Seventy-Fifth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD rN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS t l ,. ~ 2* TODAY AND TOMORROW: Privcate Investments Create Gold Problems f Where*pinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail ANR$TAx RBMl. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, 18 FEBRUARY 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: JEFFREY GOODMAN How To Create A Subversive Military EVEN AS AIR FORCE cadets were be- ing jolted in the wake of the cheating scandal at the Academy, University stu- dents were debating the significance of the event in an interesting, as well as disturbing, war of words. The scandal initiated a series of con- troversial reactions which have covered the editorial pages for the last two weeks. The most prominent and appalling of these remarks are those indicating a lack of any sense of respect for the honor and integrity of the American military. Such sweeping allusions are even more serious and distressing as an expression of a perilous national trend. In the past three years a whole new literature has developed around the theme that the American military are power-hungry maniacs, capable of betraying everything they are sworn to defend. Some of these works are novels which were later made into movies-"Dr. Strangelove" and "Sev- en Days in May," for example. Others, in- cluding "The Passion of the Hawks" and "The Military Establishment," claim to be more scholarly studies. Their authors tell us that militarism is on the rise in Amer- ica, and that arrogant commanders may take over the country. OF COURSE, there have been hundreds of serious books and movies, like "On the Beach," preaching that war is loathe- some and dangerous. If "Dr. Strangelove" and the rest were merely more of the same, they could be accepted. They are not sincere warnings, however, but reck- less slander. The effect of the whole is to poison the public mind until, some- how, civilians are prepared to believe the worst about our military and about the elite who come out of the service acade- mies. The immense popularity of "Seven Days in May" and the spirited controversy at the University over the Air Force Acade- my scandal are simply the latest pieces of evidence. Without the trust of the people, the American military character cannot indefinitely remain steadfast. Keep smearing a profession and ulti- mately the stain rubs in. Unless the trend is stopped, it may have an effect on the military that could make the plot of "Sev- en Days in May" tragically prophetic. In these "hate-the-military" outpour- ings, every high commander is either a buffoon or a treason-minded idiot. But the characters use flawless military jar- gon; they know all the right words. And the surface realism is polished enough to take in the average reader or movie- goer. He leaves the novel or theatre half- convinced that the nation's top military men are widely irresponsible. OF COURSE, the American military is not beyond reproach. But such criti- cism should be made intelligently and in the light of our American democratic background. The American military, like all Americans, wants the best possible deal for itself. Yet military leaders' ac- tive; thoughtful support of our time-test- ed ideals has kept this a government of, by and for the people. Our military history is an honorable one. The principle of civilian control has stayed firm through almost two cen- turies because the American military has given it wholehearted support. Had it not been so dedicated, constitutionality might have run a devious course. THE FUNDAMENTAL FACT is that, concerning ideals, standards and de- portment, the military establishment is what its founder, George Washington, made it. The precepts he laid down are its rules of behavior. The principle of subordination to civil authority set a precedent that has survived almost un- broken. The record does show breaches in some isolated cases. It is reasonably clear that Gen. Douglas MacArthur transgressed in Korea when he tried to scuttle the de- cisions of his political superiors. Yet Brig. Gen. George Marshall, an officer in the Korean War, relates that "military opin- ion was far more united behind the President than Was public sentiment." Gen. Edwin Walker, the target of much public scorn, is currently regarded with acute disfavor by most professional sol- diers as well. No matter how hot-headed middle-echelon leadership has sometimes been, the top military leaders have usual- ly been men of sense and character. IN THE WORDS of Defense Secretary McNamara, "The application of power takes a great deal of sophistication." The military academies strive to instill this "sophistication" in their cadets, the future military leaders of our nation. The academies thus have a purpose beyond the granting of bachelor's de- grees. They are intended to develop mil- itary officers who must be, and for the most part are, examples of gentlemen and all that we should admire and respect in Americans. Such a system cannot function without a high sense of honor. Air Force offi- cials may well argue that when honor is involved, especially the honor of a man whose country may place ultimate trust in him in the future, a breach is intoler- able. Cheating is an ugly thing in any school; uglier when the students have sworn to abide by an honor system; uglier still when their countrymen look upon them as symbols of national strength and integrity. FOR THIS REASON, the academies have always been regarded as "showcases of morality," and this image must not be broken. For honor is not self-perpet- uating; no code will preserve it indefi- nitely. Ideals do not flourish in a hos- tile climate. In all human organizations, when men are treated as unworthy of full trust, the time comes when they are untrustworthy. The day could come when the officer corps-humiliated by its civilian superiors and held in public contempt-grows sub- versive, renounces honor and betrays its oath. To prevent such a danger, we must preserve the vital military honor sys- tem and respect those who uphold it. -PHYLLIS KOCH . _ .>: r k, , , r, rt. .r . y ,, W , ) r j. ;t {, Y i }rz . sf ' t j % krlf I } f f r J >i f Y i .v ; i} n.. i ~- } ,! rawv. iv. Ve1" t 1 m , K~ C. re AvK fw r tDON'T FORGET YOUR CO\WAITMENTI" By WALTER LIPPMANN THE GOLD problem which now confronts this country is an- other facet of the change in our world position ashthe postwar era has come to an end. During the two world wars we accumulated a very large part of the gold stocks of the world: the gold came here to pay for the munitions and the goods which the United States alone was able to supply. When the second world war was over, foreign countries had run out of gold and usable issets to pay for reconstruction and recov- ery. There was, as it was then called, a dollar gap. The Uited States financed the recovery and defense of the Western world by enacting the Marshall Plan, by providing defense through NAT and by making very considerable expenditures abroad to assist de- velopment in backward countries. The dollars we gave andlent for those purposes filled the dollar gap. * * * THIS WAS a noble and enlight- ened policy, and it has been very successful. However,sit beached a turning point about the end of 1957. The postwar dollar gap had been closed for the major indus- trial countries, and foreigners and foreign governmentstbegan toac- cumulate dollars instead of buy- ing American goods. Less than half of these dollars were cashed in for gold which resulted in the build- ing up of gold reserves abroad. Between 1957 and 1965 we paid out some $8 billion in gold. But $12 billion accumulated in that time by foreigners were not cashed for gold. These dollars were, of course, foreign debts owed by the United States. They have nw reached a total of some $28 billion. From a banking point of view, there is nothing extraordinary about this. All banks have larger liabilities than they can cash out at once. But in the last tree months of 1964 there was a sudden and sharp increase in the dollars going abroadras compared with our receipts from abroad. As the world's main substitute for a cen- tral banker we are now faced with the fundamental problem of any banker, which is to keep his depos- itors convinced that they have nothing to gain, and perhaps something to lose, by demanding cash and starting a run on the bank. IN HIS skillfully balanced mes- sage, the President has told for- eigners who hold dollars that we regard these dollars as debts of honor on which we shall pay gold if that is iht they want. At the same time he has told the Ameri- can people at home that as this, government intends to honor its debts it must and it will stop in- creasing those debts and that it means to move resolutely toward a balance in our international payments. The President has made a sol- emn guarantee to the outer world and has announced a decision, the validity of which no one here at home disputes. Are the guarantee and therpromise made by the de- cision credible? The guarantee to foreign hold- ers of dollars is entirely credible because the assets of the United States in gold and property which is as good as gold far exceed our dollar liabilities. We still have very large stocks of gold. We have large drawing rights at the inter- national monetary fund. We have a surplus stockpile of basic raw materials which can be sold in the world market and is probably worth at least $5 billion. Our for- eign assets abroad, the stocks, in- vestments, the real estate we own, are said to be worth something like $88 billion. With this mate- rial reserve, the guarantee to pay cash for our debts cannot really be nuestioned. * * * AS REGARDS the decision to balance our international pay- ments so as not to increase the debts we owe abroad, there can be no doubt that the government can do this if it is determined to do so. It must be remembered abroad that the American deficit does not arise because the United States cannot afford to buy the food, the raw materials, the goods and the services that our people need. We earn more than enough to pay lor all of these things. We are now selling $6 billion more goods and services than we buy abroad. When we break down our deficit, it is seen to be due principally to the fact that American investment abroad, whether direct or through the purchase of securities, or through bank loans, has been greatly in excess (last year by- some $4 billion) of what foreign- ers invested in the United States. It is true that we spend many billions abroad on our armed forces and on foreign aid. But it is inaccurate and merely confuses the issue to suppose that 'he defi- cit is duetto foreign aid or il- tary expenditure abroad. About 85 per cent of the money spent for foreign aid is tied to the purchase of American goods. The military outpayments, which react nation- al policy, are in part at least off- set by the purchase in the United States of military supplies by for- eign governments. It is therefore American private investment abroad which will have to be reduced. The President, characteristically and quite wisely, is beginning by an appeal to busi- nessmen and bankers for volun- tary cooperation. But if there are important non-cooperators, he will have to turn to legal compul- sion. * * * TOWARD the end of his mes- sage the President took' note of the fact that his defense of the dollar will by its very success confront the rest of the world with an urgent problem. It is the problem of a monetary reform which will provide sufficient in- ternational liquidity and bank re- serves.y As the President ssys in his message, "The flow of dollars abroad into the central banks has made up about half of the in- crease in free world reserves," and that increase will be cut off when our payments are balanced. This will create new problems, for our dollars, circulating abroad "as good as gold," have masked the hard fact that there is not enough gold in existence to meet the .monetary requirements of the major trading countries of tne world. A means of payment, to supplement gold and dollars must therefore be devised. The President has aow commit- ted this cou.try to international monetary reform. (c), 1965. The Washington Post Co. a. I1 41 THE CONTROVERSIAL RABBI WINE: ~'Why This Violent Reaction?' By ROGER RAPOPORT Last of a Two-Part Series RABBI Sherwin T. Wine has been deluged with letters ever since the public learned that his Birmingham Temple believes that the word "God" is impossible to define in meaningful terms. Some of the correspondence comes from individuals eager to save his soul. Wine "appreciates their sincerity but fears that each one of them will have to worry about saving his own soul." It's a good bet, however, that Rabbi Wine does not appreciate the reaction from many individ- uals and institutions that have little interest in the salvation of his soul. A brief look at the opinions of a Mason, a national magazine, a bishop and a rabbi should suffice to illustrate what takes place when a reform congregation re- forms its outlook on the word "God." LAST WEEK C. Fuller Dorr, grand master of the .Michigan Masons, ordered the Birmingham Temple to move out of a Mason facility they were leasing. "Be- cause a Mason believes in God with deep conviction and without any reservation and because the greatest landmark in Masonic be- liefs is that God governs in the affairs of men, the premises or facilities of any Masonic temple should never be available to any person or group of persons or or- ganization that does not profess a belief in Almighty God," ex-. plained Dorr. The Birmingham Council of Ministers condemned the action and urged "freedom of religious expression." However landlord Dorr replied that the decision was unbiased as "many Jews ard rabbi's belong to the Masons." Wine, who is not a Mason him- self, indicated there had been a misunderstanding: "When we rented we didn't know that the- ology was important." Wine has found the Birming- ham Unitarian Church to he a more receptive landlord and has moved his congregation there for Friday night services. IT IS significant that the Ma- sonic decision came shortly after an article appeared about Wine in the nation's largest news maga- zine, Time. Because Time's analy- sis of the situation has been seen by upwards of 10 million readers it might be interesting to briefly discuss the article. The weekly newsmagazine evidently had trou- ble getting their facts straight. They began by missing Rabbi Wine's first name. (they called him Sherman). Then it quoted Wine as publicly declaring, "I am an atheist," a statement the rabbi denies having ever made-let alone in public. Time takes Wine's definiton of his position-"an ignostic"--and then chooses to use its own inter- pretation of the word as "a spe- cial sort of an atheist." In fact, according to Rabbi Wine, an ig- nostic is in no sense an atheist. He says that an ignostic be- lieves the words used to define God are so vague and nebulous that they are meaningless, as op- posed to an atheist, one who does not believe in God. Not only does Time err regard- ing the temple, but it makes mis- takes regarding the critics. "Tile local Jewish News has struck Wine's schedule of sermons," it says. In fact Wine's service sched- ule still runs in the Jewish News. THIS Time account is a substan- tial part of the information which the Episcopal Bishop of Michigan, the Rt. Rev. Richard S. Emerich, uses to attack Rabbi Wine. "Newspaper articles ?nd Time magazine have informed us re- cently," begins Bishop Emerich in his recent Detroit News column, "The Atheist Rabbi." Emerich writes that Wine ".is an atheist who is not a rabbi of Israel. Next- year he may hit the headlines by discarding the moral tradition of Israel, the sabbath, or refuse to teach anything of the long and glorious history of his people." Bishop Emerich likens Wine to "a General Motors official op- posed to cars." RESPONDING to Bishop Em- erich, Rabbi Wine remarks, "Since the bishop belongs to a church that arose out of rebellion against the mother church of Rome I find it highly incongruous for him to denounce the questioning of tra- ditional authority." While Wine has served at two other congregations in the De- troit area, including Temple Beth- El, Michigan's largest reform con- gregation and one of she nation's o'dest, his colleagues have gener- ally declined to discuss the unor- thodox Birmingham congregation. Several rabbis like Irwin Gro- ner of Conservative Synagogue Shaary Zedek do admit they sup- port the views of Bishop Emer- ich, but will say little else. HOWEVER, Rabbi Leon Fraam of Temple Israel does have sever- al observations on Wine's temple. "Never in Jewish history has there ever been a synagogue whose members did not believe in God," he says. He defines "God" as "the creative spirit which imbues the universe and renders it a universe friendly to human aspirations, jus- tice and peace." Rabbi Wine responds by saying that the word "God" refers to many useless terms. "Concepts of God as something bigger than me out there; a force both transcen- dent and imminent; a divine crea- ture, or a pervading purpose in the universe, are simply meaning- less, inadequate words." Rabbi Fraam asserts that "many people joined the Birmingham Temple thinking it was a regular reform congregation and found it to be a group of non-believers." However, Birmingham Temple President Harry Velick disagrees. He points out that the congregants actually shaped the philosophy of the temple. Furthermore, he says that no one may join who does not fully understand the concepts of the temple. RABBI Fraam describes the core of the congregation as "scientists, psychiatrists and people who early in life, with their first college course in science, decided that they didn't believe in God." "I think some people never out- grow this adolescent rebellion about God-and these are the people who are in the Birmingham Temple," he says. At 36, Rabbi Wine is long past adolescence and admits being somewhat perplexed by the entire furor. "We are not out to found a movement; this is not a pana- cea. We merely have our group and are experimenting," he says. "We are no threat to anyone. I just don't understand all this crit- icism. If these people are really secure in their own beliefs, why is there this violent reaction?" 'U' PLAYERS: 'Chez Torpe' Confuses Despite. an Able Cast 4 4 4 I 4 4 Romney and Tax Reform L T. GOV. WILLIAM MILLIKEN, substi- tuting for ailing Gov. George Rom- ney at a "Know Your Government" meet- ing in Detroit recently, said that fiscal reform is necessary. He said that prop- erty owners bear an undue tax burden, and that the state should establish - through fiscal reform-both personal and corporate income taxes. Up to this point Milliken is right. However, when he "agrees wholeheart- edly" with the provision in the Michigan H. NEIL BERKSON, Editor KENNETH WINTER EDWARD HERSTEIN Managing Editor Editorial Director ANN GWIRTZMAN . ... Personnel Director BILL BULLARD .. .. .... ......Sports Editor MICHAEL SATTINGER .... Associate Managing Editor JOHN KENNY...... Assistant Managing Editor DEBORAH BEATTIE Associate Editorial Director LOUISE LIND.......Assistant Editorial Director in Charge of the Magazine TOM ROWLAND Associate Sports Editor GARY WNER...Associate Sports Editor STEVEN HALLER .....Contributing Editor MARY LOU BUTCHER .. - - Contributing Editor JAMES KESON .. .... Chief Photographer NIGHT EDITORS: Lauren Bahr, David Block, John constitution which prohibits a graduat- ed income tax in deference to a flat- rate tax, he is in grave error. A flat-rate income tax is not an equi- table tax, and passage of such a levy would not remedy the inequities of the present tax structure. A graduated in- come tax, on the other hand, would serve two functions: increase the state's reve- nue base and serve to, equalize the -tax burden by basing it on the ability to pay. Senate Majority Floor Leader Basil Brown of Highland Park, who presented a fiscal reform plan to Romney recently, included in his program a graduated in- come tax, noting that such a tax must be part of any realistic fiscal reform plan. Brown favors amending the constitu- tion to remove the section-written by conservative Republicans - which out-; laws the graduated state income tax. Brown's proposal received support from a resolution passed at the recent state Democratic convention. It states that tax reform must "include a state income tax IT'S A SHAME when a play can be characterized in one word, especially when that word is Tire- some. "Chez Torpe" being presented this week by the University Play- ers is such a weak vehicle that the audience sighed audibly with relief when the final curtain came down. Billetdoux' play has no coher- ence of theme, no resolution of the plot, no explanation of mo- tivation for the characters, just no point. Such a potpourri of -ethical, re- ligious and political questions are BUDAPEST QUARTET: Beethoven with Superlative Musicians thrown out, that the audience has no clear concept of Billetdoux's intention. Any one of the ideas hinted at could make relevant drama; only confusion is created. THERE IS this inn full of people with suicidal tendencies run by a woman of tremendous power (the nature of which we aren't told). Into this scene comes the repre- sentative of law and order! In- spector Karl Topfer. He's con- fused and so is everyone else. This millieu reigns throughout. It's especially sad that the play loses its audience, because many of the actors do very fine jobs. Robert Kraus, as the Inspector, carries the weight of the play (about 18 stone). The author does thoughtfully provide some funny lines which Kraus brings off well. Judith Cornell is Opportune- that is, the Inspector's assistant- part-time lover. She does a nice job with a tricky character. * * * THE WOMAN of mystery, Ur- sula-Maria Torpe, played by Bar- bara Joan Tarbuck, doesn't come across. She is to have, perhaps, an aura of mysticism about her -she is the focal point of the inn, the reason all the people seek consolation. But whether .he is the mysticism of religion' or Hu- manism is unclear. The seven inhabitants of the inn are a shadowy lot. They ap- I 'THE BUDAPEST String Quartet opened the Twenty-fifth Annual Chamber Music Festival Wednesday evening in Rackham Audi- torium, commencing the complete cycle of sixteen Beethoven string quartets. The Budapest has programmed one quartet in each recital from Beethoven's early, middle and late periods, giving the listener a unique opportunity to experience the evolution of Beethoven's quartet writing.. This is especially meaningful because the master achieved the greatest heights of each of the style periods in the genre. * * * * THE BUDAPEST proved again it was more than equal to the means of expression. Each voice was intelligently and sensitively played. Further, the composite tone and ensemble -of the group should be noted. The quartet achieved a warm, yet light and floating tone quality which makes its performances so sensually pleasing. Intellec- tually, each player is perfectly integrated into the whole, which makes for an uncanny and awesome ensemble. * * * * THE BUDAPEST'S superlative musicianship bore down upon the Op. 127 quartet in E Flat Major and elucidated and elevated this first of the last six quartets. Far from being austere and unapproach- able, these last quartets are full of unmatched beauty, as the group I i