i 34r Ir t alt Date Seventy-Fifth Year SEDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN - UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Truth Will Prevail Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, 20 FEBRUARY 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: LAUREN BAHR j .;y..- ' ' ' " ay n R ' /, . . Politics Should Be Put Aside; Flint Is Needed Now N QQ"U V~-~> - 511,cz . 3Q o_ ., GOV. GEORGE ROMNEY'S recommen- dation that the University abandon its expansion plans in Flint until the State Board of Education formulates a plan for coordination of higher education in Michigan is sheer rot. As President Hatcher said in his state- ment on Thursday declaring that the University planned to expand Flint next fall, it is inconsistent to force the stu- dents already accepted at Flint as fresh- men next' year to "wait until some in- definite future when some yet undefined board makes some yet undefined new survey to indicate whether or not this is the proper way of educating the young people who- will be too old to be educated by'the time all these things are in." The burgeoning number of high school, students graduating this year will over- flow the existing state university facili- ties. Romney's own budget office took notice of this phenomenon, though in the wrong sense, when it decided that appropriations should be based on a head count formula rather than on the costs of quality education. Nevertheless, there is a definitely established need for more higher educational facilities NOW. THE FLINT EXPANSION is the Univer- sity's way of competing in the num- bers race without enlarging the central campus beyond control. C. S. Mott, the 90- year-old philanthropist who has financed much of the University's Flint campus, estimated that the school will serve 10,- 000 students in the near future. This ex- pansion could be achieved there with little difficulty. The state cannot afford to lose the possibility of having such a major institution. Meanwhile, the University cannot af-. ford to alienate the generous Mott Foun- dation. Short of capital outlay funds, the University could use the $2.4 million building Mott will finance if a fresh- man class enters Flint. THE PROBLEM with the branch solu- tion to the state's educational prob- lems is that it develops into a form of uncontrolled educational imperialism. Romney was correct in his prediction that if the state universities were left alone they would get involved in the lowest form of dog-eat-dog competition, leav- ing the cause of education as the real victim. However, Michigan's Board of Education, the organ which could re- solve some of the interschool rivalry, is still new and has no teeth. ROMNEY'S PROFESSED concept of waiting until the state board makes a decision about how to expand facilities is hypocritical and dangerous. It is hypocritical because Romney did not recommend enough money to the new board so that it could function adequate- ly. Board Chairman Thomas Brennan said in an interview last week, "Frankly I do not believe that the governor's budg- et provides enough funds for a competent professional staff for the board." It is dangerous because procrastina- tion in meeting the state's educational needs can result in a "lost generation' of students. The tragedy of the whole situation is that education is being subverted to poli- tics. Romney's recent maneuver of forc- ing educators to support his fiscal reform program by rejecting a bonding program for capital outlay and pointing out that funds for new construction would be di- rectly related to the passage of his tax bill is a prime example. Petty university rivalries and hypocritical politicians are stifling the educational future of Michi- gan's youth IN THE LONG RUN, the State Board of Education may be able to solve some of the problems by coordinating higher education; first, however, it must be given some teeth in the form of legislative dol- lars. Right now, the state must work with what it's got, and one of the assets Michi- gan has now is the Flint branch. Post- ponement of expansion should not be thought of in terms of the easing of political tensions which will result; it should be thought of in terms of the edu- cational loss to students. -BRUCE WASSERSTEIN -YS6.o j&4t5',..... "Guggenheim Here Ain't So Crazy ! . . . He Just Beat The U.S. Economy Out of Two Billion Dollars!" LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Overextended Government Reviewing the LSA Curriculum To the Editor: 1N REPLY to Prof. Slosson's let- ter (Feb. 17), I want to thank him for setting me straight on the tariff situation. My basic point. though, was that the tariffs are still too high. Any tariff at all is an impediment to international division of labor and hence to economic progress. But in his short analysis of the causes of World War II, I feel that he is mistaken. Before we start to discuss Nazi aggression, we should consider what broight the Nazis to power in the first place. Most historians attribute this to the worldwide economic col- lapse, particularly violent in Ger- many. Analysis of the Depression and its causes would be more pro- ductive than the old League of Nations discuss'on. LIBERTARIAN economists, such as Von Mises, Hazlitt and Fried- man, blame at least its severity on such factors as restriction of im- migration and emigration, the re- pressive tariff, other government interference in the structure of prices (through the Federal Re- serve System, for example) and government regulation of industry. All these things have one thing in common: government over- extending itself, interferring in the affairs of free citizens. But even after these mistakes had been made, there was not reason for going even further by getting in- volved in the League. Whatever little piece of good the League did in its aborted existence has escaped me. But one example of positive harm that it did: it contributed to a false sense of security that made the people of France and England unwilling to prevent the war and then unpre- pared to fight it. S* M SLOSSON'S TREATMENT of our policy after the war ignores the historical fact that Allied armies literally handed over to the Soviet armies most of East Ger- many and Yugoslavia, contributing industrial potential and millions of people to the Soviet war ma- chine. In fact, if America had fol- lowed Churchill's suggestion and attacked Europe's "soft under- belly," most of Eastern Europe would be free today. His comment on my "Peace and Justice . . . "is kind of amusing. As an historian, he remembers that our own Civil War was caus- ed in part by the northern part of this country trying to impose its vers'on of "Peace and Justice and Humanitarianism . . . "on the South. (Another cause: the tar- iffs, which favored the North over the South, i.e., government interference with the free econ- omy.) GRANTED that we are all in the same boat, as Slosson says. But an old principle of boating is that you don't stand up and start throwing your weight around. This has been known to tip boats over. -Walter W. Broad, '66E Definition To' the Editor: CONGRA'ULATIONS to Steven Tigner (Letters, Feb. 17) for his letter deploring The Daily's persistent incorrect use of "tri- mester," and congratulations, too, to Kenneth Winter for his ap- pended editorial note which fully supports Mr. Tigner's assertion (although the editor apparently did not recognize that fact). The same dictionary definition ("one of three terms into which an academic year is sometimes divided") was called to my atten- tion the last time (Daily. Feb. 18, 1964) that I was quoted on the subject. But just 10 days later (Ann Arbor News, Feb. 28, 1964), President Hatcher was quoted as telling the Regents: "I don't think the University should contribute to the corruption of the English language" by calling ours a tri- mester program. * * * AT THE RISK of implying blind acceptance of dictionary defini- tions, let me observe that the dictionary is right: academic years FROM A SECTION of the recently re- leased "discussion" report by the exec- utive committee of the literary college on the growth of the University's largest col- lege, comes this statement on teaching and teaching methods: "Perhaps, if we are sufficiently ingen- ious and creative, we can discover ways of doing what we are now doing in a manner which will increase the overall efficiency of our operations with no dimunition in quality-in fact, it is con- ceivable that quality might also be im- proved." This section of the 47-page report sug- gests a "fresh scrutiny" of the curricu- lum and instructional methods of the lit- erary college. It proposes three areas which deserve investigation: the lecture system, equating class hours with credit hours and the extent to which faculty members are performing tasks which less- er trained people could perform equally well. THIS THREE-PRONGED LIST is intend- ed only to stimulate discussion of the problems of teaching aims and methods at the University. As such it makes a good start. But broader considerations should be studied. Among them: Should 'the pres- ent grading system be junked? (How extensively are grades used as a threat to demand student performance? How accurately do grades reflect what the stu- H. NEIL BERKSON. Editor KENNETH WINTER EIWARD HERSTEIN Managing Editor Editorial Director ANN GWIRTZMAN .........Personnel Director BILL BULLARD ..... Sports Editor MICHAEL SATTINGER Associate Managing Editor JOHN KENNY .AT. Assistant Managing Editor DEBORAH BEATTIE Associate Editorial Director LOUISE LIND Assistant Editorial Director in Charge of the Magazine TOM ROWLAND .. Associate Sports Editor GARY WYNER........Associate Sports Editor dent has learned? If students realize grades aren't an accurate representation of what they've learned, who are they for? Parents? Graduate schools? Employ- ers? If so, couldn't more accurate meth- ods for reporting students' performance to these groups be derived?) Are distribution requirements an edu- cational help or hindrance? Does the concentration system cramp students who want a broader education? NOR SHOULD THE FACULTY alone make the decision in these areas. Stu- dents must be part of the process. Student insights can help clarify some uncertain faculty opinions of the qual- ity of teaching in the literary college. Students know which teaching methods work and which don't. As the quality of students at the University improves and more sophisticated teaching methods are introduced, students can play a vital role in stimulating educational improvement. An expanded literary college steering committee, or a student group specially set up, could meet and make decisions with faculty committees which will un- doubtedly multiply to disect the report- not merely "advise" these faculty groups. A student discussion group already meets regularly to discuss student viewpoints with key residential college administra- tors. Another precedent is the recently former SACUA subcommittee, composed of students and faculty members, to discuss the role of the student at the University. BOTH STUDENTS and faculty have a definite role to play in the decision process regarding teaching methods and curriculum content. Students exist on this campus who are both vitally inter- ested in encouraging better methods of teaching and have significant contribu- tions to make. Surveys of student opin- ion, though valid, can't take the place of are sometimes divided into tri- mesters. The point of concern is that our academic year is not so divided. The same dictionary de- fines the academic year as "usual- ly extending in the United States from late in September till well into June." The summer is omit- ted. Similarly, the University "academic year" is generally de- fined as consisting of two semes- ters. If such a period of roughly nine months were to be divided into three terms, each of the re- sulting three-month periods could rightly be called a "trimester," as Mr. Tigner points out. On our campus, however, it is the entire calendar year (not the academic year) which is divided into three terms. Calling these "trimesters" is not supported by President Hatcher, by Dean Spurr who devised the system, by the Regents or by the dictionary-but only, with characteristic perver- sity, The Daily. -Edward G. Voss Professor of Botany EDITOR'S NOTE: "Academic Year. The annual period of sessions of an academic institution, usual- ly extending in the United States from late in September till well into June"-Webster's New Inter- national Dictionary, Second Edi- tion, Unabridged, 1957. If Presi- dent Hatcher, Dean Spurr who de- vised the system, and the Regents ever succeed in implementing the tr-whatever-it-is calendar, the "an- nual period of sessions" will indeed be 12 months; the "usually" will no longer apply, and the Univer- sity academic year will indeed be dividedsinto three parts. Or "tri- mesters," as we call them. -K.W. Lomax To the Elitor: HAVING HEARD a speech by Louis Lomax at the University last fall, I question the attributes "noted scholar, philosopher, author and professor" which your publi- cation has bestowed upon him. In the speech which I heard, Mr. Lomax stated clearly that certain western values are "color- oriented" and implied that, there- fore, they were "wrong." To think that philosophical, religious or ethical values can be related in any significant sense (I realize that "oriented" is a vague and often misused word) to color and, what is more important, to judge the goodness or badness of these values by such a relation is to commit the naturalistic fallacy to a crude and even ludicrous de- gree. Perhaps he, more than the Uni- versity, would profit from his stay here as a writer in residence. -Deborah Wood, Grad Reprisal To the Editor: REPRISAL defined by Webster 1 is "an act of retaliation, es- pecially in war, as the killing of prisoners." Reprisal is the word most used to describe the United State bombing of North Viet Nam. Those who remember World War II remember too well what the word means. As punishment for partisan ac- tion against th nr'invina Ge(r- BUDAPEST STRING QUARTET Concert Shows Nature Of Beethoven's Style THE BUDAPEST String Quartet led its audience last night from the polite, affectedly graceful style of Beethoven as the protege of Haydn to the arrogant, frowing individualism of Beethoven the master. Although the profundity of Beethoven's statements advanced, the voice was always the same. The Budapest Quartet adjusted to the stylistic transitions while maintaining a consistently biting and brusque tone quality. The first half of the performance provided the minor contrast of the program. The "G Major Quartet" is nicknamed the "Compliments." The Budapest deferred to the title, especially Joseph Roisman, first violin, and 'cellist Mischa Schneider who played their arpeggios in a grand flowing manner. STACCATO UNISON chords in the first quartet hinted at Ro- manticism, but with the second composition, the "F Minor Serioso Quartet," Romanticism appeared in its immature, rhapsodic guise. The second portion of the concert demanded an ability to take a stylistic leap from Beethoven's classical period to full Romanticism. In the quartet of the early period, the "C Minor, Op. 18, No. 4," the ensemble climaxed toward Romantic outbursts only to settle back into graceful, lyric melodies. But by the last movement of the "F Major Quartet, Op. 135," here was Beethoven the scowling, individualistic genius: virtuoso writing for all the strings, surprise shifts of intensity, dynamics and mood, and the characteristic hammer-stroke dissonances. -Glenn Litton SPIES AND SUITORS: Menace of STENCH Pervades British Film At the Campus Theatre IN AN INTRIGUE-RIDDEN Vienna cafe, the British spy wears a fake beard. A suspicious waiter takes off the spy's hat, and off comes the beard. The spy turns to the camera, winks, grimaces: "Well, that's what I always say, hair today, gone tomorrow' Yuk. The worst English film since Beowulf is appearing at the Campus Theatre this week. "Carry On Spying" is a take-off on spy movies in general and James Bond movies in particular. Four imbecilic British agents fight the pervading menace of STENCH (Society for Total Extinction of Non-Conforming Humans) and its hermaphrodite head, Dr. Crow. They win, the audience loses. WHETHER THE FILM was intended as satire or slapstick, only the director knows for sure. As either, it fails. In spots the slapstick gets laughs. A British spy squats in an Algiers marketplace disguised as a snake charmed, complete with flute and snake; the only song he can play on the flute, however, is "Greensleeves." But on the whole, you can see much better slapstick by staying up and watching the late show on television. As satire, the film fails miserably, painfully. Kenneth Williams, meowing his dialogue andsaffecting as many facial expressions as someone who can't help it, misses the whole idea of satire in his performance: if regular movie spies are earnest, satirical movie spies should be triply earnest, not wise-cracking clowns. THE OTHER FEATURE is better. The talent of star-director Pierre Etaix makes "The Suitor," which has already played in Ann Arbor, a fairly funny film. It is a succession of visual gags, the story of a deadpan young man who decides to get married and doesn't know how to go about it. Etaix's combination of Keaton and Chaplin presents the always- pleasing spectacle of an innocent in the big city who wins in the end. Etaix seldom smiles, never cries, and in comparison to the theatrical ham gumbo of Williams, is a computer with parents. Yet, after he learns that his favorite movie star is old enough to be his mother, the Frenchman shows emotion and creates humor more effectively in a little whimper to a man on a corner than the whole cast of the un-British British movie does in an hour and a half of posturing. UNFORTUNATELY, the fair but not memorable humor of "The Suitor" can not overcome this terrible spy comedy. Dr. Crow, at the end of "Carry on Spying," warns her captors that "STENCH will conquer!" And it does. -Robert Moore GREAT DICTATOR: .Early Chaplin Satire Still Arouses Interest At the Cinema Guild CONCEIVED IN ANGUISH, bred out of innocence by malevolence, "The Great Dictator" was released in 1940, a product of the months that gave birth to World War II. A droll satire (if such be possible) on Hitler's Germany of the late thirties, the analgesic powers of its ridicule and burlesque might have been significantly less potent in light of the events of the years to follow. Written, produced and directed by Charlie Chaplin, this film was his first talkie. With his omnipresent toothbrush mustache, Chaplin played two roles-Adenoid Hynkel (dictator of Tomania), and a Jewish barber. There is farce, slapstick and old-time comic tragedy in the Chaplin manner. THE FARCE is perhaps purest in the "ballet" scene, in which Hynkel performs a delightful pas des deux with a balloon world- globe, embracing and toying with it as if he were conquering its prototype. Hynkel's speeches, shown newsreel style, are closer to reality. His pseudo-Teutonic doubletalk degenerates into coughing fits (". .. mit der ach hic . . . hic," etc.). A narrator ably translates: "Demokratia shtunk!" ("Democracy smells.") "Libertad shtunk!" ("Liberty is odious.") Frei sprachen shtunk!" ("Free speech is objectionable.") One particularly long and venomous tirade which virtually melts the microphones ("Der Phooey has just referred to the Jews.") includes hoglike snorts heard again when Hynkel impulsively makes love to one of his secretaries. The Ghetto scenes are less convincing, however, attempting to juxtapose comedy with unfortunate tragedy. It is disturbing to the viewer to watch storm troopers terrorize innocent people, while still weak from a memorable bit in which the barber becomes a maestro of the razor, shaving a customer to the precise rhythm (and spirit) of a Brahms Hungarian Dance. THIS DISTURBING ASPECT is brought into clear relief at the very end of the film when the barber, mistaken for Hynkel, must address a huge crowd in just-conquered Austerlich. Unable to continue under the sign of the Double Cross, he begins to speak, in fact to the world: "I'm sorry, but I don't want to be an emperor . . I don't want to rule or conquer anyone. I should like to help j d; I A x. ''I Y ALTERNATIVES: Has the U.S. Defied IKhrushchev's Dogma? HRUSHCHEV is a true believer that Communism is destined to supplant capitalism as capitalism supplanted feudalism. For him this is an absolute dogma . . . destiny will be realized no matter what men do. What do we say to him? We can say that in his dogma there is an unexamined premise. It is that capitalist society is static, that it is and always will be what it was when Marx described it a hundred years ago. Because capitalist society cannot change, in its dealings with the under- developed countries it can only dominate and exploit. It cannot emancipate and help. If it could emancipate and help, the inevitability of Communism would evaporate. I venture to argue from this analysis that the reason we are on the defensive in so many places is that in ten years we have been doing exactly what Khrushchev expects us to do. We have used money and arms in a long losing attempt to stabilize native govern- ments which, in the name of anti-Communism, are opposed to all important social change. This has been exactly what Khrushchev's dogma calls for-that Communism should be the only alternative to