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February 26, 1965 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1965-02-26

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'4rA-iliigal Ball
Seve'try-Fif thbYear


Farmer's Observations on Malcolm X


NEWS PHoNE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Summer Pay Scale:

tatives of the faculty are currently
hammering out final details of a still-to-
be-released proposal for faculty salary
scales for the coming spring-summer
term. If they come to an agreement it
will be interesting, for they have started
a good distance apart.
As might be expected, the main dis-
agreement is over the amount the faculty
is to be paid during the spring-summer
term. The administration contends that a
faculty member shouldn't be paid quite as
much for teaching the new spring-sum-
mer term as he would be for teaching
either the fall or winter terms. It names
88 per cent of the faculty member's ordi-
nary fall or winter salary as a fair fig-
ure. A faculty subcommittee counters that
faculty members should be paid as much
for the spring-summer term as any other.
THE FACULTY'S CASE clearly must rest
on a claim that the spring-summer
term is equivalent to either the fall or
winter terms. The Subcommittee on Eco-
nomic Status of the Faculty of the Sen-
ate Advisory Committee on University Af-
fairs in'dicates this in a report released in
A basic premise . .. in deliberations
has been that the administration is
sincere in its public statements that
the University would move into a ful-
ly integrated year-round operation by
1965. To us, this does not mean mak-
ing the new third term nothing more
than two "Summer Sessions," but
rather "all terms should be equal in
all respects."
Here the faculty's case begins to crum-
ble. As its only evidence that the spring-
summer term will be equivalent to the
other two, the subcommittee cites the
"public statements" of the University.
Now some of the University's public
statements have indicated that the tri-
mester will get underway in full swing
this summer. But these statements are
issued to reassure (a) students who are

thinking of applying for the spring-sum-
mer term, and (b) legislators who are
thinking of appropriating the University
the funds for trimester. The faculty sub-
committee says it hopes these statements
are sincere; well, let's face it, they're not.
MORE PEOPLE at the University know,
and all members of the subcommittee
should know, that the University is not
in fact moving into "fully integrated" tri-
mester operation in the coming spring-
summer term. To move immediately into
"equivalent" spring-summer operations,
as the subcommittee apparently wishes,
the University would have to (a) imme-
diately redistribute a good portion of its
student body to get a decent number of
students attending this summer, and (b)
somehow scare up enough money to pay
for additional faculty and facilities.
Anybody familiar with the planning of
trimester knows that its purpose is not
to redistribute the present student body
of the University but to open up new ave-
nues for future enrollment increases, and
that money is not forthcoming from the
state for an immediate swing into full-
scale operations.
In fact, the coming spring-summer
term will not be significantly more than
a double helping of the old "Summer Ses-
sion"; the selection of courses is scanty
and the projected attendance is low. The
administration is justified in not rais-
ing the pay scales.
SOME DAY-perhaps in five or ten years
-the spring-summer term will be-
come equivalent to the fall and winter
terms. Then the faculty will be justified
in its requests-the University will have
enough money to run its third term on a
full-scale basis-and the administration
will be well-advised to equalize pay for the
equivalent terms. But until the trimester
gets on its legs, the faculty just doesn't
have a case.

To the Editor:
pler's Malcolm X editorial, an
interesting point was raised con-
cerning that martyr in an inter-
view with James Farmer in the
Village Voice (Feb. 18, 1965).
Farmer, national director of
CORE, just returned to the Unit-
ed States after a visit to nine
African nations, including South
Africa. He received the expected
taunts from the more militant
liberals in the civil rights move-
ment, who charged that he was
getting soft anddeveloping a
middle-class attitude toward the
BUT ANYWAY, here are Farm-
er's comments on Malcolm X,
made a week before Malcolm's
"Malcolm spent four hours with
me in my apartment just before
I left for Africa. Malcolm is much
more sanguine about China and
Egypt than I am, but he has great
potential. He is a charismatic plat-
form artist and has many grass-
roots followers.
"I hope Malcolm finds his way
into the mainstream of the civil
rights movement, now that he has
apparently abandoned separatism.
The movement doesn't have so
much talent that we can cross
off people who do have it."
These comments reveal some-
thing not widely publicized about
Malcolm and his break with the
Muslims. From Farmer's obser-
vations, Malcolm seemed to De
undergoing a bit of introspectiiin.
But he did it quietly, so as not to
relieve the pain from the natlon 's
sick moral belly.
--Ray Holton 'tis

To the Editor:
ecutive Committee interview-
ed interested SGC candidates for
the purpose of endorsement. On
the basis of these interviews,
UMSEU Executive Committee vot-
ed unanimously to endorse the en-
tire slate of GROUP candidates.
The rationale for this endorse-
ment is explained in the goals
and methods which the GROUP
candidates advocate:
1 They recognize the great im-
portance of demanding University
action in the area of student eco-
nomic welfare, especially concern-
ing wage increases.
2) They plan to take action
that could prove successful for
implementation of their proposals,
such as massive petitioning of the
Regents and the Legislature, and
direct action such as picketing or
sit-ins, which might prove to be
necessary in the near future.
For these reasons we urge all
students to vote the GROUP slate
for SGC.
--Barry Bluestone, '66, Pres.
--George Steinitz, '66, V-Pres.
-Hugh Grambau, '67, Sec-
To the Editor:
states, "They (GROUP) don't
see that many problems are caus-
ed by the voicelessness and apathy
of students which has been creat-
ed by the mass-university and
mass society of which they are a
part. They are running on purely
local issues. Hopefully experience
will develop their awareness of the
broader reasons for their prob-
And I, for having dared to s ig-
gest that there be an indica'-on

that students are interested before
we march out into blizzards to
take our place in the picket line,
for having dared to suggest that
talented men have sat on SGC
before (and proved that talent
alone is not the whole story), for
having dared to suggest that SGC
is not a training ground for in-
experienced high school cliquists
(or a testing ground for the "ef-
ficacy" of pet theories), have been
labled a defeatist and cynic by
Far from being either, I am con-
fident that SGC can be something
the students can support in good
conscience if it receives the initial
student mandate and conscien-
tiously expands upon that.
Incidently, did Voice interview
any other candidates?
-Paul Pavlik, '66
To the Editor:
S A MEMBER of the Young
Republicans endorsing com-
mittee for SGC, I would like to
clarify our position in supporting
David Sloan-a Democratic party
leader. Sloan is the first Democrat
to be supported by our club in
many years; the Young Democrats
have also endorsed a Republican
in the past-a former State Re-
publican Chairman, Steve Stock-
meyer, for re-election to the presi-
dency of SGC in 1962.
We believed Sloan to be particu-
larly qualified in the area of stu-
dent welfare, which SGC should
attempt to improve. He pledged
to improve lighting on the central
campus to increase the protection
for women at night. Also he had
good vision in working for the
creation of a super organization
to help SGC concerning complex
problems. Also Sloan's support for

allowing any designated officer of
a student organization to sit on
SGC, thus relieving the additional
burden on their presidents, would
make SGC a better working body.
Therefore, because of his past
experience in campus activities,
though he is a member of another
political party, I feel that Sloan
is one of the most qualified can-
didates for Council in recent years.
Therefore, the YR's have taken
this unusual step of endorsing a
Democratic spokesman for SGC.
-Ronald Gottschalk, '65
Young Republican Club
Endorsement Committee
To the Editor:
lN HIS Feb. 23, letter to The
Daily Mr. Hunter seems to have
patriotism, morality and religion
confused. He states that at the
Michigan-Michigan State game he
noticed that only one old man
placed his hand over his heart
during the national anthem.
Hunter evidently thinks that
people are supposed to make the
gesture during the national an-
them. In actuality, they are ex-
pected only to stand and remove
their hats. It is during the pledge
of allegiance that the hand ges-
ture is customarily made. Besides
this, a basketball game is hardly
the time or place for overt dem-
onstration eof national loyalty. In
fact, the playing of the anthem
is somewhat embarrassing to most
people because American patriot-
ism is more and more a personal
affair that needs no overt display.
It should be noted, however, that
most people were singing the an-

them and showed their feelings in
this way.
Hunter goes on to say that
Sunday morning there were very
few people in church, evidently
making some connection between
the Saturday game and !aeople
going to church on Sunday. Ac-
tually, there is a connection. The
hand gesture discussed above has
the same connotation as hand
gestures used in the context or
organized religion, eg. the crucifix
and the benediction.
* **
THE PEOPLE at Yost Field
House were probably unconscious-
ly aware of the religious connota-
tion attached to the hand gesture
and, being predominantly non-
religious, they automatically avoid-
ed the inherently religious gesture.
One can only applaud them for
their instinctive dichotomy of
church and state.
Hunter next drags in "morality"
to further cloud the issue. Some-
how he feels that because stu-
dents do not go to church and
don't make the hand gesture dur-
ing the national anthem, then
they must therefore be immoral
or amoral (he does not specify
which). I wish to say, there is
nothing wrong with not going to
church. And there is nothing
wrong with not believing in God
(particularly if you believe in
Man). Where organized religion
w'th its synthetic and impractical
morality is today failing humanity,
Humanism and a humanistic
morality give a balanced realistic
outlook on a very real world.
Yes, Virginia, morality can be
-Sidney Harrison, Grad



I. 1



Globalism, Isolationism
And the Road Between


ana'Yr9Gena i'rn~ied
I4I ,
1'J t/lt

Pride and Prejudice

THE DEBATE about Viet Nam
is taking place amid uncer-
tainty and confusion about our
over-all foreign policy.hThe prac-
tical questions which have to be
decided turn principallyon where
and in what manner the military
power of the United States should
be engaged on the Asian continent
and on the African continent. The
issue of foreign policy in Viet
Nam is whether our military com-
mitments on the Asian mainland
are overextended and should be
reduced or whether they are not
extended enough and should be
widened, deepened and enlarged.
Underlying these questions there
is a passionate emotional issue. It
is whether the security of the
United States, which must be the
primary preoccupation of U.S.
foreign policy, depends on a limit-
ed or on an unlimited engagement
of our military power.
A limited engagement of mili-
tary power is one which is made
only when our vital interest is
clear and our military capacity is
adequate. This view of things is
now called "neo-isolationism" be-
cause it differs from a commit-
ment to engage our forces any-
where, be it in Viet Nam or in
the Congo, where freedom as we
understand it is threatened by
Communists. If the first of there

velt's circumvention of the neu-
trality policy, first by lending
Britain 50 destroyers and then by
persuading Congress to enact the
Lend Lease Act. But it was not
until Pearl Harbor that historic
American isolationism was aban-
doned by Congress and by the
majority of the people.
The problem of our foreign pol-
icy today will not be fully under-
stood until historians explain how
our intervention in the second
world war to defeat the Nazis and
the Japanese became inflated into
the so-called Truman Doctrine of
the late 1940's, in which the Unit-
ed States said it was committing
itself to a global ideological
struggle against revolutionary
For it is this global commitment
which is at the root of our diffi-
culty in appraising coolly the ex-
tent and the importance of our
engagement in Viet Nam. Thus,
there are men saying today that
the defense of Saigon is the de-
fense of Hawaii and that a truce
rather than a "victory" in Indo-
China will determine the fate of
the world and the position of the
United States as a great power
and the safety of West Berlin and
so forth. For those who think this
way, there is no stopping point
between globalism and a retreat
into our former isolationism.

THE CONTROVERSY surrounding the
University's expansion of its Flint
branch is a question of basic educational
policy; it is also, however, a matter of
On one hand, the Republican governor
with a Democratic Legislature feels that
he must make a strong showing to main-
tain his control of a rather precarious
political situation.
On the other hand, Flint is more than
a professional issue to Presidest Hatcher;
it is also personal. Due to retire in 1967,
Hatcher is carrying the burden of sup-
porting the autonomy issue on his should-
ers. The Flint controversy is one of Hatch-
-er's biggest fights, and it might be his
last stand.

N THE MIDDLE is Thomas Brennan,
chairman of the State Board of Edu-
cation. This board, whose state constitu-
tional jurisdiction is rather vague, is a
base of power for Brennan. Hatcher's ig-
noring of the board in making his deci-
sion to expand Flint represents a danger-
ous precedent to Brennan. He believes
that he cannot let this threat to his
board's authority go unchallenged.
The stage has been set by the issues, but
the play will depend on the actors. Hatch-
er's speech in Flint announcing the ex-
pansion was the first scene; Romney's
meeting with Hatcher which resulted in
an impasse was the second; the third
scene will be presented on March 3 when
Hatcher meets with Brennan at a public
hearing on the Flint issue.


views is neo-isoliatonism,
ond is ideological globalist
* * *
UNTIL after the fall of
in 1940 and the Japanes
on Pearl Harbor in 1941, o
was genuinely isolationi
policy was breached dux
months when Winston Ch
England stood alone aga
victorious Nazis. The bre
made by President Franklin

The Off-Campus Housing Bureau

cently condemned the Off-Campus
Housing Bureau for favoring the realtors
as opposed to the students.
To make such an unfounded and ridic-
ulous statement against an organization
that was set up for the students' benefit is
senseless. The bureau is basically a medi-
ation board for students and realtors. In
addition, it has developed a University
Managing Editor Editorial Director
ANN GWIRTZMAN Personnel Director
BILL BULLARD---------------Sports Editor
MICHAEL SATTINGER Associate Managing Editor
JOHN KENNY .......Assistant Managing Editor
DEBORAH BEATTIE Associate Editorial Director
LOUISE LIND ... .... Assistant Editorial Director in
Charge of the Magazine
TOM ROWLAND........Associate Sports Editor
GARY WYNER-..........---Associate Sports Editor
STEVEN HALLER ... Contributing Editor
MARY LOU BUTCHER Contributing Editor
JAMES KESON Chief Photographer
NIGHT EDITORS: Lauren Bahr, David Block. John
Bryant, Jeffrey Goodman, Robert Hippler. Robert
Johnston. Michael Jullar, Laurence Kirshbaum,
Leonard Pratt.
Bigelow, Gail Biumberg. Michael Dean, John Mere-
dith, Barbara Seyfried, Judith Warren.
Rusie ss/aft

lease form to protect the student
and realtor from irresponsible action on
the other's part. For example, if a stu-
dent welshes on his rent, the University
will back the realtor and withhold grades
in an attempt to force payment. This is
the only sane reason for the realtor to
accept such a lease form at all.
The lease, it should be noted, is only
a University lease in that it is written by
the University. The student is still signing
his lease with the realtor and may be
brought to court on charges only if he is
21 years old.
the bureau can affect the actual pro-
visions of the lease, for if the lease is to
be used by the realtors, it must take into
account the grievances of both groups. If
SGC had taken a small amount of initia-
tive, it would have discovered that the
bureau has already this year included re-
visions to the advantage of the student.
The case for 9-month leases is now being
considered and a decision is awaiting the
report by Presilent Harlan Hatcher's Blue
Ribbon Off-Campus Housing Commission.
Such a decision must be made with much
caution by a mediation board which, by


When in the Course of Human Events .

A dialogue overheard in the counseling office:
S DENT: I really don't know what I want to take for my fourth
course. You're my counselor, counsel me.
COUNSELOR: Uh ... well, let me take a look here. I see from your
record that you were president of your church youth
group. Perhaps you'd like to take Speech 440.
STUDENT: What's that?
COUNSELOR: Oral Reading of the Bible.
STUDENT: No, I really don't like to read.
COUNSELOR: Well, in that case I'd recommend Library Science 401.
Introduction to Bibliography.
STUDENT: What's a bibliography?
COUNSELOR: Beat's me . . Here's one you may be interested in,
Anthropology, Family Kin and Clan.
STUDENT: No, I'm not interested in any of these theoretical
COUNSELOR: Ah, got just the course for you, Naval Science 403.
Navy Afloat Retail Sales. It's the "study of management
techniques involved in the operation of afloat ships
STUDENT Hmmm. running a PX, not bad at all.
COUNSELOR: Oh, I see here that there's a prerequisite called Naval


Invertebrate Paleontology.
Listen, I don't care what Fricke's carrot test
despise science courses.
Really? Doesn't a course like Physiology 305, P1
of Excitable Tissues, stimulate your interest?
Now wait a minute, you aren't pushing me i
of these sex courses.
: Relax. I'll find something. Since you won an h
mention in the American Legion essay contest
you'd like to try Journalism 471, Foreign Assi
World-Wide Fact Finding Through On-Cam
Doesn't sound like the way to learn about
: OK. How about acquiring a good practical1
skill? Perhaps you'd like Scandinavian 513,
landic, or Near Eastern 621, Intermediate
Babylonian Cuneiform.
Babylonian who?
: Never mind, just thought of something else . .
I can never remember names of thecourses,
it is, Greek 307, The Gospels of Mark and D
An opportunity to read under guidance th
(Ipp ofe Npw Tm.amont-" r s ep you1

tne .ec- I THINK there is a stopping
'm. point between globalism and iso-
lationism. The test of statesman-
f France ship is to find those stopping
e attack points and act accordingly,
t policys For example, I read that it is
si T our duty and interest to resist
ring the Communism with force wherever
urchill's it is advancing with force and
inst the that no price is too heavy to pay
ach was for the fulfillment of that duty.
n Roose- But in spite of all these declara-
tions, the fact is that the United
States did not intervene to resist
the Chinese conquest of Tibet, as
naked a case of aggression as any
we have seen. Why not? For the
good and sufficient reasons that
the United States could not reach
. Tibet in order to defend it. And
what is more, that Tibet is not a
vital interest of the United States
says, I for which the President has the
right to spend American lives.
hysiology As a further example, take the
iysilogy insurrection in Hungary in 1956.
There was every ideological rea-
nto any son why the United States should
have intervened. But President
onorabie Eisenhower did not intervene be-
perhaps cause the price of intervention,
gnment: which could have been the third
pus In- world war, stayed our hand.
Berlin is still another example.
foreign There was an uprising in 1953,
and on ideological grounds alone
we should have supported the in-
janguage surrection and even incited it. On
Old Ice- the contrary, we did what we could
Assyro- to damp it down, not wishing to
trigger a world war by a pitched
battle in Berlin.
damn, These examples show that put
here to the test our officials have acted
Matthew.more wisely than they have talked,
e impe.that put to the test they have been
e simple statesmen and not ideological
'Cr from s., ,.m n an n...







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