Ask Deposit Only utcome of rigon ppeal ne
Oucm of d
r iNIew LUU ents
Starting January, Those Beyond
Initial Term To Be Exempted
Starting with registration for the winter term next January,
only new students-incoming freshmen and students who have been
away from the University for more than one term (excluding
summer)-will be required to maintain a $50 enrollment deposit,,
Associate Registrar Merlin W. Miller announced yesterday.
EDITOR'S NOTE This is the last article in a series considering the
Tn'rgon membership selection controversy.
However, the present regulations will continue through registra-
tion for the coming fall term, he said. Under these rules, the UIni-
-- versity requires all students to
maintain a $50 deposit-originally
O ffiejals 1 paid when they apply for admis-
sion to the University-until they
i leave the University.
Debate Flint Thusnew students applying for
~ the fall will be charged a $50
deposit, and currently enrolled
students who plan to return in
ontroversy the fall will be required to main-
tain existing enrollment deposits.
To Student Fees
By LEONARD PRATT But after registration closes for
University officials will meet the fall, the University will apply
with state educators and admin- the deposits of all students to
istrators March 3 to discuss the their student fees (tuition and re-
University's proposed Flint expan- lated costs such as lab charges).
sion, University President Har- And starting in the winter term,
lan H. Hatcher confirmed yester- only new students will be required
day. to maintain a deposit.
daThe meeting is planned as yEUnder these new regulations,en-
hengmfetting sBpannd oas rollment deposits of all new stu-
hearing of $he State Board of Ed. dents will be applied toward pay-
ucation, a mlaeeting requested by ment of the student feesfor their
Se.garadLn DFit first term. Failure to enroll for
lohg a strong supporter of the the term will result in loss of the
Flint expansion. .pe n deposit. After the first term, a
oftheoaBrfennatn,prsidntdeposit will no longer be required.
f the oaroftheedainsaie Registrar Edward G. Groesbeck
thedetilsof he earng ereexplained yesterday that the Uni.
versity changed rules on deposits
because administrators decided the
bookkeeping involved in handling
4" the deposit funds was "not worth
the trouble." The purpose of the
deposits has been to insure that
students would not drop out of
r sf 1school or fail to show up for
registration, and to cover costs
incurred when these things hap-
pen. But students beyond their
first year at the University have
a very low dropout rate, he ex-
Only New Students
The University decided that the
handling of deposits was only
worthwhile for new students, a
significant percentage of whom
either drop out their first semes-
ter or never show up for regis-
PRESIDENT HATCHER . Groesbeck commented that the
new system will be "much less dif-
worked out last night. He felt the ficult to administer," and should
hearing would be "a step in the be "a welcome innovation" to
fact-finding process concerning University students.
this issue." Miller said that students who. do
Other Representatives not plan to return for fall term are
Also represented at the meeting urged to apply for a refund.
will be the Michigan Coordinating
:ouncl for Public Higher Educa-
tion, the governor's office and the SiC Puts Off
Michigan Association of Junior
Replying to the letter that board Decision About
of edcation president Brennan
sent him yesterday, Presiden' l ck r/ eI
Hatcher said he felt the board j
of education's wish to delay the
University's Flint expansion wa' Student Government Council
"an appropriate desire" on the last night discussed but did not
board's part. act on a motion sponsored by
"They are responding to legis- three members of SGC regulating
lators' wishes," Hatcher said, "an the sale of block tickets for per-
we will cooperate with them fully.' formances in Hill Aud.i
Desire To Explore The original motion, sponsored
Hatcher noted that Brennan' by Rachel Amado, '67; Inter-Fra-
letter expressed a desire to explore ternity Council President Richard
the Flint question in detail, an Hoppe, '66, and Dianna Lebedeff
said that the University will "re '64, would eliminate lines for,
spond fully" to this desire. block tickets by random distribu-
Rumblings on the Flint ques- tion. Housing units would submit
tion. came to a head when Gov a request of no more than "two
George Romney refused to recom times the number of persons liv-
mend money to expand the Uni- ing in that housing unit." The or-
versity's branch there from a twr ganization sponsoring the concert
to a four-year college. His refua' would select at random from the
was followed immediately b applications. Approximately one-
charges from University official quarter of the seats would be re-
that the cutback seriously threat- served for non-block tickets.
ened the quality of University Robert Bodkin, '66E, presented
education, and promises by Hatch. an amendment under which block
er that the governor's decision tickets would be distributed in
would be contested. the same manner as booths at
Romney reacted to the Univer Michigras. The position of block.
sity's actions by warning that i ticket sales would be announced
state universities continued to re over local radio two hours before
sist executive advice, they migh their sale.
face "highly centralized method, Action on the motion and
of control." amefidment was postponed and
Legislative reaction to the feuc sent to committee for further
has been split, study.
What will happen next in the Trigon fraternity membership
selection controversy? No one knows for sure.
The only certain move by Trigon is its appeal of an earlier
InterFraternity Council conviction on March 11 before the Fra-
ternity Presidents' Assembly.
IFC convicted the fraternity of discriminatory membership
regulations because of a portion of Trigon's pledge ritual which
would be "repugnant" to members of certain religious groups
on campus.
The outcome of this appeal is not certain. "There is more
sympathy with Trigon's position among the fraternity presidents
than there was on the Executive Committee," said Kelley Rea,''66,
newly-elected IFC executive vice-president.
"But most fraternity presidents have not had the opportunity
to study the issues or the particulars of the case," Rea adds.
Not Endorsed
In the recent IFC elections, the FPA, the same body who
will hear Trigon's appeal, elected Richard Hoppe, '66, IFC
president, despite the fact that Hoppe was not endorsed by the
old IFC Executive Committee basically because of his "hesistancy"
to endorse the IFC conviction of Trigon.
If the appeal is denied, Trigon President Hal Tobin, '66,
predicts "a more offensive stance" by Trigon and "continued
Tobin sees a fight which could last as long as two years;
reliable observers guess Trigon may take the case to civil courts,
and report that Trigon alumni who are lawyers are already
studying the fraternity's legal position.
Another question mark in the controversy is what Student
Government Council's membership committee will do.
Bill Burns, '65, chairman of the committee reports that "the
committee has looked into the Trigon situation, but has not
decided on any definite course of action.
"However, SGC will certainly take some sort of action,
probably around the time of the appeal. Our decision should
depend upon Trigon's position during the appeal; if they appear
to be giving ground, we'll give them more time."
More Confusion
To add to the confusion of possibilities, either the Regents
or Vice-President of Student Affairs Richard Cutler can rule
upon the dispute. This was the case in 1959 when the Regents
passed down a bylaw which set up the present membership
One IFC official reports that he has reason to believe that
the Regents differ with the IFC interpretation of the bylaw.
Trigon President Tobin refuses to comment on his fraternity's
plan of defense or his conception of the issues involved. He does,
however, warn that there are more issues involved than just
Tobin contends that his fraternity is not guilty of violation
of the IFC discrimination regulation: "We have been prejudged,
particularly because of newspaper handling of the case. We do
not discriminate."
Issue of Guilt
The basic issue in the appeal will be whether Trigon is guilty
or not. Probably Trigon will argue that since anyone can decide
to believe in the principles of the pledge ritual, no one is
discriminated against.
But Steve Idema, '65, who was Executive Vice-President during
the conviction, says that "the vow is written so that certain
religious groups cannot join the fraternity unless they disavow
their personal beliefs by taking the oath. The oath is reported to
be an affirmation of belief and devotion to Jesus Christ.
Another issue which lies behind the controversy, and may,
in fact, supply a "way out" for both sides, is the question of how
important it is to Trigon not to alter their oath.
Other issues involved may have wider implications. Idema
admits "when the bylaw was written, a great deal of thought
wasn't given to the possibility of situations like Trigon." But
both Idema and his successor Rea feel that their interpretation
is in keeping with both the spirit and the letter of the law.
:4Ia it1
Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom'
Fighters Sent'
At Request 'I
TTOf SaigonU
Take Over Viet
' To
Increase Emphasis
On U.S. Air Attacks
1illion Ford Donation
SAIGON (YP)-Jet planes man-
ned solely by United States air-
men now are waging war against
the Viet Cong in South Viet
Nam, supplementing the forays
that Americans and Vietnamese
conduct jointly with slower air-
American jets struck yesterday
at guerrillas who have been am-
bushing government detachment.
in the mountains near An Khe.
This followed up an initial jet
raid last Thursday on a Commu-
nist-held pass in that region of'
coffee,tea and rubberrplanta-
tions 210 miles north of Saigon.
A U.S. embassy spokesman an-
nounced F-100 Super Sabre fight-
er-bombers and B-57 Martin Can-
berra bombers were unleashed af
the request of the Saigon govern-
ment and that the Americans-
pilots and ordnance handlers -
I .'
B urea ofT Business Research
Forecasts Job Crisis for State
since have staged several strikes.
The use of all-American crew;
is another departure from Wash-
ington's original pronouncement:
that U.S. servicemen in South Viet
Nam were assigned as advisors
not as fighters. The spokesman
See Related Story, Page 3
said, however, each jet attack wa
part of a combined operation with
the South Vietnamese air force.
The emphasis on air operations
developed as Lt. Gen. Nguyen
Khanh, the deposed strongman.
flew in from the mountain resort
of Dalat on his way to an am-
bassadorial assignment at the
United Nations.
A target of both coup and -coun-
tercoup last weekend, Khanh wa
scheduled formally to turn over
command of, the armed forces tc
Maj. Gen. Tran Van Minh at gen-
eral staff headquarters today.
Alert to the possibility of new
demonstrations, the new masters
of the capital assigned extra de-
tails of troops to patrol the streets
and keep watch on Khanh's Sai-
gon residence.
How to provide 860,000 new
jobs in Michigan by 1975 with
relatively slow growth in the
state's automobile and other dur-
able goods industries is the key
problem being analyzed in "Mich-
igan in the 1970's, An Economic
Forecast," published today by the
University's Bureau of Business
The 292-page book, edited by
Dean William Haber of the liter-
ary college and Profs. W. Allen
Spivey and Martin R. Warshaw of
the business administration school,
combines six social and economic
analyses of various aspects of
Michigan's future in order to pin-
point problems and possible solu-
Using projections on the nation-
al economy developed in the book
by Sidney Sonenblum, director of
the Center for Economic Projec-
tions of the National Planning As-
sociation, Lowell D. Ashby of the
Office of Business Economics of
the U.S. Commerce Department
stated that an increase in the la-
bor force "in excess of 400,000
workers" is indicated from 1960 tc
However, he said, "the Sonen
blum projections for Michigan aftd
the nation imply that Michigan i.,
not maintaining its share of the
national total employment in thr
1960's." There will be, Ashby said.
"a deficit of something more than
100,000" jobs.
"A clear issue is posed. Can
Michigan maintain the employ-
ment growth pace of the nation
during the current decade?"
He said, "Today the outlook and
the state of mind of Detroit, and
possibly of all Michigan, depend
on the current cyclical phase of
motor vehicle production."
Ashby cited the book's section
on Detroit by Prof. Wilbur R.
Thompson of Wayne State Uni-
versity. "Thompson points out
that a broader spectrum of indus-
trial pursuits-even at some cos'
in terms of immediate average
wage levels-would better serve
the cause of economic stability and
qualitative growth in the long
Although the westward frontier
movement has ended, Ashby said
"the United States remains an
area where the man of limited
means may move around freely.'
He saw education as the means of
movement. "New opportunities to-
day are created by ideas which
serve an ever-changing technol-
ogy, rather than by movement tc
undeveloped regions."
Prof. David Goldberg of the so-
ciology department presented data
showing the migration of better
educated citizens from Michigan
"It is this loss of the highly edu-
cated population that may be dis-
turbing, in the long run, to the
economy of the region and the
state. The innovations of this
group are largely responsible for
the development of new manufac-
turing and service industries."
Ashby called "the retention of
people with high levels of educa-
tional endowment" the "greatest
hope for the economic health of
a state or region."
He added, "the importance of
the state's educational system, not
merely for growth but for better,
development of human resources
is re-emphasized by the accelera-
tion in the rate of change.
See HOW, Page 2
Kropf Assumes Presidency
Of Student Activities Center
James Kropf, '66, will be the first president of the University
Activities Center, effective March 1, Dean Walter B. Rea, chairman
of the selections committee announced last night.
Assisting him are: Pam Erickson, '66N, administrative vice-presi-
dent; Michael Holm'es, '66, executive vice-president; and Gail
Howes, '66N, coordinating vice-president.
"Our first action will be to appoint committee chairmen. Each
administration may set up its own structure. Ours will include about
_- -ten committees derived from the
structures of the Michigan Union
and Women's League. Appoint-
ments will be announced Monday,"
Kropf said.
AAUP Panel
Views New
Degyree Plan.
A general proposal to strengthen
and emphasize programs for the
training of college teachers was
critically reviewed at a meeting
of the University chapter of the
American Association of Univer-
sity Professors last night.
A panel composed of Associate
Dean William Hays of the literary
college, William Jellema, director
of the Michigan scholars in college
training program, Acting Dean
Hoover Jordan of the Liberal Arts
College at Eastern Michigan Uni-
versity and Prof. Donald Lewis of
the mathematics department em-
phasized the growing need for
college teachers.
"We need college teachers as
fast as we can get them," Jordan
Hays explained the two-year
master of arts in college teaching
program proposed by the literary
colleges' growth report. Such a
program rests on the supposition
that a Ph.D. is not an absolute
necessity for college teaching, he
said. "People trained for college
teaching need a special kind of
attention. The research and schol-
arly barriers inherent in the Ph.D.
program do not necessarily pro-
duce good teachers," he added.
Some University departments
including the mathematics de-
partment have strong in-service
training programs and these
might well be extended and im-
proved, Lewis explained.
"Such a program won't work if
we continue to manifest or pre-
sent role models of people who
Three Units
To Receive,
Plan To Establish
Research Centers
For New Program
A three-pronged attack on one
of the world's most urgent prob-
lems-the population explosion
is being launched by the Univer-
F o r d Foundation announced
yesterday that it has given the
University a $3 million grant to
establish a population research.
and training program.
Three units, the Population
Studies C e n t e r, the Medical
School, and the public health
school, will receive funds to ex-
pand or initiate programs in pop-
ulation studies.
Establish Centers
Two -new centers, the Center
for Population Planning in the
public health school and the Cen-
ter for Research and Training in
Reproductive Biology in the Med-
ical School will be established
with funds from the grant. They
will join the already existing Pop-
ulation Studies Center which has
been doing research on sociolog-
ical aspects of population.
The $3 million grant is divided
into four parts. The Population
Studies Center will receive $1.5
million over the next five years.
Three year grants of $570,000 to
the Medical School and $700,000
to the public health school are
also being given.
An additional $230,000 tobe
used during the next ten years
for a "discretionary research
fund" was also received. This
money will be used to stimulate
and support research projects on
population studies in other units'
of the University or in related pro-
grams outside the University.
Stimulate Research
The discretionary research fund,
which will be administered sepa-
rately from the regular budgets of
the centers, is expected to help
stimulate population - related re-
search in disciplines which do not
usually receive support for such
The following activities are
among those which will be ex-
panded or initiated with assist-
ance from the grant:
-The Population Studies Cen-
ter, which conducts basic social
research and training, provides
fellowships for American and for-
Chapman Suggests Trusting Viet
"The real stake in Viet Nam is whether the United States is
capable of inspiring a trust in the Vietnamese so that we can fight
together for our common goals and cherished ideals," Prof. E. Thomas
Chapman of the political science department explained last night.
Outlining the history of our recent involvement in Viet Nam pre-
cipitated by the French withdrawal in 1954, Chapman stressed that
"we must look at South Viet Nam in the context of all of Southeast
Asia . . . and our efforts to contain Communism in that area."
Though we have often supported the efforts by peoples in Asia
for self-determination, "our goals in these countries have often been
contradictory," Chapman explained. In the case of South Viet Nam,
we found ourselves supporting an outright "police state under Diem."
asProblems of Finance
na mese
The problems of finances and
space must still be discussed with
peasant in Viet Nam." Unless we Vice-President of Student Affairs
meet this problem we can never Richard L. Cutler. Kropf indicated
win, he said. that these issues are not as large
In the past "no force existed as they appear and will probably
that was willing to fight for the be solved before the semester ends.
villagers." With the advent of the Kropf outlined the beginning
special forces in this area, the ideas for summer operation of
situation improved, but the gov- UAC as one aspect of activities
ernment's troops failed to estab- expansion. He feels that extracur-
lish a close communication with riciilar activities are sadly lacking
the villagers that characterized during the third trimester. With
the Viet Cong. a general scaling down of size,
As for practical solutions to the the same type of lecture series,sex-
deteriorating situation in South hibits and concerts could be ar-
Viet Nam, several proposals were ranged, Kropf said.
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