THE ..-~/~U ~WiU. MI H G N UAT.V~.
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Laotian Army Rightists
Senate Halts VA Closing;
Allows Surplus to Egypt
U.S. Soviet Policy Assailed
Thwart Revolt
By Leftist Dissenters
800 Rebels.
To Loyalists
Feuding Climaxed
By Street Fighting
BANGKOK (M'-Loyal rightists
of Laos' national army battled
dissident comrades in Vientiane
Yesterday and were reported to
have again thwarted a revolt aim-
ed at revising the army's high
anne - .3
last night upheld President Lyn-
don B. Johnson's authority to ship
surplus food to Egypt but then
dealt him a setback by voting to
nullify a Veteran's hospital clos-
ing order.
A compromise proposal soften-
ing a ban voted by the House
against further surplus farm com-
modity shipments to. the United
Arab"Republic was adopted by
the Senate, 44-38.
Senate Republican Leader Ev-
erett M. Dirksen (R-Ill), support-
ing administration eforts to gain
flexibility in dealing with Egypt,
said a blunder now could embroil
the United States in trouble-there
when "there's enough trouble in
another place"-Viet Nam.
He also suggested there is a
danger of interfering with the
flow of oil from U.S. investments
in the Middle East and asked
"where are we going to get this
oil if we don't go where it is?"
tily passed the money bill by
voice vote and sent it to confer-
ence with the House.
Johnson has also begun sridy-
ing a variety of proposals to al-
leviate this country's balance-of-
payments deficit, the White House!
reported yesterday.
Among suggestions is one for a
$100 tax on Americans going
Press Secretary George E. Reedy
said the proposals now before
EDITOR'S NOTE: In a series of
panel discussions last weekend at
the Overseas Press Club, cofres-
pondents and officials from around
the world explored the problems
and prospects of various areas and
issues. This article is the first in a
series on these discussions.
Special To The Daily
NEW YORK-America's Soviet
policy was assailed by two experts
on world Communism during the
seventh annual College Editors'
Conference this weekend.
fluenced by the Communists,
Lyons claimed.
"Nor is the much publicized
Sino-Soviet split a reason for be-
lieving that the Soviet Union will
try to ally itself with the West,
according to Lyons.
He noted that many people for-
get about the similar moral stand-
ard of the two Communist govern-
ments and other factors which
unite the USSR and China with
more strength than the forces
which divide them.'
Jan Liebrach, historian and
author, disputed Lyons' analysis.
in the London Times which ar
nounced a new $4 million trade
agreement between Britain atd
the Soviet Union.
Liebrach disagreed with L.yoli
and Lasky. He believes that "we
should help countries break Saway
from Russia." Since the Cold War
is a political war "in which we
have to apply political tactics,"
trade or any other tactic that will
embarrass the Russians by point-
ing out their deficiencies should
be used.
Lyons concluded that "we mtust
let Communism wear itself out,"
and charged, "the free world has
ceased to fight Communism."
scaid the pavkv wanos? 11%j w h-fcwVi
Johnson are all tentative in na-
ture, and that the President hasl
not yet started drafting a special
message to Congress on the sub-
The United
States' policies,
Wayne Morse (D-Ore),
this and the adminis-
effort to prevent an out-
-Associated Press
OVER 300 NEGROES were arrested in Selma, Ala., while another
500 were arrested in Marion. The majorty of people arrested were
students who are leading a voter registration drive.
Hundreds of Negro Arrests,
Heighten Alabama Unres
SELMA, Ala. (M)-Negroes were arrested by the hundreds yester-
day as racial tension heightened in Alabama. More than 300 were
arrested in Selma and more than 500 were arrested in Marion, 30
miles away.
More than 1500 have been arrested since Monday, and about
1800 since Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. began leading a civil rights
campaign at Selma 16 days ago. Not since the summer of 1963 have
_ _ _ _ _ -- - o many been arrested in con-
right shutdown of food ship-
The battle left eight known ments, said "it needs to be point-
dead, 38 wounded and minor da-ed out to the American people
age to embassy buildings of the that American foreign policy in
United States and Thailand. None many parts of the world oozes
of nearly 1000 Americans in Vien-, with oil."
tiane was hit. But, minutes later, the body
The street fighting climaxed in- then voted to tack onto - n ap-
tramural feuding that broke out propriations bill " a rider denying
last weekend among rightist mili- the Veterans Administration use
tary officers whose regular job is of any funds heretofore voted to
to try to cope with pro-Commu- carry out its order. The move will
nist Pathet Lao forces controlling close 11 hospitals and four sol-
two-thirds of the country. dier's homes and relocate 16 re-
Disturbing gional offices.
American authorities regarded This vote reflected the anger
the incident as deeply disturbing, voiced by many Senators in the
long seies of upheatest nlast two weeks over the closing
Southeast Asia. After this vote, the Senate has-
Accounts published in Bangkok
said 800 rebels surrendered to a
the Loyalists headed by Deputy
Chief of Staff Gen. Kouprasith National
Abhay and that the rest were
driven out of town. A U.S. spokes-
man said a rebel leader, Col. Boun- Roundup
lert Sycossie, had switched to the
Loyalist side. -
Further Combat By The Associated Press
But the possibility of further
combat could not be ruled out. e ATLANTA - Federal District
The government of Premier Judge Frank A. Hooper will rule
Prince Souvanna Phouma, a neu- on contempt charges against seg-
tralist, charged that Deputy Pre- regationist Lester A. Maddox in
mier Phoumi Nosaan, a rightist a few days. Defense Attorney Wil-
general Phomis..Nonesa urei liam A. McRae also asked Hooper
general who was once supreme in to reconsider the constitutionality
the army, inspired the uprising in of the civil rights act. The gov-
an effort to regain lost power. ernment has asked that Maddox
Phoumi had rejected specula- be fined $1000 a day until he com-
tion along that line Tuesday, plies with an integration order
issued under the provisions of the
r i _1 g- e. * public accommodations section.
however, were defended by the He thinks "the Chinese-Soviet
other experts on the discussion dispute offers tremendous oppor-
panel. tunities for the West. I am for us-
Eugene Lyons, an author who ing these difficulties to secure
rejected Communism after living peace for the free world."
in Russia, believes that any form Schizophrenic
of Communism is inherently evil Charging that the U.S. had a
because it stifles individual free- "schizophrenic" attitude toward
dom of political expression, and the Soviet Union, panelists Victor
asserted that the -possibility of a Lasky, author of "J.F.K., The Man
war "is one of the least dangers and the Myth," and Lyons, who
facing us." wanted to toughen our foreign
He stressed that "although the policy, advocated curtailment of
Soviet Union may be experiment- all trade between the U.S. and
ing in many other fields, it will Communist nations.
never experiment with its power Pointing to the sale of U.S.
over the population. wheat to the Soviet Union, Lyons
Destruction asserted that the free world was
"A totalitarian regime will supporting Communism economic-
never. give up its power volun- ally despite the claims of states-
tarily. Short of the total destruc- men that the West is fighting "the
tion of Communism, the experi- Red threat."
ments are of no importance," Pursuing this point, Lasky noted
Lyons said. that through trade agreements
"The assertions that Russia was with the Communist nations, the
becoming more liberal is not the West is, "in effect, subsidizing
result of erosion of the Commun- Soviet penetration of underde-
ist system; rather it is the erosion veloped countries."
of faith and determination in our Lasky related that when he was
own minds," he claimed. on a recent trip to Africa, a trade
17r Gee Ssinof Rado Lb-agreement for $300,000 between
Dr. eneSosn o "RdioLibthe Soviet Union and an African
erty" claimed, however, that there nation was run as a lead story inI
has been "a fundamental transi- that nation's newspapers.
Lion in Russia in recent years, and +v - a . nai - - n - -
'Did Romeo
the wrong girl?
s ~r
V --
He might have been
better off wo ,ing
Juliet's mother. Who
knows, maybe if he'd
sent the old girl
Barton's; Fair Lady
Heart for Valentine's
Day, she might have
changed her mind
about having Romeo
for a son-in-law. (What
mother could resist
those assorted Conti.
nental Chocolates?)
And the happy ending
would have cost him a
mere $2.98. Ah, well.
Speculate on
Peking Visit
No End to
Dockers' Strike
PHILADELPHIA (A) - A federal
mediator said yesterday he doesn't
expect any quick solution here
of the 24-day-old national strike.
Mediator John R. Murray issued
the words of caution as he brought
representatives of the Internation-
a.lLongshoremen's Association and
the shippers back to the confer-
ence table.
He added that a settlement in
Philadelphia won't bring an im-
mediate halt nationally.
nection with racial strife. About
3000 were arrested in Birmingham
that summer.
The arrests in the two west
Alabama communities today came
about the same time. Demonstra-
tions at Selma were in support of
a voter registration drive. Those
arrested at Marion were protest-
ing the earlier arrest of about 15
other civil rights workers.
The White House announced in
Washington that President Lyn-
don B. Johnson is being kept in-
formed of the situation.
Press Secretary George Reedy
said Johnson talked by telephone
today with Atty. Gen.-designate
Nicholas Katzenbach about it.
aaa iuo. a acvraab yC~a , zx
MOSCOW (')--Premier Alexei uai a
MOSOW ')-reiierAleciwe should add ferment to the.
Kosygin will leave today for movement:' He noted that event-
Hanoi, capital of North Viet Nam, ually economic transformations,
a Soviet spokesman said yester- such as the recent innovation of
day, and speculation here is that Liebermann's free enterprise sys-
the group will also stop in Peking, I tem will bring changes in Con-
at least for refueling and possibly munist morality.
for more. Intellectuaizins
A source in the North Viet- Lyons then asserted that the
namese embassy confirmed Tues- then ated tat te:
day tha tostrjeam of intellectual modern
that.he expected Kosygin to thinking" has been influenced
go through Peking. yeven in Western countries by
Kosygin will ,go by special plane Communist propaganda which al-
with a delegation that includes ex- Irmm uatoaanvihen-
perts on military aid and on for- tes themediducational envionen
eign contacts of the Soviet Com- T i m e s are inadvertently in-
munist Party.Td
Some observers thought a - Pe-
king stopover could have signi-
ficance in the Soviet-Chinese dis- DE PEN DA BL E
pute. But others doubted that a
delegation with the composition IMPORT SERVICE
of Kosygin's would conduct ser- SR I
ious negotiations on the subject. We have the MECHANICS I
A Cuban Communist Party dele- d the PARTS.
gation led by Maj. Ernesto CheI
Guevara was already in Peking, NEW CAR DALER #
having arrived by special plane E
Yesterday. . Triumph-Volvo---
The purpose of the Cuban mis-
sion was not disclosed, but eco- Fiat-Checker
nomic issues are believed high in
the agenda.
In December, 1960, Guevara was HER
sent to Peking as special envoy of B ES ES)
Prime.Minister Fidel Castro. At. A U ART
that time he obtained a Commun-',
ist Chinese agreement to extend 319 W. Huron
Cuba credits of about $250 million W665-368
until 1965 and to purchase one
million tons of sugar.
Thnc next day ne read an article
the Annual
Kiwanis Sale
Feb.11, 12,13
Nat'l. Guard
proceeds to
those in need
regardless of
race,. color or
1209 S. University-663-7151
Liat wyn raters
Receive Award
Special To The Daily
Cleanness s S
aVi rtue
h a h
OUr Valentine Cards
are not ga!
NEW YORK -- Daily writers
Harold Wolman, Grad, and Cal
Skinner, Jr., Grad, took second
place in a college newspaper writ-
ing contest sponsored by the Over-
seas Press Club.
Wolman and Skinner won their
prize in the "best writing on a
national issue by a daily publica-
tion" division, for their series dur-
ing the presidential campaign last,
Frst in this division went to
Avery Guest of the Daily Texan.
That paper, with threee awards,
was the biggest winner.
* * .
WASHINGTON - A S e n a t e
Rules Committee source said yes-
terday that Walter Jenkins, for-
mer top aide to President Lyndon
B. Johnson, will not appear today'
in response to a subpoena for
questioning in the Senate's Bobby
Baker investigation.
*, * *
WASHINGTON - President
Lyndon B. Johnson, obviously en-
couraged by secret contacts with
Moscow, said last night he hopes
to visit the Soviet Union this year
and to entertain Soviet leaders in
the United States.
Too late for Roo.
But what'about you?
Does your girl have a
mother? Why tot send
our Fair Lady Heatts
to them both. Couldn't
hurt to have the tight
girl on your side.
307 South Stat.
I I I I -, !" 1 0 too I o""
Although he said nothing about
behind-the-scenes contacts w i t h
the Soviets on the subject, it was
known these had been under way
for more than a month.
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