PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY vv.mAv i a vwvtipirT&IWV ld&r PAGE SIX THE MICHIGVV BAIIV rDTTJA1, IALRUAR 196 g THIS SUNDAY AT 8:00 P.M. PROFESSOR JASON H. TICKTON of Wayne State University and Temple Beth El, Detroit "THE WONDERFUL HERITAGE OF HEBREW MUSIC" AN ILLUSTRATED LECTURE of B'NAI BRITH HILLEL FOUNDATION OPEN TO ALL 1429 Hill St. AT IOWA CITY: UM Pomey: By GIL SAMBERG 0 Sixth Man No More i N 'decorator Take On HawAs we walked out of Yost Field I a~e n llaw eyes Douse Larry Tregoning waswrt k eyes ;ing something on the thin layer of snow covering the windshield By SCOTT BLECH western, 19-7, of his car. "Trig" it said . . . and Doug Hornung gets the nod at when we walked around back- Iowa wrestling fans were smil- 130 pounds and will have his "And George." ing last December with the return hands full if he wrestles Fuller. "He does many things - not of one 1964 Big Ten champion, Hornung has decisioned North- with any great flourish - which two third-place finishers, and thei western's Jim Hnath, 9-5, and the more practiced eye can see," Big Ten's fourth-best heavyweight. Fuller stopped the Wildcat, 5-0. said Michigan Coach Dave Strack Hawkeye fans may need shock Hornung, who sports a 4-0-1 Big after a practice session. "George treatment when undefeated Mich- Ten mark, stopped 1963 Big Ten Pomey is a basketball player's igan invades Iowa City Saturday runnerup Bob Campbell at In- basketball player." afternoon. Since December, Mel diana last week. Fuller, however, And George Pomey also perhaps Wieland, 167-pound conference lost a 4-2 decision to the Hoosier underestimates his own ability. champion, has packed his suit- matman on Jan. 16. He's soft-spoken but articulate. case and has quit school this csemeanr. hrasquiisheolthis Sophomore Bob Rausenberger They call him "Sergeant Preston"' semester. Third-place finisher Joe will probably face Bill Johanne- now around the locker room, a' Greenlee (147) is out of action sen at 137 pounds. Hoosier Dave nickname he picked up from an- wiha kne iy.ngy wheavystMudd blanked Rausenberger 5-0, other story which credited him w-ght Roger Schilling, who lost earlielr while Johannesen beat with the persistency of a mountie. 6-4 and 6-0 decisions to Wos Mudd, 4-1, last week. And as he says, "Nicknames are back with lightweight Bill Fuller. Jenkins Wrestles easy to pick up around here." 1in Jenkins' adversary is probably 'Makes Difference' "Fuller ranks with the best veteran 147-pound Wilbur Devine,' Harry Combes, Illinois basket- the conference," Michigan Coach who has. had the distinction of ball coach, called him the man Cliff Keen said yesterday. "He losing to two Wildcats. Stu Mar- who made the difference at Mich- was third in the NCAA's at 123- shall beat him in last year's Big igan, but they haven't found a pounds and is tough competition Ten meet and Rich Reuben stop- nickname to go with that one yet. for anyone."n o - heh r furnished, fully carpeted Ul TOWERS " Now renting for Aug. '65 S UNIVERSITY AVE. & FOREST AVE. PHONE: 761-2680j r mii CONSgIENCE OR AUTHORITY" Fireside Chat with FR. RAY ELLIS Tonight at 7:30 after the Community Mass and Supper j Newman Student Association .ea nm Lus yer.'npHwkv Mrm ns cosi a nm a Optimistic? might again change weight classes valuable asset for each of the 6'5"' The Wolverine mentor was still and send Rausenberger against senior's three years on the var- cautiously optimistic. "We should Jenkins.. Devine would then face sity. "I've felt all along that he blast them if you g6 by the rec- Lee Deitrick at 157 pounds. could start," said the coach. "He ords- but records don't count has so much poise on the court when you go to Iowa. They can' Deitrick beat Reuben, 4-2, and now, and quickness. And he has always be tough." Reuben then whipped Devine, 6-3. the intelligence that you need at "Iowa only lost to Northwestern, Captain Rick Bay (167) and guard." 15-11, which makes them pretty Chris Stowell (177) will be tested But at the beginning of the good despite their personnel by two sophomores, both of whom season Pomey thought that he losses," Keen added. lost to their Northwestern foes. would be the Wolverines' sixth Bob Fehrs, Michigan's 123- Dennis Wegner lost his 167-pound man as ever, feeling that John pound sophomore dynamo, will match to Marshall, who drew with Thompson would De "that fifth put his unblemished record on the Bay. Tom Fennelly was decisionel man, the guy who's the sparkplug line against either Fuller or Tom by Don Evans, 5-2. Evans earlier the man on defense, and the field Bowman. Keen was not sure if stopped Stowell, 4-1. general." IFuller will be at 123 or 130 wounds. Anhorma n B ob SP Sl will *Q- . .. against Manhattan and Prince- for Pomey to make the switch to ton, so Strack went to his bench the guard spot. for his perennial first sub and Ex-Forward Pomey went into the line-up as a He was a high-scoring forward forward. in high school, but when he camej Strangely, it wasn't Darden who to Michigan they worked him as a was to be the apparent victim of guard in his freshman year, and his coach's maneuverings to into the varsity at that his team out of the doldrums, but position. John Thompson, Strack's "final"' I wasn't a dribbler, he said pre-conference choice out of an' ca°f one of the aspects of the overflowing field of aspirants tochne "And it's still not one of Bob Cantrell's vacant job. my strong points. But I take my time and I can get by." However it took a litte rear- In his sophomore year he had' ranging during his entire colleg- his best game against Indiana- iate career as well as that game as a forward. Strack kept him there for the rest of that season and through his junior year. Then, before the Christmas tournament, Strack started break- ing him in again slowly at guard. Somewhere along the line Pomey began to realize that he had a knack (to say the least) on de- fense, and he worked on it.- Mental Adjustment The hard part in the switch was a big adjustment in his way of thinking, the thing which differ- entiates between the forward and guard positions. "As you go down court you have to always be thinking," he says. "You have to set up your offense, pick your plays and get it going. As a forward you can wait for the guards to make the choices. They have to take over.' s Because of all the noise typical of Yost and anywhere else the number one team in the nation. goes, Strack's players are pretty much on their own. Guards have to do most of their communicating via their well known hand signals -the closed fist, the open hand, the index fingers held high in the air-to create some order on the. offensive half court. Pomey considers the worst part of his game his rebounding. But there's more to it than meets the eye. It's a matter of judgment. Spending so many years as a for- ward instills reactions in a player, habits which are hard to break. Urge to Rebound "When the ball is up there," he says, "sometimes my reaction is to go after it, but I have to remem- ber as a guard that I have to stay back and stop them from trying to break on us. "Then there are other times when I can't afford to lay back GEORGE POMEY and wait for the ball, so I have to push myself in under the boards." The split-second decision an. ~its affects are all part of the game Pomey has to play now. And the game that he plays is a running game, a pursuit game. When he's out on the court with 9000 fans singing the Victors "the adrenalin really starts flowing." "His forte is defense," says Strack. "He's_ an anticipator, a knack you can't coach a kid in He's probably the fastestistraight- away runner on the team, and he's in a condition where he can run forever." Few Butterflies "The feeling is pretty light around here before the game,. says Pomey. "I've gotten used to it so that I only really have those butterflies before a big one, like Iowa. "But I also like to sit down by myself somewhere and get mental- ly ready. I believe in that as a coach." And coaching is Pomey's great- est ambition. After he graduates in June, he will go on in school studying physical education and counseling. Eventually he hopes to coach on the college level. "Realistically,"- he says, "I don't think I could make it with the pros. I've considered it, and although basketball's been a big part of my life up until now and the experiences rich, I don't think I'm good enough." Strack thinks otherwise. In My Opinion "He's tough enough, big enough, fast enough, and he knows his defense. He could be a fine pro prospect. The Indiana game, just days behind, is still only half real for him. "I can't remember some of it," he says. "It happened so- fast. We were down with about a min- ute to go and everyone there was yelling 'We're number one.' It really takes the stuff out of you. "But we kept fighting to catch up, and, well ... I wonder how it feels to be number one for one minute." Although Pomey was sought by various schools in the Big Eight and all but four in the.Big Ten, he remembers his trip to Ann Ar- bor as the turning point. "I came up from Illinois with Chuck Ortman (former Michigan great) and my high school coach for a weekend," he tells it. "It was a rainy day but we went golfing with Strack. I was really impress- ed by him and the whole coaching staff, and I thought that I could get a chance to play at Michigan because of the teams they had then, "I was tired of running around from school to school, and I de- cided that Ann Arbor was the place I wanted to be." And the choice? "It's the greatest thing in the world to be playing for Michigan now. I ° tI i i i I I 331 Thompson 665-5646 1'U11W1 l ~l1, l1V1u~u. i lul ildlju pzu yi once astarts nT ourney Bowman lost a 6-5 decision to again face Schilling, who in Keen's It took a bad series for Oliver Northwestern's Bill A n d e r s o n opinion "can wrestle well when he Darden in New York during the earlier this month, while Fehrs; wants to." Tino Lambros, another Holiday Festival to get him into whipped the Wildcat, 6-0, when 123-pounder, completes the Mich- the starting line-up . . . for good. the Wolverines stopped North- igan travelling squad. Darden hadn't b e e n scoring i - oi i 4 The Washington Circumferential Highway allows speedy ac- cess to best suburban communities in the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Northern Virginia. W HYDROMECHANICS LABORATORY facilities include this High- Speed Towing Basin almost 3/5 OF A MILE LONG, 50 feet wide, and 20 feet deep. This Laboratory Is concerned with speed, sta- bility, control and seakeeping qualities of floating or submerged naval designs, and with fundamental naval hydrodynamics. O APPLIED MATHEMATICS LABORATORY facilities include the latest, largest computer systems, and feature the LARC, the IBM 7090, and a 1401. This is BuShips' primary computing fa- cility, working on engineering, research logistics, and numerical methods. Work carried on here involves mathematic simulation of the life cycle of nuclear reactors; automatic calculation of ship lines; and applications of computers to management prob- lems, ® In this giant new Maneuvering and Seakeeping facility, both fixed and free-running models may be tested under any sea-state condition. You may also work with the High-Speed Phenomena Division at Langley Field, Virginia. ®AERODYNAMICS LABORATORY facilities include several wind tunnels-ranging from subsonic through hypersonic at Mach 10-which are used to determine and improve static sta- bility, control and heat transfer characteristics of helicopters, VTOL's, supersonic aircraft, missiles, etc. Air flow studies also involve bomb design, bridge structures, aircraft turbulence when approaching carriers, and other government and private prob- lems. The unique STRUCTURAL MECHANICS LABORATORY facili- ties at Carderock are the new pressure tanks which permit the study, by means of large structural models, of the hull struc- tures for deep diving submarines and deep sea research vehicles to reach all ocean depths. Additional Structural Mechanics Labo- ratory facilities are scattered throughout the 186 acres, and include a tridimensional Static-Load Frame, a Pentagonal Test Pond, Explosion Pits, and a 600,000-Pound Universal Testing Machine. With these facilities, Laboratory scientists and engi- neers' conduct studies aimed at improving the hull structure and increasing the resistance of the Navy's ships to enemy at- tack. This requires development of fundamental, theoretical ap- proaches of load and response, and development of engineering solutions based on the increased understanding. A substantial portion of 'the ship protection research Is carried out at the Underwater Explosions Research Division of this Laboratory lo- cated at Portsmouth, Virginia. O The ACOUSTICS AND VIBRATION LABORATORY was just established to Intensify research and development of ships of Improved detection capability, and reduced vibrations and under- water sound output. Fundamental and applied research In hydro- dynamics, structural acoustics, mechanical vibrations, and signal processing are supplemented by conduct of acoustic and vibra- tion trials, and development of acoustic and vibration instru- mentation. The OPERATIONS RESEARCH GROUP cannot be pinpointed as easily because it ranges over all the RDT&E activities at The Model Basin - hydromechanics, structural mechanics, aerody- namics, and applied mathematics. Special applications today are in the fields of naval architecture, ship silencing, ship pro- tection, and weapons effects . . . setting realistic performance goals- for ships and submarines in view of probable environ- mental factors . . . handling special externally-generated pro- jects that tie in with DTMB capabilities . . . and making recom- mendations to the Technical Director as to improving research methods and orientation. To staff these five operating Laboratories, we are seek. Ing college graduates with 8S, MS, or PhD degrees in Aerospace, Electrical, Electronic, Mechanical or Struc- tural Engineering; in Applied Mechanics, Mathematics, Physics, and Naval Architecture. SKATE BOARDS, Just Arrived! GET YOURS EARLY at S MOE SPOT SHOP i i 711 N. UNIVERSITY 902 S. STATE 902 S. STATE Y§ aa \ - 1 Perennial rain free favorite.. } T ailored by the finest craf tsaa. fi ~This fine coat defies all he ele1ments. from 3 750 o 95 You are high over the Potomac River just 12 miles from the White House ... and viewing 186 acres of extraordinary research activity I Of course, from this height you can't see much de- tail, which makes the imposing expanse of the two main buildings all the more intriguing. Perhaps you can guess their functions, but it's also what you can't see (and this is summarized in the adjoining column) that makes the David Taylor Model Basin a completely unique fun- damental and applied research organization - and a place you should seriously consider for your career as a professional scientist or engineer. As the Navy's esrlvnnnA fnrlifV fn r--------------------------th.+ 1. Reach the $10,000 to $12,000 level WITHIN 4 YEARS. 2. Take graduate courses for advance degree with Navy help. 3. Gain diversified RDT & E experience with the best equipment and facilities of their kind. 4. Work on research projects of recognized national im- portance. 5. Attain recognized professional stature sooner, at which point a number of futures are available. INTER VIEWS Representatives from The David Taylor Model Basin will hold On- Campus Interviews I I I x