Sevexly-Fi f thYear EDITFD AND MANAGED EY STUDENTS of THE UNrvp.RsrrY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY of BOARD IM CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BOAT ROCKING AT BERKELEY... The Challenge to Public Universities 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN AioR, MICH. NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SUNDAY, 7 FEBRUARY 1965 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT JOHNSTON Romney Fails To Give Promised Leadership By JAMES H. ROBERTSON THE RIOTS at the University of California stirred up more than the local administration at Berke- ley. Major newspapers and maga- zines are devoting considerable space and staff talent to analyz- ing the causes, probing for social and philosophic significance and pointing to lessons to be learned from the sudden, serious, disrup- tive challenge to one of the dis- tinguished state universities of the country. Stirred by this publicity which ranges from the quasi-sensational to such reasoned reports as the Carnegie Corporation's "The Flight From Teaching" and John Fisch- er's "Is There a Teacher on the Faculty?" the public in general and parents of students in par- ticular are raising questions about matters close to their hearts-- the importance of teaching,the quality of teachers, and the na- ture of the curriculum. In addi- tion, students, faculty and ad- ministrators on many campuses. including our own. are turning a critical, evaluative eye on their local institutions and wondering whether the shock waves from California will rock them too. The need to re-examine and to explain the range and priority of educational functions in publicly supported universities can be healthy and constructive if it leads to a reaffirmation of the central importance of teaching and teachers. If this occurs, then last fall's flare-up at Berkeley may very well have the Fame salutary impact on American higher education that the launch- ing of Sputnik had on our sec- ondary schools. California, un- wittingly and painfully, may have achieved another "first." THE UNIVERSITY of California has a well-deserved reputation or leadership in research and for significant national service. Its scientific accomplishments and its roster of Nobel prize winners have been the envy of many other major state and private univer- sities. It has high caliber students and accords freedom for the widest spectrum of political views It has taken the leadership in developing a state-wide "master plan" for higher education which is a model for the nation. But it had one tragic flaw: it has never enjoyed the reputation for a lively interest in its students. Several years ago, when I visited Berkeley to discuss the faculty advising program and the em- bryonic honors program. I sensed this neglect. The excellent stu- dents and the excellent faculty were not in active partnership. Several younger staff members with whom I talked admitted that, despite a personal desire to spend more time in teaching and advis- ing, it was risking one's profes- sional future to be overly interest- ed in or available to students. Ac- ,EVALUATION AT HOME LAST NOVEMBER, Gov. George Romney promised that he would provide lead- ership for Michigan if he were reelected. Recent events show that the governor has reneged on his promise., Many of the state's educators, as well as much of the heavily Democratic Leg- islature, view Romney's $788.5 million budget request as inadequate. Yet the governor plans to spend only about a third of the $100 million general fund surplus-saving the rest for next year when, according to Romney, the state could be forced into debt without this extra money to balance the budget. FOR THE STATE to appreciably in- crease expenditures without going into debt, fiscal reform is needed. Tax reform that would put the state on a more stable and equitable financial base would solve the spending problem by providing sourc- es for additional revenue. But for a fiscal reform program to be enacted, it must first be introduced in the Legislature. Romney, who had an unhappy experi- ence with tax reform when the Republi- can-controlled Legislature defeated his fiscal program in 1963, is loath to intro- duce another. He is calling on the Demo- cratic majority not only to introduce a program but also to show what he terms "strong support" for fiscal reform. THE DEMOCRATS, on the other hand, believe that Romney should detail a tax package since he made the call for fiscal reform in his State of the State message. Several Democrats say that they want to see what would be in the Romney program before they give the idea any further consideration. But the Democrats must realize that even though Michigan is now solvent, the state's fiscal complexion hasn't changed since 1963, and the governor's program today would be nearly identical to his previous plan. THE GOVERNOR has made a ridiculous- ly low budget request which the Dem- ocrats will surely seek to increase. By maintaining that any increase-unless accompanied by fiscal reform-will cause severe monetary problems for the state, Romney is attempting to shift the re- sponsibility for tax reform over to the Democrats.j Senate Majority Leader Basil Brown has detailed a fiscal reform plan to the governor which is nearly identical to the ill-fated 1963 program. But Romney isn't even content with this. He is seeking "broader reform support"-including that of the state's educators. It is now agonizingly apparent that what the governor really wants is to have a tax reform program all but passed be- fore he even takes it into consideration. He thereby shows the people of Michi- gan that they elected as governor not a leader, but a follower who would take credit for leadership without accepting the risk of its responsibilities. -THOMAS COPI 1 cording to one older professor, the prevailing view, which he stated with some smugness, was that "each undergraduate is entitled to live a life of decent obscurity." The dangers incipient in this separateness of students and fac- ulty were not unrecognized by the President of the University of California. Clark Kerr, in his ex- cellent book, The Uses of the Uni- versity, laments the fact that as the faculty rises in quality as measured by research visibility, it seems to have less time or in- clination for the unspectacular' demands of meeting classes and meeting students. Prophetically, he wondered how long this situa- tion could continue before the students, hitherto docile, made a loud and effective complaint. ALTHOUGH there were many factors which contributed to the fall festivities at Berkeley, I be- lieve the central reason was the university's failure to recognize that its first responsibility is ,o teach rather than to seek and support brilliant but generally in- accessible scholars and research- ers. As a result, there was no sense of educational community: rather there developed a chasm which could no longer be bridged by 'conversation, only by angry shouts, defiance and civil dis- obedience. Since many faculty readily rallied to support of the rebellious students, it seems they too were uneasy about the drift toward alienation. Berkeley is not alone in its un- willingness or its inability to put and administration in curriculun review, in planning a residential college, in managing large !ourses, in training and supervising our growing number of teaching fel- lows. In general, contrary to the sit- uation at Berkeley, there is a healthy and hopeful commitment to teaching on this campus. But we have our thin spots. Specifi- cally, there are three areas that need continuing attention if we are to improve the status of teach- er and teaching. THE FIRST is to use all our imagination, resourcefulness and research skill in discovering, evaluating and rewarding our teachers. Books and articles pro- duced by a faculty member are an important but not infallible guide to teaching effectiveness. There are many examples of dis- tinguished scholars who are stim- ulating writers but who are deadly in the classroom. Conversely, there are first-rate teachers with fresh and lively insights who have ro national reputation, no impressive biblography, only a steadily in- creasing number of grateful stu- dents. Ideally, a happy combination of teaching excellence and research is whatnall deans and department chairmen yearn for. A Michel- angelo or an Abelard, however, is hard to come by (besides, the private lives of these stimulating spirits would undoubtedly violate at least one Regents' by-law). There must be less reluctance to recognize and promote our good "7 ::..{ rho i ./v. r 14~; ASSOCIATE DEAN JAMES H. ROBERT- SON of the literary college is the ad- ministrator concerned with the varied prob- lems of students in the literary college. A graduate of New York University, he re- ceived his doctorate in English from the University. He joined the University faculty in 1938 and became associate dean in 1957. He is chairman of the administrative board of the literary college and recently author- ed a book on counseling. 'Through A Glass Darkly' ACCORDING TO THE Atomic Energy Commission, the United States is ex- panding its underground nuclear testing. Within the legal limits of the test ban treaty, larger underground test caverns are being constructed to permit "higher yield underground detonations." Furthermore; the AEC said that the equipment and plans for swift resump- tion, of atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons are essentially completed and ready for use if the pact is violated by any nation. Geologists also proclaim that testing in the new Pahute Mesa area will not shake the nearby off-site communities as read- ily as detonations in other parts of the Nevada test station. WE NOW HAVE the scientists and re- sources adequate to drill passageways 13,670 feet in depth which connect to caverns 900 cubic yards in size to accom- modate the nuclear detonations by means of "decoupling." In decoupling, the device is suspended free of direct, hard contact with the cavern walls-this helps to keep the adjacent earth intact. But, the American people should be hesitant to sanction these acceleration measures as they consider the spirit of the test ban treaty, which was intended to serve not as a limit for future nuclear testing, but as a "first step" to disarm- ament. As Americans come closer to an accurate evaluation of our military ex- penditures-as it is balanced against pro- tection from our enemies, or immunity from atomic explosions-they will grow more and more recalcitrant to accept the philosophy that we should spend what- ever necessary. They will come to regard this age as a period of negotiation, reduction of arms, an age for the renewal of peace and prosperity, a time for beginning-not a race to the end. PRESIDENT KENNEDY summarized the ideals of the test ban treaty in the fall of 1963. Though the principle has been distorted since that time, he formulated what we should recognize as a perceptive and accurate appraisal of our tasks in clearing the way for peace: "Now for the first time in many years the path of peace may be open- ed. No one can be certain what the future will bring, no one can say whether the time has come for an easing of the struggle. But history and our own conscience will judge us harshly if we do not now make every effort to test our hopes by actions, and this is the place to begin." It is bravery and not cowardice which drives a nation to negotiate for a ban on nuclear weapons. It is the taking up of new tasks and obligations to fulfill ideals, and an effort to preserve peace and rap- port between nations-not the mechan- istic, defensive manufacture of bigger, deadlier weapons. But it can be only fear, which drives a nation to be ever on the defensive, pouring more and more money7, manpower and resources to insure--or at- tempt to insure-the nation against for- eign military potential. E HAVE HAD our moments of glory; we have given birth to some of the greatest and most perceptive leaders in history; but their greatness was expend- ed for a past age, their insight exhausted on other problems. It is for the present generation to struggle for the preserva- tion of the human race. There is no glory in fear. There is no reason in force. This matter will become more and more clear as time progresses, as we come to assess our motives as a nation more completely. Hopefully, this assessment will come before the holocaust of nuclear war, for as the prophet said, "now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face." -DICK WINGFIELD LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Plea for Joint Union-Leagu To the Editor; ON FEBRUARY 10, all male uni- versity students will be asked to cast a vote in the Michigan Union Referendum. The referen- dum will read: "Moved that the Michigan Union adopt the consti- tution and the corresponding amendment change in the articles of association, as approved by the Michigan Union Board of Direc- tors on December 9, 1964." Work on the merger of the League and the Union began in October 1962. A c o m m itt e e, chaired by Associate Dean of the literary college, James H. Robert- son, composed of students, fac- ulty and administrators, spent a considerable amount of time in formulating plans for a merger. When this committee submitted its report to the Regents early in 1963, it recommended a total merger of the two organizations involving both the governing boards and the student activities. THE REGENTS, however, ob- jected to the idea of a total mer- ger but did give their assent to the merger of student-activities. Joint meetings were held through- out the 1964 academic year, the final form of the merger took shape in December, 1964, and is now being submitted to Union members for their approval. The effect of the referendum, if it has the approval of Union members, will be to merge the undergraduate office of the League and the activities wing of the Union. One unified activities staff will result, led by students respon- sible to both governing hoards. This reorganization will reflect a changing University-a growing student body and an expanding physical plant. IN TERMS of personnel, the merged group (to be known as the University Activities Center) will have wider appeal to the campus and will continue to attract people of the highest caliber. By permit- ting women to help plan, direct and manage the programs, we will have a greater range of opinion that will better reflect and serve a co-educational institution. Pooling stations will be open from 9 to 5 Wednesday. Stations will be located in the lobby of the Union and the Fishbowl.1 members and full-time s will be eligible to vote. We strongly urge your support of the referendum. -James L. Kropf, '66 L. Charles Cooper, ' Michael H. Holmes,I Dirk B. Landis, '66E John W. Warren, '68 Jerrold L. Becker, '6 Michael D. Broome, Susan J. Webb, '65 All life tudents positive 66 66 6 6BAd '66E first things first. Many state uni- versities, struggling with mount- ing enrollments, do not have the financial resources necessary to maintain research distinction as well as to hire additional teachers. Since competent faculty and high quality graduate students are at- tracted to those institutions which have distinguished research schol- ars, project funds and research facilities, it is not surprising that top priority goes to these impor- tant objectives. Ironically, in the understandable emphasis on im- proving the institutional research image the educational commit- ment to teaching comes off sec- ond best. DESPITE the clear and present need for the recruitment and training of competent teachers and the qualitative improvement of teaching, the present priorities of preferment on most campuses are still tipped in favor of the brilliant and promising research- er who can attract project money, and graduate students and add lustre to the staff. 'In local par- lance, these are the "race horses" with visible and tangible achieve- ments to their credit, who get fat and frequent offers from other institutions. Those who are pri- marily concerned with teaching, with advising students, with cur- riculum review, but who have modest bibliographies, are the "work horses" who plod along the road in the dust of their fast mov- ing colleagues. (Given the present criteria for preferment on many campuses, even a superb teacher like Jesus could hope to get no more than a one semester visiting lectureship in ethics. After all, what did le publish?) Admittedly, modern major uni- versities have an obligation for research and for the creation of new knowledge, but unless this function is demonstrably and in- timately tied in with teaching, it can become a Trojan Horse. Al- though teaching is harder to evaluate than is a list of books and articles, it must be restored to an honored, recognized, cen- tral status if universities are to stop the drift toward non- teaching. ALTHOUGH some of the weak- ness of this imbalance between teaching and research are present at the University, the local situa- tion is not without its strengths. There are many superb, dedicated teachers on our faculty with and without distinguished scholarly reputations. The quality of teach- ing is a factor in determining promotions or merit increases (provided. however. there are sup- porting pu'lications). Outstand- ing teachers are recognized by annual awards. Faculty members are actively involved witn stu- dents, not only in an academic adviingl iationshin hut na n- teachers. And, there should be careful scrutiny of the role of researchers, no matter how dis- tinguished, who have little time or talent to devote to students. THE SECOND urgent need is to improve the selection, training and status of our teaching fellows. Many departments in the litesary college already devote much time and attention to this group of junior colleagues. Unfortunately, the public image of the teaching fellow is poor despite the fact that Many departments in the literary teachers. The problem comes from the sheer numbers who now teach and from the minority whose heart is not in teaching and whose pedagogical skills are either un- developed or questionable. Forced by the exigencies of the budget and by belated enroll- ment pressures, departments have to rely on last minute, expedient appointments simply to get enough staff. Since undergraduate in- struction as well as the selection and supervision of teaching fel- lows are interrelated teaching re- sponsibilities of the University, both the students and the grad- uate student teacher are hurt when sheer logistical necessity dictates appointments. More money and effort need to be directed toward adding addi- tional full-time faculty so there is less reliance on "emergency" teaching fellow appointments. This essential investment would reduce the high percentage of classes now taught by teaching fellows, and would also permit an improve- ment in the quality, salary and training of the teaching fuliows we hire. THE FINAL POINT bears on the educational value of involv- ing students more actively in the learning process. Without ques- tion, the quality and preparation of the students who are now con- ing to the University has steadily risen. To the extent that bright and ambitious students can take a constructive part in shaping their education, to that extent both the student and the literary college can profit. We have made some hopeful progress already-- the Honors program, the literary college steering committee, the Honors student steering commit- tee, the involvement of students on the curriculum committee and the residential college committee, and in many, informal meetings with faculty and administration. These opportunities need to be expanded and deepened so that more students get a chance to understand and to feel a part of their education. To the extent that students can perceive more clearly that a teacher is himself involved in growing and learning, to that extent their learning can become not merely a passive ex- perience, but one of dynamic dis- MINNEAPOLIS SYMPHONY: Orchestra Gives Solid, Imposing Concert Here DIMITRI MITROPOULOS delighted Minneapolis in the forties by bringing it a symphony orchestra; last night Stanislaw Skrowac- zewski delighted Ann Arbor by bringing it here. Skrowaczewski began the evening with the late Paul Hindemith's "Concert Music for Strings and Brass Instruments." Hindemith was known as an extremely facile composer; he was also a menningful com- poser, and Mr. S. and the Minneapolis Symphony conveyed this in their interpretation. ALTHOUGH THE first movement, "Moderate, with force," was almost slow and, hence, less than forceful, the symphony supplied the excellent intonation and strong string-brass balance necessary. Then the fun began as the orchestra contrasted the heaviness of the first movement with the colorful speed of the second. Indeed the or- chestra fused its breathtaking technique with the conductor's beauti- ful sense of poignancy making the second movement itself a stirring study in contrasts between Hindemith's blindingly fast fugual sections and the much slower parts. Henryk Szyering then performed Karol Szymanowski's Concerto No. 2 for Violin. Szymanowski, a kind of Polish Bartok, wrote that genre of glittering nationalist showpieces that constantly runs the danger of being debauched by an overly ardent conductor. But soloist and con- ductor retained the piece's exciting color without overstating it. College Manifesto THE MOST EXCITING document to come out of the literary college in a Long time is described on the front page of today's Daily. The report's title-"Some Issues in Con- trolling the Size of the College"-is an understatement. It is, in fact, a compre- hensive manifesto on the future of the literary college, transcending questions of tive points are so speculative as to be al- most comical: after a lengthy mathemati- cal bout with statewide enrollment fig- ures, it comes up with a projected 1975 University enrollment of 15,000-52,000 students and adds, "a middle figure of 34,- 000 may then be a reasonable guess." And its recommendations-such as a sub- stantial cutback of freshmen and sopho- mr n iinmhrqv..rP vj'fnr Ivrnm gPdf-v'1r~nt-