PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, 13 FEBRUAR"f' ' THE MICHIGAN DAIIN SATIIRflAY 12 FFURTTAUV 1Oii~ ,.3IL %a A. y/n 1 , ;u 1. ;u At. IL, C1 i i le7aJ MEDICAL SCHOOL LECTURE: Lehninger Poses Cell Theory Across Campus CHAIRED BY KATZ: Appoint Advisory Group on Computers By JOHN WEILER Mitochondria, the powerplants present in every animal cell, may actually have arisen from bacteria, Dr. Albert E. Lehninger, chair- man of the department of biolog- ical chemistry at Johns Hopkins University Medical School, told an overflowing audience in the third floor amphitheatre of the Medical Science Building recently. Dr. Lehninger said that in the past few years, this and many other theories have been proposed as a result of the tremendous re- search in biochemistry. His lec- ture, "The Mitochondria: Struc- ture and Function," was the sec- ond in a series. Mitochondriaa The mitochondria, long thread- like structures, are the cell's "pow- erplants" where reactions occurc which supply the organism with' the energy it needs to function, Dr. Lehninger said. This energy is1 produced as a result of the syn- thesis breaking of energy-richt phosphate bonds. Individual respiratory assemblies occur within the mitochondria which in total comprise a respira- tory chain of which these reac- tions are a part. The number of respiratory as-y semblies varies with the cells in 1500 per mitochondria while in the kidney there may be twice as many. Since it is known that the re- actions take place on the walls of the mitochondria, these cris- tea provide more surface area. Consequently more reactions take place. The number of mitochondria may vary. In sperm cells there are 24 while in egg cells there could be more than one million. Considerations Lehninger emphasized that the three important things to con- sider with the mitochondria are' :chemical changes where phosphate bonds are synthesized in the res- which they reside. In the muscles piratory cycle, volume changes, F T et which n theyr ignthfemuscesy where the mitochondria period- ? e which control the high frequency ically swell and contact due to - himself, there may be as manyi stimuli from enzymes and the os- as 150,000 of these assemblies. 'matic changes which cause the ac- PROF. JOHN V. FIELD Structure ive movement of paicles ito Prof. John V. Field of the PThe structure of the mitochon- , and out of this organelle. journalism department has been For A p a h tutr fte.iohn He said the respiratoryhrb'hooebyteFueJunass A p eal dria accommodates these assem- blis asor a h honored by the Future Journalists bns s as observed may either be of America, a national organiza- blies since many cristea are ,res- embedded within the walls of the tion of high school and college ent. The number of cristea, or mitochondria or they may lie on jorait.Fel.a wre Procedures for hearing Trigon's invaginations of the mitochondria top yet attached to the membrane journalists. Field was awarded a appeal to Fraternity Presidents membrane, vary according to the walls. gHallmark Citation" by the or- Assembly will be outlined at the structure in which the cell itself The wall, itself, is composed of servicaion for his "outstadong next meeting of the FPA, Richard resides. In the liver there are only two membranes which regulates service and devotion to young Hoppe, '66, president of the Inter- -the flow ofraions in to and out ofpol neetdi coatc fraternsy0Council, said yesterday. thetochid publications." He serves as direc- Trigon's intention to appeal the thHCeAddsitoia tor of the Michigan Interscholas- 'Atic Press Association. IFC executive committee decision found that DNA. previously, vas announced by outgoing IFC I 1 "m"," R a 1 thought only to exist in the nu- He was recently appointed as House, featuring halftime Winter (Continued from Page 1) Weekend skits. 2:30 and 8:30 p.m. - The Pro- In October 1959 the Ford Foun- fessional Theatre Program will dation made a grant of $900,000 present "An Evening's Frost," new for a program designed to make play project, in the Mendelssohn computer education and use an Theatre. integral part of the undergraduate 4:30 and 7 p.m.-Marilyn Ma- engineering curricula. Its goals son, professor in the music school, were: will present an organ recital in -"A faculty trained in the use Organ Studio 2110 in the music of computers to the degree that school. Courtesy tickets required, a majority of them can teach 7 and 9 p.m.-Cinema Guild will courses requiring computer solu- present "The Kid," starring Char- tions to problems; lie Chaplin and Jackie Coogan, in -"Sufficient computing equip- the Architecture Aud. ment to permit students to solve 8:30 a.m. -'The Peace Corps a reasonable number of classroom Placement Test will be given in and laboratory problems on digital the Civil Service Rm. of the down- and analog computers; town station of the U.S. Post Of- -"Engineering curricula which fice at 220 N. Main. include a means for introducing 8:30 p.m.-The 5th Fifth of students to machine computations Winter Weekend, featuring booths followed by a sequence of problem and a dance with the "New Colony courses which employ computers Six" band, will take place in the on one or two problems per semes- IM Bldg. on East Hoover. ter." 9:00 p.m.-Winter Weekend will Project Results present "A Night in Valhalla," at As a result of the Ford-sponsor- Wines Field, featuring a firelight ed project 220 faculty members fashion show, sleigh rides, bon- from the University and other fire, and ice skating. engineering schools participated SUNDAY, FEB. 14 in computer training programs; 2:30 and 8:30 p.m.-The Pro- introductory computer courses fessional Theater Program will were established; and various present "An Evening's Frost," texts, reports and papers on the new play project, in the Mendel- problems ofecomputer education ssohn Theatre. were published. 7 and 9 p.m. - Cinema Guild At the other end of the spec- will present "The Kid," starring trum from introductory, under- Charlie Chaplin and Jackie Coo- graduate courses is the advanced gan. in the Architecture Aud. research at the University on com- 8:30 p.m. - The University's I puter design and utilization: Com- President Lawrence Lossing, '66,1 at the FPA meeting held Thurs- day. Trigon was found guilty of violating IFC bylaw Article X, Sec- tion I which states: "It shall be the policy of the Interfraternity Council that mem- ber fraternities shall not discrim- inate in the selection of members rn the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin or ances- try." The executive committee found religious discrimination in Tri- gon's constitution and secret rit- uals and directed Trigon to make the necessary changes in them by September 1, 1965. If the changes have not been made by the given date, a rec- ommendation will be made to the FPA from the IFC executive com- mittee to revoke IFC recognition. After September 1, and until recognition is revoked, Trigon would retain representation in the FPA, but would lose rush priv- ileges, participation in intramur- al sports, positions on IFC and eligibility for IFC awards and scholarships. IFC has first option in han- dling cases involving fraternities, in accordance with an agreement with the Student Government Council. Trigon has the right to appeal the case to SGC if the FPA affirms the executive com- mittee's decision, and SGC can begin its own action under its anti-discrimination bylaws if the decision is reversed. FPA will hear the appear early in March, Hoppe said. U' Student Found Dead A University graduate student wvas found dead in his apartment early yesterday morning. The body of Dale R. Burner, 22, of 1107 S. State St., a native of Tucson, Ariz., was examined by Dr. R. Craig Barlow, a deputy medical examiner. Police said death was a suicide. ORGANIZATION NOTICES' Use of This Column for Announce- ments is available to officially recog- nized and registered student organiza- tions only. Forms are available in Room 1011 SAB. Alpha Phi Omega, Executive meet- ing, Feb. 14. 2 p.m., Room 3524 SAB. Graduate Outing Club, Hiking and/or ice skating, Feb. 14, 2 pm, Rackham, Huron St entrance Lutheran Student Chapel (National Lutheran Council), Worship services Sun, Feb., 14, 9:30 and 11 a.m. (Holy Communion at 11): Sunday evening program, 7 p.m., "The Church's Pro- phetic Role in Education." with Philip Wargelin, principal of Northern High School in Pontiac, Lutheran Student Chapel, Hill St. and S. Forest Ave. Student Zionist Organization of Hillel and the Israeli Students Association (co-sponsors), "A Party Israeli," fea- turing the Nagila Dancers (profession- al group), Israeli skits, food and danc- ing, Sat., Feb. 20, 8:30 p.m., Hillel, 1429 Hill St. Read and Use Daily Classifieds Last Monday Assembly House Council voted to appropriate $500 for the Writer-in-Residence Pro- gram to bring Louis E. Lomax to the University in early March. This brings a total of $2500, donated to the program. In addi- tion to AHC's appropriation, the League gave $1000, Panhellenic' Association gave $200, Student1 Government Council's contribu- tion was $500, and the Office of Religious Affairs donated $300.- Mrs. Elizabeth Sumner, pro-I gram assistant to the Office of Religious Affairs, said yesterday' that $4000 is needed. "The amount which we now have will pay Mr. Lomax's hon- orarium, and the additional $1500 is necessary to cover expenses,, such as room, board, transporta-I tion, advertising, etc.," Mrs. Sum-t ner said.1 cleus of the cell, and known to ranArllnla d rrnlrt~i is al chairman of a new committee of come feasible, and desirable. These are among the most difficult to implement, with constantly chang- ing requirements and problems; but they are among the most ant- portant, and must be encouraged to flourish." Sophisticated Such a program soon becomes -very complex, using a large amount of data and very sophis- ticated methods of data analysis. "In order to improve the sophis- tication with which such a pro- gram answers questions, deeper problems of syntactic and seman- tic analysis must be solved. Thus, such an endpa:or merges into the general problem of language manipulation and, indeed, of sim- ulation and modeling." Most people who have worked with computers agree that their PROF. DONALD KATZ present role in society, not to mention the one being projected. more complex the problems un- is of very great importance. The dertaken can be. report states, "An educated per- Michigan MAD son, if not today, within the next At the University the "MAD" few years, must have knowledge language has been developed. of information processing, an ap- MAD stands for Michigan Algor- preciation for the part which it ithm Decoder, an algorithm being plays in our technology and so- a computable, terminating se- ciety. The industrial revolution quence of explicit instructions. provided machines to amplify the MAD language contains elements work man could do with his of the English language, the "Ian- hands; the information processing guage" of arithmetic and Boolean revolution provides the machines algebra as well as some arbitrary to amplify the work of his mind. symbols. "This means that those educa- With the rapid advances in tional units which do not accept computer technology, languages this premise readily must be en- are constantly undergoing devel- opment and modification. Most couraged to take advantage of languages in use for human pro- possible uses of information and gramming also require a system procedures being developed for for translation to machine lan- their particular discipline." guage. Many researchers do re- search on these problems (as op- posed to research done with the M rs.KiT1 aid of computers). Their work in- cludes research on input-output devices for man machine inter ve ress action; research on adaptive sys- tems analysis, design and synthe- The Women's League Council sis and on the process of adaptive announced recently that Mrs. response selection: research in Martin Luther King, Jr. will speak information storage and retrieval at the 75th anniversary celebra- systems; and research on informa- tion of the League. tion processing in the nervous Mrs. King will give the key- system. note address at the banquet Fri- Real Time On-Line day evening, Feb. 19. Her topic is All of these studies require im- "The University Woman and Civil plementation of a computer sys- Rights." tem with large real time on-line - capabilities. Unfortunately this { conflicts to some degree with the needs of numeric information processing problems. This is be- cause such programs use alrge masses of data and require im- 4TH WEEK mediate accessibility to the com- puter, large, high-speed memory capacities and the ability to I handle a large variety, of user requirements. Nevertheless, the ad hoc com- mittee report states, "As we de- velop greater understanding and better computers, new uses of this general sort will constantly be- mo , :;: :?:">:s{ ;iE+4:;},::!S : .i"i .:..."..: ".. ~d"n.. rrrv..".. :.: . a . ...". .:::.:.: ": ": DAII ............ ......t ... . ..M................:::........ V.4515"::.}..;:..A..1.. .. LY.OFFICIAL BULLET.IN .4.. ... .....:..........,..M4^ t::: "1 .51.:4 :.}. ..l .... . ..V........... ... ........,... ...... .. ........... . ...... ... ......M h ...5}... ::. . . ..... - v"i ? :ti:'i""::j::? "{:::}S{i: "'o?:,::";::a'i::v>:vi%:ri :?: ;r7ti;:::.:;:ti;:-:ti" "aj S; :ti';'.":::"' ::;r;r i{::"e:":>>+ t?:-' ..a......:;5:...:.....::.p.:a ..,"...;.ti .::,.::. ,....?tiff.,:, : e:: s,::$: aer :+ '. .a".., . o......., ................... . The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan, fob which The Michigan Daily 'assumes no editor- ial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3654 Administration Bldg. be- fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and Sunday. General Notices may be published a maxi- mum of two times on request; Day Calendar items appear once only. (interest on the endowment fund) is available to undergraduate single wom- en who are wholly or partially, self- supporting and who do not live in University residence halls or sorority houses. Girls with better than aver- age scholarship and need will be considered. The Laurel Harper Seeley Scholarship3 is open to both graduate and under- graduate women. The award is made on basis of scholarship, contribution to University life and financial need, Language Exam for Master's Degree in History: Fri., Feb. 19, 4-5 p.m. inj Room 429 Mason Hall. Dictionaries may be used. Sign the list posted in the History Office, 3601 Haven Hall. Commencement Exercises: Will be held on May 1. 1965, in the Stadium at 10:30 in the morning. Details will be announced later. Placemeiti pointments, 3200 SAB. SUMMER PLACEMENT SERVICE: 212 SAB- The following camps will interview Tues.. Feb. 16 at 212 SAB: Camp Nebagamon, Wis.-Boys. Coun- selors in camperaft, waterfront, trip- ping, crafts, sailing, etc. Hours 1-5 p.m. Camp Tamarack, Mich. - Coed. All types of counselor positions. & ME. Prof.: Applied Mech. MS-PhD: Physics, Psych. & Applied Math. BS:1 E Math, E Physics & Sci. Engrg. R. & D. FEB. 18-19- United Aircraft Corp., Hamilton Standard Div., Windsor Locks & Broad &Brook. Conn. - (Electronics) - BS-I MS: AE & Astro., EE, EM, IE, Mat'ls., ME. Met. Prof.: Applied Mech. BS: In- strum. BS: E Physics & Sc. Engrg. R. & D., Des.. Prod. & Sales. U.S. Navy, Bureau Ships Hdqrts., Wash., D.C. - BS-MS: EE, ME & NA & Student organization notices are not the stipend is variable. TEACHER PLACEMENT: Marine. Men & women. Dev. & Des. accepted for publication. POSITION OPENINGS: Pontiac, Mich.-Has vacancies to be U.S. Naval Ordnance Test Station, The Lucy E,. Elliott Fellowship is Local Research Organization-Ass't. filled immediately. They are-Kinder- China Lake, Calif.-All Degrees: AE & SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13 open to women graduates f any Tech. Editor, male or female grad with garten, Early Elem., Late Elem., Lib. for Astro., ChE, EE, ME & Physics. MS- ____cceiedcl ge or university. It may ! -e usedbya Univesity oyMichigan exper. in editing or writing on tech. Elem. or J.H., 9th grade Math, J.H. Engl. PhD: Math. Men & women. R. & D~, bay Calendar k uate at any college or univers subjects including physics, math, chem., additional information contact American Oil Co., Midwest, South JJbtagraduate of any other univer- SW.,ngfg.,Dept.-1-Aidgres:th.So S """t' ''' 0'''" Jewish Vocational Service, Cleveland,' the Bureau of Appointments, 3200 SAB, S.W., Mfg. Dept.--Ali Degrees: ChE. BS- I Basketbali-UM vs. Michigan State ywill be required to study on the OhioDirectorsional Servicel.ev hco it ,A764-7462 MS: CE & ME. Men & women. Des. & University: Yost Field House, 2 p.m. Michigan campus. Academic achieve- OhDipref.cor MA plus 30 credits in .Prod. consideredativity and leadership will be psych., vocational counseling, or related ENGINEERING PLACEMENT INTER- American Oil Co. & Amoco Chemi- Swimming-i-M vs. Indiana Univer- sI field. 5 yrs. exper. in agency of school. vIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please cas Corp., Whiting, Ind.-All Degrees: sity: Athletic Bldg., 2:30 p.m. stipend is $l100. State of Michigan - 1. Child Care sign schedule posted at 128-M West ChE & ME. April grads. Men & women. The Alice Crocker Lloyd Fellowship is Worker. Min. 2 yrs. study & current en- Engrg. R. & D. School of Music Faculty Recital - open to women graduates of any ac- rollment leading to soc. sci. degree. FEB. 18- Bendix Mishawaka Div., Mishawaka, Marilyn Mason, organist: Organ Stu- credited college or university. It may Higher rating for BA plus 1 yr. exper. Honeywell, Inc.-All Degrees: EE & ME. Ind.-All Degrees: EE. MS-PhD: ME. dio 2110, School of Music (courtesy be used by a University of Michigan in field. 2. TV coordinator, BA plus 4 MS-PhD: EM & Instrum. PhD: Met., Men & women. R. & D., Des. & Prod. tickets required), 4:30 and 7 p.m. graduate at any college or university yrs. exper. 3. Budget Analyst, BA bus. Mat'ls., Math & Physics. BS: E Physics Bendix Research Labs., Southfield. but a graduate of any other school will or public admin., poli. sc., or rel., 2-3 & Econ. Can consider non-citizens if Mich.-All Degrees: EE, EM & ME. Cinema Guild-Charlie Chaplin and be required to study on the Michi- yrs. govt. exper. Application deadline becoming U.S. citizen in near future. MS-PhD: Physics & Math. PhD: Phys. Jackie Coogan in "The Kid": Architec- 1 gan campus. Academic achievement. March 1. R. & D., Des., Prod. & Sales. Chem. MS: AE & Astro. BS: E Physics. ture Aud., 7 and 9 p.m. ; personality and leadership will be con- Consumers Power Co., Jackson, Mich. Surface Combustion Div., Midland- Men & women R. & D. sidered in granting the award. The -Forester. Recent or May grad, BS Ross, Toledo, Ohio-BS: ChE, CE & ME. Bendix Systems Div., Ann Arbor, Mich stipend is $1,100. Forestry, supv. tree clearing in North- Men & women. R. & D., Des., Field -MS-PhD: AE & Astro., Commun. Sc., G n r l o ieEdection & Sales. EM, Instrum., ME & Physics. Prof.: & n ra '4oies I The Lucy Cooley Houston Scholar- Iern Michigan. Dept. of Linguistics: French and Qer- I ships: Offered by the Alumnae Club of i Kelly Girl Service, Detroit - Mgmt. Cornell Aeronautical Lab., Inc., Buf- Applied Mech. PhD: Mat'ls., & Meteor. $ .man language examinations will be Jackson, are available to students who Trainee, male for immed. opening. Call falo N.Y.-All Degrees: AE & Astro., EE & Ocean. Prof. & PhD: Nuclear. given Mon. and Tues., March 8 and 9. will be enrolled in fall, 1965. Grants on potential customers as part of trng. Students intending to take the exam- are based on scholarship and need Hyster, Detroit-Salesman for mfr, of j ination must notify the Departmental I and vary in amount; they are avail- indus. fork lift trucks. Married man Office of their intention to do so on able to students now enrolled and those I with sales exper. Late 20's. MAT. 2:30 TODAY 3:00 SUNDAY or before Tues., March 2. entering for the first time. Application Hevi-Duty Electric Co., Lake Geneva, TONIGHT 8:30 blanks are available from Mrs. William Wis.-Electrical Engrs., recent grads Applications far General Undergrad. 'Nelson, 1026 S. Thompson, Jackson, for product design. Exper. not req. uate Scholarships will be available at Mich. They must be completed and re- * * * the Scholarship Office, 2011 SAB, be- turned by April 1. Applicants must be For further information, please call ERES-ATE, GA ginning Mon., Jan. 11. Applications from the Jackson area. '764-7460, General Div., Bureau of Ap- must be completed by March 1. Un- __ _ dergraduate students who have com- pleted one or more full semesters withCotm rayiUSCI * an overall average of 3.0 or better International Contemporausc are eligible to compete. Financial aid is a factor in making these awards. * 3 i ,,. IL, k , ,', . i DIXIELAND "The New Wolverine Jass Band" Old Heidelberg TONIGHT JULIE .°r' "J DICK ANDREWS VAN DYKE TECHN{CdOR' Shows at 1:00-3:40-6:30-9:05 Prices This Show Only Eves & Sunday $1.50 Week Day Matinees $1.25 a unique event in motion picture history 2 complete films on the same subject-. A MOST VIVE L EXPERIMENT! EXTRAORDINARY Y-N EXPERIENCE! -YaPo "FASCINATING" & -iradTnians MY NIGHTS / MY DAYS WITH FRANCOISE 1 WITH JEAN-MARC Applications for the Following Schol- arships are available in office of alumnae secretary, Alumni Memorial Hall; they must be returned by Feb. 12, 1965; recipients will be announced at League Recognition Night, March 1, 1965. The Lucile B. Conger Scholarship is offered to in-state, undergraduate wom- en on the basis of academic perform- ance, contribution to University li and financial need; the stipend IF variable. The Margaret L. Waterman Scholar- ship is offered to undergraduate wom- en on the basis of academic perform- ance. contribution to University life, and financial need; the stipend is var- lable. The Luan Peckinpaugh Scholarship is offered to out-of-state undergraduate women who. have suc.essfully completed their freshman year and have a dem- onstrated financial need' the stipend is variable. The Mary Louise Hinsdale Scholar- ship, amounting to approximately $180 vNL~ti-esriVal I i0 1 1 Feb.-Spectacular Theatre Music 12 Feb.-Orchestra 13 Feb.-Electronic Music & Cybersonics 14 Feb.-Lukas Foss Ensemble DIAL 8-6416 AMM SOON "Girl With The Green Eyes" 8:30 P.M. VFW Hall 314 E. Liberty CONTINUOUS TODAY FROM 1 O'CLOCK rrrrrr _________rrrrrr _rrrrrrr I I I I *- I Il I 1 "I 1 I * U I I Another of Chaplin's delightfully comic, richly pathet-* ic stories of the stylish tramp. : Chaplin's delicately removes his fingerless dress gloves : and extravagantly selects a half-smoked butt from a I DIAL 662-6264 Shows Start at 1-3-5-7:05 & 9:15 Weekday Matinee $1.00 Evenings & Sunday $1.25 JAMEt BOND IS BACK RAN mlmllmmmmmm lw T- I A al' - s::::;.':;;:;: