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February 16, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-02-16

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Clearing and colder with
increasing cloudiness

Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom

VOL. LXXV, No. 120





Students Seek Right,
For Travel to Cuba
USNSA Expects Answer Soon;
Hope To Send Representative Body
The United States National Student Association is negotiating
with the State Department in an attempt to obtain authorization
for student trips to Cuba.
A reply from the passport division of the department is expected
within a few days.
David Littig, a spokesman for the USNSA's International desk,
said yesterday that the move is being made in response to a mandate
passed by the USNSA Congress last fall asking that permission be
S-- sought; to allow a "representative
group"' of U.S. students to visit
' Immlidih Cuba.

'Democrats Call for State
Fiscal Reforms' in 1965
Romney's Education Plans Called "Mockery"

GRAND RAPIDS .()-Michigan The fiscal reform resolution de-
Democrats have pushed their clared that Michigan's "present
legislators even more squarely on- tax structure has failed to yield
to the fiscal reform spot by calling revenue adequate to keep pace
for a state income tax in 1965. with growing human needs."
The strong tax reform resolu- In a dig at Romney, it said
tion was adopted without dissent "unless fiscal reform is instituted
Sunday at the party's spring state immediately, the inadequacy of
convention. state financing can no longer be
Much of the money raised by obscured by a surplus generated
fiscal reform would be pumped in- by unmet needs."
to education under other resolu-
tions adopted by the state Demo-

It asked for comprehensive re-
form in 1965 including "a state
income tax which gives due weight
to the ability to pay."
Brown's two-step plan would
culminate with a graduated in-
come tax but this could not take
effect this year because a con-
stitutional amendment would be
needed to allow the graduated

..,,tlillll L1G

To Examie
Student Role
A proposal to create a study
team of students, faculty and ad-
ministrators to probe the role of
the student in University affairs
was accepted at yesterday's meet-
ing of the Senate Advisory Com-
mittee on University Affairs.
It was submitted by Prof. Wal-
lace Berry of the music school and
chairman of SACUA's Student Re-
lations Committee which initiated
the idea.
The proposal outlined the re-
sponsibilities of the "Ad-Hoc tom-
mittee on Student Participation
in University Affairs" as follows:
-"To- investigate the role of
the student, graduate or under-
graduate, in relation to the gov-
ernmental structure of the Uni-
versity and to define the nature
of his participation in the total
-"To consider the nature, func-
tion and desirability of student
t government or governments and
the relation of the student bodies
to other agencies, administrative
and faculty, and
-"Hopefully, to suggest some
devices to facilitate the flow of
information, and to search for
ways in which groups can work
together, more. effectively on Uni-
versity affairs involving the com-
mon interests."
The following faculty have been
nominated to the Ad-Hoc Com-
mittee: Professors Marvin Fel-
heim of the English department
(chairman), Robert L. Kahn of
the psychology, department and
program director of the Survey
Rese'arch C e n t e r, Robert L.
Knauss of the Law School, Char-
les F. Lehmann, associate dean
of the education school and Nor-
ma Marshall, assistant to the dean
of the nursing school.
The remaining members nomi-
nated for the committee include
seven undergraduate and four
graduate . students. John Feld-
kamp, assistant director of stu-
dent affairs and activities, was
nominated as an "observer with-
out a vote."
The term of the Ad-Hoc Com-
mittee will extend through De-
cember, 1965, at which time it will
present its report through the
Subcommittee on Student Rela-
tions to SACUA for appropriate

1963 Visit
Sixty students visited Cuba in
the summer of 1963 in violation
of a State Department order bar-
ring travel to the nation. The
students staged a sit-in demon-
stration when~they arrived at
Kennedy International Airport in1
New York to protest a State De-
partment warning that their pass-
ports would be stamped "tem-
porarily withheld." The depart-
ment then agreed to let them
through customs without stamp-
ing their passports.
Littig said the reports of this
group on their findings in Cuba
were "biased and not in the best
interests of the USNSA." Many
students in the group had express-
ed admiration for Fidel Castro's
regime and noted "great accom-
plishments" since. his rise to pow-,
Court Ruling
A federal court ruled a year
ago that the State Department's
ban on travel to Cuba had been
unconstitutional. However, special
procedures are still required for
individuals or groups who wish to
obtain a passport permitting travel
to the Caribbean island nation.
Littig reported that the USNSA
had sent a letter to Undersecre-
tary of State for InterAmerican
affairs Thomas Mann requesting
authorization for a student trip
next summer. Mann replied that
the organization must apply to a
special passport' division. which
deals with travel to Cuba and
Communist nations in Eastern
ittig said that no indication
had been received whether or not
permission for the projected trip
would be granted. The only Amer-
icans in Cuba now are correspon-
dents for the major wire services.
IQC Sets UpCo m te s
Inter-Quadrangle Council estab-
lished two committees last night
in a meeting at West Quadrangle.
One will consider the proposed
Assembly-IQC merger while the
other will investigate possible pro-
cedures for distribution of litera-
ture in dormitory mail boxes.
Distribution of literature in
mail boxes last spring resulted in
a major IQC crisis when East
Quadrangle withdrew from the
Council in a dispute. The new
committee will attempt to remedy
former rules and avert any similar
crisis in the near future.

-Daily-Robert Sheffield


,ax Lspu e
Republican Gov. George Rom-
ney and the Democratic legisla-
tive majority have sparred for
weeks over fiscal reform, each
apprehensive over the possible
consequences of being pinned with
a tax label.

More Education Aid
Michigan Democrats wound upi what former Gov John B. Swp


jai n,

son called "the most contented conv

Sorority members elected the 1965-66 Panhellenic Executive Council last night. Pictured above are
Administrative Vice-President Elizabeth Rothman (Phi Sigma Sigma) '66; Executive Vice-President
Sherry Pastor (Pi Beta Phi) '66; President Laura Fitch (Gamma Phi Beta) '66; Treasurer Jackie
Wagner (Kappa Delta) '66; and Secretary Jan Rakocy (Alpha Phi) '67. Other officers elected were
Public Relations Chairman Pam Swart (Gamma Phi Beta) '66; Cultural Concerns Chairman Allison
Smalley (Sigma Kappa) '66; Chairman of Rush Committee Sandy Snyder (Kappa Kappa Gamma)
'66; and Chairman of Rush Counselors Renae Gordon (Pi Beta Phi) '66.

Special To The Daily
GRAND RAPIDS - "Our food-
for-peace shipments have helped
us reduce the temperature in
Egypt, the Middle East, and Af-
rica," G. Mennen Wiliams, former
governor of Michigan and under-
secretary of state for African af-
fairs, said here Sunday.
"People forget that Egypt was
right in the middle of the Katanga
secession struggle in 1960. But
To, Assist in
0ff -campus
Housing Poll
The Off-Campus Housing Ad-
visory Board pledged its assistance
last night on the Off-Campus
Ajousing Survey to be conducted
by the Blue Ribbon Committee on
The survey will be taken to de-
termine statistically what students
"want and need" in off-campus
A questionnaire drawn up by
the Housing Committee of Gradu-
ate Student Council, represented
by Rayfield Goldsmith, will be
presented as soon as possible to
the Blue Ribbon Committee for
use on the survey. The survey is
expected to represent student dis-
content about housing conditions
"in strongly-documented form."
Opinions were expressed by the
board members on the steady rise
of apartment rent and the often
poor quality of new buildings. The
need for more documented facts
surrounding the issues was recog-
nized by all the board members
before additional stronger recom-
mendations could be made.
A suggested proposal to be sub-
mitted to the Student Government
Council tomorrow night was ac-
cepted by the board. The proposal
suggests that SGC purchase an
advertisement in the off-campus
housing supplement and state its
recommendations on the housing
In response to a suggestion from
Wendell Hulcher, candidate for
mayor, to establish a city-Univer-
sity housing advisory board, the
Off-Campus Housing Board agreed
to send a representative to both
of the mayoral candidates to dis-
cuss the issue.

thanks to the aid, we have had a
relative detente that's been help-
ful in keeping peace and stability
in the area," he continued.
Williams, who has been deeplyt
concerned in the State Depart-
ment with the rebellion against
the Congo (Leopoldville) govern-
ment of Moise Tshombe, stressed
that Egypt was not under his
jurisdiction. However, he went on,
the food-for-peace shipments have
"helped reduce friction in the
Middle East and Africa as well
and are the best thing to do, in
the judgment of the President."
Rescinds Ban
The House of Representatives
recently rescinded its ban on the
shipmentsto Egypt of the last $37
million worth of agricultural sur-
pluses under the Commodity
Credit Corporation act.
Williams also pointed optimis-
tically to a recent meeting of the
Organization for African Unity
in Mauretania. "They've met and
indicated a desire to support the
central government and to resist
the rebellion," he said.
"Our prestige and popularity in
Africa have fallen because we're
supporting Tshombe," Williams
admitted, "primarily because he's
associated with the murder of
former Congo premier Patrice
Lumumba and the use of white
"But I think it's a momentary
eclipse, not a basic or a perma-
nent feature of our relations with
Williams also discussed the dif-
ficulties involved in aiding the
struggles to ease or end colonial

"We must, for example, con-
vince Portugal to accommodate
itself to change in Africa. We've
endeavored in a number of ways,
mostly diplomatic, to get Portu-
gal to do this, but with indifferent
success," Williams commented, re-
ferring to the Angolan rebellion.
He pointed to the fact that
United States trade with Portugal
is insignificant and that "our
military aid to the Portuguese is
subject to NATO restrictions."
Congo Situation
"I don't think the Congo situ-i
ation is going to become another
Viet Nam," Williams added, allud-
ing to_ a theory advanced by var-.
ious commentators recently.
"The basic difference is that
Viet Nam is juxtaposed to main-
land Communist C h i n a and
Pathet Lao-controlled Laos, while
in the Congo the logistics are ob-
viously much more difficult."
He said that the Congo remain-
ed ."a dangerous situation," not-
ing that "in the Congo (Brazza-
ville) there's still a strong Chinese
support operation from its em-
He noted that the Tshombe
government is taking steps to seal
off its border to prevent further
arms buildup from Egypt and Al-
The United States has also pro-
tested to the Egyptian and Al-
gerian governments and to the
Organization for African Unity,
he said. "Perhaps the rebels think
their supply of arms is sufficient,I
but at any rate, the flow has
greatly diminished."
To Give SGC
Assembly House Council voted
yesterday to endorse Student
Government Council candidates.
and to increase its AHC-Inter-
Quadrangle merger study commit-
tee with two additional members.
"In the past AHC has not en-
dorsed candidates, but I think that
approving the people whom we
feel are qualified for SGC posi-
tions would give Assembly an in-
fluential voice in campus affairs,"
Vice-President Judy Klein, '66,
"The idea of Assembly endors-
ing SGC candidates would be
profitable to AHC as well as the
candidates because this associa-
tion has invested interests in stu-
dent government which need to be
protected," Doug Brook, '65, presi-
dent of SGC, said.

Romney wants reform but won't after endorsing fiscal reform and e
propose a plan until legislators say The convention also acceptedt
they're willing to develop it with delegation led by Edward Rettinger
him. ston County competing for recogniti
Sen. Basil Brown (D-Highland Enosn iclrfricu
Park), the leading Democratic fis- Endorsing fiscal reform, inclu
cal reform advocate, said the reso- which would allow a graduated in
lution would help him round up tions also supported an increase in
support for his two-step, bi-parti- school aid program of at least
san tax reform plan. $91 million.
The education resolution calls The education resolutions fav-
for a minimum $91 million in- ored a reduction in tuition at state
crease in the state aid program. and community colleges and uni-
This is the amount Superintend- versities and a study to determine
ent of Public Instruction Lynn a new state aid formula for edu-
Bartlett had recommended to the cation. It is presently based on
governor. property taxes, which the resolu-
Reduced college. tuitions and a tion criticized as "not an accurate
substantially expanded state scho- measure of local ability to sup-
larship program for qualified, port schools."
needy students were urged. Re-elected without opposition to
It calls for "a substantial in- the post of , state Democratic
crease in state aid to all school chairman was Zolton Ferency. In
districts . . . further aid to very his acceptance, Ferency lampoon-
low tax valuation districts, taking ed Gov. George Romney's record
into account the millage effort of on tax reform and education. "He
such districts." promised in his state of the state
The Democratic program in- message to do nothing; in his
cludes "an enlarged program of budget, he kept his promise,"
special grants for districts de- Ferency said.
veloping programs for the under- The Livingston County delega-
privileged." tion to the convention led by Ret-
Blasts Romney
The resolution blasted Romney's ftinger was also seated after ;the
credentials committee report, a
proposed appropriations for high- 15-2 vote favoring the group,. was"
er education for being "so inade- assed t houtnbjectior byp, he
quate as to constitute a mockery passentout T ection byadhe
of the people's need rather than convention. The faction headed
a real effort to meet them." by Brian and Martin Lavan, of
Tuitions at state colleges, uni- Brighton, pledged to push its court
versities and junior colleges "must fight after the decision.
be reduced and the state scholar- Otto Wendel, chairman of the
ship program vastly expanded so Michigan Teamsters' political arm
that the opportunity for higher and part of the Lavan delegation
education will be denied to no one from Livingston, had been lobby-
in the state for financial reasons." ing intensely for a minority re-
The party called for substan- port. Two of the committee mem-
tially increased support for higher bers, the wife of a Teamster and
education "so that no qualified the first district, member where
student desiring to continue his Teamster influence is strong,
education shall be precluded from were ready to sign a minority re-
doing so." port supporting the Lavan group,
but it was learned that the district
delegations themselves remained
Pic t Prem ier strongly for Rettinger.
Lavan had asked that neither
l Tgroup be seated pending its law-'
In ie Nam ffsuit on the matter.
The Rettinger victory, which
TOKYO OP)-Phan Huy Quat was regarded as almost certain,
has been designated South Viet came after the Democratic state
Nam's new premier and asked to central committee endorsed Ret-
form a new government, the of- tinger as county chairman in De-
ficial Viet Nam press reported cember. The entire party leader-
early this morning. ship voted in favor of the recog-
The agency, in a broadcast nition.
monitored in Tokyo, said strong- A lawsuit on the dispute, which
man Lt. Gen. Nguyen Khanh ask- arose after a riot disrupted the
ed Quat to take over the premier- Livingston County convention in
ship and asked Phan Khac Suu to September, will be heard on March
remain as chief of state. 8 in circuit court. It challenges
(See related story, Page 3) Rettinger's right to serve.
Dean at Stanford Resigns
Over Moraity Controversy

r L 1 U1114U . * li . 0 l-
vention in recent years" on Sunday
xpanded aid to education.
the credentials report seating the
r, one of two groups from Living-
ding a constitutional amendment
come tax, the Democrats' resolu-
i the state primary and secondary

Curry,_ Carr


f R
Israel Denounces Bonn for
Halt. in Military Assistance
By The Associated Press
'Relations between Israel and West Germany sank to a low point
last night as the Israeli Parliament expressed "astonishment and in-
dignation" at the Bonn government's decision to cut off arms aid to
It approved a resolution calling on Prime Minister Levi Eshkol's
government to reassess its relations with Bonn.
Eshkol had gone before parliament to denounce Bonn's decision
under Egyptian pressures to stop shipments of arms-most of them
American-made. He, charged that

Democrats H. C. Curry, First
Ward, and Robert W. Carr, Fifth
Ward, swamped their opponents
in yesterday's Ann Arbor City
Council Primary Election.
In unofficial totals, Curry won
over his opponent Kenneth W.
Beard by 472 to 70 votes while
Carr beat Augustine J. Lalonde
568 to 32 votes.
Running against Curry in the
April election will be Republican
F. Del Coates. Carr will face Re-
publican Prof. Richard E. Balz-
hiser of the chemical engineering
Curry said he would most like
to see Ann Arbor low-cost housing
become a reality during his term
of office. He added that the city
could see the problem through
without additional taxes by using
a staggered housing program and
using available federal aid.
Curry is a member of the city's
Human Relations Commission.
The accomplishments Carr would
like to see in his term of office
are enactment of the amendments
to the Fair Housing Ordinance,
completion of a development plan
for the city, action toward a sys-
tem of urban transport, suitable
housing for every Ann Arbor
citizen and enactment of a long-
term plan for park and recreation-
al facilities.
Carr received his bachelor's and
master's degree from the Univer-
sity and has served as legislative
chairman, Region III, of the
Michigan Educational Association.
He is presently a member of the
board of directors of the Michigan
Council for Social Studies.
Light Turnout
Voter turnout was very light for
the primary with approximately
10 per cent of the eligible voters
from the First Ward going to the
polls and approximately eight per
cent from the Fifth Ward voting.
Other candidates vying for coun-
cil seats are Prof. Douglas Crary
of the geography department, a

Ferris To Join
State Council
Ferris State College's Board of
Control voted last Saturday to
join the Michigan Coordinating
Council for Public Higher Educa-
tion, a voluntary group composed,
of top state college administrators.
Ferris has long been the major
exception to the council's state-'
wide membership.
Ferris President Victor S. Spat-
helf explained that the college had
nnt narvinuisv joined because the

Chancellor Ludwig Erhard's gov-
ernment had succumbed to "Egyp-
tian blackmail."
Meanwhile, We s t Germany
threatened to cut off about $190
million in aid and grants to
Egypt if East German President
Walter Ulbricht carries out a
planned visit to Cairo Feb. 24.
Bonn claims a welcome to Ul-
bricht represents de facto recog-
nition of the Communist East
German regime. But the Germans
did not renew their previous
threat to break relations with
Jordan's King Hussein flew to
Cair6 on a long-planned visit and

Stanford University Dean of Women Lucille A. Allen, who was
accused two weeks ago of attempting to manipulate student judicial
council actions, yesterday submitted her resignation. The adminis-
tration accepted it and said it would become effective immediately.
A report written by two students which appeared in the Stanford
Daily said Dean Allen had criticized classroom morality. According
to the report, she charged young professors with attempting to
asexually arouse . girls in their
classes by presenting them with
"salacious literature." -She denied
making the statement.


Stone Emphasizes Errors in At

Professor Jay Stone of the Har-
vard Center for International Af-
fairs said last night that United
States government is following the

its intentions were considered
more seriously.
If it is possible to persuadel
congressmen that the purpose of
the proposal is to "limit damage,"
then the secretary of defense and

ent there is a "tacit halt" in
weapon procurement, but he add-
ed that the danger in relying upon
the tacit limitation is that at any
point the procurement of weap-
ons may be "spurred on."
T. -; . n+- 1- t_ f n+ o

PY A joint statement released yes-
'ns O Cterday by Stanford University
President Wallace Sterling and
the Academic Council Executive
ed out that the feasibility of or- Committee said they had found no
ganizing a disarmament treaty at evidence that Dean Allen had
the present is negligible. Neither made any such statement. How-.
the military hierarchy nor the ever, the study group did not re-
public would sanction such a ven- view the alleged charges of class
ture, he said. misconduct.
Rn.- upv .. a fpv o h aturen .


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