- I PAGE TWO THlE MICHIGANDItLY WFDVV ZVAV 94 1LIVIMDITAID'w Iner - .. _______________________-_____ __ _. - Y 1 li.vL ilAa , 4 r L1SRt AKY 1965 ARTS AND LETTERS By Kay Holmes Museum Exhibits Diversity in Drawing ACROSS CAMPUS: Commended on Norman Promoted in Research Council Yiddish Books Vice-President for Research A., In an age which conspicuously lacks and continually avoids def- inition, it is not surprising that art circumvents classification. As an aspect of art, drawing is par- ticularly equivocal. Formerly lodged in the most in- timate recesses of the artist's studio, drawing has now emerged as an exhibition piece, and today 100 Contemporary American Draw- ings go on display at the Museum of Art. Reflecting many aspects of cur- rent interest through its many diverse appearances, the exhibition is sponsored by a University-wide group. The economy of shapes, the richness of the complex or- ganism and the surprise of un- expected context illustrate the di- versity of the art and the world from which it was born. Drawn from community, state and region- al levels and related to the wider national scene, the lineage of these works is complex and mixed, even as the experience and sus- ceptibilities of the artists them- selves. In the nineteenth century two attitudes were advanced: drawing as analysis by Ingres and drawing as inspiration by Delacroix. Al- though they can still be said to prevail, as demonstrated in the charcoal and wash portrait by James Weeks, they are qualified today by a host of preoccupations that can only be associated with; the twentieth century. The additive approach to draw-+ ing, initiated by Braque and Picas- so, exemplifies the difference be- tween nineteenth and twentieth century expression. James Wines creates a photographic plate effect1 in his collage and ink drawing "Rampart." Dark in tonality,1 encasing in effect, this drawing1 includes part of a newspaper pic- ture. Geoffrey Norman has been ap- By JUDITH STONEHILL pointed chairman of the Division of Biology and Agriculture of the Isaac Bashevis Singer, "regard- National Research Council (NRC). less of the fact that he writes in Frederick Seitz, president of thej Yiddish, is now one of the best National Academy of Sciences, writers of fiction in America," one announced the appointment. of h i rtn irt onH7i 11 discuss "Can the Eastern Schism 7 p.m.-Prof. Lee Meyerson, of Be Healed?" The program will be the psychology dept. of the Uni- held at St. Mary's Student Chapel. versity of Arizona will speak on 8:30 p.m.-Prof. Albert Cohen,."Behavorial Modifications-Spe- violin; Florian Mueller, oboe, and cialized Education" in the Schor- Charles Fischer, piano, will give ling Aud., University High School. a recital in Recital Hall of the ' 7 p.m.-The 24 candidates for music school, North Campus. Student Government Council will "The City" (left), by Richard L drawings, while "No. 10" (right) work a painted appearance. Similarly, "Carldonna," an oil and paper work by Llyn Foulkes, presents an entirely new picture of drawing. The gray shaded rock appears almost photographic, un- like the sketchy quality of pre- liminary renaissance drawings. The openness of technique has sponsored its concommitant changes in form. The rich, full colors of Richard Pousette-Dart's "Nantucket Sky" form a brilliant pattern-swirling, changing in vi- brant conception which appears unplanned but could not possibly be so striking, randomly selected. Also a product of the new ap- proach to drawing, "The City" by Richard Linder, is a gouache and collage. The massive male figure drawn in different tones Linder, demonstrates the openness of technique in contemporary by Lawrence Calcagno illustrates the vibrant colors which give the i ui rs ritcs roe rcenly n tee The NAS is a 100-Year-old or-t 9:30 p.m.--Walter Lederer, Chief participate in an informal ques- Atlantic Monthly. canization of scientists chartered of Balance of Payments of United tion-answer open house sponsored The English department spon- by Congress with responsibility States Dept. of Commerce will be by The Daily in the Small Ball- sored Singer in a lecture Monday for the furtherance of science and honorarily initiated into Alpha room on the second floor of the when he spoke on "The Cabbala its application for the national Kappa Psi buiness fraternity, in ' Union. and the Modern Mind." welfare. With the NRC it makes the ninth floor faculty-alumni 7 and 9 p.m.-Cinema Guild will The son of Rabbi Pinchos available to federal agencies and lounge of the graduate school of present John Huston's "The Menachem and Bathsheba Zylber- offices important advice on scien- business administration. Treasure of the Sierra Madre" in man, Singer was born in Radzy- tific and technical matters. THURSDAY, FEB. 25 the Architecture Aud. min, Poland, in 1904. Although he * * * 1 p.m.-Lee E. Danielson of the 8 p.m.-Vernon R. Aldon, presi- was a student at the Rabbinical WEDNESDAY, FEB. 24 Institute of Industrial Relations dent of Ohio University, will speak Sem'nary in Warsaw, he gave up 12:15 p.m. - The Presbyterian will lecture on "Managing the De- on "The War on Poverty" in the the Rabbinate for Journalsm. Campus Center, 1432 Washtenaw ! partmental Office in the Union. University Activities Center's sym- Polish Journalist Ave.. will hold an informal 2:15 p.m.-Nicolas Rashevsky posium on American poverty in Having worked for the Yiddish luncheon-discussion open to all of the Mental Health Research In- Rackharn Lecture Hall. sinterested University students. Ed- stitute will lecture on "Mathe- 8:30 p.m.-Hans David, lectur- Press in Poland in 1935, Singer er in the music school, will speak emmigrated to the United States ler G. Hawkins, moderator of the matical Biology of Imitative Be-er in the music school, will speak and began working as a journalist General Assembly of the United havior" in Room 1057 MHRI. on "Scholars, Buttons, and Droop- and book reviewer for the Jewish Presbyterian Church in the U.S., 3 p.m.-Prof. Lee Meyerson, of ing Eyelids-the 'Portraits of J. Daily Forward in New York City. will be the special guest, the psychology dept. of the Uni- S. Bach'" in Rackham Amphithe- 3:15 p.m.-Nicholas Rashevsky versity of Arizona, will speak on'atre. His books translated into Eng- of the Mental Health Research In- "Covert Developments in Somata l1sh include "Satan in Goray," stitute will speak on "Man-Made Psychology" in the cafeteria of "Gimple the Fool." "The Magi- Interaction in Automobile Driv-' the University High School. COME LAUGH AND ENJOY cian of Lublin." "The Spinoza of ing" in the Multipurpose Room' 4:15 p.m.-Prof. William T. San- THIS GREAT CLASSIC BY Market Street" and "The Slave," of the Undergraduate Library. de's of Pennsylvania State Uni- which was on the best-seller list ; 4 p.m.-The University chapterIversity will speak on "The Cul- George Beriiard Shaw in 1962. !of The Association for Computing | tural Ecology of the Teotihuacan His latest work "Short Friday" Machinery will hold its organiza- Valley" in Aud. C. CA hI IE A is a collection of sixteen short tional meeting in 325 West En- 4:10 p.m.-Prof. Leo F. Schnore stories in which Singer ranges gineering Bldg. of the University of Wisconsin from the folklore and customs of 4:10 p.m.-Dorothy Miner, keep- will lecture on "Cooley as a Ter- A MASTERPIECE the 17th century Jews in Poland er of manuscripts at the Walters ritorial Demographer" as part of OF HIGH COMEDY to some macabre happenings in Art Gallery, Baltimore, will lec- the Charles Horton Cooley cen- present day Miami Beach. ture on "King Charles V and His tennial lecture series in Aud. A. ANN ARBOR CIVIC Fine Books" in Aud. B. 4:10 p.n.-Ronald Hingley of THEATER Criticism 4:10 p.m.-Edler G. Hawkins, St. Antony's College, Oxford, will The Atlantic Monthly critic moderator of the General Assem- lecture on "Chekhov and the Art LyP.M.,dMlshn Theatre said, "There is no phenomenon in bly of the Presbyterian Church of Translation" in Aud. A.Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre modern literature even remotel in the U.S., will speak on "Some 4:15 p.m.-Omega chapter of TICKETS NOW ON SALE Scomparable to the works of Singer; Next Steps in Religion and Race'Phi Kappa Delta will present a Box Office open 10 A.M.-5 P.M. and because his tales are unique, in Aud. A. faculty panel on the problems and Mail orders to P.O. Box 1993 it is nearly impossible to conveypolitical sciencedehapman ofi the prospects of the teacher certifica- Thursday, $1.50 their flavor to a reader unfamiliar tion program at the University in Friday & Saturday, $1.75 with them. In the domain of the American Policy in Viet Nam in the University Elementary School. and forms dominates the viewer untitled work of Reginald Poliack in his presence because of the vi- is a pen and brush work on paper. brant colors employed. The sketchy black lines are alter- Possessing the qualities of a nated in traditional form only with rainbow or a prism, the water- the addition of colored india ink color of Lawrence Calcagno, en- in the corner of the drawing. titled "No. 10," is a drawing which The "Figure Sketches" of Jack could pass as a painting in many Tworko lFogineicke the tJa-k' middle class living rooms. The rov also idicate the tra transition of yellow, orange, redIditonal use of drawing. The six- blue and green strokes evokes ateen sketches are done with pencil moving, vibrant plane, solidified on paper, and the folds are visible only by the yellow-orange sun -as the figure is presented in' above. varying positions. Another watercolor, "No. 1-1959" by Sven Lukin, similarly demon- strates the uses of freed form andI emerging, progressively darkening tones. Appearing more like the tradi- tional concept of a drawing, the The 100 Contemporary American Drawings on display at the mu- seum through March 28 is a sampling of national scope. Since a uefiiinnvci nnuihoc piuvirueu, a defin tion cannot be providted, .?n11auv it u~l._ the drawings represent the diver- modern short story he is a master 8:00 p.m.-Father Joseph Raya, sity of their works and their world. with few peers." priest of the Melchite Rite will 1 'I 1x DAI LY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an against you. This means that until official publication of The Univer- payment is received and "Hold Credit" sity of Michigan, for which The is cancelled: Michigan Daily assumes no editor- 1) Grades will not be mailed. lal responsibility. Notices should be 2) Transcripts will not be furnished. sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to 3) You may not register for future Room 3654 Administration Bldg. be- terms. fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding 4) A Senior may not graduate with publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday his class at the close of the current for Saturday and Sunday. General term. Notices may be published a maxi- 3. The Dean of your school or col- mum of two times on request; Day lege will be given a list of delinqueht Calendar items appear once only. accounts. Student organization notices are not Payments may be made in person, accepted for publication. or mailed to the Cashier's Office, 1015 Admin. Bldg., before 4:30 p.m., Feb. 26. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 Mail Payments postmarked after due date, Feb. 26. 1965, are late and sub- ject to penalty, Day Calendar Identify mail payments as tuition and show student number and name. Short Course on Outdoor Recreation and Planning-Michigan Union, 8:30 Regents' Meeting: March 19. Commu- a.m. nications for consideration at this meet- ing must be in the President's hands Fire Chiefs' Training Conference - Rackham Bldg., 9 a.m. Transportation Seminar - Nicolas Rashevsky, Mental Health Research In- stitute, "Man-Machine Interaction in Automobile Driving": Multipurpose Room, Undergraduate Library, 3:15 p.m. Dept. of the History of Art Lecture -Dorothy Miner, keeper of manu- scripts, The Walters Art Gallery, Balti- more, "King Charles V and His Fine Books": Aud. B, Angell Hall, 4:10 p.m. Office of Religious Affairs Lecture - Edler G. Hawkins, The United Pres- byterian Church in the U.S.A., "Some Next Steps in Religion and Race": Aud. A, Angell Hall, 4:10 p.m. Doctoral Examination for Richard Adolph Roberts, Electrical Engineer- ing; thesis: "Theory of Signal De- tectability: Composite Deferred Deci- sion Theory," Wed., Feb. 24, 2310 E. Engrg. Bldg., 10 a.m. Chairman, H. W. Farris. AAUP-West Conference Room, Rack- ham at 8 p.m. Topic: "The Role of the University in the Preparation of College Teachers." Visitors welcome. 5-Hour Special Topics in Chemistry- Fifth Series: Dr. Edgar F. Westrum, Jr. (U. of M. Chem. Dept.) will speak on Energetics of Molecular Freedom in the Crystalline State" on Wed., Feb. 24 in Room 1300, Chem. Bldg. at 8 p.m.-Third Lecture. General Notices Final Payment of Winter Term Fees is due and payable on or before Feb. 26, 1966. If fees are not paid by this date: 1. A $10 delinquent penalty will be charged. 2. A "Hold Credit" will be placed INSTANT SILENCE For information write: Academic Aids, Box 969 Berkeley; California 94701 not later than March 5. Ushers: Ushers are urgently needed for the Kingston Trio show in Hill Aud. Sat., Feb. 27. Interested persons please call NO 8-8597, and report at 7:30 p.m., Feb. 27 at the east door of Hill Aud. Mathematical Statistics Seminar: Prof. J. N. Darroch will continue his talk on "Principal Components and Factor Analysis," Rm. 3201 Angell Hall at 4 p.m-on Thurs., Feb. 25. Physical Chemistry Seminar: Prof. Jens Zorn, U. of M. Physics Dept., "Molecular Beam Studies of Diatomic Molecules," Thurs., Feb. 25, 5 p.m., Room 1200, Chemistry Bldg. Special Lecture: Prof. Kenneth Rine- hart, University of Illinois, "Recent Studies in Antibiotic Chemistry," Thurs., Feb. 25, 8 p.m., Room 1300, Chemistry Bldg. French and German Screening Exam- inations for Doctoral candidates will be administered on Tues., March 2 from 3-5 p.m. in Aud. B, Angell Hall. Doctoral candidates must pass the screening examination before taking the written test in French or German, unless they have received B or better in French 111 or German 111. Those who fail the examination may take it again when the test is administered in June. Candidates are asked to bring their own No. 2 pencils. Foreign Student Tuition Scholar- ships: The deadline for receipt of ap- plications is March 31, 1965. Forms are available from the counselors in the International Center. Foreign Visttors The following are the foreign visi- tors programmed through the Interna- tional Center who will be on campus this week on the dates indicated. Pro- gram arrangements are being made by Mrs. Clifford R. Miller, International Center, 764-2148. V. E D'Rozario, principal, Ajmer Lab- oratory High School, Ajmer, India, Feb. 21-24. T. G. Satyanarayan, principal, Mysore Lab. High School, Mysore, India, Feb. 21-24. R. C. Sharma, principal of Bhopal Lab. High School, Bhopal, India, Feb. - 21-24. cations. ENGINLERING PLACEMENT INTER- for part-time or full-time temporary Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brown Hart- TUES., MARCH 2- VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please work, should contact Mr. Parker, Part- shorne. inspector of schools, Depart- Allstate Insurance Co., Southfield, sign schedule posted at 128-M West Time Interviewer at 764-7284. ment of Education, Johannesburg, Un- Mich.-Degrees in Econ., Educ., Gen. Engrg. Students .desiuLt uscei aneous oadd ion of South Africa, Feb. 22-27. Lib. Arts, Law, Math, Psych., etc. for MARCH 1 nobs should consult the bulletin board S. G. Wilkinson, head, Research De- positions in insurance claims and sales American Air Filter Co., Inc., 1-Female to do interesting and diffi- partment, Herald Sun Television, Mel- & mgmt. trng. Throughout Mich. Throughout U.S.-BS-MS: EE, IE. ME. cult work. Will be doing mostly bourne, Australia, Feb. 28-March 3. Cook County Dept. of Public Aid, BS: ChE, CE & Met. R. & D., Des., Prod. tn Other duties will include Prof. Abden Ramon Lancini, direc- Chicago-Men & women with degrees in & Sales.tyigOserdLtie, prelaincludr tor, Museum of Natural Sciences, Cara- Gen. Lib. Arts, Poli. Sc., Soc. & Soc. C & O Railway Co., B & O Railroad the use of Latin, preparing for cas, Venezuela, Feb. 28-March 3. Work as Soc. Work Trainees. Scholar- Co., Entire C & O-B & O System-BS- photo-offset, etc. Must be able tc ships available for advanced study. MS: CE, EE, IE & ME. BS: E Math. accept responsibility. Will work 2C International Paper Co., N.Y.C.-De- Training. hrs. per week. -There are other typing and secre- Placem en grees in Gen. Lib. Arts & Nat. Res. Borg Warner Corp., Ingersoll Res. Ctr. taial positions open at this time (Wood Tech.) for territorial sales 10- Des Plaines, Ill.-BS-MS: ChE, E & inimum requirement is tying PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS: Bureau cated throughout U.S. ME. R. & D. Minidumf requirm.ntis tyin. of Appointments-Seniors & grad stu- Carson, Pine, Scott Co., Chicago - MARCH 1-2- speed of 50 w.p.m. with few errors. dents, please call 764-7460 for appoint- ! Men & women with degrees in Gen. Lib. Calif. State Govt., Personnel Board- Most jobs are ethe full-time oz ments with the following: Arts, Econ. & Psych. for merchandis-IBS-MS: CE. Des. 20 hrs. per week; and some of these MON., MARCH 1- ing retailing & mgmt. trng. Engaged MARCH 1- are very temporary (a few days : Pan American World Airways, N.Y.C. or married women not eligible. Clark Equipment Co., Battle Creek weeks). -Men. Degrees in Foreign Languages & Sturgis Newport Business Forms, Inc., Mich.-All Degrees: IE/computer bkgd Gen. Lib. Arts for positions in Sales Sturgis, Mich.-Majors in Gen. Lib. R & D., Des. Mgmt, trng. and transportation. Arts, Econ. & Lib. Sci. for Territorial Cooper Tire & Rubber Co., Findlay, Olivetti Underwood Corp., N.Y.C. - Sales Trng. Various locations (p.m. Ohio-All Degrees: ChE. BS: EE, IE Degrees in Gen. Lib. Arts, Bus. Admin. only). ME & Chem. R, & D., Des, Prod. & & Engrg. for Mgmt. Trng., Territor- WED., MARCH 3- Plant Engrg.D ial Sales and Tech. Service. Sales American Institute for Foreign Trade. MARCH 1-2- { throughout U.S. Phoenix, Ariz.-Offers intensive grad Detroit Edison Co., Detroit & Sub- Trans-World Airlines, Inc., N.Y.C. - study in world commerce, languages urbs. March 1-Summer Employment Men & women. Various degree levels in and major areas in preparation for March 2-Regular Employment - BS- many fields including Econ., Bus. Ad., posts in international bus. mgmt., gov- MS: ChE; CE-(w/struc. major), EE, IE Poll. Sci., Geog., Lib. Arts, Statistics, ernment service, etc. Men & women ME & Met.-(w/some nuclear). MBA: Math or Engrg. Sciences for positions with degree in any major field. Bus. Ad. w/EE undergrad degree. R. & as Analysts: Econ. Studies, Research Housing & Home Finance Agency, D., Des., Sales, Tech. Purchasing & & Hktg. & Forecast, Also Sales Rep- Wash., D.C.-Men & women with ma. Systems Planning. res., some sales exper, pref. Several lo- jors in Arch., Land. Arch,, Planning, I MARCH 1- Econ., Geog., Gen. Lib. Arts, Bus. Ad. Fairbanks Morse, Inc., Power Systemr & Engrg. Positions in Econ., Mgmt. Div.-BS-MS: BE, IE & ME. R. & D, Trng., Personnel, Public Admin., Acctg.i Des. & Sales. { RGA N IZAT ON Civil, Constr. & Sanitary Engrg ~- W. R. Grace & Co., Dewey & Almy 0 GIA Oous locations. Chem. Div., Cambridge, Mass.-BS-MS. Wells Fargo Bank, San Francisco - ChE, CE, EM & ME. BS: E Math, E TMen & women. BA & MA's in Econ., Physics & IE. Can consider non-citi- N OTICES Gen. Lib. Arts & Soc. Sci. for positions zens if becoming citizen. R. & D.,SODO T in banking & mngmt, trng. Throughout IProd, & Sales. SL U MerCaifrniaych. ircFnnr& Olivetti Underwood Corp., N.Y.C.-BS MerrllBnch, Pierce, Fenner & IE BS-MS: ME. Tech, Service Mgmt. Standing Room Tickets Use of This Column for Announce- Smith, N.Y.C.-Men & women. Lib. Arts Worthington oCrp., Cleveland, Ohio; On Sle Friday ments is available to officially recog- degree, esp. Econ. Trng. Programs in- Buffalo & Wellsvlle, N.Y.-BS: ChE nized and registered student organiza- lude Junior Exec., Sales & Securities. EEB & Met.-(including fluid mech. 12:45-4:00 $1.00 tions only. Forms are available In Room THURS., MARCH 4 k C& thermodynamics) & ME. 1011 SAB. Cor gGg, MARCH 1-2- ***-BA's & MA's in Econ., Geol., Hist., Unin Crbie Crp..Chm cls Alpha Phi Omega, Meeting of pledges, Math, Physics & Chem. Positions in Olefins Divs., W. Va., N.Y., Texas & Feb. 24, 4 p.m., 3524 SAB. Personnel, Prod., Territorial Sales & Ind.-BS-MS: ChB, BE, IE, MB & Chem. Prod. Dev. Many locations. R. & D., Des., Prod. & Sales. SEMINAR EE DISCUSSION AMERICAN POLICY IN VIET NAM by PROFESSOR CHAPMAN of the Political Science Dept. TONIGHT at 7:30 Rm. 3D-MICHIGAN UNION -t 'Sound insulated construction UflIVERSITY TOWERS " Now renting for Aug. '65 S. UNIVERSITY AVE. & FOREST AVE.% PHONE: 761-2680 I _71. I I i /' : _ Baha'i Student Group, Everyone in- vited to hear Mrr. Jane McCants speak on "The Challenge of Religion,' Feb. 25, 8 p.m., 1421 W. Liberty St. Eta Kappa Nu, Pledge meeting and movie, Wed., Feb. 24, 7 p.m., Michigan Union. Graduate Student Council, Meeting. Feb. 25, 7:30 p.m., West Conference Room, Rackham. * *a: Inter-Cooperative Council, Fall 196' Semester: Co-op housing applications are now being accepted for member- ship in co-ops. Positions open for un- dergraduate women, graduate women and all men. Apply at Inter-Cooperative Council, Room 2546, SAB or phone NC 8-6872, 9 to 12 or 2 to 5. * * * Le Cercle Francais, Le Baratin, le 2: Feb.. le jeudi, 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg. Lutheran Student Chapel (Nationa Lutheran Council), Vespers, Feb. 24 10 p.m., Lutheran Student Chapel, Hil' St. and S. Forest. * * University Lutheran Chapel, Midwee' Devotions. Pastor Alfred Scheips on Matthew, Feb. 24, 10 p.m., 1511 Wash tenaw. Women's Golf Club. Organizational meeting, Feb. 25, Thurs., 5:10 p.m. Women's Athletic Bldg. University of Michigan Student Chap- ter of Association for Computing Machiners, Organizational meeting, e p.m., Wed., Feb. 24, 325 W. Engineer- ing. Everyone interested In computer: is urged to attend. POSITION OPENING: Harvard Univ., Boston, Mass.-Wom Part- tne en grads, any Lib. Arts majors with boxin reading & evaluating written assign- Em ploym ent ment of Bus. Admin. Grad students. yr. employment-trng. begins Aug. 16 Apply immediately. The following part-time jobs are avail- . *able. Application for these jobs can be For further information, please cal made in the Part-Time Employment Of- 764-460 Geera Div, Brea ofAp-fice, 2200 Student Activities Bldg., dur- 764-746 ,20ner0 SA., ing the following hours: Mon. thru pointments, 2 ABFri,. 8 a m. til 12 noon and 1:30 til 5 SUMMER PLACEMENT SERVICE: P m. rdeios.atnt ine students 212 SAB- Pennsylvania-Two camps will inter- view students for counseling jobs, one on Feb. 24 and one March 9. Coop Extension Service, Manistee County-Hist. & Anthro. majors to cat- alogue & display collection of historical items. Details avilable at Summer Place- Plce ent, 212 SAB. 1 I .I wnpioyers a u uso g ua ~ani DIAL 8-6416 ENDING TONIGHT Directed by and starring PIERRE ETAIX "CARRY ON SPYING" 111 The University Musical Society presents THE DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA SIXTEN EHRLING, Conductor Sun., Feb. 28, 2:30 P.M. IN HILL AUDITORIUM Program Prelude and Quadruple Fugue . ...... Hovhaness Symphony No. 1 in E minor Sibelius Symphony No. 1, Op. 10 . . . . Skostakovich ROSALYN VTURECK Pianist DIAL 662-6264 2ND BIG WEEK Shows at 1-3-5-7:05 & 9:15 JAMES BOND IS BACK IN ACTION! 1 I NIL DIAL 5-6290 YOU MUST SEE IT FROM THE BEGINNING TO BELIEVE IT!!!! Im '~I Monday, March 1 8:30 P.M. Prog~ram: Prelude and Fugne on the Name of Bach Capriccio on a Departing Brother French Overture I The film makers who brought you A TASTE OF HONEY and TOM JONES now take U1 1 1 11 w R I I I! : .. . III