Seent y-Fifthb Year EDITED AND iMANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS NEW SCHEME NEEDED: HUA C Remains in Spite of Liberals Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBoR, MCN. Truth Will Prevail NEws PHoNE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, 11 FEBRUARY 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN BRYANT The Viet Nam Protest Rally: U.S. Must Bargain with China . 0 * By HAROLD WOLMAN ON THE BASIS of recent com- mittee assignments it appears that ,despite some improvement, the House Un-American Activities Committee will continue to be dominated by congressmen who see red when they look left. The improvement is represented by the appointment of Charles Weltner (D-Ga), a southern lib- eral, to the committee. Weltner, who represents a district in At- lanta with a high percentage of Negro voters, was the only rep- resentative from the Deep South to vote for the Civil Rights Act last year. Last week he called for HUAC to investigate the. Un- Americtn activities of the Ku Klux Klan. However, the two new Republi- cans appointed to the committee, John Buchanan (R-Ala) and Del Clawsen (R-Cal), more than counter-balance Weltner. Both are Goldwater conservatives who rep- resent districts in which anti- leftism has become almost a cru- sade. THIS LEAVES the present com- mittee with six Democrats and three Republicans, but not one of the Democrats is from a liberal northern state. The chairman is Edward Willis (D-La), who rated a moderate 52 per cent on the liberal Americans for Democratic Action congressional ratings. Other Democrats on HUAC are William Tuck (Va) who supported the ADA position four per cent of the time, Joe Pool (Tex), 16 per cent ADA, Richard Ichord (Mo), 4 per cent, George Senner (Ariz), 72 per cent, and Weltner, 72 per cent ADA. The third GOP mem- ber is arch-conservative John Ashbrook (Ohio), 0 per cent ADA. Clawsen scored only 4 per cent according to the same rating. HUAC's continued strength tes- tifies to a corresponding weakness on the part of those fighting it. Indeed, there are many well- known and respected people listed in the cause. A recent petition urging abolition of HUAC reads iike a Who's Who in the field of public law. It includes two Uni- versity law professors (Robert Harris and Jerold Israel) and such social scientists as Robert Hut- chins, Henry Steele Commager and Oscar Handlin. * *4* UNFORTUNATELY, it has not been these people who have taken the lead in their cause. A good example of the resulting weakness of the anti-HUAC ef- fort occurred early last month when an attempt was made during the organization of Congress to scrap HUAC. None of the respect- ed names were present to lead the fight. Instead a small group led by Frank Wilkinson, widely known by Congressmen as a pro- fessional advocate of lost causes, set up offices in a double room at the Congressional Hotel, across the street from the House Office Building. When I visited the group, I saw, in addition to Wilkinson, about ten people, including a priest, a A HAS BECOME USUAL when the Unit- ed States gets embroiled in an inter- national conflict, University faculty and students yesterday staged a hastily-or- ganized rally protesting the allegedly un- just and cruel acts of the U.S. in inter- vening in the affairs of another country. This time the subject was Viet Nam. But the large and interested crowd soon discovered that it was not attending a run-of-the-mill "peace rally." For the two orators who addressed it were elo- quent, and though both fell short of per- fection, the two combined to offer the crowd a complete presentation of basic arguments regarding U.S. presence in Asia and a clear pointer to the solution of the Southeast Asian crisis-relations and negotiations with Communist China. (A later speaker presenting a less "lib- eral" view of the crisis, though allowed to speak by a largely hostile crowd, fail- ed in his attempt to woo it. The reasons were two. First, he was unimaginative in presenting his case to the crowd. The statement that the U.S. was "invited" to Viet Nam by a "legitimate government" to "defend freedom"-is both the State De- partment line and a very simplified argu- ment. Second, instead of presenting only a moderately less "liberal" view, which might have won some people over, he seemed to swing far to the right, thus alienating all but the thoroughly con- vinced.) THE FIRST SPEAKER, Prof. Freijof Bergmann of the philosophy depart- ment, put forth a good line of argument but fell short of a solution. His basic- and valid-points-: A) The majority of the South Vietna- mese are not pro-United States. The facts that even Saigon businessmen pay taxes to the Viet Cong, that knowing villagers give pro-U.S. troops no advance warning of attacks, that there is poor morale among the pro-U.S. conscripts are all relevant, and Bergmann used them all. They destroy the argument that the U.S. should be there because it is wanted. B) He used his first point to empha- size that if the U.S. loses political control over Asia, "it is not 'losing,' for Asia was never ours to begin with." C) From there he attacked the U.S. policy of supporting anti-Communists indiscriminately and ignoring the radical Marxist elements in emerging countries. It is our support of corrupt ruling anti- Communist elites, he argued, that is los- ing us respect in the world. BUT IN CALLING for a politically nego- tiated solution of the Southeast Asian problem, Bergmann called for "free elec- tions" to decide the new government. Here, he fell into a trap to which demo- crats are all too vulnerable: He assumed that democracy is the best way of govern- ment for a country vastly different from the developed Western democracies. Actually, talk of free elections in South Viet Nam flaunts reality. There are three outstanding reasons why free elections just won't work: A) Most South Vietnamese-meaning those outside of Saigon-have only local allegiances. They do not know what vot- ing is and care less. It has been estimated by the U.S. government that over one- third of the population is not fully aware of the existence of the central govern- ment. In fact, if South Vietnamese retain any loyalty at all above the local level, it is to Ho Chi Minh, president of North Viet Nam, who has been active in revolution- ary work in Indochina since before the First World War and who has been well known in the area since the 1920's. These Vietnamese do not know what voting is and care less. B) South Viet Nam simply doesn't have enough trained political personnel to run a group of opposing parties. It needs everybody in the government that it can get. The same is true in many African countries, for example, and is a main rea- son why they are one-party states. C) Even if all rural South Vietnamese were to vote, problems would arise. The people of Saigon, whose constant inter- necine squabbles we call changes of gov- ernment, would deeply resent being ruled by a rural majority. Saigon is the only part of the South in decent economic con- dition, and this is because of massive transfusions of U.S. aid. A representative government might want to distribute the aid, and Saigon would rebel. The sys- tem just wouldn't work. PROF. KENNETH BOULDING, the sec- ond speaker at the rally yesterday, sketched the solution of the Asian prob- lem. "We cannot settle the problem of Southeast Asia until we come to a settle- ment with China," he declared. "Both the United States and China have been acting like six-year olds. We need a ma- ture relationship." Boulding gave pointed recognition to the cold political fact that there can be no solution until China wants one. At present, China wishes to dominate the entire Asian continent. It forces countries like North Viet Nam to a very great ex- tent into their aggressive policies. The United States, however, does much the same thing. Judging from its actions, it also wants to maintain political control over as much of Asia as possible. AT PRESENT, with no agreement with China, the United States cannot pull out of South Viet Nam. If it did, China would immediately take over the area filling the power vacuum. This would be fatal to U.S. and European investments, resources and shipping in Southeast Asia. The U.S. government, if it is to protect its vital interests-as it must by defini- tion and by mandate-must hold the fort until a satisfactory truce is arranged. The administration has been carrying out clandestine negotiations with China. President Johnson is rumored to be con- stantly exchanging notes with the astute and experienced foreign minister of China, Chou En-lai. In addition, informal talks go on regularly through Eastern European embassies. It is imperative that the administration carry these talks to conclusion in the near future if it is not to wreck Southeast Asia and lose thou- sands of men doing it. -ROBERT HIPPLER few students, a matronly woman, two efficient PTA-type women and an elderly man with the d4- meanor of a Kentucky colonel. The atmosphere resembled a mnet- ing of a weekly bridge lub- which it might just as well have been, for the group was !oliti- cally incompetent. It had to that the leader of the Democratic Study Group, the liberal organiza- tion in the House, was John Blat- nik (D-Minn), not James Roose- velt (D-Cal). They were also hopelessly unaware of the posi- tions various congressmen had taken in the past and of the various pressures involved. * * * WORSE, however, their strategy was dangerous to House liberls, for it threatened the proposed re- form package the DSG was push- ing. The only chance for accept- ance of DSG proposals was to have them proposed and voted on as a packtge without opening them to amendment, thus denying Re- publicans an opportunity to cripple the reforms. However, because ofthep arlia- mentary situation, abolition of HUAC could only be considered in the form of an amendment to the DSG package-and one amend- ment would open the floodgates, the DSG feared. As a result the anti-HUAC people were working at cross pur- poses with their closest allies, and, as could be expected, they came away empty-handed. No motion to abolish the committee was even ALL THIS demonstrates not only the poverty of the anti- HUAC active leadership, but also the inevitable ineffectiveness of any strategy which requires the representative to put himself on record as voting against the cam- mittee. Although it is regarded with fervid animosity in liberal circles, the committee has wide support in the general public. Vot- ing to abolish HUAC, congress- men fear, will appear to the un- sophisticated electorate as a vete in favor of un-American activities. The way to success is thus al- most certainly not abolishing the committee. Instead, liberals, some- what more politically sophisticated than the present active anti- HUAC leaders, are now suggesting that the way to deal with the committee is to stack it with lib- erals-such as Weltner-who are not likely to go on anti-left cru- sades. For those in the movement, this calls for a concentration of effort on specific political points, par- ticularly on liberal congressmen who previously refused to serve on HUAC because of its relative un- importance in all spheres except Communist-hunting. This kind of strategy, since it does not call for mobilization of public opinion may not be as flamboyant as the strategy cur- rently beingused, but in the long run it is likely to be more effec- tive. introduced. 4 Pennant-Winner s / r s A 4 i p Q a } 'IVAN THE TERRIBLE': Eisenstein's Last Work Is Stylized Masterpiece At the Cinema Guild fC '' -A %J' _ * ,. s:,::z -,- . : / , IVAN IV, PRINCE of Muscovy, becametCzar of the Russians in 1547 at the age of 17. Spending the early part of his reign welding the various states into a powerful nation, he had to contend with the Boyar princes who were jealous of his and Moscow's ascendancy, as well as with the Tartars and the German-Livonians. Sergei Eisenstein spent five years during World War II on his last major film, an epic history of Ivan, revolving about the need for Russia to be united against her enemies. This late work of an acknowl- edged cinematic master draws on unexpected techniques. The drama is worked out in a style of pag- eantry, akin to pantomime, and the acting is presented in terms of stylized motions, gestures, and juxtapositions of the players. *' * * THE CORONATION scene which this print of the film opens im- mediately establishes the issues and sets the air of tension by cut- ting from one to another of the several representative characters: the determined, stiong and in- spired young Ivan; his grotesque and cruel aunt; the chalky cour- tiers; all in a dark medieval cathedral echoing with the hymns of a magnificent basso and choir. Nikolai Cherkasov, to Eisen- stein what Max von Sydow has been to Bergman, is a lordly and eloquent Ivan, becoming increas- ingly sinister as the audience rec- ognizes his monolithic, fierce and totalitarian aim of a united Rus- sia regardless of anyone who stands in his way. Serafima Birman, as Euphro- syne Staritsky, the Czar's aunt, is marvelously malevolent in her portrayal of jealousy and hatred which comes perilously close to being trite, as she schemes with the boyars to get her idiot son Vladimir proclaimed Czar. AS IN HIS previous works, Eisenstein has made outstanding use of pictorial composition. For example, Ivan's profile and a globe, both cast as shadows, need no subtitling as Ivan talks of world trade. Again, Ivan's tall curved figure observing from above the long sinuous proces- sion of Muscovites in the snow constitutes a truly memorable image. As in "Alexander Nevsky," the score by Prokofiev ties in very closely with the visual images, be- ing neither submerged nor over- whelming them. Perhaps the one important de- fect is the poor continuity of the "story line." Undefined intervals of time elapse between contiguous elements - the coronation, the wedding feast, and the siege of Kazan occur in almost unbroken sequence. Stylized and stilted, the film is nonethelessa masterpiece, con- veying a sweeping if frightening image of an epoch from which modern totalitarianism may well date. -Gerry Ahronheim p 4 01 17fa LAs JdT J' Pt'S'?- E LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: How To Educate Educators f ... The Protestors Are Naive T HE DIAG was treated yesterday to one of those rare and enjoyable effusions of early springtime, the protest rally, which, in this instance, was protesting United States policy in the war in Viet Nam. "The U.S. Must Stop the War before a World War Starts!!!" said an impec- cable and restrained handout. Ironically, this view is official United States policy, although, to be sure, it has never been enunciated with any great degree of forcefulness. As Arthur Schles- inger, Jr., noted in his speech here on Sat- H. NEIL BERKSON, Editor KENNETH WINTER EDWARD HERSTEIN Managing Editor Editorial Director ANN GWIRTZMAN . .... Personnel Director BILL BULLARD ........................ Sports Editor MICHAEL SATTINGER .... Associate Managing Editor JOHN KENNY........... Assistant Managing Editor DEBORAH BEATTIE .... Associate Editorial Director LOUISE LIND........Assistant Editorial Director in urday, "We should be doing what the ad- ministration is doing now-keep things going long enough until some sort of basis for neutralization comes along." James Reston, writing in Tuesday's New York Times, added, "Washington is em- phasizing by military strikes in North Viet Nam that it will not tolerate a defeat in the hope that this will finally persuade the Communists to halt their infiltra- tion and negotiate a fair and honorable settlement." INASMUCH as statements from the North Vietnamese Lao Dong Hak Xat (Communist) Party since 1959 have made obvious North Viet Nam's active coordi- nating and supporting role, we can hard- ly do anything else; no one assails us with impunity. On the other hand, yes- terday's energetic demonstrators, in their assumption that the United States in- tends to expand the war in Southeast To the Editor: 1N THE FEB. 7 edition of The IDaily there was an editorial dealing withethe school of educa- tion, its students and the place of the school in the University. Generally I agree with the tone of the editorial. However, I would like to maketsome amplifications and observations. First, the edi- torial states that approximately 70 per cent of the education stu- dents do not go on to teach. I do not question this figure. But of this 70 per cent many are young ladiesin elementary or secondi ry education who become housewives upon graduation. Also, probably a few elect to do additional work in order to do college teaching. Finally, some of the 70 per cent decide, partially on the basis of their student teaching experience, that they do not wish to teach. * * . A MINOR POINT mentioned in the editorial was that the educa- tion students were slightly below the intellectual level of the stu- dents in other schools in the University. Again, I think this is true. However, considering the intellectual level of the Univer- sity's students in reference to the general population of this coun- try, it should not cause too much concern for any group on this campus to be slightly below av r- age here. After all, it really too bad to be the fourth or fifth individual in an honor society of five people. Finally, I wish to make a major observation concerning the place of education schools in our cour- try and in relation to our univer- sities. Any university wants to have well prepared students in all support and adequately provide for their schools of education, these future teachers will ack good preparation. Consequently, the universities' future students must be inferior to the desired standards of the universities. Per- haps the vast potential of college faculty should be put to use to strengthen our precollege educa- tional system. -R. O. Young, Grad To the Editor: THE EDITORIAL in last Sun- day's Daily concerning the average grade for elementary physics which stated that "the average grade for elementary physics in the literary college has for many years been a D," caused me to check the grade sheets on file in my office. I found the grade distribution for the elementary physics courses for the Fall Term. 1964 to be: 158-A's 249-B's 256-C's 45-D's 5-E's 2-Incompletes The median (midmost measure) grade of each of the courses and of the total was a B. There were 407 A's and B's; and 308 C's, D's, E's and Incompletes. In reference to the enrollment in the schood of, education, I might add that the enrollment last fall was 2814; of these, 1181 were undergraduates. -Edward G. Groesbeck Registrar Symiphoniy and Brass Instruments" and Szy- manowski's "Concerto for Violin and Orchestra, No. 2" was, to be sure, incongruous, from the very beginning. The incongruity-is that both selections are certainly not symphonies in any sense of the word. THE FIRST selection is struc- tured much like the more familiar "Concerto for Orchestra" by Bar- tok. (Of course, Bartok composed his in 1943, while Hinemith did in 1930.) But though the basic structures are the same, that is the only similarity. It is supposed to be a dynamic composition, utilizing almost the, full ranges of tone and octave for all the orchestral instruments. Though it does accomplish this end, it is done in such a disjoint- ed way that we cannot truly be- lieve it was composed; it rather sounds much like some of these new paintings look-the ones that are painted by throwing the pig- menu from a distance of at least 10.29 feet. In view of this fact, it is rath- er difficult to judge the quality of dhe orchestra at this point: though it was distinctly noted that some :f the brass solos were not well rehearsed. THE CONCLUDING selection of the concert. Tchaikovsky's "Sym- phony No. 5," was very enjoyable. Anpropriately, it was executed with a dynamic flare. The only two suggestions I would have for Conductor Skrowaczewski is that he take a little more care in pro- tecting the woodwind solos in the first movement; and that he not vary the measure length in the 'AN EVENING'S FROST': Donald Hall Produces A Noteworthy Evening RANGING OVER the poems, letters and conversations of Robert Frost with a loving directness, Donald Hall has put together a de- lightful tribute to the poet and his poetry. Not so much a play, "An Evening's Frost" is rather a form of dramatic saturation-with all the various moods and reflections of a great poet. Nothing is missing, from the lyric joy in nature to the pessimism and doubt about life; and in between, there is a liberal amount of the dramatic and the ironic, the comic and the sad. No aspect of Frost has been neglected. It is a series of wonderful moments strung neatly together. One is constantly aware of being in the very processes of Frost's life. Donald Hall has allowed the poet's voice to sing out; this has been truly a labor of love. Not that the continuity is flawless. Much as we like Frost, the poetry flags a bit in the second half. Mr. Hall has been reluctant to sacrifice anything he admires; further, he meanders a bit; the arrow- straight narration of the first part tends to go awry in the latter sections. BUT THE HIGH spots! Unerringly right about the best of Frost, Hall has made the dramatic pieces the high spots: "Death of the Hired Man," "Home Burial," "The Witch of Coos"-these prove the dramatic power of Frost. Add to these everybody's favorite lyrics and the wonderful comments from Frost's prose and the triumphal moments are accounted for. The major disappointment comes from a failure completely to realize the more difficult, questioning aspect of Frost. "Design," "I Have Been Acquainted with the Night" and "The Most of It" do not quite come off. Perhaps they are too profound for a dramatic reading. Perhaps they are not quite rightly set; there may not be sufficient preparation in the script. Or, it may be that we need some variety in the technique of speaking and acting to convey this different quality, this depth. THE PRODUCTION seemed to me quite handsome. Miss Cisney has managed movement with the sensitivity and intelligence of sim- t I f 4 f