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February 14, 1965 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-02-14

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Mississippi Still *Strangled'

Tankers Defeat ndiana

GULFPORTMiss.-As Negroes 'M' Ends Hoosier.Streak.
of voting age in the South are
confronted daily with a system I vj It. ,.{..
that costs them income and edu-
cation, many react by quoting the 53)4. W ns 0..
Bible: "And God said, 'So it shall
be.'" The man on the upper left By JIM LaSOVAGE
of this page is such a person.
Workers for the Freedom Demo- In a meet billed as the best dual swimming contest of the season,
cratic Party in Mississippi feel Michigan's tankers broke the 47-dual meet streak of the Indiana I
that the Southern white has help- Hoosiers by a score of 70-53 yesterday at Matt Mann pool.
ed give the Negro this attitude
throghe pahletr suhs asthde Two events were added to the meet which usually arent seen
one above. This wassdistributed until the Big Ten conference championships-the 1000-yard freestyle
by the present governor of Missis- and the tower diving (10-meters) events. These were held simultan-.....
sippi, Paul R. Johnson in , eously at the beginning of the meet, and the Wolverines finished first
when he ran for office. in both of them. Ed Boothman totaled 234.15 points, considerably
ahead of Hoosier Rich Morse, who wound up with 203.60. Michigan's
Greg Shuff took the third, a mere five points behind Morse.
First of Three
Meanwhile, Bill Farley had finished the 1000-yard freestyle in
the pool and varsity record time of 10:22.49, for his first of three wins. _Daly-Dave Abiner
Carl Robie, competing in a distance freestyle event for the first time,
grabbed the second slot, just :00.35 of a second off the pace. Mich- CG IT O a d mey re lay e e oice
iganhadjumed ff o a ealy - - -- together after setting a Pool and varsity record in yesterday's 7-
eado 44j1,Mcia hdrahd i 53 win over Indiana, finishing the race in a time of 3:33.36. From
h.. "The turning point of the meet largest margin of the day. left to right are Rich Walls, Russ Kingery (behind Walls), Tom
was the tower diving," an ebullient Indiana then showed off gold O'Malley, and Paul Scheerer.
Coach Gus Stager declared after medal-winning Olympic diver Ken first place finih in the 200-yard Counsilman feels that Indiana
the meet. He was quite pleased Sitzberger and NCAA champion backstroke, by catching and pass- will have a better chance with the
with Boothman's first place effort. Rick Gilbert, who finished one- i
4 ing Michigan Captain Ed Bartsch meet at home and with the spring-
Dr. Jim Counsilman, head coach two off the high (three-meter) in the third leg of 'the race board diving event replacing the
x of the Hoosiers, felt that the board. Bruce Brown took third Bartsch's 1:59.06 was only :00.39 10-meter event. There is no tower
turning point came in the fol- place with a respectable total of off the winning time. platform at Indiana's home pool,
lowing race-the 400-yard medley 306.3, but considerably less than Next came the 500-yard free- and Sitzberger and Gilbert have
relay. "The medley relay hurt us the 342.6 and 328.05 posted by the style, and it was Farley's turn to already proven themselves on the
quite a bit," he said. "(Pete) Hoosier divers. The diving coach- notch five more points for the low board.
Hammer missed his turn, and that es commented after the perform- Maize and Blue. His time of However. Michigan has two
lost the race for us." ances that the exhibition was the 4:53.51 was more than 13 seconds meEts between now and the next
, Missed Turn greatest dual meet diving they faster than the second finisher, meeting with the Hoosiers. Next
Hammer had started the event had ever seen, but quite a race developed for Friday the team will host Cin-
with a slight edge over Russ Kin- Flashy Event third. In the end, Michigan's Tom cinnati and will take on the Ohio
gery, but missed a turn when he Two Olympic teammates wei'e Williams had been touched out by State squad the following after-
hit the rope dividing the lanes. matched in the next event-Robie, Indiana's Gary Verhoeven by a noon.
Kingery gained and took the lead. a silver medal winner in the 200- mere :00.09 seconds.
Paul Scheerer added to the mar.. meter butterfly, and Schmidt, the On the Move The 47 met winnin seakuof
gin in the breaststroke, and Tom bronze medalist in the same Scheerer then proceded to blaze of 199, their last defeat being
O'Malley started his butterfly leg event. However, in the 200-yard ahead of Olympian Tom Trethe- of 19e herst defeatbein
with a little better than a two- variation of yesterday's meet, way in the 200-yard breaststroke, Feb 21 of that year by -Satscore
length lead. Indiana's Olympian Schmidt touched out Robie by1while a frantic sell-out crowd of 54-41.ayear ya scoe
Fred Schmidt managed to catch :00.15 second. The winning time screamed "go" each time he came
him, jnd nudged ahead by a of 1:54.18 established a pool rec- up to take a breath. The end re-
couple feet. O'Malley had held his ord, and Robie's second place ef- sult was a time of 2:12.97 which FinUlly!
own though, and after an ex- fort gained him a varsity record, marked a new pool and varsity TOWER DIVING - . Boothan
tremely close freestyle anchor, This event might have been a record for the sophomore. (M); 2. Motse (1); 3. Shuff (M).
Rich Walls came back to touch rematch of the top three Olympic With the victory already iced, oints-234.15.
out John Newman in setting a finishers, but Indiana's Kevin Stager sent a freestyle relay team 1000-YARD FREFTYLE-1. Far-
pool and varsity record of 3:33.36, Berry, who won the gold medal of Rees Orland, Groft, Walls, and ley (M); 2. Robe (M); 3. Verhoven
just :00.41 ahead of Indiana. for Australia, is only a mid-se- Hoag to the starting block and ord).(
Farley then swam to his second mester freshman, and thus was came out with a winning perform- 400-YARD MEDLEY RELAY - 1.
first, this one in the 200-yard not eligible. ance of 3:14.25, almost two full, Michigan (Kingery, Scheerer, 0'-
PHOTOGRAPHY freestyle, after only a brief rest. In the 100-yard freestyle race seconds faster than the Indiana Malley, walls); 2. Indiana. Time -
thir firt plce ffor. Hog, i anhorig3th .36 (varsity, pool record).
AND TEXT BY His time was 1:47.01, less than Indiana found its third first place effort. Hoag, in anchoring the ,:3.3'YA FREESTYLE-). Far-
one-tenth of a second ahead of winner in Bob Williamson, whose team, was clocked in :47.2 for his ley (M); 2. Hoag (M); 3. Corin (r).
ROBERT SHEFFI ELD Hoag, who added the second for :47.74 timing was worth a pool 100 yards, a time which would 'lime-1:47.01.
Michigan. The score had at this record. Groft and Walls took the better the varsity, pool and Big 50-YARD FREESTYLE - 1. Groft
time bulged to 30-9. next two spots for Michigan. Bob Ten records if swum in an indi- (M); 2. Williamson (1); 3. Olsen (I).
Still in Control Hoag, the Wolverine varsity rec- vidual race. Time-:21.46.
The Wolverines continued to ord holder in this event, was dis- Prize Swimmers 200-YARD INDIVIDUAL MEDLEY
monopolize their claim to all the qualified for two false starts. This "Farley and Robie were ter- -1 Roble (M); 2. Richards (1; 3.
firsts as Bill Groft and Robie won occurs when a swimmer takes off rific," Doc Counsilman remarked Kendrick (1). Tlmegr 1 )5.
DIVIG-- Slzbeger(I . zGil-
the 50-yard freestyle and 200- before the starting gun sounds. after the show. "They were the b*rt (1); 3. Brown (I). Polnts -
yard individual ihedley races, re- Last Triumph two big horses that Michigan 342.60.
spectively. With the.score at 40 Hammer picked up Indiana's last needed to win." 200-YARD BUTTERFLY - 1.
--- But Coach Counsilman is look- Schmidt (I); 2. Roble (M) (varsity
ing now towards the rematch with record); 3. Collins (I). Time 1:54.18
tmin (pool record).
the Wolverines at Bloomington I 100-YARD FREESTYLE-1. Wi-
two weeks. That meet will feature liamson (1); 2. Groft (M); 3. Walls
springboard diving in place of the (M). Time-:47.74 (pool record.
tower event, although the 1000- 200-YARD BACKSTROKE - i.
Hammer (1); 2. Bartsch (M); 3.
yard freestyle will also be kept. Kingery (M). Time-:5.67.
Two other changes will be made- 500-YARD FREESTYLE-1. Far-
a ' the 200-yard individual. medley ley (M); 2. Townsend (1); 3. Ver-
will be increased to 400 yards ,'TS OKE - 1.
and the 400-yard freestyle relay Scheerer (M); 2. Smith (1); 3. Tre-
will run 800 yards. Stager said theway (). Time-2:12.7 (pool,
that the changes are being made vrsity record).
in preparation for the Big Ten i. Michigan (Orland, Groft, Walls,
.-'. .1 meet, which includes those events. Hoag): 2. Indiana. ''ime-3:14.25.









1. I've been weighing the
possibility of becoming a
perpetual student.
Last week you said you
were considering the
merit; of mink farming.
$. I must admit the thought
did enter my mind.
Has the thought ever
entered your mind
that you might get a
job and make a career
for yourself ?
5. You mean earn while learning?
Right. And you can
do it at Equitable.
They'll na v1002 of

2. With graduation drawing near
I realized how much more
there was for me to learn.
You didn't also
realize, did you,
that when you graduate
your dad will cut
off your allowance?
4. What about my thirst for
just because you work
doesn't mean you have
to stop learning.
6. But what do I know about
With your thirst for
knowledge, I'm sure

:.avcablf w .v-.. .... ,.. ,.......


-Daily-Dave Abineri
JUNIOR BILL FARLEY accounted for 18 of the Wolverines points
yesterday by winning first places in the 1000-, 500-, and 200-yard
freestyle events. In the 1000-yard variation, he chopped over four
seconds off his previous mark to set a new pool and varsity record.


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