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February 04, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-02-04

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ff icials, Students Act To Avoid CrowdTin
To Leas

L 1 U' lT a tr


The Office of Residence Halls, Assembly House Council, and
Inter-Quadrangle Council are working to prevent another overcrowd-
ing crisis in the fall of 1965 comparable to the one experienced during
the last fall semester.
The steps being taken to avoid crowded conditions and unhappy
4 students involve warning students of housing conditions when they
apply so that they will be prepared to meet living arrangements and
assessing residence hall rooms to find each room's capacity.
"Last spring the investigation of room conditions originated when
it became obvious that the number of students to arrive in the fall
might be greater than what the University was at that time prepared
for," Director of Residence Halls Eugene Haun said yesterday.
"The first action occurred last spring when the only graduate
* students allowed to apply for quad residence in the fall were those
boys already residing in'Tyler and Prescott houses, and they had to
apply to their respective houses," Haun said.
"This allowed space for approximately 175 freshmen," Haun said.
"In the spring we were told to expect a total of 3,975 new stu-
dents by fall, but 4,129 freshmen, plus transfers, entered," he said.
Coping with Excess
Residence units Alice Lloyd, Mosher, Jordan, Stockwell, Couzens;
and East, West, and South Quads doubled up to house the surplus
Tuition Hike FOught
On Manitoba Camp__us
More than 1200 students at the University of Manitoba, Canada,
staged a demonstration in downtown Winnipeg recently protesting a
$75 a year across-the-board tuition increase.
The students marched to the provincial legislature building carry-
ing placards demanding that the sudden fee increase be rescinded.
But the legislature announced that it could not afford additional
funds for the university and that the tuition raise must take effect

immediately. The yearly tuition w
GOP Move.
Stuns Dens
ALBANY ()-Republicans mov-
ed suddenly . yesterday to break
open the deadlocked Democraticf
fight over leadership of the New
York State Legislature by throw-
ing their votes to Sen. Joseph.
Zaretzki (D-Manhattan).1
Although the GOP had threat-
ened to intervene, the move, be-t
lieved unprecedented, caught thet
strife-torn Democratic majority
by surprise. The stunned Demo-
crats retreated swiftly behindf
closed doors to try to hammer outg
an agreement among themselves.s
The prospect of similar Repub-s
lican intervention in the Assembly
was uncertain.
Speculation was that Zaretzki
would emerge as the Democrats's
choice for temporary president p
(majority leader) of the Senate,
although neither of the rival fac- c
tions was supporting him in thea
latest rounds of balloting.G
Zaretzki, Democratic minority
leader for eight years, is a strong
ally of New York's Mayor Robertf
F. Wagner, and his election woulda
represent a stunning victory for
Wagner in the power struggle. it

'ill now range from $375 to $575
at the various campuses of the
The university is a shared oper-
ation between the Canadian fed-
eral government, the Manitoban
provincial government and the
In late November, the univer-
sity's president suggested that a
$50-$100 fee increase was being
considered. On Dec. 2, the presi-
dent of the university's Student
Union announced a policy of
"freeze the fees" until the prob-
lem of student finances is studied.
At the same time, the Canadian
Union of Students, a powerful na-
tional organization, condemned
the imminent fee rise.
In mid-January, the Student
Union began to prepare a brief
for presentation to the provincial
government asking for a grant
sufficient to eliminate the neces-
sity for a fee increase.
On Jan. 25, shortly after mid-
night, the executive board of the
Student Union decided to call a
student strike and a rally at the
provincial legislature building.
The students were asked to boy-
cott classes for an afternoon to
attend the rally. At least 20 per
cent of the students participated
in the boycott and rally.
Although the students have
failed to achieve their objective
of forestallingvthe tuition hike,
they are planning further appeals
to the provincial legislature.

To accommodate students, 302 rooms .were converted. The total satisfied with their housing.
capacity determined before last fall for men's units was 324. When Because some rooms were rapidly converted which shouldn't have
men were moved from temporary housing, 20 singles became doubles been, other rooms better suited for conversion were not doubled. The Says Cutbacks E
and 115 doubles were triples. The total capacity for women's units residence halls office decided to try to be more efficient in handling
was 3843 with 54 'singles converted to doubles and 113 doubles made the situation for fall of 1965, Haun said. G raduate-Frofess
into triples. Last September the office created an investigation committee,
At the beginning of this winter semester there was an undeter- made up of Leonard Schaadt, the business manager of residence By DAVID
mined number of bed vacancies. Those students now living in con- halls, and the business manager and director of each housing unit.
verted rooms have chosen to do so. The committee set out to determine in advancer what spaces are University President Harla
In September AHC formed a crowding committee composed of available to meet conditions which the office feels sure will come about serious concern over Gov. Ge
President Maxine Loomis, AHC housing chairman, and the presidents in August, Haun said. University budget for next yea
of overcrowded dorms to investigate dissatisfaction among women in The committee hasn't yet determined which rooms are the best case to the Legislature.
converted rooms, Miss Loomis said. Its conclusion was that even ones to be converted, but it has found which rooms are available for "This recommendation
though students were adjusting to cramped conditions, they weren't conversion.h pre mendtof...
- - y- A- "Since rooms have been classified as to how many members they o presn and future of ai
>. :can house, an upperclassman is assured that the room he chooses adsau fteUiest,
7 , +by April 1 to occupy in the fall of 1965 will not contain more people statement. While commending t
than he now bargains for," Haun said. er education budget as: whole
North Campus phone interview that the Unive
I"Altogether the office is expecting 4600 students to be admitted increase in funds (compared to
this fall. Of this number, 4200 will be on the Ann Arbor campus, and all 10 state schools and college.
the others at Flint and Dearborn extensions," Haun added. "We are at the graduate-professional.
preparing for more than the Ann Arbor number." level and would disrupt year-
In an overcrowding report released last October, IQC proposed round operations plans.
<It& that the construction of appropriate residence halls on North Campus I opeth overns
is the only legitimate solution to the current housing dilemna. "We hope the governor's fig-
IQC sees the proposed Bursley Hall as the appropriate under- ure won't be final," President
..graduate residence hall. Katcher added, indicating that
IQC and AHC have co-sponsored motions this year to alleviate the University intends a
future crowding conditions. Some such motions, pertained to women's strong attempt to have the
junior apartment privileges and changing residence hall contracts to Legislature restore at least a
one semester. major share of the $5.7 mil-
° lion which Romney cut out of
t.. lly H alt othe Regents' original $55.7
MSU Calls Halt to million request. The recoi-
mended $50 million would rep-
(1 Eresent a $6 million increase
IN SX teerel lu nover this year's $44 million.
-Daily-Frank Wing "We have no Indications .as to
STUDENT GOVERNMENT COUNCIL debates a motiop asking why the governor's office cut ourt
the University to enforce apartmient-lease payments only if ti* .BY JUDMH ARREN request," the President said, but
he speculated that "head count"
months during the regular school year. Accepting the motion, The circulation of petitions at Michigan State University urging was the primary consideration. A
Council began a move to free students from 12-month leases.- a referendum to decide whether to continue as members of the Romney education aide, Charles
National Student Association has been withdrawn. Orlebeke, confirmed the "challenge
James Jesse, president of Armstrong Hall and leader in the fight of numbers" as a major factor in
to withdraw from NSA, explained that the referendum would have the governor's formulations.
been held during the week of March 4. However, also during that "h A rising number of students
u j 7 j week a referendum was being held to form a new type of student state's toigheprovideducation sythem
U tsgovernment. and consequently, the governor
S"Two referendums in one week would have detracted from each gave fund priority to those instnsd nt to or
other and the referendum to set up a new student government~ tsutions doin the m ost tosorb-
By MICHAEL DEAN more important," Jesse said. <-- them," Orlebeke said. Of the 13,-
I Meanwhile, the All - University 000 more students which will flood
Student Government Council last night voted to recommend Student Government has set up Ison S till the state's higher education sys-
changes in the student rental agreement which would conceiveab y an ad hoc committee to study the tem next fall, the University anti-
result in realtors no longer insisting on 12-month apartment leases. activities of NSA. This committee cipates adding only 1800.
The motion, offered by SGC Executive Vice-President Gary has written to NSA, to schools In C noThe University, however, has
Ounningham, '66, suggests that the rental agreement be amended who have withdrawn from NSA 1 oitto consistently attacked "head count
o that the University is committed to enforcing the terms of a and schools who have just joined as the primary consideration in
- -- ---- -- lease no longer than the academic to study the reactions toward NSA LONDON A)-Prime Minister appropriation decisions. "The real
yler sand to gain advice. The members Harold Wilson's Labor govern- problem now is that we're still
ob ls it be eight or twelve monthsh are also studying the campus re- ment survived a move by the Con- hung on the dramatic propaganda
action to NSA through question- s of the rising numbers of high
The agreements, signed through naires. servai to overthrow it Tes-sc graduates," President
H ts New Tow the Off-Campus Housing Board "We are not satisfied with the I day n crt another Hatcher said last night. "The gov-
r t 'w Low yaLtuetslasn.aatmnscrisis ,by announcing plans to buy h
by all students leasing apartments, activities of the ad hoc committee Aaernor's office is ignoring the spe-
empower the University to enforce and will probably attempt to cir- AherConsairidtr. cial and very different needs of
WASHINGTON (p)-New fig- the 12-month leases at the pen- culate petitions and withdraw Conservatives tried to brng our graduate-professional pro-
res on unemployment are to be alty of either withholding a stu- again," Jesse said. down the government with a cen- grams."
eleased by the Labor DepartmentI sure motion that said Wilson's vcodn ognrlyctdfg
oday, by President LyndonmB.tdent's grades or refusing him re- "The benefits that the student s i il According to generally cited fig-
admittance. body receives are not worthwhile. i ays n oce we ures, for every dollar spent at the
hnson hintd sesteray that he If Council's suggestions are The only advantage of NSA is that w hasty and ill-considered" freshman-sophomore level, $3-4 is s
Dbless rate has hit a seven-year adopted, the responsibility to en- it lobbies in Washington. However,
w' force a lease beyond the academic even without NSA, students could Tes,wh ave a iors, $5 is spent on M.A. candidates n
Johnson talked to Secretary of year of a student would be left still lobby," Jesse added. majority of only three in the and $6 is spent on Ph.D.-profes-
abor Willard Wirtz about the to the individual realtor House, defeated the censure mo- sional candidates.
igures yesterday and White House Cunningham told Council That tion by 17 votes. Nine Liberals ab- Seventy pei cent of the Uni-
ress Secretary George Reedy realtors would probably choose to Counci F stained and five Conservative versity's enrollment is at the jun- P
aid he was authorized to sythe offer eight-month leases rather Counilrea Tu306-289 for level and above, while Michi- c
resident was "gratified" with than attempt to enforce a 12- 30 ring the session Wilson gan State University, for exam-
m dmonth lease with students who Asng Lom ax Dnounced Britain would scrap two ple, has a 50 per cent freshman-
may be spread over the nation partially-developed military planes sophomore enrollment.
Enforcement Student Government C o u n c i 1 and buy similar aircraft from the Orlebeke called President Hatch- a
Another factor in favor of te SuetGvrmn n u iia icatfo the er's statement "understandable" a
Ashoter leaseacrorg to C- last night unanimously endorsed United States instead. The future and sttotanl unanticipae" t
shorter lease according to Cun-heonetf re-nre- fhead-esdBihar- and "not totally unanticipated," 9
i mhi statratr ol the concept of a writer-in-resi- I of the hard-pressed British air- but he contended that the gover- s
dence program and appropriated craft industry is a touchy political b
ehave to require adult counter- $500 to assist in meeting the costs issue nor's office "weighed very careful- a
signatures in order to enforce the of the roram Pas to two ai de- ly the individual needs and re- 1
The proposal would bring Louis velopment projects have been cri- u of every state institution
versity-enforceable academic year. Lomax, a nationally-known lec- ticized on grounds that this would and attempted to balance them "
This, he said, would require turer and writer, to the campus create serious unemployment and with the educational needs and fi-
considerably more delay and for three weeks in late March of whittle down one of Britain's nancial resources of the state."
paperwork than would exist if an 1966. The cost would surpass most important technological re- He said that while the import- y
d two of McNamara's top aides eight-month lease were instituted $4000 including travel and hotel sources ance of the University's programs p
disqualify themselves" in the Council further suggested that bills and an honorarium of $2500. was recognized, schools which a
ecision the agreement be revised so that Commenting on the cost of the were providing for the greatest
He noted that Assistant Sccre- each leasee is responsible only for the epngrnhomen'h numbers of new students, such as
ry of Defense Roswell Gil Patric his share of the rental fee. Under MSU, were given a higher priority 7
as a former lawyer for General present terms, each leasee is joint- ag d ta e tag,in appropriation considerations.
ynamics, and that Fred Korth, ly responsible with the other sb"After the University, Central
rmer Navy secretary, ow ned leasees for the entire rental fee. could be lecturing elsewhere at Michigan University received the
ock in a Fort Worth bank which Entertainment cd00 an evening every night " lowest proportionate increase in
ad approved a $400,000 loan to Cunningham said this would al- With its endorsement SGC be., state funds in Romney's recom-
ie company. leviate many of the problems ex- came the third student organiza- mendation. Executive Vice-Presi-
He also charged that Seretary n rinned hv students who Marvin .' I t wr ,.nT i-n+.,A A

sional Programs
n Hatcher yesterday revealed
orge Romney's recommended
r and said he would carry his
implies serious consequences
n institution of the character
'the President charged in 'a
the record $156.6 million high-
, he declared in a later tele-
rsity's projected 13.7 per cent
7 an average 19.4 per cent for
s) would leave it ill-equipped
Following is the official
statementby University Presi
dent Harlan Hatcher on Gov.
George Romney's budget re-
"The governor has taken an-
other good step forward and
upward for higher education in
Michigan. I am sure he has
used his best judgment to make
some hard choices that must be
made. He has leftroom for the
Legislature to exercise its jurg-
ment and to relate the needs of
our young people to the finan-
cial capacity of the state.
"This recommendation pre-
sents the University with diffi-
cult choices. We are studying it
carefully to see just what effect
it would have on the University.
It implies serious consequences
to the present and future of an
institution of the character and
status of the University. We
consider that the magnitude
and importance of the advanced
graduate and professionalpro-
grams so heavily concentrated
here demand more thoughtful
a n d sophisticated appraisal
than appears to have been given
in this recommendation.
We are facing the serious
question - Does the State of
Michigan wish to maintain"its
University in this critical per-
iod at its previous and present
level of distinguished service?"
Cites Cost
Of Education
WASHINGTON - "You cannot
have the promised Great Society
without great universities," Uni
versity President Harlan Hatcher
aid Wednesday night.
Citing growth in student enroll-
ment and the lengthening period
of formal education, the President
declared, "A whole new level of
upport for this inadequate and
presently groaning system of edu-
ation is absolutely necessary."
The fastest growing segment of
ur student population, the Presi-
lent said, is at the college level
Lnd moving beyond into graduate
nd professional schools. The
raining in these upper levels, he
aid, is just as urgent in its way
s the training at the freshman
"But," said President Hatcher,
a year in college costs a mini-
num of five times as much as a
ear in elementary school. And a
ear in a graduate schools costs
rom four-to-eight times as much
is a year at the freshman level."
Elxam Cheating
Probe Finished
P)-A total of 105 cadets. includ-



Mollenhoff Say's New

"Independence must supercede
the powers and pressures any ad-
ministration may use to try to
convert the press from watch-
dogs into lap dogs," Clark Mollen-
hoff, Pulitzer Prize-winning jour-
nalist, told a journalism lecture
yesterday in Rackham.
He criticized the attitude of
some 'reporters who are afraid

on morals charges "when persons
representing the White House
were making arguments that per-
suaded some newspapers to at
least temporarily kill the story."
He also cited numerous in-
depth articles on the Bobby Baker
matter by reporters who finally
"got that investigation going
rather than seek a favored posi-
tion with the congressional lead-
ership or the. White House."


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