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Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
Johnson Lists Health Plan,
FSM Plans
position melted, President Lyn
B. Johnson sent to Congress
terday a huge package of he
proposals, keyed to insuredl
pital care for the elderly an
nationwide attack on killer
eas s.
arly approval of at least
op- program for health care for the
ndon elderly under the Social Security
yes- System seemed virtually assured
alth when Rep. Wilbur D. Mills, (D-
hos- Ark), all but lined up behind the
id a administration plan.
dis- As chairman of the House Ways
and Means Committee, Mills has
the done more than any other single
emember of Congress to block a
Social Security health care pro-
gram. But today he told newsmen
changes in the proposed method
of financing meet his basic re-
quirements. He forecast a House
vote by March.
The proposed campaign against
killer diseases-a new legislative
concept-calls for 32 Regional
Medical Centers to be set up
around the country to insure that
the latest methods of treatment
are more readily available to vic-
tims of cancer, heart disease and
The cost of these centers, the
location of which has not been de-
termined, is estimated at $1.2 bil-
lion over the next six years.
The aim of his program, John-
son said is "to put more firmlyI
in place the foundation for the
healthiest, happiest and most
hopeful society in the history of
Tn Log Pntig
c /1- K tin
-Daily-Jerry Stoetzer
shown at the Women's League last night telling rushees how
she will guide them to all 21 sorority houses in the next three
Sororities To Host 950
As Rush Period Opens
With smiles on their faces, tunes of welcome on their lips and
mints in their living rooms, some, 1500 sorority women today launch
their semi-annual rush period.
It begins at 7:15 tonight when 950 hopefuls, bunched in groups
of 45, flood the 21 chapter houses for their first of three days of
It continues with a second set of parties starting next Wed-
nesday and a third set the following Monday, concluding with the
ceremonial and candlelit "Final Desserts." It climaxes two weeks
._-_ _--- ---from Sunday in a flurry of hug-
CI Passes
Noise Law,
The Ann Arbor City Council
passed a law Monday night pro-
hibiting the operation of motor
vehicles which produce noise at
a level of 90 or more decibles.
Democratic Councilman Robert
P. Weeks said this amendment
supplements section 9:13 of the
Code of the City of Ann Arbor.
The significance lies in the legal
. limit of 89 decibels set for all
At their December meeting,
several councilmen cited the East
and South University intersection
around lunchtime as one of the
noisiest spots. They believed
motorcycles to be the worst of-
In other council business, the
Democrats announced the can-
didacy of Councilwoman Mrs.
Eunice L. Burns for the office of
Mayor of Ann Arbor. Mrs. Burns
has served on the council for two
terms. The election will be held
in April.
Also, an attempt by the Demo-
crats to vote council members
some monetary payment for their
services was defeated. Weeks
pointed out that Ann Arbor was
the only Michigan city in the
10,000-999,000 population bracket
which does not pay its council-
ging and kissing and tears on
chapter lawns, where the actives
have _gt aed,,tawelcnme their
new members into the fold.
For the sorority women, the
next weeks are a hectic periodj
of decision-making: weeding out'
the best girls, resisting or suc-
cumbing to alumni pressure;
choosing between a late shampoo,
some hasty studying or welcome
sleep in the wee hours that follow
the membership selection sessions,
called hash.
The sorority system has spent
many hours in the last year gird-
ing for the next -two weeks. Its
chapter presidents council voted
last March to make the once-
annual rush a semi-annual affair,
devoted to upperclassmen in the
fall and reserved for freshmen in
the spring.
In recent days, the center of
activity has shifted to the chapter
houses where the women have
brushed up on their group sing-
ing, made their rooms appropri-
ately girlish and dug into the
dresser drawers for gleaming
Greek-letter pins.
Sorority women are spurred in
this activity by their common
bond-pride. The small houses,
pressed for members, prepare to
make inroads into the "status
house" prizes. The larger houses
groom themselves to woo their
"rave girls."
Soon, this renewal process will
be ended and the women may re-
turn to their studies and their boy
But for now, a more important
job is at hand.
AdditionsJL U 1 J 0 t/ t1U A/.
In addition to his main requests,
Johnson also proposed:e
-Federal grants to help pay ,TEUe U., WI
operating costs of medical and
dental schools,
-Improved community mental By IRA SHOR
health services, Prof. N. Edd Miller oft
-Better health services for; speech department and assist2
children and youth, to the vice-president for acaden
-Stronger programs to reha- affairs, has recently been appoh
bilitate the disabled and improved ed chancellor of the Reno cam
services for the mentally retarded of the University of Nevada.
and Miller, who came to the U
-More effective control of bar- versity in 1947 as a lecturer,Y
biturates, amphetamines a n d been very active in academic pla
other psycho-toxic drugs, drugs ning. He served under Dean H
which, if used unwisely, can affect old Dorr, chairman of the
the mind. committee, as associate direc
$262 Mijlion of the summer session.
Officials said the cost of the For the past two years Mi
many-sided program in the year, has directed his efforts att
beginning July 1, 1965, would be problem of the culturallya
$262 million, and in the next year economically disadvantaged s
would rise to about $800 million. dents. Two of the projects in t
These estimates do not include area especially assigned to Mi
the costs of hospital care for the are the Tuskegee-Michigan Pi
aged under Social Security, whi ject and the Opportunity-Aw
would be financed by increased Program.
taxes on employes and employers. Exchange Program
To meet objections by Mills, The first is an exchange p1
the part of the tax levied to pro- gram between the TuskegeeI
vide hospital, nursing home and stitute, the all Negro univer
home care for the aged will be in Alabama, and the Univers
shown separately on withholding This project includes facultya
slips furnished employes, and the student exchanges betweent
money will go into a separate two schools. The second progr
trust fund under Social Security, makes extra scholarship mo:
"Thus," a White House aide available to economically indig
said, "nobody can have any fear students, especially Negroes.
that the new program would im- "This year our Opportuni
pair the pension fund in any Award Program brought 70 fre
way.' men to school here," Miller sa
While he has not been teach
classes during the last few yea
UnDion Leaders Miller has worked in the spe
department's honors progra
In Power Fioht Looking back on all his work he
he said that his relationship wi
the University has been a p
PITTSBURGH (A - David J. ticularly enjoyable one.
McDonald said yesterday he will "I have enjoyed a very rewa
not be maneuvered into a strike ing association with both Vi
by his opponent or the steel in- President Heyns and Dean Dor
dustry in the fight for control of Miller said.
the United Steelworkers Union. Praises Assistant
His opponent, I. W. Abel, asserted Heyns, commenting on thea
there should never be alarm over pointment of Miller, praisedl
the functioning of democracy. assistant's efforts.
The battle for the control of "Mr. Miller has been a m
the million-member union gen- able and devoted member oft
erated heat as first McDonald, University family. As associ
then Abel called separate news director of the summer sess
conferences to exchange verbal and in his post in the Office
blows. Meantime, company-by- Academic Affairs, he has dem
company contract negotiations strated remarkable administral
continued. skills."
Abel, secretary-treasurer for the According to Miller, his d
past 12 years, dismissed without sion to leave Ann Arbor wasr
foundation what he called 'a rash an easy one to make. Neverthel
of stories viewing with alarm the he expressed eagerness to st
probable impact of the contest building the new office of cha
for union leadership on the 1965 cellor at the Reno campus oft
round of steel negotiations. University of Nevada. Whilet
McDonald, the 62-year-old head total enrollment of the Univers
of the union, said his opponent is of Nevada is only 4000, it isE
out to "vilify the staff, damage pected to soar in the nextf
the union's reputation and hinder years, making the office oft
its effectiveness at the bargaining chancellor an important fo
table." point for growth.
A er
UN Pullout
B Sukarno
By The Associated Press
JAKARTA-President Sukarno
declared last night that Indonesia'
has "walked out of the United
Nations' 'and turned its back on
UN agencies that had earmarked
$50 million to aid him.
Though UN officials still await-
ed formal notification, Sukarno's
statement at a rally in Jakarta
apparently confirmed the belief
that Indonesia is the first of the
UN's 115 members to withdraw
from the organization. Indonesia
has protested because Malaysia
was given a Security Council seat.
At the, UNj
At the UN yesterday, Malaysia
notified the Security Council that
it will seek UN aid immediately
rn the event Indonesia steps upj
military attacks in the wake of
Indonesian withdrawal from the
WILLIAM MANDEL is shown above in the Multipurpose
of the UGLI last night. He answered questions on the pr
Russia faces internally and on its relationships with Chin
the United States, after the fall of Khrushchev.
Mandel Sees Changes
Cod War Alignment
Radhakrishna Ramani, Malay-
sia's permanent UN representative, By MICHAEL HEFFER
charged that Indonesia has staged W
a heavy military buildup along the Willima Mandel, author of "Russia Reexamined" and "A Guide
Borneo border between Malaysia to the Soviet Union," in a seminar sponsored by Voice last night, dis-
and Indonesia. cussed Russia's new leadership and possible changes in relations be-
In a letter to Chinese Nation- tween Russia, China and the United States.
alist Ambassador Liu Chieh, coun- Mandel said he doubted either of the present leaders of the Soviet
cil president for January, Ra- Union would take over the government. He even pointed to the pos-
mani called attention also to sibility of three man rule, the third man being Mikoyan.
recent attempts to land Indones- He pictured Mikoyan as the "brains of the Khrushchev govern-
ian raiding parties on the south- ment and its overthrow." Mandel looked for a change from the type
west coast of the Malay Peninsula. of rule Khrushchev represented.
Controversies ;U
"These, together with the lat- "Khrushchev was the strong K r A dm its
est developments in the contro- father, the boss, and the reform- h ll
versies and conflicts between In- er," he said. "The present leaders
donesia and Malaysia, involving are reformers also" but will tend tldoueeics
the proclaimed withdrawal of In- to share duties and lessen inter- 1 11 . ILI9
donesia from the membership in ference in the arts and sciences.
the United Nations, may in the No Reconciliation University of California Presi-
view of my government provide a
He saw no reconciliation be- dent Clark Kerr has admitted
special significance to this mili- tween Russia and China "for an mistakes in judgment and tactics
tary e buildup," he said. extended period." He noted that during the early stages of the
The letter was written before China's leadership is made up of free speech controversy in Berke-
dukrn'sd announcedmt fth Ina large number of "surprisingly ley.
donesia had walked out of the old men" who lived through the In a San Francisco Chronicle
A UN source said the Unite bitter struggle that brought about interview Wednesday, Kerr said
Nation UNasoucaidgwteni communism in China. They con- that when he returned to the
Nations was awaiting written com- sider themselves the real leaders campus Sept. 15, following a
munication from Indonesia on of the world Communist move- seven week trip to Europe and the
quitting the world organization. ment, he said. Far East, he found administrators
Onlydafter tht arrite soe These men feel bitter against had closed the traditional Sather
added, will the United Nations the West and resent any attempts Gate political arena.
know the exact situation.
A spokesman for the Indonesian at accommodation with the West, "
AN deeoksadorh offi ian- especially the United States, Man- "I thought it was a mistake
UN delegation said no official m del noted. He predicted that in a and that we should return this
structions had been received from few years there will be a "younger, area to the students," Kerr ad-
Jakarta less rigid" leadership in China. mitted. "But this was difficult. It
The written communication ehad just been taken away-we
would afford a basis for questions Mandel. could hardly turn around and
of a legal nature, such as when Mandel said he expects "a solu- hand it right back.
to cut off Indonesia's UN as- tion to Vietnam followed by trade "When we didn't give in to their
sessments. with China." As far as the solu- "When e n't ge In to tir
Ramani's letter to the council tion is concerned, he said "we early demands, they went civil
president said his government had should get out; it is not our busi- disobedience like that! They set
told him to inform the council "of ness." This he felt is the easiest up they t bloed the pce
the seriousness of the threat of solution, and would not necessar- car, they satrprisThey took us com-
more intensive attacks against ily mean a Communist takeover pletely by surprise.
Malaysia in 1965. in South Vietnam. "The absence "We should not have expected
"I am further instructed to in- of the U.S. is not a vacuum." to take away a tradition (certain
form your excellency that in the Mandel predicted that the solu- campus areas had customarily
event of such attacks being tion will occur during the John- been set aside for political re-
launched against Malaysia my son administration. He suggested cruitement and solicitation) and
government would immediately that Johnson really does not wish not expect repercussions," Kerr
seek United Nations assistance in to continue the war, and is wait- said.
defense of its territorial integri- ing for demonstrations of public The California president said he
ty against such unprovoked ag- sentiment as occurred near the is still worried about conspiracies
gression." end of the Korean War. on the campus.
a and
Act Pending
Upon End of
L Imitations
Mandel Says Relaxed
Regulations Probably
Will Stand at Campus
California students have appar-
ently won an almost complete vic-
tory in the political controversy at
Berkeley as plans to disband the
Free Speech Movement were an-
William Mandel, member of the
FSM executive committee which
has guided the entire student
struggle that began last Septem-
ber, indicated last night that the
organization will disband provided
"the Regents do not impose any
more limits on student freedom at
Mandel, here for a VOICE lec-
ture, said that campus regulations
relaxed by acting Chancellor Marr
tin Meyerson have largely satisfied
the FSM demands and would
probably stand on the Berkeley
Mandel also said that FSM is
currently cooperating with the
California Federation of Teach-
ers in an investigation of the Re-
He said the FSM suspects that
two of the regents are profiting
financially from theirassociation
with the university.
Allegedly liquid assets of the
university, normally reserved for
Investment in "blue chip" stocks,
have been invested in shares of
a corporation of which one re-
gent is a director.
The FSM thinks another regent
has similarly taken advantage of
the university through his posi-
The FSM, Mandel explained, is
cooperating with the California
Federation of Teachers, which is
officially committed to investiga-
tion and reconstitution of the re-
The CFT is in the process of
drafting a plan to provide a
broader representation of state
groups on the California Board of
Regents. Currently 13 of 16 ap-
pointed regents are wealthy busi-
nessmen. Mandel said some FSM
members want to divide regental
seats to represent labor, indus-
try, minorities, the professions and
students (for brief terms). Plans
are under consideration to place
this proposal on an upcoming bal-
Mandel said last night that he
was reasonably certain the re,
gents would not "issue a state-
ment at the January meeting that
in any way worsens the Decem-
ber decisions from a point of view
of student freedom."
If this were to happen, "A re-
sumption of highly vigorous dem-
onstrations would begin again," he
He expressed cautious optimism,
but added, "We never assumed
they would be as stupid as they
have been in the past."
One possible point of friction
could be the report of a commit-
tee of regents established in De-
cember to investigate the situa-
Mandel said, "The committee is
comprised of conservative ele-
ments and it is widely believed
their intention is to issue a report
at the January regents meeting
'Red-baiting' the FSM."
He added that he thought it
was "likely that the regents would
let Meyerson's relaxed political re-
strictions stand for the Berkeley
New Rules
These new rules put down by
Meyerson .allow student rallies on
the Sproul Hall steps at specified
times, the use of tables to dis-
tribute political literature, and a
reduction from 72 to 48 hours for
advance notice on speakers.
He indicated that the students
would like even more liberaliza-
tion of the rules but that they
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Norman Reflects on First Fe onths as
EDITOR'S NOTE: A. Geoffrey Norman was appointed vice-
president for research in the summer of 1964. He succeeded Ralph
A. Sawyer. Norman came to the University in 1952 from the U.S.
Army Chemical Corps Biological Laboratories in FortrDetrick, Md.
In 1955 he became director of the University Botanical Gardens, a
position he still occupies.
In this interview Norman discusses some ofthecurrent trends
in research at the University and predicts some shifts in both em-
phasis and sources of support. He analyzes the problem of geo-
graphical distribution of research money from the federal government
and how this affects the University. ,
Q: You have said several times that you foresee a
leveling off in the annual dollar volume of research at the
University, from about 15 per cent this year to 10 per cent
next. What do you consider the long term growth expecta-
tions in research to be, and what are some of the reasons for
this present slowdown in growth?
A: What you are asking to a degree is to predict what the
federal budget is going to be for some of the agencies that at
time a significant part of our research money does come from
defense agencies.
Further, the great growth of support from the National
Institutes of Health for research in all the life sciences also
seems to be slowing down. Congress has been extremely gener-
ous time after time, but there were certain indications last year
that they were scrutinizing a little more closely the money
which the NIH is spending.
The new area that is coming in is under the direction of
the Office of Education in the Department of Health, Education
and Welfare. Additional moneys are coming from this source
to support our educational programs. So there may well be a
broadening and change of balance in the federal agencies that
are spending money for the support of higher education one
way or another, primarily through research. Overall, I would be
inclined to the view that such a change of balance will occur,
The pressures for spreading research money among
more institutions seem to be increasing in intensity. If the
of view that the proper and normal distribution would be an
equal amount everywhere. When you begin to look at the dis-
tribution of these moneys, the thing that confuses the issue is
that the major part of what is being talked about is not money
that goes to universities but is money that goes to industry for
contracts-primarily with the Department of Defense and to a
lesser degree with the space agency. If one looks down the list
of the first 24 receipients of R and D money, there isn't a
university present.
The moneys are coming from agencies that are mission-
oriented and they are going to industries that can help those
agencies to accomplish those missions. If those industries are
in particular places, it seems to me inevitable that the money
will go where those industries are established.
When one begins to look at universities, though, the situa-
tion is not so unbalanced as when one is looking at the total
R and D dollar. But here again, the awards of moneys are
based on some kind of justification in terms of probable per-
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