PAGE-TWO~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, 12 FEBRUARY 1965 Lossing Recommends Citizens Ask Officio Withdrawal To Expand 'Flint (enta ,s.7nv, . y :{,.. ,7'.i,.'{{: r"" sr" i 'i r;' < w+, :,"r,..:., ,.... .:?. ;: "i.".,. .::r"^'"'f. fii ::. :vp;.}}}:t":.:.:w:.:7,. : : .7 :{ .,;{;":-. k:.:^".'..: w : ' , ,' ,;' .4 . "*.' .";. ti{+. ,fi. +: ; .'::'::+. ' titil >:s::\n:. >ti":g' ".. M.Sax"::. 1'.{?.: ': .,^.'ti:. ":;"iv::; - b:".....v...7... vbMF.. "............i .............' '.{v7:".,...................v. h..:..... {ii ....: i: {<": :< :":"::":i<"..v....:K..:":..t{..r.".:.... ., ::..::::::.: ::. .. '0S "?:: v::'r.*,+. t'41. iv'^ it }:h .'.+. M'~ '"" : :'?+:: -:' ''y..;{." ' ::3' ;'ti,.: .:v.44+ ':;.:.' }"4E: .4+:._,...?. :44 4 :,.: '. _. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 1) Whatever. changes in SGC do oc- cur should be brought about after a careful period' of study, not as the result of action forced by the negative move of withdrawing." -He explained that several stud- 'cs, including one by his office, will probe the whole question of student-administration relation- ships and SGC specifically. But if the ex-officios decide to withdraw in the meantime, with- out Council or Regental permis- sion, they could cripple SGC, Cut- ler pointed- out. Such a move is not cxpected. Hasty Action' Student Government Council President bouglas Brook, '65, backed up Cutler's appeal that the ex officios refrain from has- ty action, particularly before the SQC election March 1. brook was also critical of the ex-officios ..for making "a lot of noise now after not having made any on SGC during the year." This was a reference to the lim- ited amount of legislation which ex-offieios sponsored. Various ex-officios countered Brook by reiterating Lossing's theme that the Wednesday eve- bings spent at SGC meetings were wasted in view of their organiza- tional responsibilities. It was not- ed that this proposal', has been cir- culating for a long time but that Brook had urged the issue be put off until after the election. Explaining the ex-officio senti- ment, outgoing Assembly Associa- tion President Maxihnetoomis, '65, said "we would like to see the ex- officios replaced by eight working iembers. We have a special in- sight into the campus but not enough time to execute the legis- lative functions of a Council meru-P ber." Others Critical Other ex-officios, including Un- [on President Kent Cartwright, '65, and Panhellenic Association Presi- dent Ann Wickins, '65, voiced cri- ticism of the institution. "SGC is the most parasitic or- iis 0 0h o&1 T me IS LY TIME I L Eniatjnn on mnarnnm And t. ha, 1 l U/U/ N U.. ..A EU/ i { f E1 1 jI 4 .,1. ua u1a atus o, anL nao no right to thrive off of other or- ganizations," Cartwright said. He (Continued from Page 1) has been critical of Council's at- the Univers-ty established a tempt to bring the Union, which wunohenirsranchalintein hcontends is not a student orga jno--no branch at Flint in h response to a request from the nization, under greater SGC con- Flint Board of Education. In 1964, trol. the Regents approved another re- Although declining to discuss quest from the Flint Board of advisability of ex-officio with- Education to further expand the drawal, Daily Editor H. Neil Berk- i branch there to a complete four- son, '65, praised Lossing's call for, year institution. The Daily Official Bulletin Is an olficial publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan, for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editor- ial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3654 Administration Bldg. be- fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and Sunday. General Notices may be published a maxi- mum of two times on request; Day Calendar items appear once only. Student organization notices are not accepted for publication. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12 The Lucy E. Elliott Fellowship is to reconsider your proposed appropria- open to women graduates of any tion to The University of Michigan. We accredited colige or university. It may I feel that this amount is inadequate to1 be used by a University of Michigan maintain the operation of this Univer- graduate at any college or university, sity at its present level of excellence, but a graduate of any other univer- to say nothing of providing for expan-' sity will be required to study on the sions and needed facilities. Michigan campus, Academic achieve- We also feel that you err in appro- ment, creativity and leadership will be priating on the basis of a "head; considered in granting the award. The count." bevause the absolute number of I stipend is $1,100. students a university has is not nec- The Alice Crocker Lloyd Fellowship i. essarily correlated with the cost of open to women graduates of any ac- operating the university. We support credited college or university. It may the statements made by President be used by a University of Michigan Hatcher and other University officials graduate at any college or university concerning this matter and we will but a graduate of any other school will support their actions to secure a rea- be required to study on the Michi- sonable appropriation commensurate T loos iC n oor - Expansion plans have been gan campus. Academic achievement, with their proposed plans and the cost^ zations. sharply attacked since then ,both D ay C len da I personality and leadership will be con- of operating this University. "I think the heads of the ma- in o sidered in granting the award. The Sincerely yours, "Itiktehaso h a yintutr tFitsjno o- Bureau of Industrial Relations Per- stipend is $1,100. SGC Members jor student organizations should lege and by administrators of oth- sonnel Techniques Seminar-George S. The Lucy Cooley Houston Scholar- Approved: That SGC appropriate an Communicate on some informal er junior and state-supported col- Odiorne, Graduate School af Business ships: Offered by the Alumnae Club of additional $75 to the budget of the in-r basis and would support Lossing's leges. In addition, the Michigan Administration, "Human Problems in Jackson, are available to students who ternational coordinator. idea as long as such a group as Quality Control": Michigan Union, 8:30 will be enrolled in fall. 1965. Grants Approved: That SGC appropriate an sCoordinating Council for Public a.m. are based on scholarship and need additional $100 to the Conference on he proposes wouldn't get bogged Higher Education recently released - -- and vary in amount; they are avail- South Africa Fund. down in internal politics," he de- its "Davis Report" attacking the Cinema Guild-"Ivan the Terrible," able to students now enrolled and those Approved: That the Off-Campus lared, establishment of branches befor'e Part I: Architecture Aud., 7 and 9 p.m. entering for the first time. Application Housing Advisory Board be mandated lee l m o r h e eblanks are available from Mrs. William to look into the amount of rent to Countering this view, John 1reation of a statewide educational DMA Piano Series Recital-Doctoral Nelson, 1026 S. Thompson, Jackson, be charged by the owners of all Bingley, director of student activi- plan. Students in Piano Performance, "The Mich. They must be completed and re- apartment buildings less than threee ties and organizations, termed the However, these objectives had Prokofiev Piano Sonatas": Recital Hall, turned by April 1. Applicants must be years old for the 1965-66 year. Thee School of Music, 8:30 p.m. from the Jackson area. board should also obtain informationC pronosal unfortunate." not blocked the plans of Univer- regarding prices charged in these samet "An Informal committee will not sity and Flint administrators un- Biological Chemistry Colloquium: Dr. Language Exam for Master's Degree buildings during the 1964-65 year. The{ substitute for the give-and-take til the governor gave the objec- N. Sueoka, Princeton University, "Chro- in History: Fri., Feb. 19, 4-5 p.m. In board shall have completed its study which naturally occurs around the tions strength with his budget ec- mosome Replication in B. Subtilis," to- Room 429 Mason Hal Dictionaries may and report to SGC at its next meeting, whih nturllyocursarond he tonsstrngt wih is udgt re-day at 4 p in., M6423 Med. Sci. Bldg. be used. Sign the list posted in the February 17.t SGC table," BilgleySaid, ommendations. History Office, 3601 Haven Hall. Approved: That SGC send the follow-F Dept. of History of Art and Kelsey -- ing statement of principle to Vice- Museum of Archaeology Lecture: Prof. Commencement Exercises: Will be President Cutler: Oleg Grabar, "The University of Michi- held on May 1, 1965, in the Stadium SGC believes that the Office of Stu- gan Excavations in Syria, 1964," 4:10 at 10:30 in the morning. Details will dent Affairs has not been sufficient- A p.m., Aud. B, Angell Hall. be announced later. ly forceful in representing students' __________interests in its dealings with the Ann . Final Payment of Winter Term Fees Arbor realtors. General N t\otices is due and payable on or before Feb. . SGC urges the Office of Student Af- 26, 1965. fairs to take a stronger stand on the FRIDAY, FEB. 12 Boston will lecture in Aud. C. Applications fer General Undergrad- If fees are not paid by this date: issue of the length of lease; particularly 3:30-5:30 p.m.-Winter Week- 5:10 p.m.-A Community Mass uate Scholarships will be available at 1. A $10 delinquent penalty will be in the few weeks before new terms are en il ei it anei headSpprwllb ed tS.the Scholarship Office, 2011 SAB, be- charged. finally negotiated. end will begin with a dance in the and Supper will be held at St. ginning Mon., Jan. 11. Applications 2 A "Hold Credit" will be placed Approved: That the following organi- Michigan Union Ballroom. Prizes Mary's Student Chapel. must be completed by March 1. Un- against you. This means that until aztions be invited to send one repre- will be awarded to individual 7 and 9 p.m.-Cinema Guild will dergraduate students who have com- payment is received and "Hold Credit" sentative to a meeting to consider re- vised ticket sale policy: Musket, Home- couples in a dance contest. present "Ivan the Terrible," Part npeted one or more full semesters with is cancelled: coming, Alpha Phi Omega, Panhel, IQC, an overall average of 3.0 or better 1) Grades will not be mailed. cmnApaPiOea aleIs 4 p.m.-Dr. James M. Sprague, I, in the Architecture Aud, are eligible to compete. Financial aid 2) Transcripts will not be furnished. Assembly, IFC. ISA, Glee Club. Soph director of medicinal chemistry in 7:30 p.m.-A Fireside Chat will is a factor in making these awards. 3) You may not register for future Show, G. & S., Winter Weekend, Vul- Merck Sharp and Dohme Research be held at St. Mary's Student ,semesters. cans, League, Development Council. Laboratories will dscuss "New Chapel, Father Thomas G. Litka Applications for the Following Schol- 4) A Senior may not graduate with Appointed: Rachel Amado chairman arships are available in office of his class at the close of the current of the revised ticket sale policy com- DIuretlcs in the Phenoxyacetic will discuss "A Community of alumnae secretary, Alumni Memorial term. mittee in her capacity as representa- Acid Series" in Rm. 1200 Chemis- Love." Hall; they must be returned by Feb. 12, 3. The Dean of your school or col- tive to the University Calendaring Com- 1965; recipients will be announced at lege will be given a list of delinquent mittee. try-Pharmacy Bldg. 8 p.m.-John Snow, nationally League Recognition Night, March 1, accounts. Approved: That SGC commend The 4:10 p.m.-Prof. Oleg Grabar of known folk dance teacher, will 1965. Payments may be made in person, Daily for the coverage of violent the history of art department and lead a workshop of Balkan folk The Lucile B. Conger Scholarship is or mailed to the Cashier's Office, 1015 crimes and urge increased coverage Admin. Bldg., before 4:30 p.m., Feb. 26. in the same non-sensational manner. the Kelsey Museum of Archaeol- dances in Barbour Gymn. offered to in-state, undergraduate wom- Mail Payments postmarked after due Approved: That Credentials & Rules ogy will lecture- on "The Univer- 8:00 p.n.-The Winter Weekend an oncontr butionf aoaniverfoitrym date, Feb. 26. 1965, are late and sub- adopt the following rules of proced- sity's Excavations in Syria--1964" Skit Night will begin at Hill Aud. and financial need; the stipend ject to penalty. ure: in Aud. B. Six 20-mnte skits will be pre- variable. nIdentify mail payments as tuition and 1. The committee shall convene im- iishow student number and name. mediately following the close of pe- 4:15 p.m.-Kenneth Benne of sented. The Margaret L. Waterman Scholar- titioning to certify the eligibility of the Human Relations Center in 8:30 p.m.-Doctoral students in ship is offered to undergraduate worn- Student Government Council approval each candidate. - -- piano performance will give i 1e- en on the basis of academic perform-. of the following student-sponsored 2. Any charges of violation by corn- cital of "The Prokofiev Piano n a ncial need the stipend is var- events becomes effective 24 hours after mittee members or other persons must andafinanciathneed;ttheHstipend iabvar-Ithe publication of this notice. All be presented in writing to the chair- Sonatas" in the Recital Hall of lable. publicity for these events must be with- man of the committee and to the per-E the music school. The Luan Peckinpaugh Scholarship is held until the approval has become son (a) involved within 24 hours after offered to out-of-state undergraduate effective, the polls have closed and/or the peti- C SATURDAY, FEB. 13 women who have suc'essfully completed Approval request forms for studen 9:30 a.m.-Saturday morning their freshman year and have a dem-{ sponsored events are available in Room i( ..,. .... ___. -__ ..«.. «~ ..a ii.. -" + c i f" . - .-i - 1 . tioning deadline. 3. Within 24 hours after receiving such complaints the chairman shall c nvene the committee as a hearing board. a. A majority of the members consti- tutes a quorum. b. The person(s) charged with viola- tion shall be required to appear be- fore the committee. c. One person may appear in behalf of the person charged with violation if he so requests. d. The person making the complain' shall be requested to appear before the committee. e. One person may appear in sup- port of the complaint. 4. The decision of the committee to- gether with related facts and rationale shall be made public by the chairman of the committee immediately after such decision has been made. 5. All information relating to such complaints shall be privileges prior tc a decision by the committee. Events The following sponsored student events are approved for the coming weekend. Social chairmen are remind- ed that requests for approval for social events are due in the Office of Stu- dent Affairs not later than 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday prior to the event. FRL., FEB. 17- Adams, Open-Open; Alpha Delta Phi, Record Party; Alpha Tau Omega, Par- ty; Anderson, OpenHouse; Beta Theta Pi, TO; Cooley, Open-Open; Delta Tan Delta, Party; Evans Scholars. TG; Evans Scholars (2), Party; Hinsdale, Open- Open; Kelsey. Lounge Dance; Newberry, "One 5th of Myth"; Phi Delta Theta, TG. Phi Epsilon Pi, Party; Phi Gamma Delta, TG; Phi Kappa Tau, Closed Party: Phi Lambda Phi TNT Inaugural Ball; Psi Upsilon, Skating Party; Scott, valentine Party/Open-Open; Sigma Al- pha Mu. House Party; Sigma Chi, TG; Sigma Nu, Winter Weekend Kickoff Party; Tau Delta Phi, Late Party; Theta Chi, Party; Tyler, Open-Open; Zeta Beta Tau, Party Open-Open. SAT., FEB. 13- Allen Rumsey, Open-Open; Alpha Delta Phi, Band Party; Alpha Phi Al- pha, Dance: Alpha Tau Omega, Dance; Anderson, Open House; Chicago, Open- Open; Chi Omeg, Open House; Cooley, Open-Open; Delta Kappa Epsilon, Band Par' y; Delta Sigma Phi, Winter Week- end Party; Delta Tau Delta, Band Par- ty; Evans Scholars, Party; Gomberg, Lounge Party Open-Open; Greene, Open-Open. Hayden, Open-Open; Hinsdale, Open- Open; Lambda Chi Alpha, Closed Band Party; Michigan, Open-Open; Phi Delta Theta, Band Party; Phi Epsilon Pi, Party: Phi Gamma Delta, Record Par- ty; Phi Kappa Tau, Closed Party; Pi Lambda Phi, Band Party; Prescott, Open-Open; Psi Upsilon, Band Party; Reeves, Open-Open; Sigma Alpha Ep- silon, Party; Sigma Alpha Mu, House Party; Sigma Chi, Valentine's Party. Sigma Nu, Pajama Party; Sigma Phi (Continued on Page 3) fl 1 4 International Contemporary Music ONCE Festival 1965 I 1 Feb.-Spectacular Theatre Music 12 Feb.-Orchestra 13 Feb.-Electronic Music & Cybersonics 14 Feb.-Lukas Foss Ensemble 4 8:30P.M. VFW Hall 314 E. Liberty 04WP4*4:foo University Typewriter Center 613 E. William St. 665-3763 1 - In Cornme Of Its | morat/on Winter Weekend events begin at onstrated financial need' the stipend1 1011 of the SAB. Wines Field for a "Search for the is variable.I Sphinx Junior Men's Honorary, Sell- Abominable Snowman," an ice The Mary Louise Hinsdale Scholar- ingmegaphones, Feb. 12. 9 a.m.-4 p.m.. ship, amounting to approximately $180 Fishbowl and Diagonal. sculptoring contest, and a hockey (interest on the endowment fund) is game. available to undergraduate single wom- Summary of Action Taken by Student 2:00 p.m.-Big Ten basketball en who are wholly or partially self- Government Council at Its Meeting of supporting and who do not live in February 10, 1965 University residence halls or sorority Appointed: The following persons to House, featuring halftime Winter houses. Girls with better than aver- the Cipema Guild Board for the 1965- Weekend skits. age scholarship and need will be 66 term: Sandy Schopach, David Mosen, 2:30 and 8:30 p.m. - The Pro- considered. Chuck London, Ross Lazar, Ted Steege, fessional Theatre Program will The Laurel Harper Seeley Scholarship Sybil Russell, David Rosen, Thomas is open to both graduate and under- Leonard, Robert Bray, Hugh Holland, present "An Evening's Frost," new graduate women. The award Is made Sandy Leichtman. play project, in the Mendelssohn on basis of scholarship, contribution Appointed: Mary Beth Braden a stu- Theatre. to University life and financial need, dent member of the Development Coun- 4:30 and 7 p.m.-Marilyn Ma- the stipend is variable. cil, subject to approval by theRegents. Approved: To extend petitioning for son, professor in the music school, USNSA delegates to the 1965 Congress will present an organ recital in until Monday, Feb. 15,1965. Organ Studio 2110 in the music ORGANIZATION Approved: That SGC send the follow-. school. Courtesy tickets required.lIng note to Gov. George Romney of Michigan: 7 and 9 p.m.-Cinema Guild will ' Dear Governor Romney: present "The Kid," starring Char--NOICES . The Student Government Council, representing the students of The Uni- thlie Chaplin andtecture Jackie Coogan, in versity of Michigan, strongly urge you 8:30 a.m. - The Peace Corps Use of This Column for Announce- - Placement Test will be given in I ments is available to officially recog- the Civil Service Rm. of the down- nized and registered student organiza- SCHWABEN INN evice Rm. o e down- tions only. Forms are available in Room town station of the U.S. Post Of- 1011 SAB. presents fice at 220 N. Main. * * * 8:30 p.m.-The 5th Fifth of wiAA Folk Dance Club, Folk dance W ASHBOARD withr Weinstruction.boths ,Fri., Feb. 12, 8-10:30AS AK Winter Weekend, featuring booths 1p.m., Women's Athletic Bldg. and a dance with the "New Colony * * * W I LLIE Six" band, will take place in the Guild House, Friday noon luncheon, IEastHoover.Feb. 12, 12-1 pam.. Prof. Marc Pilisuk, IM Bldg. on assoc. res. psychologist, "Psychological 9:00 p.m.-Winter Weekend will Implications of Changes in Society," from 3-7 P.M. present "A Night in Valhalla," at Guild House, 802 Monroe. Wines Field, featuring a firelight U ta s Matinee Dancing fashon howslegh rdes b01- ;University of Michigan Chess Club, fashion show, sleigh rides, bon- Meeting, Fri., Feb. 12, 7:30 p.m., Room Starting Feb. 1 9 fire, and ice skating. 3-B, Michigan Union. I NSTANT SI N E N TE STUDY ANYTIME ANYWHERE Sound attenuators as utilized by military and commercial jet aircraft ground crew personnel are the perfect solution. For information write: Academic Aids P. 0. Box 969 Berkeley 1, Calif. m1 I t t I t t t PART I t , t t t written and directed by Sergei Eisenstein musical score by Sergei Prokofiev t photography by Eduard Tisse t I S The first of this two-part epic-biography in film e focuses on Ivan IV, one of the most colorful figures t in Russian history. t t t Eisenstein has asserted that nothing has been con- cealed, nothing smoothed over in his dynamic his- torical chronicle of the formidable tsar. * Lauded as a "fascinating screen tapestry" the film I is rich in images, sounds and heroic characteriza- * tions. t t t t t Last Times Tonight at 7 and 9 t t t t t t t t IN THE ARCHITECTURE AUOITORIUM t AOMISSION: FIFTY CENTS t t t t t The Third Ann Arbor Film Festival is coming in March. t . . ,r - --I-r r r - - - i- - - - - - - - - c ~~ 75th Anniversary, The Lea gue will sponsor a i Spring Fashion Show Dial 662-6264 SHOWS START AT 1:00-3:00-5:00 7:00 AND 9:15 Weekday Matinees Till 5 p.m. $1.00 Evenings & $unday $1.25 Fe briuiry 18. Women's Lea gie kL r ml I SAT. MAT. 2:30 SAT. EVE. 8:30 NO PERFORMANCE TONIGHT I I --_ ! p sMY. si l ® OIIII q Iglg41 R®P® B le IIAe I a unique event in motion picture history 2 complete films on the same subject- A MT "VIVE L'EXPERIMENT!" EXTRAORDINARY - EXPERIENCE! FASCINATING" { t~' p ' .-#ItridIrinbui MY NIGHTS MY DAYS --- ~ WITH FRANCOISE WITH JEAN-MARC ". 1! 4TH WEEK MIXING BUSINESS AND GIRLS! MIXING THRILLS AND GIRLS! MIXING DANGER AND GIRLS! JULIE ' UDICK ANDREWSVAN DYKE TECHNICOLOR* Shows at 1:00-3:40-6:30-9:05 Prices This Show Only Eves & Sunday $1.50 - Week Day Matinees $1.25 DIAL 8-6416 dEmm ONE SHOW TONIGHT AT 7:15 CONTINUOUS SAT. & SUN. FROM 1 O'CLOCK ilk I UNIVERSITY PLAYERS (Dept. of Speech) presents- Francois Billetdoux' PA, au i 3 ~ 1 1)ii - 1 1_l' . Raw m r III 3