PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, 2 FEBRUARY 1965 II DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN f:et . A ..., . . n ~ ,"I . . ,., ., . .. . ... .u ,.. x ... x : x x . x .. x n . .,:: n: . U> 3ALJ 'A"+AwVA p (Continued from Page 2) tures of Planar Metal Complexes" on Wed., Feb. 3, 8 p.m., 1300 Chem. Bldg. General Notices IBM Fellowship in the Humanities: Chairmen, of Humanities departments are reminded that the fellowship ap- plication forms for students to be con- sidered for this 1965-66 fellowship should be in the Graduate Fellowship Office, Room 118 Rackham Bldg. by Feb. 15. Details were described in let- ter of Oct. 14, 1964. Students, LSA: The date set for mak- ing up I's, X's and No Reports has been changed from Feb. 1 to Feb. 8. Students who have valid reasons for time extensions should check with their counselor. Admission Test for Graduate Study in Business: Candidates taking the Ad- mission Test for Graduate Study in Business on Sat., Feb. 6, are requested to report to Room 130 Bus. Admin. Bldg. at 8:30 a.m. Saturday. National Teacher Examinations: Ap- plication blanks are available in Room 122 Rackham Bldg. for the National Teacher Examinations. The next admin- istration of the test will be on Sat., March 20, and applications must be received in Princeton, N.J., by March 5. Applications for General Undergrad- uate Scholarships will be available at the Scholarship Office, 2011 SAB, be- ginning Mon., Jan. 11. Applications must be completed by March 1. Un- dergraduate students who have com- pleted one or more full semesters with an overall average of 3.0 or better are eligible to compete. Financial aid is a factor in making these awards. Applications for the Following Schol- arships are available in office of alumnae secretary, Alumni Memorial Hall; they must be returned by Feb. 12, 1965; recipients will be announced at League Recognition Night, March 1, 1985. The Lucile B. Conger Scholarship is offered to in-state, undergraduate wom- en on the basis of academic perform- ance, contribution to University life and financial need; the stipend is variable. The Margaret L. Waterman Scholar- ship is offered to undergraduate wom- en on the basis of academic perform- ance, contribution to University life, and financial need; the stipend is var- lable. The Luan Peckinpaugh Scholarship is offered to out-of-state undergraduate women who have sucmessfully completed their freshman year an have a dem- onstrated financial need the stipend is variable. The Mary Louise Hinsdale Scholar- ship, amounting to approximately $180 (interest on the endowment fund) is available to undergraduate single wom- en who are wholly or partially self- supporting and who do not live in University residence halls or sorority houses. Girls with better than aver- age scholarship' and need will be considered. The Laurel Harper Seeley Scholarship is open to both graduate and under- graduate women. The award is made on basis of scholarship, contribution to University life and financial need, the stipend is variable. # The Lucy E. Elliott Fellowship is open to women graduates of any accredited college or university. It may be used by a University of Michigan graduate at any college or university, but a graduate of any other univer- sity will be required to study on the Michigan campus. Academic achieve- ment, creativity and leadership will be considered in granting the award. The stipend is $1,100. The Alice Crocker Lloyd Fellowship is open to women graduates of any ac- crediter college or university. It may be used by a University of Michigan graduate at any college or university ORGANIZATION NOTICES Use of This Column for Announce- ments is available to officially recog- nized and registered student organiza- tions only. Forms are available in Room 1011 SAB. Canterbury House, Discussion, David Sumner, "Perspectives in Modern Lit- erature," Tues., Feb. 2, 218 N. Division, Canterbury House. Circle Honorary Society, Important meeting for all members, Feb. 4, Thurs., 7 pm., Cave, Michigan League. Newman Student Association, Facul- ty and student night, Prof. G. B. Har- rison speaks on "Translating the Litur- gy,"' Feb. 3, 5:10 p.m., Newman Center, 331 Thompson St. World University Society, General meeting, Feb. 2, 7:30 p.m., 3510 SAB. Young Republicans, Executive Board meeting, Feb. 3, 7 p.m., 2535 SAB. Vhy Do You Read So Slowly? SA noted publisher in Chicago reports there is a simple tech- pique of rapid reading which should enable you to double your reading speed and yet re- tain much more. Most people do not realize how much they could increase their pleasure, success and income by reading faster and more accurately. According to this publisher, anyone, regardless of his pres- ent reading skill, can use this simple technique to improve his reading ability to a remark- able degree. Whether reading stories, books, technical matter, it becomes possible to read sen- tences at a glance and entire pages in seconds with this method. but a graduate of any other school will be required to study on the Michi- gan campus. Academic achievement, personality and leadership will be con- sidered in granting the award. The stipend is $1,100. Applications for LSA scholarships for the Fall (1) and Winter Terms (II), 1965-1966, are now available in Room 1220 Angell Hall, Applications will be due no later than February 19, 1964. Applicants must have had at least one' full semester of residence in this Col- lege and have attained an over-all grade point average of at least 2.8. Military Ball: The Army, Navy and Air Force Detachments of the Reserve Officers Training Corps announce the annual Military Ball, "Worldwide Holi- day," to be held Feb. 26 from 9 to 1Z p.m. in the Michigan League. All mili- tary personnel and cadets are cordially invited. The dance is formal,,and the admission is $3. Joint Judiciary Council: At the meet- ing of the Joint Judiciary Council on the night of Jan. 21, 1965, the follow- ing case was heard. Violation of University Regulations: a) 1 student, Petty Larceny; $40 fine, $20 suspended for one full aca-; demic year (Wnter Term '65). Letter of apology. At the meeting of the Joint Judiciary Council on the night of Jan. 27, 1965,t the following cases were .heard: Violation of University Regulations: a) 1 student, guilty of 2 hours and 3 minutes of late minutes; 5 weekends social probation beginning Jan. 29; 2 weekends suspended for, period of 2r semesters in residence until she reaches an accumulation of 5 additional latet minutes. b) 1 student, guilty of vandalism, drunk and disorderly, and minor un- der the influence of alcohol; Restitu- tion for damages ($58.27); 20 hours of Work in housing unit under director within next month; letter of apology; Recommend to future council to con- sider a recommendation for suspension if convicted of a similar offense until the end of sophomore year. c) 1 student, attempted petty larceny; Written warning; letter of apology. Placement ANNOUNCEMENTS: Australian National Univ., Canberra- Announces research scholarships lead- ing to PhD. Grads for medical res., physical sci., Soc. Sci., also general studies. 47 fields of concentration avail- able. Scholarships plus dependency al- lowance plus transportation. Apply no later than April, Details at Bureau of Appointments. PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS: Bureau of Appointments-Seniors & g ad stu- dents, please call 764-7460 for t point- ments with the following: THURS., FEB. 4-- Standard Oil, Detroit-Degrees in Econ., Gen. Lib. Arts & Poli. Sci. for positions in Mgmt. Trng., Merchandis- ing & Territorial Sales. Detroit & throughout Michigan, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Wash., D.C.-Jr. Officer Trng. Program (JOTP), a highly selective program, provides young officers with key po- sitions. BA, grad study helpful, B plus average essential. Knowl. of foreign area & language is helpful. Women must have MA. Age 21-35. U.S. citizen --5 yrs. Also positions at various de- gree levels including Psych., Physics, Eoon., Geog., Math, Forestry, etc. Control Data Corp., Minneapolis, Minn.-Men & women, BA, MA in Math for Program Analysis, Computer Application & Computer Sales Engrs. IBM World Trade Commission-For- eign Students Only-Opportunity for career positions with IBM upon return to own country, as Data Processing Sales Trainees & Systems Analysts. All degree levels in EE, ME, Physics/Chem., kitchen workers, housekeeping, and Math & Bus. Admin. Openings in 30 specialists in music, woodworking, ca- countries (please call Bureau of Ap- noeing, etc. pointments 764-7460 for list). Equitable Life Assurance Society - FRI., FEB. 5- Summer Actuarial Program interviews. IBM World Trade Comm.- (See A above). Details at Summer. Placement, 212 POSITION OPENINGS: Mellon Research Institute, Pittsburgh, ENGINEERING PLACEMENT INTER- Pa.-Positions in funramental or basic VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please applied research. Chem. & Physics grads sign schedule posted at 128-H West as research assistants & fellows. All de- Engrg. gree levels. FEB. 4-5-- A, O. Smith, Milwaukee, Wis.-Vari- Boeing Co., Wash., Kansas. Pa., La. ous openings including Econ. Analyst, & Ala.-All Degrees: AE & Astro., ChE, Indus. Engrs., Jr. Engrs. (Civil, (Struc. CE-(Struc.), EE, EM, IE, Mat'ls., ME, & Mech.), Programmer, Sr. Analyst - Met., Naval & Marine. Prof.: Applied Mktg. Res., etc. Mech. MS: Constr. BS: E Math, E City of Ann Arbor, Mich.-City Plan- Physics & Sci. Engrg. MS-PhD: Instru. ner (Sr.), MA Planning or Pub. Ad- Men & women. R. & D., Des. & Prod, min., BA Arch or CE. 2 yrs. exper.: FEB. 4- Bldg. Inspection Engr. BS in CE, ME A or Struc. Engrg. 2-3yrs. exper. Full time Los Alamos Scientific Lab., N.M. job: possible to work part time until hAll Degrees: ce ChE, EE,E EM, ME, Met. MS.. receiving MS in May.jPwomen..RMe& & * * * Contrl Data Corp., Minneapolis & For further information, please call nationwide-All Degrees: EE. BS: E 764-7460, General Div., Bureau of Ap- Math & E Physics. Men & women. R. pointments, 3200 SAB. & D., Des. National Steel Corp., Det., Mich.; SUMMER PLACEMENT SERVICE: Weirton, W. Va.-All Degrees: ChE & 212 SAB- Met. BS: CE, EE, E Math, EM, IE & TUES., FEB. 2- ME. BS-MS: Mat'Is. R. & D., Des., Prod., Camp Wise, Ohio - Coed. Students Sales & Ind. Engr. with skills in camperaft, nature lore, FEB. 4-5- folk music, arts & crafts and swim- RCA, Corp. wide-BS-MS: AE & As- ming. tro., EE & ME. BS: E Physics & Sci. Camp Tanuga, Mich.-Coed. Students Engrg. MS: Commun. Set. Men & wom- with skills in riding, crafts or music, en. Can consider non-citizens if be- Also general cabin counselors & camp coming a citizen. Dev., Des., Sales, Com- nurse. From 1-4:30 p.m. puter Sales & Systems. WED., FEB. 3- RCA Labs.-BS-MS: EE, Mat'is., & Camp Tamarack, Mich. - Coed. All Physics. MS: Commun. Sci. BS: E types of counselors. From 9-12 a.m. & Physics. Men & women. Canconsider 1-3 p.m. non-citizens if becoming a citizen. George Williams College Camp-Stu- Must have 3 point average. Res. dents interested in resort work. FEB. 4- THURS., FEB. 4- Square D Co., Offices throughout the Christian Herald Children's Home, U.S.-BS: EE, IE & ME. Men & wom- Penn Social Camp-General counselors, en. R. & D., Des., Prod. & Sales. SHEET MUSIC SALE 20%-70%voff WE'RE MOVING-WATCH FOR OUR NEW LOCATION UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE Noticeably evident on campus this year is the fact that more people than ever are wearing boots.. { 340 Maynard NO 2-5579 ANN ARBOR'S NEWEST BOOKSTORE WE SELL the world's largest stock of used quality paperbacks at savings of approximately 40-50%. . . . WE BUY your paperbacks at the highest and fairest prices in town. 1321 South University between Forest & Washtenaw Noon to Midnight Every Day same i Changing style rather than changing weather is the reason. Boots come in vakied sizes, shapes and colors . . STUCK *WITH AN APARTMENT TO SUBLET FOR THIS SUMMER? Here's How To Rent It Quick Through The Michigan Daily's "Apartment Appeal in Ann Arbor" Supplement You can save yourself hundreds of dollars in wasted rent money by sublet- ting your apartment for the summer. The quickest and easiest way to sub- let your pad is through The Daily's special apartment supplement to be Photos and Cutlines by Thomas R. Copi published Sunday, February 28th March 1st). (and distributed free around campus For only five dollars you can place a one-column by four - inch advertise- ment with a guaranteed' circulation of 10,000 copies and 30,000 read- ers. One Column by At the Forum 726 S. State 3 Man Apt. for summer sublet. All luxuries - Dishwasher, Air - condi- tioning, Small Balcony, Fully Carpeted, Garbage Disposal. Call NO 5-3259 for personal inspection of Apt. 9 Io I But don't wait; the dead- line for apartment ads is ... all warm and comfortable. "Boot: A sheath or protective covering for the leg"-Webster. February 19th, and is limited. Come call now! space in or ONLY II I I I vvr...7 X