THE MILITARY AND DETRACTORS See Editorial Page Y .4Aii~tan ~4Iaitv CLOUDY High--35 LOW--23 Expected to turn colder Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXV, No. 122 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, 18 FEBRUARY 1965 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES COMMENTS ON BUDGET: Ferency Asks Bond Issues To Help State Universities Summer Pay Dispute Continues a 3 As Hey ns Reaffirms Position By WILLIAM BENOIT to pay for "sorely-needed capi- tal outlay to accommodate next If State Democratic Party fall's influx of students." He term- Chairman Zolton Ferency had his ed Romney's budget "inade- way, institutions of higher edu- quate." cation in Michigan would be in Insignificant clover. The interest charges on such Ferency spoke out in an inter- a large bond issue are insignifi- view last night on many issues cant compared to the immediate that have been troubling leading necessity of building facilities for administrators from Michigan's 10 greater enrollment, he said. state-supported colleges and uni- He also claimed he can muster versities. els pplrime han On Gov. George Romney's budg- I legislative support for this plan. et recommendations for higher Concerning in-state to out-of- education, Ferency advocated state student ratios. Ferency said floating a $50 million bond issue his proposed bond issue would " " Survey Reports Optimism On Economiy, Remains High By CHRISTINE LINDER Consumer optimism remained at a record high level during the last three months of 1964, indicating continued strength in the nation's economy, according to the December, 1964, Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Inclinations to Buy as prepared by the University's Survey Research Center. A seven year peak in consumer optimism was reported in the September survey. Professors George Katona and Eva Mueller of SRC, who have been conducting quarterly consumer attitude surveys since 1951, make it possible to construct enough buildings to accommodate anyone, resident or not, who want- ed to become a part of what he termed "Michigan's unique higher education set-up." Ferency also attacked the "head count" method of determining appropriations to the state's col- leges and universities, a meth- od many have claimed Romney used in making this year's budget! recommendations. Equal Education? "I don't think anyone should use a head-count as the sole de- terminant in allocating funds. The number of heads at Michigan State University and the Univer- sity may be the same numerically, but the information being put in- to those heads could be very di- verse," he said. Ferency also said University President Harlan Hatcher "has a point" when he claims that the University should receive more money since it educates more stu- dents at the graduate level than does any other Michigan Univer- sity. MSU President John Hannah favors the head count method and emphasis on undergraduate edu- cation because he doesn't have extensive graduate level educa- tional facilities, Ferency said. Ferency also claimed that Democrats have and always will support creation of an extensive community college network in Michigan. 1 STUDENT WELFARE: SGC Questions Housing View By MICHAEL DEAN tion throughout the year." Reporting to SGC on its off- Council Executive Vice-Presi- campus housing committee's study Student * Government Council dent Gary Cunningham, '66, said of the situation, Martin Zimmer- last night criticized the Off-Cam- he had "been shown no justifica- man, '66A&D, committee chair- pus Housing Office's "apparent tion of the claim that rents would man, noted that University Vice- lack of concern for student wel- rise appreciably. Most rents are President for Student Affairs fare" in rejecting Council pro- being increased for next year any- Richard L. Cutler supported Coun,- posals to change the standard way." cil's opposition to the existing Student Rental-Agreement form. 'Insufficient Concern' rent responsibility clause. Council had recently proposed SGC President Douglas Brook, However, the office, in its reply that the agreement, which must '65, called the office's attitude be signed by any students living "one of insufficient concern for to SGC, claimed the clause "is a in apartments using the lease students. Time and time again proved flexible in University me- form, be amended so the Univer- in this communication," he con- diation. Without it, the landlord sity would not be obligated to tinued, "we have statements as to would be virtually defenseless enforce the terms of a student's the effect of our proposals on wguld d mirtuans."s lease beyond the duration of his landlords and a minimum of con- against mobile tenants. academic year. cern for their benefits to stu-_ PROF. DICK LEABO Council had further suggested dents.L that students be made responsible °"I can at this point only con- only for their individual share of elude that the realtors rather than L .T the rental fee and not jointly re- students appear to be the most p sponsible for the entire fee. influential constituents of this r esident W riter Program Higher Rents office. Needless to say, I think The Housing Office's reply to this is wrong." these suggestions expressed con- SGC member Barry Bluestone,'' By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM cern that their adoption would '66, called on the University to. eventually result in higher rents. break its "tacit agreements with In what is described as a unique educational program, the Uni- It also stated that the prob- exploitative realtors and become versity will have a writer-in-residence here next year for three weeks. lem "is far from being solved . . . the supporter of student propos- Louis E. Lomax, noted scholar, philosopher, author and pro- and will receive continuing atten- als." fessor, has been invited to spend three weeks in late February and Reveals Tax Favor Freeing $700 Million WASHINGTON (YP) - President Lyndon B. Johnson handed busi- ness a $700 million tax favor yes- terday, hoping to get in return a voluntary clampdown on overseas investment. Johnson told 1100 industry leaders at a meeting of the Na- tional Industrial Conference Board that the Treasury will soon an- nounce liberalized tax guidelines for plant and equipment and ma- chinery depreciation. The new rules have been ur- gently sought by nearly every in- dustry. The action has been expected for at least two months, but the $700 million is twice or three times as big as the Treasury has indicated it would give. "The new rules," Johnson said, "will further encourage business to scrap old equipment and bring in new-and they will help busi- ness to cut costs, raise efficiency and hold the line on prices to keep our expansion going." He did not mention the worsen- ed balance of payments deficit in his 20-minute talk. But many of his hearers will be among the 300 leaders of banking and indus- try who go to the White House today to hear Johnson's plans for industry-government measures to wipe out the payments gap. To help close this gap, Johnson told Congress last week he wants American bankers to curtail vol- untarily their long-term loans abroad and wants United States corporations to cut their invest- ments in foreign plants. Secretary of Commerce John T Connor is expected to name a task force of businessmen to help him work out, over the next several weeks, some guidance formula for checking the outflow of invest- ment dollars. proposed several reasons for the failure of consumer sentiment tc rise beyond its already high level. "Even under the impact of con- tinued income increases, consum- ers do not go overboard; aftei prolonged good times, some of them begin to wonder what may sustain prosperity in the longei run. "The impetus of the tax cut, which greatly contributedto op- timism earlier 'in 1964, no longer serves that purpose. Consumers need new stimulation - either through continued income in. creases or through fiscal policy,' Katona and Mueller said. One exception to the tendenc3 for optimism to remain at the same level-during the last three months of 1964 was the even more favorable outlook, which many 'consumers expressed regarding the national economy for the nexi 12 months. Unlike the September survey, where many of the people report- ing improvements in personal finances were in the income bracket above $10,000, the major- ity of the people reporting im- provements in personal finances had incomes of $5000 to $10,000 ir the December survey. Pay increases were the most frequently mentioned reason for improvement in personal finances although reduced debt and in- creased asset holdings were also mentioned. Unemployment is one area to which optimistic attitudes failed to spread. News about unemploy- ment was the most frequently mentioned unfavorable condition which respondents reported hear- ing. Moreover, confidence in th general economic outlook appear ed to have a somewhat differen cause during the last three months of 1964 than during the previous three months. "In December more people ex plained their optimistic expecta tions regarding business condi tions by referring to governmen measures that have been or wil be undertaken," Katona and Muel ler noted. 1. r f Y; early March of 1966 giving speeches, participating in classroom dis- By Men Educa Ameri Profes strong selves that attent The ordina in th suppol the v operat How AAUP weeks had c menta projec Board Members Praise Deny AAUP Charges BRUCE WASSERSTEIN authorized to deal with higher education be established by a nbers of the State Board of state constitutional amendment. tion yesterlay lauded the an Association of Collega present system a thorough trial." er board but defended them- The farmer Regent also main- from the AAUP's charges taned that elementary, secondary they were paying too little and higher education should not ion to .higher education. be separated. He argued that "a AAUP had urged close co- total job" of educational plan- ation of higher education ning should be done through a eir Saturday meeting, and single coordinating board which. rted the new state board as has the broad picture in mind." 'ehicle for facilitating co- No Legislation Now ion. Thurber also believes that new never, the members of the legislation to spell out the powers noted that in the first few of the state board should not be of its existence the board encouraged right now. Rather, he oncentrated mostly on ele- maintains, the state board should ry and secondary school work within its present framework ts. and test its vaguely defined con- cussions and holding informal discussions with students. S uppo t His acceptance of the invitation is expected within a few days, ' according to Mrs. Elizabeth Sumner of the Office of Religious Affairs. She activated the resident writer of Neglect proposal several weeks ago by dis- UC Groups patching letters to major student = organizations and academic de- He maintained that the board was partments seeking their assistance. interested in all levels of educa- Organization Pledges d tage R ally tion, but until a master plan can. The organizations have pledged to face many issues on an "ad $2500 of the more than $4000 hoc" basis. necessary, while the departments By CLARENCE FANTO hhave volunteered personnel to Brennan noted, however, that help with therplanning. Faculty Large student demonstrations at the main problem of the board is co-operation will also be necessary the Berkeley campus of the Uni- not the need for separate ap- to bring Lomax into classrooms versity of California erupted this proaches to the different levels of and establish panel discussions on week on the issue of.United States education., Rather, it is the need issues he raises. involvement in South Viet Nam. for financial support so the board Lomax, who has specialized in Yesterday, more than 1000 stu- can hire a "competent and ade- studies of the Negro revolt and dents .gathered at Sproul Hall, quate" staff. " Black Muslim movement, will the scene of last fall's "free speak on the conflicts between in- speech" demonstration, to demand. The AAUP report was sent to herited American traditions and U.S. withdrawal from Southeast the governor, all menlbers of the present social practices in reli- Asia. Legislature, all faculty members gion, ethics and economics. Meanwhile, an investigation is in institutions of higher education, He will also spend time in a being conducted by . a Beverly all governing boards and admin- central location for students to Hills attorney into the political istrators as well as the board of discuss issues they wish to raise. and social problems at the cam- education. Mrs. Sumner has hailed the pro- puses of the 100,000-student uni- The committee that suggested gram as an opportunity to set off versity. The unprecedented probe the proposals to the AAUP faced a campus-wide debate on contro- is being sponsored by the Cali- the alternatives of proposing an versial racial and religious topics. fornia regents. attempt to amend the state con- Stimulation William E. Forbes, chairman of stitution or trying to work within She reiterated the hope yester- a special committee which is in- the present constitutional provi- day that, stimulated by the fac- vestigating the basic causes of sions. pr ulty, students will be encouraged the Berkeley "free speech" rebel- i_ to both plan and participate in lion last fall, recently announced the writer-in-residence program. the appointment of Jerome C. H as She also called for the admin- Byrne to carry out independent Chicago H as istration to help supply the more research into the issues confront- than $1500 necessary to finance ing the nation's largest state uni- the project adequately. versity system. 1 Segregation In the past, the administration has sponsored scholar-in-residence -These problems. mushroomed programs for longer periods, be- into a tense series of student den- nd HAROLD WOLMAN ginning with poet Robert Frost in onstrations which culminated in the early twenties. Lomax would the arrestDec. 4 of more than .ichard J. Daley argued yesterday remain on campus only for the 800 students. At the same time, ucated in their own communities concentrated three-week session, Chancellor Edward Strong was but proponents say this will call ousted and replaced by Martin in an attempt to foster integrated Meyerson, who promptly relaxed greater attention to his presence the restrictive bans on student and ideas. th rtcvb- n ue 1 J i f i a . f E t i s t Officials, Committee StillDiffer Faculty Body Argues For Higher Salaries Than 'U' Proposes By ROBERT HIPPLER Vice - President f o r Academic Affairs Roger W. Heyns revealed yesterday that though the admin- istration will make "some accom- modations" to the faculty in the dispute over summer trimester wage scales, it does not intend to change the basic positions it ex- pressed last fall on the issue. But the chairman of the com- mittee which drafted the faculty position paper on the subject de- clared last night that the commit- tee still stands on the principles of that report. Issued in Novem- ber, the report calls for higher summer pay than the administra- tion's plan. Both the faculty and the ad- ministration took their stands last year on the summer pay issue. The faculty, in a report from the Sub- committee on Economic Status of the Faculty of, the Senate Ad- visory Committee on University Affairs, held that professors work- ing half of the coming summer term should be paid the same amount they would be paid for working half of a fall or winter term, The administration, in its latest released report on faculty salaries -dated June 29, 1964-recom- mended that faculty working half the summer term be paid about 88 per cent of the amount they would be paid for half a fall or winter term. Most professors have planned to work no more than half the summer term. Consultations Since the November faculty re- port, administrators in the Office of Academic Affairs have been consulting with members of the Subcommittee on Economic Status of the Faculty in updating and revising the adminstration's June pay-scale statement. A copy 'of the revised document has circu- lated for comment among admin- istrators but~ has not yet been finally approved for release to the faculty. When told of Heyns' comment that the "basic principles" of the earlier administration statement would remain unchanged,. Prof. Dick A. Leabo of the business administration school, chairman of the faculty subcommittee, said he had not yet seen the upcoming administration statement. But he added that the faculty committee still stands on the differing prin- ciples-higher summer pay-of its November report. Asked if he thought substantial- ly fewer professors would be will- ing to teach during the summer under the lower pay of an admin- istration plan, he declined com- ment. But he said that "most fac- ulty members are now busy" and have "many alternative jobs to turnto" during the period of the summer term. However, James E. Lesch, assist- ant to the vice-president for aca- demic affairs, when told of Heyns' statement asserted that differ- ences between the tenets of the faculty position and those of the coming administration report "are not great." 'Not Substantially Less' When asked if he thought sub- stantially fewer professors would be willing to teach under the pay of the administration plan, he predicted that the number of those willing to teach would be "not substantially less" than un- der the faculty plan. N. Edd Mil- ler, the assistant to Heyns most closely connected with the drafts of the administration's proposals, was not available for comment. Prof. Richard Wellman, chair- man of SACUA, declined com- ment on Heyns' statement. He noted, however, that since the fall "several modifications" to the ad- ministration position have been discussed by administrators and faculty. Wellman came under fire from SACUA last month because he Separate Education situtil powers. In the future, the AAUP mem- Thomas Brennan, president of - bers stressed, "Higher education the board, said, "Merely because and elementary education must the board has not attacked thco somehow be separated in the problems of education on a white operation of state government." charger in its first month does A possible method the AAUP not mean we are not interested." Y proposed was the appointment of an assistanit superintendent of in- - of instruction, solely responsibleM ayor A sserts for higher education and assis- e tant superintendent solely respon- .sible for elementary and secon-NIn e t o t dary education. a s Donald M. Thurber, former Uni- s versity regent and present state By CAL SINNER JR. a board member, admitted that theByCLSNERRa - board has focused on secondary Chicago's Democratic Mayor P - schools recently but asserted that that school children should be ed this was due to the backlog of instead of bussed to remote schools t work in this field. dbcko. 1 Reject Suggestions education. Thurber rejected the AAUP's Questioned in an interview bef suggestion that another board alleged racial segregation' in Chic TUT711 ASKS 'HANDS-UP' PROGRAM: -r '--, o d"l l 0 Daley Details Lhica go's War on Poverty By MARK KILLINGSWORTH "The objective of our attack on poverty must be a 'hand up,' not a hand-out," Chicago's Mayor Rich- ard J. Daley said last night at the second lecture in the sympo- sium on American poverty. "There is no better way to res- cue able-bodied and employable, but unemployed, men from their present eroding idleness than to give them meaningful work at decent wages," Daley added, stressing that Chicago's attack on poverty is "just at the begin- ning of a vast program." The program, ultimately involv- ing twenty-four area centers re- sponsible for 61 per cent of the a.- 'nrnnnmr He said the city's manpower and education programs were of major importance in combating unemployment and poverty. Richard Rothstein, from the Chicago Economic Research and Action Project sponsored by Stu- dents for a Democratic, Society, clashed with Daley during a "re-- actor panel" session after the speech. Rothstein charged that, the poverty program perpetuates; feelings of dependency and in- feriority in the poor. No Less Paternalistic He added that the program is "no less paternalistic than past{ programs. The poor must be brought into the decision-making and administrative process-but f}n1 , l,}orA. n '+- antn' work' until we've tried." He added that at a recent open- ing of an Area Opportunity Cen- ter "four people were outside picketing while 450 were inside talking with us. But we were happy to invite the picketers in." A small group calling itself the "Ad Hoc Committee for Urban Democracy" picketed Daley out- side Hill Aud. In a statement is- sued yesterday, the group charged Daley with "hypocrisy" for talk- ing about poverty when "the Daley machine is mainly responsible for perpetuating many conditions causing blight in Chicago." Create Jobs Prof. James Morgan, project director of the University's Sur- o e Research Center and another ore his poverty week speech about cago's schools, Daley replied that e"there has been no intentional segregation in the city of Chicago. What segregation we have -is just due to the residential makeup. No child is deprived of an adequate education." Daley also emphasized that he has a limited role in determining educational policy. He recounted that in 1955, in response to charges that politics were inter- ferring with the educational sys- tem, he pledged in his first cam- paign for mayor that all educa- tional matters would be handled by the Board of Education with no interference from the mayor's office. Commenting on the role of poli- tics in Chicago, Daley asserted the Chicago Democratic party was not, as some political scientists have suggested, the last of the old political machines. 'We are the first of the new machines," he said. "It's what's accomplished thathcounts. Our programs are in the interests of the people in the city. This dif- fers from the old machines which Johnson Says U.S. Defends Free Viet Nam By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-President Lyn- don B. Johnson said yesterday the United States "will persist in the defense of freedom" in Viet Nam. At a surprise White House conference, he sought advice from former President Dwight D. Eisen- hower on solving the dangerous confrontation with Communist power there. The President's attention to the Viet Nam fighting-recently step- ped up by Communist attacks on United States installations and American retaliatory raids-came against a background of debate on the issue in Congress and else- where. Strong support for Johnson's' strike-back tactics was voiced by Republican leaders, headed by Se.n Everett R irksen of Illinois political activity wich was one cause of the rebellion. Byrne, an expert on labor- management relations, has no connections with the University of California. At a news conference after his appointment, he an- nounced "every effort will be made to get the views of all ele- ments of the university adminis- tration, faculty and students." Byrne is specifically charged with "determining the basic causes of unrest on. all University of California campuses." Close Race in Honduras Vote TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras R) -Col. Oswaldo Lopez Arellamo's National Party edged toward a slim majority last night in a bit- terly contested National Assem- bly election. With 540,000 votes reported out of a total of 815,000 registered to vote, the National Party led by 60,000 ballots. - > -