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February 23, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-02-23

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Eadie Sees Boost
For Dorm Rates
IQC Head Cites Building Report;
No Consideration by Officials Yet
VOL. LXXV, No. 126
Inter Quadrangle Council President John Eadie, '65, said last
night he expects University room and board rates to rise against next
At an IQC meeting in Markley Hall Eadie commented, "I have
been led to believe that rising residence hall costs will be met by an
increase in fees for next fall."
However, Vice-President for Student Affairs Richard A. Cutler


Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom



said no decision has been made
Hoppe Gives
Support on


on the matter. Eadie cited a study
+made last fall by Vice-President
for Business and Finance Wilbur
Pierpont on residence hall fi-
nances to support his claim.
In the report Pierpont pointed
out that students "have been
charged a decreasing percentage
for their total charge of capital
costs in the past ten years."
Pierpont explained the rising
costs stemming from financing
new dormitories and paying off
bonded debts will require new rev-

Des ite

slatcher' s

l int



Trigon Case
In a clarification of an earlier
stand, Interfraternity C o u n c i 1
President Richard Hoppe, '66, yes-
terday voiced his agreement with
a recent decision finding Trigon
fraternity guilty of religious dis-
At the same time, the newly-
installed fraternity leader said
Trigon will be appealing the deci-
sion to the assembly of fraternity
president within several weeks.
The tentative date for the appeal
is March 11.
Trigon was judged guilty of re-
ligious discrimination by the IFC
executive committee, a student-
alumni unit, early last month.
The chapter was charged with re-
quiring prospective members to
take a religious vow "repugnant
to persons of many religious
Trigon was later given until

Amherst Requests'

enue sources.
Fee Hikes
Eadie said, "The chances are
very good that the source of new
revenue will be a hike in residence
hall fees within the next two!
years-probably this fall."
He also predicted that if the
hike comes, it will be made this
summer after contracts are sign-
ed, as was done with a $34 increase
last year.
"I think that unless the Univer-
sity changesbits policy, the in-
crease will be made after the
signing of contracts," claimed
-Hike After Termj
Should the hike be made, Cutler
anticipates it would be made after
the end of the current term.
"Any increase depends on a
series of factors including the ap-
propriation from the state Legis-
lature which will not be finalized
until after the spring trimester."
However, he assured that should
any increase be made, "notifica-
tion will be made ahead to the
Not Considered Yet
As of yet the Residence Hall
Board of Governors has not open-
ly considered the possibility of a
hike in dormitory fees. The ques-
tion of how to meet the acknowl-
edged increase in costs due to such
factors as increasing wages, will
be taken up in the near future.
In other action last night, the
Inter-Quadrangle Council amend-
ed a previous motion that Eng-
lish Language Institute students
not be given rooms in residence
halls, made recommendations re-
garding dormitory room deposits
and blasted Student Government
Council block ticket sales.
IQC said that ELI's should be
allowed to live in residence halls,
but they should not be given spe-
cial privileges on room assign-
ments, i.e., specifically kept from
doubled up rooms.
Ticket Sales
IQC said that since Student
Government Council has, "proven
beyond a doubt its inability, its
ineptness, and its complete stu-
pidity in the field of block ticket
sales,". that all future changes in
block ticket sales policy be "sub-
jected to Inter-Fraternity Coun-
cil and IQC scrutiny."
IQC added that in view of the
recent difficulties of the housing
units in purchasing block tickets,
SGC has, "managed to show
thorough irresponsibility and ut-
ter disregard for its constituents
by providing impractical, short
sighted, block ticket sales rules.
The! IQC allegation was that
SGC made premature. announce-
ments regarding ticket sales and
did not enforce existing rules.
"SGC has played havoc with the
usual machinery of local student
governments by making unan-
nounced, unpublicized, and arbi-
trary changes."
IQC charged that SGC has "cre-
ated far more problems than it
has solved in its attempt to meet
a basically simple problem."


WASHINGTON (P) - Felix- -
Frankfurter, former United States
Supreme Court justice, died yes- Edtra t8 fa ct er
terday at 82 of an acute heart
attack. By MERLE JACOB
"Radical," "conservative," "pow-
er behind the New Deal" were An Amherst faculty subcommittee has recommendsed that fratern-
some of the labels he earned in ities be replaced by a system of residential units in order to make the
his rise from student, young at- college a genuine intellectual community.
torney, and professor to. the bench.
He stepped down in 1962. eThe proposal was part of a report on student life that urged
"A great man of the law has sweeping reorganization of the college.
passed on but he has left a pro- Replacing the fraternities would be living units of 100 to 130
duct of his remarkable mind with men which could develop a full range of student activities, Horace
us," Chief Justice Earl Warren W. Hewlett, director of public - --- ---
said in a statement mourning ri - -

Frankfurter's death.

Telaulolls, Sulu.

Brown Notes
Tax Reforms

The units, which would be call-
ed Amherst societies, would com-
bine on a geographic basis clus-
ters of existing fraternity houses
and dormitories. Although primar-
ily for upperclassmen, the units
would have a proportional number
of non-resident freshmen m m-

LMarcom Hits
'U' Policies

t Ost Q Iea y I bers, he said. "The University is a monolithic
Indicate Preference agency, with its rules set accord-:
By THOMAS R. COPI The societies would get new ing to hierarchical orders, and it
members by sending out descrip- prefers to take its steps behind
Specifics of a fiscal reform tive booklets on the type of house the scenes, in an atmosphere of
program might be introduced in and the activities it offers to restraint," said City Administrator
the Legislature this week, Senate freshmen. Freshmen would then Guy Larcom last night at the
Majority Floor Leader Basil Brown indicate a preference for the monthly Ann Arbor City Council
(D-Highland Park) said yester- house they would like, and. the working committee session.
day. college would try to place the stu- Larcom added that the Univer-
He recently had the bills of dent accordingly. sity policy on news communica-1
Gov. George Romney's 1963 fiscal The report suggested that ac- tion "is directly opposed to the
reform program reprinted, includ- tivities such as dramatics, musi- city's position." The council dis-
ing the amendments made to the caldpresentations, arts and crafts, cussed the existent problems con-
bills before the entire tax plan and literary publications could ber cerning the flow of communica-
was killed by the Legislature. developed in each house in order tions between the University and3
Brown also noted that he wants city officials.
-_ interests while co-ordinating ac- y F _

-Daily-Thomas R. Copi
PROF. JOHAN W. ELIOT of the public health school has refused
to pay the balance of his 1964 income tax because, "much of my
tax money is going to armaments." Prof. Eliot, a Quaker, said
retaliatory raids on North Viet Nam targets had hardened his
resolve to begin a one man war against wars.
'U' Professor Withholds
Portion of Income Tax
With a willingness to go to jail for his principles, though he
doesn't think it will be necessary, Prof. Johan W. Eliot of the public
health school has refused to pay that part of his income tax not
already paid by deductions from his salary (about $100).
"I am submitting my income tax form this year under great
weight of conscience, aware that much of my tax money is going
to armaments which threaten the world and provide no security

to see if he can get several moreI
members of the Senate to co-!


Sept. 1 to revise its initiation
ritual or face possible expulsion
from the fraternity system.
'Hoppe, although a member of
the executive committee, hesitat-
ed to support the decision because
he feared it would lead to a chain
of investigations into what he
called non - discriminatory chap-
ters whose rituals contain reli-
gious references.
His opposition was one factor
in the executive committee's re-
fusal to endorse him for the IFC
,presidency. But the fraternity
presidents elected him anyway
and there was speculation that
they would also overturn the ex-
ecutive committee ruling on Tri-
But yesterday, Hoppe termed
Trigon guilty because "a number
of groups would find the ritual
repugnant to their own beliefs and
this would exclude them from
He warned, however, that the
"struggle to provide equal mem-
bership opportunities on this cam-
pus is not only a process of in-
vestigations, indictments and con-
victions. It is also a process of
Hoppe stressed that he would
seek to channel IFC's efforts
against discrimination into posi-
tive informational programs such
as counselling house presidents,
sponsoring civil rights speakers
and supporting Negro History
Week here.
He conceded that the way to
equal membership opportunity will
require "the process of levelling
the ground first" by prosecuting
discrimination. That is another
reason he is upholding the execu-
tive committee's decision on T-
gon, he said.
As IFC president, Hoppe will
have no official role in the bal-
loting of the fraternity presidents
to determine the merit of Trigon's
appeal. But his influence is be-
lieved to be considerable among
chapter presidents.
In the appeal, the first discrim-
ination case ever to go to the
presidents, Trigon will have to
volunteer its constitution and
ritual documents since the presi-
dents are not authorized to require
Trigon President Harold Tobin,
'66, said last night that "when the

sponsor the bills with him. Sen.'
Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann Arbor)
said last week that he would co-
sponsor the re-introduction of the
amended Romney package, and
noted that if Brown had not had
the bills reprinted that he and
Sen. Frank Beadle (R-St. Clair)
would have done so.
A call for a state-wide graduat-
ed personal income tax will be
included in Brown's fiscal plan,
he said.
Senate Majority Leader Ray-
mond Dzendzel (D-Detroit) said
that fiscal reform hasn't been
considered as yet in the Demo-
cratic caucus. He said that the
Senate taxation committee was
requested to niake a report to
the caucus as to what the present
and future tax needs of the state
might be and what appropriations
might be necessary in relation to
the governor's proposed budget.
The Senate judiciary committee
is to report what changes in the
State Constitution might be need-
ed for a fiscal-" reform package,
he added.
Dzendzel said that these reports'
would be ready by the end of this
week, and that the Democratic
caucus would give further con-
sideration to fiscal reform at that
Lansing sources say that the
strong resolution in favor of fiscal
reform adopted at the recent
Democratic convention might in-
fluence the Democrats of the


tivities with student education. Jn eetingswa +lh tr {1 C '
Larcom outlined the possibility for this country or my family
Revelance and Unity for joint meetings between the (five children)," Eliot said.
In recommending the change, council and a University commit- Recent air strikes by United
the committee stressed that its tee, instead of the present joint States and South Vietnamese
emphasis was not on abolishing committee, which directly excludes planes against targets in North
fraternities but on finding a way council in favor of an appointed i Viet Nam spurred him to action,
to give relevance and unity to city committee. he said. Yet his stand is also the
student education.
"Our main complaint is that "It is clear," Larcom continued, result of a broader -protest against
students have come to identify" that increased interaction be- a United States foreign policy
significant intellectual life exclu- tween the two policy organiza- based on threats.
sively with classroom performance tions is essential, especially in Expresses Sentiment
as measured by grades," the re- the spheres of city planning and "My refusal to pay is intended
port said. "They speak of them- development." to show like-minded government
selves as divided between their Reservations officials that there is at least
work and their social life. Larcom expressed specific res- some public expression of senti-
"Many social institutions and ervations about the choice of Uni- ment for negotiation," Eliot ex-
extracurricular activities seem to versity officialsfor any joint com- plained.
have diminsihed in standards of mittee, however. "Unless the Re- Eliot is a Quaker and a pacifist.
excellence and achievement of gents themselves are allowed to He served in the medical corps
self-expression, and these values take part in the interactions, such during World War II and said the
are now assigned to the classroom, officials will be necessarily re- experience convinced him that the
if anywhere. As a result non- stricted in policy discussions," he distinction between civilian and
academic, intellectual, and cre- stressed. military spheres of life is dis-
ative pursuits' dwindle; the aca- appearing.
demic ones in too many cases, lack Noting the results of recent "The current evolution of the
dedication and enthusiasm." joint committee sessions, Larcom United States is into a military-
New Possibilities optimistically , noted that "rela- industrial complex," Eliot said.
The committee at first thought tionships are vastly better. today He wrote explanatory letters to
to reform the present system, but than at any time in the past dec- the Internal Revenue Service,
it finally concluded the fraterni- ade, and much more interchange President Lyndon B. Johnson, Sec-
ties at Amherst have become an is possible." retary of State Dean Rusk, Sec-
anachronism, the possibilities of Councilman Robert P. Weeks retary of Defense Robert Mc-
their reform have been exhausted, agreed with Larcom, but express- Namara, members of Michigan's
and that they now stand directly ed the general concern that congressional delegation, and Uni-
in the way of exciting new possi- t noother flows of information versity officials including Univer-
bilities for student life. siation-city President Harlan Hatcher.
Only 36 per cent of the stu- must be evolved, especially at pl Favorable Response
dents lived in the houses last year icy making levels. Although Eliot indicated that
while 74 per cent were active The council proceeded to table early response from University
members. Last year Hewlett said the matter after deciding to ap- personnel had ranged from out-
there were more freshmen that proach the University in the hope right approval to pleasure at hav-
did not pledge the system than of changing the existent commit- ing been informed of Eliot's de-
ever before. tee procedures. cision before a public statement
was made, President Hatcher de-
clined comment, noting that "the
matter is entirely private and
doesn't involve the University in
any way.''
r+ et U /'y o P o ertWhat policy does Eliot favor for
(,,t dealing with strife-torn Viet Nam?
Pep4a e "Ifaoranerty teces
fiand negotiation," Eliot said.
unemployed, they have not vigor- Ground Warfare
ously supported it. Although the "If the United States continues
Manpower Training Act of 1962 to escalate, Communist China and
was passed in March, he noted Russia will emphasize ground war-
funds for its implementation were fare, a tactic which could put
not allocated until August of that American troops in a very bad sit-
Year. uation since the Chinese have.
Funds Insufficient superior supply lines," he said.
Killingsworth said that the Once weapons are laid aside,
"war on poverty" is aimed at the citizens of many nations can par-
factors which are at the heart of ticipate in a vast development
unemployment, but that the funds project in the Lower Mekong River
.r allocated for its implementation Delta, Eliot claimed.k
are insufficient. "What I am say-
ing is that we have token pro-
grams, impotent in the face of St de ns H u
such overriding unemployment as ay."t
exists today.' - 1 r 1 i'll

Expect Course
By Next Month
The course description booklet
is expected to be out within 20
days when it will appear as a spe-
cial supplement in The Daily.
The time schedule for the Fall
term will be out by Mar. 8, when
preregistration begins. The time
schedule for the Spring-Summer
term has already been' published,
and preregistration for that term
is now in progress.
Chairman of the course descrip-
tion booklet, Gary Cunningham,
'66, Student Government Council
executive vice-president, termed
response to the evaluation pro-
gram good. He said about 8500
course evaluation questionnaires
were submitted.
All Departments
The booklet will contain de-
scriptions of courses from all of
the departments of the literary
college, as well as a few for courses
from the business and music
Cunningham said that though
all departments of the literary
college will be represented, it was
not possible to rate each course.
He said most of the evaluations
are on introductory courses and
courses with large lecture sec-
tions. There will be evaluations on
some small recitation sections, but
none on seminars.
Cunningham said the descrip-
tions, each about 200-300 words,
summarize the replies from the
questionnaires. They describe types
of teaching methods, readings and
exams. They also relate students'
feelings on the relative difficulty
of courses, how up-to-date course
material is, and whether or not
the courses are generally worth-
Courses Not Taken,
Questionnaires were evaluated
by seniors and some juniors who
were known by members of the
booklet committee to be superior
in their fields, Cunningham said.)
As far as was possible, each stu-
dent evaluated questionnaires
only on courses he had not taken.
Graduate stndents then checked

Leaders Are
At Meeting
Yet Governor Agrees
To 'U', President's
Eight-Point Statement
Despite personal urging from
University President Harlan H.
Hatcher, Gov. George Romney
yesterday stood firm on his de-
mand that the University hold
up its plans to expand its Flint
Both leaders disclosed the im-
passe after their meeting yes-
terday morning.
The two men were still dead-
locked after a one and one-half
hour conference. Hatcher main-
tained that the University will
expand in Flint and asked the
governor's backing to obtain funds
for the plan. Romney insisted on
a delay until his Blue Ribbon Citi-
zens' Committee can issue its long-
range plans for state education.
Methods of Control
The immediate causes of their
conference were Romney's state-
ments last Thursday that if state
colleges do not cooperate in the
creation of a state plan for high-
er education they may face "high-
ly centralized methods of control."
Hatcher said he asked.Romney for
the conference after "we went to
Flint last Thursday and found we
were being ordered not to act on
Hatcher said he presented the
governor with eight major argu-
ments for expansion of the Flint
campus, points which he said
Romney "gen'erally agreed" with.
Hatcher noted, however, that
although Romney agreed with the
eight arguments, the governor kept
returning to the stand he took
later at a press conference. "If I
permitted the University and the
community of Flint to make this
decision, there is no reason why
other boards couldn't make similar
decisions on their own," Romney
Direct Authority
Although the governor's opin-
ions carry great weight in the
state, he has no direct authority
to halt the University's expan-
sion in Flint. The state constitu-
tion gives the Regents "general
supervision of their institution
and the control and direction of
all expenditures from the institu-
tion's funds."
He said he had no doubt of
the desirability of a four-year
school in Flint, but said even the
increasingly large number of high
school graduates in the state "has
not caused me to change my con-
cern about a decision of this mag-
nitude being made ahead of con-
sideration by the Legislature and
others who have the ultimate re-
sponsibility of determining what
our overall policy should be."
Hatcher said Romney's reac-
tion to Flint was "quite a shock,"
as the University has had "no
indication" that the governor dis-
agreed with its Flint plans. Ob-
jection at this time was especial-
ly surprising, Hatcher said, in
light of "the fact that the pro-
gram at Flint has been a mat-
ter of public knowledge over a
No New Branches
His eight-point statement to
'the governor emphasized that in
expanding its branch at Flint, the
sUniversity is not setting up a new
branch. Flint is, Hatcher's mes-
sage states, "an integral part of
the University . . . and has been
so recognized for a decade by the
governor and the Legislature.

Plans for a freshman class at
Flint are as orderly .. . as plans
on any other campus.
"It's a shame," Hatcher said
later, "that everyone has lost sight
of the 126 students who have
been accepted at Flint. They are
asking for the bread of education,

Warns Technology

Prof. Charles Killingsworth of
the economics department of
Michigan State University said
last night that modern technology
creates economic effects which
pepetuate poverty.
Killingsworth emphasized that
governmental measures, specifical-
ly the tax cut proposals of the
President's Council of Economic
Advisors, have had their greatest
impact "upon the soft edge of the
unemployed-they have left the
hard-core unemployment problem
The economist spoke at Rack-

expansion since 1947 has created
one million new white collar jobs
but, through automation, elimi-
nated an equal number of blue
collar jobs. Merely expanding pro-
duction, he said, does not ensure
jobs for the unskilled.
"I don't contQnd that educa-
tion is the sole factor in worker
adaptability. Rather, it is sig-
nificantly correlated to the other
factors which can cause adapta-
bility. Education is a part of
status, presentability, trainability
and all the other factors which
combine to secure job opportuni-
ties as a worker," Killingsworth

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