1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILY V% " Pi IM illy r - 1...,,..s:..uI < ...rA..VaPAs RE N*INE~ 9 SIP: Can It Mold One Role from lanyFunct ions? (Continued from Page 1) fall semester starts and the Uni- versity unexpectedly finds a few classes teacherless because of last-minute faculty resignations, someone from Willow Run can temporarily fill the void. Further relations to the educa- tion function are a little harder to pin down. Presumably the pres- ence of IST-administered facilities enables the University to maintain 1 what has been term a "critical mass" of talent. Scientific Interaction A large enough body of scien- tists working together will, by their interactions, reinforce and stimulate e a c h other's work, whereas one man working alone at a small university would have no one to discuss his work with or to consult for fresh viewpoints and ideas. Such a "critical mass" neces- sarily spills over into more cam- pus-oriented functions through (many faculty do work both at Willow Run and on campus) and through general interest in the work done at the IST labs. These stimulated interests in both faculty and students pre- sumably affect the quality of teaching done at all levels both directly and through the creation of a "good" University environ- ment. Willow Run's role in thet educa- tional process does come in for frequent criticism. It is charged that faculty participation in Wil- low Run research is discouraged and that little money is available for graduate students to do re- search in connection with thesis work. Willow Run's isolation from the campus and the elabor- ate secrecy procedures that pre- vail there make these charges dif- ficult to either prove or disprove. [ST As A Stimulant To The State's Economy.. . The Institute's role in the state economy was given heavy empha- sis for the first time in IST's No- vember 1960 progress report to the Governor. The report pointed out the concentration of science- oriented industries on the east and west coasts and concluded that "the state of Michigan has been playing a more limited role in this era of innovation and growth than is consistent with its past accomplishments and its basic resources. "The basic concept of the Insti- tute is that of a center of science and technology having a unique and powerful capability for pro- viding impetus to the develop- ment of the research climate and scientific community of the State of Michigan. It has been amply demonstrated that industry based on advances in technology grows and flourishes in an atmosphere of scientific education and. re- search'." Industrial Development In order to carry out this pro- gram, IST's Industrial Develop- ment Division was formed. An at- tempt is made there to break down the "ivory tower" and make the University and specifically the Institute more directly meaning- ful to the state, particularly the state economy. This division is run entirely with state funds. Considering the type of work mainly done by IST-nationally- oriented scietific research-IDD's job is not an enviable one. But as far as Prof. Hansford W. Far- ris, associate director of IST for this division, is concerned, the re- lation between the University's research and the state's economy and industries is one that deserves considerable attention. In September, 1961, J. A. Boyd, director of the Institute at that time, asserted that "a University research program which includes Biophysics Lab and the Great Lakes Research Division became a part of the Institute-both of these being engaged predominant- ly in research. The big step was taken later in 1960, however, when the Willow Run Laboratories, which were do- ing research at an $8 million per year level, were merged with IST Since this work was much greater in dollar magnitude than in the rest of IST the research orienta- tion that developed in the Insti- tute is quite understandable. Since Willow Run research does account for so much of IST's ef- forts, it is important to under- f f , structuring and the fairly large factors, in determining the im- amount of non-military applica- portance of the Institute's (and tion and research that has result- hence the University's) scientific ed from the defense department- output. sponsored studies. Whether this "spin-off" of non- military research from Willow Run is sufficient to justify the continuation of these labs as part of the University is a question that can be argued on both sides. However, it is on the relative im- portance of this spin-off into other areas of University concern that the question must ultimate- ly hinge. Another factor that must alsu be taken into account in an over- all appraisal of IST research is the "contribution to knowledge' generated within the Institute labs. While some may argue that the University's only real business is teaching, the fact is that most of the faculty do research, and the rationale for promoting this is that new knowledge is a worthy end in itself. Arguments Researchers at IST are con- stantly acquiring new informa- tion. The work may be inspired from a practical and immediate expectation of usefulness, as with Great Lakes Research, or it may move into uncharted areas for which any results are difficult to predict, such as in biophysics. But even in the case of Great Lakes research, a considerable amount of "basic" research is done. While laboratories such as En- gineering Psychology may have been set up with pretty clear-cut goals in mind, the millions of dol- lars worth of work in infrared and radar has come to have signifi- cance in a large number of prac- tical and theoretical fields. New Techniques Other important techniques in the field of data handling, storage and processing have emerged from Willow Run work. The three scientific information centers . . IST OPERATES eight aircraft for use in testing equipment and gathering data on field trips around the world. The craft are housed and fitted out in this hangar at Willow Run Airport. an Institute committed to support industry through a program of research can be a tremendous force in stimulating and support- ing a creative industrial commun- ity." Creative Industry This "creative industrial com- munity" that he envisioned pre- sumably isnto be modeled after the New England electronics in- dustry and the California aero- space industry. Signs of such a, boom either in Ann Arbor or the state have thus far failed to ma- terialize. Few administratorseare expecting such a burst of develop- ment any time soon. This is not to say that IDD's efforts have been in vain. The idea of the University-state econ- omy relationships has had to be rethought, and outstanding re- sults have subsequently taken place. The division's analysis of, and subsequent program for, the machine tool industry is the most notable example. [ST As A Research Institution., Research has always b e e n prominent in IST thinking. Even. in the initial proposal, the word "education" was almost always followed by the words "and re- search." A research orientation began to evolve during the first1 year of IST's existence when the stand the nature of this research and the type of studies that it deals with. Defense Work Most of the Willow Run work is done for the defense department on a cost-reismbursement con- tract basis. Theoretically, research done by contract is directed to- ward solving specifically defined problems for the contractor, giv- ing the researcher much less free- dom in his work. Actually this distinction is becoming increasing- ly hazy, or at least more subtle, as the University-federal govern- ment relationship continues to evolve. In the Willow Run defense de- partment-supported research, the areas of interest of the sponsoring agencies are broad enough that problems of researchers becoming too narrow or tied down have not developed. Most of the work in- volves wide-ranging study of basic scientific problems. While the broad goal is still application of these findings to new military- oriented techniques, the findings, and in many cases the techniques, that make use of them, are valu- able for non-military purposes. Fluid Structure The basic nature of the work and the relative freedom of the scientist to explore promising areas within the broad spectrum of Willow Run activity are evi- denced by the fluidity of the lab [ST As An Administrative Device The Institute has an impressive range of accomplishments to its credit in this role. It will be seen by now that there are substantial interrelationships within the labs and divisions of the Institute and between them and other depart- ments and divisions of the Uni- versity. Such relationships have been strengthened and increased by the imposition of IST organiza- tion, which is oriented toward North Campus and closely tied to the University's central adminis- tration. This structure has consciously attempted to integrate the work and functions of the many divis- ions brought together with each other and with the rest of the University. There have, of course, been substantial problems in such a move. Tying together the, many and varied parts of IST into this co- herent mosaic has been one of the major tasks of the Institute's ad- ministration. The result has been a combination of functions and objectives that exists at no other university. Hybrid Administration In the cases of the Industrial Development Division, G r e a t Lakes Research Division and the new Biophysics and Electro-Opti- cal Sciences Laboratories, the re- lationship with this hybrid ad- ministration is important in a variety of ways: -Wilson, IST's director, reports to the vice-president for research. This establishes a high-level link to the rest of the University and prevents the relatively small labs from floating off into their own Never-Never Land of over-special- ized research. -Financial support and co- ordination are provided when needed. -Formal administration, saving the lab directors from getting lost in administrative details, is pro- vided. This direct administrative con- trol and responsibility enables closer supervision of specific re- search and education roles that the labs or division should carry out. Dissociation It is common practice at univer- sities around the country for the large research laboratories to dis- sociate themselves from the uni- versity sponsorships under which fthey grew up. Examples are the multi-million dollar operations of the Argonne National Laboratory, which is run by, but not really as a part of, the University of Chi- cago; the Lawrence Radiation Lab affiliated with the University of California and the Lincoln Labs in Cambridge, Mass. Apparently, the merger of the Willow Run Labs with IST was an attempt to counter this trend. Rather than separate the labs from the University, the goal is to find a valuable role within the University's overall teaching and research function. Success is as yet hard to evalu- ate. The movement of some Wil- low Run research to North Cam- pus is a hopeful sign, since the very fact of physical proximity to the University increases the possibil- ities of interrelationships with other parts of it. The Future Of The Organization,. There are, then, four important facets of the1ST operation: edu- cational importance, the Insti- tut.s relation to the state and the stateeconomy, its research func- tion,.;and dynamic effects the IST adniinistrative organization has had. 'hat importance these relative emphases will assume in the fu- ture is impossible to assess, since such trends are the result of con- tinual evolution of goals in the minds of those responsible for guidiiig and administering IST. One thing only seems clear-IST is a large and significant exper- iment in University organization. The paths ahead are yet unchart- ed but hold great promise for the overall development of the Uni- versity. THIS IS A METEOROLOGICAL tower maintained in the Great Lakes by IST's Great Lakes Re- search Division. It is being used for calibrating instruments on the division's ship "Inland Seas," in the background. This ship, one of four used In the Great Lakes research, is outfitted with three laboratories, i i MAINLY DEFENSE RESEARCH: Willow Run Budget Nears $8 Million (Continued from Page 8) communicate with and navigate future supersonic aircraft as they fly between the United States and Europe. As Llewellynmsays, "Beautiful, workable systems can be devel- oped, but the humans who operate them won't conform to the re- quired procedures." Possibly the pilot should not have any in-flight control of the navigations of his aircraft, he says. Acoustics and Seismics investi- gates the characteristics of earth tremors with a view to distinguish- ing the location and identity of their source. This work is closely tied in with the need for methods of detecting underground nuclear explosions. Like electromagnetic waves such as radio and light, acoustic and seismic waves trav- elling through land, sea, and air have their own spectrum which can be analyzed in great detail. Seismic Center Data analysis techniques devel- oped at other Willow Run labs play an important role in this work. Closely associated with this research is the VELA Seismic In- formation Analysis Center, which collects, analyzes, and dissemi- nates information throughout the country concerning all research and development activities relat- ed to the detection of nuclear explosions. The Computer Lab acts largely, but not entirely, to provide digitall computer services to the otherI labs. Data analysis techniques are; highly important in Willow Run's Iscientific research. The Willow Run computer may be used by it- self, but is more generally used to prepare information for the Cen- tral Campus computer and to in- terpret its output. Analog Computer provides a computation and simulation serv- ice for the other labs. It can be used to stimulate the operation of aircraft navigations, vehicle sus- pension or other types of dynam- ic systems. Frequently it can be employed to eliminate the need for reducing these systems to mathematical formulas that a dig- ital computer needs to work with. Not All Applied Much of the Willow Run work involves developing and integrat- ing basic knowledge into workable systems which themselves serve to further define and provide an ori- entation for this knowledge. As soon as the work passes this research stage, when a system's concepts are developed and ready to be designed into working, mass- producible instruments and ma- chinery, the findings are handed over to an industry or government sponsor for their use. Where this point comes can vary, depending on the inclinations of the re- searcher and the sponsoring agency. In Hawaii An extension of the Willow Run work is now going on atop Mount l Haleakala on Maui, a Hawaiian Island. The defense department has appropriated $4.4 million for the Institute to build a large in-I frared observatory there. Studies there for tracking ballistic missiles and orbiting satellites and for re- search in applying infrared tech- niques to work in geophysics and astrophysics are currently beingE planned. This is a general picture of the work at Willow Run. Some idea of its size and complexity may be deduced from a look at the air fleet operated to test equipment and instrument systems developed in the labs. Seven planes on loan from the Armed Forces are used to aid the researchers. They have carried the maize and blue em- blem of the Universitythroughout the world many times in testing research equipment. For example, investigators found that infrared techniques enabled them to spot concealed crevices in the Arctic icecap, considerably aiding ground operations. PROF. James T. Wilson was made director of IST last year, after serving as acting director for several years. there are useful examples of pos- sible systems for handling the great accumulations of scientific knowledge. The analog computer methods worked out for equip-1 ment design and infrared and i'a- dar information analysis are also examples of potentially valuable techniques. The pioneering work done on lasers and masers has had consid- erable impact in other areas of re- search within the. University and outside it. An example of how such work can overlap into many other fields is the recent confer- ence conducted by the Infrared Physics Lab on "Remote Sensing of the Environment." Symposium This three-day symposium at- tracted scientists from all over the country as well as widespread interest from many groups within the University. Material that was presented dealt with new sensing techniques and applications for them which stem from and can contribute to scientific studies in a broad range of fields. These are all examples of work done within the Institute that have made significant contribu- tions to the University's knowl- edge output. At any rate, the "critical mass of talent" concept, as it has been fostered by IST, is an important one, and it has probably played a key role, along with many other THIS IS THE WILLOW RUN CENTER of the Institute of Science and Technology. Located at the eastern end of Willow Run Airport, which was purchased by the University after World War II for one dollar, the Center houses most of the defense research labs of IST. Special Summer Workshop for Actors i,' CHOREOLOGIA on excitingly creative new artform which heightens on actor's performance by synchronizing stylized movement with speech originated by Sara Lee Stadelman Director, Performing Arts Workshop four weeks' instruction in acting, directing-choreography-traditional and IN THlE MIDIST OF PLENTY A Symposium on American Poverty Apresentation of eight speakers on various aspects of poverty On the stage during each speech will be a "reactor panel" of three professors and professional social workers. At 10:00 the day following each speech this panel will conduct a student-faculty seminar. Students mnay sign up for participation in seminars 'Decorator in the Fishbowl and Union Student Offices I W eJ ner axv throug h Friday. gmIx., i