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February 14, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-02-14

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Sunny and warmer;
turning colder by evening



An Examination for the LSA?

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
last in a series of articles dis-
cussing some implications of
of the report released by the
executive committee of the liter-
ary college faculty last Monday.
That hallowed tradition at
the University, the literary col-
lege, will soon become the ob-
ject of a study that may lead
to a revision of the college's
administrative structure and a
truly drastic reorganization of
the college itself.
The study, at the moment
still in the talking stage, was
proposed by the executive com-
mittee of the literary college
faculty in its recently released
report, "Some Issues in Con-
trolling the Size of the Col-
The report's recommenda-
tions in this area encompass
two related subjects: an admin-
istrative reorganization of the
college, and the role that the
faculty should play in its man-
Infinite Possibilities
What form might this reor-
ganization take? There are, ac-
cording to literary college of-
ficials, an infinite number of
possibilities - and- they prefer
not to elaborate on any of
them until the proposed study
has been made.
However, the idea of -chang-
ing the structure of the college
is not a new one, and several
plans emerge as prominent pos-
In fact, the report itself men-
tions, that the organization of
the college along divisional
lines, shbould be investigated -
perhaps with a separate school
for each of the three major
fields of study, the humanities,
the sciences, and the social sci-
Divisional System
The divisional system, it
states, is one of a number .of
organizational patterns that
might correct the lack of com-
munication a m o n g faculty
members and between the fac-
ulty and the student body that
plagues the college.
A second possible solution is
that increased enrollment -be
absorbed by a series of residen-
tial colleges, probably con-
structed on North Campus.
Thus, further expansion would
at least not aggravate the col-
lege's problems, and conceiv-

ably literary college enrollment
could be decreased, with the
excess also being transferred to
the separate, but related resi-
dential colleges.
Increase Enrollment
"A residential college sys-
tem would allow us to increase
undergraduate enrollment and
simultaneously gain the co-
hesiveness that goes along with
a smaller unit," Prof. Daniel
Fusfeld of the economics de-
partment commented recently.
"In a series of residential
colleges, some of the units
might specialize in a particular
field' of study, while others
could be more general in na-
'ture," he said.
"We could have all the ad-
vantages of a small school with-
out losing the advantages of
size and diversity," he added.
'However, this plan would be
contingent on adequate finan-
cial support."
The possibility of a series of
residential colleges was men-
tioned by Vice-President for
Academic Affairs Roger W.
Heyns in the fall of 1962 when
the proposal for the residential
college now being planned was
first announced. However, there
has not' been extensive public
discussion of this idea, since.
A third plan, actually a var-
lation of the residential college
proposal, would involve divid-
ing the literary college into a
number of smaller units. Un-
like residential colleges, these


would remain on main campus
and would not have separate
living units for students in each
In more specific terms, the
report d e v o t e s considerable
space to delineating problems
concerning the relationship of
;hefaculty to the college's man-
"The thought has been ex-
pressed," the report states,
"that some of the unrest now
to be felt in the faculty during
these changing times is due to
a lack of a clear definition of
the faculty's role in the process
of decision making on policy."
Bogged Down
It points out that professors,
especially those in administra-
tive positions, are often so bog-
ged down with mechanical de-
tails that they cannot give ade-
quate attention to educational
policy-the area in which they
are uniquely qualified to make
"Neither by training nor by
temperament is the typical fac-
ulty man equipped to handle
the day-to-day administration
of a large, complex unit i-
volving many millions of pub-
lic funds and widely varying
personnel," the report states.
"The role of the chairman
of a department has become
more and more a form of self-
sacrifice on the part of some
faculty member. These men
who, in theory, should be the
intellectual leaders of a com-

munity of scholars . . . are now
reduced to the role of execu-
tive secretaries of corporations.
"There are already indica-
tions," the report continues,
"that this is making the role
of the chairman increasingly
difficult to fill with men of the
scholarly character who should
provide intellectual leadership."
In this respect, the report
cites the appearance of facul-
ty organization men within de-
partments - a development
which "may have a significant
impact on teaching" by wast-
ing the time of top, faculty
members with menial adminis-
trative tasks and by justifying
poor teaching by men who are
"administratively in d is p e n s -
The report further elabor-
ates on the lack of communi-
cation between the upper eche-
lons of the college adminis-
tration and rank-and-file fac-
ulty members.
Foggy Channels
"The lack of clearly defined
channels to translate faculty
suggestions into action is often
a source of frustration," Prof.
Oleg Grabar of the art depart-
.ment commented recently. "Th(
faculty member who voluntar-
ily takes on a committee as-
signment is not apt to resent
the time he spends on it; but
the tendency for one commit-
tee's suggestions to merely be
channeled into another com-
mittee where they eventually
get lost can be aggravating."
With the idea of relieving the
faculty of onerous administra-
tive duties and developing more
effective means for expression
of. faculty opinion on educa-
tional matters, the report
makes the following sugges-
-Finding an alternative to
the traditional. but generally
poorly attended "town-meet-
ing monthly gathering of the
-Avoiding promotions on a
basis of administrative experi-
- Appointing departmental
assistants "not on the teach-
ing staff and without academic
tenure," and
-Creating a "two-class" con,.
cept of career and tenure which
would distinguish between aca-
demic and administrative per-

AAUP Supports Stronger
State B~oard of Education

-Associated Press
SLOGAN-SHOUTING Hungarian, African and Asian students demonstrated yesterday in front of
the United States Legation building in Budapest. The students were protesting against the recent
United States attacks on North Viet Nam.'
U.SAction Sparks Protests

By The Associa

ted Press toasted

unity in' the Communist

TOKYO - The United States'
recent retaliation in Viet Nam
met reaction from many parts of
the world yesterday.
Red China pledged yesterday
ts people will stand by the Soviet
people in combatting "United
States imperialism" and called for
worldtCommunist unity to give
"resolute support of the armed
anti-United States struggle of the
In Communist North Korea,
Soviet Premier Alexei N. Kosygin
boasted that Communist forces
are strong enough to stop "the
aggression in Viet Nam" and pre-
dicted "victory will be ours." He



Chinese Pledge
The Chinese pledge, in a mes-
sage to Kosygin and other Soviet
leaders, followed a Peking con-
demnation of United States air
attacks on North Viet Nam
Thursday and a warning to the
United States that the people will
"advance wave upon wave" against
any expansion of the war in Viet
In New York five people were
arrested at a series of protest
demonstrations over Viet Nam at
the United Nations.
Three women and a man be-
longing to a group called "Youth
Against War and Fascism" were
tn-A knf itc~~ ~h"4

Viet Nam-China border.
The reports were contained in
a story compiled from information
filed by two of the paper's cor-
However, Peking said nothing to
support the reports.
Peking's People's Daily pointed
to the presense of U.S. troops
and arms in South Viet Nam to
support its claimed right to in-
tervene in Viet Nam.

Of, Colleges
Say Board Neglects
Higher Education
For Secondary
A stronger State Board of Edu-
cation was advocated yesterday by
the Michigan Conference of the
American Association of Univer-
sity Professors at a Fast Lansing
The AAUP urged close coordi-
nation of higher education and,
supported the new state board
as the vehicle for facilitating co-
However, the members of the
AAUP noted that in the first few
weeks of its existence the state
board .had concentrated mostly on
elementary and secondary school
Separate Education
In the future, the AAUP mem-
bers stressed, "Higher education
and elementary education must
somehow be separated in the oper-
ation of state government." If
the state board cannot handle the
coordination of higher education
adequately, the AAUP' will seek
to amend the state constitution
to establish a state board for co-
ordination of higher education.
The state AAUP accepted a re-
port by its Committee on Promo-
tion of a Coordinating Board for
Higher Education, first brought
up at its November, 1964, meeting.
The AAUP proposed:
-The exertion of maximum ef-
fort to have the new state Board
of Education granted the full stat-
us of a coordinating board for
higher education. In particular,
the state conference urged all
college and university administra-
tions to assist the board in at-
taining this status.
Professional Staff
-The provision of adequate
funds by the governor and Legis-
lature for professional staff and
other expenses of the board re-
lating to higher education.
-The appointment of an as-
sistant superintendent of instruc-
tion, 'responsible solely for high-
er education and a second assist-
ant superintendent responsible
solely for elementary and sec-
ondary education.
a-Cooperation to make possible
aunified budget proposal to the
legislature by the Board of Edu-
cation at the earliest possible date.
Broad Decisions
-Broad decision-making in
consultation with all institutions
of higher education concerning the
growth and development of each
state-supported institution within
the framework of higher educa-
.tion in the state.
-Preparation of a master plan
for the next 25 years indicating
in a broad way how the state
should provide for higher educa-
tion over this period.
-Establishment of r e g u I a r
channels for consultation with
both administration and faculty
of the institutions.
Adopt Code
-Adoption of a code of 'stan-
dal'ds for higher education, mak-
ing clear the responsibilities of
faculties and administrations and
stating desired conditions for
academic freedom, promotion,
tenure, sabbatical leaves, faculty
participation in college and uni-
versity government.
Last November, the conference
recommended that the adminis-
tration and plar.ning and of state

General control of a powerful "Co-
ordinating Board of Higher Edu-
Last night's report will be trans-
mitted to the governor, all mem-
bers of the Legislature, the Board
of Education, all faculty members
in institutions of higher educa-
tion and all governing boards and
.The committee that suggested
the proposals to the conference
faced the alternatives of propos-

l a en into custody wheil they
DEMOCRA TS tried to break through police lines
that confined their demonstration $
" to the United Nations plaza.
Auditors, Livingston Issue Short Scuffle
About 20 minutes later, another>
I youth scuffled with police and was:
use .l donvention rested when he failed to obey
orders to keep moving.
In Budapest, .Hungary, nearly 7
By MARK KILLINGSWORTH 1,000 students stormed the United
Special To The Daily States legation, smashed windows
*and tore down the United States <-
GRAND RAPIDS-Legislative auditors and Livingston County seal above the entrance door.
aroused a previously placid Democratic State Convention here yes- In response to the riots the
terday. i-United States protested what it
Another potential blockbuster-a first district resolution propos- termed the "intolerable" attack
ing convening of the Geneva conference to settle the Viet Nam by the demonstrators. SEN. J. WILLIAM FULBRIGT
problem-fell through. ------_ -- Th IncompatableSE..WIIA FLBGH
Thr o nv- e thion was stunneTheoState Departm ent called in
The convention was stunned to' ."ugra ChargeD'fars,1 6(
I ~Hungar'ian C ha rg e D'Affaires .i~aci
hear that first district Congress- 1 ono R esignsJanos Radvanyi after learning of .s
man John Conyers, Jr., had un- -f the attack on the American mis- Prof
equivocably endorsed Richard Over * sion and told him such action is
Austin, a candidate for legislative "incompatable"with U n i t e d
auditor. Conyers had defeated IStates-Hungarian efforts to im- M ita yzS i1l
Austin, a former -constitutional O f H is Bud et r- r i i ihary k
convention delegate and expert on Press reports said Communist-
legislative apportionment, in an KARATurkeyP)-The 14- le'd Hungarian, African and Asian WASHINGTON ()-One of the
extremely close primary campaign month-old government of Premier students protesting United States most significant-and ominous-
la year. Ismet Inonu resigned last night attacks on North Viet Nam broke aspects of Communist guerrilla
SOpposing Austin for the post is over failure to pass its 1965 na- windows and damaged the snack attacks on United States forces in
Albert Lee, a Detroit CPA like nbar and movie of the legation South Viet Nam this past week
Austin who has the support of tonal budget. building. was the military professionalism
the Wayne County AFL-CIO and Inonu, who has been in power A similar attack of the American of those operations, officials said
the Wayne County Teamsters since the Turkish army yielded to embassy in Moscow was staged yesterday.
Union. High sources have said that civilian rule 17 months after the last Tuesday, also ostensibly in Officers returning from the
the teamsters in promoting Lee's 1960 revolution, handed in his protest against American reprisal scene and others studying re-
candidacy may be trying to es- resignation to President Cemal raids on Viet Nam. ports were impressed with the co-
tablish a power base of their own, Gursel shortly after the Grand Additional Wreckage ordination and execution of the
although they stressed that "Lee National Assembly defeated a rec- In addition to damaging the attacks at Pleiku and Qui Nhon,
was not a Teamster candidate." ord $1.6 billion budget by a 225- building, State Department Press and with the evidence of careful
Another big question was the 195 vote. Officer Marshall Wright said that planning and preparation.
future of the Livingston County Inonu came close to falling dur- the demonstrators wrecked two They suggested that the attacks
delegation. Delegates were not ing the Cyprus crisis, when opposi- cars belonging to United States probably were mounted by hard
picked by the Livingston County tion assemblymen accused him of diplomats and tore down the seal' core regulars. It is estimated that
convention; which broke up into weakness in his dispute with the of the' United States at the build- the Viet Cong have about 29,000
_________ - Greek Cypriots. . ing entrance. to 35.000 men in this category.
See Related Story, Page 3 1 Led by the Justice Party, four Meanwhile in Washington Sen. More than half of them are pur-
__ t-opposition parties banded together J. William Fulbright viewed the ported to be trained North Viet-
a riot, and the two factions in- tofgt ,nn' bde;n o-Implications of the Viet Nam
volved then held separate sessionst fig to topbuge is gon- namese soldiers who have infil-
and picked their slate. Although certed effort to topple his go-sai rated into South Viet Nam
the credentials committee had not South Viet Nam is a "pretty Some Americans may still think
yet met at press time, high party In earlier statements, Inonu horrible example" of how foreign of the Red guerrillas as barefoot
sources confirmed that "Lavan is categorically said he would step aid can get out of the control of peasants launching random ter-
on the way out and Rettinger is down if the budget bill were de- the country that is providing it, rorisms with makeshift weapons.
on the way in." feated in the 450-seat assembly. he said. But United States military experts
At least one congressman was The president is expected to He meant that the amount and look at them in a different light.
lobbying for the Rettinger forces turn to Suleyman Demirel to form type of almost all United States In the wake of the surprise
and two credential committee a new government, aid' to the Asian country now are assault in the Pleiku area last

-Daily-Richard Cooper
Winter Weekend Activities Extend from the Iceless Hockey Fields ...

Award Houses
Festival Prizes
In the University's first Winter
Weekend, Sigma Phi Epsilon and
Gamma Phi Beta took first place
in yesterday morning's Game of
the Gods overall competition while
Alpha Delta Pi and Phi Gamma
Delta won in overall competition
last night.
Alpha Chi Omega and Delta
Upsilon took second in the morn-
ing competition while Alpha Gam-
ma Delta and Theta Chi took
Winning second place in last'
night's competition were Zeta Tau'
Alpha and Trigon while Alpha Xi
Delta and Theta Chi won third.
Tnrlivriinl,,o 1 ntaQt, wi? 'c . 1 i

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