with sophomore women on the
basrs that their property will be completed at the time school
opens next fall," she declared.
Not Illegal
"We realize that this is not an illegal or unethical way of
handling the rental of apartments from the realtor's point of
view. On the other hand, the jurisdiction of the OSA is over
the students and not over the realtors. We feel an obligation to
students," she added.
She did not identify specific firms or buildings, but the de-
velopment of the 18-story high-rise has been a source of major
concern to the OSA for several months.
Administrators fear that it will not be ready for occupancy
by next August 15, forcing the 800 student occupants into tem-
porary quarters. They have been critical also of the development's
See OSA, Page 2

If you are a sophomore woman who will have 54 or more
academic credits next fall and be under 21 years of age, here's
how you go about getting an apartment permission:
1) If you're in a sorority, forget about it. You are com-
mitted to living there next year.
2) If you're in a residence hall, there are three forms which
must be obtained, filled out and returned to the residence di-
rector by March 12.
The first is a parental permission form which the direc-
tors will have on March 5. This must be signed by your parents
specifying that you have permission to live in an apartment
off -campus.
The second is a cancellation form on which you officially
withdraw from the residence hall system for next year. This
should also be returned by March 12.
The third is the University rental agreement which must
be signed by the realtor. The forms will be available through
the realtors starting March 6. They should be submitted to the
director with the other two forms by March 12. If you can't
get them signed that quickly, then the residence halls will
hold a place for you through June 1 at which time you would
re-apply to the residence halls.
3) Remember that the University lease is only valid for
prospective junior women when it covers an apartment which
is already constructed. Senior women, women over 21, and all-'
males do not have to sign or submit a University rental agree-

The four-count misdemeanor -
indictment accused the 17 with PROPOSE TAX REFORAI
conspiring to violate the slain
trio's civil rights. It carries a
maximum penalty upon conviction
of one year in jail and a $1000 Lo in i ' £ rtteii

Panel Analyzes Lecture System

Block Budget


"C l l u"U U t l i

Two Speakers
Debate over
Racial Policy
South Africa's apartheid policy
--is it good or bad?
Two professors expressed differ-
ing opinions on this question at
the opening session of the "Con-
ference on South Africa" last
night. TheUconference is spon-
sored by the United States Na-
tional Student Association.
Prof. Thomas Molnar of Brook-
lyn University opened the session
by supporting the policy "supple-
mented-and I emphasize supple-
mented - by a 'Bantustand'
This policy would provide for
eventual independence for Afri-
can tribes. According to Molnar,
this independence is envisaged as
a commonwealth of small African
nations politically independent
but bound together by economic
Taking another position was;
Prof. Hugh M. Smythe, also of{
Brooklyn University. S m y t h e
maintained that the only solu-
tion to what he termed the "po-
tentially explosive situation" in
South Africa is discussion of the
problems which have resulted in
and from the apartheid policy by
all the parties involved.
"South Africa has had two kinds
of history," he explained, a white
history and a black history. The
apartheid policy is not a result
of the British, he said. Molnar
disagreed, claiming "it was a
problem the present government
inherited from the British."
The causes for the apartheid
policy Smythe cited included in-
cidents such as the Boer War,
which left a heritage of bitter-
ness among the Africaners, use
of. English as the primary lan-
guage and Africaner as a second-
ary language, which also left bit-
terness among the Africaners. Iso-
lationism on the part of the Afri-
caners was also a contributing
factor, he said.
Religion also contributes highly
to the apartheid policy in South
Africa, Smythe continued. "The
Dutch Reformed Church, which
supports a very rigid form of Cal-
vinism, also supports an apartheid
policy," he said. The race ques-
tion in South Africa is always
viewed in political, not moral
terms, he added.
Molnar explained the apartheid
policy by describing many differ-!
ences between the situation of the1
Negroes in Africa and that of the
black man in South Africa.
"Here," Molnar maintained,
'the Negro is in the minority and
could never hope to be in the ma-
jority. Consequently the white
man acquires, the psychology of
the dominant rae." Tn Afrir the

By PETER R. SARASOIN quacy of outlines of which
More Serious students might take advantage."
Temore serious fln n In an open meeting of the Lit- ~
dTe m e 1u fend- By The Associated Press vision in 1965 but has refused to g"No good teacher is sure of
dtmnacsd h17ded-propose a program until the Legis-eryCoeg trgCmmte himself," Felheim said. There
ants with conspiring to use viol- LANSING - Senate Democrats propoe agri'sgra unil t Lei- yesterday, professors, students sld ehe i sa There
latue areesit s wilin to on-should be the "tension of a chal-
ence to deprive the three civil decided this week to use their sader agre y isill"n trouson-and an administrative represen-
rights workers of their lives. The majority to reject Republican Gov. ider a Romney bill"serously. tative discussed intensively the lenge" since you are dealing with
judge held that no federal law George Romney's budget and draft At a 212 hour caucus Thursday, advantages and disadvantages of people and ideas. This is the rea-
was embraced by this indictment their own fiscal reform program, Democrats instructed a commit- the lecture system at the Univer- son I am against television edu-
and that his court lacked jurisdic- including an income tax. tee headed by Sen. George Fitz- cation for it removes the student-
tion. Majority Leader Sen. Raymond gerald (D-Detroit) to draft one Piof. Marvin lhm of the faculty dialogue that is so import-
Thedel(D-Detroit) said Thurs- or more tax reform proposals Prnls eartmeon aeant to the learning process," he
The slayings were "a heinous Dzendzelw thr eeks sEnglishdepartment, serving on a id
crime" and those responsible day that Republicans should draft itin i three-man panel, gave the main Synthesis
should be brought to trial for their own fiscal reform program- Instruction address to an audience of approxi- Loescher concurred with Fel-
mhuden brsat outthtrialdfo "then we'll sit down and compare The committee was instructed matey 80 students and faculty. Ihi' da n de ielan
mudri tt orteJdeprograms and get something bi-i to include elimination of sales tax m.ey8 tdnsadfcly heim's ideas and added the learn-
said. A Neshoba County Grand prorasand onclde end a n es t Associate Dean James H. Rob- ing and teaching process should
Jury has considered the case partisan." on food and drugs and an end to.
ertson of the literary college and be a synthesis, the objective arid
twice, but has taken no action Romney has called for tax re- the business activities tax, An in- . RbitLecelcue ntetesbetvadteeoin
grouds taked ac to come tax on corporations and Robert Loescher, lecturer in the the subjective, and the emotion-
on individuals would make up the lost history of art department, were al and the intellectual. He agreed
FBI evidence. revenue-and probably more. the other members. of the panel, with 'Felheim that a teacher must
Alabama Dzendzel said tax rates or dol- which offered additional com- be committed to a discipline to
In Alabama, Jimmie Lee Jack- lar revenues were not discussed. ments after the address and dur- be able to teach it well. If not,
ing the discussion period with stu- then no matter what, he can't be
sowocamdh a enCauses Debate Dzendzel, when asked what the "dentsnnomaandwhaother' b
shot by a state trooper during Democrats would do if Republi- a good teacher, he said.
died yesterday of a bullet wound A major controversy, centeing cans don't draft their own pro- a Felheim cited the three funda- In reaction to the new masters
dedysrdyond whether kerslinewith posal, said the Democrats would mental beliefs that a faculty mem- program in college teaching that
Sthe stomach.ed sb siveorganizatons cross that bridge when we come GOV. GEORGE ROMNEY ber should have in order to reach has been proposed at the dniver-
Col. Al Lingo, commanding of- be allowed to speak on to itthe student effectively with his sity, both Felheim and Loescher
ficer of the, state troopers, de- sed tn He said the decision to reject Hrmaterial. These were "belief in agreed that it would produce fac-
state campuses, has erupted in the Hebotdrfsaider ude blset
clined to comment directly on a New Hampshire legislature this Republican Romney's budget is no about diafting their budget bills. the subject, belief in yourself as ulty that were "no better than
statement to hospital authorities, slap at the governor-"it's so we He left open the possibility that a teacher and belief in the stu- babysitters." Felheim added that
but he did say: week. a s . Romney's bills might be resubmit- dents." it was in the same category as
The debate climaxed this week can begin operating this session. ted with only a few changes. This it s eset eg
'I have made a thorough n- by hearings before legislative com- By rejecting Romney's budget- would fulfill the technical re-he proposed residential college
vestigation of the shootig and I mittees on education. A bill to im- probably next week - the Demo- quirements while leaving what is The doctorate doesn't guaran- that it was "just a gimmick to
have turned my findings over to pose a ban on "subversive" speak- crats will open the way for early essentially Romney's budget up tee knowledge in the subject mat- ignore the problems of the Uni-
the circuit solicitor to take nec- ers was introduced by a Man- passage of a senior citizens' prop- for consideration. ter. All it means is that you have versity." The University should
essary action." Chester representative, Saul Feld- erty 'tax relief law and other_ lived to the age of 35 at a uni- work with the literary college in-
He would not elaborate. man, and has received the en-- money bills. The 1962 state con- versity," Felheim said. "Most of stead of creating an experimental
Eight persons, including three dorsement, in principle, of Demo- stitution prohibits the Legislature ua s inthe knowledge that I possess I residential college, he said.
newsmen, were beaten during the cratic Governor John W. King. from considering any money bills dhave learned from my experience Live Minds
encounter which erupted when Supporters of the bill assert the governor's budget is ac-teaching, he added Robertson said that the live
about 400 Negroes left a church that the state should not provide a cepted or rejected. Ed uCational A professor "must be committed minds are not only in publications
and started marching to a county "forum for the nation's enemies." Stimulus to professionalism," in other words and research. "This is not the only
courthouse. They expressed criticism of the He said stimulus for the fiscal J women's apartment per- a commitment to his subject mat- measurement" of faculty at the
No Reaction trustees of the state university reform decision came Thursday Junior has not been granted on ter. "I as a professor must ex- University, he said.
ReidCotfiofrom Attorney General Frank Kel- th , i h fGtf lt ploit the beliefs, dogmas, atti- But, he added, "it is a hard


T ner e was no immediate reac-
tion from Negro leaders left in
charge of the civil rights campaign
in Marion and Selma in the ab-
sence of Martin Luther King, Jr.,
who has directed the six-week old
struggle for equal voting rights.
King has been on the west
coast for the past three days.
Nor was there an immediate
indication that Jackson's death
following an emergency operation
would send Negro demonstrators
back to the streets in advance of
another planned voter registration
drive on Monday.
Street marches in both Selma
and Marion had been called off
during the latter part of this
week while civil rights workers
devoted their attention to re-
cruiting plans for Monday's drive
when voter registration boards
in the two counties meet for a
noe-day session.
They were killed last June 21
near Philadelphia. Miss. Their
bodies were found beneath an
earthen dam Aug. 4.

system for aiiow ng a communite's opno htteLgsau e n asis tat it win alleviate
newspaper editor and the organ- aysopinion that the from a flat cirowding conditions in residence
izer of a student trip to Cuba to may grant exemptions r halls, but on the assumption that
rate income tax. The flat rate
appear at the campus in Durham tax is the only type of tax allowed junior women are capable of ben-
last year. under the ste otutio efiting from the educational ex-
Opponents of the bill charge Demrts sae exnsteduto p perience afforded by apartment
that it could provide a precedent D pose a high exemption, high rate living, Vice-President for Student
for further legislative attempts income tax that would assume Affairs Richard L. Cutler said
to wrest control of university pol- some characteristics of the grad- yesterday.
icy from the trustees. They warn- uated'income tax prohibited by the "A'survey taken by the Women's
ed that its p'assage could affect constitution. Conference Committee shows that
the flow of research grants to the Dzendzel said the 23 Democrats about two-thirds of a sample of
university and its ability to attract in the Senate were acting inde- about half of the present 600 soph-
and keep high quality professors. pently of any action the House more women said that they would1
King has suggested that the might take. In the House, Demo- move out," Cutler said.
proposed ban apply only to mem- crats are expected to agree to meet "However, the stipulations of
bers of the Communist party and with a Republican fiscal reform parental permission and Univer-
the American Nazi party. drafting committee. sity endorsed housing will prob-.
The House Education Commit-' Both political parties put pres- ably permit only 400 women to
tee is expected to report the bill sure on their legislators to move move," Cutler added.

tudes and qualities to make them
live for the student," he said. The
professor should take an interest
in the life of the student in or-
der to react to his ideas better
and to also know where the stu-
dent derives his outside informa-
tion from,. he said. It is "import-
ant that I be aware of the inade-
YR's Charge

question to answer how to defend
the professor who hasn't written
at all. He added that the prob-
lem might be helped by the stu-
dent evaluation booklet that will
be coming out soon. Felheim said
that this idea 'should be expand-
ed and intensified for he indicat-
ed that "the students are most
GROUP with

important in evaluating a teach-
er's method and effectiveness in
the classroom."
Prof. Louis Weinberg of the en-
gineering college said that "stu-
dent opinion should not be the
most important since they are
not cognizant of all the necessary
criteria." What is needed is or-
ganized research on what actually
constitutes a good professor, he
After saying that the statements
made by Felheim and Loescher
mostly apply to the humanities,
Weinberg modified this by adding
"manipulative skills are just as
much a part of the humanities
as they are a part of science and
mathematics. Also, the apprecia-
tion of mathematics or science
can be as much an aesthetic ex-
perience as can the appreciation
of a fine novel or poem." In fact,
mathematics is essentially one, of
of the humanities, he said.
Name Council
Endorsements of the Student
Government Council candidates
were released yesterday by the
major student organizations.
Voice political party has given
its support to the candidates of
GROUP political party: Robert
Golden, '67A&D, for president, El-
len Buchalter, '67, for executive
vice-president, and Paula Camer-
on, '67, Mickey Eisenberg, '67, Rus-
sel Linden, '68, Steve Schwartz,
'68, Steve Daniels, '67, Donald
Reznick, '68, and Myles Stern, '66.
The Young Democrats have en-
dorsed the GROUP candidates but
have also given their endorsement
to David Sloan, '67.
Panhellenic Association has giv-
en its support to Gary Cunning-
ham, '65, for president and Harlan
Bloomer, '66A&D, for executive
vice-president. It has also endors-
ed Miss Cameron, Linden, George
Field, '67, Neil Hollenshead, '67,
Christopher Mansfield, '66, 'and
John Winder, '65.
Interfraternity Council has en-
dorsed Cunningham for president
and Bloomer for executive vice-
president. It also endorses Winder,
Mansfield, Field, Miss Cameron,
Schwartz, and Linden.
Assembly Association has not
endorsed any candidates for pres-
ident and executive vice-president.
Georgia Berland, '66, president of
Assembly, explained that Assembly
did not feel that Cunningham had
provided sufficient leadership in
the past as a member and execu-
tive vice-president of SGC. Fur-
ther, it did not feel that Golden
had had the experience needed to
head SGC.
However, it has endorsed Lin-
den, Schwartz, Miss Cameron and
Eisenberg as candidates for seats
on Council.
Inter-Quadrangle Council had
originally given its support to
Field. However, it was discovered
that Field had stated on his cam-
paign posters that he was a mem-

back to the floor of the legislature on reform in resolutions passed
after , the current hearings have recently at party conventions.
been completed. A major floor- Romney has said repeatedly he
fight is expected. wants tax reform now.
Traditional party lines in the Dzendzel said "nobody likes to
state have been shattered as Re- be the party tagged with a tax
publican and Democratic legisla- program. If Republicans are sin-
tors have lined up on opposing cere they should be willing to help
sides in the growing debate over and also to take some of the
the proposed measure. blame if any is to be taken."

"We certainly did not think of
expediency in clearing out dorms,"
Cutler said. "The Ann Arbor'
Board of Realtors told us that
there is an adequate number of
apartments completed now and
the junior women who wish to live
in apartments can be absorbed.
without causing chaos in theI
apartment market," Cutler added.I

Stealing Sign for Campaign
"The sign being used by GROUP for campaign purposes in front
of the fishbowl belongs to the Young Republican club," YRC publicity
chairman Kenneth Yeasting charged yesterday.
Yeasting claimed that the sign was taken Thursday from the
basement of the Student Activities Building without permission from
any officer of the club. He said he noticed it on the way to class
Friday morning.
Ellen Buchalter, GROUP's nominee for Student Government
Council vice-president, said that someone gave them permission to

Cohen Says End of Poverty Possible 'In 10 Years'

use the Diag and directed them
to go to the SAB basement for
wood. She said that the wood was
unmarked. "If it's unmarked, I
don't know how they can claim
it's theirs," Miss Buchalter said.I

0-I -0-'

"Poverty in the United States could be abolished in 10 years,"
Wilbur J. Cohen, assistant secretary of health, education and welfare
and a former University professor, said last night.
Speaking in the sixth lecture of the Union-League sponsored
"Symposium on American Poverty," he emphasized two aspects of
the poverty problem: needy children and the aged. "Society must
h _ - --- -mnnhn ic m __ v- ---; _ 3vnm - a a n n-nl- -u '

Mickey Eisenberg, also a mem-
ber of GROUP, said that he was
aged by the Social Security system, as well as implement the Medicare totally surprised at the accusation,
program for the aged. and that GROUP was not aware
Aiding needy children presents a different problem than aiding that they had stolen anything.
the aged, according to Cohen. "People don't object to distributing "We were told to borrow an em-
income to aged because they are out of the labor market. There is no pty signboard from the SAB base-
chance of damaging the incentive to work. ment and return it when we were
done. And that is exactly what
"But in the case of children, they say that if we aid them, the we- did."
Parents will not work." Cohen said. He pointed out that aid to chil-

E IMM~i mm m

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