IST: The Search for Identity 11 the by ROBERT JOHNSTON The University's Institute of Science and Technology has been tossed and buffeted in many directions throughout its brief history by prevailing winds and waves. The Institute was first proposed as a response to the education and research challenge posed by Sputnik I, which was orbited on October 4, 1957, by the Soviet Union. As IST got under way in 1959 the emphasis was very much on education in advanced science and technology.' Very soon, at least in external appearance, this orientation changed to one which placed great stress on the role the University might play in advancing' and strengthening the economy of the state through science and technology. The next step in this evolution was an emphasis on research. This emphasis developed concurrently with the great overall expan- sion in University research. As the University has, within the past year, dropped its public stress on research in order to deal with the problems of the baby boom, so too has IST dropped its past orien- tations as it casts about for a valuable, well-defined role within today's University. Such a role is by no means clear at the present time. But the functions that have occupied the Institute thus far can be discussed and analyzed. It is safe to assume that the future IST will incorporate some sort of synthesis of these functions- education, state economic development and research. IST As An Educational Institution. . The first question the public asked after Sputnik I went into orbit was "What's wrong with our science?" This soon evolved into a more fundamental question: "What's wrong with our teach- ing of science?" It was concern over the University's response to these and re- lated questions that prompted a group of top faculty members to approach University President Harlan Hatcher with their assess- ment of the situation. The group was composed of Professors Leo Goldberg, chairman of the astronomy department, David M. Den- nison, chairman of the physics department, and Wilbur C. Nelson, chairman of the aeronautical and astronautical engineering depart- ment, and Deans Charles E. Odegaard of the literary college and Ralph A. Sawyer of the graduate school. The Proposal President Hatcher took the idea to Gov. G. Mennen Williams. He responded favorably to the idea of the University undertaking new programs in science and technology with state support. The President then appointed a "Science Advisory Committee," which, after consultation all around, issued its "Proposal to Establish an Institute of Science and Technology." This proposal was sent to Lansing on December 17, 1957, just 10 weeks after the Sputnik went up. The concern of the proposal clearly was education. It envis- ioned "not a crash program occasioned by the appearance of one or two Sputniks, but a carefully considered answer to some of the basic educational needs now facing this state and nation." The report said in summary, "The University is proposing to meet this new challenge in education with a bold program of action which will marshall its own resources, together with those of the state, in the vital areas of science and technology." A year and a half later (July, 1959) the Institute was approved by the Regents and began operations with a special $500,000 grant ($850,000 was requested) from the Legislature. After a year of operations, educational objectives had clearly taken second priority behind the Institute's research functions. Eclipse of Education The 1959-60 President's Report for IST contains almost no mention of educational activities. The only activities that can be construed as educational are the granting of 18 graduate fellow- Multiversity ships and the sponsorship of a series of lectures by visiting scien- tists and engineers. Since IST is undeniably a research institution, the value of its educational endeavor must be directly related to its research effort. One argument, and the one most frequently heard from ad- ministrators defending research generally, is that the Institute, through its research, provides both facilities and money otherwise unavailable for teaching, particularly of graduate students. In the case of IST such an argument can follow several different paths. First, both the Biophysics and the Electro-Optical Sciences Labs have enabled the University to set up unique courses in prom- ising new fields. Second, many of the labs are staffed, some almost exclusively, by 179 graduate student researchers, 30 of whom are writing or doing research for theses related to Institute projects. Researchers and Courses Of 375 researchers on the Institute's staff, 34 teach courses at the University. There are also 94 undergraduates among the 863 employees of IST's research and supporting staffs. It is argued that their education is enhanced by this connection with IST. Another point noted by Prof. James T. Wilson, director of the Institute, is the "backup" force of faculty at Willow Run. If the See RESEARCH, Page 8 A ROLE FOR WILLOW RUN See Editorial Page I Sir A :4Iadti4 CLOUDY High-40 Low-30 Snow flurries late in day Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXV, No. 117 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, 12 FEBRUARY 1965 SEVEN CENTS TEN PAGES Lossing Urges Ex- Officos Withdraw from SGC They Applaud Idea, But Cutler Objects He Recommends Leaders Await Studies of Student Government By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM Interfraternity Council President Lawrence Lossing, '65, night revived support for a proposal to break a long tradition *e*s Jets * * * * * * * * * * Raid Viet Bases in Biggest last here Strike; Soviet Reaction. Possible and withdraw leaders of student organizations from the control of student activities. The proposal calls for these organization heads, who sit as ex- officios on Student Government Council, to withdraw from the Council and establish their own informal organization. This would leave student activities entirely in the hands of SGC's elected repre sentatives and could force a re- II 'l l Soviet Reply to Raids Unclear C1 izens Ask Flint Growth By LEONARD PRATT Key Flint citizens requested yesterday that the Senate Ap- propriations Committee restore funds for expansion of the Uni- versity's Flint branch to Gov. George Romney's budget recom- mendations. Romney's budget has not allo- cated funds for expansion of Flint from a two-year to a four-year college, though a 'review of over- all state education policy wil be made to clarify this issue. Current University plans call for the changeover at Flint this fall. Guy Bates, chairman of the Flint Higher Education Study Commit- tee, told the Senate committee there is immediate need for a freshman class at Flint this fall. $2.4 Million Bates said $2.4 million for new buildings has already been donat- ed to the project by the C. S. Mott Foundation. A further dif- ficulty in holding up- expansion plans, Bates noted, was the fact that 87 freshmen have already been accepted for admission this fall. Moreover, he pointed out, plans have already begun for integrat- ing the courses of the branch with the existing Flint Junior College. Bates presented a report, from his committee which said the body "is convinced that a hyphenated four-year program does not and cannot adequately serve the edu- cational needs of the seven-county area." The University first became in- volved in Flint education in 1956, See CITIZENS, Page 2 3valuation of the Council's size and structure. The idea was immediately com- mended by most ex-officios but drew sharp criticism from Council members and student activities officials. Lossing submitted the idea as a recommendation in his final re- port to the Fraternity Presidents last night. "With the ever-expand- ing demands of their respective organizations, and the ever-dim- Inishing value of SGC participa- tion, these (ex-officios) people can no longer afford the joyless luxury of participation in SGC," he declared. Lossingthen pledged to work towards the "establishment of an Informal association of student or- ganization heads" whose purpose would be facilitating communica- tion and cooperation between the organizations represented." If the ex-officios back the idea and the Council and Regents sup- port it the withdrawal could be a reality within a year, Lossing estimated later. This would mark the first time since before WWII, when students joined a faculty- administrator committee regulat- ing student activities, that the ex- officios would not be overseeing these activities. Their advisory council is en- visioned as a coordinator for such currently pending projects w s a course description booklet and a writer-in-residence program. Also during the meeting, the FPA elected new senior officers for IFC. They are Richard Hoppe, '66, president; Kelley Rea, '66, ex- ecutive vice-president; T h o m a s Pointner, '67, administrative vice- president; Robert Tepper, '66, treasurer, and Edward Mack, '66E, secretary. Vice-President for Student Af- fairs Richard Cutler last night ex- pressed the "hope the ex-officios will not peremptorily withdraw. See LOSSING, Page 2 PROF. STANLEY A. CAIN President Lyndon B. Johnson yesterday appointed Prof. Stanley A. Cain, chairman of the conser- vation department, as assistant secretary of the interior for fish and wildlife. Cain, 62, is a member of the natural resources school where he has served for 11 years. In 1963-64 he was chairman of the Michigan Department of Conservation and is now a trustee of the National Parks Association. His other positions have in- cluded a technical assistance mis- sion to Brazil where he worked with the United Nations' UNESCO as an expert in ecology. Currently he is president of the Ecological Society of America. Judge Orders ILA Return For Five Days NEW YORK (P-Federal Judge Sidney Sugarman yesterday or- dered Jongshoremen in the port of New York .to return to work "forthwith" for a five day period. Sugarman signed an order that expires Tuesday midnight, the date set for a hearing on a Na- tional Labor Relations Board pe- tition for a temporary injunction against the International Long- shoremen's Association. Minutes after the NLRB petition was filed in the United States courthouse here, the New York Shipping Association and the ILA went hurriedly before Judge Su- garman and were closeted with him for more than an hour. When they emerged, Sugarman heard their arguments and grant- ed the temporary order. The NLRB argued that it had. reasonable cause to believe < shipI owners' complaint that the ILA By The Associated Press Official and unofficial state- ments from the Soviet capital clouded anticipated Russian re- action to the raids made by Unit- ed States and South Vietnamese aircraft on North Vietnamese bases yesterday. Pravda, the news organ of the Soviet Communist Party, said yes- terday that U.S. air strikes against North Viet Nam cannot "remain unpunished." It did not specify what "punishment" would con- sist of. However, informal word reached Britain from Communist Party Chief Leonid I. Brezhnevthat the Soviet Union is working hard among Communist powers to ease the crisis in Viet Nam, diplomatic officials reported last night. 'Abandon Illusion' Pravda urged Washington to "abandoi the illusion" that they can attack North Viet Nam with- out retribution from the Com- munist world. Denouncing the U.S.'s retaliatory strikes as "bar- barous attacks," Pravda continu- ed: "In attacking the Democratic Republic of (North) Viet Nam, the aggressors are attacking the whole Socialist camp. "The Soviet government has al- ready declared, and confirms again, that it will not remain in- different to the guarantee of se- curity of the fraternal socialist country and will render theneces- sary aid and support." U.S. Must Withdraw Pravda said the only way to settle the situation was for the United States to withdraw all its military personnel and arms both from South Viet Nam and "dis- continue all interference in the affairs of South Viet Nam and Laos." The editorial went on to say the Soviet Union was presently striv- ing for normal relations with the U.S., but added that this "is a reciprocal process. It is incom- patible with aggressive acts of policy which can annul certain steps taken in the interest of the improvement of Soviet-American relations." Pravda did not say what these steps were, but they probably in- cluded recent cautious moves for an exchange of visits between President Lyndon B. Johnson and Soviet leaders. 'Concrete Measures' In North Korea, Soviet Premier Alexi Kosygin yesterday told hisj hosts that Moscow and Hanoi had agreed on "concrete measures" for Foreign Minister Andrei Gromy- ko present, Brezhnev told her Russia is extremely anxious to avoid an extension of the fight- ing in Viet Nam. He claimed everything possible is being done to keep the situa- tion under control. For months, the North Vietnamese Reds have been urged to show restraint and to concentrate on economic de- velopment, Mrs. Gandhi was told. Foresight It was probable that Brezhnev knew his words would be relayed to Western governments by the Indians. British authorities as- sumed Brezhnev was trying to convey that Kosygin, onna swing through Hanoi, Peking and North Korea, has been arguing the case for caution, if not immediate con- ciliation, in resisting the Ameri- cans. The authorities doubt whether' Kosygin would have pledged mili- tary aid to North Viet Nam unless he had gotten prior ironclad as- surances that Moscow's advice will be heeded. Hulcher Seeks Student Advisory Board for City ' By JULIE FITZGERALD "We could improve relations between the city of Ann Arbor and the University by the creation of a student advisory board that would meet periodically with the mayor," Republican candidate for mayor Wendell Hulcher said last night. Speaking to the Young Republicans, Hulcher said such an ar- rangement would be useful if it could be worked out with the approval of the vice-president for student affairs. Hulcher said he would not object to meeting specifically with a student group on housing, such as the Off-Campus Housing Advisory Board sponsored by Student Government Council. Another method of improving relations would be to have a one- day seminar for leaders of local government and University units to inform the community of their..............' plans, accomplishments and mu- tual problems, Hulcher added Lighting, Discrimination' Other proposals Hulcher made were the improvement of street lighting in and around the cam- pus areas and further city action to help eliminate discrimination. Hulcher said he advocates the expansion of the city's Fair Hous- ing Ordinance to include the state= constitution's article on discrim- ination because the expansion would give the individual two routes of action, either the city or the -State Civil Rights Com- mission. Hulcher stressed, however, that the University and city are two separate entities, although both are set up by the state. WENDELL E. HULCHER "The University and city have been getting along well through the decades and it is doubtful that relations have ever been better than they- are now. The underlying reasons for this exemplary situation are mutual respect and admira- tion," Hulcher said. Basic Factor He added that growth is a basic factor to be recognized in Uni- versity-city relations in planning for the future of both. "Plans on a 'cooperative basis are necessary for everything that U.S. Hopes To Avoid' Spread of Conflict Attacks Termed Highly Successful; Hanoi Blasts 'Gravity' of 'War Acts' By The Associated Press SAIGON-About 160 United States and South Vietnamese planes struck with bombs, rockets and gunfire yesterday against North Vietnamese targets in the third and most thunderous response yet to Viet Cong attacks. A White House statement said this government maintains its desire to "avoid spreading the conflict" but felt compelled to attack military targets in North Viet Nam in response to "further direct provocation" by the Hanoi government North Viet Nam called the raids "war acts of utmost gravity." Smoke columns surged up through broken clouds in the barracks areas of Chan Hoa and Cap Le, singled out for de- struction after the bombing Wednesday night of a U.S. en- listed men's barracks in Qui Nhon left 25 Americans dead or missing. 'Highly Successful' A U.S. spokesman said the raids were highly successful, but it was announced three U.S. Navy car- rier-based planes were lost. More than 100 Navy jets, tak- ing off from the 7th Fleet car- riers Hancock, Ranger and Coral Sea, struck at Chan Hoa, 50 miles north of the border and about four milesnorthwest of Dong Hhi. Chap Le, 8.5 miles north of the border, was the target of 28 pro- peller-driven Vietnamese fighter- bombers and an escort of 28 U.S. Air Force F-100 Sabrejet fighters. Assassinations The White House statement announcing the third reprisal air strike of this week cited both the Wednesday Viet Cong bombing and "assassinations and ambushes involving South Vietnamese civil and military officials." The White House described the targets which were bombed as mil- itary facilities used for the train- ing and infiltration of Viet Cong personnel into South Viet Nam. Questions about whether any further retaliatory action was planned were met with firm si- lence at both the White House and the Pentagon. 'Provocative Acts' Earlier yesterday North Viet Nam had sent a message to the International Control Commission (ICC) in Viet Nam protesting the U.S. "sending warships of the 7th Fleet and provocative acts in the South China Sea" Feb. 7 and 8. Liberals Hit Viet Nam Raids By The Associated Press NEW YORK-Dissent over the United States' recent air attacks on North Viet Nam came from two liberal quarters yesterday. In New York, about 140 persons marched in front of the United Nations for an hour and a half. A spokesman for the demonstration, sponsored by the Student Peace Union, said the picketers planned to remain sitting and fasting on the steps of the U.S. mission near the UN throughout the night. Meanwhile, Americans for Dem- ocratic Action urged the U.S. quickly halt its bombings and an- nounce its willingness to negotiate "a peaceful settlement that will result in a neutral Viet Nam." The statement by John Roche, ADA national chairman, said the continued bombings may represent the beginnings of an escalation of the war in Asia. A neutral Viet Nam should be guaranteed by the major powers with "a UN pres- ence." Board Elects Brennan Head A stormy meeting of the State Board of Education was climaxed yesterday by the election of Thomas J. Brennan of Dearborn as the board's first president. Electedalong with Brennan were Leon Fill of Huntington I XV', . ,,nc v..r,)ci~dv1+ ARwin'