See Editorial Page
t tgan
:43 a t ty
Windy and mild;
possible showers
Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
The proposal to establish a writ-
er-in-residence here for three
weeks next year has drawn such
favorable reaction that the pro-
ponents are already anticipating
the arrival of author Louis Lomax
for a concentrated period of sem-
inars, lectures and informal dis-
cussions with students and fac-
The visit has been proposed
for March of 1966 under the spon-
sorship of student organizations.
and academic departments. It
would cost over $4000 and require
facuity and student participation
in planning and financing the pro-j
Elizabeth Sumner of the Office
of Religious Affairs, who broach-
ed the idea in a letter to stu-
dent organizations, and academic
departments last week, expressed
delight yesterday at the campus
A 1...a.. 'W.Yoi2 T~1..
Issues in Romney Session
-. Bond'-ssue
nressmen Arrve in ;etma
As Mass Negro Arrests Resume-
Associated Press
LAOTIAN REFUGEES FLEE TO THAILAND following an upheaval in the strife-torn kingdom.
The latest political casualty is General Phoumi Nosavan, a deputy premier in the coalition govern-
ment, who failed in his attempt to return to power as commander of the armed forces. He also has
Phoumi For feits Laos Job,
zSEL ma, aia. )-Noisy demon-
strations by Negroes seeking civ-
il rights broke out again yester-
day as their leader, Martin Luther
King, Jr. walked out of jail on
bond after five days imprison-
Sheriff James G. Clark and his
deputies moved in quickly to make
hundreds of arrests after the Ne-
groes reached the courthouse
which houses the Board of Reg-
istration office to press their cam-
paign for the right to vote.
Fifteen Democratic congressmen
Almost Hl-an- y from other states, including some
She said financial support is Negroes, arrived in Selma just
nearing the half-way mark, so that before King's release on $200 bail
she expects to be able to make and the resumption, of mass ar-
final arrangements with Lomax rests.
VIENTIANE, Laos (R)---Right-
ist Gen. Phoumi Nosavan seemed
yesterday to have forefeited both
American backing and his job as
deputy premier in his losing gam-
IV ble this week for a return to
supremacy in the royal govern-
ment's armed forces.
1 The one-time strongman of the
Laotian army, equipped by Unit-
ed States, was a hunted fugitive
as a result of the rightist factional
rebellion that was crushed by
loyal rightists in the 10-hour
battle of Vientiane Wednesday.
Plans Counterattack
Phoumi, 44, has vowed to coun-
terattack. But Western officials,
estimating he has no more than
five companies of troops with him,
said his chance of posing a real
threat is slim.
U.S. Ambassador William Sul-
livan was asked whether the Unit-
ed States would provide help for
Phoumi and Police Gen. Siho
Lamphoutacoul, his companion in
flight, if they managed to as-
semble a force to march on Viet-
"None whatsoever," Sullivan re-
A spokesman for Premier Prince
Souvanna Phouma's shaky right-
ist-neutralist coalition said in an
interview that Phoumi might be
shot if captured and in any case
probably will be replaced as dep-
uty premier by another conserva-
tive politican.
Faces Arrest
"The government has declared
him a rebel and will arrest him
if he tries to come back," said
this official, Ngon Sananikone,
minister of transport and public
Laotian officials, with troops
checking jungle trails, assumed
that Phoumi would make for Pak-
sane, a rightist military strong-
hold on the Mekong river 70 miles
northeast of Vientiane.
Phoumi's departure left Sou-
vanna, a neutralist, without either
of the two deputy premiers as-
signed to function with him under
the Geneva agreement of 1962,
which was supposed to guarantee
the independencesand neutrality
of this jungle kingdom.
Other Deputy
The other deputy, his half-
brother Prince Souphanouvong, is
political chief of the pro-Com-
munist Pathet Lao and long ago
cast his lot with those rebels in
the field.
Ambassador Sullivan said he
believed Souvanna's authority "will
remain unimpaired."
"As for leaders of the right
wing, they are reconstituting
themselves and I have every con-
fidence that they will loyally sup-
port the government," the Ameri-
can envoy said.
Sullivan said crushing of Siho's
military police as an independent
force may prove salutary if it
results in unifying the Laotian
army and releasing for field duty
the troops who leave been tied up
in city garrison for political rea-
next week.
Her optimism was buoyed yes-
terday when Panhellenic Associa-
tion and Inter-Quadrangle Coun-
cil revealed their support of the
in-residence program.
Panhel President An'n Wickins,
'65, announced her organization
had pledged $200 at a meeting
Wednesday. The sorority women
added to the pool begun by the
Women's League Monday when it
pledged $1000 to support the, pro-
No Financial Aid Yet
IQC's endorsement without a fi-
nancial pledge yesterday followed
a similar move of Assembly earlier
this week. Both organizations will
determine their financial backing
within the next week.
In the meantime, the reports
of support from faculty depart-
ments also began drifting in.Prof.
Richard Brandt, chairman of the
philosophy department, said that
several department members have
volunteered their support. And
Prof. Albert Reiss, chairman of
the sociology department, ven-
tured the same information about
his department.
Slim Budgets
Both men said that their slim
budgets will keep financial sup-
port of the project to a minimum.
Mrs. Sumner has suggested that
the funds be taken from guest lec-
turer budgets. Brandt said, how-
ever, that members of the depart-
ment's executive committee have
questioned whether Lomax would
qualify as a lecturer in "philoso-
75t Year Ends An Era-
League Lhooks to Merger
Alumnae and women students of the University will celebrate
the 75th anniversary of the Women's League with a variety of ac-
tivities reviewing its past history and looking ahead to the new
era of a merged student organization with the Michigan Union.
Women from across the country will participate in the week-
end of teas, seminars, banquets and lectures, Feb. 18-20. The par-
ticipants will review the history of the Women's League (the stu-
dent organization), founded in 1890 and the Michigan League (the
structure), built in 1930. They will also speculate on the future
role of women and the impend-*
Wide Complaints
The congressmen came here to
look into widespread complaints of
discrimination, particularly in vot-
er registration procedures.
Two of the congressmen said
later new legislation is needed to
protect Negro voting rights.
Reps. Charles Mathias (R-
Maryland)CandOgden R. Reid (R-
NY), in. a brief news conference,
said they had been told of cattle
prods being used on Negroes, both
in the streets and in the jails
after they had been arrested dur-
ing the voting demonstrations in
Mathias said King will urge
PresidentsLyndon B. Johnson "for
remedial laws."
The congressmen met with King
for an hour after he left his jail
cell and said he would seek a
meeting Monday with the Presi-
Predicts Proposal
"I predict," Mathias said, "that
a Republican voting rights pro-
posal will be introduced as a re-
sult of this thing."
Reid also predicted "a mlean-
ingful bill" as a result of the situ-
ation in Selma, where hundreds
of Negroes have beenarrested.
Reid said that the way the sit-
uation is in Selma it appeared
likely it would need some five to
10 years before an opportunity
was given for all Negroes to reg-
He declared the Republicans
"must totally, resist racism. and
Reid said they were told that
cattle prods had been used, not
noly in the streets but on some
Negroes after they had been ar-
Most of the demonstrators were
students and most appeared to be
of junior high school age.
They were taken into custody
by the sheriff and his men when
they lined up on the sidewalk in'
front of the Dallas County court-
house, three and four deep. They
were demonstrating against the
arrest earlier in the day of 70
others who had protested what
they call slow voter registration
The bond for King was put up
a few minutes after the congress-
men arrived from Washington and
went to the jail. They asked to see
King but the request was refused.
ALTHOUGH MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. was released from jail
on bond yesterday, Negroes continued to demonstrated in Selma,
Ala. King, shown above as he is interviewed by newsmen, was
jailed five days ago in a voter registration protest drive.
Wisconsin Board Reects
Charge of Red Affiliation
The charges of communist affiliation made by Wisconsin State
Senator Jerris Leonard against University of Wisconsin Daily Cardinal
managing editor John Gruber were rejected yesterday morning by the
University of Wisconsin board of regents.
In a statement issued yesterday the board critized "attempts to
subject any student or 'any student editor or writer to denunciation
because of his associations or of
-Associated Press
Governor Concerned
With Tax Reformns
And Future Revenues
After attacking Gov. George
Romney's higher education budget
for the past three days, state edu-
cators came face to face with the
Republican governor yesterday-
and agreed to avoid controversial
In a Lansing meeting between
Romney and the Michigan Council
of State College Presidents, the
issues of Michigan State Univer-
sity's proposed medical school, the
University's expansion of its two-
year Flint College, and Michigan
Technological University's branch
expansion. were only briefly dis-
cussed, reliable sources reported
after the meeting. No explanation
was given.
Several state college presidents,
including University President
Harlan Hatcher, assailed Rom-
ney's $168 million request to the
Legislature Wednesday to support
the 10 tax-supported schools. The
President expressed deep concern
that Romney's recommendation
would endanger trimester and
graduate-professional programs.
Flint Question
Officials were also dissatisfied
with the absence of a recommend-
ation for Flint in Romney's $50
million bid for the University.
University Executive Vice-Pres-
ident Marvin Niehuss said yester-
day that the University plans to
go ahead with the expansion of
the Flint campus.
Dean David M. French of Flint
College reported that 87 freshmen
have already been accepted for
next year-,and he doe, notknow
what these students will do if the
University. decides to change its
plans to introduce a freshman
program at Flint next year.
MSU also intends to proceed
with its plans for a medical school.
Dr. Andrew D. Hunt Jr., dean of
MSU's planned medical school,
said that he hopes to apply for
federal funds for the school in
The medical school, which was
originally slated to open next fall,
had postponed its opening because
of difficulties in hiring faculty.
MSU and Michigan Tech offi-
cials complained about the failure
to include recommendations for
their expansion programs. They
were not however, as vocal in
questioningthe total recommend-
ations for their institutions.
At yesterday's session, however,
the atmosphere was realiably de-
scribed as "friendly and cordial."
The educators agreed to shelve in-
dividual complaints and turn to
more general issues of revenue and
tax reform for the state of Mich-
Rejects Bond Idea
In one specific issue, the gov-
ernor reportedly rejected the idea
of a proposal passed 'by the presi-
dents .last December to finance
$250 million in capital outlay proj-
ects through bond issues under-
written by the state.
The bond issue would necessi-
tate a levying of taxes in the
future to pay for the bonds.
According to President Hatcher,
Romney said that he wished to
avoid any commitments which
could not be matched by revenues
in the future.
Romney believes that for the
meantime the $75,000 allocated in
his budget recommendations to an
advanced planning - program for
building projects is temporarily
Theucollege presidents feel that
Romney's program will not solve
the immediate problem of in-
adequate facilities.
Hatcher noted that although the
governor had disapproved of the
bonding idea, it is not a dead is-
sue. He predicted, "It will prob-
ably come up in the Legislature's
budget hearings."
New Strategy
Indeed, officials stressed that
the whole strategy of the educa-
ng merger.
Jeanie Mendius, '65, co-chair-
man of the event with Patricia
Griffin, '65, and Pamela Erick-
son, '66N, said, "most of the
women we have worked with have
been extremely enthusiastic about
the merger. Many will be hearing
of the proposed merger for the
first time that weekend."
Fashion Show
A tea, followed by dinner hon-
oring all active members of the
League will set the activities into
motion. That evening, Mrs. Edna
French, an alumna here, will speak
on the history of the League pre-
ceding a fashion show presented
by Ann Arbor merchants.
Friday's highlights, geared to a
look at the future, will feature
seminar discussions on the new
role of the University woman and
the rapidly expanding campus.
A luncheon will honor the
League Board of Governors and
past executive officers. Alumnae
will also have the opportunity to
attend classes of their choice
during the afternoon to obtain
first hand information on the Uni-
versity today.
'Active' Women
Friday evening, Mrs. Elizabeth
M. Davenport, assistant to the
vice-president for student affairs,
will address the banquet on the
"active" woman and her place in
Currently the League is com-
municating with Mrs. Martin
Luther King, hoping she will be
able to attend the celebration Fri-
day evening.
Saturday, the festivities will
conclude with brunch and a tour
of the campus including the new
music school and technology de-
I1 _
Precedent to Trigon Cited
Eleven years ago the forerunner
of Student Government Council,
called the Student Affairs Com-
mittee, handled a case similar to
the Trigon discrimination case
presently before Interfraternity
At that time SAC voted 10-1 to
deny recognition of a Catholic
fraternity, Phi Kappa, on the
grounds that its constitution was
discriminatory in nature.
The fraternity, now Phi Kappa
Theta, was applying for reactiva-
tion on campus after it had closed
down in 1935 because of financial
The Phi Kappa constitution lim-
ited membership to those who
were "practical Catholics" at the
time of initiation.
SAC ruled that this condition
was not allowable under the SAC
regulation that no recognized stu-
dent organization could discrimi-
nate by race, origin, religion, or
Phi Kappa argued, on the other
hand, that the condition did not
break the SAC rule. Anyone can
become a Catholic at any time and
hence become eligible for mem-
bership, the argument ran.
Former Ruling
Prominent alumni favoring rec-
ognition of Phi Kappa pointed to
a 1954 University of Minnesota
ruling which excepted Phi Kappa
from its regulations concerning
discrimination by religion.
But SAC held that the Phi
Kappa constitution was still clear-
ments which members of some
religions would find "repugnant"
to their convictions; hence only
those whose religious convictions
agree with Trigon's can take the
oath and become members. The
fraternity has been given until
next fall to change the constitu-
Two Choices
Phi Kappa had two alternatives
which would have avoided a direct
conflict with the letter of the law.
First, Phi Kappa was offered by
SAC the chance to change the
clause about membership. Phi
Kappa, since it was a national
fraternity, could either have tried
to change the national constitu-
tion or could have tried to get an
exemption from the national on
the question of membership rules
which would apply for the Ann
Arbor chapter only.
The national fraternity officers
refused both alternatives, however,
threatening to resign if such a
basic change in the fraternity
structure was carried through.
The second alternative open to
Phi Kappa was to request recogni-
tion as a religious organization and
not as a social fraternity.
Trigon at one time tried this
alternative, but its appeal was
Phi Kappa officials felt, how-
ever, that the organization was a
social fraternity in structure and
not basically a religious group.
the ancestry of his associations."
The b o a r d stated further,
"Guided by the spirit of the free-
dom of inquiry and expressions
which pervades each facet of the
life of this institution (The Uni-
versity of Wisconsin), the Daily
Cardinal has earned a national
reputation as a studentenewspaper
controlled and operated by the
students through their duly elect-
ed representatives."
The statement was in response
to a demand made by Leonard
that the board investigate the
Cardinal and editor Gruber for
being communist - oriented and
even "communist affiliated."
A newsletter issued by ultra-
conservative radio commentator
Robert Siergist stating alleged
communist associations of Gruber
was the impetus for Leonard's let-
ter to the board of regents. Leon-
ard, who is on the Wisconsin Sen-
ate Education appropriations coin-
mittee, is one of a small minority
of Wisconsin legislators considered
to be ultra-conservative.
5 Students
Petition for
SGC Seats,
Five students have registered to
run for ' Student Government
Council in this spring's election.
Donna Adler, '68; Steven Cha-
meides, '67; Neal Hollenshead, '67;
Randall Jones, '68; Christopher
Mansfield, '66, and Myles Stern,
'66, have' submitted the required
affidavit of academic elegibility,
the $5 registration fee and a pho-
For the three seats up for
election to the Board in Control of
Student Publications, two students
have submitted petitions bearing
150 signatures, Philip Sutin, '66G,
and Robert Shenkin, '65 Bus. Ad.
Steve Chameides, '67, has pe-
titioned for the Board in Control
of Intercollegiate Athletics.
Daniel Glickman, '66; James
Tann, '66, and Charles Kossack,
'66, have submitted petitions of
80 signatures to run for president
of the senior class of the Liter-
ary College. Jack Miles, '66, .has
submitted a petition to run for
vice-president of the senior class
of the Literary College.
Louis La Chance, '66E, has sub-
mitted a petition of the required
40 signatures to run for president
of the senior class of the engi-
neering school.
Registration for the spring elec-
tion will continue until 5 p.m.,
Feb. 12 inRm. 1532 SAB.,
U.S. Steps Up
White Sets Program for Mood, Variety
Josh White, a folksinger long before the current craze, informally
spoke of his work before a performance at Hill Aud. last night.
His program is based on his audience and his mood, he said.
He chooses from a wide range of blues, ballads, and other folk
music. He can "sense" his audience, and, his favorite pieces depend
on his mood, although he plays what he calls "must songs," such
as "Free Negro Blues."
"My music has not changed with the commercialization of folk
singing," White said. "It's not the song that changes, but the
arrangement." Today the "trios all sound like Peter, Paul and Mary,
the quartets like the Brothers Four."
"Folk songs are topical. Since I'm no speaker, I do my talking