Charting Course of the
the Computer
Vice-President for Research A. Geoffrey Norman announced
yesterday the appointment of a continuing "Committee on Com-
puter Policies." The committee will act in an advisory capacity
to the administration in formulating and implementing policies
for the mushrooming fields of computer technology and computer
use at the University.
Members of the committee are Professors Donald L. Katz
(chairman) of the chemical and metallurgical engineering de-
partment; Stanford C. Ericksen, director of the Center for
Research on Learning and Teaching; Fred T. Haddock, director
of the Radio Astronomy Observatory; John A, Jacquez of the
Medical School and School of Public Health; J. Lawrence Oncley,
director of the Biophysics Research Division of the Institute of
Science and Technology; Gordon E. Peterson, director of the
Communication Science Laboratory; John F. Riordan, head of the
Computation Laboratory of IST;
Norman R. Scott of the electrical engineering department;
Stanley E. Seashore, assistant director of the Institute for Social
Research; William R. Uttal of the psychology department;
Frederick H. Wagman, library director; Franklin H. Westervelt,
director of the mechanical engineering computer center; and
Robert C. F. Bartels, director of the University Computing Center.
Intent of Report
Norman said yesterday that he expects the committee, which
will report to him, to aid in effecting the general intent of the
"Report on Machine Computation at the University." That report
was completed late last year by an ad hoc advisory committee
chaired by Katz.
The report laid great stress on the need . for "enlarging
very substantially the scale of the University's computer-related
activities." It stated, "An enlargement of at least fourfold is
needed within four years to meet the presently known and firm
needs of students and faculty."
It further emphasized that "A major new effort is required
in real-time on-line computing techniques and in adaptive system
techniques-areas in which the University is now seriously deficient
and handicapped."
Time-Shared System
At present, the Computing Center handles all its work by
means of "batch processing," where programs are run through
the IBM 7090 in sequence. The report states that new equipment
should be able to operate as an "efficient time-shared computer
system." This would "make the computer simultaneously available
to many users via multiple consoles." Such consoles could be
installed in many locations on campus-or at Willow Run, Dear-
born or Flint.
"The user, can, with such a system, communicate with almost
the total capacity of the computer efficiently and freely at his
own pace. In addition to improving the users' efficiency in
conventional programming by orders of magnitude, several of the
unconventional uses and new applications of the computer are
made possible with a time-sharing system."
The computer facility that the committee envisioned in the
report would be able to "service a large number of different on-
line processing units, all doing different things at the same time."
This type of operation is known as "real time" computing. The
computer is able to communicate with the user as the program
is being run. This allows efficient "debugging" of programs, the
simulation of commercial processes in the classroom, or the use
of the computer as an automatic tutor which can follow one of
a series of prescribed programs with the student, depending on
the student's progress.
In Project MAC at MIT a single computer can handle 36
typewriters at a time in this way, and a new system is being
deyeloped to use 140 remote consoles simultaneously.
From July 1963 to May 1964 the large IBM 7090 was used
most heavily by the engineering college (accounting for 1272
hours of computer time). The literary college followed with 643,
the Mental Health Research Institute with 99 and the Institute
of Science and Technology with 89.
Other principal users were the business, administration school,
the Communications science Program, the Office of Research
Administration, the public health school, the Medical School and
the education school. In the first semester of 1964-65, 1533.students
in 63 courses were involved in computer activity and 108 students
were working on theses utilizing computer processing.
Early Interest
Much of the student activity in computer usage stems from
an early interest in computer education on the part of the
engineering college faculty. In 1958 an informal committee was
set up in that college to study the problem of integrating com-
puter use into engineering education.
See APPOINT, Page 2
See Editorial Page .
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Variable cloudiness,
with snow flurries
Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
U' Must Train Professors
Lane Asks $300,000
For Flint Expansion
U Thant Calls for
EDITOR'S NOTE: The follow-
ing article is the third in a se-
ries exploring the implications
of a long-range growth report
issued Monday by the executive
committee of the literary col-
The training of college and
university teachers for the in-
creasing number of students
who will be attending such in-
stitutions in the near future is
one of the important services
that the University must pro-
The institution of a profes-
sional program to train teach-
ers under the auspices of the
literary college is one of the
proposals raised in a report on
literary college growth releas-
ed Monday by the executive
committee of the literary col-
.ege and approved in a vote by
the faculty the same night.
Active Role
Such a program would en-
able the University to take an
active role in the emerging
plans for statewide education
by providing the needed fac-
ilty for Michigan's institutions
of higher education, the report
The program described in the
report takes the form of a two-
year Master of Arts in College
Teaching, with a heavier em-
phasis on course content and
on a teaching apprenticeship
than now characterizes most
Ph.D. programs.
The training of college teach-
ers has not usually been label-
led as professional training ei-
ther by the faculty or by
graduate students, but it should
be, the report emphasizes.
"College and university teach-
ing is a profession, and most
members of this profession
qualify for their life work in
graduate programs in one of
our major universities," the re-
port states.
The failure to call college
teaching a profession can be at-
tributed to two major causes.
First is the desire on the part
of the literary college faculty
members to disassociate them-
selves from schools of educa-
tion and professionalism associ-
ated with the preparation and
certification of public school
Second, it is a function of the
common assumption that the
scholarly program leading to a
Ph.D. degree represents ade-
quate preparation for college
Ph.D. Myth
"As long as we perpetuate the
myth that the Ph.D. is the only
criterion for college , teaching,
we will continue to prepare less
adequately than we might,
those who will enter college
teaching with less than a
Ph.D.," Director of the Michi-
gan Scholars in College Teach-
ing Program William W. Jelle-
ma said.
The exact format of the pro-
posed program to be instituted
has not as yet been decided
upon according to Dean Wil-
liam Haber of the literary col-
lege. Even though the report
states that it will be a type of
masters program, Haber said
this too might be changed once
the idea is thoroughly research-
The idea of training students
for college teaching is not new
at the University, Jellema said.
Draw Attention
Along with the University,
five other colleges in the state-
Albion College, Alma College,
Calvin College, Hope College
and Kalamazoo College parti-
cipate in the Michigan Schol-
ars in College Teaching Pro-
gram. The program is aimed
at calling attention to college
teaching while a student is an
undergraduate, Jellema ex-
"The choice of college teach-
ing as a career seems to be a
rather haphazard thing," Jelle-
ma continued. "What is needed
is recognizing qualified students
early in their academic career
and introducing them to the
concept of college teaching as
a profession." This is exactly
what the program is attempt-
ing to do, he emphasized.
"The program has clicked well
at the other five colleges, but
it has not succeeded too well
at the University," Jellema ex-
More Serious
"For, this kind of program to
click at the University, the Uni-
versity has to take teaching ser-
iously," Jellema said.
"If the preferred position at
the University is one that does
not include teaching we cannot
recruit our ablest students to
go into college teaching," he ex-
"At the smaller colleges these
students do see teaching and
the ablest people doing the
teaching at the undergraduate
level," Jellema said.
senior level courses at Flint and
plans to admit a freshman class
of 200 ixi the fall.!
A Senate resolution, commend-
ing Flint phlanthropist Charles S.
Mott for his $2.4 million gift to
the University for construction of
the expanded Flint college, was
amended by the House to exclude
the words "a four year institu-
tion." Legislators apparently felt
the inclusion of this phrase would
amount to an endorsement of the
four-year college, over objections
by Romney and many state edu-
Thursday's Appropriations Com-
mittee was called to give support-
ers of the Flint college program an
opportunity to state their case.
Admit Freshmen
President Harlan Hatcher said
the University will admit a fresh-
man class in the fall, despite the
governor's opposing position.
Flint College Dean David M.
French said the expansion would
necessitate about $237,000 in op-
erating funds and $70,000 for ad-
ditional equipment. The donation
from the Mott Foundation meets
building needs of the new pro-
Leading the fight to change the
wording of the commendation for
Mott's contribution, House Min-
ority Leader Robert Waldron (R-
Grosse Pointe) said the original
wording of the proposal was
"equivalent to a policy decision"
on University expansion.,
This would lead the Legislature
,into conflict with the State Board
of Education which has been
charged with studying state-wide
educational needs and coordinat-
ing state college expansion, Wal-
dron said.
A' vl Ucm cur ua1 u Occ 1 tcitc rr "1
Vital Airfield
From Attack
Five Saboteurs Killed
At Edge of Perimeter
DA NANG, Viet Nam (P)- U.S.
and South Vietnamese forces are
on guard to counter any Com-
munist attempt to blast Da Nang,
the strategic base from which two
major air strikes were launched
this week against North Viet Nam.
Vietnamese airmen and rangers
killed five Viet Cong and captured
10 in a joint operation yesterday
against guerrillas who had dug in
just outside the Da Nang special
sector boundary.
Military sources said intelligence
clearly shows Da Nang is a po-
tential target for Viet Cong mor-
tar crews, such as those which
blasted Bien Hoa Nov. 1 and
Pleiku last Sunday with a high
toll in American lives and air-
craft. But high level statements
exude confidence that the base,
80 miles south of the border, could
stave off attacks by land, sea or
Supersonic U.S. Air Force F102
jet fighters, a U.S. marine battery
of Hawk anti-aircraft missiles,
coupled with a complex radar sys-
tem and hundreds of American
soldiers and marines are preserv-
ing a constant vigil.
Despite the elaborate precau-
tions, some U.S. sources are far
from ready to call the base im-
"The Viet Cong have proved
terrifically resourceful in the
past," one American said. "If they
really want this base and are will-
ing to pay the price, they no doubt
can make it."
The price, in addition to com-
bat losses, clearly could be further
retaliation on North Viet Nam,
which trains, supplies and master-
minds the Viet Cong.
SGC Election Registration Terminates
Conference; Security
University expansion of its Flint branch sparked controversy W
Thursday in the state Legislature. Senate Appropriations Chairman
Garland Lane (D-Flint) said he will request a $300,000 allocation to
enable the University to expand the branch to include -freshmen next
fall and sophomores in 1966. h eeda a
Gov. George Romney's budget message to the Legislature, deliver-
ed Feb. 2, did not include the University's operation request to open
Flint's lower two years. The University presently offers junior and !it .<<,.
Defer Vote on
WCBN Planj
The decision regarding a propos-
ed $44,000 WCBN expansion has
been deferred for one to two weeks
pending consultation between
Vice-President for Business and
Finance Wilbur Pierpont and
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs Richard L. Cutler.
The administrators will exam-
ine all aspects of the plan, which
asks for a $25,000 loan from the
University to help finance the ex-
pansion in the basement of the
Student Activities Building.
Plans for the new station in-
clude 17-man newsroom, produc..
tion control room, master con-
trol room, studio production room,
combo room, record and equipment
rooms, business and reception of-
fices, and executive offices.
Petitioning and registration for
all offices to be filled in the
spring elections, with the excep-
tion of the University delegation
to the United States National Stu-
dents Association, closed yester-
Under the new election rules,
Propose Draft
Policy Change
collegiate Press Service
A resolution proposing that the
draft be replaced by a voluntary
system "if national security can
be fully maintained" will be pre-
sented to Congress by Sen. Gay-
lord Nelson (D-Wis).
Nelson said Defense Department
representatives had confirmed his
conclusion that the draft can be
safely ended as long as the cost
of added incentives for enlistment
is taken into account.
Nelson's resolution will be the
boldest congressional action thus
far in the drive to replace the
students will vote in the all-cam-
pus election for the president and
executive vice-president of Stu-
dent Government Council. Gary
Cunningham, '66, now executive
vice-president of SGC, is running
for president. Nancy Frietag, '65,
now president of the Women's
League, is running for executive
Robert Golden, '67, will oppose
Cunningham in the race for the
presidency and Ellen Buchalter,
'67, will oppose Miss Frietag for
executive vice-president.
Twenty-one students will run
for the nine seats on SGC up
for election. They are Donna' Ad-
ler, '68; John Bookston, '68; Pau-
la Cameron, '67; Stephen Daniels,
'67; Mickey Eisenberg, '67; George
Field, '67; Richard Gentry, '66;
Larry Hauptman, '67, and Neill
Hollenshead, '67.
Also running are Randall Jones,
'68; Russell Linden, '68; Chris-
topher Mansfield, '66; Susan Ness,
'68; Paul Pavlik, '66; Donald Res-
nick, '68; Steven Schwartz, '68;
David Sloan, '67; Myles Stern, '66;
Harvey Wasserman, '67; John
Winder, '66, and Kenneth Zuck-
erman, '68.
Thomas Weinberg, '66, will re-
main on the board for another
Danny Glickman, '66, and Her-
bert Linn, '66, are running for
president of the senior class of
the Literary College. No one
is running for vice-president or
George Clark, '66 Bus. Ad., and
Alan Gelband, '66 Bus. Ad., are
running for president of the sen-
ior class of the School of Busi-
ness Administration. T h o m a s
Sherman, '66 Bus. Ad., and Rob-
ert Sandelman, '66 Bus. Ad., are
running for vice-president. Rich-
ard Berman, '66 Bus. Ad., is run-
ning for secretary-treasurer.
James Tann, '65E, and Louis
LaChance, '66E, are running for
president of the senior class of
the Engineering School. Edward
Carter, '66E, and Stanford Wein-
stein, '66E, are running for vice-
president. Robert Malte, '66E, is
running for secretary-treasurer.
Petitioning for the NSA dele-
gation will be open until Monday
at 5 p.m. in Rm. 1532 SAB. Daily
Editor H. Neil Berkson, '65, Presi-
dent of the University of Michi-
gan Student Employes Union Bar-
Before House opposition arose,
the bill, proposed by Lane, won
unanimous approval in the Sen-
ate as well as in the House Policy
Lane said Thursday's Senate
approval' of the wording change
"means nothing, it was just to go
along with the House."
Aid Grant for
Willow Village
Prof. Charles M. Rehmus of
the political science department
and co-director of the Institute
of Labor and Industrial Relations
at the University, said yesterday,
that, "The real purpose of the
demonstration grant from the Of-
fice of Economic Opportunity to
aid the residents of Willow Vil-
lage has become obscured."
Previously, residents of the vil-
lage had charged that the grant,
recommended by the University
group, was made on the basis of
"misrepresentations" and "falsifi-
cation" of the facts.
Errors of Detail
While admitting that, "Some
errors of detail in describing the
physical elements and population
statistics of the area did occur,"
Rehmus added that, "None of
these errors was fundamental to
the final project application."
The Willow Run Association for
Neighborhood Development (WR-
AND) had initiated self-help plans
long before the OEO program was
conceived and it was WRAND's
request for help to the Institute
of Labor and Industrial Relations
that eventually resulted in OEO's
grant to the community.
Demonstration Area
"Willow Village was accepted by
OEO as a' demonstration area both
because , of its past of general
economic problems, and because
of the present strength. and evi-
dent self-help capacity of the lo-
cal citizens," Rehmus said.
He stressed that the Economic
Opportunity Act and the program
for its implementation "is con-
cerned with finding ways of in-,
creasing opportunity," and "is not
simply another welfare program."
Allowing that Willow Village is
not an area of "dire destitution,",1
Rehmus did deny, however, its
having "stable and permanent
Of Geneva
U.S. Considers Few
Diplomatic Prospects
For Quick Solution
tary-General U Thant called yes-
terday for preliminary peace talks
on Viet Nam-a proposal that has
already found some international
Thant urged talks among the
principle parties to take the dis-
put "away from the field of battle
to the conference table."
Thant's proposal for talks to
prepare the ground for formal
negotiations was contained in an
appeal to all countries involved to
refrain from any new actions
"which may lead to an escalation
of the present conflict."
Grave Threat
In a statement to the press at
U.N. headquarters Thant said he
feared escalation could lead to a
situation which "would obviously
pose the gravest threat to the
peace of the world."
The secretary - general recalled
that he told a news conference in.
Paris last July that he did not
believe a solution could be reached
by military methods, and that the
only way to peace was through
political and diplomatic negotia-
He said at the time this would
mean a. renewal of the 1954
Geneva conference at which
French Indochina was split into
Viet Nam, Cambodia and Laos.
Security Council
He said he was aware of his
authority under the U.N. charter
to call a Security Council meeting
on Viet Nam, but that he was
aware also that there were many
difficulties in the way of attempt-
ing a U.N.,solution because some
of the principal parties concerned
were not represented at the
United Nations.
This was a reference to both
North Viet Nam and Communist
China, which in addition to being
outside the U.N. membership have
rejected any U.N. role in seeking
a solution.
Both French President Charles
de Gaulle and Indian Premier Lal
Bahadur Shastri have called for
a return to the Geneva conference
table. Just before issuing his state-
ment to the press Thant conferred
for a second time in two days on
the Vietnamese problem with
French ambassador Roger Sey-
doux, February president of the
Security Council.
U.S. View
Meanwhile, with p r e s s u r e
mounting, U.S. sources said they
see no immediate prospects for a
diplomatic solution.
The appeal by Thant drew no
comment from the White House or
the State Department.
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