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February 11, 1965 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1965-02-11

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The most important reason for
Lee Deitrick's success as a Michi-
gan wrestler is probably that as!
an individual he has always want-
ed to do well in his chosen sport.
This statement is not just a
platitude thrown in to cover Deit-
rick's three-year career (which
includes a Big Ten Championship
last year among other things).
His desire to win includes the
ability to accept responsibility,
work with and listen to others,
and the development of a win-
ning attitude.
Deitrick went to Lock Haven'
High School in Pennsylvania and
wrestled there for five years. He
was district champion his junior
year, and he took the state title
in his senior year. He also played
football and track, but his main
interest was wrestling: "If I play-
ed football now I'd play much
harder than I did in high school.
You know you always have it
in the back of your mind that
you might get hurt . . .it's strange
too, but that's when you always
do seem to get injured."
Why He Came
Lee Deitrick came to Michigan
because he was impressed by the
coach, the wrestling tradition, and
because he went to a class. Besides
the ordinary interview given to
recruits, Deitrick also attended a
class in mathematics:
the Annual
Kiwanis Sale
Nat'l. Guard
proceeds to
those in need
regardless of
race, color or

Teammates Aid Deitrick Success

"They usually don't take you to
a class, but I went. I'm interested
in math, and the class just hap-
pened to be a math class."
The coach Deitrick was impress-
ed with is Clifford Keen who has
been coaching Michigan wrestling
teams for the past forty years.
"The coach," comments Deitrick,
"knows just about as much wrest-
ling as any man in the country.
The thing about him is that he
lets you sample a lot of material
and then you choose what you
think suits you best."
Cool Coach
Anyone who has attended a
Michigan wrestling meet will at-
test to the fact that Keen appears
completely relaxed during the
meet regardless of how close it is:
"The people watching may not
think he watches the matches
closely, but they're wrong. He
knows exactly what happens, and
the day following the meet he

needs working on." Big Ten opener, Deitrick drew
But what about Deitrick's rec- Beattie 1-1 despite the fact that
ord at Michigan? It's quite im- his ankle still bothered him.
pressive and starts with a second Completely Recovered
place win in 'the Big Ten meet his Since that time Deitrick's ankle
sophomore year. He wrestled at has healed completely, and he has
147 pounds that year as he did not lost a match. His Big Ten
last season, but now he has moved record is now three wins and a
up to 157. tie; this includes victories over
Impressive Show opponents from Wisconsin, Ohio
Last year he posted a 17-2-1 State, and Northwestern.
record which included the Big Deitrick attributes his success
Ten Championship and a quarter- to a number of factors. Besides
round finish in the NCAA meet. Keen's teaching he considers his
And this year could be even better fellow wrestlers as being very
if that seems possible, important to his wrestling:

He has lost only one match so
far, and that was the final match
in the 157 pound division at the
Midwest Open held in La Grange,
Illinois. But when Deitrick wrest-
led Clayton Beattie for the Mid-
west Championship he was com-
peting with an ankle that he had
injured at Cornell earlier in the
season. Beattie, who wrestles for

speaks with each man about his Illinois, defeated Deitrick 8-0, but
individual match. He knows what when the Wolverines wrestled the
the boy did wrong and what he Illini a few weeks later in their

The Start
"It started in high school with
Gray Simons."
This is a reference to Lock
1965 Baseball
Card Released
Coach Moby Benedict released
Michigan's 1965 baseball schedule
Despite the revisions in this
year's academic calendar, the team
will take its annual spring train-
ing trip to Arizona. The two
week hike will begin during the
spring vacation weekend.
The regular season will begin
April 6 and end May 22, more than
three weeks after the regular win-
ter term ends.
The schedule:
Mar. 5-6-Arizon St. Univ. Phoenix
8-9-Univ. of Arizona Tucson
l 10-li-Univ. of Arizona Tucson
12-13-Grand Canyon Col. Phoenix
14-Arizona St. Univ. Phoenix
April 6-Bowling Green Univ. Home
13-W. Michigan Univ. Home
17-*Univ. of Detroit Home
23-Univ. of Wisconsin Home
24-*Northwestern Univ. Home
28-E. Michigan Univ. Home
29-Notre Dame Univ. S. Bend
30-Purdue Univ. Lafayette
May 1-*Univ. of Illinois Champaign
3-Notre Dame Univ. Home
4-W. Mich. Univ. Kalamazoo
7-Univ. of Minnesota Home
8-*Univ. of Iowa Home
1l-C. Mich. Univ. Mt. Pleasant
14-*Michigan State Univ. Home
15-*Michigan State E. Lansing
18-Univ. of Detroit Detroit
21-Ohio State Univ. Columbus
22-*Indiana Univ. Bloomington

Haven's great wrestler Elliott Gray should, and toward the end of the
Simons who won the NCAA week I'm overweight. I may have
championship at 115 pounds three to sweat for a few hours, but this
years in a row (1961-63). "He is part of my responsibility. If I
used to come down and we'd work happen to relax then I have to
out. Then when I came to college pay for it."
I found that other guys came from Deitrick naturally has his own
all parts of the country, and na- style of wrestling. After eight
turally from different high schools years of wrestling it seems ap-
with different coaches. You learn propriate that he should.
that there 'are several ways to No Leg Man
execute any takedown or escape. He explains that he is not a
This way you can pick up a tre- "legs man," because he doesn't
mendous amount of wrestling have the confidence. In wrestling
knowledge just by working with a legs man is someone, who on
your fellow wrestlers." the offensive, tries to control his
But what really makes a great opponent through the manipula-
wrestler in the final analysis is tion of his opponent's legs. The
his own personal attitude. He can holds that are used are at times
know a multitude of pinning com- difficult to keep, but if they are
binations and holds, but if he does done correctly it is a very effec-
not want to win he will be only tive offense.
mediocre: Deitrick concentrates mainly on
Individual Responsibility takedowns and predicament holds.
"It's up to the individual in Predicament points are given to
wrestling. It really doesn't matter a wrestler if the referee thinks
to me if I'm pushed or not in that he is very close to pinning
practice, because I'm going to his man.
work anyway. The coach doesn't "I'm not a pinner," Deitrick ex-
constantly press us about making plains, "I'd rather go for the pre-
our weight; we know that it's our dicament. It's usually easier to
responsibility. Sometimes I get in- win a match this way, because you
to a rut and eat more than I can get so many points."
The two meets that Deitrick
looks forward to are, of course, the
Big Ten Meet and the NCAA
;Championships. "Sure I'd like to
take the Big Ten, and it would be
great to win the NCAA. I hope
we can take them. But we're
going to have to sharpen our
techniques and our conditioning if
we plan to do it. Rick Bay, as
captain and a great leader, had a
great part in the development of
the team. And the intersquad
.: competition is very important too.
-, Each wrestler definitely earns his
starting position."
In preparation for the Big Ten
and NCAA meet Deitrick may go
4 down to 147: 'I feel that I per-
form better at '47. I may not make
it for the Big Ten Meet, but I
will for NCAA." If past perform-
ances mean anything, then Lee
Deitrick could do pretty well at
AFL Promises To End
Premature Pro Signings

1209 S. University-663-7151

-Daily-Jim Lines
MICHIGAN'S LEE DEITRICK waits for the referee's whistle il
one of his matches this year. So far last year's Big Ten champ is
undefeated in conference meets. He will try to keep his record
clean when the Wolverines go to Indiana this Saturday.
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By The Associated Press
NEW YORK - The American1
Football League fell, in line with
the requests of the National Col-
legiate Athletic Association and
with the policies of the rival Na-
tional Football League yesterday'
by banning the premature sign-
ing of college players to profes-
sional contracts.
It refused, however, to delay its
annual draft meeting until after
the bowl games have been played
Dr to ban the signing of red-
shirts. The NCAA had asked both
leagues to take those steps to pre-
vent early signings.

. ...


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The wording of the AFL state-
ment issued by Commissioner Joe
Foss virtually duplicates that of a
similar statement made by NFL
Commissioner Pete Rozelle last
month. Both leagues agree not to
sign college seniors until their
teamschave completed the season,
including bowl games. And both
include redshirts who actually are
playing out their extra season of
college eligibility.
The AFL action came just be-
fore the deadline set by James J.
Corbett, Louisiana State Univer-
sity athletic director and chair-
man of the NCAA committee on
college-pro relations.
Kentucky Considers Negroes
Charlie Bradshaw of Kentucky
confirmed yesterday he is inter-
ested in one or more Negro players
for next season.
If a Negro is put on the team,
he would be the first in the South-
eastern Conference, the only ma-
jor college conference without ra-
cial integration.
The university's Athletic Asso-
ciation adopted an official policy
last year stating that race is not a
factor in membership on Ken-
;ucky's athletic teams. However, no
Negroes have been on the teams.
Bradshaw noted that Houston,
scheduled to play next fall at Mis-
sissippi of the SEC, has a Negro
on its team.




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