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January 09, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-01-09

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See Editorial Page


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Colder with
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Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


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Low-Cost Housing Urged

There are about 1800 "poor"
families in Ann Arbor and up-
wards of 1200 low-cost rental
units are needed, two Univer-
sity studies on low-cost hous-
ing needs report.
The studies, filed with the
Ann Arbor Human Relations
Commission, were submitted by
Professors Robin Barlow of the
economics department and Da-
vid R. Norsworthy of the so-
ciology department.
'Poor' Families
Barlow prepared his report,
"An Estimate of the Number of
'Poor' Families in Ann Arbor,
1964," while serving as chair-
man of the housing committee
of the Washtenaw Conference
on Religion and Race.
Thomas H. Moore, Grad, pre-
pared a report for a class proj-
ect entitled "Low-Cost Rental
Housing Needs in Ann Arbor."
This study was submitted by
Exclude Students
Both studies excluded stu-
dents because of the difficulty
of calculating their incomes
and rental needs.
Barlow's tabulations show
that there were an estimated
309 non-white families and 1,-
489 white families which could
be considered "poor," that is
having income below basic ex-
penditure or living needs.
Barlow bases his determin-
ation of expenditure needs on
guidelines from the Community
Council of Greater New York
which are used as standards
for determining eligibility for
welfare assistance.
A sample calculation would

place the minimal needs of a
family of an unemployed hus-
band and wife and two chil-
dren, seven and ten years of
age at $4,330.
Barlow compares these "min-
imal needs" against 1960 cen-
sus figures indicating incomes,
sizes and composition of fam-
His study concludes that
more than 35 per cent, 309 out
of 875 non-white families in the
Ann Arbor census of 1960 had
income below basic expendi-
ture needs. His calculations for
the number of white families
with income below basic expen-
diture needs was 11 per cent,
1,489 out of 13,333.
Adding what he terms a
"postscript" to the report, Bar-
low summarizes:
"If it is thought desirable to
alleviate poverty by providing
low-cost housing, there remains
the problem of translating the
estimate of the extent of pov-
erty into an estimate of ef-
fective demands for low-cost
housing units. Precise answers
to this question would probably
require an extensive household
survey. But precise answers are
not needed.
"It seems clear that if low-
cost housing units were made
available at rents, say, $15 per
month below those charged on
accommodations of comparable
quality in the poorer sections
of the city, then several hun-
dred such units would eventu-
ally be demanded.
Outlines Program
"A program, therefore, which
aimed at providing 100 to 200
new units each year until the

demand was satisfied would be
both prudent and humane. It
should be noted, too, that the
construction of new units would
tend to force down the rents
charged for low-quality hous-
ing already in existence, and
this result would also help al-
leviate poverty."
Discussing Moore's study,
Norsworthy indicates that be-
tween 1200 and 1400 units of
low-cost housing are needed in
Ann Arbor.
Lower Than Average
Since student population fig-
ures appear in the federal cen-
sus, Ann Arbor has more resi-
dents with incomes of $4000
or less than the average for
urban Michigan, Moore found.
At the same time, Ann Arbor
has fewer low-cost rental units
($80 or less) than the average
for urban Michigan.
Moore finds the northeastern
limits of Ann Arbor, North
Campus and adjoining areas to
be in greatest need of low-cost
rental units. He points out,
however, that this area is most-
ly occupied by students.
Non-White Groups
Although Moore assumes a
need in low-cost housing among
the non-white group, he notes
that the area including more
than 90 per cent of the local
Negro population did not re-
veal an overwhelming need.
"Using houses rented by
non-whites for the criteria, one
finds that while 75 per cent
of all non-whites have an in-
come of less than $4000 (in-
come per person), only 36 per
cent of all units rented to non-
whites rent for less than $80,"
Moore said.

WASHINGTON OP)-The Senate Demo
freshmen a choice committee seat yesterda
committees and increased the party's rati
November election gains.
The November elections increased the1
by two seats. Sen. Majority Leader Mike N
Senate Republican leader Everett Dirksen
reshuffle of most committee ratios to re
However, the finance committee was1
the ratio of 11 Democrats and 6 Repul
1 ~Mansfiel
'' crease
te De
but this
, , by Sen.
ana, the
ed the
On Housing fect th
to-one n
Following up on a promise he year tu
made at his November student plan to
convocation, University President elderly
Harlan Hatcher yesterday an- leaders
nounced the formation of an 11-ledthe
member Off - Campus Housing up this
Commission. Thec


To Loosen Grip




crats gave each of their six
y, changed the size of ten
io on them to reflect the
Democrats' Senate margin
Mansfield of Montana and
of Illinois worked out a
flect the changes.
left with 17 members and
blicans was not changed.
ld had proposed to in-
it to 19 members to give
mocrats a bigger margin
s was opposed strenuously
Russell B. Long of Louisi-
e new party whip.
Democrats had complain-
11-6 margin does not re-
he party's more than two-{
margin in the Senate. They
that the committee last
rned down the Democratic
give hospital care to the
under social security. The
said they had been assur-
bill would not be bottled
changes in the Democratic
s in the various committees
on are these:
ulture 11-6 to 10-5; Bank-
5 to 10-4; Commerce 12-5
; District of Columbia 4-3
Foreign Relations 12-5 to
overnment Operations 10-!
0-4; Interior 11-6 to 11-5;
ry 10-5 to 11-5; Labor 10-
No New Chairmen
of the 16 Senate com-
will get a new chairman'
.1 panel leaders are return-
Chese jobs are awarded
on seniority and southern-
d ten of the chairmanships.
the Democrats completed
verhaul Mansfield won for-
nate approval of the deci-
He said the new Senators
reasonably satisfied.

Steel Talks Recessed
PITTSBURGH (A)-The election feud in the United Steelworkers
Union forced a recess in basic steel contract talks yesterday, dampen-
ing hopes for an early settlement.
The 11 steel companies involved in negotiations proposed a five-
week recess. The union went along with it.
Presumably, the delay will induce stockpiling.
Incumbent David J. McDonald is being opposed for the union
presidency by USW Secretary-Treasurer I. W. Abel. One million
members will vote Feb. 9. "- --

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Thant Says UN Won't Placate
Sukarno; U.S. Reviewing Aid

By The Associated Press
SAN JUAN -- United Nations
Secretary-General U Thant said
yesterday that the UN cannot give
way to Indonesia's principal com-
plaint-its objection to the seat-
ing of Malaysia on the Security
Meanwhile, there were indica-
tions that the Indonesians' plan-
ned walkout reflects a growing
coalition between that nation and1
Communist China. It is also ex-
ILA Locals E1
Reject Pact
NEW YORK OP) - New York
longshoremen last night rejected1
a ship owners' contract proposal1
recommended by their leaders and
opened the way for a new strike!
Sunday midnight of 60,000 dockI
workers in ports from Maine toI
The New York locals of the
AFL - CIO International L o n g-
shoremen's Association voted 8,-
354 to 7,792 to reject the ship1
owners' offer.
Contracts adopted by the New
York locals traditionally set the
pattern for agreements in At-
lantic and Gulf coast ports.
ILA President Thomas W. Glea-
son said Thursday "We all work
together or all stop together"-aF
threat of a general shutdown if
any one local failed to reach
agreement with ship owners.
Alexander Chopin, chairman of.
the New York Shipping Associa-
tion which represented ship own-
ers in the negotiations, said the
vote came as a "distinct surprise."
Gleason said he was "disap-
pointed" by the vote, but added
that he would be guided by the
desires of the membership.
The proposal rejected by the
New York dock workers would
have given them a guaranteed an-
nual wage, but called for a cut in1
the size of work gangs from 20 to
17 men.
This proposed work gang cut
has been the major stumbling
block to a settlement.
The ship owners issued a state-
ment in which they raised thel
question of "whether the men on
the docks fully understand the
distinct financial gains and ad-
vantages offered them."1

pected to curtail United States
aid to that country.
"There is no specific provision
for withdrawal. But if a member
state decides to withdraw the
United Nations must respect ifr
wishes," Thant told reporters.
Thant promised he would seek
a compromise to the crisis, but
added he did not believe the UN
could give way to Indonesia's com-
plaint. "I don't see how Malaysia
can be asked to leave the Se-
curity Council," he observed.
There was still no formal no-
tification to UN officials by In-
donesia of the walkout. President
Sukarno declared Thursday that
Indonesia was quitting the world
organization and turning its back
on $50 million in UN aid.
Malaysian officials interpreted
the Indonesian walkout as a step
towards closer ties with Red
China. The Chinese are currently
giving Sukarno $10 million in aid
as well as $40 million in credit.
"It seems the only country that
is happy with Indonesia's with-
drawal is Communist China," one
Malaysian government spokesman
said. "This leads me to think
that this took place as a pre-
conceived arrangement of plan-
ning between China and Indo-
Malaysia is concerned that In-
donesia's decision may lead to a
massive Indonesian invasion of

this country, which Sukarno has
sworn to crush this year, calling
it an instrument of British neo-
Meanwhile, a British Air Force
spokesman said that the British
fleet in Malaysian waters will soon
be "the biggest British naval con-
centration in the world, sufficient
to deter any aggression."
Meanwhile in Washington, State
Department and foreign aid offi-
cials said they plan to review the
$15 million U.S. aid program to
All programs operating jointly
with the UN in Indonesia will be
Although the State Depart-
menthhas refused thus far to
comment formally on the Indo-
nesian decision to leave the U.N.
it was admitted that the mission
of United States ambassador
Howard P. Jones has failed.
Jones may leave Jakarta at the
end of January to take over his
new post as director of the East-
West Center in Honolulu. His
successor has not yet been picked.
The United. States is known to
be reluctant to write off Indonesia
because of growing tension in
Southeast Asia.
The United States also has an
estimated private investment of
about $520 million in Indonesia,
the bulk of it in the rubber and
petroleum industries.
See Related Story, Page 3

The commission will focus on '
the relationship between Univer-
sity and non-University housing
in terms of availability, prices andt
living conditions. It will be chair-t
ed by Assistant Dean Roy F. Prof-t
fitt of the Law School. President
Hatcher has already drawn upthe
following questions for the corn-
-Is there an appropriate pro-
portion of students to be housed
in University facilities and inz
privately-owned facilities?
-What style or type of accom-
modations should be provided by
the community and by the Uni-
versity respectively, and for which
categories of students?
-To what extent, if any, shouldI
the University seek to regulate
privately owned facilities to in-
sure that students live in a proper_
-How should the University in-
sure proper housing for foreign
-Finally, what should be the
University's responsibility to pri-
vate owners and developers of stu-
dent housing? How should this re- c
sponsibility be filled?
Representing students are Su-
zanne Sherwood, '65, and Law-t
rence Phillips, Grad. Representing
the faculty , are Proffitt; Prof.
Douglas D. Crary of the geogra-
phy department; Prof. Donald F.
Eschman, chairman of the geol-
ogy and mineralogy department;
and Prof. Patricia W. RabinovitzT
of the social work school. Rep-
resenting the Ann Arbor commu-
nity are Rev. Ernest T. Campbell,
Mrs. Joseph Kummer, Regentr
Frederick C. Matthaei, Franklin C.E
Forsythe and Dr. Frederick B.

ing 10-
to 12-6
to 5-2;
13-6; G
5 to 10
5 to 11
since a]
ing. T
ers hold
their ov
mal Se
sions. 1
38 Ri

R. Conrad Cooper, a United
States Steel Corp. vice president,
told a news conference the delay
in negotiations increases the pos-
sibility of a crisis in bargaining.
Cooper said the companies do
not want to get drawn into the
union election struggle.
The union reopened steel con-
tracts last Friday and talks of fi-
cially got under way Monday. The
agreements provide for a 120-day
negotiation period before the un-
ion is free to strike May 1 if no
settlement is reached.
In a news conference, McDon-
ald said: "This delay . . . will,
unavoidably, damage both our
members and the companies. I
regret it exceedingly."

Groups Riot
In Viet Nam
SAIGON (M-Students demon-
strated against Premier Tran Van
Huong in a costal cityrnear Sai-
gon, Nha Trang, yesterday in a
campaign of opposition recently
revived by students of Saigon and
The rebirth of opposition in the
streets developed as a compromise
settlement seemed near in the 20-
day-old crisis between the United
States and the Vietnamese high
command about military interven-
tion in the government.

Power over
Funds Denied
Attorney General Says
Capital Outlay Bill
Restricts Autonomy
Once the state Legislature
makes its annual dispersement of
building funds to the tax-support-
ed universities, the control of
state officials over the use of the
funds ceases, Attorney General
Frank Kelley ruled yesterday.
By so doing, he overturned a
provision in the current legislative
construction bill which grants the
state controller a number of con-
trols over school expenditures, in-
cluding review and approval
authority over building contracts.
His opinion is only advisory,
but should resistance to it develop,
the schools could appeal to the
Victory for Schools
Kelley's decision was seen as
a major victory for the 10 state
schools, including the University,
which claimed the control was a
violation of their corporate status
under the constitution.
In his ruling, the attorney gen-
eral said by means of the con-
struction act, "the Legislature has
sought to confer authority upon
the state controller... which in-
terferes with the constitutional
autonomy of state colleges,"
Kelley gave the opinion in re-
sponse to requests from the 10
state-supported schools in Michi-
ban. The institutions asked for the
opinion to clarify the 1964-65 ap-
propriations act which stated that
they were to receive their con-
struction funds from Controller
Glen Allen, Jr.
The act stated, "the state con-
troller . .. is hereby authorized to
award suitable contracts . . . for
all state agencies including the
state colleges and universities."
'Hole in Dike'
The opinion was requested be-
cause, in the words of Vice-Presi-
dent for Business and Finance
Wilbur K. Pierpont, the act would
have "put a hole in the dike pro-
tecting the program of the Uni-
versity from unconstitutional con-
trol by the executive branch of
University Executive Vice-Pres-
ident Marvin L. Niehuss said last
night he saw Kelley's opinion as
"confirming University autono-
my." He noted that the ruling
was in line with those made by the
state's courts for some 75 years
upholding institutional autonomy.
1N iehuss said he hoped the ruling
would be followed so that "there
will be no need for court pro-
State Senator Gilbert E. Burs-
ley (R-Ann Arbor) said' he felt
the decision "indicated that the
continuing independence of the
universities will be guarded and
that the universities will act to-
gether to protect it."
Kelley's ruling was presumably
based on court findings defining
the degree to which state universi-
ties may be controlled by state
executives and legislators.
Generally these rulings say that
the Legislature may attach con-
ditions to appropriation acts, but
such conditions "will be deemed
unconstitutional and invalid if, by

their effect, they take from the
Board of Regents any substantial
part of the board's discretionary
power over the operations or edu-
:ational policies of the University."
Kelley's decision is also consid-
ered pertinent to the current ques-
tion of the new State Board of
Education's role in controlling col-
lege finances.
It is given coordinating and ad-
visory responsibilities with respect
to the Legislature's appropriation.
But educators have expressed
concern that the board members
will interpret this provision as
a mandate for control of school

Candidates Vie for College Trusteeships

The concept of a community
college for Ann Arbor has led 38
candidates to run for the six seats
on the proposed college's board
of trustees.
Thirty-four of the 38 candi-
dates for the proposed Washtenaw
County Community College Board
of Trustees, spoke recently at a
meeting sponsored by the Ann
Arbor Citizen's Council.
The speeches emphasized the
need for a well-rounded and bal-
anced board. The candidates rep-
resented a wide range of occupa-
tions from housewives, educators

at both the high school and col-
lege level, businessmen and pro-
fessional men.
If the proposed college is es-
tablished, the elected board mem-
bers would decide on its functions
and final details.
They would also set policy, de-
termine curricula, hire faculty,
prepare budgets, levy taxage ac-
cording to a set percentage of the
budget, obtain and construct phy-
sical facilities for the college and
seek needed federal aid.
The Community College ballot
has three propositions:
1. Whether or not the college
should be established;

Report Creativity Won't Assure Scientific Success

2. Whether or not a maximum
annual millage rate of 1.25 mills
($1.25 on each $1000 of assessed
valuation as equalized) should be
3. The election of a six-man
board of trustees.
University Officials
Among the University officials
who are running for the office are
Evart W. Ardis, director of ap-
pointments and occupational in-
formation, Prof. Wilford John
Eiteman of the business admin-
istration school, Prof. Eugene A.
Glysson of the engineering col-
lege, Professors Lee E. Danielson
and Frederick M. Phelps III of
the naval science department,
David J. Otto of the public health
school and James L. Lundy.
There are also three faculty
members from Eastern Michigan
University seeking election.
Other educators attempting to
gain election are Mildred K.
Bjornstad, Willow Run High
School; Richard C. Creal, Ann Ar-
bor High School; David M. Vo-
gel Roland E. Wurster and George
0. Ross.
Other Candidates
Candidates from business and
executive fields are Samuel T.
Harmon, Jr., Percy Holloway, Flo-
rence A. Mayer, Melvin C. Pierce,
Anthony J. Procassini, Rudolf
Schmerberg, Elvina M. Vogel, Ed-
ward C. Wasem and William
Richard Watson.
Gail W. Kellum and Mary
Woods, both housewives;Michael
H. Conlin, a student; Marie Wan-
zeck Schneider, a nurse; Kenneth
L. Yourd and Allan W. Gross-
man, both attorneys; David Pe-
ter Senkpiel, a marriage counse-
lor; Edward Adams, Jr. and Paul

A study by two professors here has challenged the thesis that
creative ability in a scientist automatically leads him to useful
ideas and inventions.
Professors Donald C. Pelz and Frank M. Andrews, study directors
of the Survey Research Center have made this challenge after a
five-year study of scientists.
They contend that creative ability alone will not cause its
possessor to produce useful ideas or inventions. Specific conditions,
must exist in the research environment first.
Outside the Lab
In addition, the study asserts that an effective scientist often
works outside the laboratory as an administrator or in some other
capacity which exposes him to ideas and problems unrelated to
his research.
The ability of the scientist to translate creative energy into
valuable results hinges in part on several factors, the report says.
These are the scientist's interest and involvement in his work,
thp amonmt of inflince he feels h vrts in his nlleaues and1

The results were culled from a five-year study conducted among
1300 scientists and engineers in research occupations in industry,
government and educational institutions.
The study employed the "Remote Associates Test" developed
by Prof. Sarnoff Mednick of the psychology department. It requires
the person being tested to produce a word relating to three words
which the experimenter gives.
The association relationship of those words is oblique and the
advocates of the test believe that the associations can be made
only by scientists able to work with ideas in unusual ways.
Other Observations
The report also makes these observations:
1) Diversity seems to be important in determining quality of
scientific achievement. Scientists who were engaged in more than
one type of work or who needed to apply many skills to a task
tended to produce better work than those who were more narrow
in their approach.
2) The most productive scientist does not work in isolation.
Highest performance appears to be achieved when the researcher's
goals are influenced by others, such as administrative superiors,



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