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February 10, 1965 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-02-10

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Panelists Clash on African Racial Crisis

... ..

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
sixth in a series of articles de-
scribing panel discussions of world
affairs held at the Overseas Press
Club at the beginning of this

The Congolese students were story in the papers." have made progress in Africa the U.S. persuade American corn.
supported by Levon Keshishian of Sorry which should be reported in the panies to go to countries and in-
Cairo's Al Ahran newspaper who In regard to the Stanleyville press," he added. vest in them. "Such aid would be
congratulated t h e m for their massacres. Keshishian said that Concentrating on the subject of most effective, since American
"courage to give the truth." He the incident was a "fight against Africa as "the emerging conti- business people are superior to the
said that Egyptian President the illegality of Tshombe." He nent," Sheldon then pointed out government," he said.
Gamel Abdel Nasser "supports said he was "sorry" about the 200 that "some African countries are Necessary

S ecial To The Daily

y jstheir cause and is helping the whites who were killed. "But hadI
NEW YORK-Racial discrimin- Congolese rebels to get rid of the U.S.-Belgium operation not
ation in South Africa and the Tshombe." taken place, so many people would
uprisings in the Congo "have en- No Guns not have been killed," he added.
gaged Africans and the whole Keshishian denied that Nasser Sheldon summarized the discus-
world in a collision course," ac- was supplying the rebels with mil- sion of the Congo by pointing out
cording to James Sheldon of the itary weapons, however. "Nasser that the situation there reflects
North American Newspaper Alli- announced only that he was two errors. He attributed the first
ance. 'helping' the rebels: he did not error to Belgium who "failed to;
Sheldon was the chairman of a say what kind of help he was foster self-government in the Con-
panel discussion on "Africa: the supplying. He is, in fact, sending go as was done in Nigeria." The
Emerging Continent" presented help in the form of medicine, food second error he cited was the
recently to the College Editors' and perhaps some small arms," premature withdrawal of United
Conference. Keshishian maintained. Nations forces "which had been

-Associated Press
Led by 250 Vietnamese, Muscovite students demonstrated yesterday at the American Embassy, pro-
testing American policy in Viet Nam. United States Ambassador Foy D. Kohler protested to the
Foreign Ministry, demanding and receiving Soviet assurances that the Russians would repair the
smashed windows and ink-stained embassy walls Kohler also demanded long-term measures to guar-
antee Soviet protection of American Embassy property and personnel in Moscow.
Asian Crisis: Marking Time

east Asia crisis marked time yes-
terday in the wake of two re-
taliatory air strikes against North
Viet Nam. U.S. strategists looked
for signs the Reds might act to
broaden the war but reported none
so far.
An estimated 1000 students dem-
onstrated at the U.S. Embassy in
Moscow, hurling rocks, smashing
windows and smearing the walls
with ink.
The United States denounced
the anticipated, staged attack as
"an outrage." But U.S. officials
noted the Soviets promised to
pay compensation.
From this, and from Moscow
and Peking statements which fea-
tured denunciations more than
deeds, U.S. analysts figured that
neither of the giant Communist
powers wants to expand the shoot-
ing conflict.
No Broadening?
The United States says it' does
not want to broaden the war eith-
er, that the air strikes on North
Vietnamese installations Sunday
and Monday were only in retalia-
tion for deliberate Hanoi-directed
guerrilla assaults.
Thus any decision to broaden
the conflict rests with Hanoi, Pe-
king and Moscow, U.S. officials
There were indications, how-
ever, that U.S. forces were keep-
ing their guard up in case the
crisis heats up.
It was learned that certain mil-
itary forces in the United States
and Pacific have been in varying
degrees of alert since the Com-
nunists assaulted a U.S. compound
at Pleiku in South Viet Nam Sat-
Officials refuse to talk about
any alert of forces, since these de-
tails are classified.
However, air defense units in the
United States are reported to have
gone on a form of alert in con-
nection with the weekend Commu-
nist attacks in South Viet Nam
and the retaliatory air strikes by
the U.S. and South Vietnamese

against Communist North Viet
In South Viet Nam, center of
the crisis, the alert was raised and
military men were ordered to stay
close to their duty stations in case
they should be needed.
A battery of 36 U.S. Hawk anti-
aircraft missiles helped tighten
northern frontier defenses yester-
day. American dependents slowly
moved out. The Vietnamese war
otherwise reverted to familiar
bloody channels.
The Hawks, fitted to spot aerial
intruders, were set up by Marines
at the Da Nang Air Base as a pre-
caution against possible Commu-
nist retaliation for the retaliatory

U.S.-South Vietnamese raids Sun-
day and Monday on North Viet
U.S. Air Force F-205 fighter-
bombers struck again at Commu-
nist supply lines in neighboring
Laos, maintaining a campaign
launched more than a month ago
to stem the flow of recruits and
munitions for the Viet Cong.
Heavy fighting with undeter-
mined results was reported near
Pleiku, 230 miles north of Saigon,
where a Viet Cong attack on U.S.
Installations early Sunday prompt-
ed President Lyndon B. John-
son's administration to order the
air strikes at North Vietnamese

World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
LONDON-Prime Minister Harold Wilson's Labor governmentt
yesterday, survived by a five vote margin, a Conservative attempt to
unseat it over a decision to step up British orders of U.S. planes. The
five-vote margin was Labor's smallest since it took control of parlia-
nent last October.
s s* * *
UNITED NATIONS--East-West disagreement over the makeup of
a committee to examine all aspects of the U.N. peace-keeping crisis
threatened yesterday to upset plans for the General Assembly to
recess Friday.
The Soviet Union has proposed an 18-nation committee while the
United States and Britain favor retention of the present 21-nation
working group, which has been studying the issue under the chair-
manship of chief S. O. Adebo of Nigeria.
.* .~
HOUSTON-Optimism was expressed yesterday by- Thomas W.
Gleason, president of the International Longshoremen's Association,
that the West Gulf Longshoremen's strike could be settled by Thurs-
day. Gleason met with his 24 vice presidents in a regular quarterly
executive session.
* * * *
WASHINGTON-Walter Reuther said yesterday that the United
Auto Workers has made a proposal to the International Union of
Electrical Workers that "would be in the direction of a consolidation."
Reuther, president of the UAW, declined to go into any details, say-
ing the proposal still had to be acted on by the general board- of the
Electrical Workers Union. Both are AFL-CIO affiliates. A merger
of the two unions would create an organization with about 1.6 million
members. Only the Teamsters union claims more members.

"Where a nation has made one
race superior or sovereign, it has
violated the laws of democracy
and the Bible," Sheldon said. "The
civilized world cannot stand for
racial discrimination," he de-
"The axiom of modern society
is equality of people," he said. "We
are trying to move in that direc-
tion; South Africa is moving in
the opposite direction.
Nationalism, Not Race
In reply, Derik Rezelman of the
South African Information Serv-
ice said that "the problem is not
one of race: it is one of nations
and nationalism." He pointed out
that nationalism is a powerful
force in Africa but that it is often
"artificially created.
"The Pan-African concept is
good if differences can be recon-
ciled," he said. "Until that time,
we must consider the realities.
Idealism is good, but the political
realities of a situation must be
stared directly in the face," he
Renzelman maintained that the
crux of the problem was not how
to continue to dominate but "how
to find an accommodation of how
to stop dominating without being
dominated yourself. We cannot
destroy ourselves as a political
,entity," lie said.
Bantu Education Act
Opposing Renzelman's view was
Mrs. Marguerite Cartwright of the
Pittsburgh Courier, who directed
her attack against the Bantu Edu-
cation Act recently passed by the
South African government.
"I fail to understand the prin-;
ciple under which the act was
passed," she said. "Education
which limits is a mental malprac-
tice and is extremely frightening."
She pointed out that the Bantu.
Education Act has been misunder-
stood and misreported by the
American press-"both the best
and the worst of newspapers."
Mrs. Cartwright objected to
forced removal and segregation on
the grounds that "there are great
values in the African society that
one person can gain from another.'
A hunman being needs an open so-
ciety in order to make contribu-
tions," she continued.
"Prospects for integration de-
pend on the policies of the South
African government and on the
policies of the rest of the world,"
she concluded.
Students Speak1
Following the discussion of the
racial issue, an account of the
Congo situation was presented by
two Congolese students currently
studying in the United States.
The students referred to Congo
Premier Moise Tshombe as a
"great actor who could gain a
majority only because of his per-
Isonality." They said the Congolese
rebels say Tshombe's government
iillegal because it was formed by
a presidential order without being
presented before the parliament.
Rebel leader Christophe Gben-
ye's government "is not legal
either," they said, "but it is less
illegal than Tshombe's." The stu-
dents added that they could "give
no support for this argument."
In regard to foreign policy, the
students said that "a country is
independent if its soil is independ-
ent. But the African soil is govern-
ed by imperialists: Belgium, Eng-
land and the United States.
"Tshombe deals with those peo-
ple who try to weaken Africa,"
they continued. "He seeks and re-
ceives personal help from the U.S.,
making him more unpopular with
the freedom government. He uses
mercenaries from South Africa,"
they added.
"It is time that Tshombe started
to negotiate with other countries,"
they stressed. "He is one of the
men who weakens Africa, and
sometimes we are ashamed of
him," they concluded.

When you care en
Let someon


THESE AFRICAN TRIBESMEN are examples of illiterate natives
in emerging dark Africa. The problem of dealing with the newly
independent nations who are striving for industrialization and
modernization was discussed at the College Editors Conference in
New York by a panel of experts.

moving more toward democracy Sheldon added that private in-
than is realized." He said that vestments without guarantees of
some countries, such as Nigeria, any kind have also been made in
have a democracy "which is at certain parts of Africa such as
least as firm as ours in America Nigeria, Ghana and Sudan.
was in the beginning years. He 1"American funds have gone into
added, however, that "democracy fundamental structural improve-
cannot be legislated overnight." ments which are necessary to
Not Relevant basic development," Sheldon said.
On the other side of the issue on
demorcracy, Keshishian said that Sheldon pointed out that "we
"Western democratic institutions must consider human factors as
Westn ecaic wplcbl osell." He said that the Peace
are not necessarily applicable tohat Corp is an important organization
"we can't assume that what is in this respect, "developing teach-
good for New York is also good for ers ad general self-confidence."
other states and nations." Keshishian challenged Sheldon's
"We have tried all forms of appraisal of the Peace Corps by
government throughout Africa," referring to it as "more a propa-
Keshishian continued. "In Arab- ganda device than a reality." He
Africa we are trying a one-party viewed it as a reflection of the
system where one man rules the American desire to have "every-
country as a strong man," he said. one like them. Why does everyone
"In some countries a one-party have to like you?" he asked.
system is a bad thing," Keshishian Concluding the discussion, Shel-
added. "An ambitious man may don characterized Africa's rapid
take over and establish military change from what was largely a
rule. But Nasser is an honest man colonial preserve to a dynamic
trying to establish democratic in- "emerging continent" embracing
stitutions. He is the boss and we 35 independent countries as "one
don't deny this," he said. of the most significant political
Turning to a discussion of for- developments of t h e postwar
eign aid, Keshishian urged that period."

Keshishian supported the Reso-
lution of the African Security
Council, which demanded:
-A cease-fire in the Stanley-
ville area:
-A reconciliation of. leaders of
the Congo;
-The expulsion of all mercen-
aries, and
-The withdrawal of all foreign
Keshishian went on to attack
the United States for "permitting
Cuban nationalists to fly Ameri-
can planes in Africa, and for re-
fusing to give the other side of the

trying to establish a framework
of order for the development of
self-government in the Congo."
He also pointed out that the res-
cue mission was "an exercise of
our legal right to remove na-
There's More
A Nigerian student, a college
editor from Friends University in
Philadelphia, mentioned at this
point in the discussion that "Af-
rica is not just the Congo. A posi-
tive approach is needed in order
to eradicate these things from the
minds of people," he said. "We

FEBRUARY 10, 1965
On December 9 the Michigan Union
Board of Directors voted to:
1. Increase the number of Senior
officer positions from 3 to 4.
2. Allow women to become
student members of the board.
3. Provide for a male and female selections
committee for senior officers,
Approve these changes
aimed at facilitating the
Union-League merger!

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11 -

Wednesday & Thursday
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(Continued from Page 2)
held until the approval has become
Approval request forms for student-
sponsored events are available in Room
1011 of the SAB.
Michigan Christian Fellowship, Bi-
weekly lecture, Feb. 19, 7:30-9:30 p.m. in
the Michigan Union.
Michigan Marching Band: The Michi-
gan Marching Band will oerform at the
Michigan-Michigan State basketball
game, Sat., Feb.13. All members who
signed up to play are requested to be
at the north locker room of Yost Field
House by 1 p.m., Saturday. Dress in
suits, ties, and dark shoes. Enter the
building through the north end doors
to get your admission ticket.
Time, Inc., Subscription ServicerDiv.,
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pervisory & other assignments. Above
average academic records & interest in
bus. organization & for detail work.
Courses in statistics, econ., acctg., etc.
helpful. Details at Bureau of Appoint-
of Appointments-Seniors & g ud stu-
dents, please call 764-7460 for i ppoint-
tients with the following:
MON., FEB. 15-
Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp., Pitts-
burgh, Pa.-Econ., Engl., Hst., Gen. Lib.
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trng. program located inDetroit, Mich.
J. L. Hudson Co., Detroit - Men &
women with degree in any major field.
Positions in merchandising, retailing &
exec. dev. program.
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First National Bank of Chicago, Ill.-
Degree in any field for banking, econ.,
foreign trade, mgmt. trng., office man-
agement. Men & women.

S. D. Warren Co., Muskegon, Mich.- Men & women, majors in Econ., Math
Degrees in Econ,, Engl., & Gen. Lib. & Philo. for positions in Territorial
Arts. Positions in Mgmt. Trng., Prod. Sales & Data Processing Trainee. Lo
& Territorial sales. Located in Muske- cated in Detroit, Chicago & Wellesley,
gon & Westbrook, Me. (p.m. only). Mass.
Burroughs, Wellcome & Co., Tucka- Chase Manhattan Bank, N.Y.C.-De-
hoe, N.Y.-Degree in any major field for gree majors in Econ, Law & math. Trng.
pharm. sales and sales promotion. Ter- program for all areas of banking.
ritories in Detroit & other U.S. loca- Women in Econ. only-pref M.A. Many
tos(m.only). overseas branches. U.S. citizens or per-
tions (p.m. 17y).manent visa.
WED., FEB. 17- Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, Mich.-
American Hospital Supply Corp., Evan- Majors in Econ., law, math, physics,
ston, Ill.-Degree in any field for mgmt. psych., & chem. Positions in Elec. Com-
trng., sales promotion & territorial sales. puting, Foreign trade, Insurance, Mkt.
Throughout U.S. Res.. Personnel, Prod., etc. Located
Maritime Admin., Wash., D.C. - Men throughout U.S.
& women with degrees in Econ., Gen. Ortho Pharmaceutical Corp., Ann Ar-
Lib. Arts, Hist., Journ., & Poli. Sci. bor-Degrees in any field for territorial
Positions in mgmt. trng., statistics, sales. Located in Mich. & Ohio.
transportation & gen. writing. Candi- Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. of N.Y.-
dates chosen from FSEE & Mgmt. In- Gen. Lib. Arts esp. Econ/ for positions
tern Registers. in banking & mgmt. trng. prog.
International Milling Co., Minneapolis, FRI., FEB. 19--
Minn.-Degree in Econ. & Gen. Lib. Arts Connecticut General Life Insurance
oi mgmt. trng. Located throughout U.S. Co., Hartford -Degrees in Gen. Lib. Arts.
LaSalle & Koch Co., Toledo, Ohio - Math, Phych., etc. for positions in in-
Men & women, Gen. Lib. Arts degrees surance, mgmt. trng. and sales mgint.
for mgmt. trng., merchandising & re- trng., admin., supv. & tech. positions.
tailinrg. Located in major U.S. cities.
Wayne County Bureau of Social Aid,
Aluminum Co. of America, Pitts- Detroit-Men & women with any Lib.
burgh, Pa.-Majors in Arch., Econ., Gen. Arts degree, esp. soc. & soc. work. Po-
Lib. Arts., Geog., Geol., Nat. Res. (Wood sitions in social work.
Tech. & Conservation), Poli. Sci., Psych, Owens-Corning Fiberglas Corp., To-
& Chem. (organic & physical), for ledo, Ohio - Majors in Arch., Econ.,
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& draft exempt. Located throughout (Analyt. & Gen.). Positions in Mgmt.
U.S. Trng., Mkt. Res., Prod., Sales & Pur-
THURS., FEB. 18- chasing. Located in Ohio, Kansas &
Honeywell, Inc., Minneapolis, Minn.- NJ.

Saturday Morning . . .9:30
Wines Field: FREE BUSES
leave Washtenaw & Hill and
Alice Lloyd Hall (8:35-9:35)
Cheering Contest
Abominable Snowman Hunt
Ice Sculpturing Contest
Girls Hockey
Buy your lunch here before the basketball game!
ough to send the very best+&
te know you think she

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