Fair Housing Bi11l Changes Passed Final Vote Awaits Another Session; Absences Give Democrats MajorityI By JULIE FITZGERALD Ann Arbor City Council last night passed the three controversial amendments to the City's Fair Housing Ordinance on the first read- ing. Council voted in favor of the amendments five to four along party lines. Republicans Mayor Cecil O. Creal and Councilman William E. Bandemer, second ward, were absent from the meeting giving the Democrats the majority. The amendments, presented by First Ward Democratic Council- woman Mrs. Eunice Burns, would extend the housing units covered by the ordinance, prohibit discriminatory practices by real estate agents and prevent retaliation against persons supporting the or- dinance. The second and final reading on the amendments will be taken at the council's first meeting after it confers with the State Civil Rights Commission ee s oMar.3 on the possibility of in- O p ' t Sees corpoi nthe sttesit cle in discrimination into the city's or- D e an f r dinance. This proposal, the Hl- e andr cher" amendment, was presented last month by Wendell Hulcher, lNJH ousing former councilman and Republi- W1 1JU ~g can candidate for mayor. Mrs. Burns said the council had By JOAN SKOWRONSKI an "enviable opportunity to take a big step toward the elimination WE 13k igan :4Iait Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXV, No. 123 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, 19 FEBRUARY 1965 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES uI TO 0 IT FRESH, El T FLI T DESPITE R I GEFRO ROi EY RESTORE 'COMMUNITY OF SCHOLARS': President Asks Goodman Sees Students as Major Force For More Funds For Racial Reforms in U.S. Education The preliminary report of the high-rise housing study being con- ducted by Johnson, Johnson and Roy, Inc., was presented to the Ann Arbor City Council last night. The proposal for a comprehen- sive survey conducted by an out- side business firm dealing with the development of appropriate zoning controls, and physical de- sign standards for high-rise build- ing in Ann Arbor was accepted by the City Council early this year. Considering the central business district as basically a University community, the report asserts that the greatest housing demand is created by students attending the University. "If present trends continue, by 1975 we can expect a range of between 5500 and 7500 more peo- ple to be seeking a place within a short distance of the central cam- pus . ." The expected demand for high-rise housing structures adja- cent to the campus and central business district would then be well in excess of the developable land capacity. As a solution to the demand for high density housing, the report emphasizes the importance of prime and secondary fringe areas with the establishment of special districts for height density resi- dential development. The value of these areas would be to allow for the distribution of high density development within walking distance of the central business district and the campus to prevent excessive development in the central area. This policy of selective density would create a "checkerboard variety" of low den- sity, medium density, and high density zones which would be com- plementary to the city's present skyline. To solve the parking dilemma created by high density housing, the report recommends a three- fold approach; primary parking within the housing site boundar- es, secondary parking located near the residential development, and fringe parking basically providing automobile storage aras in an outlying district. Other recommendations contain- ed in the report include: increas- ing maximum floor area in ratio to size of lot area, establishing premiums for desirable develop- ment' such as open plazas, ar- cades, parking decks, and recrea- tional facilities, and creating min- imum set-back above the secone story on all high-rise develop- ments. Second Dean Leaves Post A rapidly growing controversy over morality at Stanford Univer- sity has resulted in the resigna- tion of the associate dean of wom- en, three days after Women's Dean Lucille A. Allen gave uppiher post. The resignations came in the wake of student charges that some deans used undue influence in dis- ciplinary cases and that one dean believed some young professors used literature in an attempt to seduce coeds. Miss Bonnie Fitzwater submit- ted her resignation yesterday be- cause "an unjust and sensation- al attack by a small group of stu- dents has resulted in the abro- gation of the rights of officers of the university," she said. Meanwhile, a faculty committee refused to make public the results of an investigation into student charges that Dean Allen, among others, tried to pressure members of the Student Judicial Council in the handling of disciplinary cases. Also at issue was the student allegation that Dean Allen tried without success to enlist co-eds to monitor freshman English of discrimination in city housing with the passage of the amend- ments." By JEFFREY GOODMAN "It is the duty of students to education, and I would like so- laws 'founded on utter scientific ciety to find itself blasted by the fallacies." Professors are morally, fire of university truth," Good- obligated to dissuade lawmakers man declaredsfrom their illusions, Goodman In their- traditional role asI maintained. Burns Proposal She proposed a three-point pro- gram which includes the passage of the amendments, the seeking of specific ways which the state CRC can help the city and the stepping-up of the community re- lations program sponsored by the city's Human Relations Commis- sion. In opposition to Mrs. Burns, First Ward Councilman O. Wil- liam Habel said the ordinance should include the state article to give complete coverage and that the council will be able to discuss it with the state CRC. He also commented that he doesn't believe the amendments "would work" because Municipal Couit Judge Francis O'Brien would not accept any discrimina- tory housing cases in his court and the ordinance is presently up for hearing in Washtenaw Cir- cuit Court. Last spring O'Brien ruled the ordinance unconstitutional be- cause the state preempts locali- ties in the field of civil rights under the new state constitution. City Attorney Jacob Fahrner is appealing that decision. Doesn't Believe Fahrner said he doesn't believe the constitutional language covers anything and needs legislative ac- tion behind it. He added that if the words of the policy have the power to create legal protection, then he would agree with Habel. With the Circuit Court accept- ance of the appeal of the ordi- nance, the ordinance can be amended regardless of the former decision on its unconstitutionality. Third ward Republican Coun- cilman Paul Johnson said it was council's duty to pass laws which can be enforced and the passage of the admendments would mis- lead people who think they will give them additional coverage. Union Board {makes Peace With Cutler By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM The directors of the Michigan Union last night put the finish- ing touches on the student activi- ties merger with the Women's League. The merger, which is to take the form of a co-educational Univer- sity Activities Cehter whose four student directors will sit on the sUnion and League boards, has been unofficially completed for force faculty to become men again" so the two groups together can rebuild the "community of scholars." So Paul Goodman, noted an- archist authormand social critic, said last night in a wide-ranging discussion on the "degeneration" of modern higher education. i ' I f 4 r f moral leaders and judges, he said, the universities should make themselves felt on a wide range of issues which are at thevery foundation of civilization and which therefore obligate the uni- ver itie to ta~ke action: -Managed news. "The role of the universities is to censure the press, Washington, the United States Information Agency when- ever it finds information being controlled. It would be wrong for Expansion Plans in Conflict With Governor's Recommendations By LEONARD PRATT and BRUCE WASSERSTEIN Special To The Daily FLINT-"The University's branch at Flint will admit a freshman class this fall," University President Harlan H. Hatcher said last night. . Fears had been expressed that the branch would not ad- mit freshmen this fall because of Gov. George Romney's fail- ure to recommend funds for the expansion. Earlier in his statement Hatcher noted that, "One thing that is required (for Flint's expansion) is that the Leg- islature correct the injustice that was recommended and and reincorporate Flint's appropriation into the University's s~taau~ saba. ~u..wv.=.-Yi511s Lo LA fI~iiacu ty to say, stop the war in The groundwork for the free --Classified scientific research. Viet Nam, for instance; that is university, Goodman said, was Goodman maintained this phrase for all citizens to decide. But man- laid in the Middle Ages, when is a contradiction in terms, since aged news contradicts the ground- teagedenewsncontrdictsstheoground teachers and students alone de- science must involve a completely work of a free civilization." cided what and how they were free flow of information. Pro- In these and similar areas, he interested in teaching and learn- fessors are "bound in duty" to said, it is essential that student ing. They paid deference to no prevent knowledge from being liertis bo thad tad outside interest, and that included made secret, he said. libertarians both prod and ally administrators as well as the -The -training of specialists "in themselves with faculty to create state. the more highly articulated de- soid fiversi twhiconlaret This arrangement not only al- I(fense industries." Such trainingsultyoandsunt is of lowed the universities to fulfill can only "tend to prevent peace,' ulty and students regain somb of properly their educational respon- PAUL GOODMAN he claimed, since it creates "a their power that this can come sibility vis-a-vis the student, cents." Thus the knowledge in- class of experts who are good for about. Goodman declared. dustry is breeding a huge sector nothing except maintaining the "Of course, faculty, being in their It also allowed the universities of the population which can be cold war and the military estab- present race for grants and ad- to serve as the moral leaders of I radicalized by changes in educa- lishment" and who therefore have i vancement, are now almost im- society at large, he said. This re- tion, he said. a vested interest in the present possible to budge," Goodman said. sponsibility has been abrogated "Society is playing with fire state of affairs. "But in the ideal sense, the fac- under the present domination of in its commitment to mass higher I -The existence of sex and drug ulty are the university; along with higher education by administra---------------- --- -- --------~----the students, they are the only tors and the universities' subser-s. vience to a bureaucratized society g ur sryar ;::le an ._he ad- Goodman drew heavily on rei League Starts A nniversary mons thatonartere usle .h evens attheUnivrsiy of! "After all, faculty for the most cent events at the University of . California's Berkeley campus, *"1 + part know something. It is al- where last fall students staged W ith Speech on U W m qei misbt wso;e and ostensibly won a vigorous pro- - thing without becoming superior test against an administration to administrators," he said. ban on student political activity By ALICE BLOCH But the faculty-student alli- on campus. He asserted it is neces- ance Goodman hopes for would sary for such protests to spread The League's 75th anniversary celebration began last night with result in ntore than the universi across the country and set up a banquet and a lecture by Mrs. Edna French, '02, on the history ties becoming forceful social insti- "islands of democracy." of women at the University. ! tutions. It would also bring to ahi Specifically, he lauded the an- Speaking in the Vanderburg Room of the League to a gathering end the students' present status as alogous efforts of Students for a of Alumnae Council members and League officials, Mrs. French "one of the major exploited class- Democratic Society to serve as a was introduced by League Administrative Vice-President Patricia es in America," Goodman said. "catalytic agent" among the poor Griffin, '04, as "the lady whoGi - -____ - - "Students are exploited because in America. Through its economickn .their time, life and capabilities research and action project, SDS knows everything there is to know are being used for ends extrinsic hopes the poor can "realize them- about the University."s s ectto them, for someone else's pur- selves as human beings" by effect- She first described the period poses More and more we are or- ing a "fundamental reconstruc- during the 1860's when the Uni- Vote of 5000 oanizing our educational system tion" of decision-making pro- versity began debating "whether to processuetina systd- cesse tdtwomen had enough intellectual toproceocertain kinds df prod- ce he noted that SRS has not ability and physical strength" to Student Government Council ucts, like the factory system with been particularly concerned with manage the life of a full-time presidential candidate Paul Pay- its characteristic speedups," he as- withn th unier-tudet. k, '66, recently challenged other serted. political action within the uver- student.C candidates to follow his ex- "The school process is ether sities to fulfill its concept of "par- The decision at this time was SmClendydaesnto oklo fie "heyschoosesis euthek ticipatory democracy." It is vital, negative, but by 1870 the doors ample by refusing to take office what you choose, what you think Goodman said, that groups with of the University were opened to unless 5000 or more students cast is noble, what fits your desires- an SDS ideology are established to 35 women. votes in the upcoming election. or it is being formed for you by work for university reforms. "These first women, many of "A low turnout at the polls counselors and administrators tc The Berkeley Free Speech Move- whom entered the Medical and means that SGC can be openly fit the larger machine of socie- ment, he continued, has done just Law School, were not welcomed by defied without fear of any strong ty. Mostly, we have the second this. It worked on the assumption the faculty, the city, or the reaction from the student body,' case, and this is what lead to that students are an even more churches," Mr. French said. "Pro- Pavlik said. Berkeley," he continued. crucial force for social change fessors made the girls sit in the than the poor, front of classrooms and called The importance of 'students, them 'gentlemen' and 'mister'."dO ff-Ca mpus H ousing O ffice Goodman said, rests on the fact In 1872 the University women that 42 per cent of the economy organized "QC, a literary, but A termed the "knowledge industry. especially social" group and the A nswers SG C A ccusation Students are participating in the forerunner of the League was largest mass industry in the na- officially organised. targs sIn 1895rUniversity President In response to Student Government Council criticism of the t1QI.mp-- -I . .0 us «..TT ousing ii 'soT.+ci diD t f budget." University officials gave no comment when asked where funds would come from if the Legislature did not re- store Flint's appropriation to the budget. Hatcher made his statements at a joint meeting of the Flint Board of Education and the Uni- versity's Board of Regents in Flint last night. These statements of Univer- sity policy could precipitate a clash with Gov. Romney. Romney's Position Yesterday, Romney noted that if the state colleges do not coop- erate in the creation of a state plan for higher education they may face "highly centralized methods of control." Romney has advised against the University's expansion in Flint until the State Board of Educa- tion can develop a state expan- sion plan. The governor said the colleges' refusal to cooperate could be re- flected in gubernatorial' budget recommendations and legislative appropriations. He also threat- ened expansion of the Board of Education's powers to include en- forced coordination as well as its present advisory power. Coordination would ease bane- ful intercollege competition, Rom- ney said, "And if you think there's, competition now wait until they start building branches in earn- est." Wait and See "Either we're going to expand our education system one way through new schools, or another way through branches. "Before the' expansonl takes place," he said, "we must decide which it is going to be." Hatcher accused the state budg- et office of "questioning the judg- ment of the University and the Flint community" in deleting the request for Flint's expansion from the University's appropriation re- quest for next year. "This was done," he said, "while at the same time generous provi- sions were being made for ex- panding freshman classes at the other nine state universities and the budget office likewise being apologetic for the inadequacy of their recommendations." Inconsistency "It seems to me to be an abso- lute inconsistency for the leader- ship of this state to say . . . that 'the University should not engage in this educational enterprise here on its own campus; and that these students must wait until some in- definite future when some yet un- defined board makes some yet un- defined news survey to indicate whether or not this is a proper way of educating the young peo- ple who will be. too old to be edu- cated by the time all these things are in," he concluded. In his speech at the meeting, C. S. Mott, the philanthropist who i has financially supported the Uni- versity's branch at Flint, also said that the branch will have |underclassmen. t The controversy over whether 5 to expand the state's higher edu- cational facilities in the future PRESIDENT HATCHER :i 'U' Needs Bond Or Tax Bill, Ferency Says By ROBERT HIPPLER The Legislature must approve new sources of revenue-through either a fiscal reform plan or a bonding program for the higher education 'capital outlay-if it is to restore any part of the cuts Gov. George Romney made from the University's budget request, according to State Democratic Chairman Zolton A. Ferency. In a telephone conversation last night, Ferency speculated that University President Harlan Hatcher's speech at Flint -- in which he announced that the Utni- versity will continueits 'Flint ex- pansion next year whether or not it gets funds from the state to do so-will have negligible effect on the University's chances for get- ting more money. "This is another view injected into an already many-sided argument," he said. "The legislators canniot take money from one university and give it to another and improve the overall educational situation," Ferency - said. "It would have to do this were it to give the Uni- versity more money without added revenue. Ferency, who has termed Rom- ney's budget recommendations "inadequate," pointed out that the immediate urgency of building higher education faclities for the University must overrule the ex- pense of the interest charges which would accrue were the Leg- islature to pass a bond issue. He added that there is some support in the Legislature for such an issue-which could provide up to $50 million in funds for school buildings. The only other way the Legis- lature can provide more revenue is by passing a fiscal reform pro- gram so the state can dip into its cumulative surplus this year without going into debt next year, Ferency said. Democrats have criticized Romney recently for "throwing the ball to the Legis- lature" in expecting it to initiate several months"' liOf- SSThe weight of this knowledge James B. Angell hired Dr. Eliza O -Ca Final Steps industry-including such sectors Mosher as the first Dean of Wom- the H ly board meeting, the Uniondi- as education, communications and en. Mrs. French was one of the her sta rectors took these final steps: electronics-is seen partially in 12 women on the League Council S -They gave final passage to the growth of a tremendous under Dr. Mosher, and she said pressu the report establishing the UAC "monk class" of people like that during this time the League allow teachers and social workers "to began its tradition of "being an which was tentatively approved inonyf December; take care of society's various institution that gives of itself to "L --They appointed Union Presi- outgroups--Negroes, those moving the University without thought te dent Kent Cartwright, '65, to work of f the farms, the aged, adoles- of getting anything in -return. they-- with John Feldkamp, assistant to the director of student activities BEARD 'PREJUDICE: and organizations, in formulating____________________ a policy statement on the relation- ship of 'the UAC to the Union Iboard and the vice-president for m m U student affairs.;e -They voted to ask Vice-Presi- dent for Student Affairs Richard An instance of the world's am- revealed that she "did not siti Cutler to head the appointments bivalent attitude toward beards here and say you were fired." committee which will select the displayed itself yesterday in the Because the Lawyer's Club is four student directors of the acti- Lawyers Club kitchen in an ap- not under the stipervision of Uni- vities center next Monday. parently discriminatory act against versity housing, Mrs. Langer was Cooperation beard weareis. well within her rule against beards. Cartwright said these actions Aaron Grossman, '66L, former- "My discharge," Grossman said. reflec aeng atitue of co-ope- ly employed in the Lawyer's Club "is an unreasonable, arbitrary and Union and Cutler. Cutler has ex- kitchen and proud possessor of a capricious abuse of administrati Unin ndCuter Ctle hs x-full reddish-brown beard, got his discretion, having no reasonable _ pressed concern with the ambig- uit ofhisoffcilrlatonsipiskers caught in an administra-r relationship to the quality of my r: uity of his official relationship - -rtt with the students on the board. tive meat cutter yesterday when work. It demonstrates an ovei t He has. however endorsed the Ms. Margaret Langer, director of prejudice to the wearing of beards - ampus Housing Office, Mrs. Elizabeth Leslie, cooriairo ousing Office, said yesterday that SGC had. "misinterpreted" atements on a recently proposed motion. GC had passed a motion urging the Housing Office to bring re to bear on Ann Arbor landlords, using University leases, to students to sign individual leases, making them responsible or their share of the rent. Landlords will not give a lease to each student. They feel that annot afford this. Such a practice would lead to more drop-outs ------ --and landlords would not have the guarantee that they would receive rent for eachunit," she said. Mrs. Leslie also explained that the present system is to the stu- dent's advantage. She said that J now when a group of students has rented an apartment and one of them leaves, it is the respon- - sibility of the remaining students to fill his place. However, Mrs. Leslie pointed out, if the landlords give separate leases, the landlord can replace a student who has left, with any- one he can find to move in, and the replacement does not neces- sarily have to be a student. In response to statements made by Douglas Brook, '65, president of SGC, charging that realtors hav n mnri influence with the