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February 24, 1965 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1965-02-24

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Says 'U' out-of-State Trigon: Old Controversy Awaits Sett
Siinerioritv Overrated


Differences in quality between in-state and out-of-state students
are not as great as some think, Sidney Straight of the Admissions
Office said yesterday.
This is true even as the in-state ratio approaches 75 per cent
of the student body, he said. "More of the best out-of-state appli-
cants are admitted than actually attend, because many find scholar-
ships from prestige schools more inviting. On the other hand, the out-
standing in-state applicant finds that even with other scholarship
offers, this university will be the most economical..
Although an increasing number of Michigan residents apply for
admission, only qualified students are admitted. A "qualified" appli-


Dems Attack
New Senior
ICitizen Plan
Gov. George Romney detailed
a senior citizens program empha-
sizing broadened eligibility rather
than direct dollar increases in a
special message to the Legislature
Romney's written message stat-
ed that "needs are growing at an
incredible pace." It noted that the
state's over-65 population has
grown by 50 per cent in 15 years
to 700,000.
The message was criticized by
both House Speaker Joseph Ko-
walski (D-Detroit) and Senate
Majority Leader Raymond Dzen-
dzel (D-Detroit) because of Rom-
ney's failure to "support or state
his reason for opposing a senior
citizens tax exemption."
Senior Exemption
Romney repeated what he said
last month in, his state-of-the-
state message about a tax exemp-
tion for property of senior citi-
Romney said he had appointed
a "blue ribbon" committee on
property tax relief for the aging
to "examine this question of tax
relief and report its recommen-
dations in time for action in this
regular legislative session.
"If these recommendations can-
not be developed in time, I will
submit a program at a special
session for this purpose," he said.
Taken Care Of
Dzendzel said yesterday that
"the governor can be assured the
matter will be taken care of long
before a special session can be
Prof. Harvey Brazer of the eco-
nomics department, a member of
Romney's "blue ribbon" commit-
tee, said that the group met for
the third time yesterday and is
"making every effort toward giv-
ing its report to the governor in
time for him to make his recom-
mendation to the Legislature dur-
ing the regular session."
Brazer said that the group has
completed a tentative outline of
the report, and will probably sub-
mit' the final report within five
or six weeks.
Kowalski also attacked Romney
for not supporting a satisfactory
plan of health care for senior citi-
Included among the legislative
aids to Michigan's aged which
Romney detailed in his special
message are:
-Extending nursing home cov-.
erage under medical aid to the
aged from 90 days to six months
and afconsideration of lifting the
requirement of prior hospitaliza-
-Providing periodic health ex-
aminations for persons 65 and
over with no charge for those who
can't afford the bills;
-Removing special fees and
tuitions from education costs for
senior citizens.
Block Sales on
SGC Agenda
In an effort to avoid the con-
fusion of buying tickets for con-
certs, Student Government Coun-
cil will decide on a new policy for
slling block tickets at its meeting

4cant is one who is judged to have
a better than 50 per cent chance
of success at the University.
Academic Screening
Applicants are screened first on
the basis of academic record, in-
cluding class standing. Also con-
sidered are the Scholastic Apti-
tude Test scores and quality of
the secondary school. Any Col-
lege Board scores of 500 or below
are said to be in the "danger
zone." Most applicants are also in
the upper 15 per cent of their
graduating classes.
Using these criteria, thousands
of out-of-state students are re-
fused admission each year, while
15 per cent of in-state applicants
are rejected.
Straight explained that in
Michigan the secondary schools do
much of the selecting of appli-
cants in advance by encouraging
only those whom they feel will be
accepted to apply.
Out-of-State Competition
Competition for out-of-state
places is keenest in the literary
college and the architecture and
design college. Non-Michigan ap-
plicants whose general qualifica-
tions may not be as impressive
but who show special proficiency
and motivations are given consid-
eration in the nursing school and
engineering college.
Many out-of-state applicants
feel that they can eventually be,
admitted to the literary college
and other competitive schools by
first being admitted to less selec-
tive schools and then transferring
across campus the next year.
"There is a possibility that out-of-
state cross campus transferring
may be curtailed in the future,"
Straight said.
2.5 Up
In order to transfer from an-
other university an in-state stu-
dent must have a collegiate record
of 2.5 or better, while the out-of-
state student must have a "B plus"
average. In each case the Univer-
sity wants to admit the same
quality student as would have
been admitted at the freshman
"There are about equal num-
bers of in-state and out-of-state
students in the honors program,
although it is almost strictly true
now that an out-of-state girl
must be honors quality to be ad-
mitted to the literary college,"
Straight said.
To be classified as an in-state
resident for the purpose of regis-
tration, an individual, must be 21
years of age, and must have re-
sided in' this state six months
preceding the date of proposed
enrollment. The residence of stu-
dents who are minors follows that
of their parents or of the legal
Offers To Pay
Eliot's - Taxes
An Ann Arbor businessman, Ed-
ward J. Hutcheson, yesterday of-
fered to pay the approximately
$300 in federal taxes that Prof.
Johan Eliot of the public health
school has refused to pay.
Hutcheson made the offer by
letter to the Internal Revenue
Service because of "patriotic mo-
tives." He feels that not paying
taxes borders on advocacy of
Eliot, a pacifist, has refused
payment of that portion of his
taxes not already withheld from
his salary because much of his
tax money is "going for arma-
ments which threaten the world
and provide no security for this
country or my family."
Neither the IRS nor Eliot had
any comment on the offer.


EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of two articles considering the
Trigon fraternity membership selection controversy.
The present Trigon controversy is an outgrowth of long-
standing student and administration concern with proper member-
ship selection regulations, an issue which has stirred controversy
around the University for a long time.
In May, 1949, the fore-runner of Student Government Council,
called the Student Affairs Committee, passed a regulation banning
membership discrimination by student organizations and request-
ing copies of all student organizations' constitutions.
Two years later, in 1951, SAC asked University President Alex-
ander Ruthven to enforce a regulation which gave student organi-
zations five years to eliminate discriminatory clauses in their con-
But President Ruthven vetoed the measure, citing "a long
established rule of law that no individual has an inherent right to
membership in any particular organization." He warned then that
"we must be careful not to infringe upon or impair equally sacred
rights of others."
President Hatcher also vetoed the proposal, arguing that "the
processes of education and personal and group convictions will
bring us forward faster, and on a sounder basis, than the proposed
methods of coercion."
Finally, in November, 1959, the Regents adopted a bylaw
spelling out a policy of nondiscrimination. The statement was
general, saying that the University "shall not discriminate against

any person because of race, religion, color, creed, national origin
or ancestry" and would "work for" the elimination of discrimina-
tion "in University-recognized organizations."
Trigon first became involved in the membership selection
controversy about ten years ago, when officials were made aware
of certain parts of the fraternity's constitution and pledge rituals
with alleged violations of University membership regulations.
There was little action on the charge until spring, 1964, when
the newlyformed IFC Membership Committee began to investi-
gate the fraternity's membership regulations.
The committee found three portions of the Trigon pledge ritual
which it considered might violate IFC standards. It asked Trigon
to change these portions. But Trigon's Grand Council of alumni
would not allow the parts to be changed.
Trigon admitted that its pledge ritual did contain the portions
under question, but denied that they were "discriminatory" in the
sense that IFC meant the word.
After Trigon's refusal to change its pledge ritual, the IFC
Membership Committee turned the case over to the IFC Executive
Committee. The Executive Committee decided to study only one of
the three portions which the Membership Committee considered
violations of IFC standards.
Action was delayed by exams and re-elections until January,
1965. Then the Executive Committee, by a vote of 9-1 with one
abstention, found Trigon guilty of violation of its code with its
pledge ritual. No penalty was affixed at that time with the con-

Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


Two weeks later, the Executive Committee announced its
penalty: by a unanimous vote, the committee ruled that Trigon
must revise the portion in question by Sept. 1, 1965, or all IFC
privileges would be withdrawn and recommendation would be made
to the Fraternity Presidents' Assembly that Trigon's membership
in IFC be revoked.
IFC termed the violation in the pledge ritual "repugnant" to
members of certain faiths. Usually reliable sources indicate that
the portion under question makes the prospective member affirm
his belief in Jesus Christ and his intention to follow Christ's
To Appeal
Two weeks ago, Trigon announced its intention to appeal the
IFC verdict before the Fraternity Presidents' Assembly, composed
of presidents of all campus fraternities and the officers of IFC.
FPA has the right to reverse the IFC ruling if it votes so.
The appeal will be the first IFC has ever handled. Kelley Rea,
newly elected IFC executive vice-president, expects the appeal
sometime next month.
Trigon's present situation is one of waiting. Nothing can be
done until FPA appeals on March 11. Hal Tobin, '66, president of
Trigon, warns however that "while in the past, Trigon has taken a
primarily defensive stand, we will take on a more and more of-
fensive stand if our FPA appeal is denied."
So the real import of the University regulation and Trigon's
situation will be determined in the future, by the decision of FPA
and by whatever action the SGC Membership Committee decides
to take.

r' -


LA ettles
More Items Liairman
In Contract



Late Board,


. - - 'M

GALVESTON, Tex. (AP) - Long-
shoremen union and management
negotiators in the strike-plagued
West Gulf Coast district have
tentatively agreed on the most im-
portant issues in their contractj
dispute, a federal mediator said
last night.
Assistant Labor Secretary James -
J. Reynolds said the negotiators
would meet later last night to ERA DRA JS TO CLOSE
"attempt to finalize" a contract.,
International Longshoremen As-
sociation members in the district o l udes
have been on strike for 44 days,
closing docks from Lake Charles,
La., to Brownsville, Tex. Years of League Action
"Right now, they are attempt-
ing to finalize details of each
clause," Reynolds s a i d after By MERLE WESTON
spending five hours with each
group, individually and jointly. The Women's League Council last night ended its existence with
"We are now down to hard-core the last meeting of the year, tying together all loose ends to clear the
issues." way for the University Activities Center.
"Tentative agreement - stress Nancy Freitag, '65, president, announced that the new officers of
the word tentative - has been the merged Michigan Union-League activities wings (UAC) will be
reached on the most important approved today and officers contacted this evening.
issues," he added. The installation of officers will take place at a banquet on
Object of current bargaining is March 1. This will be the first official activity of UAC.
a deep-water longshoremen's con- Committee reports indicated that a great number of activities
tract, the one that covers dockers will close out the last days of the League.
who load and unload ships. Still "Then new furnishings and appointments for the Cave, a special
remaining to be negotiated are
contacts fo bLA waeoustedmer room hidden under the rafters of the League, have been arriving daily
contracts for ILA warehousemen, and are almost complete," Margie- -
clerks and checkers+.
"We are pretty close," Ralph A. Randon, executive vice-president,
Massey, president of the ILA's informed the council. B u 1 0Ribbon
West Gulf and South Atlantic Pam Erickson, personnel chair- Re
district, said after emerging from man, announced that the SeniorReport D e
an ateroon essonBooklet, a first for the League,
Massey left the meeting late in will be available March 4. The In
the day. He said he was feeling booklet will explore the activities
effects of slight injuries he suf- and opportunities open to grad-
fered in an auto accident Monday uating students in order to effec- Gov. George " Romney's Blue
night. tively integrate themselves into Ribbon Citizens' Committee on
"We've been felt out on some their communities. Higher Education will meet Feb.
issues," Massey said. "They are 26 to begin final compilation of
better than they were before." Sherry Pastor, education and the Blue Ribbon Report on High-
The ILA rejected a proposal cultural chairman, announced that er Education, Harold Smith, staff
from management last Thursday the plans for the Creative Arts director for the project, said yes-
that called for an 80-cent an hour Festival were progressing rapidly. terday.
increase in wages and fringe bene. For the first time the festival, Earlier estimates said the report
fits over a fourear period, but which will be held during the would be issued in the middle of
with certain stipulations. third week oftMarch, will explore February. T h e postponement,
The union did not go along all fieldsnof the arts and sciences from February to March, is the
with management's desires to nrather than the usually exclusive latest in a series of some five un-
wihmngmn' eie oconcentration with literature, official postponements of the re-
govern hiring practices and con-
trol the size of work gangs. The League has designated this port.
Some 16,000 longshoremen have room as the meeting and study The study is assigned to cover
been on strike since Jan. 11 in place of the five women's honor- four basic areas: undergraduate
the west gulf coast and south aries (Scroll, Circle, Wyvern, education, graduate and profes-
Atlantic districts. Mortarboard and Senior Society). sional education, over-all planning


\ i


audience at Rackham Amphitheatre last night in a speech stress-
ing the need for the country's poor to become more involved in
their own economic struggle.
luhestone Asks More
Organization of Poor.
"The poor must organize and coordinate themselves into purpose-
ful groups" for their voices to be heard, Irving Bluestone, admin-
istrative assistant tor Walter Reuther, said last night.
Bluestone, who spoke on "The Political Voice of the Poor," was
the fourth speaker in the Union-League Symposium on American
Poverty, "In the Midst of Plenty."
Bluestone said that "those in poverty don't feel a sense of
belonging" and therefore resent charity and welfare programs. He
agreed with Michael Harrington's theory that the poor are not
heard because they are not organized.
Voting Involvement
"Personal involvement" such as voting can change this, Blue-
stone said. He added that many uneducated people are afraid to
vote and ignorant about how to do it. He pointed to statistics
showing high income areas with much greater percentages of citizens
voting than low income areas.
Bluestone felt "the poor should become angry" with their state
and organize to change it. He said organization will eventually
challenge established groups, such as schools and community organ-

Sends Letter
To Hatcher
Dropping Autonomy
Status of Colleges
Thomas J. Brennan, chairman
of the State Board of Education,
yesterday attacked the University's
stand on expansion of its Flint
branch, while also giving tentative
approval to a constitutional
amendment which would elimi-
nate state college autonomy.
Brennan made the attack in a,
letter sent to University President
Harlan H. Hatcher yesterday.
Hatcher declined to comment on
Brennan's statements, saying that
he had not as yet received the
He criticized Hatcher for a
speech made before the Flint
Board of Education last Thurs-
Internal Matter
Concerning Hatcher's F 11 n t
speech, which presented Flint ex-
pansion as a purely internal mat-
ter of the University, Brennan
said, "It seems absolutely incom-
prehensible that anyone could re-
gard the major step proposed by
the University at Flint as isolated
and not affecting the future of
overall planning in Michigan."
Noting that the board was "in
harmony with the governor,"
Brennan's letter went on to say
that the "board wants to make
it clear that it takes no stand at
this time as to the sub stantive
merits of the Flint plan. We do
believe, however, that further ac-
tion should await the board's
One to Two Years
Brennan later said this study
would take from one to two years
to complete and emphasized his
contention that the University
should not expand its Flint cam-
pus until then, if at all.
In what apparently was another
attack on the University, Sen. Ed-
ward Robinson (D-Dearborn)
Monday night proposed a con-
stitutional amendment w h i c h
would eliminate the autonomy of
all state universities.
New Authority
Specifically, Robinson asked
that the Board of Educationkbe
given supervisory authority over
all state colleges and that the
governing boards of these colleges
be appointed rather than elected.
Robinson gave his reasons for
his proposals when he introduced


and coordination and education'
IFC Donates
Writer Funds
Interfraternity Council Execu-

tive Council moved last night to izations, to aid change.
recommend a $300 contribution He said President Lyndon B. Johnson's Poverty Program is
for the writer-in-residence pro- good, but it "falls short of need." Referring to the great national
gsam yothe FaternityPresiden sacrifices made in time of war, he said it is "strange we don't
Assembly. The contribution will
help to bring Louis E. Lomax to make the same sacrifices to win peace or to fight poverty."
the University next year for three Public Awakening
weeks of lectures, seminars and Bluestone called for "a great public awakening to the existence
discussions with students. of poverty" and "moral and personal commitments" by the nation
Tau Delta Phi will be tried forĀ± in a "national crusade" against poverty. He said the public should
initiating a member with an know more about programs and problems in the field.
honor point average below 2.0, in Bluestone said that Walter Reuther has recently started a
violation of the IFC initiation 'n , -i,...Vnva. d fe


scholarship by-laws The case was nation-wide Citizens Crusade AgainstF overty, composea o om
brought up at the executive coun- munity leaders. Their aims are to educate the public about poverty,
cil meeting last night, but action to begin national action programs, stimulate anti-poverty programs
was postponed until the next meet- at the community level and involve the poor in such programs.

. ........

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