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February 13, 1965 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1965-02-13

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Seventy-Fifth Year

Comments on U.S. Policy in


Viet Nam

Truth Will Prevail

NEws PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Haphazard Planning
Spoils Summer Session

TRIMESTER IS NOT what it is supposed
to be. Inadequate planning left the
University unprepared for the summer
term, and inadequate communication left
students equally unready for what is
finally evolving.
The temporary time schedule for the
summer term indicates that more empha-
sis is being placed on the two half-
terms than on the full term. The sum-
mer session has turned into a glorified
two-part summer school.
Generally, the only courses being of-
fered for the full semester are at the basic
introductory level. Many literary college
departments are not increasing the num-
ber of courses being offered ordinarily
during the summer and, in some cases,
are not offering any full time courses at
If it was the intention of the Univer-
sity to make it clear that this first sum-
mer term would not be equal to a regular
semester, the University failed.
Meanwhile, many students who expect-
ed more and higher level courses and
more full term rather than half term
courses are finding themselves in diffi-
Even those students who took the time
to inquire from department chairman
what courses would be available received
an "I don't know" reply. Now, when a
semblance of a time schedule is finally
out, many students have found them-
selves holding the proverbial bag.
THE IDEA for trimester first appeared
in print as early as June, 1958, in the
Report of the University Calendar Study
Committee of the University of Michigan.
In February, 1961, President Harlan
Hatcher appointed an eight-man faculty
committee to examine the issue thor-
oughly. Within four months the group
reached the conclusion that year-round
operations would be the most efficient
means of meeting enrollment needs and
should be begun "as soon as possible."
In May, 1962, Stephen Spurr, dean of
the graduate school; commented that in
order' for trimester to go into operation
two prerequisites were essential: 1) an
adequate number of qualified students
willing to attend a third session in the
summer; and 2) sufficient funds to per-
mit the University to operate throughout
the year.
The funds had to come from the Leg-
islature, and procuring of students was

the job of the University. The proposed
budget for the fiscal year 1963-64 in-
cluded a request for funds to implement
the beginning of trimester in that year.
At that time Spurr said, "We're ready
to go at the earliest possible moment-
whenever we get the money from the
state." But the state's appropriations did
not include funds for the move.
Finally the 1964-65 budget included
money to make trimester a reality, but
was the University "ready to go," as
Spurr said? Obviously not, since plans
for the summer session and faculty pay
scales for the third term had not even
come under consideration. Work was not
begun on these problems until the be-
'ginning of first semester this year.
A decision has not yet been reached
regarding faculty salaries. Professors and
administrators are still debating the ques-
tion. Without knowing how much .they
will be paid, it is understandable that in-
structors and professors are hesitant to
commit themselves to teaching in the
Without a faculty, no plans could be
made for summer courses and this may
be one explanation for the inadequacy.
of the present summer time schedule.
A summer term cannot operate with-
out students either, as Spurr pointed out.
A survey taken in the spring of 1962 by
the now defunct Women's Senate and
Assembly Dormitory . Council indicated
that graduate and upperclass students
would make the most use of the trimester
But the course offerings now available
do little or nothing to attract the stu-
dents that indicated the greatest inter-
est in attending the summer session.
TRIMESTER was a very important move
on the part of the University, consti-
tuting its solution to the skyrocketing en-
rollment pressures expected when the
first crop of "war babies" hit the college
But at this rate, trimester is a lot far-
ther away than anticipated. Study could
and should have begun long ago on the
operation of the third term. The prob-
lems that are now arising can only be
attributed to haphazard planning on the
part of University administrators.
And once again it is the students who
are suffering most from this negligence.

To the Editor:
'THE EXPLODING masses of
Red China are only barely
surviving in a crowded land rid-
den with squalor. In desperation,
China is pursuing a policy of hos-
tility and aggression. Mao Tse-
tung has explicitly avowed his
intentions to conquer the world
to make room for his people. This
eliminates any possible doubt that
China poses a serious threat to
the free world.
Newton's first law of motion
states that a moving body will
continue along the same course
unless it is compelled to change
by forces impressed on it. His law
may apply to political science.
China is moving in a course of
aggression; she has moved into
Korea, Laos and Tibet and is now
moving into Viet Nam. There is
no reason to assume that China
will change its course unless it
is thwarted by a powerful op-
posing force. At present, this op-
posing force can only be the
United States.
* * *
IF THE U.S. were to step out
of Viet Nam, it would put only a
momentary end to bloodshed.
China would soon engulf Viet
Nam and begin attacking other

countries. Eventually, China would
dangerously threaten U.S. allies,
and at this point the U.S. would
have to intervene.
But, by then, China would have
greatly increased momentum
(having gained control of Viet
Nam and perhaps several other
countries) and consequently would
be much harder to stop.
History has shown that it is
paramount to check a determined
aggressor before it has gained
sufficient momentum. Hence the
U.S. must stand firm, now, in
Viet Nam.
MANY PEOPLE naively hope
that China would be satisfied
with Viet Nam alone. Such a hope
is reminiscent of the once-held
hope that Hitler would be satis-
fied with the Sudetenland. If the
U.S. were to give up Viet Nam
to China, it would be an open
invitation to increased warfare.
China would become confident
that she had sufficiently intimi-
dated the U.S. and would taus
pursue the policy of aggression
more vehemently.
It is best that the U.S. demon-
strates that it will fight relentless-
ly for the protection of the free
world. We can hope that the U.S.

can impress a sufficient force on
China to divert it from its present
--Ronald Evans, '67
To the Editor:
THE EFFORTS of the Viet Cong
to escalate the Viet Nam war
through their treacherous attack
on our bases has been success-
fully thwarted by American re-
solve. Certainly, our defensive
bombing of North Viet Nam will
make the enemy think twice be-
fore repeating such action.
Nevertheless, it is obvious that
a permanent military solution
still evades us. I therefore propose
three steps which would insure a
quick victory for our side:
1) "Pinpoint" bombing of South
Viet Nam forces assigned to se-
cure our bases. Owing to the
enemy's proximity to these forces,
Viet Cong casualties would be
2) Supply our Viet Nam allies
with armaments having a planned
obsolescence of 60 days' after ar-
rival in that country. Thus, the
Viet Cong would shortly be armed
with unusable weapons.

3) A concerted psychological
warfare campaign appealing to
the masculine virtues of th Viet
Cong. In this way, they wculd
soon stand up and fight like a
man and desist from "sneak", at-
-Charles C. Moskos, Jr.
Professor of Sociology
Vital Interests
To the Editor:
Thursday's Daily argues that
we must continue the war in Viet
Nam to defend our "vital in-
terests," which it defines with
rare candor:-"U.S. and European
investments, resources and ship-
ping in Southeast Asia."
The French, who still- own far
more in Viet Nam than we do,
obviously disagree. The Canadian
wheat farmers, who never felt
that China was theirs to "give,"
"keep" or "lose," seem to be, doing
a fine business there.
But what perplexes me is that
I don't feel all these investments
and shipping are my vital interests
at all. As far as I can see, when
all those investments are gone,
all my vital fluids will still be in
good order. How about the reader?
WHOSE vital interests? And for
these vital interests we should
wage a criminal war?
-William Paul Livant
Mental Health Research
To the Editor:
WE PROTEST the administra-
tion's policy in Viet Nam.
This policy has resulted in the
needless loss of both Vietnamese
and American lives. The bombing
of North Viet Nam makes it im-
perative that we protest the pres-
ent administrative policy. We fear
that recent actions increase the
probability of a full scale war.

The current war in Viet Nam is
being waged in behalf of a suc-
cession of unpopular South Viet-
namese dictatorships, not in be-
half of freedom. No American-
supported South Vietnamese re-
gime in the past few years has
gained the support of its people,
for the simple reason that the
people overwhelmingly want peace,
self-determination and the op-
portunity for development. Ameri-
can prosecution of the war has
deprived them of all three.
The South Vietnamese people
must be allowed to determine for
themselves the type of government
they desire. We call for the in-
termediate withdrawal of Ameri-
can troops from South Viet Nam
and the end of all military inter-
vention to allow negotiations to
take place.
-Ann Arbor Women for Peace
Independent Socialist Club
Rev. J. E. Edwards of the
Voice Political Party (Chap-
ter of Students for a
Democratic Society)
Young Socialist Alliance
Women's International
League for Peace and
To the Editor:
ON BEHALF OF the members of
the Young Republicans for
Freedom on the U-M campus and
in the Ann Arbor area, I want
to publicly thank Alan Sager, not-
ed Diag sign carrier and outstand-
ing student in the Law School
at the University, for his total
disavowal (Daily, Feb. 12) of any
connection with America's fore-
most youth organization, the
Young Americans for Freedom.
- With the company he says he
keeps (Young Citizens for John-
son, NAACP, CORE, fraternities,
housing units, etc.), we don't want
-Walter W. Broad, '66E


"We Seem To Have That Paper Tiger In Our Tank"

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Reform the Concentration System

field stifle the University's dispersion
and the student's absorbtion of knowl-
By limiting the courses a student can
take to meet degree requirements, the
University forces specialization without
letting a student acquire a background
in depth. Such restrictions are especial-
ly damaging if a student wishes to go
on to graduate school or if he is interest-
ed in a field which requires a broad
spectrum of knowledge.
Within the major, the dogmatic se-
quence of concentration courses forces
able students to take classes which are
repetitive and dull.
is an example of a discipline plagued
by concentration requirements.
All prospective political science majors
must take Political Science 100. Though
it is a worthwhile introduction for stu-
dents without much high school back-
Managing Editor Editorial Director
ANN GWIRTZMAN.Personnel Director
BILL BULLARD......... . .........Sports Editor
MICHAEL SATTINGER ,... Associate Managing Editor
JOHN KENNY .. .... .. Assistant Managing Editor
DEBORAH BEATTIE Associate Editorial Director
LOUISE LIND.... .... Assistant Editorial Director in
Charge of the Magazine
TOM ROWLAND........ .... Associate Sports Editor
GARY WYNER............... Associate Sports Editor
STEVEN HALLER ..,.......... Contributing Editor
MARY LOU BUTCHER .. Contributing Editor
JAMES KESON .. .... Chief Photographer
NIGHT EDITORS: Lauren Bahr, David Block, John
Bryant, Jeffrey Goodman, Robert Hippier, Robert
Johnston. Michael Juliar, Laurence Kirshbaum,
Leonard Pratt.

ground in civics and history, for those
with such a background it is repetitive
and unnecessary. Yet, unlike some oth-
er departments, political science has no
placement test.
After 100 a student has to take either
American Government, European Gov-
ernments or International Politics as a
"concentration prerequisite." Since these
courses do not count toward concentra-
tion, the student is inclined to take only
one of them and then begin to specialize
in a particular field of political science.
All three of these courses are of value in
acquiring a broad background; yet their
selection is discouraged by the concen-
tration requirements which encourage
premature specialization.
ANOTHER EFFECT of the concentra-
tion system is that students may be
specializing without any firm base on
which to build.
Students are indirectly encouraged to
major in political science without an ade-
quate background in history and econom-
ics. The department requires six to nine
hours of "cognate" courses for concen-
tration; such limited background is in-
adequate. A course in American history
is more essential for the future politician
than a specialized course on American
county government.
be so arbitrary; more interdisciplinary
courses should be offered, and credit to-
ward concentration should be given to
students who take more than nine hours
of courses in other departments if those
courses are needed for a full understand-
ing of a student's academic field.
''T'hcnnnr-n-~in ccCm rnim h fa

Peking Waits in Battle Array

James Bond's Return
Is Great Entertainment,
At the State Theatre
IF YOU HAVEN'T HEARD, James Bond is back in action. Of course
if you're from any of the surrounding cities (Lansing, Grand
Rapids, Detroit) you've already seen the new film, "Goldfinger," but
if you do happen to be among the permanent residents of this
cultural center of the Midwest, you must have had faith that
eventually "Goldfinger" would get here too.
And "Goldfinger" definitely is here-with all the slick action,
quick excitement and beautiful girls one could ask for. Once again
James Bond suavely conquers fascinating women, fiendish plots and
vicious villians.
This time Bond (Sean Connery) takes on the obese madman
Auric Goldfinger (Bert Frobe) and a plot to rob the U.S. treasury at
Fort Knox. And as you well know, there is also that devastating
female with the delightfully appropriate name of Pussy Galore to
add spice to the whole thing.
* * .'
IN RESPECT to the other Bond thrillers, " Goldfinger" is not
as finely crafted or successful as "From Russia With Love," which
had a more complex plot and much more structuual subtlety.
But who cares in the long run? The producers assume that the
audience will have seen the other films and thus read into the
characters of "M," Miss Moneypenny and others.
"Goldfinger" is a gas. The plot is wild, and the sets are fantastic.
The miniature replica of Fort Knox, while realistically improbable, is
brilliant fun. And the tone of the film is set by the first five minutes
before and during the titles when Bond scales walls, slugs a guard,
breaks into a secret headquarters, blows it up, escapes, seduces a girl,
kills an assassin and heads back to London. With all this accomplished,
"Goldfinger" can begin.
AND THE PACE continues. The direction is deft and the photog-
raphy is in rich, lush color which adds to the farcical element of the
film by casually exploiting the ridiculous.
So even if Goldfinger fails to achieve the tastefulness and totality
of purpose and effect that "From Russia with Love" accomplished,
and although its humor is often forced or crude, it is great entertain
-Hugh Holland
T Films Add Up to
A Gargantuan Bore
At the Campus Theatre
"ANATOMYOF A MARRIAGE" can be summed up in a nasty
little fo letter word: Bore.
The film is actually two movies. A Marriage breaks up. We are
given the wife's side of it in one half, the husband's in the other.
Lo and behold the two stories conflict. Isn't that interesting?
Well, yes, it could have been (and was in a film such as Rosho-
man). But when the plot consists of stereotyped characters and
soap opera situations, the film becomes a gargantuan Gaulic waste
of time.
IN FACT, "Anatomy is like four hours of a French Peyton place
without the sex, violence, sadism, multilation and other exciting goodies.
What actual anatomy may have existed has unfortunately been
sliced from the film before it reached easily shocked Ann Arbor, and
thus, when one does get down to the bare facts, the result is about
as stimulating as an Arlene Francis shampoo demonstration.
So where does that leave one? No sexy situations, no clever
charaters or exciting situations, just four hours of tedium.
There will be controversary as to which of the two films has the



Chinese to our air strike is
very interesting. The Peking Peo-
ple's Daily is, as one might ex-
pect, very angry: "We are wait-
ing for you in battle array - - -
if you insist in imposing war on
us, heavy rebuffs are in store
for you."~
There is little doubt about what
the Peking Chinese have in mind:
They are thinking first of an
American invasion on the ground
into North Viet Nam, and they
are saying that if this occurs
they will intervene on the ground
and give us a "heavy rebuff."
The important thing about this
reaction is that it reveals how
much the Chinese are land ani-
mals. It reveals a preoccupation
with the only kind of war they
are capable of fighting effect-
ively, a war on the ground. There
is no direct reaction to what ac-
tually happened-an air strike
from carriers at sea. There is
no reaction to this because China
does not have the air force or
the navy capable of reacting.
BUT WE must not assume from
this that the Red Chinese re-
gard themselves as incapable of
fighting back. We must assume,
on the contrary, that the Chi-
nese military leaders who have to
be taken seriously, are consider-,
ing how they can use the military
instrument which they possess--
land power-to answer the United

War had to be fought on the
ground until it was settled by
It is plain that time is running
out for the policy which the
President workedwhen he in-
herited the Vietnamese nomnit-
ment. The policy was not to go
north, as we have now done, cnd
not to withdraw, but to stand
pat and hope that our adversaries
would grow tired of the war. It
was a policy to postpone and
avoid the necessity of making a
decision-of choosing between
widening the war and confront-
ing China on the one hand, and
on the other hand reviving the
negotiations which were never
completed after the Frencn defeat
in 1954.
THE CHOICE is a horrid one.
A ware with China would be
an incalculable risk. In a nego-
tiated settlement, which would
be followed by our withdrawal
from the mainland, Southeast
Asia might slip within the Chi-
nese sphere of influence unless
the Soviet Union, Japan, India
and the United States were able
to exert a countervailing infui-
The policy of avoiding a de-
cision had a popular consensus
behind it, and it was useful in
that it insulated the election from
becoming a harum-scarum brawl
about Viet Nam. But desirable as
the politics of consensus is for
dealing with great domestic is-
sues-such as civil rights, labor

Truman who let himself be per-
suaded by Gen. Douglas Mac-
Arthur that the Chinese would
not be able to fight if we widened
the war to their frontier on the
Yalu river.
THE MILITARY policy of hold-
ing on in South Viet Nam, sup-
plemented with retaliatory strikes,
needs to be accompanied by a
full-scale peace offensive. The
United States ought not to be
afraid to say, and should not
hesitate to say, that it is seek-
ing a negotiated settlement in
Southeast Asia. The peace of-
fensive should be an appeal to
the Russians, the Japanese, the
Indians, the British, the French
and the Chinese to bring diplo-
macy to bear upon the warlike
condition in East Asia.
The administration has always
shrunk from talking about a ne-
gotiated peace because it has
feared that it would demoral-
ize what is left of the fighting
spirit in South Viet Nam. It has
also been afraid of being criti-
cized here at home.
But, as a matter of fact, the
only rational objective of the
policy we are following is to in-
duce North Viet Nam and its
Chinese mentor to look to a ne-
gotiated settlement. Nobody in
his right mind can imagine that
this kind of war can be "wo,
that is to say ended by the un-
conditional surrender of the Com-
The administration has been






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