PAGE TWO THlE MICHIGAN4 AILV ¢ A7VT 'llfT IQTId 101 L L 12i}YtAT! t "UMox^ Ivi LV-i.'i,VAY, 17 r'EnRIJARY 1965i) '5 0 ARTS and LETTERS By Kay Holmes Local Artistic Potpourri Minnesota President's Resignation Demanded ACROSS CAMPUS: Sippel To Lecture on Lens Metabolism In the middle of the Nickels Arcade there is an unobtrusive sign with the lettering "FG." Go up a flight of stairs and turn to the right and you're at the For- sythe Gallery. A step across the threshold adds new significance to the small sign below. Although the gallery frequently features exhibitions by local art- ists, its permanent collection in- cludes art from around the world. The collection ranges in origin from Asia to Ann Arbor and in- cludes Latin American and Euro- pean artists. It boasts the largest and best collection in Mexican art in this area. The names of Picasso, Daumier, Friedlaender and Azumna illustrate the scope and quality of the gallery's ac- quisitions, Diversity in Media In addition to an international flavor, the gallery features a di- versity of media. The collection contains sculpture, painting, gra- phics and pottery. The paintings are done in oil and acrylic, on canvas and on silk screens. The prices range from three dollars to thousands. The gallery was started for the dual purpose of education and economics twenty years ago by Mrs. Franklin Forsythe, who has l i f 1.Prof. William R. Uttal of the Collegiate Press Service group on campus. Noting, how- psychology department has been+ ever, "it would be better for me appointed as associate editor of . The ouster of University of Min- since been joined by Mrs. Fred- mented. "One day we acquired a ta President . Meredith Wil- to continue this discussion," he the new journal, Archives of Com- erick Heller. A private gallery, it Rembrandt etching, but it was son wa Ped ded bnt 0St.Mrt Pil acknowledged that a Young So- puter Technology, is a profit making business, but purchased before we had it on city official last week after Wilson ciaist Alliance (YSA) group does * * the owners have also sought to the assignment books. defended the existence of radical exist there. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 17 accomplish their education aims - --}Can't Get Response by bringing quality works of art groups on the Minnes ta campus. "The most active members of 4 p.m.-T. O. Sippel of the Ana- to the Ann Arbor area. Wilson's remarks came as he the organization have found they tomy department will lecture on .oncentration and other University officials ap- can't get a response on campus "Age Changes in Lens Metabolism" Interest in Art peared before the State House Ap- when there is no resistance," he in 2501 East Medical Building. "Interest in art has grown propriations Committee to present said. "They can't get a crowd on 4 p.m.-Harry Koffler of Purdue greatly in the last few years," 11M eetings H eld the University request for funds aId. they move heir w m t 4 lectury olecurdOr Mrs. Heller said recently. The to finance research projects. campus so they move their met- will lecture on "The Molecular Or- number of galleries in thDetroit Pre-concentration meetings for In response to a statement about The call for Wilson's removal in the third level amphitheater of area has grown from four a few second-semester sophomores are "undesirable" groups on campus, came from Milton Rosen, St. Paul the Medical Science Building. years ago to fifteen or twenty now inprogress. g Wilson said that University off Public Works Commissioner. Rosen e3 o K lin uther today." ~~~~The meetings offer information cers should not give "young r-.di- said that Wilson should leave thewilecueothclurlen Indicative of the rising interest about the content and organiza- cals" an administrative "wall Unvrstiileca'lcnr ltaecofuran n the seltres "Are in art is the demand for com- tion of concentrations, explore against which to bounce their ;things there. You Aware: Iran?" in the multi- mission jobs and travelling exhibi- future opportunities in the field, ball." In a St. Paul television inter- o r tions. The gallery has furnished and answer student questions. Students Best Control view Rosen ontiedis purpose room of the UGLI. paintings for the University music"t e paitins fr te' nivrsiy msic Students wanting more detailed "The rational pattern of the saying, "Wilson should be pushed school and the new Detroit and information about concentration University's student body is the out . . . I don't think he is qual- CORRECTION Trust building in Detroit. Recent- qualifications and job opportuni- best control I know," he con- ified to be the head of that fine ly, the gallery sent travelling ex- ties may consult Mr. David Gil- tinued.U esSunday's Daily incorrectly hibitions to Virginia, and Penn- lette, special career counselor to The discussion began when Rep. Last year Rosen called for the sylvaLastayearlRosentcalledefornthe Srorit telheawiameaDetao sylvania as well as to cities in students in LS&A. Walter Klaus read a prepared removal of Mulford Sibley after Sorority as the winner of two Michigan.e LIf no meeting is scheduled for statement which set forth what the political science professor out- Winter Weekend contests. The The gallery often features locala field in which a student is in- he called "apprehensions about lined his position on academic house that won was Alpha Xi artists. This Sunday from 3-6 terested, he should make an ap- allowing . . . children to attend freedom in a Dec. 3, 1963 letter Delta. prm., for example y P ro a A- pointment with his prospective a school where they are expos&d to the Minnesota Daily. Rosen sent! drews of the architecture and de- concentration adviser, to indoctrination of the violent a letter to the Board of Regents 8 p.m.-The University Players sign college will be on hand for Students planning to enroll at overthrow of the government." urging that they dismiss Sibley. will present Billetdoux's "Chez the penng of the first exhibitio the University as a junior must Klaus asked if the W.E.B. Du- After an executive meeting, tne Torpe" in Lydia Mendelssohn The- composed solely of her works. take definite steps either through Bois Club, blacklisted by the U.S. Regents released a statement on atre. meetings or consultations to ob- Attorney General, has a group academic freedom which was in- 8 p.m.-Mayor Richard Daley of "Exciting things have happened tain specific information about on campus. Wilson replied that terpreted as a support of academic Chicago will speak on the "BlightI over the years," Mrs. Heller com- their program. the DuBois Club does not have a freedom and Sibley. of Our Cities" in Hill Aud. as part 8:30 p.m.-The Budapest String Quartet will perform in Rackham Auditorium. THURSDAY, FEB. 18 :i 4 p.m.-I. R. Gibbons of Har- torium. vard University will speak on "The 7:30 p.m.-Paul Goodman, so- organization of Cilia and Flagel- cial critic and author of "Growing la," in the third level amphitheater UphAbsurd" "Community of of the Medical Science Building. Scholars," "Compulsory Mis-Edu- 4:10 p.m.-Maurice Regard, of ,cakion" and other books, will the University of Aix-Marseille speak on "Student Action and a will lecture on, "Balzac: Sens en New Society" in the Michigan partee de la Comedie Humaine" in Union Ballroom. The speech is Auditorium B. Angell Hall. sponsored by Voice Political Party. 7 p.m.The Pilot Project will 8 p.m.-The University Payers present "Butterfield, Be'keley and will present Chez Torpe in True- Bluestone : A symposium on Stu- blood Auditorium. dent Freedom" in the North Con- 8 p.m.-The foreign students at course of East Quadrangle. Speak- the University will present a ing will be Fr. Celestine Steiner, fashion show in the League Ball- Chancellor of the University of room. Detroit; Assoc. Dean James H. 8:30 p.m.-The Budapest String Robertson of the Office for Stu- Quartet will perform in Rackham dent Affairs'and StuanrtZelmer.Auditorium at 8:30 n m director of East Quadrangle. 7 and 9 p.m.-Cinema Guild will present "Ivan the Terrible Part II" in the Architecture Audi- I i u .aav .C3a1W1aUf CLa1U w.7vuacu UGalaaGax r C~lu11t:11u11 ci, 0.3V I.1 . 1 I k VOICE Presents PAUL GOODMAN Author and Educator speaking on Student Action and a New Society Thursday, Feb. 18. . 7:30 p.m. MICHIGAN UNION BALLROOM I " , ... .. .... .....::"", ,":: ",WW: r::r"4"rf ,""r."::r, "JJ.":" :W:xy.".W "t°r VS J""^"y rr"" "! "r: rt "r"""rS"t :rl ": ". ; t., .r.{. ... .....:h+."...r r. ,..4. .r G: ?rs .J.lrr.. .r r. Y! ................ ... :..r:4. J88 h r:. tK t.>...... J . :" r .. . . / rr'r'r. r ... .! .. 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R~ l:f :ryr, yr DAILY OFF'ICIAL BULLETIN Ol r ' .. ........ ....a .a,., .......: W::x^:.".".:W:v::.":: J".:"."^. .-:;.":.":Wa:"rr.".W: w:.W::..., .. .......,..::: .......::yr.".: v .:v4 : r.W ": -. ". f: r... r. .. .4...... t , ...... v.: ......... rr. 4 .... . ,...4.,. .. . . . .. 4 ... .1 ........ . t . .4: r ..... .. ..r ................ ..............t.......r .... r4,,. r. fi . t .... .. ........ A.. .f ....:... .. ! ........., ... .r....; ..........,.....,...:........ ...::::. h::.c.r.:. ::. ,: r".":::.: :::: ".::::,; .....,. ...4,; W1 1: . rxL.... f".,.}. .:.V ....., tr.. a..,....... r.. rJ. h. , r . .4 r.,. r. ".t. . . .. , "..f.....4. ............ a.:4., x.... : . .... t. ... .. .. " , . I.":. r. rS.f " ::. : :.. lr ..t .,...rr ..{.,... .!. . , .. ... f... ... .. r "..1. ...... r.,.. .t .......... n.r.. r.... ... .. , ... ..4..f.,,.R.,.f:r:....7,{........ atrx...{.":+ .trhr ,...r .. : .. .f r, rr....... rn...: r.:.. r. r.:r...e... f: .{., f:9. or..4...t...... n .. {...... n r.......... f.J*h ............:f ' f?":"XY 4}:v.":.": v.:y; t..:..; "ry, ..,r..... /.......,. a... tr..t ..,rr X.;y1..a::: ...... ...s ....y°v::: .: _ :." ".. ..., .. . .. ..:.. ...... l..., :..,. .1 ...:r. .1": ": ::: :. .tr.:.:yrr:h:"r.".°': .;:":'.:CW: rtJ....Wti The Daily Official Bulletin is an ethylenes," on Wed., Feb. 17. at 4 this week on the dates indicated. Pro- Leo Burnett Co., Chicago-Degrees top MBA grads w/BS in Engrg. R. & official publication of The Univer- p.m. in Room 1200 Chemistry Bldg. gram arrangements are b "ig made by in Gen. Lib. Arts, Geog., Journ., Law, D., Des. sity of Michigan, for which The Mrs. Clifford R. Miller, International Math, etc. Positions in Advtg. Mkt. Whirlpool Corp., Mich., Id., Ohio Michigan Daily Assumes no editor- 5-Hour Special Topics in Chemistry Center, 764-2148. Res & General Writing. Minn.-BS-MS: ChE, EE, IE. MS-PhD Jal responsibility. Notices should be -Fifth Series: Dr. Edgar F. Westrum, Ole B. Thomsen, Ministry of Educa- THURS., FEB. 25- EM & ME, MS: Instrum. R. & D., Des sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Jr., U. of M., Chemistry Dept., will tion, Denmark, Feb. 14-18. Brunswick Corp., Chicago-Degrees in & Prod. Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be- speak on "Energetics of MoalecularI Dr. Jadwiga Ablamowicz-Ledwon, Econ. & Gen. Lib. Arts for positions in fore 2 p.m., of the day preceding Freedom in the Crystalline State," on head of the Acouf tics Department, Sil- foreign trade, personnel & territorial publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday Wed., Feb. 17, at 8 p.m. in Room 1300 esian Polytechnic Institute, Gliwice, sales. Locations in personnel in mid- for Saturday and Sunday. General I Chemistry Bldg.-2nd Lecture. Poland, Feb. 14-17. west, sales throughout U.S. [ j'rT[ le Notices may be published a maxi- Dr. Jan J. Cygan, head, Department mum of two times on request; Day Student Tea: At the home of Presi- of Foreign Languages, teacher of Eng- Bureauc Census, Wash., D.C.-De Calendar items appear once only. dent and Msr. Harlan Hatcher on Wed., lish, Polytechnic University of Wro- grees in Econ., Math, Psych., Soc. & Student organization notices are not Feb. 17, 4-6 p.m. All students cor- claw, Wroclaw, Poland, Feb. 14-17. Statistics for positions in statistics. accepted for publication, dially invited. Dr. Edward Dezberg, head of English Alexander Hamilton Life Insurance CDlllwing part-tune jobs are avail. Department, Modern Languages Cen- field for ositions in Mgmt Trn a ble. Applicati(n for these jobs can be WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 Symposium on Poverty: Mayor Rich- ter, Silesian Polytechnic Institute, Gli- field ar positoin Mgm. LcT I made in the Part-Time Er oyment Of- ______(. Mktg., and Territorial Sales. Located I aei h ~r-l EploymnO- ard J. Daley of Chicago, "The Blight wice, Poland, Feb. 14-17. in Ann Arbor & vicinit fle, 2200 Stdert Activities Bldg., dur- of Our Cities" for "In the Midst of Dr. Witold Ostrowski, chairman, Eng- FRI.. FEB. 26-- ig the following bours: Mon. thru Day Calendar Plenty," HillAud., 8 lish Department, University of Lodz, Fr 8 am. til 12 noon and 1:30 ii S Lodz, Poland, Feb. 16-17. Brouhpor. Jcsnmch-. Dept. of Anatomy Seminar-T. O. !. .Nestor Edgardo Farias, Jose Alber- gree in any field plus one year o ' P y Sippel, Dept. of Anatom, "Age Changes Gjetei aL NIo tces to Giai, Norberto Marcelino Velasco.r acctg. -ales Trng. Program and Mktg for partstime sr fultime ti enrar in Lens Metabolism": 2501 East Med- chemical engineering students, Uni- of data processing equipment. Variou rk satumd fontatim. erPrary g, should contact Mr. Parker, Part- ical Bldg., 4 p.m. Applications for General Undergrad- versity of the Litoral, Santa Fe, Ar- locations. . Time Interviewer at 764-7284. uat Scolashis wll e aailbleatgentina (accompanied by John J. Cen- Biological Sciences and I.S.T. Lecture uateScholarships will be available at a Feb SUMMER PLACEMENT SERVICE: Siudeits desinr miselaneous odd ghSorp fc 21 A b- a .70S RP C E S IC-Henry Koffler, Purdue University,he Mrs. Vera Davidenko, scientific work- 212 SAB- nob(sho 0 ld const the bulletin beard -ThenryM oflr, rdue Utinivers Byc- inning Mon,..Jan. 11. Applications ;i f 20dly "The Molecular Organization of Bac- must be completed by March 1Un-er, Ukranian Scintific Research Insti- J. L. Hudson Co., Detroit-Appli- terial Flagella": Third Level Amphl- dergraduate students who have com- tute of Pedagogy, Kiex, Ukraine, Feb. cations for summer work available a 3-Scanners are needed to work be theatre, Medical Science Bldg., 4 p.m. pleted one or mre full semesters with121-23. 212 SAB. tween the hours of 12 a.m. and an overall average of 3.0 or better V. E. D'Rozario, T. G. Satyanaray- Nu-Life Corp.-Will interview stu- 8 a.m, Will be measuring wave Dept. of Speech University Players are eligible to compete. Financial aid an, R. C. Sharma, high school prin- dents for selling in the Ann Arbor area lengths, etc. Prefer Jr., Sr., or Production-Francois Billetdoux's "Chez iactormnte aalas ,cipals, India. Feb 21-24. Fri., Feb. 19. Grad student with science and/o Toe": Mendelssohn Theatre 8 p.m. aking these awarsNational Council, Boy Scouts of math background. $1.65/hr. of the Poverty Symposium. 8 p.m.--A lecture sponsored by the Galens Honorary Society on "Marital Counseling and the Chal- lenge of Conception Control" will be given by Prof. Leon Israel of the University of Pennsylvania and Prof. Robert Wilson of the University Medical School in the 3rd floor amphitheatre of the Medical Science Bldg. Coed Attached In Apartment I A man attempted to rape al Michigan coed in her State Street apartment, police reported yes- ter day. The young woman said she had fallen asleep early and was awak- ened by the' sound of a man's voice. She got up and encountered a man at her bedroom door, whom she described as white, five feet, 11 inches tall, medium build, and wearing dark levis and a gray sweater. The, man seized the girl, kissed her and pushed her down, but fled when she .screamed, police were told. She said he appeared to have an ordor of airplane glue about him. Glue of this type was later found in a bag on a landing of the apartment house. "Glue sniffing" brings on a state similar to that caused by intoxication or the taking of some drugs. Police report that this is not the same man who has been involved in a series of attacks on coeds in the N. State-E. Huron Street area. '1N 'Hitgh speed elevators f x UflIVERSITY TOWERS " Now renting for Aug. '65 S. UNIVERSITY AVE. & FOREST AVE. PHONE: 761-2680 0 I -- U 1 i CsFinal Payment of Winter Term Fees America-Students for World's Fair Chamber Music Festival Concert --is due and payable on or before Feb.P aceme Pavilion. Work starts middle of April. Budapest String Quartet: Rackham 26, 1965. through to middle of Oct. Aud., 8:30 p.m. If fees are not paid by this date: ANNOUNCEMENT: Hamilton Stores, Inc., Yellowstone I Federal Service Entrance Exam-FSEE National Park-30 men & women need Research Club: There will be a meet- 1.charged e n a i will be held on Feb 20, in Aud. C, ed. Jobs not money-makers, but inter- ing for members of the Research Clh 2 A "Hold Credit" will be placed Angell Hall. esting work. of the University of Michigan, Wed., against you. This means that until Feb. 17, 8 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. payment is received and "Hold Credit" PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS: Bureau Details and applications available a Prof. Gerald F. Else will speak on "Re- is cancelled: of Appointments-Seniors & grad stu- Summer Placement, 212 SAB. cent Research on Homer" and Prof. 1) Grades will not be mailed. dents, please call 764-7460 for appoint- Leslie A. White will speak on "The 2) Transcripts will not be furnished ments with the following: ENGINEERING PLACEMENT INTER- Energy Theory of Cultural Develop- 3) You may not register for future MON., FEB. 22- VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please ment." The Council will meet at 7 Isemesters. John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance sign schedule posted at 128-M West p.m. in the East Council Room. 4) A Senior may not graduate with Co., Detroit-Degrees in Gen. Lib. Arts. Engrg. hisclssat the close of the curren Hist., Psych., Speech and Bus. Ad. for ,FEB. 19- Special Seminar: Dr. Karl Kuhl- is class nt insurance sales. American Can Co., Marathon Oper- mann, University of Wisconsin, will 3..The Dean of your school or col- TUES., FEB. 23- ations-BS: ChE, IE & ME. R. & D. speak on "Analysis of the Nuclear lege will be given a list of delinquent Mead Johnson & Co., Evansville, Ind. Prod. Overhauser Effect in the Diflouro- accounts. -Majors in Econ., Gen. Lib. Arts, Bendix, Lakeshore Div., St. Joseph Payments may be made in person, Chem., Pharm., Poli. Sci., and speech ' Mich.-BS:ME. Dev. & Des. orailednto the Cashier's Office, 1015 for positions in foreign trade, mgmt. , Radiation, Inc., Melbourne, Fla.- Admin. Bldg., before 4:30 p.m., Feb. 26. trng., mkt. res., advti'., personnel. etc. All Degrees: EE. BS: E Physics. Alsc O RGA NIZATION Mail Payments postmarked after due Pacific M"tual Life In"rance Co. date, Feb. 26. 1965, are late and sub- Los Angeles, Calif.-Degrees in Econ., NOT I C Sject to penalty. Gen. Lib. Arts, Hist., Math, Poll. Se . NO I ES Identfy mai payments as tuition and for Home office insurance. mgmt. trng. o show student number and name. personnel, investments & sales. 662-6264 U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Ar-6 2 Fellowship Applications for the LIar- gonne, II1.-Men & women, degrees in me f Tisa Column for Announce- garet Kraus Ramsdell Award are now Educ., Journ., Physics, Public Health JAMES BOND IS nized and registered student organiza- is used to assist students who will Personnel, Public Admin., Public Re- tions only. Forms are available in have received a U. of M. degree by cations ,Purchasing & tech, writing. Room 1011 SAB. beginning of tenure to pursue gradu- Throughout U.S.CI * *atstdeinticonrorara Monarch Life Insurance Co., Sprine- Alpha Phi Omega, Regular chapter in religious education or in prepara- field, Mass.-Degrees In Econ., Poli. meeting, Feb. 17, 7 p.m., Room 3-C, tion for the Christian ministry. Both i. en Lib Art Psych., et for In- Michigan Union men and women may apply for the surance sales in Ann Arbor & Detroit. * * * fellowhip. Application should be made ars, Roebuck & Co. Chicago - Pledges of Alpha Phi Omega, Pledge to the Dean of the Graduate School & on, degrees i.Gen. Lib. meeting, Feb. 17, 4 p.m., 3516 SAB. on forms available at the Graduate Arts, Econ., Poli. Sci., Psych. & Math ALBERT R. BROCCOLIJ r g 7 4 Fellowship Office, 110 Rackham Bldg for positions in Mgmt. Trng., retailing. HARRY SAL17MAN C Le Cercle Francais, Le Baratin, le 11 The deadline is April 1, 1965. & Data Processing. Midwest locations. Feb., le .eudi, 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze WED. FEB. 24- Bldg.,Mathematics Statistics Seminar: Dr. U.S. Civil Service Commission-Men iA IAN FLEMINGZS GI * * * J. N. Darroch, "Principal Components& women, any liberal arts degree, po-I Near East Studies Club, Lecture, Feb and Factor Analysis," 3201 Angell Hallsitins with Fed. Gov't. throughFSEE TECHNICOLOR' 18, 8 p.m., Lane all Thurs., Feb. 18, 4 p.m. n nearly 60 fields. Lawyers from top 1 8 prone-fourth of class will be considered ---- Newman Student Association, Com Physical-Chemistry Seminar: Mrs.I for Honors Program-See Mr. Dengel. munity mass, supper and discussion Shalo-wen Wong, "Thermodynamic Social Security Admin.-Men & wom- Ends' Feb. 17. 5-10 p.m., 331 Thompson. Properties of a Rigid-sphere Fluid," on en, degrees in any field for claims rep- Tn ht 4 93 * * *Thurs.,Fe.1,5pm,10Ch isr resentatives, located in Mich. & Ohio.,oih * * Thus.,Feb. 18, 5 p.m., 1200 ChemIstry primarily. University Lutheran Chapel, Mid Bldg. Scott Paper Co., Phila., Pa.-Majors week Devotion, Feb. 17, 10 p.m., 1513Econ., Engl., Gen. Lib Arts, PolI a unique event in m Washtenaw Ave.May Teacher's Certificate Candidates: W * ** All requirements for the teacher's cer Sci, & Psych, for Territorial Sales. 2 complete films o reriemets cerpdMgmty positions reached through sales, World University Service, Universit tificate must be completed by March I- Bus. Ad. or Law School student t assist in bookkeeping-billing en- tries, calculating reproduction-re- duction ratios, and assist in prep- .; aration of technical research re- ports. Must work 20 hrs. per week t~rih mn rn nLr throug summer or onger. 1-Draftsman to work 20 to 25 hrs per week now and full-time in th summer. Will be working with drawings and planning experiment for lab. 2-Experienced Key Punch Operator to work flexible hours in the eve. nings. May work on a permanen' or fill-in basis. * * Other positions are available off- campus. Those desiring work should ap 1 ply in the Part-Time Employment Of fice. ... ENDING THURSDAY TE Shows Start at 1:00-3:00-5:00 7:05 & 9:15 i 7 1 7 1 i BACK IN ACTION! I presented by f The Vulcons & The Engineering Council SATURDAY, FEB. 27 Hill Auditorium ... 8:30 P.M. INNERYNoo7'- DFINGER UNITED ARTISTS MPUS One Show at 7:15 JULIE " -DICK ANDREWS -VAN DYKE rECHNICOLOR' Shows at 1:00-3:40-6:30-9:05 Prices This Show Only Evenings $1.50 Week Day Matinees $1.25 BLOCK & GENERAL SALES Hill Ticket Office 9-4:30 Feb. 22-27 $3 .00-$2. 50-$2.00 otion picture history n the same subject- of Michigan chapter, general meeting Feb. 18, 7:30 p.m., Room 3510 SAB. * * * Young Republicans, Executive Boarf meeting, Feb. 18, 4 p.m., Room 253. SAB. ** * Voice Political Party, Paul Goodman author of "Growing Up Absurd," "Com- munity of Scholars," and "Commun itas," will speak on "Student Actior and a New Society," on Thurs., Feb 18, in the Michigan Union Ballroorr at 7:30 p.m. No admission, everyon welcome. Lutheran Student Chapel, Nationa' Lutheran Council Vespers, Feb. 17, 1 p.m., Lutheran Student Chapel, Hill and S. Forest. 22. These requirements include the teacher's oath, the health statement, the Bureau of Appointments material. and the social security number. The oath should be taken as soon as possi- ble in Room 1203 University School. The office is open from 8:30 to 12 and 1 to 4:30. L. S. & A. scholarship applications will Hall. Foreign Visitors The following are the foreign visi- tors programmed through the Interna- tional Center who will be on campus SCHWABEN INN presents WASH BOARD WILLIE' from 3-7 P.M. Matinee Dancing Starting Feb. 19 ofaNarlag MY NIGHTS / NY DAYS WITH FRANCOISE / WITH JEAN-MARC -- _.STARTINGTHURSDAY --- "A COMIC DELIGHT"-SAT. REVIEW "HILARIOUS"-TIME MAGAZINE "THE SUITOR" AND "CARRY ON SPYING" a1 tomorrow only U i the original graphic art of: r baskin *ensor * chagal l *m iro r'6 giacometti * sloan * kollwitz * appel and many others Q6 d 6 It IsI 1 JASON H. TICKTON Associate Professor, Wayne State University and Director of Music-Organist, Temple Beth El, Detroit 11 ill UNIVERSITY PLAYERS (Dept. of Speech) presents- Francois Billetdoux' r(LI- 071 7rwl n 11 III 11 I