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Committee To Survey
Students on Housing
'Blue Ribbon' Group To Investigate
Various Student Wants in 'U' Living
University President Harlan Hatcher's "blue-ribbon" committee
on student housing has decided to take a survey of student opinions
and demands on housing, Prof. Roy Proffitt, assistant dean of the
Law School, said yesterday.
He noted that the information gathered by the committee has not
yet included students' personal opinions, and that consideration of
such 'would be necessary before the housing investigation could be
The committee has asked the Survey Research Center to compile
questions for a general survey, Proffitt explained. The questions will
-vw -- - - ------- deal with student concerns about
WUS Seeks
For Projects
Contributing Editor
In an attempt to actively involve
University students in promotin
the ideals of world-wide educa-
tion, the local chapter of Worl
University Service last night voteC
to allocate $500 toward the par-
ticipationof a Michigan studeni
in one of two WUS work camps
planned for this summer.
The allocation, to be taker
from money raised during the
WUS annual fund campaign
March 1-4, is open to any student
who will be returning to an
American university next year
according to Elizabeth Sumner,
program assistant to the Office of
Religious Affairs and director of
the WUS chapter.
The work camps willbe held in
the Sudan at the University of
Khartoum and in Seoul, Korea, at
the University of Seoul.
Educational Goals
As part of their "participation
in international understanding,"
students will be meeting for lec-
turesand seminars in order to
learn about the culture, politics
and economics of the areas in
which they are working, Jane Wil-
liams, a WUS field representative,
In both countries, students will
be concerned with constructing a
WUS student center, and tutoring
in English will take place at least
in Korea.
Travel has been included as
part of both programs.
Miss Williams estimates that
each camp will be comprised of
50-75 students, approximately 25
of whom will come from the
United States. The cost to each
student who participates in either
of the camps will be approximate-
ly $900, which is basically to cover
the cost of transportation.
Spread Information
The stipulation that the recip-
lent of the allocation be return-
ing to campus next year is aimed
at increasing direct communica-
tion of WUS efforts throughout
the world, Mrs. Sumner stressed.
Other projects carried on by WUS
on a self-initiated, self-help basis
within developing countries, in-
clude the construction of libraries,
the sponsorships of loans, and the
granting of scholarships.
Due to the trimester calendar,
University students will be able
to participate in either of the
work campus; that at the Univer-
sity of Khartoum will run May
28-mid-July, while that at the
University of Seoul will run July
1-Aug. 24.
Applications and further infor-
mation may be obtained through
Mrs. Sumner; screening will then
take place through the U.S. na-
tional office of WUS.
In addition to its aim of spon-
soring University students' par-
ticipation in WUS camps, this
costs, off-campus housing and
housing improvements to aid aca-
demic studies.
Next Friday the committee wil
meet with members of the Studen
Government Council housing com-
mittee to help decide questions tc
be used on the survey. The survey
willebe as representative as pos-
sible, Prof fitt said, and will b
very important to the work of the
Formed by Hatcher
The committee on student hous-
ing was formed Jan. 8 by Presi-
dent Hatcher. Its major assign-
ment is to study the relationship
between University and non-Uni-
versity housing in terms of prices,
availability and living conditions
President Hatcher has drawn up
the following questions for the
-Is there an appropriate pro-
portion of students to be housed
in University facilities and in pri-
vately-owned facilities?
-What style or type of accom-
modations should be provided by
the community and by the Univer-
sity respectively, and for which
categories of students?
-To what extent, if any, should
the University seek- to regulate
privately owned facilities to in-
sure that students live in a proper
Proper Housing
-How should the University in-
sure proper housing for foreign
-Finally, what should be the
University's responsibility to pri-
vate owners and developers of stu-
dent housing? How should this
responsibility be filled?
There are 11 people on the
committee, including two students.
They are discussing various ques-
tions concerning the University's
responsibility in student housing,
and will gather all available in-
formation, to make better predic-
tions on housing conditions and
demands for the future.
Plan To Defer
Students in Fall
The University will accept a
maximum of 400 Michigan high
school students applying to the
literary college for admission in
the fall on the condition that they
will not actually enter the Univer-
sity until the following semester,
Byron Groesbeck, assistant direc-'
tor of the admissions office, said
The University had revealed
last semester that it would use a
plan for deferred admissions if it
proved necessary, but had not spe-
cified the number of students to
be involved.
"The admissions office has an-
ticipated that this deferment
might occur in the event that we
received applications from more
well qualified Michigan residents
than we can accommodate,"
Groesbeck said.
The final decision as to how
many qualified students will not
be allowed to enter in the fall will
be made early in May.
New Budget
May Lead to
Tax Reform
Brown Calls Request
'Woefully Inadequate'
For State's Needs
Special To The Daily
LANSING-The record budget
request made yesterday by Gov.
George Romney was greeted by
many legislators as inadequate,
especially in view of the fact that
the state has a $104.8 million gen-
eral fund surplus.
R o m n e y's recommendations,
which were called "woefully in-
adequate" by Senate Majority
Floor Leader Basil Brown (D-
Detroit), would use only one third
of- this surplus. saving the rest for
future use.
Brown said that the governor s
budget request is "far too low to
provide adequate services for the
state." He added that the state
must strive to improve and in-
crease its services as long as itj
has the means to doso.
Additional Money
Brown noted that instead of
3 n
-ssoclated Press
GOV. GEORGE ROMNEY yesterday submitted to the Legislature his budget request for fiscal
1965-66. The record $788.5 million appropriation request is divided as shown in the graph above, with
education receiving nearly 42 per cent of the total-.
Submits Record Overall Budget
Redulces Request
Half of 788 Million General Budget
Request To Support State Education
Special To The Daily
LANSING-Gov. George Romney recommended a record
$50 million appropriation for the University tq the state Leg-
islature yesterday.
The recommendation represented a cut of $5.7 million
from the University's original request, but was still an in-
crease of some $6 million over last year's appropriation.
Romney's recommendation for the University's operations
budget was part of his total $788.5 million request for state
operations in fiscal 1965-66. The total budget recommenda-
tion from all funds for all levels of education next year is
$711 million. This is over 40 per cent of the entire cost of all
state government and the
equivalent of nearly 90 per
per cent of the entire general
fund budget. The higher edu-
cation totals are increasing by
$29.7 million over last year to
reach some $168.6 million.
cutting the governor's request. as Special To The Daily
is the usual practice, the Legis-
lature will probably make addi- LANSING--Gov. George Rom-
tional appropriations. using the ney presented his record $788.5
money from the general fund sur- million general fund budget to the
plus. Legislature yesterday and called
If $he Legislature does appro- for "prudent and progressive
priate significantly more than budget and revenue action."
Romney recommended, and dips The governor's "responsive and
further into the general fund sur- responsible" budget is balanced by
plus, tax revision is likely to move using about one-third of the
to the fore. state's predicted $104.8 million
Romney has said that he is general fund surplus to supple-
w illing to w ork on fiscal reform if -___ei l u e s o s h t t is
the Legislature shows that it is ,.
genuinely interested in working Council To Act
with him. Each side is now wait-
ing for the other to present a tax
reform program. On ' Leases
'Romney Program'
The Democratic majority main- Student Government Council
tains that if Romney wants to tonight will act on a motion de-
work on fiscal reform he should signed to discourage local realtors
present a plan, but Romney says from insisting on 12-month leases
that "what we need isn't a Dem- for students living in off-campus
ocratic program or a Republican housing.
program-but a Michigan pro- The motion will call for the
gram. If I put something out it's University to enforce a student's
going to be a Romney program." lease only for the duration of his
Brown said that he wants to academic year. Under the present
find out what the governor's r'ro- wording of an agreement signed
gram consists of even though ie by students and realtors through
admits that it is probably very the Off Campus Housing Board,
similar to the one which was de- the University enforces- leases for
feated in 1963. a full twelve months, whether or
"I have a general program of not the student-tenant attends a
fiscal reform which I can present twelve month academic program.
of the governor has no plan pre- Also before Council will be two
pared," Brown said. He added that motions suggesting changes in the
he has been working on his pipn course selection and course drop-
for over a year. ping policies of the literary col-
Brown said that the provision lege.
in the Michigan Constitution The one would recommend that
which prohibits a graduated in- students be permitted to select
come tax in deference to a flat- their own academic program with-
rate tax "ham-strings any efforts out having to secure prior permis-
at real tax reform, since a grad- sion from their counsellors.
uated income tax is the only Under the terms of the second
equitable form of income tax." j motion, SGC would recommend
A resolution proposing a con- that students in the literary col-
stitutional amendment to remove } lege be permitted to drop a course
the section outlawing the grad- anytime prior to the exam period
uated tax will probably be intro- by simply notifying the course in-
duced in this session, Brown said. structor and the college.
ment expected general revenues
of $756 million, so that despite
the record spending increase there
will be no need for new taxes, ac-
cording to Romney.
Education, mental health, con-
servation-recreation and public
health received the largest appro-
priation increases as the budget
climbed from its present $694.3
million level by $94.2 million.
Education, which receives a $67
million boost in appropriation, for
the first time takes over half the
general fund budget at $409.7
million. This includes doubling of
the state scholarship program.
Mental health received a hike
of $11 million in Romney's budget,
including an additional million in
community service grants, . $1.4
million for services to the men-
tally ill, $900,000 for the mentally
retarded, and $700,000 for im-
proved research and training in
the mental health department.
Local Aid
The recommendations in the
area of public health are high-
lighted by programs of aid to lo-
cal units of government. The gov-
ernor'$ recommendation of $750,-
000 in this area would double the
current year's grants for local
health departments. An additional
appropriation of $955,700 will per-
mit the state to increase reim-
bursements for county tubercular
Romney said that $56 million
of his budget increase is the re-i
sult of "builtins"-the higher costc
of state programs. brought on byc
population increase alone withoutl
any expansion of the programs.I
Program expansions made up the
other $38 million of the increase. 1
In the area of traffic safety,
the governor has asked for 2001
additional state troopers at a cost
of $1.2 million and implementationt
of a mandatory vehicle inspectiont
program at $851,000.1
A special message in this * area
adas presented to the Legislature
earlier in this legislative session.
Elsewhere, the governor recom-
mended that:
-$250,000 be given to the state
Civil Rights Commission for staff
-A supplemental budget of $69,-
500 in the current year be given
to the Workmen's Compensation
Department and an addition of
$187,000 next year in order to re-
duce the case backlog;
-A $200,000 appropriation be
made for the compensation on
Michigan's continuing financial
requirements and policy which he
proposed in his state of the state
Romney detailed that he wanted
to save two-thirds of the state's
general fund surplus in order to
avoid new taxes a year from now.
"Unwise overuse of . our current
surplus, or sporadic, unplanned
piecemeal tax reductions could put
Michigan back into a crisis situa-
tion financially," he said. "High-
er taxes or interest-bearing debt
would soon be necessary" if this
were done, Romney added.
The governor said that Michi-
gan "is currently enjoying un-
equaled revenue growth," but his
revenue estimates for the coming
year appeared conservative in light
of that growth. Romney explained
his apparent conservatism by say-
ing economists predict a 4-4.5 per
cent gain in the economy for cal-
endar 1965-strong, but well be-
low the current 8.8 per cent
growth rate.
The governor maintains that his
budget attempts to reduce "long-
ime deficiencies in meeting our
responsibilities" and called it
"something more than a hold-
the-line budget, more than sim-
ply meaning our 'builtin' expendi-
$6.2 Million
He recommended $6.2 million for
the University's building programs,
about half of the $13.8 million
requested. The $6.2 million includ-
ed $3.6 million for new classrooms
and $2.6 million for new medical
science facilities.
Romney said his recommenda-
tions will, if not cut by the Leg-
islature, allow the state colleges
to increase faculty salaries by sev-
en per cent next fall. According to
University Executive Vice-Presi-
dent Marvin L. Niehuss, this will
allow the University to keep up
with the rising national average
of educators' salaries.
The new State Board of Educa-
tion was provided for in Romney's
education budget. He recommend-
ed a one-third increase in the
budget of the superintendent of
public instruction, including funds
to staff a higher education divi-
sion and to begin coordination of
state college growth plans.
Community Colleges
Community colleges were rec-
ommended $3.5 million in state
funds, an increase in the appro-
priation per community college
student from $234 to $250. Rom-
ney justified his increase, noting
that fall enrollments are schedul-
ed to increase by an estimated 9,-
700 students, a jump of 31 per
cent over this fall.
Romney also recommended an
increase in Michigan's year-old
state scholarship program. He
termed this year's $500,000 trial
plan, "successful" and requested it
be tripled for 1965-66.
The budget recommendation in-
cluded $480.4 million for state aid
to local schools, an increase of
$46.3 million over this year. Rom-
ney noted the increase will allow
local school districts to "improve
and strengthen their basic educa-
tional programs."
More Than Half
This year's recommendation
marks the first time in state his-
tory that education has taken
more than half of all state spend-
ing. Romney called the education
recommendation, which totals 52
per cent of the state spending "a
most significant forward thrust"
for education.
Comments from state legisla-
tors showed a mixed reaction to
Romney's education recommenda-
tions. Rep. Albert R. Horri-on (D-
Flint) said, "It appears the gov-
ernor will support the Demo-
cratic legislative program. We'll be
haupy to accept any help he can
give us."
Senate Majority Leader Rav-
mond D. Dzendzel (D-Detroit)
agreed, saving "Based on these
proposals, I think we can expect
Offer Views
On Housing
Both candidates for mayor of
Ann Arbor discussed possible so-
lutions to the problem of low-cost
housing at a public meeting last
Candidates Mrs. Eunice Burns,
Democrat, and Wendell Hulcher,
Republican, answered the ques-
tions and suggestions of T. E.
Daniels, field representative for
the Foundation for Cooperative:
Daniels, in supporting low-cost
housing, said families should be
able to purchase housing for one-
fifth of their gross monthly in-
come. He added that "the solu-
tion to the low-cost housing prob-
lem should come in the form of
municipal action."
He advocated the following ac-
tions: a municipally sponsored
low-cost housing program con-
forming to the minimal standards
of the community; local govern-
ment stimulation of private in-
vestors to build in the low-cost
range; a special preferential as-
sessment on low and moderate
cost housing; and urban develop-
ment and planning for the, hous-
ing of families displaced in the
renewal process of old neighbor-
In responding to Daniels, Hul-
cher stressed the need for "human
betterment" through the elimina-
tion of discrimination, and named
as goals adequate housing for all
citizens and jobs and training
aimed at better jobs for every
person in the city.
Hulcher cited federal-local co-
operation as a positive approach
to the nrnhlms of low-cost ov-
Napoleon Goes Greek; Thinker' Seeks To Pledge
With a heart on the cover and
several cut-out Valentines inside,
the February edition of Gargoyle
goes on sale today.
Advertised as the University's
only humor magazine and avail-
able for 25 cents, the Gargoyle
includes several new features as
well as the familiar Gargoyle Phi-
losophy, Game Page and Gargads.
appropriately described in the though the form is familiar in
cutlines. One of the selections the "Twelve Days of Christmas,"
shows Napoleon partaking in the tune of this song by Elaine
men's rush. Sklar doesn't have the festive
In a similar vein, the Garg Art quality of that happy. season.
Gallery captures Botticelli and Also atune to the college aud-
Whistler in cartoon form, as well ience, "The Song of Nick Omus" is
as more statuesque tributes to art a poem which presents the pro-
notables . . . namely, The Thinker verbial problem of graduation -
contemplating which house to then what? After surveying the
pledge. situation and considering job op-
In an unique tone of revival, portunities the solution is obvious
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